In my extended family, the baby died. Family devastated. Happened May 2021

** Healthy baby boy was born Dec. 2020. He was happy, healthy, smiling all the time. Breastfed. Mom is a nurse in the NICU unit at major hospital in Midwest, job mandated she get the cookie before she return to work from maternity leave. She spoke to her Dr and was assured the cookie was safe. Two weeks after the cookie, baby started coughing, went to Dr and said they would schedule a scope test. Next day baby died while sleeping. Family devastated. Funeral home packed, standing room only. Sweet innocent child gone because of this poison. So sorry for all families effected.

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Hi. I am very sorry.

I pinned your comment. Could you please describe what happened (who, what, where, why) by editing your top level message and adding details?

This way people can see a meaningful story right away

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Thank you to all for your kind and caring comments.

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This makes me so angry. When I was pregnant, my doctors warned me against drinking even coffee....and eating smoked salmon. I would never have dreamed of taking any injection, at any time during my pregnancy, neither would my doctors have suggested it. I remember I had to stop breastfeeding my daughter at 11 months because I had to take strong medicine for a stubborn ear infection...my doctor forbade me from continuing to feed her because of potential harm.....what has happened to our medical establishments? It's heartbreaking to hear these stories...I would be ready to kill knowing that these shots killed my baby. This is just plain and simple evil.

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Yes. I feel exactly the same as you!! These moms should be protecting their children at all costs!! What is happening!! It’s like no one has any brains anymore. People just do what they are told. No one does their own research. I research everything before I take it or give to my kids or even my dog. How could a pregnant mom ever even think of taking any drug or shot. Especially one that is experimental!!!

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Oct 4, 2022

Most people research via Google and the results always bring up the forced narrative that the shots are safe. Censorship is causing this.

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Because they are thinking that they can rely on the autorities, their doctors and so on...

I am exactly like you are, and, so you should recognise what I notice. That is that the more I controll, the less remains true. I keep on believing that 'they' aren't wrong (nearly) all the time, because I cant imagine I could't see it before...

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It's the "I dunno" and "I dun't care" syndrome.

"I dunno" about the facts and truth of the shots and if you point out to me such facts and truth "I dun't care."

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Totally diabolical, yes, you are correct.

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Thank you for sharing your story!!!

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I’m so sorry. What a tragedy. My heart goes out to you and your family. I can only imagine that it must be painful even to share what you have. Thank you for doing so. May you and you family experience comfort and help in all the ways you need. Paul

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Tragic and so avoidable. Peace and hope...

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I'm so sorry for your loss.

My brother just had his 18-month-old twins jabbed, and I am sick with worry. In the meantime, I am following the FLCCC exposure protocol (except for hydroxychloroquine, which is impossible to get off-label for C19 in Canada) because I'm sure they're shedding.

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Very sad, but some things we cannot change. If you can't get HCQ, then VIt C + Zinc + quercetin works similarly and should be available OTC unless your fascist dictator, WEFer Trudeau has blocked them!

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These are good for dealing with the shedding issue?'

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Thank you so much. I I started taking zinc with copper and vit c in the past few months, plus other food source vitamins/antioxidants. This was to rid of my persistent HPV. It worked in a little over only two months. And the GYN wanted to start evasive testing. Ridiculous not to suggest trying nutrition first huh? Have been taking vit D for several years. now. Wonderful what solid research can do for a person huh? Thanks again .

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Proud of you for taking control of your own health!

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Look into nattokinase too. It seems to mitigate the spike proteins.

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And I am sorry for you that all ordinary and important things that you do or others aroud you, causes you so much stress. Take good care of yourself and inherently with love! Wish the best to your tiny little nephew and niece, good look and lots of fun of course!

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Thank you for the kind words and good advice, they are much appreciated.

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The best revenge is to have a good life!

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Everyone I love has been jabbed, and it's clear that the jabs are dangerous. It's difficult for me to enjoy life, knowing that my loved ones are either suffering (such as my father who developed cancer after his jabs) or will suffer.

But I do try to live in the moment, enjoying my time with my brother's babies, even while knowing their immune systems are being destroyed.

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Claudia... At some point the vaxxxed will need we-the-unvaxxxed's support. We must try to be there for them and avoid the "I-told-you-so" that is oh so tempting. Be of good cheer, though things do look bleak... Most of my family is jabbed and it is always on my mind.

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And if not, you are a winner too!

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There are also rumors that Indian products are made in a place like a garage. Or I've seen a box that looks just like Merck, but if you look closely, it's slightly different. If you are using imported products, I think that SunPharma and other major products in India may be good.

