Quite a few of my readers stated that VIRUSES DO NOT EXIST.
Quite a few others think that VIRUSES DO EXIST.
I value all of them and appreciate their contributions.
Thus, I wanted to open a debate in the comments section.
Please post a top-level message starting with:
“VIRUSES DO NOT EXIST” — for virus deniers to express their opinions
“VIRUSES EXIST” — for those of us who are convinced that viruses exist
“CHANGED MIND” — if you change your mind, post a separate message and explain how and why did you change your mind. All such messages, if I judge them to be sincere, I will pin those as a reward for those intellectually brave to change their minds. Please tell me in which past thread I can find your previous opinions that you changed due to this debate!
Please TAKE YOUR TIME to write reasoned and persuasive opinions.
Winners will NOT be declared! I will NOT take sides! I will just make generic supportive comments or ask a question if I do not understand something.
This debate is just a way for us to appreciate our differences. Nobody outside of this forum cares about us or our opinions, so please do not get emotionally worked up if your sincerely held opinion is not getting traction.
POLITE DISCUSSION ONLY. So far, for more than a year of this blog’s existence, I did not delete one single message besides commercial spams. (I reserve the right to delete whatever I want in the future). But here, all nasty messages will be deleted. Just be friendly and stick to facts, no personal attacks, please.
Again, please, be polite to each other!
_Computer code gets computer viruses (whether accidentally or intentionally) and it makes sense that genetic code should be prone to getting biological viruses in a similar way.
_I got into studying natural health in 1977 via Natural Hygiene, which was promoted mostly by Dr. Herbert M. Shelton and later by Dr. Virginia Vetrano and T.C. Fry. I continued to follow Natural Hygiene until 1996, when my health deteriorated on a vegan diet, which they promoted. T.C. Fry had argued that virus theory is absurd because he compared it to a flea on an elephant taking over the elephant to duplicate a mountain of more fleas out of the elephant's body. I never completely bought that position, but it seemed plausible.
_Starting in 1997 I red books by Dr. Leonard Horowitz about AIDS, Ebola, CJD, prions etc and I gathered that viruses are real.
_On Bitchute.com just a couple months ago I saw a short video interview of Dr. Tom Cowan in which he discussed Dr. Harold Hillman's findings that microbiology is erroneous because stains, centrifugation, electron microscopy etc produce artificial formations in cells and tissues that are not natural parts of living tissues. Viruses are imaged with electron microscopes, but they heat specimens with bombardment of electrons, which fries them, so they are bound to be greatly distorted, maybe comparable to the difference between a live human body and a corpse that's been around for a while.
_I made a post on this matter, called Is Microbiology Sound, at https://ilki.substack.com/p/is-microbiology-real . It includes links to some of Dr. Hillman's videos and his papers and to an MIT news article from 2009 about the damaging effects of electron microscopy.
_Dr. Cowan used Dr. Hillman's findings to support his view that viruses are not real, but I continue to think viruses are real for the reason I stated at the beginning as well as because of the great amount of info that seems to be known about viruses & diseases. I think viruses are generally only dangerous when our nutrition is lacking or our genome is damaged. However, it seems plausible that viruses could evolve or be weaponized to become severely parasitic or predatory, killing their hosts. There seems to be good evidence that AIDS viruses, Ebola etc are weaponized and Covid seems to be a less severe weaponized virus.
_One of the smartest people I know of, James Sloane, says cancer is caused mostly by viruses. He also says ozone therapy from a cold corona ozone generator is the best treatment for most cancers, but he also says the herb chaparral is very good for cancer. Also, Pau d'Arco etc. Dr. Eric Berg in some Youtube videos says cancer is usually caused by damage to mitochondria. So there's lots of food for thought.
I used to think viruses exist because that's what I was taught and experience seems to confirm it. I've seen the same sickness travel through my family on many occasions. But I'll admit the "no such thing as a virus" people have some good points. I think there is some kind of dance between terrain and pathogen that we don't fully understand yet and more study is needed. Kind of a weasel opinion, I know, but I feel like that's where we are.