Speculative trading should never have been allowed but those at Jekyll Island thought differently. Glass-Steagall would have stopped it.

“The money changers have fled from their high seats in the temple of our civilization. We may now restore that temple to the ancient truths. The measure of the restoration lies in the extent to which we apply social values more noble than mere monetary profit.” -Franklin Delano Roosevelt, first Inaugural Address 1933.

"The money changers have fled from their high seats in the temple of our civilization" and went to Basel in Switzerland instead. That is clear as daylight now.

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As part of the discussion, I introduce this video. Dr Martensen is highly reputable and is risking his life to put this out. https://rumble.com/v57mm0s-chris-martenson-rock-solid-evidence-of-at-least-two-shooters-in-trump-assas.html

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Thankyou for that link :)

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What are the odds that Austin Private Wealth and Crowdstrike are located within 10 miles of one another? APW - 3108 North Lamar Austin, TX. Crowdstrike, 206 East 9th Street, Austin, TX.

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I am writing an article about Trump and his never ending Deep State pics. Don't discount Dimons Deep State credentials! He is for never ending debt and the Corporate state censoring people, not to mention he was on the band wagon to deny credit to firearms manufacturers. If that isnt enough to wake Trump up we are screwed.

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20

From their web page

tatement on Incorrect Filing with the SEC


"The SEC filing which showed that Austin Private Wealth shorted a large number of shares of Trump Media & Technology Group Corp (DJT) was incorrect and we immediately amended it as soon as we learned of the error.

No client of APW holds, or has ever held, a put on DJT in the quantity initially reported. The correct holding amount was 12 contracts, or 1,200 shares — not 12 million shares, as was filed in error. In submitting the required report for the second quarter of 2024, a multiplier was applied by a third-party vendor that increased the number of the shares by a multiple of 10,000 for all options contracts (not just DJT). We did not catch the error before approving the filing.

We filed the report on July 12 to reflect our positions on June 28. We amended it on July 16. "

Would you invest with a company that "did not catch the error"?

Earlier today I got a 404 error when trying to look at their staff page, now I don't even see that option, but I only poked around for a minute or so.

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I read Edward Dowd's take on Austin private management's trade. He says the bet was too large for the company and some here are buying that. I love the guy but something is not right. Is he covering his friends?

It would be quite possible to buy puts for mere pennies if your timeframe was the front month and your bet was way out of the money. That's the advantage of puts/calls. If you believe the stock will crater it doesn't have to go to zero. It just has to go down relatively soon.

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We all know the crooks running the country always bet on the market with info we wish we had. Remember Hillary and her cattle futures? Her, Pelosi, and the rest are extremely too stupid to understand the market. Little alone beat the market gains.

Even Buffet is privy to the news beforehand. And especially the big banks that already rape the public.

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Shorting the stock…..👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻😳

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This firm manages money for the Bushes.

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Shooting patsy Crooks foreign bank accounts encrypted via crowdstrike

crowdstrike taken down to determine source of funding for shooting.

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Many unanswered questions about the ladder feet from the point of the roof where Crooks seemingly gained access ... and the five-foot ladder he reportedly bought at Home Depot that morning - which has never been discovered.


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It was a tactical ladder.

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Well... I read the article, even though I find such 'insights' unproductive at best...

Observe the 'quality' of persons pictured in the article. Have any of these persons ever *worked* for a living? You know? The kind of *work* that requires physical labor invested toward a desired physical result... Come on folks. These persons are little more than bookies in a gambling house. They provide no functional labor or product, whatsoever.

America now produces Zero benefit in terms of manufactured products, and has skidded toward a net zero export worth for decades. Let's all wear imported Chinese or Pakistani suits, ties, and dresses. Let's stand around in front of brick and glass whore houses and smile toward the photo-op... The giant sucking sound continues.

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more BS. propaganda. "you will believe it was real or else". lol

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Ivor I thought you had more integrity than to profit from a vaccine company - blood money. I predicted to myself after research in Jan 2020 that Moderna was the one to follow and it was, but I did not take advantage. I hope you gave away your profit to charity.

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I bought PUTS, which benefit from the stock DECLINING, it was a bet AGAINST the company

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