What people who make these argue against claims like yours often fail to recognize is that the data necessary to properly evaluate the correlation suggested here are being deliberately withheld. People often like to argue that "correlation is not causation" and that "there is no evidence for the claims [Igor] is making" but they failed to recognize that one of the foundational principles of evidence-based medicine is to utilize the best available data, and since the evidence we need is being withheld, this is the best available data in the most "evidence based " way to approach this question.

When you have an extremely concerning correlation, the burden of proof is on the other side to either disprove your correlation or just stop utilizing the causative agent. By instead simply stating there is no evidence vaccines are doing this without providing a better data set which shows otherwise, they are engaging in pseudoscience, which is what industry always does to sell their unsafe and ineffective products.

On a different note, I am presently working on an article about the increase in RSV and influenza from the vaccines. I remember that you wrote something about this happening in Australia a while back, but I was not able to find the article you wrote. Would it be possible for you to link me to it? Thank you!

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I agree that the burden of proof is on them! But, "them" being basically criminals, we have a burden to unearth the evidence.

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Also I am writing a small piece on RSV, I can link to yours when you post it

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Vaccine associated enhanced respiratory disease was a problem in previous trials for children's RSV vaccines and in the earlier SARS vaccine trials. Kismekkia Corbett who did all the work on the spike protein used in the covid vaccines was well aware of this as this paper she wrote in 2020 shows - the mouse study she did after the Moderna covid vaccine was already in human trials was meant to be investigate this https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2622-0

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Though the first comment didn't post so I tried to rewrite it from memory here!

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I saw an interview with Ed Dowd talking to Mike Adams. His approach has been focusing on the employed 18-65 year olds that have group life benefits through their employer. This traditionally has been a healthier population but in Q3 2021 when the mandates were in full swing this group suffered extremely high mortality numbers, as high or higher than the rest of the population. It would have been the group most affected by mandates, employers with over 100 employees mandating the vaccinations. He is still tracking insurance and now the funeral industry. One large funeral company had 15% vs the 1% they expected growth. Now we are seeing the gaslighting in the media that pollution etc. can cause heart attacks. Hopefully the low uptake is indicative that the country is at least sick of taking shots that don’t stop transmission. I am constantly disappointed and shocked by the amount of people I come across that have no idea these shots have caused any significant issues including those in the medical profession.

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Too many people "have no idea" about much of anything, and trust whatever they see on the telescreen. The same ones are likely convinced that man-made CO2 is going to melt the icecaps any day now, and anyone who says otherwise is just a "science denier".

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One of the things people who cry correlation does not equate to causation fail to recognize is that the data sets we need to properly evaluate this correlation are being deliberately withheld. Similarly, when people assert the "Igor is making claims without evidence" what they failed to recognize is the evidence-based medicine requires you to utilize the best available evidence, not to default to randomized controlled trial or bust.

In my personal opinion, the appropriate way to utilize data sense like this is to stay "these demonstrate an alarming correlation which must either be disproven or if it cannot be, the vaccines must be halted." As you know, the response instead is the default back to "there is no evidence for these claims."

On a separate note, I am presently working on an article about the spike in RSV and influenza from the vaccines. Did you write something on this previously (e.g. in Australia). I have been trying to find it without success and it would help when I'm working on.

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On an unrelated note, I cited your rather brilliant article (this one https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/i-do-not-spread-conspiracy-theories) in my story that Dr. Mercola just published.


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Thank you! This is incredible!!!

It is hard to write about conspiracies, mass influence operations etc on a somewhat sane level, and I hope that I stayed on that level.

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Yes you did, and you do!! Thank you for that

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I love your substack. The pets article was very thought provoking

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Thank you Igor!!

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Thank you.

Still so much denial around. I don’t think people will fully wake up until, if Geert Vanden Bossche is correct, the virus becomes more virulent and high numbers of the triple/quadruple vaccinated end up in hospital and dying.

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Hi Igor. What methodology are you using to determine XS mortality. Our World in Data uses two methods which give divergent results because they rely on a different base line. One uses a flat/static average based on the 2015 to 2019 weekly deaths, while the other uses a projected baseline generated by regression analysis of the same data. Both have deficiencies. One needs to factor in population demographics and actuarial data, because, as happened in New Zealand in 2018, the frail who died during the bad flu season of 2017 were eliminated from the population, or "harvested", meaning there were less vulnerable people in 2018. Consequently, total deaths were down by 6.5% in 2018.

Similarity, we had a bad flu in 2019, I got it, with thousands hospitalised, resulting in record deaths. On this basis 2020 should have recorded lower deaths than 2019, but the OWID projected baseline method predicted more deaths in 2020 than 2019. This created the illusion of a negative excess death in 2020 of around 8%. The static average method in OWID would not have led to this error, but in the longer term, it's neglect of population growth would raise errors.

The best methodI 've seen used is that of Fabian Spieker, who worked out his baseline by removing population growth and took his average from 10 years of data, 2010 to 2019.


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Hello Igor, I sure hope you get this in your email box. I am wondering if you have any updated analysis of the excess mortality rate hitting United States and other countries. It seems that the latest push will be a cover up to explain the excess mortality this flu season.

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Thank you so much for the review.

Mr. Chudov, I didn’t guesstimate. But your right about the amount of work required. As you may aware of the Pandemic data in the US is far worse than EU data. At least until they started combining and deleting because the data looked really bad. So I went went with Dr. Campbell's and Dr. DrBean their data and interpretations have been accurate in cases I lack knowledge or don't want to do the work my self. For the UK the excess deaths began to rise in 2021, 3 Months after the start of vaccinations On his video the rise started in January. By 2022 two trends were red flags for me. One is by 2022 excess deaths were 14% over Covid deaths. Relivelt flat with a rising slope. He stated at this point in time Exess Deads should be dropping. He mentioned the US was worse but complained about the accuracy of data. I tend agree to agree because the UK didn't put out talking about our immune systems was Russian Propaganda or posting politics or medication was an act of terrorism. But enough of the Political cr#p. So I'm guilty of being lazy and not checking his review of the Study he gave a review on.

Again thank you.

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Let me tell you how it ends. Immunity drops until you died. The more boosters, the more the immunity drops. Now, think of all the diseases this promotes.

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This is excellent work. Thank you for sharing your findings.

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Thank you for this.

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Hi Igor. You should check out this recent paper- might be one of the first that tip-toes around vaccination and excess mortality. https://www.bib.bund.de/Publikation/2022/Fertility-declines-near-the-end-of-the-COVID-19-pandemic-Evidence-of-the-2022-birth-declines-in-Germany-and-Sweden.html?nn=1219558

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Semen spreads the mRNA. Fertility is affected by the mRNA.

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