Should we quarantine the vaccinated?

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

I'm thinking we should deny them healthcare and send them to covid relocation camps as well, just to be fair.

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Of course we should! Why should our tax dollars subsidize their stupidity!!

Who injects themselves with an experiment... and their kids... gawd....

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I'm not an early adopter, so just like I didn't rush in to get the injections, I am not in any hurry to get Omicron.

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Keep that energy for the real targets - all the politicians, scientists, journalists and useful idiots that pushed the mandates and the lies.

Many people believed that by getting the vax they will stop spreading it so they did it for the greater good. They still believe some sort of 'i am helping the society' bullshit.

I know some maths/stats and was able to interpret the numbers and to see through the lie already in late spring 2020 - the overcrowded hospitals in Germany were just fake news. Later on I was able to interpret the trials and that they could not have possibly known that the vaccines stopped infection and transmission. It was obvious, but even my own wife wouldn't believe me and got vaxxed. She was like 'but look all scientists and politicians in all countries are saying that it will stop the spread. why should I believe you?'. The cognitive dissonance for her is so painful she now refuses to accept she was lied to and is like 'but it helps to reduce the severity so we are not overwhelming the hospitals and that's how we help the society'. What kind of a sick cult is this? If you wouldn't believe your husband who loves you and wants all the best for you and on top is perfectly qualified to interpret the numbers. With all the incoming data I am still fighting to stop her from getting her booster. It is a special type of cult and I guess we need to find a way to free the hypnotized covidiots.

The ones that are pulling the strings are another story - they need to make a long a painful vacation in Guantanamo

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Twin said it is easier to fool people than to convince them they were fooled ....

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Unplug her from MSM - probably not possible.

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All her friends are plugged in and weigh well more than my opinion apparently.

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I woke one person, who just thought I'd been a crazed conspiracy theorist, up by showing them the WEF young leaders website. Then showing them the NZ Reserve Bank plans for digital only currency.

However, when trying same on another friend, they said that it can't be a conspiracy as there are so many good people in the WEF young leaders, and the NZ currency report didn't say that it was global.

Maybe your wife doesn't want to lose her friends. It is lonely being awake. And I guess she knows that she won't lose you.

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Unfortunately you just described my entire immediate family.. 😪

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It's for the greater good.

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Fired without unemployment. It is their fault after all.

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I was trying to be gentler, but glad somebody said it.

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They won't be around long enough to cause too many problems.

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Unfortunately, lots of people I care about drank the Kool-aid.

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Oh well... they probably said nasty things about you behind your back ... so all's well that end's well.

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We should not quarantine anyone, ever again. The 'Us vs Them' is easy to play, don't do it , however you can talk down to them at no ends if they raise their voice.

I know that most people feel that the role that 'sheep' played in this narrative is worse than oil thrown to the fire, but as someone said 'stupidity is not gonna go away, we need to learn to cooperate with these people', in a future crisis it might be me and you that plays the role of the sheep.

However, the ones in position of power, they should be held accountable.

and always 'Speak Out Even If Your Voice Trembles'

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Normally what is done with barnyard animals that are infected with a contagious disease (e.g. swine flu)... is we kill them then incinerate the bodies. I recommend we do the same with the CovIDIOTS.

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Yes, for 'the greater good'. ;0)

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Drop the Omicron absurdity. Let's simplify:

1) Vaccinated people- getting sick.

2) Unvaccinated people- not getting sick.

Choose one of the two categories listed above.


Addendum: That mask ain't helping.

Anyone wanting to get into the next wave of successful careers should consider becoming a psychologist that treats vaccination addicts needing therapy to wean them off their compulsive dependency on serial inoculations with toxic substances.

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Everybody is getting sick... It's just hard to tell which of the two groups is getting worse. The thing is, the vaxx side don't make any math arguments. They basically say, use it, and that's it...

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It's so sad. I have people who are near and dear to me, who are vaccinated. Not rabid "let's become China only with experimental injections", just normal people.

One worked with the elderly, and got vaccinated because our health authorities said that would protect her charges, since the vaccine would stop her from spreading the virus, and also protect her.

One worked as a chef and restauranteur and got vaccinated since it's a high speed close contact business whre you meet lots of people. He is now out of a job since the governement's been playing hop-scotch with the rules making planning, keeping staff, investments and so on nigh on impossible. He had to close his business, since he couldn't get subsidies for Corona. Meanwhile, feminist lobbying groups and islamist groups with ties to the swedish socialist democrats (the ruling party) have been getting subsidies against all rules.

