I feel so defeated as more and more evidence comes out daily and nothing touches this...no one is held accountable and these shots are still promoted and mandated....."It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen." George Orwell, 1984
Law Professor Francis Boyle, Author of the U.S. Biological Weapons Terrorism Act of 1989, Links U.S. Bioweapons Facilities in Ukraine to SARS-CoV-2 & Seeks Covid-19 Prosecutions in the U.S., I wrote about this yesterday on my substack. You will not hear this from the corporate media: 27 state attorneys general currently suing the Biden administration over the COVID-19 vaccine mandates as of November 12, 2021
Because you have to let the deaths etc mount to make an effective case - unfortunately.
Getting through to the covidiots is like pushing a balloon through wet cement. You may eventually make na impression but push too hard and you burst the balloon.
Maybe... But when you have irrefutable evidence, it's not the covidiots... it's the PRESS. No longer free, utterly bought off corporate press. THAT is the problem. Sure, the lack of critical thinking is alarming, but we have to remember too that these people are terror victims. Mass Formation Psychosis comes from a profound and deep-seated fear.
I think the tipping point is coming soon. Before winter. And it's gonna be a very hard winter regardless of where we are with truthiness, I'd say. But you know... I think I could make it eating some grass in my diet if I knew the damn globbies were put down...
The OFCOM Notice to Broadcasters 23 March 20202 and the BBC's Section 67 Defence and Emergency Arrangements prove your point very well along with all the money bunged to the MSM in recent years.
Stella, neither you or I have been defeated. We are still alive and posting here. Never give up to your last breath. Just over a year ago, I was exceedingly unwell. I went to hospital for 4 hours, the only time I have worn a mask (or been to hospital for 60 years). They didn't admit me, but gave me all the tests, pumped me through on a drip with antibiotics, gave me all these pills, and told me to go home with my wife (they could tell she was my best chance of survival). It wasn't covid related. Never had covid, and never been jabbed or masked. My wife nursed me back to health. It took 6 weeks. I just wanted to sleep. Did Animal Farm for my English Literature - even saw it on stage. Never thought they were going to do 1984 for real, but we can defeat them. they are no the bright.
I’m from Perth, Western Australia and unvaxxed. Refused to be jabbed by our government hell bent on inoculating everyone. The propaganda was horrific and continuous day in and day out. I was very, very wary of what was being said on msm and what I had been researching since this “plandemic” started. Have been researching since the 9/11 debacle. Got to the stage where I nearly caved in as I was getting depressed at the stupidity of people and how they did not realise it was all bullshit they were spreading on msm. I felt like some condemned criminal. Why was our Premier of our state and other states going all out to bully every single person on the planet to have all these shots, close down businesses etc, I knew then that these politicians were being paid off to keep their mouths shut and only talk about how critical it is to get the vaccine. All politicians worldwide I believe were paid off to mind control the population and keep them in a state of fear and hysteria and afraid of their own shadow. Many months of putting up information and emailing people - family & friends to no avail. All of them got jabbed including my husband, some because they had NO choice job wise, others because they had compromised immune systems and were frighted of getting Covid, when in actual fact it was the vaccine that was causing all the problems to their immune system not Covid19. By the way NO ONE has EVER isolated it on a slide or purified it, nor satisfied Koch’s postulates (see Dr Tom Cowan’s work on the “Contagion Myth” et al.), therefore it never existed. Covid19 was just another flu like system that everyone in the world has conaviruses like colds, influenza A & B, pneumonia. Influenza A & B have been rebranded and remarketed as Covid19. Remember it was so deadly that a 60 year old over the counter medication called Hydroxychloroquine easily combats Covid19 (and now the anti-parasite drug Invermectin).
All of the research at the Wuhan lab was instead focused on the Covid19 vaccine. The virus was a cover story for the creation of a undetectably deadly vaccine- a biologically poisonous and toxic weapon of mass murder and an instrument of genocide. They (the Elite/Deep State) had the vaccine already on hand and then invented a reason to use it. The short term goal is wrecking economies and the long term goal is taking what population is left into a new world of technocratic control.
They are not being paid... they have had this explained to them .. and they have all agreed - the best course of action is extermination.
1. Every country on the planet is on board with the Injections. Even Sweden. When have all countries aligned on any issue? Never.
2. Not a single MSM outlet is interviewing any of the expert dissenters – Yeadon, Bridle, Montagnier, Bossche etc… and the mainstream social media platforms are blocking them.
According to Rystad, the current resource replacement ratio for conventional resources is only 16 percent. Only 1 barrel out of every 6 consumed is being replaced with new resources
Shale binge has spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times.
Preface. Conventional crude oil production may have already peaked in 2008 at 69.5 million barrels per day (mb/d) according to Europe’s International Energy Agency (IEA 2018 p45). The U.S. Energy Information Agency shows global peak crude oil production at a later date in 2018 at 82.9 mb/d (EIA 2020) because they included tight oil, oil sands, and deep-sea oil. Though it will take several years of lower oil production to be sure the peak occurred. Regardless, world production has been on a plateau since 2005.
What’s saved the world from oil decline was unconventional tight “fracked” oil, which accounted for 63% of total U.S. crude oil production in 2019 and 83% of global oil growth from 2009 to 2019. So it’s a big deal if we’ve reached the peak of fracked oil, because that is also the peak of both conventional and unconventional oil and the decline of all oil in the future.
SEE PAGE 59 - THE PERFECT STORM : The economy is a surplus energy equation, not a monetary one, and growth in output (and in the global population) since the Industrial Revolution has resulted from the harnessing of ever-greater quantities of energy. But the critical relationship between energy production and the energy cost of extraction is now deteriorating so rapidly that the economy as we have known it for more than two centuries is beginning to unravel https://ftalphaville-cdn.ft.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Perfect-Storm-LR.pdf
“The global economy was facing the worst collapse since the second world war as coronavirus began to strike in March, well before the height of the crisis, according to the latest Brookings-FT tracking index. “The index comes as the IMF prepares to hold virtual spring meetings this week, when it will release forecasts showing the deepest contraction for the global economy since the 1930s great depression. https://www.ft.com/content/9ac5eb8e-4167-4a54-9b39-dab48c29ac6c
Oil Gluts – do NOT indicate we have found more oil. We just pumped what’s left too fast.
