Media's false fearmongering about Michigan
How-to debunk scarecrow articles and why the VAXXED should be in fear
There is a flood of articles about how terrible is the Michigan COVID situation, how the Governor of Michigan is calling in National Guard in desperation, and how hospitals are overrun with unvaccinated Covid victims. All these articles seem like their plot was recommended by one central committee, so here’s only one such example.
Similar cookie cutter articles appear about other locations. They always are meant to blame the unvaccinated for the situation and to scare people into getting vaccinated.
The problem is that these articles are lies.
You can easily look at the situation and usually you can show that
the number of hospitalized Covid patients is similar to last year (despite “safe and effective” vaccines)
the number of non-Covid patients (usually sick vaccinated people) is about 20-30% higher than a year ago
shortage of staff is due to firings of unvaccinated workers
Fortunately, there are simple tools that let you look into any locale (for example Grand Rapids, Michigan) and debunk these articles. Following this approach might allow you to expose your local Covid scare scam campaign, and become a local truth-telling celebrity.
You need to:
Look at hospital utilization chart for your largest local hospital
Compare hospital utilization with and without Covid patients included
Look at data from a year ago
Decipher cryptic statements about “staffing shortages” and properly explain them by firings of unvaccinated workers.
Hospital Use
I will cite the paragraphs from the Washington Post article and debunk them.
A flood of mostly unvaccinated covid-19 patients was arriving at emergency departments already packed with people suffering other medical issues, sending capacity to unprecedented levels. The only hesitation for Spectrum's decision-makers? Data suggested the covid surge was not over.
Look at Spectrum Hospital, Grand Rapids Mi utilization data, which is the one discussed by Washington Post, or choose another hospital for your own article. Look at data
Click on these images to see details. Subtract Covid patients from adult beds and ER visits and make a neat table:
You can instantly compare Nov 2020 with Nov 2021. You can easily see that only 31 more hospital beds are taken up by sick Covid patients compared to a year ago. But 137 more beds are taken by non-Covid patients. You can refer your readers to my article “Hospitals Full of Vaccinated Patients” and explain that most likely, these extra patients are the generally sick vaccinated people who are getting pneumonias from “terrible colds” and such.
Looking at ER visits is even more fun. There is a 9% REDUCTION in ER visits by Covid patients compared to a year ago, by 34 fewer people.
However, there is a 33% INCREASE in ER visits by non-Covid patients, representing 923 more visits than last year! And nobody ever postpones ER visits! What are these terrible non-Covid emergencies? Are they related to the booster shots, or other vax-caused sickness?
You can instantly conclude that the unvaccinated are not at fault for hospitals being overrun. Hospitals are overrun with non-Covid patients.
This calculation omits one important fact: about 20-40% of hospital stays and deaths due to Covid-19, are among VACCINATED people, depending on state. So if you properly consider “Covid-19 unvaccinated visits or beds used”, they are a lot less than the above numbers! Some of the Covid-19 ER visits or hospital stays are vaccinated. We do not have the exact proportion, but you get the idea — the data for unvaxxed is even more in their favor.
Staffing Shortages
In Michigan and Minnesota, members of the medical community said the current surge is in some ways more challenging than what they experienced late last year. Hospitals are filled not just with covid-related cases but also with everyone else. A high volume of non-covid patients are seriously ill, after many delayed medical care in the earlier months of the pandemic, officials said.
This “delayed care” explanation is, of course, total bunk. Nobody shows up at ER with a problem delayed from a year ago, and Spectrum’s non-Covid ER visits are up 33%! People are simply sicker than a year ago. Non-Covid hospitals beds up 23%, non-Covid ER visits up 33%.
State leaders asked the U.S. Department of Defense to provide emergency hospital staffing to handle the surge - a request granted Wednesday.
This “call in the National Guard” thing needs to be explained. Surely they do not want regular brave Guardsmen who are great at driving Army trucks or firing artillery guns. They want military medical personnel. Why is there a sudden staffing shortage?
Search duckduckgo for “spectrum health vaccine mandate Grand Rapids”:
There is plenty of local news to choose from and I am sure you can find plenty of articles about how ignorant unvaccinated workers were decisively fired by courageous health administrators. And you can see what is the reason for “staffing shortage” and there is usually no shortage of local materials.
Considering how unvaxxed the National Guard is, the Guardsmen filling open positions may also end up being unvaxxed! Oh scary! Science, help!
Who should be scared?
The short answer is: everyone should be scared, but especially the vaccinated people. Try to drive extra carefully and do NOT get into car accidents. Wait with the booster shot if you think it could land you in a hospital. If you are vaccinated, try not to catch a cold or flu — it could send you to a ER.
If you are unvaxxed, start a health program, lose weight and exercise and take Vitamin D3 daily, at least 4,000 IU. People with normal levels of Vitamin D (at least 50 on the blood test) practically do not end up in hospitals. This being winter, Vitamin D deficiency is common and very dangerous. Do not forget other vitamins also. (see comments to this article)
It is getting hard for everyone to get help in Grand Rapids, Michigan and in many other places. I explained why.
What do you think? Are there any such local stories near you? Want to write about them to educate your local public? I can help.
Great work, Igor! You are spot on. I’m an ICU RN, soon to be fired bc of mandate. My hospital is at capacity... for all the reasons you cited. Roughly 3/4 of our staff are vaccinated & THEY are getting sick too and missing shifts, adding to the staff shortage. And STILL the rush to get vaccinated/boosters continues. I’ve never seen anything like it. We’re used to dealing with Infectious & potentially deadly viruses/diseases. It mystifies me that so many of my coworkers succumbed to the madness back in 2020 and are still asleep.
Igor, you are such a talented reporter. I am so disgusted with this fearmongering. Which just promotes unjustified hatred of unvaxxed people.