My son was one of the few Texas National Guardsmen who refused the vaccination. It was rocky for a while, but his chain of command kept kicking the issue down the road until the administration finally lifted the requirement. That, I'm sure, was mostly due to the fact that he was activated on the border at the time and under Governor Abbott. They're going to do it again...especially if Geert turns out to be right and there's another bad, more virulent, Covid wave.
Geert's theory is that vaccinating in the middle of a pandemic causes the virus to mutate according to the pressure the vaccine places on it, causing it to then eventually create a variant that becomes more virulent once more...perhaps killing many of the vaccinated. We've entered uncharted territory, so to Geert's credit, he's been the first and pretty much only virologist/vaccinologist to get into the weeds on the vaccine effects.
My daughter works for the Navy in Jacksonville and the same thing happened. They kept telling her she would be fired but then they would postpone the date until, finally, the mandate was lifted. I believe there were some in middle management who knew how wrong it was to fire essential employees for such a stupid reason. Thank God for them!
This believe is what reinforces cityhall libtard demons to close outdoor parks preventing me from rollerblading. Never got the north-carolina-wu-flu bug, where's the middle finger emoji?
Edit: making it annoying to find a spot rollerblading - i'll still go out wearing my fuck-your-vaccines t-shirt.
Are you implying we shouldn't discuss possibilities because it might bring on another round of authoritarian despotism, lockdowns, and censorship? Are you wanting to censor that line of discussion to prevent censorship? See the parallels? I'm only stating what Geert predicted. So far, his predictions have not come to pass. We must not allow the lockdowns again is all.
There never was a new disease, just a rebranding of the 'flu plus all the insane protocols to harm and murder people, and twisting of the many existing issues to suit the agenda.
Any so-called 'New wave' will be pure invention like the others, made seemingly all too real by the toxic vaccines etc. adminstered.
Whilst lockdowns helped reduced air pollution for example, they were not necessary or legal to stop the 'flu.
Sorry, no that is the distraction to muddy the waters, the 'It's from the wild, it's from the lab" ploy. It was neither. As far as Wuhan went it was severe industrial pollution, typical in winter in the middle of China, causing severe respiratory disease. This was made to seem to 'spread' by the fact the same thing happens in the Po valley, northern Italy.
When the mainstream media is in few hands it is easy to control the truth and distort the picture. This has been going on for decades to soften us up as it were.
You can view my link above but here is the Wuhan one.
I am sure of myself because in 2020 when the world went mad in the spring (mad as March hares we can say in England) I was put on furlough and had the opportunity to research. I was also being given immunotherapy for alleged cancer and continued to be treated in lockdowns at hospital in Brighton.
In two months solid work I had the answers which I have distilled in my link to you. It took time for me to complete of course and I have added articles as I had time and energy to do so.
You bang on to people about "~400,000 excess deaths in 2020" and others have answered you on this, including AT below. You seem to be ignoring them. We have been lied and lied to over the last 4 years, a veritable biblical flood of lies, a grand delusion as the Bible says.
Read my link and the sub articles under Covid 19 Summary. You have to delve a bit and follow the trail of links as this was the only way I could reasonably organise them.
But if you really are stuck I will try and help.
But I am surprised you have not already realised what is going on after 4 years of all the COVID 19 nonsense.
"Bang on to people." Fantastic Brit terminology. Love it!
Not only did America have excess deaths, and still is experiencing it, but so are all other Westernized countries that are highly vaccinated.
If they all got together and lied about the actual numbers of deaths in each of these countries during 2020, why did they all continue to lie about it being high after the vaccine rollout when it CLEARLY hurts their narrative? Especially in light of all the vaccinated falling out in sports and dying.
I skimmed your article and this is simply delusional..."The thing is viruses are not nor never have been biological but are chemical" What killed the American Indians when Europeans arrived to the Americas? Viruses...not chemicals
What killed all those people in Japan in the 700's...Smallpox virus...not many chemicals back then eh?
"It should be possible to explain the laws of physics to a barmaid." Einstein or Rutherford
We are witnessing simple human nature in action in many different ways:
1. Hubris (gain of function experimentation)
2. Greed (ibid)
3. Pride (CYA of Fouci and others to cover up their hubris and greed)
4. Godlessness (Bill Gates deeds are led by a melioristic desire to change the world)
Not falsified. Mostly due to refusal to treat early with known good therapeutics plus late treatment with known harmful treatments like ventilators and remdesivir.
Also, don't be such a retard. The covidiots sounded pretty damn sure of themselves in the face of obvious lies from the health "authorities".
I'm not backing the lying scoundrels either. I got on multiple public Zoom meetings held by health professionals and made my voice heard. I emailed my representatives. I am involved and am fighting the same fight.
But, if we act like we know the truth, when in reality, we are only speculating, then we will be roundly rejected by the masses of ill-informed being successfully propagandized by the bureaucracies and willing media.
I contend that we must stick with facts and loudly call out times we are speculating so the left has less ammunition to discredit our side.
GVB is one of them, and 100% germ theory loving prick….. variants do NOT exist except in the computers of these complete junk scientists (virologists). If the world could wake up to germ theory fraud, rather than play along with bits that suit their egos, then the human race would be in a much better place !!
I would just like to point out that Geert has been correct about everything so far. He has long feared a more virulent strain, fortunately we instead got Omicron which in my opinion was nature's vaccine. But things could change...
Omicron was moronic and made up to test people to see who would see through the scam. The only strain is the straining of belief that people still believe after more than 4 years of COVID 19 nonsense that viruses are any more than poisons which do not mutate.
It's too much discussion and not enough simply stating "no".
You can't break through the haze of a brainwashed, godless libtard. You simply ride right through the police tape and get your daily sun exposure, with or without your pants down.
From this US citizen to your son: Thank you for your service, and thank you standing strong for medical freedom. I do not doubt that everyone who did truly made a difference for all of us.
Strangely thought that WEF tool we call the WHO was all set to grant themselves tyrannical rule over anything they could contrive to be medical related last month. Isn’t it odd after setting themselves up in 2022 using a small “ work group” to vote this overreach into being they suddenly stopped just a week or two before implementing it on all 192 signatory countries. Protocol dictates all 192 countries have to vote in charter changes but for obvious reasons they simply did otherwise. This is. Method they seem to use with many of their unpopular dealings😠.
The reason almost surely is that they got massive sudden resistance from Japan in particular but also the US where most or all Republican Senators swore NOT HERE AGAIN. It seems that the monster is beginning to falter now that the sleeping lemmings have awakened and are angry. I remember a year ago Dr. Peter Cory founder of the FLCCC Front Like Critical Care Clinicians and early leader in the WEF resistance said the following. “ I think we are winning. I can’t say exactly why but I feel that we are starting to win”. Since then I’ve seen several out of place actions that seem to suggest that this is true. Knowledge is power and suddenly at lest half of us are focused right on the real enemy’s of mankind. Making these entities WEF, WHO, UN and even the EU clearly visible for what they actually are shines a bright light on their activities which they can not stand. If we all stand together against these atrocities and say NO they will back down.
That's what happened with Gamer Gate for example; people started celebrating their "victory", and then, a couple of years later, you have every "woman" looking like a man and A/B "gender sliders" for picking gender.
You can also see something similar happening now with DIE where they, as per BRIDGE doctrine, are removing it from public eye in many organizations. While in reality, they're embedding it in every section of their corporate structure, "their DNA" as they call it. So, turning DIE into the mission of every employee rather than the job of any one team.
So, do beware thinking the beast is slain when it's just biding its time in the shadows.
You're very kind. Honestly, he's always been very God centered and unwavering, yet a remarkable worker and great leader. Uncommon combination. I was far more contentious in my military experience, despite being a good worker. :)
Yes, after over 4 years and we still have to state the blindingly obvious. I consider those who have yet to grasp this simple fact suffer from Stupid 20 which arrived in 2020 of course.
Unfortunately the evidence is increasingly favoring the "airborne AIDS" hypothesis. "Covid" is just a chickenshit prodrome for most but the virus hides in the body and destroys the immune system, while attacking all organs. It took on average 7 years to get from HIV infection to AIDS. we're not even 4 years in yet. Unfortunately the jabs appear to at best provide no protection.
The evidence does not support the "airborne AIDS" hypothesis and never did. If people poison themselves with vaccines etc. this plays havoc with the body. If they do not remove the toxic substances then they will suffer the consequences.
AIDS was always drugs related and made worse by the drugs oh so kindly offered by big pharma who don't mind killing people to make a killing.
I hope that is wrong. I read that statistically, on average, it took 3 or more injectionst to set off a chain of events that erode the immune response (over the long term). Jessica Rose or Steve Kirsch? Maybe repeat infections have the same effect as repeat injections?