Summary In 2019 a second Perfect Storm was approaching – the central banks had been doing ‘whatever it takes’ for over a decade…. Essentially nothing was off the table --- throw the kitchen sink at pushing GFC2.0 into the future. In 2019 the guns were blazing but the beast was no longer held at bay…
What do you do when you are burning far more oil than you discover --- and your efforts to offset the impact of expensive to produce oil push you to the edge of the cliff? You can accept your fate and allow the beast to shove you into the abyss…. Or you can take the ‘nuclear option’ and shut down as much of the economy as possible, preserve remaining oil and pump in trillions of dollars of life support to keep the system feebly alive.
Punchline: The problem global leaders face is that if you unleash the nuclear option without some sort of cover, the sheeple and the markets would be thrown into a panic and you risk blowing things up prematurely. So you need a reason for putting the global economy on ice --- one that does not spook the masses – one that is big enough to justify such epic amounts of stimulus and extreme policies --- and one that allows you to explain ‘this is just temporary – once this is gone --- we will get back to normal’
A pandemic is the perfect cover.
End Game – Covid was foisted on us as cover for the response to peak oil (if we don’t slow the burn oil prices go through the roof and we collapse) but it is also being used to convince billions to be Injected. The Injection is meant to cause extremely deadly variants similar to Marek’s .. only worse because we are deploying into a pandemic https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/tthis-chicken-vaccine-makes-virus-dangerous.
French virologist and Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier called mass vaccination against the coronavirus during the pandemic “unthinkable” and a historical blunder that is “creating the variants” and leading to deaths from the disease.
The Vaccines and Boosters will Result in a Catastrophic Outcome - From a scientific viewpoint it is, therefore, difficult to understand how booster immunizations using vaccines which are not evolution-proof could prevent a highly mutable virus from escaping neutralizing anti-S Abs while driving the pandemic in a catastrophic direction, both in Israel and worldwide. How can the WHO stand by and watch as this additional experiment unfolds, soon to be followed by other countries? https://thehighwire.com/videos/vaccine-expert-warns-of-covid-vaccination-catastrophe/
If you have a large pool of hosts that all have the same fixation, then you have a large number of individual labs in which to have such a mutation occur. You have far more hosts in which to have random chances occur, all selecting for a mutation that attacks one specific weakness and that weakness is in most of the population, so once it’s out, there is no stopping it. And if this fixation prevents the hosts from developing strong new immunities based on these novel pathogens, this becomes iterative. you get wave after wave of pandemics until you wipe out the susceptible population. https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/homogenizing-herd-level-antigenic
The reason for this is that 8B people need cheap energy to live. They would starve without it. And 8B people without food would result in epic starvation, violence, rape and cannibalism. Industrial civilization ends soon after peak oil. Unfortunately we also have 4000 spent fuel ponds that will boil off and release toxic substances for centuries. These facilities cannot be controlled with computers and energy. So even the few remaining hunters and gatherer tribes will die as they consume these toxins in the food, air and water.
Also note – when BAU collapses the PTB will not be insulated from the violence or starvation – or the spent fuel ponds. They will be scapegoated and targeted by violent hordes. There system of power collapses with BAU so their protectors abandon them (or worse – turn on them). They have chosen to go down with the ship rather than be skinned alive by angry mobs who will be blaming them for the fact that their families are starving.
I discovered that site 10+ years ago... it is the mother of all red pill sites... there are some blue pill people commenting but for the most part it's about smashing mass formations
Thank you for sharing your story. It’s to the point now that my wife and I are talk about our social media “friends” as if we are on a first name basis. Our entire families have been seduced into compliance and we have been shunned. An intimate family member is on team 5 of Naomi Watt’s team that is investigating the Pfizer docs. Please know that you are not wrong in your assertion that crimes against humanity are happening.
But I have an FOIs from the UK Government stating:
1 - they were told in Feb 2020 by the WHO to look for people with certain symptoms and to swab them, analyse the results and report them as SARS-CoV-2 if they met certain conditions
2 - they duly looked and found them, swabbed them an called them SARS-CoV-2 positive
3 - they had no proof that what they found even caused illness in people
"They also admit that whatever they have found in these samples has not been proven to cause problems in humans and that back in 2020 they thought it wrong and unethical to inject it into healthy people to see what happened as they claim that they did not know how to cure it but now 2 years later they have started to run trials doing exactly that. Here are the links they sent:
So for over 2 years they had no idea if what they found in the swabs and called SARS-CoV-2 as it matched what they had been told to look for but could not prove was even SARS-CoV-2 even made anyone ill."
hmm yes the imperial link is about a study where they claim they gave people "sars-cov2" but it doesn't have a control group. what they gave them is a manufactured product. It says "the virus was isolated by inoculation of a qualified cGMP Vero cell line with the clinical sample", a "nose/throat swab" i.e. they made something and called it "the virus" rather than isolated 'a virus' from nature. Then:
" A seed virus stock was then generated by a further passage on the same cGMP Vero cell line. The seed virus stock was then used to manufacture the challenge virus in accordance with cGMP at the Zayed Centre for Research GMP manufacturing facility of Great Ormond Street Hospital, and a challenge virus master virus bank (MVB) was produced. Individual dose inoculum vials were then produced in accordance with cGMP by dilution of the cGMP MVB with sucrose diluent. "
This in no way represents something that would actually happen in normal life. The participants might been stressed by the belief they were being infected with a dangerous virus with symptoms that they had already been conditioned to expect. This could thus have caused a nocebo effect together with a reaction to the decaying proteins or 'live vaccine' whatever they were investingating etc..
Participants were "paid about £4,000 for their two to three-week stay" and shown pictures of people playing computer games, reading books, smiling at their clipboards etc. in corporate quarantine faciltites owned by the 'challenge virus' manufacturers. They were told it was to "develop vaccines" rather than establish if there was a virus:
Maybe they were thus on friendly terms with their hosts and under pressure to provide desirable results that could not in anycase be verified. They could have been preselected based on their attitudes to 'vaccines' and the location where adverts were placed, asked about in the registration form.. There was an option of flyer/handout for example.
