I hate begging but I will for the first time: please share and spread this post far and wide to grow our army.
The tide is turning
You might think that with approval of Pfizer vax for little children, all hope is lost. But the opposite is true: the vaccinators are now “jumping the shark” with kids, in order to keep the momentum, which they are losing. The tide IS turning.
The vaccinators are failing with Chicago police, failed with New York firefighters, Southwest Airlines, Delta airlines. This is becoming apparent. Just about any small business is loath to impose mandates due to worker shortage. No business supports mandates that are detrimental to their workforce.
The incredibly inhuman, cruel and divisive vaccine mandates completely turned the tide in the recent Virginia election, contributing to turning almost 15% of electorate against Democrats, and delivered a number of other Republican victories due to the “anyone but these criminals” mood among many voters. Globalists are now scared and confused.
It becomes harder and harder to hide that the vaccine is not working, and people are increasingly questioning the wisdom of endless boosters. Someone almost always knows someone whose acquaintance died or was hurt by vaccines. I know of at least two.
But they want to vaccinate little children!
Yes, they do. With next to no safety data and no real debate, the kids shots were approved. Many misinformed parents will subject their kids to something that had no long term testing and barely was tested in children, especially if the pro-vax lies are unchallenged.
Time to go on the offensive!
Time is ripe to use enemy confusion, rising anti-Covid-vax sentiment, and the rushed child vaccination to our advantage and give them a big blow now.
It is time to land on the Normandy Beach, upend the narrative, break the appearance of consensus, and use the same emotions that the vaccinators used to bamboozle the public, to our advantage!
Go to Twitter, Facebook, youtube, or any other social network. Do searches such as
#GetVaccinated, #GetVaccinatedUK, #GetVaccinatedNZ, #GetVaccinatedNow
“vaccine clinic”
“school vaccination”
Your local city
Go there, find “latest” posts and start replying to them. Find small posts by regular persons or small organizations, rather than try to comment on “whales” like CDC or MSNBC.
Say anything you want, but stay polite, friendly and only speak the truth. This is our “landing”, us going into spaces where vaccinating crooks used to feel unchallenged.
The vaccinees are regular humans, confused by the herd effect (they think everyone agrees), fear (my kids will die of Covid), compliance (it is easier to agree with the pushy vaccinators than to disagree), reverence for fake authorities with many acronyms next to their names, etc.
If we simply show up commenting on tweets or facebook update posts like “Vaccine clinic tomorrow in XX middle school”, “I am getting my son vaccinated tomorrow”, “why vaccinating kids is important to end pandemic”, “all kids in our school are waiting to be vaxed” and so on, and just announce our opposition, make sincere and HONEST arguments, expose the lies, the hypnosis of vaccinators will evaporate.
The herd effect, compliance, reverence and so on disappear as soon as credible opposition arrives and refuses to get scared. It will be multiplied tenfold if other participants of the conversation join in.
People will see that there is opposition and disagreement. Possibly some local persons from a given school will join the fray if they see that someone is on their side and they are not alone. That will have a tremendous effect, as parents listen to other local parents more than they would listen to Internet randos like you and me.
A pompous “authority” spouting nonsense with many acronyms like MD, FACS, etc, can always be deflated with gentle lampooning. Those people possibly do have some subject matter expertise on, say, proctology or dentistry, but they do not know enough about clinical trials or known side effects of the Pfizer vax. So do not be intimidated. Ask them what do they know about clinical trials for kids and why the trials were so small.
Vaccinees are disproportionately affected by fear, given to them by irresponsible TV coverage. Use that fear and tell them that they are responsible for their kids and if something happens, THEY will be to blame. Show examples of other kids who were hurt by the vaccine. A picture or two would not hurt.
Ask them if they want a lifetime of increasingly frequent boosters and declining health. Ask if they want to be blamed by their kids for this. (they don’t)
Spend 10 minutes a day doing this
There is no better therapy to the feeling of powerlessness, than actually doing something and feeling the impact. You are not powerless. We are an army and truth is on our side. One post reduces your frustration by a good amount.
You will learn as you go and your first attempts at talking to people may not be as fruitful, but you will improve as you go on.
Talk to your friends who are parents and gently and non-confrontationally try to plant a seed of doubt.
Please let us know how it is going
Follow up in a message to this post and let us know how you did, what works and what does not.
And thank you
Thank you for doing at least something.
Thank you for continually trying to and spurring us to reach hearts and minds, Igor :-)
ICYMI, I linked to your Substack as well as your post debunking the VAERS debunkers in the piece I published yesterday, “Letter to a Holocaust Denier” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier).
I didn’t have time to crunch the numbers for my state, but hopefully some people clicked that and will undertake the endeavor themselves.
Pfizer has a new oral blood thinner medication for children. And San Francisco becomes the first jurisdiction in the world to mandate EUA vaccination for all 5-11 year olds.
In ~8 weeks, all children ages 5+ will be required to carry proof of full vaccination in order to dine in a restaurant with family, take swimming lessons, and more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEXDdYKGee4
Mandates are NOT laws...