More spike definitely appears to make things worse.
What covid does to the unjabbed after mild infection:
Differential decline of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody levels, innate and adaptive immune cells, and shift of Th1/inflammatory to Th2 serum cytokine levels long after first COVID-19
Also remember this study? Turns out 23 of the 24 were jabbed. The jab didn't protect them. Not being jabbed didn't protect the unjabbed participant either.
"When 24 patients who had recovered from COVID-19 had their whole bodies scanned by a PET (positron emission tomography) imaging test, their insides lit up like Christmas trees. .
A radioactive drug called a tracer revealed abnormal T cell activity in the brain stem, spinal cord, bone marrow, nose, throat, some lymph nodes, heart and lung tissue, and the wall of the gut, compared to whole-body scans from before the pandemic.
This widespread effect was apparent in the ... participants who had fully recovered from the acute phase of COVID-19 ... even those who recovered fully from COVID-19 still showed persistent changes to their T cell activity in numerous organs ... '
'Together, these observations suggest that even clinically mild infection could have long-term consequences on tissue-based immune homeostasis and potentially result in an active viral reservoir in deeper tissues' ...
'Overall, these observations challenge the paradigm that COVID-19 is a transient acute infection, building on recent observations in blood,' the team from UCSF concludes."
Also, I believe the highest flu death year (other than the 1918 pandemic) killed around 80,000 people...way less than the 400,000 killed in America during 2020.
Please stop it. Viruses exist, and coronaviruses, influenza viruses, and rhinoviruses are distinct types. Dhori virus appears to be very closely related to influenza virus.
Appearances are deceiving. Virology exists to justify viruses as pathogenic entities rather than poisons as they were originally defined.
Viruses are 'via us' like the sound of the word, arise out of us thus are cellular waste from the body like household rubbish from a home requiring disposal.
Cellular waste causes infection? What is this; spontaneous generation? Refuting that (cf "Pasteurization") gained Louis Pasteur his initial fame, which he then perverted into a vaccine scam business.
Like a factory, a cell will produce waste from products. Cellular waste needs to be disposed of and will cause issues to the body if this does not take place for some reason. It is not the cause of infection as such, but the result of metabolism or disease.
How do you define what a virus is? How do you prove that it exists? particularly as a distinct entity from other materials that may surround the virus.
"Submicroscopic infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of an organism." Does not include mycoplasmas, despite also being filtrable.
Plenty of evidence, such as pictures, nucleotide and protein sequences, etc. See A Midwestern Doctor and other Substacks, for example. How are GMOs produced if Cauliflower Mosaic Virus not exist? What is this insane obsession? Far less evidence for any existence of quarks exists, unless you count cheese curds.
There did appear to be some remarkable people, my elderly in-laws for example, that didn't get it at all (or showed now symptoms) until 2022 when it was a mild illness. That needs to be studied if you ask me, especially given the potential that repeated Covid exposures "could" be linked to the excess deaths.
Yikes...they should get their IGg4 levels tested. That's likely going to be a problem if Geert proves correct. Excess deaths, though, are just that...Excess above normal and they started in 2020, not in 2021 when the vaccines were introduced. I personally think that the vaccines are very likely causing most of the excess deaths we see since summer of 2022, with a possible decent amount caused from repeated exposure from Covid in general (thousand cuts). I honestly worry that we may not make it out of this one.
There's never been a flu in my lifetime that had that cluster of symptoms. I just don't buy that at all. Also, it killed, at minimum 400,000 people PRIOR to the vaccination rollout during 2020. How do you explain that?
So, now you think hospitals were in on it...wanting to kill people for money? That's just nuts. I know some of these people and they are only misled and ill-informed.
Hospitals in the US were incentivised to put patients on ventilators for increased payout. Many did so.
Hospitals across the globe were incentivised to note down "cause of death" as SARS‑CoV‑2 for an increased payout. Some even went as far as noting vehicular crashes as "covid".
Hospitals across the globe are known to dish out pill subscriptions to treat symptoms of ailments rather than treating the cause of ailments.
What?! This has been documented. Alternative doctors treated tens of thousands of people, with almost zero deaths, whereas if you went to the hospital for Covid, sayonara. Are you a troll?
That's not an answer to my question. Yes, there were people who successfully treated their patients (Zelinko in NY, Marek in VA, Chetty in South Africa, and some Dr. in India that Vejon Health interviewed). They were innovative and creative.
Hospitals aren't...but they aren't malicious either.
And, no I'm not a troll. I'm a Christian Conservative that absolutely despises unfounded conspiracy theories
The people who died before the vaccination were killed or murdered by lack of care. Statistics show these people had more than 2 comorbidities. At the beginning of the so-called pandemic” our local newspaper had a full page of obituaries dedicated to people who died from “covid”. Usually a picture of the deceased was attached to the article. 95% of the pictured people were either obese (the term is weak for many of them and the siblings on the picture were all obese), disabled (wheelchaired, required oxygen apparatus and bed-ridden) and the remaining 5% were all above 80 years old (some over 90 years old based on their biography). One month later the newspaper stopped publishing the obituaries under the pressure of its readers. The readers complained that people with certain physical attributes were the victims of racism and the target of malignant comments and their kids were bullied at school. The only young person who died during that period and used as a victim of “covid” was a teenager who had been diagnosed with leukaemia in 2019.
Obviously, many people were denied proper care...but we don't lose an extra 400,000 in a year from anything in the last 100 years.
Did you not read what two nurses said in this blog? They both said they saw people die on their ward who had not been given remdesivir or put on a vent. Again, assigning intent and believing all those involved were somehow in on it. Don't buy it.
I guess if you don't need facts for you to believe in something like this, it won't matter if you are proven wrong at some point.
Check out Jessica Hockett’s substack on the NYC fudging of numbers. Also recommend Norman Fenton’s Where are the numbers.
You responded on a different post to me re: the moon landing. Re: this conversation, it’s irrelevant,though we all know at this point that the US government and its affiliates are not above big lies to move forward an agenda
The numbers were doubt. The issue is that there really were excess deaths and continues to be.
If they fudged the numbers before to try and scare us, why are they supposedly fudging the numbers now when the fact that there are still excess deaths is hurting their narrative?
Nocebo is real, no doubt...but to kill an extra 400,000 in one year above normal? The worst flu year in recent years, where they also scared people then, was 80,000 deaths.
If you don't believe in viruses, you are just ill informed, sorry.
If you don't believe in germ theory, let me ask you this, have you taken antibiotics when needed in the past?
At some point, y'all need to see that y'all are making radical leaps of faith in belief with no facts...or scattered facts along with speculation. And, most importantly, it hurts our side when we have to confront the hegemonic momentum of agencies such as the CDC, FDA, NIH, WHO, etc.
We have to change people's minds on these subjects. We need to red pill them. We cannot do this with wild-eyed speculations that cannot be substantiated.
I worked on a med/surg floor that became all covid when it hit our area. There were no ventilators on my floor. I had one die while I was at lunch. He had deteriorated so much in one day. He was DNR, had mild asthma and on the spectrum and in his 50's and receiving IV antibiotics. No remdesivir had been introduced at that time. Two other ambulatory men died after my shift and they were the ones who kept taking off their oxygen. They both had heart attacks. All before vaccines were introduced.
Thank you for adding this, Pamela. There hasn’t really seemed to be enough testimony by medical people from this early phase to build up a picture of what might have been released.
I’ve always been uncomfortable with the idea that this was simply a “rebranded flu” - although I’m sure that did happen as well.
From what I understand, overall death figures for 2022 were about the same as for previous years, but that doesn’t mean that there wasn’t some priming of the panic in certain key locations.
The 'flu is misunderstood hence the problems, but yes, there were plenty of other things going on to harm and kill people including remdesivir/midazolam etc.
What was released was a flood of lies and various toxic substances (sanitisers were used willy nilly and they are toxic), but there was not a new disease.
There is a whole host of reports claiming to show data that there was no excess death in 2020.
I will admit though that "they" can twist data to suit whatever outcome they want it to give.
A paramedic I know told me that suicides, car crashes, stabbings and any other deaths were all to be classified as covid.
There was a paper produced by Johns Hopkins that showed that "covid" deaths in 2020 EXACTLY matched the expected flu deaths, which had miraculously disappeared.
The paper was quickly taken down.
Myself and others have done freedom of information requests across the UK, to many health authorities for 2020 covid death numbers and to councils for lists of burials and cremations during that year.
Most are listing single digit figures for covid deaths with no comorbidities.
All but one are listing less burials and cremations than the previous 5 years.
So throughout the UK, despite being told daily of the tens of thousands of deaths, the reality was that there were only a handful, which was supported by the burial and cremation numbers.
Annecdotal I know, but they lied and continue to lie in order to keep people in fear.