"Open Orphan plc, has signed a contract with Imperial College London, as part of a Wellcome Trust funded initiative to manufacture a SARS-CoV-2 challenge virus. The contract is worth £3 million and under this agreement hVIVO will develop a new SARS-CoV-2 challenge virus"
at no point was "a virus" labelled "sars-cov2" isolated that could have been used in this study. only a pcr process linked to some primers was used to tie any of this to a computer generated sequence labelled sars-cov2. I'd say the clue about what they were really doing might be "Open Orphan" plc. Participants had to be on the pill etc. https://odysee.com/@TheVirusHoax:5/Dr.-Stefan-Lanka---In-Silico-Explained-(September-25th,-2021):8
“If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized ... If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance -- you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest.”
I fear that, once it’s clear to everyone that there are mass deaths, “they” will blame the unvaccinated. Even though we aren’t the ones dying. We’ll be called asymptomatic carriers or something. The vaxxed will never want to admit their mistakes, especially if their children die. Blaming unvaxxed is easier and that story will be driven by media, politics and Pharma. Lancet will probably fake a paper or two. Sorry to be so cynical!!!
They will try. But more and more boosted people I know are having problems and linking it to the vax. Even doctors are now. Some will never forgive us unvaxed. Never. They will blame us until the day their pox ridden, clotted bodies die of a heart attack.
It may even be worse when all the synergies are taken into account. For example, an OpEd titled "Have we entered a self-sustaining modus operandi for COVID-19?" has been posted recently on Trial Site News (https://trialsitenews.com/have-we-entered-a-self-sustaining-modus-operandi-for-covid-19/#comments). It addresses potential consequences of COVID-19 "vaccinations" followed by repeated boosters. Because most of the critical infrastructure personnel in the USA (doctors, nurses, military, law enforcement, teachers, pilots, etc.) were required to receive the initial COVID-19 "vaccinations" in order to remain employed, and are being required to get the boosters to remain employed, the consequences for the USA could be catastrophic if the scenario posited in the OpEd comes to pass. Recent events suggest we have entered the initial phases of this scenario.
Most likely the perpetrators assumed that scenario. Thus if they want to keep Amerika count this as a modern directed bolshevik tactic. In a country filled with autoimmune people where the formal medical class as been discredited and destroyed what gives? First, the jab survivers will have to be very careful with their food intake and probably sign in to some telemedicine service to get some fancy drugs in the worst times. The new dependence system. I wonder who envisions a down to protein technocracy...LOL. The new workers will be run like an insect colony, all kinds, great margins and being systematically deployed right now. They always come from the south!!! LOL
Good question. Define money. Then define need. Extend to demand. Once upon a time in the mediterranean some folks convinced others that they needed their fancy products. They usually arrived by boat and accepted barter from smart tribes. Other tribes were convinced to pay in silver. No silver no problem, our boat friends had plenty and could sell it to them. As trade grew, it become more practical to run a ledger. Bad times back home no problem. Our friends could lend you the silver. Just one more entry in said ledger. Now your silver comes with an added premium. Eventually there is a margin call. Some strict measures have to be taken, taxes raised, wages lowered, mines opened, some bondage, etc... Highly impopular. But hey you could always revolt. Maybe YOU DON'T NEED their stuff... But then again who are you gonna sell your stuff? Maybe our boat friends start their own radical revolt with tribe members WITH NEED for their stuff. Some terror plot to kick off some political violence in said tribe urban melting pot. Horror requires imagination. City folks have plenty. LOL. Our boat friends liked to wear dresses and were known for their piercings, tattoos and coloured weird haircuts. Pink was a must... Sound familiar? The must powerful were said to run just ledgers, intelligence networks and finance some more terror prone tribes. They lived off in peninsulas and small islands. Great locations only vulnerable to naval blockades. Anyone with naval ideas, well some nasty war could be launched by some financial over-stretched kingdom. Politics they say. LOL. Now can you find the GREAT MARGINS in said business. And who were the INSECTS. Not much has changed. DEPENDENCE is they key. Now imagine that one of our pirates, the self-learning type, with all the time off from toiling, found a way to reduce that premium at the protein level and control the distribution of said concoctions. Who would need them? How would they pay? Insects you say!!! LOL...
None of the Vaxxed will read this info. Even if you send it to them. The reaction, "this is all BS conspiracy crap from non reliable sources".
What needs to happen.
You must prove the damage in/to the Vaxxed via a well done Vaxxed blood database with statistics to prove causative results.
- Blood Clots / Stroke Heart attack
- Destruction of the Immune
- Early Dementia / Prion Disease
It would take a month to recruit, blood draw & analyze the dataset and cohort analysis..
1. Develop the Risk / Damage Profile (VAX-RDP) Score basis normal range vs damaged.
Make it as simple as getting a Covid-19 shot and go to your clinic for a blood draw to determine an individuals risk profile and prognosis of disease & death.
Promote early detection = getting effective "detoxing" protocols / treatments free of charge from a patients Clinic.
Analysis of specific Cohort's to prioritize blood analysis /Treatments priority.
If people realize they have been lied to by Government & the Medical establishment.
If people realize they are at a risk of early disease / death without treatments. Even though they feel fine now.
If people know there are treatments and "cures" available to them to save, protect, or prolong their lives due to this medical malpractice, they will seek this program out in a fervently panic state.
Otherwise, this article and the others are just preaching to the choir as we wait for the death and disease of the next variants hit the populations while the government and medical community's position is "nothing to see here".
I have been predicting a similar outcome for over two years now. Ivermectin is our only hope. I take the horse paste at 75% dose at the first sign of infection. It cures all viruses.
I live in NZ and the court ruled mandates against police and soldiers are violation of human rights, then turn around and ruled mandates are NOT a violation of human rights for teachers and healthcare workers
These anti-science government appointed cunts, letting super spreaders go look after kids and vulnerable patients
Apr 10, 2022·edited Aug 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
CovidArdern (NZ) and Ceaușescu (Kanadastan) are in bed with Clown Schwab and their countries have been targeted to be the model countries for the Global Reset.
We may soon see many refugees from these countries!!!
How are these refugees going to get out? NZ is an island, CA and the USA won't let people from CA across the border unless they're vaxxed. We (USA) only let in unvaxxed illegals from S. & C. America and Mexico.
It's a complete irrational and unreasonable mess. Never mind unethical and immoral. Canada and the USA have bitterly disappointed me. My Lord how corrupt we are!
The way it happens between North Africa and Europe. You're dealing with full fledged dictatorships in these two 5 Eyes countries and do you believe that refugees will try to use the airports or other legal boarder entries?
