The bioweapon/bioweapon countermeasure complex doing what they do and have been doing for a long time. First make a bioweapon then make and trial a countermeasure. Here a countermeasure "vaccine"

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Hmm, is that really a 7/23/19?

There appear to be two other 7s on the line above, (7801, 7066) and the handwriting in both cases puts has horizontal bar through the stem of the 7, which is how I write my 7s for whatever reason, probably because I had a teacher who did that.

It doesn't really look like the 9 in the /19, either, although I'm obviously not a handwriting expert. It kind of looks like a 2, which makes me wonder if it's 12/23/19 and the 1 isn't strong enough to pick up.

December would still be really early, though right?

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Horizontal bar through the vertical of a 7 is European custom I believe--should that be of any help

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Might legitimately be 7, 9 or 2

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I am new to reading "2019 Novel Coronavirus Vaccine" dated July 23 2019? Making a vaccine 6 months before the pathogen officially appeared?

Igor Chudov

Mar 19, 2022

I am not new to the possible origins which may date even before 2019. Ron Unz explores with many facts that SarsCov2 is a bioweapon released at the 2019 Wuhan War Games by the US participants. His writing places no blame just the facts as he has come by them. Worth a read.


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The date on the box looks more like 9/23/19, not 7/3/19.

The reason is that the writer puts a European slash through their sevens, seen also on the box.

The first number looks more like the 9 in 19, without a slash.

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a legitimate thought - whatever the date is, it is TOO EARLY

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There's more - Moderna had to get out of it's contract with Merck, in May 2019 before they could sign the research collaboration agreement with NIAID. Merck had exclusive rights to a "specific set of respiratory infections'

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The Fort Detrick horror: a closer look at the US’ largest biochemical weapons research center

Days before the institution's temporary shutdown in 2019, a respiratory illness was reported on June 30 at a community one hour's drive away. The Greenspring Retirement Community in Fairfax County, Virginia, had had 63 infected cases of the disease and three deaths by July 15, said local health authorities.


"I can confirm that during my visit to Washington DC last Christmas/ New Year I was informed that the US DoD were responsible for both the virus and the vaccines. Fort Detrick was named. Also a facility in Canada. (1/2)


Mysterious Respiratory illness hit Fairfax County in N. Virginia in 7/2019, only 50 miles away from Fort Detrick lab. In 8/2019, this deadly germ military research operation was shut down following serious safety violations.


Covid + Fort Detrick


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That’s a solid foundation upon which to build the full evidence base for all court actions. We know that SARS COV2 wa engineered, primarily at labs in Chapel Hill North Carolina with Dr Ralph Baric as principal investigator splicing in the H1N1 codon as part of the gain of function to enhance the pathogenicity of this novel chimeric virus….the subsequently sent to the WIV lab where it escaped or was released into wild, where US culpability could be minimized due to lack of proximity to initial infectious cases. Do I have that about right?

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looks to me like 9/23/19 rather than 7. September also aligns better with the "grave and complex situation" in Wuhan and the removal of the WIV virus DB from the web at the end of the month.

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People spent a lot of time arguing over whether it was a "7" or a "9".

My final personal judgment was that it is a "7". Your question is valid however and I hope that some day we will get answers.

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I don't mean to be a wet blanket here, but there are many people who re-use those boxes (we always did) and the old dates written in permanent marker are sometimes not crossed-off. Sometimes, because I have Reynaud's and it was painful to go in and out of the -70 freezers, I would sometimes even leave the labels off the outside of the boxes, and put the labels that I had written on the warm bench on the inside of the box. :) Just a point of note.

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The label on that one agar sample says "WUCOV S-2P Fd PN1 1/2 OA 01/24/2020"


"Yeah, that's just another corona virus sample from Wuhan. We get a shipment every week. Just business as usual. Nothing to see here. Hey remember when that UPS delivery driver forced a shipment through the mail slot and it broke open and we got agar all over the floor? Ha. Good times."

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The confluence of events being what they are, I can at least say that having worked in many labs with -80 freezers that'

-boxes get moved around

-boxes get reused constantly

-boxes get forgotten about and live forever as balls of frost.

It's interesting but the date probably is covered by laziness, though I don't know the NIHs lab sop and how strict they would be about labeling

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The date in the box is 9/23/19, not 7/23/19

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Fort Detrick was shutdown in summer 2019 due to safety failures. Please watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4Xe1qAptO4

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They needed lots of time to figure out the GoF sequence:


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Novel coronavirus or novel vaccine? What did the label really mean?

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The pre-existing vaccine is basically confirmation that they were working on a bioweapon, because that's how it works. A nation develops a bioweapon, and then they develop the vaccine. The two just sit there as part of their arsenal until they want to use it against another nation. So first they vaccine their own population, and then they release the bioweapon against their unvaccinated enemy.

BTW, covid-19 was already circulating in the US the summer of 2019 (evali) and the CDC covered it up (vitamin e thickener was the cover story) after discovering users were sick with one of Ralph Baric's viruses. The CDC hoped it would be no big deal. They hoped to hide the numbers as a severe flu season, and that it would be gone in a year. When China detected it several months later after it had worked its way to the other side of the world, it was apparent that it was no longer "no big deal". So the US decided to blame them for it, not wanting to be responsible for a pandemic-causing lab-made virus on the loose.

To be clear, the virus had been silently circulating and spreading in the US since at least the middle of 2019, and since they didn't take any action until early 2020, that long lead time is the reason why the US struggles with such high levels of it.

With China, the virus didn't enter their country until late 2019. They detected it early and locked down early, allowing them to get it under control, which is why they have such low rates of it (until Omicron showed up).

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