We did have state sanctioned murder by the use of Midazolam, which killed those near to death anyway, the same as you in the US had Remdesivir and ventilators.
Those numbers were then broadcast daily as covid deaths.
I am happy to be proved wrong, but only by digging beneath the official figures will you find out.
Burial and cremation data would be hard to conceal, where death by "covid" is easy to inflate.
It wasn't the regular flu. I've been an inpatient RN for over 20 years. Never seen anything like it. Never seen the morgue like that either. The cough on the first round of covid got ingrained in my brain. The people on my med/surg floor were there in large part because they could not keep their oxygen saturation up off of oxygen. Nothing like the flu.
NY seems to have had something that others did not have.
Same as Bergamo in Italy.
It seems as though most of the UK hospitals are on record as having low patient counts, or even being empty, according to many video walkthroughs, despite being told daily that they were being overwhelmed with cases.
Southern California and I had access to the case count inpatient in our 13 other hospitals. When it hit our area, it hit hard. We had state patient ratios and then union ratios. Our governor allowed hospitals to put that aside and I had up to 12 patients at a time with 2 in a room after they made our single rooms into double. This was the med/surg floor.
Unfortunately, some people lean towards believing in the idea that there's some all-encompassing conspiracy. I just tend to believe that organizations and people get into groupthink and that hegemony is hard to course-correct.
Iatrogenocide. They terrorised everyone, told them to stay home and inside, withheld prescriptions for secondary bacterial pneumonia, doled out midazolam and the like, stuck DNRs on anyone slightly less than perfect and ventilated people to flood their lungs...I could go on
I do believe people get caught up in groupthink and bureaucracies are hard to change (Covid treatment standards). I also think that politicians and bureaucrats will take advantage of a crisis that's handed to them. But, I've seen zero evidence to indicate there's a widespread malicious attempt to kill people off.
The wide spread malcious attempt was to rip people off by pinching all their wealth. General mayhem, harm and death were a bonus to those who make money as they can often make money again.
There is groupthink (or rather groupnotthink ) and incompentent bureaucracies but it took planning to achieve the overarching effect. Chaos deliberately created by demonic powers and the fearful and stupid did the rest.
That's groupthink in my opinion; not a plan. Plans do come out of a groupthink, and I do realize there's a few crazy people out there that would, or would wish it. But, to say a decent amount of people, in varying levels of power, wake up one day and say, I want to kill people off or get the world population down to 500 million seems absurd to me.
I don't trust the reporting of COVID-19 deaths to be accurate rather than inflated by misrepresentation of other causes of death. 400k people may have died with SARS-CoV-2 infections, but not necessarily from COVID-19. The CDC reported early that of the ~540k reported COVID-19 hospitalizations up to March 2021, 95% of them had at least one co-morbidity. See e.g.
I agree w/ the need to be skeptical. I looked for "treatment", as I skimmed the paper, and found nothing .... The comment following yours - re unethical "care" practices - is IMHO spot on.
No doubt...but there were ~400,000 excess deaths in 2020 when compared to the prior 5 years. There was something radically different that occurred. Also, the excess deaths have remained above average since 2020 and there's no one in the hospitals getting that unfair treatment any longer (e.g. ventilators/remdesivir).
That is not correct. They are still giving Remdesivir inpatient. A Dr was talking to Infectious Disease about a patient on another floor last weekend who had covid and not progressing after getting Remdesivir and other treatments. Oh, how I wish they would try some high dose vitamin C and other treatments FLCCC has come up with. I had a patient about 6 months ago who had an orthopedic injury and cold symptoms. They tested her for covid and she was positive. They prescribed Remdesivir. I printed documents and attempted to make her listen and be informed, but she agreed to tx because she thought Trump had gotten it when he had covid. I delayed treatment because I made the Dr. order labs to check on her liver and kidneys first. She had a cold!
Can you provide a reference for the 400k excess deaths caused by COVID in 2020? Two other candidates for any excess in 2020 are 1) the misuse of midazolam, remdesivir, and ventilators (i.e. excess iatrogenic deaths in the elderly) ; 2) the introduction of vaxxes in late 2020. Put bluntly, medical care facilities were heavily financially incentivized to kill people and attribute it to COVID-19.
Add the lockdowns to that, especially the elderly are very badly affected by social isolation which results in a breakdown of both body and mind.
In addition, the lack of sunlight exposure has been shown to worsen various diseases. Sunlight through windows are likely not enough due to refraction in the atmosphere at that angle.
You can find them in multiple places. One is on the and choose United States, Excess Mortality (count), Cumulative. That will give you a steadily rising line of excess deaths since Jan 2020.
And, I think it's simply ridiculous to believe the medical care facilities are financially incentivized to kill people when it would technically be more financially sound to "barely" keep them alive for repeat visits...that's assuming mal intent tho, which I don't believe either.
Please go read Denis Rancourt substack. Congratulations on birth of your grandchild, lets all hope that children born to parents who took these experiments don't have problems down the road. I've just become a Great Aunt.
I'm almost 60 and have experienced some doozies in my life...and they were worse than Covid for me. Covid was like a weird combination of a 3/4 flu with a 1 and 3/4 cold :)
Yes John I'm 73 & got flu bad in December 1968 & thought I was going to die. For some reason I caught it several times, just as bad as the 1st, last time being 2008. Have had plenty of virus like illnesses since, but never as bad.
That brings back memories. My Dad got that 1968 flu and was moaning in the bedroom and my Mom was looking at me and my siblings in the living room looking concerned. So, she went into his room and whisper/shouted, "shut up! You're scaring the kids!" Ah, the good ole days :)
Omicron was not a nothing burger for me. I was not vaccinated and got it from a vaccinated co-worker. I came home from work with a mild headache for two days. For dinner I wanted only soup, then went to bed and didn't move. My thinking was not right and I did not start the covid protocol tx for 24 hours because my mind was so foggy. I had fever and severe joint, leg and hip pain and lethargy. When I was on the mend, I could only walk outside for 100 feet before turning back. A few days later we walked about a mile around the block and I was having anxiety and didn't think I would make it. My oxygen status was never impacted per my pulse oximeter. For at least another week after that a feeling of depression and despair remained. Not normal for me at all. My husband started groaning in his sleep a few days after I got sick and I woke him up and gave him ivermectin and some other things. He had a quicker recovery than me and he was 70 at the time. I had just received test results of my vitamin D status being low before I got sick and I had just upped my dosing.
I'm unvaccinated and my wife and I got Delta. It was like I was teleported to the Moon. Very flu-like in the way it affected my thinking, but decidedly not as bad as a bad flu. Then, there was the odd combination of cold symptoms coupled with flu symptoms...and the anosmia. I then got Omicron 1 and 2 in fairly close succession. Those were primarily 4 hour headache bouts.
Whether it was the flu or not, is irrelevant. 400,000 people would not have died if they were allowed to use ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. It was the government that withheld life-saving medication that caused 400,000 deaths. Not Covid. Not flu. And yes, some of those people would have died from poor health, multiple comorbidities, plus low vitamin D levels. It just would not have been 400,000.
Since 2009 I have not had any flu or Coronavirus' and only a cold or two. WHY? I have been taking Swanson Vitamins' NAC (Cysteine, an amino acid) 600 mg. capsules. It also helps the lungs, liver, digestion, and others. Back then it was leaked that 1200 mg. prevented H1N1 flu. It's about $10.00 a bottle. Child: 1/Day Adult: 2/Day I take one during the day, one before sleep. EASY, CHEAP, AND IT WORKS! 😁
I totally agree with the early treatment/poor choice of treatment argument. The only problem is that it didn't occur in prior years. And, to their credit, they didn't know how to treat it. When some people did figure out a way, the "system" runs about as fast as the Shuttle Crawler (1mph) in course corrections. This is the issue with bureaucracies.
There were no absolutely known treatments during 2020.
People knew that Coronaviruses tended to respond to Hydroxychloroquine, but it had to be early. In fact, Fouci admitted that he'd take Hydroxychloroquine if he ever contracted the original SARS virus (it was in a video interview that I can no longer find on Youtube).
Now, I do believe there was at least one individual who acted badly, and that's Fouci. He set up a study on Hydroxychloroquine (in South America I think) in which they mailed the medicine to the people (which automatically meant it would likely be too late to help) and he used a dose that was far too high which resulted in multiple deaths from the medicine alone.
Now, did Fouci want to kill off Americans by denying treatment during Covid, or did he think that Hydroxychloroquine wasn't a great drug to treat the disease anyway, so why not channel all efforts to suppress other treatments in favor of getting everyone on board for the vaccines?
