UKHSA Explains Endless Reinfections of the Vaccinated
Original Antigenic Sin Plainly Explained by UKHSA
UK’s Health Security Agency UKHSA continues to put out very interesting reports.
An item in the latest Vaccine Surveillance Report caught my eye. It explains, in simple language, that the vaccinated do NOT acquire the “full natural immunity”. Therefore, in my opinion, vaccinated persons will be reinfected endlessly with Covid. Reinfection is my favorite topic and I covered it a few times on this substack.
Let’s take a look at page 52:
This is called “Original Antigenic Sin”. What are they talking about and what is this? Why is this important?
It is important because it shows the mechanism through which the vaccinated cannot acquire full spectrum immunity.
When Brits receive any “Covid Vax” available in the UK, the shots trick their own bodies into making a small part of the Covid19 virus, called “Spike Protein”. This small viral part creates an inflammatory immune reaction, which makes our body recognize these proteins as alien and generate “antibodies”, which are small objects that neutralize the spike protein.
Thus, the vaccine theory goes, the vaccinated obtain immunity, as their antibodies would be able to bind to, and neutralize, the viral spike protein. Such a vaccine is called “single-antigen” vaccine and presents only single part of the virus.
In contrast to that, when a vaccine-free person encounters a real Covid-19 infection, and fights it, the immune response and the antibodies would be to all kinds of the Covid19 virus: to the spike protein, to the “nucleocapsid” (protein membrane cover), and so on.
The difference between vaccine-only and natural immunity shows up when the virus mutates slightly. The vaccinated have only Spike immunity and do not do well when the virus mutates and the Spike shape changes. The naturally immune do much better as their various antibodies recognize other parts of the virus.
As we all know, the vaccine more or less stopped preventing illness, due to the virus mutating and changing its spike protein. No problem, right? The vaccinated person would just experience a “mild” Covid19 and acquire full natural immunity! This is the soothing talk we are hearing from our “health authorities”, who promise that after vaccine failure we will somehow “return to normal”, as the breakthrough-infected would become naturally immune.
Unfortunately, it turns out that, because of vaccination, the vaccinated do NOT acquire such a full spectrum immunit,y and this is exactly what UKHSA is describing.
Upon being challenged by Covid, the vaccinated produce “significant increases in S (Spike) antibody levels consistent with boosting of their antibody levels.” So the vaccinated make more original Spike antibodies, even though they were infected by the virus that evaded those spike proteins in the first place! Those are the useless antibodies that did not even protect Brits from new variants they just got sick with!
But, UKHSA says, “recent observations from UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) surveillance data [show] that N antibody levels are lower in individuals who acquire infection following 2 doses of vaccination.” They are a little coy about it, as the N levels are not just “lower”, they are nonexistent: “Seropositivity estimates for N antibody are lower”, so the N antibodies are not even detected at all!
This phenomenon of the vaccinated not developing full immunity upon breakthrough infection, is called “original antigenic sin” and has been known since 1950s.
Unfortunately, without a proper immune memory response, it means that the vaccinated will get reinfected often, with likely very deleterious consequences.
The proper mental model of what OAS represents, it is helpful to think about vaccination as conferring “anti-immunity”.
What this means is that not only the vaccinated are unable to become naturally immune to Covid, but far worse, even breakthrough infections will NEVER allow them to reach proper natural immunity like the vaccine-free people.
I am very sorry about these people and I wish that it was not the case, but sadly it is.
Good video explainer:

Here are some samples of such persons
You ain’t EVER sticking me with that poison!!! 🚛🇨🇦🚛
If I'm not mistaken, the FDA gave a toothless suggestion to Big Pharm to be wary of just this issue. So much for real oversight when you are funded and captured by the industry that you are tasked with regulating.
They know. They all know that this was a concern.
And still knowing, these evil bureaucrats want to push this on children, and hack their natural immune systems, ensuring that they, too, get COVID over and over. WTF?