VA Study PROVES: Covid Vax Causes Myocarditis in Veterans
Accidental Reveal of Two Control Groups and Two Study Groups
I love reading articles and trying to find something in the data that authors did not highlight, but is interesting or goes against the intent of the article itself. Today was my lucky day.
My mom sent me this study titled “Long Term Cardiovascular Outcomes of Covid-19”. For an easy to read summary of it, read the Science article COVID-19 takes serious toll on heart health—a full year after recovery
This is a study of older people — Veterans under care of Veterans Administration — who had Covid, that compared them to the veterans who did NOT have Covid. They set out, and succeeded, to prove that Covid causes myocarditis. But their article also contains an accidental proof that Covid Vax also causes myocarditis!
The accidental result that I found pertains to the rate of myocarditis in these older people: the study had TWO CONTROL GROUPS, one Covid-naive from 2021 (when the study was done and vaccination was underway) and one from 2017. Well, I thought, how about comparing these two control groups? How about taking one control group (2017) and comparing it to the 2021 group who also did not have Covid, but many of whom received Covid vaccine?
In addition, the covid-recovered “study group” was also looked at in two ways: one selection was followed for a whole year, and another was “censored” by excluding people who received “Covid Vax”, starting on the day of first vaccination. Well, if you compare these two groups (which are comprised of the same exact people actually, but in one of them they were “censored” on the date of vaccination), we can see that unvaccinated Covid-recovered veterans did MUCH BETTER and had a lower rate of myocarditis than these same people did AFTER vaccination.
If this is not a condemnation of “Covid Vaxx”, then what is? Let’s go on.
Study Setup
I highlighted two control groups: Control Group A (veterans in 2021 who did NOT have Covid-19, but some were vaccinated) and Control Group B (Veterans from 2017, obviously no vaccine).
Vaccinating Covid Survivors — 57% myocarditis increase
The VA study compares Control Group A from 2021 with Study Group (veterans who had Covid before Jan 15 2021). The first table (table 21) shows veterans myocarditis rates up UNTIL the time they get vaccinated (so no one is vaccinated in this table). Once vaccinated, they are instantly excluded (censored) from results in Table 21.
The result is here:
Here’s the same comparison of Covid-recovered vs Covid-naive veterans, however in this one they were included for the entire year, including many of them after they were vaccinated:
So, you can see that following up Covid-recovered veterans AFTER vaccination for the entire year, shows that vaccination INCREASED myocarditis burden from 0.37, to 0.50! That means that vaccinating 62% of the covid-recovered cohort (not even every member of it) INCREASED risk of myocarditis in the whole cohort, by 35%! (0.5/0.37 = 1.35)
Note again that only 62% of the covid-recovered cohort was vaccinated (and so 38% not vaccinated). But we can use algebra to calculate effect of vaccination, specifically on the vaccinated people.
We can try to calculate the myocarditis burden of VACCINATED Covid-recovered veterans (variable “x”). The equation below shows the formula for the combined burden of vaccinated and unvaccinated persons. Everything in it is known, except for the myocarditis burden of vaccinated persons (x).
Solving this we get: x=0.58 — this is the burden of VACCINATED Covid-recovered veterans.
Comparing 0.58 to the burden of UNVACCINATED covid-recovered veterans (0.37), we get:
Increase = 0.58/0.37-1 = 56.75%.
Let me restate this: vaccinating Covid-recovered veterans makes them 57% MORE LIKELY TO HAVE MYOCARDITIS. So much for the “safe and effective” talk.
But that is not all.
Vaccinating Covid-naive — 2.25 TIMES Increase in Myocarditis compared to 2017
Compare two control groups: Control Group A (2021) And Control Group B (2017). Look at the change of myocarditis between 2017 and 2021:
You can see that in 2017, myocarditis burden among (obviously) entirely unvaccinated veterans and (obviously) Covid-naive veterans was 0.04. (table 23 above)
Whereas in 2021, myocarditis burden among partly vaccinated (56% to be exact) Covid-naive veterans was 0.09! That is, 0.09/0.04 = 2.25 TIMES GREATER! This is highly statistically significant also, as the confidence intervals do not overlap (0.04 to 0.05 vs 0.08-0.11 — I assume 1.11 is a typo in Table 22)
We know that the only change between 2017 and 2021, for this Covid-naive cohorts A and B, is that A was 56% vaccinated and B was 0% vaccinated. And vaccinated group A has 2.25 TIMES greater myocarditis than fully unvaccinated group B!
Another comparison of Covid-naive
An objection can be made to the above calculation: it may be that the so called “Covid naive” Control Group A is not so Covid naive and has some people who had Covid asymptomatically and never got tested. It is hinted by its greater myocarditis baseline rate of 0.07 from table 21, where members of group A are present only up to their date of vaccination:
So let’s calculate the increase in myocarditis based only on Control group A, with and without censoring by vaccination date. Now look at table 22 again. The rate from Control Group A, throughout the entire year and including vaccinated people, is 0.09.
So if we include vaccinated members of group A, vaccination of 56% of Group A increases myocarditis by 0.09/0.07-1 = 29%.
Applying the same equation
and calculating X = 0.106. This is the “myocarditis burden” of the vaccinated subgroup of Control Group A. So the increase for the specific vaccinated subgroup of Control Group A is:
Increase in Myocarditis = 0.106/0.07-1 = 51.4%. It is not as dramatic as comparing to 2017, but possibly more accurate as we compare Group A to itself.
It is also more consistent with the Study Group (covid recovered veterans).
Vaccinating Covid recovered veterans — 57% increase in myocarditis
Vaccinating Covid naive veterans — 51% increase in myocarditis
Comparing Covid-naive but vaccinated 2021 vs unvaxxed 2017 — 125% increase in myocarditis
The VA study inadvertently proves that “Covid Vax” causes myocarditis in veterans, who are mostly older males. It is actually a “controlled study”.
Additionally, to those who say that “Covid Vax” causes less myocarditis than Covid, I want to remind everyone that people get Covid after vaccination all the time. So for the vaccinated, they get risk of myocarditis from the vaccine, then from the booster, and then from one, or maybe more than one, Covid that they will have.
To all commenters: this VA study is likely a treasure trove of unintended information and has enormous control and study groups. It has a lot of data and I highly recommend that you take a close look
Igor, I’m trying to cut down on some of my daily substack reads. But I can’t imagine ever not looking forward to your work. I feel like you’re just a curious mind having a great chat. Love it.