I disagree with it had never happened before. Flu mutates all the time. What they did was cause panic after showing one stupid video of a fake chinese person dropping dead in the street in China. When you terrify the USA via media, then you all were preloaded to believe all the lies. And view through that lens. My parents live in an area where they didn't lock down went to church didn't mask. Guess what there was NO rush on their hosp system of mega deaths. Some did get pneumonia. But most were fine when given medication as they should have been given from the onset. My husband's fire dept didn't force masking until State forced it. They transported flu patients in an amb.... NO ONE caught anything from patients. It was 2 years into c19 before a firefighter caught c19 flu. I just think people bought the first lie, and built their thoughts on that lie.
1. I would not accept "400,000" deaths. It's clear (now) that "covid" was listed as cause of death - when it was not - in order to get the numbers up so that people remained fearful / easily controllable. I have no confidence in ANY numbers put out by national or global orgs. 2. Independent doctors w/ impressive experience - and willingness to share that experience w/ others - developed early protocols that saved MANY lives: Dr. Vladimir Zelenko (99% survival); Drs. Brian Tyson and George Fareed (10K patients treated; deaths in single digits); Dr. Ben Marble - - (15K patients treated; deaths in single digits); Drs. Paul Marik and Pierre Kory (and others) who developed the FLCCC protocols from which so many of us have benefitted. 3. Question corporate medicine and its protocols at all times.
Ok, then how about the ~400,000 excess deaths in 2020? Not talking cause...just the amount of deaths over the normal death count from the prior 5 years.
Sadly, the damage from Fauci's Ouchie may NOT be over for her! 😥 She should take natural meds to fight the poisons in her from that jab. When Pfizer is prescribed I don't walk away. . .I RUN BABY RUN! I've done just THAT with a blood clot in my leg that I am treating with natural meds. 😁
The purpose of the vaccine was to reduce fertility (sterilisation vaccines are real). Many of those who fell through the gaps were caught by the generalised marketing of fertility destroying chemicals such as Ivermectin. See Tim Truths sub stack for more information on the alternative health poisoning. The free publicity of sudden deaths was designed to cover for the true purpose of mass sterilisation.
It is problematic when you work for Governments and their bullies. It happens too in Private business to which is as bad, especially those kowtowing to Private Public Partnership who care more about financial arrangements with their stakeholders than the livelihood of their employees.
We saw the same issue in Universities and schools, now that is even more problematic.
He is with AfD - the only German opposition party - these guys are always under fire (naked madness what judges do these days!) as they are NOT with the deep state. He was voted into his town's council (sorry for my English, pls translate that article). You must know, the whole AfD did NOT VAXX! And in Bundestag Berlin, these guys were forced to get out and sit on the balcony - (yes, we are reigned by infantils).
And he had trouble because of a Shirt he wore. ACAB it said. I guess he likes to live his freedom of speech. He might be a born troublemaker. So am I sometimes, but I would not work for the state - I need freedom.
So he is party member and insofar possible less alone than it seems. Cheers.
Looks like the disinformation brigades are targeting this topic to bury worthwhile commentary in an avalanche of nonsense. It's clear the hospital protocols were put in place alongside financial incentives to cause deaths which could be attributed to "COVID", in order to stoke fear of the "novel virus" from Wuhan and reinforce the narrative of a fake casedemic created by doing millions of high cycle PCR tests, plus RATs and LFs. This fear was needed to force general acceptance of vaccine mandates and drive vaccine uptake in the populace. Chillingly successful in its methodically planned evil.
Don't shoot me, I'm only a messenger from Planet Truth.
Does DEI and its appearance in mainstream media have anything to do with how the Defense Minister got her job. Does elevating DEI above the lack of experience / merit have anything to do with how these polices are being approved in Germany and the US?
"Biden announced his (illegal) vaccine mandates as I believe it set the stage for everything which has followed and ultimately was the downfall of his entire presidency."
After Mr. Warpspeed, Biden was installed to mandate the experimental toxin, as the DOD knew most Americans would never lineup to be injected with an experimental substance if the Orange Idiot was still president.
To put it simply, Mr. Creepy needed to be placed in the Oval Office to establish a biosecurity surveillance state. The scamdemic was the pretext.
It should also be mentioned, that the scamdemic provided a way to transfer trillions to billionaires. This was especially significant given the struggling Repo Market just prior to the scamdemic.
But I digress, heightening the biosecurity surveillance state "China-style" was imperative for Western billionaire techno/fascists seeking the best way to contain prole outrage. If you recall massive protests were occurring on every continent just prior to the scamdemic.
It should also be stressed, that the corrupt political duopoly are in agreement on "one" thing and that's suppressing populist outrage and the antiwar Left. The second thing they always unite behind is the appropriation of tax dollars to war profiteers.
That being said, the 2024 election results "will not change anything" as the war against humanity will continue.
My son was one of the few Texas National Guardsmen who refused the vaccination. It was rocky for a while, but his chain of command kept kicking the issue down the road until the administration finally lifted the requirement. That, I'm sure, was mostly due to the fact that he was activated on the border at the time and under Governor Abbott. They're going to do it again...especially if Geert turns out to be right and there's another bad, more virulent, Covid wave.
Another modeled computer variant only “found” in completely unnatural cell cuktures?
Geert's theory is that vaccinating in the middle of a pandemic causes the virus to mutate according to the pressure the vaccine places on it, causing it to then eventually create a variant that becomes more virulent once more...perhaps killing many of the vaccinated. We've entered uncharted territory, so to Geert's credit, he's been the first and pretty much only virologist/vaccinologist to get into the weeds on the vaccine effects.
My daughter works for the Navy in Jacksonville and the same thing happened. They kept telling her she would be fired but then they would postpone the date until, finally, the mandate was lifted. I believe there were some in middle management who knew how wrong it was to fire essential employees for such a stupid reason. Thank God for them!
Amen to that!
"another bad, more virulent, Covid wave"
This believe is what reinforces cityhall libtard demons to close outdoor parks preventing me from rollerblading. Never got the north-carolina-wu-flu bug, where's the middle finger emoji?
Edit: making it annoying to find a spot rollerblading - i'll still go out wearing my fuck-your-vaccines t-shirt.
Are you implying we shouldn't discuss possibilities because it might bring on another round of authoritarian despotism, lockdowns, and censorship? Are you wanting to censor that line of discussion to prevent censorship? See the parallels? I'm only stating what Geert predicted. So far, his predictions have not come to pass. We must not allow the lockdowns again is all.
There never was a new disease, just a rebranding of the 'flu plus all the insane protocols to harm and murder people, and twisting of the many existing issues to suit the agenda.
Any so-called 'New wave' will be pure invention like the others, made seemingly all too real by the toxic vaccines etc. adminstered.
Whilst lockdowns helped reduced air pollution for example, they were not necessary or legal to stop the 'flu.
I live in the UK. By the entrance to a small public sector hospital they have 2 signs asking visitors either
a) not to enter or
b) to enter but use one of their free masks.
In both cases self-diagnosis is for "a seasonal cold, COVID-19, or influenza."
Ridiculous it all is. As for 'free masks', huh. Free at point of use, paid for by taxpayers. Bunch of crooks in charge.
It may be a newly created disease at the Wuhan lab.
Sorry, no that is the distraction to muddy the waters, the 'It's from the wild, it's from the lab" ploy. It was neither. As far as Wuhan went it was severe industrial pollution, typical in winter in the middle of China, causing severe respiratory disease. This was made to seem to 'spread' by the fact the same thing happens in the Po valley, northern Italy.
When the mainstream media is in few hands it is easy to control the truth and distort the picture. This has been going on for decades to soften us up as it were.
You can view my link above but here is the Wuhan one.
you sound so sure of yourself. I guess the the ~400,000 excess deaths in 2020 was falsified too. Incredible
I am sure of myself because in 2020 when the world went mad in the spring (mad as March hares we can say in England) I was put on furlough and had the opportunity to research. I was also being given immunotherapy for alleged cancer and continued to be treated in lockdowns at hospital in Brighton.
In two months solid work I had the answers which I have distilled in my link to you. It took time for me to complete of course and I have added articles as I had time and energy to do so.
You bang on to people about "~400,000 excess deaths in 2020" and others have answered you on this, including AT below. You seem to be ignoring them. We have been lied and lied to over the last 4 years, a veritable biblical flood of lies, a grand delusion as the Bible says.
Read my link and the sub articles under Covid 19 Summary. You have to delve a bit and follow the trail of links as this was the only way I could reasonably organise them.
But if you really are stuck I will try and help.
But I am surprised you have not already realised what is going on after 4 years of all the COVID 19 nonsense.
"Bang on to people." Fantastic Brit terminology. Love it!
Not only did America have excess deaths, and still is experiencing it, but so are all other Westernized countries that are highly vaccinated.
