The "Wellness-to-Fascism Pipeline" Baffles Experts as Truth Marches On
Congregating and Caring about Your Health is Dangerous to our Democracy
Be careful with your workouts! An article from the Guardian alerts us to a “wellness-to-fascism pipeline.”

“People who study conspiracy theories” are worried that joining gyms and trying to get healthy makes people descend into what these experts describe as fascism, explains author James Ball.
James has a peculiar idea of what fascism is, however:
According to James, only fascists question masks, lockdowns, or the BBC. Good people mysteriously become “fascists” when they join gyms or look after their wellness.
Some of the most dangerous people, believe it or not, are personal trainers!
Some people’s problems escalated when their personal trainer learned about their work. “I had three successive personal trainers who were anti-vax. One Belgian, two Swiss,” I was told by a British man who has spent most of the past decade working in Europe for the World Economic Forum, which organises the annual summit at Davos for politicians and the world’s elite.
The poor WEF chap above was even dropped by his personal trainer when his employment at the WEF was revealed:
When the trainer found out the man worked for the World Economic Forum, he was immediately cut off.
Most worryingly for the “conspiracy expert” Peter Knight, people of all political persuasions, right or left, end up in the same place when they realize that “everything is a lie”:
Peter Knight has the strangest explanation, by gender, as to why people “get sucked into conspiracy theories.”
He explains that men are drawn into conspiracies because of the “involuntary celibacy” movement.
It is not that difficult to imagine why young men hitting the gym might be susceptible to QAnon and its ilk. This group spends a lot of time online, there is a supposed crisis of masculinity manifesting in the “incel” (involuntary celibacy) movement and similar, and numerous rightwing influencers have been targeting this group.
Mind you, at the beginning of the article, James Ball discussed how personal trainers are the superspreaders of conspiracies. Have you ever seen an involuntarily celibate gym personal trainer?
EDIT: Declaring men willing to think for themselves “incel-adjacent” is done for suppression purposes. After all, nobody wants to be considered an “incel” and acknowledge being a reproductive failure of the worst kind. The word incel is stigmatizing. Thus, a person reading the Guardian article, when later offered a certain theory for consideration, would decide, “I would rather not consider this theory, or else I might become associated with the dirty incels.”
His explanation of why women believe the same theories could not be more different! Women, it turns out, believe the same conspiracies as men because of the “female data gap”!
“Far too often, we blame women for turning to alternative medicine, painting them as credulous and even dangerous,” she says. “But the blame does not lie with the women – it lies with the gender data gap. Thanks to hundreds of years of treating the male body as the default in medicine, we simply do not know enough about how disease manifests in the female body.”
Are They Intentionally Blind?
There is a much simpler explanation as to why people believe the “Covid was lab-made” conspiracy theory, “Covid vaccine does not work” conspiracy theory, or “15-minute cities are promoted by the World Economic Forum” theory.
The explanation is that these theories are true. Both genders are capable of critical thinking, seeing the truth, and sharing it.
This simple explanation does not insult millions of thinking men by portraying them as “incels,” nor does it portray women as stupid creatures confused by the “gender data gap.”
Trying to find explanations for complicated but important events affecting us and not believing dishonest press is not fascism. God gave us brains for a reason - to think for ourselves! Critical thinking is the opposite of fascism, which requires uncritical obedience to the state ideology.
The Most Important Social Network Needs No Computers
Despite its stupidity, the Guardian’s article exposes the most important social network that the press, fact-checkers, and the powers-to-be cannot control.
This social network is people physically and directly interacting with each other and sharing news and opinions.
It cannot be suppressed by means other than drastic lockdowns, which kept people at home in 2020. The gyms, far from being uniquely instrumental in developing critical thinking, are simply places where people congregate and share stuff while doing something pleasant. Thus, not surprisingly, gym-goers share explanations of current events with their peers without any censorship or any algorithmic intermediary.
The Guardian recognizes this:
Society’s discussion of QAnon, anti-vaxxers and other fringe conspiracies is heavily focused on what happens in digital spaces – perhaps too much so, to the exclusion of all else. The solution, though, is unlikely to be microphones in every gym and treatment room, monitoring what gets said to clients.
The conspiracy experts are baffled by this development and ironically blame “isolation,” even though the phenomenon they observe is rooted in physical interaction between people:
Jane has her own theory as to why her wellness group got radicalised and she did not – and it’s one that aligns with concerns from conspiracy experts, too. “I think it’s the isolation,” she concludes, citing lockdown as the catalyst, before noting the irony that conspiracies then kick off a cycle of increasing isolation by forcing believers to reject the wider world.
“It becomes very isolating because then their attitude is all: ‘Mainstream media … they lie about everything.’”
I do not think of myself and my dear subscribers as isolated: we congregate here, we read newspapers, although critically, and we interact with friends or relatives. Anyone can say anything they want in the comments. Am I wrong?
So, what do you think: are we isolated, or are we pleasantly united in a loose intentional community open to the wider world and eager to share?
I spent a few minutes poking around in the writer's bio, very strange, a lot doesn't add up. Supposedly James Ball went to Oxford but his family didn't have the money to continue his studies so he dropped out. That story doesn't smell right. Then he went to a sort of degree mill and got a journalism certificate of study. Weird. Then he got a job with Julian Assange at WikiLeaks...became uncomfortable with how WikiLeaks was operating, quit, and a few months later WikiLeaks is shut down and Assange went into hiding. Ok, now that's disturbing. Parlays that into a journalist job at the Guardian. He writes some pieces that make you think he's a bit of a rebel, taking the side of the little guy. But there's pieces like this hit job. Very inconsistent values. Oh, and he looks like the biggest stereotypical "incel" there could possibly be, the pics of him besides the one accompanying the article scream incel..
The piece is poorly written, like a guy who flunked out of Oxford journalism school and then bought a journalism certificate online. Redundant, said the same thing using slightly different words over and over and over, three-four times longer copy than it needed to be. If he's getting paid by the word like many writers do these days that was really milking it, meaning the editors simply didn't care, he could free form it.
But that background of his is very sketchy. I'd want to think he's a spook, but he comes across like a complete idiot. Heckofa cover if he is. Maybe that's what got him past Assange's gate, underestimated him? Was he the intelligence mole who took out WikiLeaks? That guy?!?!? All I know is he ain't right. Nothing about him or the piece is honest and true. And his Assange connection is problematic. I pulled this together in about 15-20 minutes searching the web, sorry I didn't save all the links to share, but feel free to use keywords from this 411 like 'Oxford' and 'Assange' with his name and you'll find it just as easily as I did. Lots of red flags. Or maybe he's just an AI character. Doesn't even really exist?
The Chief Public Health Officer of Nova Scotia, Dr Strang, who ran this province as an unquestioned dictator for two years, came right out and said in a conference that one of the reasons for shutting down pubs and hairdressers was to stop the spread of “vaccine misinformation”.
It’s one of the few places that citizens can share free speech beyond the reach of the censorship industrial complex. They don’t want us to know how many feel the same way. If anyone knows the potential of a beer hall putsch, it’s these assholes.