They swim to the nearest country (at their own risks) and apply for refugee status - that's how it works.
The people from CA seem to not want to try walking across the border. The ones that tried this winter died, freezing in the snow. I'm not sure the ones that want to cross have access to water crossing. Maybe they just don't really want it that bad.
That's how most illegals who entered the country from Europe, Asia and Africa do.
The problem with Canadastan is that you cannot even fly within the country or take a train if you're not quackcinated. So, you either walk or you swim to cross the border. For NZ they have only one option - swim... poor kiwis!!
I know many Canadians planning their exit. These are established people with deep roots here, business owners, asset owners etc. and many more with less who have left.
More power to them! If they of a mind to come to America, they know what states to avoid, right? We, as a country, need more people who want freedom, real freedom from government to come here.
Brits generally try to "do the right thing" at home. In cases like this, telling the authorities to piss off didn't seem right. Teamwork, eh wot! They got played by the most evil configuration of powers we've ever seen. Americans by contrast tend to be unruly and confused, hence fewer of us will croak because of deactivated immune systems.
We talk about "Europe" and "America" as if they are monolithic. The responses can be more varied than one thinks. Here in Switzerland, I was convinced the authorities would be worse than the Austrians and Germans. In fact, although stupid and crazy, they were much more laid back than our neighbours. Now things are back to normal - at least for the time being. Same with America. Blue states will keep pushing this forever, but in most red states, it's already history.
It's not over, not by any means. "Covid" is a distraction. What's coming is food shortages, hyper-inflation, and an upending of the financial everything. You think Covid was bad? (It was a farce.) Just wait until you can't access your own money. Start a garden NOW. And get ready.
I read widely variable estimates of the number of unvaxxed in the USA; anywhere from 15 to 65%. It would be nice to have a handle on a good estimate. And if Lord Fauci does not want us doing something, maybe it is vital we do it; I refer to testing to know who does and does not have antibodies. Maybe we need to quarantine our true 'pure bloods', those with neither vax nor natural antibodies.
But the carnage IS in the USA. What's NOT in the USA is the First Amendment, which guarantees freedom of speech. The media is almost completely owned by five or six gigantic corporate behemoths... And that was part of the planning, Obama being the last President to give the go-ahead to further monopolization. If you want to know how bad this genocide pandemic actually is, talk to the life insurance companies... They're paying out on a scale not seen in a couple of hundred years... not from 2020, but from 2021... POST JAB.
There is no "immunity" to 5G. Interesting, isn't it, how the symptoms of radiation poisoning are THE SAME AS "COVID." Also interesting to note that Covid 19 HAS STILL NEVER BEEN ISOLATED.
As an American, I can tell you many of my countrymen/women are woolly-headed little sheep. But they'll fight for keeping their guns, so that's maybe a good thing after all... Who knew Covid was being planned? It's like every single thing is upside down...
Yeah! I'm down with it, and that was my ONE concession back in the day when I thought certain kinds of ammo should be maybe not allowed... If anyone should be disarmed, it's the CIA and the IRS... And I think we absolutely need the Constitution and ALL the Amendments, and the WHO (Bill Grates) can get stuffed with their "pandemic" subterfuge!
As a UK citizen I can say that it was by far the biggest shock of my life to see how gullible, stupid, ignorant and compliant the Great British people were - and continue to be so. Mind you, the govt did spend 400 million pounds scaring everyone to death on purpose so that they all did as they were told - and got jabbed like good little sheeple. Not me!
Agreed! That's only because your lot spent a billion dollars on scaring you! Hard to understand just what is happening - BUT will it be enough for your sheeple to vote Trudeau out?
Reminds me of that great scene from Life of Brian when Brian is telling his followers to leave him peace. "Yes, we're all individuals!" shouts the crowd. Then the lone voice says, "I'm not!" Sums up the human race perfectly. The crowd thinks it makes its own decisions and has not realization that it is a manipulated group of sheep.
I spent formative years in northern NJ. Jerseyites hate more than anything else feeling like we've been played for a chump. We're not generally known as nice people. Kind of the opposite of Brits..but NJ got played just as badly. It comes down, maybe to that knife edge, the line between good and evil that runs down each human heart.
I get two messages from the Brits. My family near London are total Covidiots. However, my friends have never gone along with any of it. It's like two different tribes in the same country.
I looked into it more after the hospital my old mum was taken to with an erratic heart beat due to cellulitis infection put IT on her death certificate. I was and am so angry! A friend told me about ASITP (A Stand In The Park and it’s great being with like minded folk and planning for the bad to come.
It is the ability and willingness to question authority. It has nothing to do with intelligence. If you don't question authority you will become its victim.
The Germans were very smart and well educated. "A nation of philosophers" as Einstein referred to them. They just can't question authority. Same as most humans sadly.
There are a lot of very intelligent people I know who've taken 2 or 3 shots. They think I'm weird when I say "I've chosen Ivermectin+ early treatment to deal with this".
I'm UK, the majority fell for it and still are. The vaxed are not coping with any infections, whilst when I caught it, 2 days I was unwell. Knew it was attacking my nerves. Held off on my Ivm. Was going to take day 3 if no improvement, but it was done. First infection in 3 yrs. I've been stocking up on food for a year, water supplies and self defence weapon (hardest to get hold of) chaos is coming
Indeed, the vaccinated are inundating the health care system in Australia. Moreover, many doctors who "persuaded" the citizens of Aus to get vaccinated are now regretting this "medical advice" given that the public now understands how catastrophically erroneous it was. Hence, these doctors have "resigned" in shame and fear of the inevitable public revolt. However, articles such as these were available to the general public the during the entirety of the pandemic: https://smartech.gatech.edu/handle/1853/63710
Live in the UK and can confirm 95%+ of Brits didn't do that. They didn't want to catch the 'deadly virus', break the rules, get caught by police, have the neighbours tell on them, or be perceived as "bad people". (All of which were dumb excuses because the lockdown was not actually enforced, plus no one can tell you what to do in the privacy of your home.)
I finally persuaded a friend who lived alone that she could meet up with me for a walk and the world wouldn't end -- in June! Prior to that, she was too compliant. Another time, I walked past my friends' place and texted them: "Hey, I'm on your street"! They popped their heads out the window and waved, but wouldn't invite me in.