If they all got together and lied about the actual numbers of deaths in each of these countries during 2020, why did they all continue to lie about it being high after the vaccine rollout when it CLEARLY hurts their narrative? Especially in light of all the vaccinated falling out in sports and dying.
I skimmed your article and this is simply delusional..."The thing is viruses are not nor never have been biological but are chemical" What killed the American Indians when Europeans arrived to the Americas? Viruses...not chemicals
What killed all those people in Japan in the 700's...Smallpox virus...not many chemicals back then eh?
"It should be possible to explain the laws of physics to a barmaid." Einstein or Rutherford
We are witnessing simple human nature in action in many different ways:
1. Hubris (gain of function experimentation)
2. Greed (ibid)
3. Pride (CYA of Fouci and others to cover up their hubris and greed)
4. Godlessness (Bill Gates deeds are led by a melioristic desire to change the world)
Not falsified. Mostly due to refusal to treat early with known good therapeutics plus late treatment with known harmful treatments like ventilators and remdesivir.
Also, don't be such a retard. The covidiots sounded pretty damn sure of themselves in the face of obvious lies from the health "authorities".
Easy AT.
I'm not backing the lying scoundrels either. I got on multiple public Zoom meetings held by health professionals and made my voice heard. I emailed my representatives. I am involved and am fighting the same fight.
But, if we act like we know the truth, when in reality, we are only speculating, then we will be roundly rejected by the masses of ill-informed being successfully propagandized by the bureaucracies and willing media.
I contend that we must stick with facts and loudly call out times we are speculating so the left has less ammunition to discredit our side.
GVB is one of them, and 100% germ theory loving prick….. variants do NOT exist except in the computers of these complete junk scientists (virologists). If the world could wake up to germ theory fraud, rather than play along with bits that suit their egos, then the human race would be in a much better place !!
So germ theory is incorrect...all a fraud? Do you refuse antibiotics? Incredible
I would just like to point out that Geert has been correct about everything so far. He has long feared a more virulent strain, fortunately we instead got Omicron which in my opinion was nature's vaccine. But things could change...
Omicron was moronic and made up to test people to see who would see through the scam. The only strain is the straining of belief that people still believe after more than 4 years of COVID 19 nonsense that viruses are any more than poisons which do not mutate.
What mutation protected covid from amantadine?
He hasn’t been right once as he cannot prove the existence of ANY virus in pure form!!
He's entirely wrong on timing. He initially said in the Spring of 2020, then 2022 and then last month.
It's too much discussion and not enough simply stating "no".
You can't break through the haze of a brainwashed, godless libtard. You simply ride right through the police tape and get your daily sun exposure, with or without your pants down.
That's kinda what I said actually...except for the pants down part
From this US citizen to your son: Thank you for your service, and thank you standing strong for medical freedom. I do not doubt that everyone who did truly made a difference for all of us.
AMEN, Thank you. You're not alone
Very kind, thank you!
Strangely thought that WEF tool we call the WHO was all set to grant themselves tyrannical rule over anything they could contrive to be medical related last month. Isn’t it odd after setting themselves up in 2022 using a small “ work group” to vote this overreach into being they suddenly stopped just a week or two before implementing it on all 192 signatory countries. Protocol dictates all 192 countries have to vote in charter changes but for obvious reasons they simply did otherwise. This is. Method they seem to use with many of their unpopular dealings😠.
The reason almost surely is that they got massive sudden resistance from Japan in particular but also the US where most or all Republican Senators swore NOT HERE AGAIN. It seems that the monster is beginning to falter now that the sleeping lemmings have awakened and are angry. I remember a year ago Dr. Peter Cory founder of the FLCCC Front Like Critical Care Clinicians and early leader in the WEF resistance said the following. “ I think we are winning. I can’t say exactly why but I feel that we are starting to win”. Since then I’ve seen several out of place actions that seem to suggest that this is true. Knowledge is power and suddenly at lest half of us are focused right on the real enemy’s of mankind. Making these entities WEF, WHO, UN and even the EU clearly visible for what they actually are shines a bright light on their activities which they can not stand. If we all stand together against these atrocities and say NO they will back down.
Beware thinking they have "backed down".
That's what happened with Gamer Gate for example; people started celebrating their "victory", and then, a couple of years later, you have every "woman" looking like a man and A/B "gender sliders" for picking gender.
You can also see something similar happening now with DIE where they, as per BRIDGE doctrine, are removing it from public eye in many organizations. While in reality, they're embedding it in every section of their corporate structure, "their DNA" as they call it. So, turning DIE into the mission of every employee rather than the job of any one team.
So, do beware thinking the beast is slain when it's just biding its time in the shadows.
Knowledge is power is exactly right! I think we can think sources such as Substack, Rumble, and now especially Twitter!
Your son is a badass
You're very kind. Honestly, he's always been very God centered and unwavering, yet a remarkable worker and great leader. Uncommon combination. I was far more contentious in my military experience, despite being a good worker. :)
If I owned a business, I'd seek people like your son, others who refused satanic shot under pressure, extreme pressure at times.
I thought "our" military was going to force Vax us , maybe. Terrified. I was going to be killed first.
Others same way
What bad covid wave... they rebranded the flu the first time. 😁
Hoping people wake up after that last debaucle.
Then why had amantadine no effect on covid?
Yes, after over 4 years and we still have to state the blindingly obvious. I consider those who have yet to grasp this simple fact suffer from Stupid 20 which arrived in 2020 of course.
Unfortunately the evidence is increasingly favoring the "airborne AIDS" hypothesis. "Covid" is just a chickenshit prodrome for most but the virus hides in the body and destroys the immune system, while attacking all organs. It took on average 7 years to get from HIV infection to AIDS. we're not even 4 years in yet. Unfortunately the jabs appear to at best provide no protection.
The evidence does not support the "airborne AIDS" hypothesis and never did. If people poison themselves with vaccines etc. this plays havoc with the body. If they do not remove the toxic substances then they will suffer the consequences.
AIDS was always drugs related and made worse by the drugs oh so kindly offered by big pharma who don't mind killing people to make a killing.
And don't forget Anthony 'Jaws' Fauci.
I hope that is wrong. I read that statistically, on average, it took 3 or more injectionst to set off a chain of events that erode the immune response (over the long term). Jessica Rose or Steve Kirsch? Maybe repeat infections have the same effect as repeat injections?
More spike definitely appears to make things worse.
What covid does to the unjabbed after mild infection:
Differential decline of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody levels, innate and adaptive immune cells, and shift of Th1/inflammatory to Th2 serum cytokine levels long after first COVID-19
Also remember this study? Turns out 23 of the 24 were jabbed. The jab didn't protect them. Not being jabbed didn't protect the unjabbed participant either.
"When 24 patients who had recovered from COVID-19 had their whole bodies scanned by a PET (positron emission tomography) imaging test, their insides lit up like Christmas trees. .
A radioactive drug called a tracer revealed abnormal T cell activity in the brain stem, spinal cord, bone marrow, nose, throat, some lymph nodes, heart and lung tissue, and the wall of the gut, compared to whole-body scans from before the pandemic.
This widespread effect was apparent in the ... participants who had fully recovered from the acute phase of COVID-19 ... even those who recovered fully from COVID-19 still showed persistent changes to their T cell activity in numerous organs ... '
'Together, these observations suggest that even clinically mild infection could have long-term consequences on tissue-based immune homeostasis and potentially result in an active viral reservoir in deeper tissues' ...
'Overall, these observations challenge the paradigm that COVID-19 is a transient acute infection, building on recent observations in blood,' the team from UCSF concludes."
COVID's Hidden Toll: Full-Body Scans Reveal Long-Term Immune Effects. 04 July 2024
when covid arrived I kept wondering why no one had the flu anymore...
me too
Many forms of ailments, even traffic accidents were labeled, "Covid" because of the monetary incentives given to hospitals and care facilities.
That's what I have gathered, and it seems to make sense.
Personally it DID NOT feel like a flu. 16 days of neurotoxic hell is what it felt like. 5G?
Indeed. Flapped its wings and 'flu away!
Like common sense.
Interferon flew it away. Colds too; absent for 4 years! You can take antipyretic NSAIDs if you want to negate its protective effect.
When covid arrived I kept wondering why no one ever had the common cold before.
Covid: the great cough and cold swindle.
Also, I believe the highest flu death year (other than the 1918 pandemic) killed around 80,000 people...way less than the 400,000 killed in America during 2020.
There was no pandemic in 1918
Did we go to the moon?
Who is "we"?
Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin for example. Who do you think I'm talking about?
Everything was relabled COVID 19 that the authorities could get labled as such. This is not rocket science John.
But, 400,000 MORE people did die that year over the previous 5 year average
I and others have answered you elsewhere.
Do y'all travel in packs?
Fauci was a busy bee.