One is immuno-comproised and is caught between the Devil and the deep blue sea - any infection is potentially lethal, but what about side-effects? The state-employed doctor's response has been "You decide, not my problem".

All they did "wrong" was trust in scientists to speak truth, to trust doctors to put the patient first, to trust regulatory agencies to be impartial and unbiased, and to trust elected officials to work for the good of their people.

Now these, and many more otherwise normal and healthy and happy people are feeling more and more betrayed, both by specific aithorities but also by both the financial and political system.

All us europeans have seen this before. Political parties actings as enforcers for global capital leaving the people with nothing to turn to but authoritarian nationalism and leader-cults. And as more and more anger turns to hate, it becomes more and more dangerous not to scream as one of the mob.

And for what? Money? Power? Dust in the wind is what that is. The Doom upon a name is forever.

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Fully vaxxed means at least 2 jabs, correct?

So the small percentage of nonvaxxed are not necessarily purebloods.

And remember there will always be a small percentage of immunocompromised that don"t mount an effective response to anything.

And are they using pcr? Because you can't separate exposures from infections with pcr. There will always be some unknown level of false positives...even exposures while standing in line at the testing station!

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it means in US 14 days AFTER full jabs, so there's a 14 day period when the adverse events from vaccines happens but these are hidden from public stats b/c these people are considered "unvaccinated" and of course the adverse events are generally indistinguishable from Covid. Moreover, since vaccines produce endogenous spike protein and antigen tests look specifically for spike protein it's quite likely that a good share of positive test results are simply effects of vaccines, and these are then called Covid. In short, the public stats are just a mess and mean almost nothing.

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antigen tests do not look for spike protein, actually

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I stand corrected and thank you for pointing that out. I learned some interesting new facts after looking into this more just now. Literally the first three antigen test instructions for use that I found in this comprehensive list (https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/covid-19TestingToolkit/molecular-based-tests/current-molecular-and-antigen-tests.html#commercial) state that there is a 37% homology with one of the many common cold coronaviruses, which raises the possibility of cross-reactivity. Combined with the false positive paradox that comes from widespread testing of asymptomatics it seems clear that the vast majority of rapid antigen test results are very likely false positives. All three of these tests state the same finding that human coronavirus HKU1 may give rise to cross-reactivity. How these tests got EUA approved is beyond me. We are literally now testing for the common cold and being told that these are Covid cases after the inevitable positive test results, either due to actually finding the common cold coronavirus or due to false positives resulting from faulty tests. This goes very far indeed in explaining why Omicron symptoms look -- lo, behold -- just like the common cold and why hospitalization rates are so low.

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If antigen looked for spikes, all vaxed people would always test positive as they are spike factories

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Not necessarily. It's not a 100% false positive rate, by any means. This paper (Ogata et al. 2021) found false positive results from vaccine-induced spikes, but it used a blood test, which is a far more sensitive test than nasopharyngeal swabs are generally capable of (apparently). The empirical question is, then, to what degree can ever-more-sensitive swab-based antigen tests (as companies seek to always increase "sensitivity" (avoiding false negatives) and generally ignore "specificity" (ability to avoid false positives) as much as they can get away with given FDA's guidelines) pick up ever-smaller amounts of spike protein or N protein antigens? I'm guessing more science will come out over time on this. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34015087/

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some antigen tests do look for spike protein, but most look for N protein. Here's an S protein focused assay: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022175921001496

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And does Germany use an antigen test? Or their own PCR test?

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antigen tests (also called lateral flow tests) are common now in all Western countries. They do have their own version of PCR tests too, which use up to 45 cycle threshold, as opposed to 40 CT for US PCR tests, both of which are absurdly high and thus detecting mostly false positives or late-stage non-infectious positives.

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For example see the italicized paragraphs on the right column on page 6 here: https://www.fda.gov/media/154718/download

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I question how much vaxxine spikes would be found in mucus.

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I'm aware of US definition of vaxxed.

These result are from *Germany*, not the US, so the US definition of fully vaxxed is irrelevent

"Fully vaxxed" is a moving target from country to country, and over time within countries.

In this case, only Germany's *current* definition of fully vaxxed matters.