Apr 10, 2022·edited Apr 10, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
I wonder if she and others like her were paid off? Fauci, Gates and Klaus have been Covid free to my knowledge. I find it fascinating Biden hasn't caught Covid either while others around him have. We’re they actually vaxxed with the MRNA shots?
Just to say, I remember reading that Congress et al was exempt from having to get jabbed. Someone MUST know how wide the exemption goes? But all their PATHETIC mask signalling is INSANE! And these idiots make the rules for the rest?
Of course they do. The right way would be for the most "precious" in terms of importance to the country's stability, to be protected as a matter of priority (given the "catastrophic" danger from the virus) alas it was not to be. I remember A.Bourla's some meek excuse when he was asked. Well, for one it speaks volumes for their altruism, taking risks themselves so some other human could use their shot, maybe? LOL
what explains the disappearance of Gov. Newsome after his jab? Somebody hate him and use the wrong vial? I have read that Congress and most of CDC are not jabbed, and take ivm as a prophylaxis
Are you having a laugh? Australia's state premiers are, certainly not in that league but we know they've not been shotted. With the exemptions (and that's official, not a secret) for the MPs and other "VIPs" here, US Congress and so on...
What hope can we have that they've taken their safe and effective medication? IMHO? None. But it'd great if they did, especially the hot stuff.
Yep. NZ's Prime Minister "Comrade" Jacinda Ardern attended university on a Freemason scholarship and was the President of the International Union of Socialist Youth in 2009. She was inducted into the World Economic Forum's "Young Global Leaders" network in 2014 and has been rapidly destroying NZ's sovereignty and is turning over the country to the globalist Davos crowd, complete with the Central Bank Digital Currency enslavement mechanism (currently being "discussed" on the Reserve Bank of New Zealand's website).
Here's a link from the Auckland City Council's website -- they're fully preparing for Klaus Schwab's Fourth Industrial Revolution and even cite his book. No doubt Auckland will be NZ's first "smart city" with total surveillance and control of the Kiwis who hadn't enough foresight to escape:
Sad - our respective country’s forefathers fought so hard for our freedoms and many living in democratic systems will happily throw it away for some security… coming generations will loathe these weak minded spineless people.
Schwab's "Fourth Industrial Revolution" and his two books are school boy level. Dr. Robert Malone's group studied Klaus Schwab's book "The Great Reset" (which he had mailed to pretty much every politician on the planet) and concluded it is pure garbage. Watch:
Check out the Klaus Schwab's WEF sequel to "The Great Reset" = "The Great Narrative". A High school level of scholarship. Shows a complete lack of knowledge of basic energy science.
A few gems of their "great wisdom" that warrants a C- on Grade 11 student's essay:
"...A peaceful world, a healthy world, a breathable world, a clean world, a fair world: each should be regarded as a global public good whose provision depends on our ability to cooperate globally. Such a pressing necessity was made obvious with COVID-19: no global state exists to deliver a vaccine to the entire world, so the effort to vaccinate as many people as possible falls upon international organizations whose power is constrained by competing national interests and a patchwork of fragmented agreements and initiatives negotiated between 200 sovereign states. It doesn’t work. On 21 November 2021, the lack of global cooperation and the incessant bickering about burden sharing meant that only 54.7% of the world population was vaccinated. At the time of writing, the emergence and identification of the Omicron variant might prove to be a stark consequence of this failing...."
“...NZE2050 concern the conversion from fossil fuels to renewable energy, (...) [because they are not possible] in poor countries ... within the 30-year timeframe needed to address the climate challenge. (...) these countries need requisite energy to build their nations and to provide basic needs for their large unserved populations This cannot be circumvented or ‘leapfrogged’ by the technology-based methods inherent in NZE2050 – if global minority countries cannot implement CO2-reducing tech on a large scale, how could global majority countries achieve this?”
Answer: A vast forced transfer of wealth from developed countries to the undeveloped to build ineffective, virtue signalling wind & solar farms. Goal achieved: More poverty for the Western Proletariat and continued poverty for citizens in developing nations, i.e. a World Neo-Feudal corporate fascist state.
I snorted when coming across a telling Freudian slip in Schwab's 2022 book _The Great Narrative for a Better Future_. Here it is:
"Confronted by a life-threatening virus with our own fragility and immortality, ...".
LOL. Of course the word intended was "mortality," but these psychopathic ruling elites are so focused on transhumanism to the point where THEY expect to never die due to "mind uploading" (mortality is for the rest of us), that they can't even proofread their text properly.
That is great stuff. You should write to your country distributor/editor and very politely ask that a correction is issued in the future editions and if possible add an errata to existing distributing copies. I suggest that you insist that given the broad context, this, I would call it typo, would induce the casual reader in confusion or, worst even, in misconception about the authors opinions regarding this dreadful virus and the pandemics it caused. They will not be happy but they will eat their hats. Then please do publish and propagate their reply if you find the time for it old chap. There is nothing more they detest than being brought down to the level of the riff-raff, as they call it. They will eat bigger hats but they will like it... LOL. By the way you are completely over the target on councils. The mediocre bureaucracies that populate them have for long been following UN agenda 2030 directives and plans because of convenience and the elected stooges for the speculative real estate opportunities it creates. Yes, many counties strategic investment and decisions have long been directed by someone far way that in their opinion seems to know more of their county than the folks that inhabit it. Eyes on patriot..
Yes, I know that Schwab's prose (that is, the prose of his ghost-writer) is pablum. Most Marxist/socalist-inspired writing is. So what's your point? My point was that his pablum and UN2030 goals are already being quoted and adopted by New Zealand's national *and* local governments. NZ is already gearing up for a digital ID and Central Bank Digital Currency, so that the BIS (the Bank of International Settlements, the Central Bank of Central Banks) in Basel has complete control over the populace. If you speak out of turn or are ... gasp! ... a dissident and critic of any government policies, your access to your digital currency can be instantly frozen. No grocery shopping for you this week or next, and your UBI (Universal Basic Income) monthly deposit has been docked a hefty fee for your intransigence.
Economist Catherine Austin Fitts explains the Central Bank's "going direct" financial reset, and this video contains a very short clip of the General Manager of the BIS actually stating in October 2020 how they will have "absolute control" via their Central Bank Digital Currency, and he said "we will have the technology to enforce that" --
correct, the prose is just his 'narrative'; all pure propaganda. Might fool a few of the sheeple, while they roll out their implementation like a juggernaut.