Keep believing. You'll continue to hurt our cause
Please stop it. Viruses exist, and coronaviruses, influenza viruses, and rhinoviruses are distinct types. Dhori virus appears to be very closely related to influenza virus.
Appearances are deceiving. Virology exists to justify viruses as pathogenic entities rather than poisons as they were originally defined.
Viruses are 'via us' like the sound of the word, arise out of us thus are cellular waste from the body like household rubbish from a home requiring disposal.
Cellular waste causes infection? What is this; spontaneous generation? Refuting that (cf "Pasteurization") gained Louis Pasteur his initial fame, which he then perverted into a vaccine scam business.
Like a factory, a cell will produce waste from products. Cellular waste needs to be disposed of and will cause issues to the body if this does not take place for some reason. It is not the cause of infection as such, but the result of metabolism or disease.
How do you define what a virus is? How do you prove that it exists? particularly as a distinct entity from other materials that may surround the virus.
"Submicroscopic infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of an organism." Does not include mycoplasmas, despite also being filtrable.
Plenty of evidence, such as pictures, nucleotide and protein sequences, etc. See A Midwestern Doctor and other Substacks, for example. How are GMOs produced if Cauliflower Mosaic Virus not exist? What is this insane obsession? Far less evidence for any existence of quarks exists, unless you count cheese curds.
Virology never does control experiments. Those others who do, get the same electron microscope 'shapes' with or without target pathogen present.
See A Midwestern Doctor. Spikes on exosomes?
And have you sequenced your exosomes?
Yeah, I had it bad. Sniffles for 3 hours.
Pool, then a/c almost KILLS me with Sniffles
Sniffles? Maybe you had a cold, even though those were very rare in 2020 and 2021.
That is rhino virus.
There did appear to be some remarkable people, my elderly in-laws for example, that didn't get it at all (or showed now symptoms) until 2022 when it was a mild illness. That needs to be studied if you ask me, especially given the potential that repeated Covid exposures "could" be linked to the excess deaths.
More likely exposure to the jab being the link to excess death. I know some people had seven doses. Good grief.
Yikes...they should get their IGg4 levels tested. That's likely going to be a problem if Geert proves correct. Excess deaths, though, are just that...Excess above normal and they started in 2020, not in 2021 when the vaccines were introduced. I personally think that the vaccines are very likely causing most of the excess deaths we see since summer of 2022, with a possible decent amount caused from repeated exposure from Covid in general (thousand cuts). I honestly worry that we may not make it out of this one.
I was much mocking them
There's never been a flu in my lifetime that had that cluster of symptoms. I just don't buy that at all. Also, it killed, at minimum 400,000 people PRIOR to the vaccination rollout during 2020. How do you explain that?
Supposed deaths skyrocketed quickly after the CARES Act was put in place.
Hospitals with financial incentives find ways to collect.
So, now you think hospitals were in on it...wanting to kill people for money? That's just nuts. I know some of these people and they are only misled and ill-informed.
Hospitals in the US were incentivised to put patients on ventilators for increased payout. Many did so.
Hospitals across the globe were incentivised to note down "cause of death" as SARS‑CoV‑2 for an increased payout. Some even went as far as noting vehicular crashes as "covid".
Hospitals across the globe are known to dish out pill subscriptions to treat symptoms of ailments rather than treating the cause of ailments.
Incentivized, yes.
There's a natural hegemony to all bureaucracy that's hard to course change. Then, throw in groupthink and you have a perfect combination.
That still doesn't mean they want to kill people. Words matter
What?! This has been documented. Alternative doctors treated tens of thousands of people, with almost zero deaths, whereas if you went to the hospital for Covid, sayonara. Are you a troll?
That's not an answer to my question. Yes, there were people who successfully treated their patients (Zelinko in NY, Marek in VA, Chetty in South Africa, and some Dr. in India that Vejon Health interviewed). They were innovative and creative.
Hospitals aren't...but they aren't malicious either.
And, no I'm not a troll. I'm a Christian Conservative that absolutely despises unfounded conspiracy theories
The people who died before the vaccination were killed or murdered by lack of care. Statistics show these people had more than 2 comorbidities. At the beginning of the so-called pandemic” our local newspaper had a full page of obituaries dedicated to people who died from “covid”. Usually a picture of the deceased was attached to the article. 95% of the pictured people were either obese (the term is weak for many of them and the siblings on the picture were all obese), disabled (wheelchaired, required oxygen apparatus and bed-ridden) and the remaining 5% were all above 80 years old (some over 90 years old based on their biography). One month later the newspaper stopped publishing the obituaries under the pressure of its readers. The readers complained that people with certain physical attributes were the victims of racism and the target of malignant comments and their kids were bullied at school. The only young person who died during that period and used as a victim of “covid” was a teenager who had been diagnosed with leukaemia in 2019.
Obviously, many people were denied proper care...but we don't lose an extra 400,000 in a year from anything in the last 100 years.
Did you not read what two nurses said in this blog? They both said they saw people die on their ward who had not been given remdesivir or put on a vent. Again, assigning intent and believing all those involved were somehow in on it. Don't buy it.
I guess if you don't need facts for you to believe in something like this, it won't matter if you are proven wrong at some point.
Check out Jessica Hockett’s substack on the NYC fudging of numbers. Also recommend Norman Fenton’s Where are the numbers.
You responded on a different post to me re: the moon landing. Re: this conversation, it’s irrelevant,though we all know at this point that the US government and its affiliates are not above big lies to move forward an agenda
The numbers were doubt. The issue is that there really were excess deaths and continues to be.
If they fudged the numbers before to try and scare us, why are they supposedly fudging the numbers now when the fact that there are still excess deaths is hurting their narrative?
Government propaganda/advertising for which taxpayers paid.
I got Delta. I was the most unusual virus/illness I've ever had
You got scammed into believing in mutating viruses. Do get a grip John.
Projection my good fellow, projection
Nocebo effect is real. Also does not prove the existence and transmission of exogenous viruses
Nocebo is real, no doubt...but to kill an extra 400,000 in one year above normal? The worst flu year in recent years, where they also scared people then, was 80,000 deaths.
If you don't believe in viruses, you are just ill informed, sorry.
If you don't believe in germ theory, let me ask you this, have you taken antibiotics when needed in the past?
At some point, y'all need to see that y'all are making radical leaps of faith in belief with no facts...or scattered facts along with speculation. And, most importantly, it hurts our side when we have to confront the hegemonic momentum of agencies such as the CDC, FDA, NIH, WHO, etc.
We have to change people's minds on these subjects. We need to red pill them. We cannot do this with wild-eyed speculations that cannot be substantiated.
Yes “viruses” exist.
But they may be merely EXOSOMES.
Under the electron microscope, the EXOSOMES look like viruses. Exactly.
Look it up.
See also the work of Dr Tom Cowan.
See also the work of Dr Zach Bush..
Perhaps, but I find very unlikely given the march of science. Time will tell.
Bottom line, I got sick like a lot of people did by something that was unlike anything we had gotten previous.
Thank you. I have been trying to hammer this home since 2020 although didn't get onto substack from my WordPress site until 2023.
Some docs believe there was an aerosolised release of a bioweapon at certain key points around the world.
The rest of the deaths attributed to Covid came from deadly hospital protocols.
As for PCR tests - what the hell were they testing for, if the Tanzanians found that Papaya & Engine Oil came back positive…???
I worked on a med/surg floor that became all covid when it hit our area. There were no ventilators on my floor. I had one die while I was at lunch. He had deteriorated so much in one day. He was DNR, had mild asthma and on the spectrum and in his 50's and receiving IV antibiotics. No remdesivir had been introduced at that time. Two other ambulatory men died after my shift and they were the ones who kept taking off their oxygen. They both had heart attacks. All before vaccines were introduced.
Thank you for adding this, Pamela. There hasn’t really seemed to be enough testimony by medical people from this early phase to build up a picture of what might have been released.
I’ve always been uncomfortable with the idea that this was simply a “rebranded flu” - although I’m sure that did happen as well.
From what I understand, overall death figures for 2022 were about the same as for previous years, but that doesn’t mean that there wasn’t some priming of the panic in certain key locations.
Can you say where you were?
Southern CA.
The 'flu is misunderstood hence the problems, but yes, there were plenty of other things going on to harm and kill people including remdesivir/midazolam etc.
What was released was a flood of lies and various toxic substances (sanitisers were used willy nilly and they are toxic), but there was not a new disease.
That alleged 400,000, conflicts with the data showing zero increase in deaths globally through 2020.
They were brainwashing you.
Death rates have gone up since the jab, but prior to that.......
They were lying.
Where did you get that data?
There are multiple sources of the data which shows that excess deaths have been up since 2020.
