Igore i is not a joke. It is bloody serious. Covid-19 started World War 3 on the 11th of March 2020. Every single act, every single piece of misinformation, and every policy is an act of war. Because every policy is designed to destroy, to harm, to create havoc, to wreck society, to destroy the public's health - jesus fear and anxiety are the 2nd leading cause of Covid deaths, but what have we gotten a daily diet of fear mongering and it is still going on, along with super stress created by vile and ugly rhetoric coming out of the mouths of G20 leaders, and global instution leaders, even the goddam pope vilifiying those who don't subscribe to their dammed evil. Every facemask is a symbol of war. And an act of war. Every jab is a spin of a gun in a game of Russian roulette. An act of war. Every vaccine death and vaccine injury is an act of war - And the biggest proof is the governments are sweeping under the carpet, they couldn't give a goddam rats arse. Billions of doses. Billions of acts of war on humanity.

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These studies are only there to provide pretext for what the government will do anyway.

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Thanks for this post and including the link to the FDA document. It's almost unbelievable how poor the trial results were including the "unrelated" adverse events. Tried to skim the doc and find this, but exactly how long did the trial last? Since 22% of the boosted were infected in a short period of time when I assume the booster would have been most effective, how can they justify boosting people?

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The trial was a joke, like a kindergarten "play science" event.

The approval was also a joke.

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Over what timeframe did those 38 booster recipients develop covid?

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On the following time frame: two weeks after the booster and ending Aug 13, the cutoff day.

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38 in two weeks? I guess I'll have to read the doc in detail so I can share that with friends/family considering the booster.

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Found this on page 17, but still looking for more info...

Through the August 16, 2021 cutoff date, a total of 18 participants in the 100 µg-primed booster group (two aged =65 years and 16 aged <65 years) were identified with SARS-CoV-2 infection; all positive tests were obtained at pre-planned study visits. Fourteen participants tested ositive between Day 57 and 64 post-booster vaccination. Two articipants tested positive on Day 8, one on Day 29 and one on Day 183 post-booster dose. One of the 18 participants who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 was symptomatic (a 50-year-old female with cough, sore throat and myalgia); symptoms were identified at an unscheduled visit approximately 2 weeks after testing positive. No SARS-CoV-2 infections were reported as severe.

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This is my feeling exactly. Are they kidding us?

They report three very severe unsolicited adverse events in the intervention group and say "all are unrelated". One pregnancy terminated mid-term.

Ridiculous infection data.

This application describes some kind of poison, not a healthy vaccine.

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That one pregnancy that ended up in "spontaneous abortion" was the only pregnancy in the whole group.

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deletedOct 13, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov
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My take on this is that honest scientists at the FDA understand everything and try their best to stop the insane globalist bureaucracy, but with little success. Not all FDA is good, of course. But this report was honestly written.

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