What makes a good movie? Of course this ruse is there to prepare your mind only. Great PR by the way. Regarding the energy part It's simple. Create a pump and dump renewable energy trend to feed the banksters assets and cut off their losses. Then drop the hammer. I heard that lithium will last until 2030, but everything industrial will be progressively going AC-DC now... How do you feed it? Heard that nuclear, gas and bio fuels are all green in the EU now. Add nanotech, the battery kind, and you have your answer. The answer has both exoteric and esoteric implications that would be too obvious for the initiated...
I imagine most of the mindless bureaucrats at Auckland City Council have NO idea of the evil they are helping to descend upon New Zealand. It's usually only the top level of politicians or top level of managers that are corrupted and following the World Economic Forum's game plan. And all those "Young Global Leaders" and the younger not-yet-famous "Global Shapers" are thrilled at being invited to heady conferences in Switzerland to "network" with others who are rising up the ladder of national and world power and to meet in person with billionaires and famous people. It strokes their ego, and that's all part of being tempted into corruption.
Around the year 2009, I happened to come across a link for an online copy of NZ's glossy Freemason "magazine" (I forgot the name of it), and it showed a photo of (then) new MP Jacinda being the "celebrity" to announce the awarding of uni scholarships to certain young Freemasons, and the article mentioned that she, too, had attended uni on a Freemason scholarship. I can try to find it again, but now that she's becoming a much-hated dictator, that link may no longer be available, and I don't have the URL to see if I can find it archived.
If you're interested in delving more into the shadowy NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, here's a very interesting deep dive into her family connections from polymath Miles Mathis. About halfway into this essay is the section "Who is Jacinda Ardern?". I found the entire essay to be VERY interesting.
Here's a Google image search prior to covid of cholesterol crystals in urine. https://tinyurl.com/jtvkrwv3 I don't know what they are finding in the vaccines, but these images are strikingly similar.
I agree with you Traffer.. having spent a good part of my early career in semiconductor microcontamination looking at the world through microscopes and scanning electron microscopes, I cannot convince myself that these are not just materials like NaCl crystallizing. The statement that "these are not natural" could not be farther from the truth. This is all a distraction... the mRNA and the lipid nanoparticle delivery system are the problem here. As the solution slowly dries and goes into supersaturation, the first isolated crystals will begin to nucleate.. that's what many of these microscope pictures represent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lo0cp2uhxb0
You're exactly the type of person we'd like to hear from on this subject, professional experience looking at similar objects. Thank you. They don't look natural to my untrained eye, so the pre-covid pics were eye opening. If further compelling evidence comes along, I'll consider it of course.
Off subject, can a scanning electron microscope image a virus, like Sars?
Yes, a virus can been seen via SEM. It used to be harder to interrogate biological samples in high vacuum SEMs, but these days there exist "environmental" or ambient environment SEM's that do not disturb or explode biological samples. Often a virus is first viewed at a more macro level, for instance within a cell, via SEM. For the ultimate in resolution the samples can be then interrogated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM).
Schizer is fighting hard for survival. They recently tried to corrupt Paul Alexander with $1million and $50K per month to stop publishing scientific papers that show that C-19 quackcines are fakes. I don't know how much they're paying Rumble to censor its contents.
Dr Paul Alexander | Danger & failure of the covid “vaccines” – $1 million bonus and 50K salary per month. Offer turned down.
It makes no sense. There are so many disillusioned and then there are those who know full well but prosper. So much for the lowest corruption in the world.
Besides the thought to move to NZ, I must say that I'm no longer keen on vacationing in NZ either. What if I get locked in? We've been looking at larger sailboats for a different long vacation plan, but I really did want to spend more time in NZ.
Really worrying about all my NZ friends, too. Locals are so warm-hearted that they gave the government the benefit of the doubt at each step.
Got to say that banning our nuclear-powered carriers from stopping hasn't made any difference in the end, not that I don't empathize at a basic level. Stops would have been nice.
That's the thing. Kiwis and Canadians are so obedient and trusting. And their governments abused them like rabid animals. Still Canadians aren't getting upset. They just can't believe their government would be so incompetent and idiotic. I try to say at every turn: Yes, they can. At this point, it's deliberate too because they're too heavily invested in their narrative and policies.
Yes and no: many Canadians (especially this one) are pissed off beyond belief. Of course the lame stream media ignores this fact and/or produces an occasional hit piece to call us extremists (or whatever the favourite insult is at that particular time). At least 5 million of us are prisoners here right now, all due to Justy Turd, his enormous ego, and the nodding seals in his grubberment. I have lost what little respect I had for public health and the entire medical system; it will never return. I am just waiting for the northern U.S. border to fully re-open so I can drive across. I'm not really keen on flying nowadays for many reasons.
100%. I share all those sentiments. As long as the land border opens I can wait out the rest. Biden is an idiot. And I think it's more than 5 million. See, the vast majority of people got their two doses by October of 2021. Given the vaccines wane within eight months, there are millions more suddenly unvaccinated. What makes me laugh is that everyone getting sick now but got vaccinated last year think the vaccines are doing anything. In any event, this reality makes the mandates all the more absurd. We have friends who got two doses in July of 2021 and planned a trip to Europe this July. They are not boosted yet they get to flash a passport and board a plane despite the fact the vaccines wane? It's beyond belief what's going on.
I'm waiting it out while doing research into living elsewhere and getting a 2nd passport/citizenship. In a year we've gone from having one of the world's most respected and safe passports to looking at where to immigrate and/or claim refugee status. I'm sure my brave ancestors who fought (several died) in World War 2 and/or ones who immigrated here for a better life are all rolling in their graves. It's really hard to process how screwed up this country - and the world - is right now.
Btw, this is the bill I'm watching. It was put forward by Rep Chris Jacobs of NY...
In just ONE year Justin tarnished the reputation of this country. 22% of immigrants plan to leave while we're already experiencing one of the largest permanent exodus in history. People are not going to stand for this. My situation is more complicated but we have a five year plan. Done with Quebec and Canada.
I'm hearing you can now. They're not asking. But yes, we have to wait to see what they do on their side with the mandates. Offer a negative test at least!