Also, the fact that they are still up is bad for their agenda. It hurts their side. Why don't they just falsify that data too?
There is a whole host of reports claiming to show data that there was no excess death in 2020.
I will admit though that "they" can twist data to suit whatever outcome they want it to give.
A paramedic I know told me that suicides, car crashes, stabbings and any other deaths were all to be classified as covid.
There was a paper produced by Johns Hopkins that showed that "covid" deaths in 2020 EXACTLY matched the expected flu deaths, which had miraculously disappeared.
The paper was quickly taken down.
Myself and others have done freedom of information requests across the UK, to many health authorities for 2020 covid death numbers and to councils for lists of burials and cremations during that year.
Most are listing single digit figures for covid deaths with no comorbidities.
All but one are listing less burials and cremations than the previous 5 years.
So throughout the UK, despite being told daily of the tens of thousands of deaths, the reality was that there were only a handful, which was supported by the burial and cremation numbers.
Annecdotal I know, but they lied and continue to lie in order to keep people in fear.
We did have state sanctioned murder by the use of Midazolam, which killed those near to death anyway, the same as you in the US had Remdesivir and ventilators.
Those numbers were then broadcast daily as covid deaths.
I am happy to be proved wrong, but only by digging beneath the official figures will you find out.
Burial and cremation data would be hard to conceal, where death by "covid" is easy to inflate.
Burial data would be the best. Do you have a link for an example of that proof?
It wasn't the regular flu. I've been an inpatient RN for over 20 years. Never seen anything like it. Never seen the morgue like that either. The cough on the first round of covid got ingrained in my brain. The people on my med/surg floor were there in large part because they could not keep their oxygen saturation up off of oxygen. Nothing like the flu.
Where in the US are you?
NY seems to have had something that others did not have.
Same as Bergamo in Italy.
It seems as though most of the UK hospitals are on record as having low patient counts, or even being empty, according to many video walkthroughs, despite being told daily that they were being overwhelmed with cases.
Southern California and I had access to the case count inpatient in our 13 other hospitals. When it hit our area, it hit hard. We had state patient ratios and then union ratios. Our governor allowed hospitals to put that aside and I had up to 12 patients at a time with 2 in a room after they made our single rooms into double. This was the med/surg floor.
Unfortunately, some people lean towards believing in the idea that there's some all-encompassing conspiracy. I just tend to believe that organizations and people get into groupthink and that hegemony is hard to course-correct.
Iatrogenocide. They terrorised everyone, told them to stay home and inside, withheld prescriptions for secondary bacterial pneumonia, doled out midazolam and the like, stuck DNRs on anyone slightly less than perfect and ventilated people to flood their lungs...I could go on
No one got versed on my med/surg floor and people still died. Also, before remdesivir.
I'd upvote your comment multiple times, if I could!
I do believe people get caught up in groupthink and bureaucracies are hard to change (Covid treatment standards). I also think that politicians and bureaucrats will take advantage of a crisis that's handed to them. But, I've seen zero evidence to indicate there's a widespread malicious attempt to kill people off.
The wide spread malcious attempt was to rip people off by pinching all their wealth. General mayhem, harm and death were a bonus to those who make money as they can often make money again.
There is groupthink (or rather groupnotthink ) and incompentent bureaucracies but it took planning to achieve the overarching effect. Chaos deliberately created by demonic powers and the fearful and stupid did the rest.
Perhaps. Hopefully, we'll know in time the cause of the virus "release."
Social Security insolvency? The WEF Malthusians? I guess you could call it a very late postpartum abortion. Euthanasia IS real. Look to Canada on their MAIDS program. You just need a couple of doctors to agree you are miserable and want to be relieved of your burden.
That's groupthink in my opinion; not a plan. Plans do come out of a groupthink, and I do realize there's a few crazy people out there that would, or would wish it. But, to say a decent amount of people, in varying levels of power, wake up one day and say, I want to kill people off or get the world population down to 500 million seems absurd to me.
I don't trust the reporting of COVID-19 deaths to be accurate rather than inflated by misrepresentation of other causes of death. 400k people may have died with SARS-CoV-2 infections, but not necessarily from COVID-19. The CDC reported early that of the ~540k reported COVID-19 hospitalizations up to March 2021, 95% of them had at least one co-morbidity. See e.g.
I agree w/ the need to be skeptical. I looked for "treatment", as I skimmed the paper, and found nothing .... The comment following yours - re unethical "care" practices - is IMHO spot on.
No doubt...but there were ~400,000 excess deaths in 2020 when compared to the prior 5 years. There was something radically different that occurred. Also, the excess deaths have remained above average since 2020 and there's no one in the hospitals getting that unfair treatment any longer (e.g. ventilators/remdesivir).
That is not correct. They are still giving Remdesivir inpatient. A Dr was talking to Infectious Disease about a patient on another floor last weekend who had covid and not progressing after getting Remdesivir and other treatments. Oh, how I wish they would try some high dose vitamin C and other treatments FLCCC has come up with. I had a patient about 6 months ago who had an orthopedic injury and cold symptoms. They tested her for covid and she was positive. They prescribed Remdesivir. I printed documents and attempted to make her listen and be informed, but she agreed to tx because she thought Trump had gotten it when he had covid. I delayed treatment because I made the Dr. order labs to check on her liver and kidneys first. She had a cold!
Well done for persisting.
We joke at home that the hospital is where people go to die. Very scary that they still recommended Remdesivir when even the WHO said it doesn’t work.
Yikes! I apologize. I was speaking for a Texas hospital that my wife works at.
Can you provide a reference for the 400k excess deaths caused by COVID in 2020? Two other candidates for any excess in 2020 are 1) the misuse of midazolam, remdesivir, and ventilators (i.e. excess iatrogenic deaths in the elderly) ; 2) the introduction of vaxxes in late 2020. Put bluntly, medical care facilities were heavily financially incentivized to kill people and attribute it to COVID-19.
Add the lockdowns to that, especially the elderly are very badly affected by social isolation which results in a breakdown of both body and mind.
In addition, the lack of sunlight exposure has been shown to worsen various diseases. Sunlight through windows are likely not enough due to refraction in the atmosphere at that angle.
You can find them in multiple places. One is on the and choose United States, Excess Mortality (count), Cumulative. That will give you a steadily rising line of excess deaths since Jan 2020.
And, I think it's simply ridiculous to believe the medical care facilities are financially incentivized to kill people when it would technically be more financially sound to "barely" keep them alive for repeat visits...that's assuming mal intent tho, which I don't believe either.
This. Beat me to it.
Please go read Denis Rancourt substack. Congratulations on birth of your grandchild, lets all hope that children born to parents who took these experiments don't have problems down the road. I've just become a Great Aunt.
I have, thanks. I'm absolutely not convinced by his assertions. Sorry :(
OK, perhaps look at Biologyphenom substack which is covering the Scottish Covid Inquiry. You may change your mind.
I will, thanks
You obviously do not know what bad flu is like. You do not want to experience it.
I'm almost 60 and have experienced some doozies in my life...and they were worse than Covid for me. Covid was like a weird combination of a 3/4 flu with a 1 and 3/4 cold :)
Yes John I'm 73 & got flu bad in December 1968 & thought I was going to die. For some reason I caught it several times, just as bad as the 1st, last time being 2008. Have had plenty of virus like illnesses since, but never as bad.
That brings back memories. My Dad got that 1968 flu and was moaning in the bedroom and my Mom was looking at me and my siblings in the living room looking concerned. So, she went into his room and whisper/shouted, "shut up! You're scaring the kids!" Ah, the good ole days :)
I’m with you John. For anyone who had alpha or delta it was NO FLU. Omicron is a nothing burger for those with intact immune systems.
Omicron was not a nothing burger for me. I was not vaccinated and got it from a vaccinated co-worker. I came home from work with a mild headache for two days. For dinner I wanted only soup, then went to bed and didn't move. My thinking was not right and I did not start the covid protocol tx for 24 hours because my mind was so foggy. I had fever and severe joint, leg and hip pain and lethargy. When I was on the mend, I could only walk outside for 100 feet before turning back. A few days later we walked about a mile around the block and I was having anxiety and didn't think I would make it. My oxygen status was never impacted per my pulse oximeter. For at least another week after that a feeling of depression and despair remained. Not normal for me at all. My husband started groaning in his sleep a few days after I got sick and I woke him up and gave him ivermectin and some other things. He had a quicker recovery than me and he was 70 at the time. I had just received test results of my vitamin D status being low before I got sick and I had just upped my dosing.
Interesting. Maybe having prior immunity from alpha and delta from other family members made it a nothing burger? Was this your first Covid exposure?