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Omg. I’m so sorry. Devastating!! We must expose them for this. I pray for you and your family. My Gods peace and strength fill you all. 😢😢😢🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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I'm very sorry for your loss.

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I run into this webpage (https://www.realnotrare.com/) one week ago. All the cases should be collected in a series of books.

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Excellent site. A valuable source going forward!

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I have some happy news. Family is expecting a new baby due this spring. It's been a long, painful road so I am praying for a healthy baby.

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May you be blessed with a full-term, picture perfect baby. Congratulations!

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Congratulations! Try to shield yourself from the vaxxed (due to shedding) and have the FLCCC protocol items on hand in case anyone gets exposed to shedding or someone with COVID. Look into stocking up blood for the delivery in case the mother needs a transfusion. Find a hospital and/or midwife you can trust not give the mother and/or child any unauthorized medical interventions.

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By May 2021 most states had only just barely thrown open the vaccine lines to reproductive age adults - remember the age-based rollouts? There was, at most, mere *weeks* of experience with this product among pregnant and nursing women in the community at large.

Any physician who, at that point, was willing to opine that the shot was safe for pregnant and nursing women (and their babies) was deliberately talking nonsense. This was a *known unknown.* The only honest answer at the time is that was just don't know. Pretending otherwise was vaccine misinformation of the most horrible sort.

Never forget.

Never forget the casual evil that so many educated, trusted people foisted upon their families, friends, neighbors, clients, patients and employees.

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Yes. THE takeaway is that each and every person promoting this and/or actually injecting it into patients is LIABLE for malpractice as there was never, ever any informed consent. Period.

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So VERY SAD for your loss! I tell everyone NOT to take the quackcines or NOT

to take any more of them. I no longer care about what others think or how they

react. Everyone should be warned about these POISONS brought to us by


VATICAN IN ROME, ITALY. I post publicly and freely on MeWe.


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I am so sorry

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Oct 3, 2022Edited
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I am so sad, so sorry, this should never happen again

This is why I have this substack

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Oct 3, 2022
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Igor, if you do start such a collection, I will pass it on to every site I comment in. If we all do this, it will be impossible to brush this under the rug. I will also collar a few journalists and editors and describe their future if they do not publish. This is the only way we will break this nexus.

The other element is the vastly underrated role of Rupert Murdoch in this. The media are silent under his orders. Most people are not aware he controls even media he does not own.

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Good idea! Even if it only helps to alarm one mother on the right time so she can keep/ or save her baby, it is an enormous succes, so I really am enthousiastic...

I cry everytime I read about dead people and especially babies, and I don't even know these people, so imagine how they feel, or probably better not

Hope Igor has a good ideas about this... in a while Igor will be knowing all about this topic and will become the protector of babies and their mothers, and the one to go with questions, totally because it just sort of becomes him...he is a really nice en wise person to talk to, also for woman although you you're integrity is always high, or must I say BECAUSE of your integrity?

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I like to correct some thing sometimes, but that option is not among the choices so forgive my numerous mistakes please

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I'm so very sorry.

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How sad, Miki. I’m so sorry.

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So so sorry. This is the worst thing imaginable. Young healthy people, less risk from this particular virus than from seasonal flu, just victimized. My prayers for your friends and their lost baby.

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YES. Sadly, they are DECEIVED.

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So.... another perspective.

As many know, I have a friend that manages clinical trials for Pfizer. We have not talked that much about the CV19 trials last year; it's a touchy subject. However, she has talked to me about what generally goes on in trials. FYI, she's been doing this an an independent contractor for about 20 years.

The corruption/ malfeasance is not only on the side of "pharma." Many times, it's the doctors involved in the studies that are to blame for irregularities. They don't follow protocols at all, enroll people who are obviously unqualified for the study and so on. She's also lost contracts in the past due to her frankness with her bosses in regards to many of the doctors; at one point, she called one of them Mengele, and has others that she considered sociopaths.

There are bad things going on here, and it's just not on the side of side of pharma. The doctors in these trials seem to be in on it too, although they always seem to skate by without any responsibility.

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Also keep allowing your friend to tell such things to you -- by expressing those thoughts she may start doubting her perspective entirely -- I did it with someone recently

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Oh, I do. That is one of the reasons I have not cut off contact with her; I hope that some day, she will see what is happening and change her attitude. BTW... her son-- in his late 20s-- has "long CV19." I suspect he is vaxx injured.