I just saw on the news that in France's elections Macron of France is being seriously challenged by Marine Le Pen again, and others who also oppose Macron's policies are doing surprisingly well too. Le Pen ran on 3 main things: 1) The economy (diminished buying power) 2) Wokism 3) Globalism. The French are apparently fed up with everything. Looking hopeful for a change, hopefully the first of many around the world. Get those WEF people OUT!
Fortunately, the truckers may have shifted the government's stance, and that of the Canadian people. Hoping the Kiwis and Canadians and everyone else remembers this lesson going forward. I don't want to spend my old age penned up in a virus camp.
Doesn't look that way. The government managed a Bolshevik inspired maneuver in dehumanizing the truckers (where the useless and feckless media giddily and gladly helped. In one occasion a CTV new 'journalist' doxxed truckers), invoked the Emergencies Act and then arrested and froze bank accounts criminalizing LEGAL activities. All while an apathetic Canadian hay-eating public looked on and let themselves be manipulated into obediently accepting yet another disgusting anti-democratic act by a rogue government. One of the fall outs of this has led to crowdfunding laws in the budget. All based on lies. Justin sits on a throne of lies as Buddy would say. So I'm trying to see the positive in all this because not only did we under estimate how far this totalitarian government would go but the mandates remain firmly in place. The longer they do so, the further away from science and logic we go.
Damn, I hadn't kept looking at the Canadian side of it. Thanks for the details! When the convoy got to our area, we got to actually spend time with them, so it was a distraction from Canada. That sucks. The US view of Canada was always "free/good healthcare, mellow government, self-sufficient people"...
The only positive I can see is the people who are fighting so things get shoved back into place, but it's not looking sufficient.
I thought Canada was all those things too - and it was for the most part. But boy are we letting Justin sink his left-wing ideological teeth into that.
And Justin is still out there lying about the unvaccinated posing a risk to the vaccinated on a plane. The entire globe is free to travel yet Canadians can't. That's proof he's playing politics and being extremely vindictive to the point he does deserve whatever is coming to him.
A couple of factors are leading to this. One, he's an idiot. I think the world sees this. And an unconscionably hypocritical one at that. People see through this. All politicians are corrupted, hypocritical and foolish to some extent in chasing power and votes, but Justin is at the point where he contradicts himself in the same speech or interview. He's completely out of control breaking laws and 'unwritten' rules of Parliamentary ethics.
Two, it appears the majority of the caucus is now fed up with him. The problem is the Cabinet is supremely tone-deaf - and stupid. Very, very stupid fill the Cabinet. I mean, seriously stupid people like the Health and Transport Ministers. This is the part where I thought the only way out of his authoritarian tendencies is either the NDP stops propping him up (and the Bloc Quebecois where the mandates are concerned - fools) or there's some sort of internal putsch. According to insiders who are responsible writers, this is what's happening. So yes, it would take Jagmeet down with him because Singh idiotically tied his party to what may become a sinking ship. Good riddance.
Three, general weariness of his shtick. It seems he's the only one incapable of reading the room. He's a petulant, vindictive, shallow, divisive individual and if he's not stopped soon, will take this country past the point of no return.
I want to witness him deposed in the most humiliating way possible for what he's done to this country - and seven million unvaccinated Canadians.
I feel so defeated as more and more evidence comes out daily and nothing touches this...no one is held accountable and these shots are still promoted and mandated....."It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen." George Orwell, 1984
Law Professor Francis Boyle, Author of the U.S. Biological Weapons Terrorism Act of 1989, Links U.S. Bioweapons Facilities in Ukraine to SARS-CoV-2 & Seeks Covid-19 Prosecutions in the U.S., I wrote about this yesterday on my substack. You will not hear this from the corporate media: 27 state attorneys general currently suing the Biden administration over the COVID-19 vaccine mandates as of November 12, 2021
That's now 5 months, how long is that going to take and who is going to be charged fir crimes against humanity?
Payouts for agent orange took 17 years unfortunately.
She's right, unfortunately. Lawsuits are sloooow.
Because you have to let the deaths etc mount to make an effective case - unfortunately.
Getting through to the covidiots is like pushing a balloon through wet cement. You may eventually make na impression but push too hard and you burst the balloon.
Maybe... But when you have irrefutable evidence, it's not the covidiots... it's the PRESS. No longer free, utterly bought off corporate press. THAT is the problem. Sure, the lack of critical thinking is alarming, but we have to remember too that these people are terror victims. Mass Formation Psychosis comes from a profound and deep-seated fear.
I think the tipping point is coming soon. Before winter. And it's gonna be a very hard winter regardless of where we are with truthiness, I'd say. But you know... I think I could make it eating some grass in my diet if I knew the damn globbies were put down...
The OFCOM Notice to Broadcasters 23 March 20202 and the BBC's Section 67 Defence and Emergency Arrangements prove your point very well along with all the money bunged to the MSM in recent years.
Justice takes time, read my recent post for specifics.
Time is exactly what we don't have.
Everyone complicit, hopefully.
Stella, neither you or I have been defeated. We are still alive and posting here. Never give up to your last breath. Just over a year ago, I was exceedingly unwell. I went to hospital for 4 hours, the only time I have worn a mask (or been to hospital for 60 years). They didn't admit me, but gave me all the tests, pumped me through on a drip with antibiotics, gave me all these pills, and told me to go home with my wife (they could tell she was my best chance of survival). It wasn't covid related. Never had covid, and never been jabbed or masked. My wife nursed me back to health. It took 6 weeks. I just wanted to sleep. Did Animal Farm for my English Literature - even saw it on stage. Never thought they were going to do 1984 for real, but we can defeat them. they are no the bright.