I'm unvaccinated and my wife and I got Delta. It was like I was teleported to the Moon. Very flu-like in the way it affected my thinking, but decidedly not as bad as a bad flu. Then, there was the odd combination of cold symptoms coupled with flu symptoms...and the anosmia. I then got Omicron 1 and 2 in fairly close succession. Those were primarily 4 hour headache bouts.
Whether it was the flu or not, is irrelevant. 400,000 people would not have died if they were allowed to use ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. It was the government that withheld life-saving medication that caused 400,000 deaths. Not Covid. Not flu. And yes, some of those people would have died from poor health, multiple comorbidities, plus low vitamin D levels. It just would not have been 400,000.
Since 2009 I have not had any flu or Coronavirus' and only a cold or two. WHY? I have been taking Swanson Vitamins' NAC (Cysteine, an amino acid) 600 mg. capsules. It also helps the lungs, liver, digestion, and others. Back then it was leaked that 1200 mg. prevented H1N1 flu. It's about $10.00 a bottle. Child: 1/Day Adult: 2/Day I take one during the day, one before sleep. EASY, CHEAP, AND IT WORKS! 😁
I totally agree with the early treatment/poor choice of treatment argument. The only problem is that it didn't occur in prior years. And, to their credit, they didn't know how to treat it. When some people did figure out a way, the "system" runs about as fast as the Shuttle Crawler (1mph) in course corrections. This is the issue with bureaucracies.
They actively blocked existing treatments and forced dangerous / lethal ones for profit..
There were no absolutely known treatments during 2020.
People knew that Coronaviruses tended to respond to Hydroxychloroquine, but it had to be early. In fact, Fouci admitted that he'd take Hydroxychloroquine if he ever contracted the original SARS virus (it was in a video interview that I can no longer find on Youtube).
Now, I do believe there was at least one individual who acted badly, and that's Fouci. He set up a study on Hydroxychloroquine (in South America I think) in which they mailed the medicine to the people (which automatically meant it would likely be too late to help) and he used a dose that was far too high which resulted in multiple deaths from the medicine alone.
Now, did Fouci want to kill off Americans by denying treatment during Covid, or did he think that Hydroxychloroquine wasn't a great drug to treat the disease anyway, so why not channel all efforts to suppress other treatments in favor of getting everyone on board for the vaccines?
I disagree with it had never happened before. Flu mutates all the time. What they did was cause panic after showing one stupid video of a fake chinese person dropping dead in the street in China. When you terrify the USA via media, then you all were preloaded to believe all the lies. And view through that lens. My parents live in an area where they didn't lock down went to church didn't mask. Guess what there was NO rush on their hosp system of mega deaths. Some did get pneumonia. But most were fine when given medication as they should have been given from the onset. My husband's fire dept didn't force masking until State forced it. They transported flu patients in an amb.... NO ONE caught anything from patients. It was 2 years into c19 before a firefighter caught c19 flu. I just think people bought the first lie, and built their thoughts on that lie.
I agree with much of what you just said, but what about the 400,000 excess deaths seen in 2020 compared to the prior 5 year average?
Yep beaucracies such as worldwide orgs like who, un will diminish quality of peoples lives.
Every time it's tried. It's a trade off. Convenience/safety vs Freedom
Easy. Denial of early treatment.
That's a good argument, but I believe it falters given no flu has every caused that many deaths...minus 1918. What do you think?
1918 may not have been a flu.
It may have been bacterial pneumonia.
There was a paper on the NIH website where they detail how they tried to infect people with the illness and failed.
Even having sick people cough into others open mouths.
Some of the death toll could have been due to the massive overdoses of asprin, but that does not explain it's origins.
This one is quite good.
I'll see if I can find the transmission one again.
That's incredible. More iatrogenesis
1. I would not accept "400,000" deaths. It's clear (now) that "covid" was listed as cause of death - when it was not - in order to get the numbers up so that people remained fearful / easily controllable. I have no confidence in ANY numbers put out by national or global orgs. 2. Independent doctors w/ impressive experience - and willingness to share that experience w/ others - developed early protocols that saved MANY lives: Dr. Vladimir Zelenko (99% survival); Drs. Brian Tyson and George Fareed (10K patients treated; deaths in single digits); Dr. Ben Marble - - (15K patients treated; deaths in single digits); Drs. Paul Marik and Pierre Kory (and others) who developed the FLCCC protocols from which so many of us have benefitted. 3. Question corporate medicine and its protocols at all times.
Ok, then how about the ~400,000 excess deaths in 2020? Not talking cause...just the amount of deaths over the normal death count from the prior 5 years.
Congratulations and thank you for being the father to such a brave son. Pinning
He's a great kid with incredible courage. He and his vaccinated newlywed just had their first healthy child, thanks to God.
I'm so sorry
How awful...Didn't their pediatrician ever tell them not to put foreign substances in her body when pregnant...
Sadly, the damage from Fauci's Ouchie may NOT be over for her! 😥 She should take natural meds to fight the poisons in her from that jab. When Pfizer is prescribed I don't walk away. . .I RUN BABY RUN! I've done just THAT with a blood clot in my leg that I am treating with natural meds. 😁
This is SO heartbreaking! I am so, so very sorry about that... :-(
Oh, that's awful. I'm am terribly sorry for that loss.
We have to get on this before it gets rolling like gmo did
Featured this post here:
The purpose of the vaccine was to reduce fertility (sterilisation vaccines are real). Many of those who fell through the gaps were caught by the generalised marketing of fertility destroying chemicals such as Ivermectin. See Tim Truths sub stack for more information on the alternative health poisoning. The free publicity of sudden deaths was designed to cover for the true purpose of mass sterilisation.
All, any thoughts on the updated Mortality Survey found at: Figure 3.2 on page 12 seems to mirror my recollection of the COVID19 Vax campaign.
It is problematic when you work for Governments and their bullies. It happens too in Private business to which is as bad, especially those kowtowing to Private Public Partnership who care more about financial arrangements with their stakeholders than the livelihood of their employees.
We saw the same issue in Universities and schools, now that is even more problematic.
Did a Military Experimental Vaccine in 1918 Kill 50-100 Million People Blamed as “Spanish Flu”?
Did a Military Experimental Vaccine in 1918 Kill 50-100 Million People Blamed as “Spanish Flu”?
Another reason the Germans lose their wars.
I quickly looked him up.
He is with AfD - the only German opposition party - these guys are always under fire (naked madness what judges do these days!) as they are NOT with the deep state. He was voted into his town's council (sorry for my English, pls translate that article). You must know, the whole AfD did NOT VAXX! And in Bundestag Berlin, these guys were forced to get out and sit on the balcony - (yes, we are reigned by infantils).
And he had trouble because of a Shirt he wore. ACAB it said. I guess he likes to live his freedom of speech. He might be a born troublemaker. So am I sometimes, but I would not work for the state - I need freedom.
So he is party member and insofar possible less alone than it seems. Cheers.
Ridiculously upsetting.
Looks like the disinformation brigades are targeting this topic to bury worthwhile commentary in an avalanche of nonsense. It's clear the hospital protocols were put in place alongside financial incentives to cause deaths which could be attributed to "COVID", in order to stoke fear of the "novel virus" from Wuhan and reinforce the narrative of a fake casedemic created by doing millions of high cycle PCR tests, plus RATs and LFs. This fear was needed to force general acceptance of vaccine mandates and drive vaccine uptake in the populace. Chillingly successful in its methodically planned evil.
Don't shoot me, I'm only a messenger from Planet Truth.
The only thing missing from that Defense Minister is purple hair
Does DEI and its appearance in mainstream media have anything to do with how the Defense Minister got her job. Does elevating DEI above the lack of experience / merit have anything to do with how these polices are being approved in Germany and the US?
"Biden announced his (illegal) vaccine mandates as I believe it set the stage for everything which has followed and ultimately was the downfall of his entire presidency."
After Mr. Warpspeed, Biden was installed to mandate the experimental toxin, as the DOD knew most Americans would never lineup to be injected with an experimental substance if the Orange Idiot was still president.
To put it simply, Mr. Creepy needed to be placed in the Oval Office to establish a biosecurity surveillance state. The scamdemic was the pretext.
It should also be mentioned, that the scamdemic provided a way to transfer trillions to billionaires. This was especially significant given the struggling Repo Market just prior to the scamdemic.
But I digress, heightening the biosecurity surveillance state "China-style" was imperative for Western billionaire techno/fascists seeking the best way to contain prole outrage. If you recall massive protests were occurring on every continent just prior to the scamdemic.
It should also be stressed, that the corrupt political duopoly are in agreement on "one" thing and that's suppressing populist outrage and the antiwar Left. The second thing they always unite behind is the appropriation of tax dollars to war profiteers.
That being said, the 2024 election results "will not change anything" as the war against humanity will continue.
Anyone know if Reiner Fuelmich is still in jail?
Yes he is.