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

In Ontario their solution to the prevalence of Omicron cases in the vaccinated is to start tracking new statistics:

Minister of Health Christine Elliott said the province is currently working with hospitals to distinguish between patients admitted to hospitals and critical care because of COVID-19 and those who test positive while in care for other reasons. Daily data will soon reflect that distinction, she said.(CBC news Dec 30)

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Dec 30, 2021·edited Dec 30, 2021Author

Let me guess: vax-free == admitted for covid, vaxxed == admitted for comorbidies

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Ontario changed their testing criteria back in August. Before Aug. 23 (?) anyone at the hospital was tested, but after they changed the rules, only unvaccinated are tested (unless presenting with symptoms and/or a positive covid test, then the vaccinated would also be tested). This makes the numbers in Ontario for vaccinated in hospital look better than they actually are. This change naturally preceded the announcement of vaccine passports, to justify their conclusion that the unvaccinated are clogging up the hospitals. Yesterday's data for Ontario was terrible, with the vaccinated accounting for far more cases per 100,000 than unvaccinated. Today, mysteriously, the province is unable to provide data other than the total number of cases, with no data on the numbers vaccinated or unvaccinated. Could this be because it's even worse, today?

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Everything falls in place once you realize that they are simply criminals controlled by outside forces.

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Thanks for that info Amy, that explains how Ontario’s stats held up as long as they did.

There was also an odd spike in case rates for 80+ in October (when I assume they were doing boosters), then they stopped breaking out case rates by age group. And as you say, now they’re unable to even give overall vaccination status of cases. It’s so blatant!

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Dec 31, 2021·edited Dec 31, 2021

Yes, why now are they suddenly not breaking out cases by vaccination status? Before it was used as a stick to beat the unvaccinated with that there were more cases in unvaccinated and more hospitalizations etc.

It's all okay now, because as you noted, Ontario has now decided to provide accurate information about who is hospitalized "with" covid versus "because of" covid. As if this information wasn't asked for repeatedly over the past two years. Suddenly, they think it's a good idea to provide it.

All I can think is, what are they using that to cover for? Is this the way they magically allow covid to disappear? Call me cynical but I can't help but think releasing this data must be to obfuscate the truth.

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I have all of the same concerns!

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Don't forget that the jabbed die the proper way and the un-jabbed die the wrong way.

Also, there may be a separate afterlife for the jabbed and un-jabbed. Oh the suspense!

/sar off

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The separate afterlife should be most bothersome for the jabbed - if only they could realize.

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Anything with 'lucifer' as part of its chemical name being injected into the body is at the very least, bad branding...at worst...appropriate branding.

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You’ve proved vaccine efficacy! lol

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So we're seeing negative protection against "cases" (vast majority of which are false positives b/c of the "false positive paradox", but this applies equally to unvaxxed and vaxxed so it's a wash with respect to your focus here) in Germany, UK, and which other countries now in terms of Omicron? Subramanian and Kumar found similar negative protection for cases across many countries in their short paper from a few months ago, and a remarkably positive correlation in US counties between higher vaccination rates and higher cases. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34591202/

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Yes, negative protection against cases, except special categories like "people over 60 boosted more than 2 weeks ago but less than 8 weeks ago".

Also zero protection against hospitalization, as my previous article described based on UK data.

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When you say : "We know Vax doesn't prevent hospitalizations"

Do you mean with Omnicron?

Because according to "icnarc" data in the UK from May 1st to Dec 24th shows 1 or 2 shots had a significant benefit apposed to unvaxed

Note: If followers are going to attack me for asking this.. Please kindly just go back to Twitter

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yes,m with omicron

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Thank you Sir

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Do you have sources for the UK data?

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yes,m it is in my most recent UK article, it has sources and pictures of tables

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Here is an idea of where.. Minute 17:00


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Thank god that I am pure blood!!!! Long live the pure bloods!!!

see my blog if youre interested :)

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

In Germany, are you required to show proof of vaccination when getting tested, or is it merely a box that is checked? I believe these statistics to be credible based upon the high prevalence of omicron in the boosted where I live, but given current governmental overreach and threats, it's also not unthinkable that the unvaccinated would lie about their status.

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Dec 30, 2021·edited Dec 30, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

As far as I know, only when you're tested positive, one out of seven tests will be sequenced (at least, that were the numbers the last week(s)). As all the vaccinated have the "vax-passport", they will be asked to show it. It's currently hard to lie as unvaccinated one.

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For additional information/sources:

The source of the claim is page 14 in this PDF: https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/Situationsberichte/Wochenbericht/Wochenbericht_2021-12-30.pdf?__blob=publicationFile

That file is "Wochenbericht des Robert Koch-Instituts vom 30.12.2021 zu COVID-19". In English that is "Weekly report of the Robert Koch Institute from December 30th, 2021 on COVID-19."

