FDA Approves Bivalent Vaccine for Babies in TWO DAYS
Pfizer Can Get Anything Approved "At the Speed of Science"
The warp-speed approvals of anything that Pfizer asks the FDA to approve continue. On December 5, Pfizer asked the FDA to allow bivalent shots for babies six months and up. Today, on December 8, the application was approved.

Not counting the day of submission and the day of approval, it took the FDA just two days to consider this application.
How many trials were done on infants and young kids with the bivalent vaccine? Zero.
So now, a recently-born child could have received:
Three Covid-19 vaccines while in utero
Another set of three Covid-19 vaccines upon reaching six months of age
All six doses would be given within about one calendar year!
The Pfizer announcement is as ridiculous as it could get:
On top of a persistent stream of COVID-19 cases, surging seasonal respiratory illnesses in young children are straining health systems across the U.S., with many states reporting more than 90% of their pediatric hospital beds are occupied.iii Updated COVID-19 vaccines may improve protection against severe illness and hospitalization caused by SARS-CoV-2 in this age group.
Pfizer is not saying that the bivalent vaccines WILL improve the protection of infants since nobody has any idea. They are just saying that since kids seem very sick this year, let’s give them the bivalent vaccine because it MAY protect them.
But what creates these severe, hospitalization-requiring cases? Possibly more than one cause, but ONE of them IS the Pfizer vaccine, which created MORE severe cases in the vaccinated cohort, as I explained.
During Pfizer's testing of the monovalent (original) vaccine, Six severe cases were in the vaccine group, and only ONE severe case was in the placebo group. None of this matters to Pfizer or the FDA, of course.
I am very sorry for the kids getting these treatments and the moms who will, at best, be stuck with paying endless bills for their sickly children.
Will this ever stop?
Apologies, very OT:
A quick poll: how many here know someone who is sick right now?
I'm in central Ohio. It has been a long, moldy fall and I got something last week (probably allergies) that turned into bronchitis. I'm slowly getting over it; mostly because I over-did last week and ignored being sick.
That being said, last Saturday, there were a number of people out who had the same cough that I did. And when my husband went to CVS to pick something up, he said there cough/cold aisle was cleaned out. Looking online, the grocery stores seem to be out as well.
Husband has a mild case too. We are both not injected. If we have stuff lingering in our lungs for over a week, it makes me wonder how the injected are going to fare this winter, since the bad weather hasn't even really started, at least in the part of the US.
My God, these tyrants will never give up. As mother's, we must bring the war on BigPharma to protect future generations. I really hope more of us join this fight; the time in is NOW.