Try searching Google for “President Donald Trump,” which I presume is a very common search term.
As you type your query, Google displays search suggestions. And guess what? The world’s biggest search engine makes all sorts of suggestions other than the most commonly sought out term.
Do people search for “president donald duck” so much? Or is Google playing games with us?
Consider that in 2022, Google was doing the same thing to hide COVID vaccine deaths:
Google also does not want us to remember the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump. Courtesy of Twitter user @lastresortdjs:
So, sadly, Google is not just there to help us “organize the world’s information.” It wants to shape our opinions and keep us from seeing things we searched for. It seems that there is an election candidate that Google wants us to simply forget about.
Did you expect anything different?
EDIT: According to Google, “Google election interference” does not exist, so please, stop worrying:
Why are no SS authors willing to call out the obvious? Either ya'll are cowards -- or more likely ya'll are just false actors playing your roles for the Ministry of Truth
Recent photos of Trump have raised eyebrows, particularly given his former doctor, Ronny Jackson's statements. The medical practitioner had previously stated that a bullet had severely damaged the ex-president's ear during the assassination attempt.
Despite Jackson's claims that the bullet had blown off part of Trump's ear, the new images of Trump meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu show no visible scarring or damage.
yo yo yo
Let's take a look at Donald Trump's Ear
Seemingly No Injury...