My first Substack article was written on Aug 15 and was about Moderna.
As naive and uninformed as I was, the article had a few points that turned out to matter.
Products of Moderna (MRNA) and Pfizer/BioNTech (BNTX) are single-protein mRNA COVID-19 vaccines that worked great against the original virus carrying those specific proteins. As of approximately July 2021, the game has changed and they no longer work against some strains of the virus, leading to emergence of a very disturbing “pandemic of the vaccinated”. Their single-protein vaccines prove to be a dead end and make the pandemic situation worse, rather than better.
In the history of stock markets, it rarely happens that no one is allowed to question the product of a public commercial company. We can all discuss the downsides of sweet Coca-Cola drinks, we can all question whether Nike shoes are any good, badmouth Microsoft products, and so on.
Two companies, however, have products that are beyond questioning and can only be praised publicly! Who are they?
Nobody is allowed to question the products of MRNA and BNTX -- the mRNA vaccines. Questioning their usefulness makes you labeled “anti-vax” and gets you “deleted” from the Internet. This forced apparent “consensus” makes their investors blind as to what is the company -- and the product -- whose stock they are actually buying. They only hear good things about their products, claims repeated relentlessly thanks to the drive to vaccinate everybody. The result is unhealthy groupthink.
Providing “booster shots” of the same vaccine that is evaded by the virus, will not stop that virus either.
And this is what happened to the Moderna stock since Aug 15:
Yes, I made a good amount of money on Moderna puts. However, I would give up all that money gladly if it somehow could un-do the deadly vaccination policy. Owning these puts was also an extreme roller coaster ride, which was exhausting but fun.
Moderna’s trick was, when its stock dropped, to put out press releases how “they will soon start testing of the XXX vaccine”, XXX being pan-coronavirus, HIV, heart attack, cancer, and other bullshit vaccine ideas.
I hate Moderna and BNTX with passion for what they KNOWINGLY did to us, and will continue to do so after my puts expire.
The money was NOT why I am against vaccines: it was the opposite. I was exasperated talking to brainwashed people who believed their TV doctors, and I said to myself, if I cannot save them, san I at least save myself and make some money?
In retrospect, what is important is that the judgment about Moderna was of nonfinancial nature. I did not project MRNA sales or interest rates or invenotry turnover; I calculated that the vaccine will end up not working and the company will face a huge backlash.
I was listening to a youtube and podcast last week which is pretty much what i do all the time.
Trying to figure out to survive the last 1/3 of my life and save my grandchildren. The youtube housatonic live was going over President Bidens Press conference on "Cancer Moonshot" and how we are now going to war with cancer after ignoring it for 2 years. Problem - reaction - solution. The interesting thing he pointed out is they mentioned DARPA, DATA, Scientists, Vaccines and zero about improving our health or even Doctors. I think they are trying to phase docs out. we will just go to the AI telemedicine appt and they will drone our vaccines and meds. We are just lab rats and profit centers. The other was a podcast i really like about health and she interviewed a doctor who was into "Precision Medicine" and he did a a whole monologue about how great these mRNA vaccines were going to be for treating so many other diseases. "Et tu, Brute?" Now i even have to question the supposedly wholistic docs.
LOL. Glad you made some off them. In August of 2020 I realized the fix was in and they were not going to allow any treatments and force everyone to get the vaccines. I was tempted to buy shares but couldn't bring myself to do it.
I hope the people in charge of those companies hang along with all the medical & pharmacy boards who restricted early treatments. That is medical mass murder.