The New York Times explained to us, on many occasions, that “Deep State” does not exist and is a crazy conspiracy theory.

However, times have changed! Deep State, you see, exists and is now good for you.

Be assured that the New York Times still thinks that the “conspiracy theorists” alleging the existence of the “deep state” are still bad for us, despite the deep state existing just as they were alleging.
It is also not the first time this has happened. This is why I do not spread unfounded conspiracy theories and only report the actual news!
What do you think?
Sorry about uneven frequency of my posts.
Some days pass when there is nothing interesting to report on. I do not want to waste my readers' time with made-up stuff that Twitter and news media is full of nowadays. If I send a junk post to my subscribers, 20,000 of them read it and waste a minute of their life, that amounts to 20,000 minutes wasted, or TWO PERSON-WEEKS.
(also some days I cannot post for personal reasons)
That the NYT is an evil malignant mouthpiece for the Deep State is so freaking obvious these days it would be hilarious if it weren't so horrific.