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I have an alternative health practice. And I’m a real estate developer. Weird, eh? At one point I had about twenty HIV+ gay guys on my caseload. I gave them a protocol which worked extremely well. A number of them were in the death zone when we started and within six months their T Cells were in low normal Range. With one fellow in high normal. All of them were being seen by Dr Montaner. He was a Vancouver HIV specialists who was one of the leading lights at the time. His office called me and his assistant wanted to ask me some things. I thought ‘oh man, here it goes. I will be swamped.’ I started thinking how could I ramp this up, etc. The assistant asked me what I had been giving my clients. I told her. I asked if Dr Montaner would like to meet. Assuming he would. She explained he was concerned as this group of patients were in a study and they were throwing his study out. They were outperforming everyone else by a wide margin. I asked ‘Isn’t he interested in having a meet up? Does he not want to know how to incorporate this into his practice?’ Nope. He was just trying to figure out how prevent all these people GETTING BETTER and thereby ruining his Pharma study.

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I'm not surprised in the least. Disgusting!

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What’s even odder to me was there was an old Victorian home in Vancouvers West End that had been donated as a community center for the HIV community. I held a meeting there one day for my guys. They had meeting rooms one could book. All the people hanging out were quiet and shuffling, speaking in quiet voices. My guys came in and they were on their way to health. Many of them had been ‘shufflers’ when we first met. They were boisterous. They had that young male energy about them. Bumping into each other, laughing, pushing etc. A few of the shufflers knew some of my clients. They were shocked. They said ‘what in the world? When I last saw you I thought you were on the way out. I thought I might never see you again.’ They explained they were seeing me and they told everyone their TCell numbers. Below 100 CD4s you were in the death zone. 20-40 you could die very easily. Most of the guys were 250-400, and increasing, with one guy around 700. 400 would be low normal in the general population. Everyone was excited. They asked if I were taking more clients. Etc. I didn’t charge. Herbs were very cheap. Maybe $15 a month. Which Gave to people if they didn’t have $15. Again I thought, ‘oh man, here we go. How can I see everyone?’ They all took the organizers phone number. NO ONE CALLED!! Weird, eh?

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Oh how did you do that Igor without alienating them? Please tell us? Guess one just needs to also take that risk.

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A very interesting perspective!

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We have all wanted to continue to consider medicine a noble profession. Perhaps it was at one time, and I'm sure there are thousands of medical doctors who do practice at the highest of levels. This said, don't forget what profession initially embraced Nazi ideology. What profession worked hand in hand with the Soviets? And even in the USA, what profession carried out horrific studies on unsuspecting participants? Not so noble. I am starting to wonder if sociopaths are attracted to medicine. They are generally perceived as superior to others and wield great power much of the time.

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Anytime ‘the greater good’ requires individuals to make horrific sacrifices you have to consider something evil might be afoot. Not always. But when those in charge want you to sacrifice and are willing to force you to do so, inevitably there are some evil people making those decisions.

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Sociopathy and greed.

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Wow. Not surprising at this point, but still stunning to hear your friend saying it out loud.

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Well, this was pre-CV19, and she was self employed.

Now she works for Pfi$er, has been vaxxed multiple times and is completely brainwashed. She has had cancer twice in the past, and I expect the vaxxes to bring it back at some point. Sad.

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Sounds a bit like a death wish.

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A moth to the flame... Unable to overcome the gaslighting. Sad, indeed

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A well run clinical trial has a very rigorous screening process that prevents enrollments that fall outside the protocol. Even if the data is fraudulently entered, there are at least 3 layers of review, one of them takes place at the site, so it is a huge risk for the physician. Generally, data cannot get approved by the FDA unless these types of measures are in place. The guidelines set forth in 21CFR11 spell it all out. The monitor rarely works for the Pharma company and never works for the physician. They risk everything allowing fraudulent data to pass.

However, with these vaccines, the FDA has thrown all their rules right out the window. I could go on for hours about how poorly these trials have been run. Is there corruption on the part of the Pharma Company, Site Coordinator, Monitor, Data Manager and Investigator? I want to say no, but these "vaccine" trials, for an obviously failed compound, are telling a very different story.

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The doctors have been bought or blackmailed or . .? Doesn’t it eventually come down to Big Harma? Or those that run that horror show? Just thinking, I always enjoy your prospective. It find myself thinking. : )

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I think the doctors are in it for the money; it's not insignificant.


And thank you for the compliment!

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My pleasure. My brain always needs a workout. : )

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It's a valid point that the doctors involved in the studies are also to blame for irregularities.

In a way, these doctors are in a competition to get business from the pharma company also in the future. They know what outcomes the pharma wants, and if they deliver, they'll be chosen next time as well. Sounds horrible, but that's the reality.

But it also means the pharma companies know jolly well about it. And it works pretty well for them - if there's any problem, they can say that the doctors screwed up, not them.

