A few weeks ago I wrote a joke article, saying that booster dose frequency would double with each dose, going from 6 months, to 3 months, and so on, leading to a “singularity point” next July when the booster frequency becomes infinite.
Little did I know, that my joke so far is becoming “not a joke” and policymaking geniuses did indeed halve the booster period again, from 6 months to 3 months.
Apparently, the vaccinating fools are redoubling their efforts, and doubling profits of Pfizer, to avoid reckoning and explaining their failures to people.
Sorry for this short post. I am working on a very long article about a very fun, taboo and controversial topic. This is just to keep things going. May take another week to finish it.
Haha. Incredible. Good call.
I personally think we're living through the Fifth Trumpet of ye olde book known as Revelation, with metaphorical "locusts" that don't actually eat vegetation but harm people with "tails like scorpions" for "five months." https://txti.es/fifthtrumpet
It sounds like a symbolic description of this period.
Either way, just think of the adverse events accumulated every THREE MONTHS now. Surely it's going to mean more people knowing someone who's been negatively affected by a jab.
Surreal times!
If I weren't allergic to profiting from others' misfortune, I'd be investing in Big Pharma right now. The impact of these repeated, frequent "boosters" on the immune system is going to cause some serious damage long term and require more medical interventions down the road.
Funny, I remember a year back various publications were warning of the danger of "boosting" one's immune system with herbs and dietary supplements. We don't want to overstimulate the immune system, they warned. There is a delicate balance there. Where now their hypervigilance?