Here is an English translation of page 14 from the weekly report using Google Translate:

"Additional information is partly known about the omicron cases in the reporting system [...] 186 patients were unvaccinated, 4,020 were fully vaccinated, of which 1,137 were given a booster vaccination."

Here is the German original text:

"Zu den im Meldesystem vorliegenden Omikronfällen sind zum Teil Zusatzinformationen bekannt [...] 186 Patientinnen und Patienten waren ungeimpft, 4.020 waren vollständig geimpft, von diesen wurde für 1.137 eine Auffrischimpfung angegeben."

This is another sign confirming the findings from the recent study out of Denmark by Hanson, Schelde, et al.

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It seems there was an edit to it. It now says 1.097 were unvaccinated and 4.020. Does anyone know anything about this?

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That follows page 13 "Between November 21, 2021 and December 27, 2021, a total of 10,443 (suspected) cases of the omicron variant were transmitted in Germany (data status December 28, 2021) via the reporting system according to IfSG, of which 1,555 were confirmed beyond doubt by whole genome sequencing, while 8,888 were confirmed using variant-specific PCR."

So there's 10,443 in the system, and only 4,206 have a corresponding value for vaccination status (compared to only 6,788 with symptom values). 6237 Omicron probables with unknown vax status.

Obvious potential for a bias in which people have their vax status registered in the ifSG system and/or associated with their test. Seems like much less reliable data than the Denmark or UK info.

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Is anyone feeling both vindicated... and slightly (well a LOT) superior ... right about now?

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A reminder of a word change - Unvaccinated is now Vaccine - Free

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I posted this on another site and as I read through the comments here, I thought it might be appropriate to post here. Advance apologies if I am wrong:

I was just thinking, the information that Team Apocalypse used and sold the public is falling apart before their eyes.

People are seeing the vaccines do little (at best), masks, social distancing, lock-downs are all a complete waste of time and destroyed lives in so many ways. As someone said months ago(lol) : Virus gonna virus.

It's not over, but the narrative is failing. People are beginning to realize they have been mislead and lied to by groups of incompetent bureaucrats and, politicians around the world. It will take time, as Twain said: "It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled."

All of us here had a common thought, many of us very early on. It made no sense, the numbers didn't add up, the techniques being used were wrong and what we saw around us didn't fit the narrative. We felt like outcasts because the world around us said we were wrong BUT we KNEW we were right. WE followed the science and data, we challenged our own thoughts and beliefs daily.

We didn't need to be immunologists, epidemiologists, virologists, modelers or even scientists. We just had to use our minds and be critical thinkers, reviewing the information, testing what we believed and saw, versus what we were told. We were not lemmings,

We all were draw to Alex, not because of what he believed but because of what we believed. (maybe it was his hair ...nahhh) . We found a place of like minded people to question and compare notes. Alex is the person that allowed us to discover that we were not alone, we were not crazy and for that we can all be thankful. He is the public face of thousands of us.

Alex, and all of us should be proud of our ability to withstand the onslaught of ridicule, insanity, false information, personal attacks and lies. WE are all the ones that stood up, debated and were ridiculed and insulted as maskholes, antivaxxers, or selfish people who killed grandma.

We were none of that.

This may sound grandiose but. We are just the crazy ones who believed we could save our way of life, could save our children's futures and believed in freedom. We fought for the rights, safety of those who disagreed with us.

When this is over (and it will be), we can all look back, smile have a toast and know, as Apple computer said in an ad long ago : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-ZB2O8azI8

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"falling apart before their eyes" - For some, certainly for Substack readers who have discovered these spaces. Remember you must put effort to find these pages something the public is largely unaware. But I can see elsewhere many people are discovering this vaccine is failing - that some waited in line to receive others actually claimed fragility to get the shot before their turn. They were sure they were safe from this awful disease that might kill them. They heartedly supported all the measures asserted to make sure they wouldn't die. They had no idea of their personal risk.

All of these people are becoming hopping mad at these failures. Sure, the spin will try to make them feel better. But they are realizing they have been misled. "falling apart before their eyes".

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Just saw this. Can't verify hut apparently 28% had booster too. Not sure what the booster rate is in Germany but... Well ..

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any idea where the data is? I searched the Wochenbericht and didnt see this


this is the latest one.

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That's a good question.

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How is it mechanistically possible that the jab has negative efficacy for transmission yet somehow appears to do something with respect to hospitalization and death?

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