Another reason not to believe clinical trials, sadly ...

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As stated in the past, the Nazis don't get as far as they did without the doctors and scientists.

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In regard to Nazi’s Ever heard of the play,” And There Were Blueberries? Many of them at Auschwitz weren’t even accredited .

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And independent contractors whose studies are so well done all harms are shown, magically don’t get hired as often as other ‘independents’. If Pfizer does something wrong they have plausible deniability. ‘We hired a board certified independent contractor to monitor our study, as we are required to do.’

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Have you heard of or seen the play. “And there were blueberries “ ? Same evil mentality.

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No, I have not. I'll have to locate it and give it a read.

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Oct 3, 2022
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I had been prescribed an eye medication. At the time I was seeing a world famous glaucoma specialist who worked out of Vancouver, Dr Steven Drance. I began to have side effects which had not been explained to me as being a possible effect of the meds. I had to do my own research and found out the side effects were likely due to the meds. I asked to have my eye drops switched. He fought me. I said I wouldn’t take them anymore. He tried to convince me it wasn’t the drops causing it. He left the room at one point and his nurse explained I was part of a research study on these drops and if I quit taking them it affects the study. He walked back in. I asked if that were true. He said it was. I said ‘what’s more important? My health or the study?’ He said the study was more important. I said ‘you’re not a doctor. No doctor would ever say that.’ And I walked out and never saw him again.

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Just awful. My own opthalmologist said he didn’t recommend taking Lutein supplements for eye health because they haven’t been proven or disproven to show any benefit. I started taking them anyway, because I don’t trust him.

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Sadly, that is the way it is!

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Good call! Avoid the Academes - 99.9% bought and paid for - and, usually arrogant pricks.

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I'm going to try to get out of the Duke University health care system and find a private doctor. The way I see it is that if those providers have been mandated to get shots that they didn't have any long term studies on (primarily because what was available was hidden) and didn't stand up for themselves, they sure aren't going to stand up for me. We are going to have to become our own advocates going forward. I have ZERO trust in our healthcare system now. And you are right about the arrogant prick part.

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Look for a private integrative or holistic medicine advocate - MD or DO (or, ND - some of them are quite good).

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I will. Thank you!

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Oct 4, 2022
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This was forty years ago. I doubt there were many protocols in place.

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Was that Dr. WIlliam J. Lepetomane?

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Oct 3, 2022
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Absolutely! Pass me your bounce back paddle when you are done...

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I’m still facing a pending discharge from military service because I refused the vaccine. I’m currently breastfeeding my 5 month old baby.

I’m thankful I’ve listened to my gut and those who reported the truth. I couldn’t imagine taking it and hurting him.

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I am sorry about it and they will take you back

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Protecting yourself and your baby. No one could possibly fault you for that. . . well the US military can . . . Accolades to you.

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Bless you!! Good job

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...always good to listen to your gut. That is what will make you a great mother. Listen to your inner voice.

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Well done

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I think I free thinker like you are, should probably be far more happy with a job supportive to who you are and what you stand for.

So it is a sorry, but now you have it all to gain!!

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I love Igor’s work. A sharp eye driven by a sharper mind, and he presents the info in easy-to-understand ways. Thank you.

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Indeed and easy to remember too!

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Oh c'mon...what the results are really saying is they're trying to kill us slowly...softly...and silently.

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Yup - with “their song” 😖

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Exactly! Lol!

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Me too lol!!

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Human life is unimportant to these people

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These people ...overtaken by greed, power, $$$ or whatever - it is absolutely horrid. I pray for Divine intervention in their thinking & actions to help them see the light - otherwise, they are doomed & continuing to doom others in their malfeasance.

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If they can’t kill them in the womb via abortion up to time of delivery, there’s always plan B. The whole thing is demonic

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Because they're not human. (In the normal brain functioning sense.)

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Quite the contrary!

They think human life, globally, is over reported to the tune of 7.5 billion - and they are working VERY hard to address this “issue”.

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Even their own live is. This people are 'empty'. They can't create but are masters on imitating, coping people who can feel, and pretending the are smart, gentlle etc

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The fraud and deception literally has no end.

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Mark Twain: " A lie can travel half round the world before the truth can get its boots on."

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Saw that today on Robert Malone’s substack. It’s a keeper!

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I have been thinking a lot about this lately. What I find concerning is that these days, the lie gets across the planet before the truth has even woken up. 🙄

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The tortoise and the hare. Who wins in the end?

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“lactating individuals” ?........ugh! Why can’t they say the biologically appropriate word ‘woman’?

It’s just so nauseating that pregnant and lactating women and their precious infants have been thrown to the wolves.

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