I’m from Perth, Western Australia and unvaxxed. Refused to be jabbed by our government hell bent on inoculating everyone. The propaganda was horrific and continuous day in and day out. I was very, very wary of what was being said on msm and what I had been researching since this “plandemic” started. Have been researching since the 9/11 debacle. Got to the stage where I nearly caved in as I was getting depressed at the stupidity of people and how they did not realise it was all bullshit they were spreading on msm. I felt like some condemned criminal. Why was our Premier of our state and other states going all out to bully every single person on the planet to have all these shots, close down businesses etc, I knew then that these politicians were being paid off to keep their mouths shut and only talk about how critical it is to get the vaccine. All politicians worldwide I believe were paid off to mind control the population and keep them in a state of fear and hysteria and afraid of their own shadow. Many months of putting up information and emailing people - family & friends to no avail. All of them got jabbed including my husband, some because they had NO choice job wise, others because they had compromised immune systems and were frighted of getting Covid, when in actual fact it was the vaccine that was causing all the problems to their immune system not Covid19. By the way NO ONE has EVER isolated it on a slide or purified it, nor satisfied Koch’s postulates (see Dr Tom Cowan’s work on the “Contagion Myth” et al.), therefore it never existed. Covid19 was just another flu like system that everyone in the world has conaviruses like colds, influenza A & B, pneumonia. Influenza A & B have been rebranded and remarketed as Covid19. Remember it was so deadly that a 60 year old over the counter medication called Hydroxychloroquine easily combats Covid19 (and now the anti-parasite drug Invermectin).
All of the research at the Wuhan lab was instead focused on the Covid19 vaccine. The virus was a cover story for the creation of a undetectably deadly vaccine- a biologically poisonous and toxic weapon of mass murder and an instrument of genocide. They (the Elite/Deep State) had the vaccine already on hand and then invented a reason to use it. The short term goal is wrecking economies and the long term goal is taking what population is left into a new world of technocratic control.
They are not being paid... they have had this explained to them .. and they have all agreed - the best course of action is extermination.
1. Every country on the planet is on board with the Injections. Even Sweden. When have all countries aligned on any issue? Never.
2. Not a single MSM outlet is interviewing any of the expert dissenters – Yeadon, Bridle, Montagnier, Bossche etc… and the mainstream social media platforms are blocking them.
Conventional Oil peaked in 2005 http://www.euanmearns.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/C-Cdec141.png
Shale in 2018.
According to Rystad, the current resource replacement ratio for conventional resources is only 16 percent. Only 1 barrel out of every 6 consumed is being replaced with new resources
Oil Discoveries are at record lows https://assets.bwbx.io/images/users/iqjWHBFdfxIU/icbkDFACM4iA/v2/800x-1.png
Shale binge has spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times.
Preface. Conventional crude oil production may have already peaked in 2008 at 69.5 million barrels per day (mb/d) according to Europe’s International Energy Agency (IEA 2018 p45). The U.S. Energy Information Agency shows global peak crude oil production at a later date in 2018 at 82.9 mb/d (EIA 2020) because they included tight oil, oil sands, and deep-sea oil. Though it will take several years of lower oil production to be sure the peak occurred. Regardless, world production has been on a plateau since 2005.
What’s saved the world from oil decline was unconventional tight “fracked” oil, which accounted for 63% of total U.S. crude oil production in 2019 and 83% of global oil growth from 2009 to 2019. So it’s a big deal if we’ve reached the peak of fracked oil, because that is also the peak of both conventional and unconventional oil and the decline of all oil in the future.
Some key points from this Financial Times article: https://energyskeptic.com/2021/the-end-of-fracked-shale-oil/
Shale boss says US has passed peak oil | Financial Times https://www.ft.com/content/320d09cb-8f51-4103-87d7-0dd164e1fd25
Our fossil fuel energy predicament, including why the correct story is rarely told https://ourfiniteworld.com/2021/11/10/our-fossil-fuel-energy-predicament-including-why-the-correct-story-is-rarely-told/
SEE PAGE 59 - THE PERFECT STORM : The economy is a surplus energy equation, not a monetary one, and growth in output (and in the global population) since the Industrial Revolution has resulted from the harnessing of ever-greater quantities of energy. But the critical relationship between energy production and the energy cost of extraction is now deteriorating so rapidly that the economy as we have known it for more than two centuries is beginning to unravel https://ftalphaville-cdn.ft.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Perfect-Storm-LR.pdf
“The global economy was facing the worst collapse since the second world war as coronavirus began to strike in March, well before the height of the crisis, according to the latest Brookings-FT tracking index. “The index comes as the IMF prepares to hold virtual spring meetings this week, when it will release forecasts showing the deepest contraction for the global economy since the 1930s great depression. https://www.ft.com/content/9ac5eb8e-4167-4a54-9b39-dab48c29ac6c
Collapse Imminent: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/a-self-fulfilling-prophecy-systemic-collapse-and-pandemic-simulation/
The Illusion of Stability, the Inevitability of Collapse http://charleshughsmith.blogspot.com/2021/09/the-illusion-of-stability-inevitability.html
Fed is sharply increasing the amount of help it is providing to the financial system https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/23/fed-repo-overnight-operations-level-to-increase-to-120-billion.html Banks did not trust each other - similar situation when Lehman collapsed
Oil Gluts – do NOT indicate we have found more oil. We just pumped what’s left too fast.
Summary In 2019 a second Perfect Storm was approaching – the central banks had been doing ‘whatever it takes’ for over a decade…. Essentially nothing was off the table --- throw the kitchen sink at pushing GFC2.0 into the future. In 2019 the guns were blazing but the beast was no longer held at bay…
What do you do when you are burning far more oil than you discover --- and your efforts to offset the impact of expensive to produce oil push you to the edge of the cliff? You can accept your fate and allow the beast to shove you into the abyss…. Or you can take the ‘nuclear option’ and shut down as much of the economy as possible, preserve remaining oil and pump in trillions of dollars of life support to keep the system feebly alive.
Punchline: The problem global leaders face is that if you unleash the nuclear option without some sort of cover, the sheeple and the markets would be thrown into a panic and you risk blowing things up prematurely. So you need a reason for putting the global economy on ice --- one that does not spook the masses – one that is big enough to justify such epic amounts of stimulus and extreme policies --- and one that allows you to explain ‘this is just temporary – once this is gone --- we will get back to normal’
A pandemic is the perfect cover.
End Game – Covid was foisted on us as cover for the response to peak oil (if we don’t slow the burn oil prices go through the roof and we collapse) but it is also being used to convince billions to be Injected. The Injection is meant to cause extremely deadly variants similar to Marek’s .. only worse because we are deploying into a pandemic https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/tthis-chicken-vaccine-makes-virus-dangerous.
“Mass infection prevention and mass vaccination with leaky Covid-19 vaccines in the midst of the pandemic can only breed highly infectious variants.” https://www.voiceforscienceandsolidarity.org/videos-and-interviews/international-vaccine-expert-geert-vanden-bossche-speaks-up-again https://www.bitchute.com/video/v8A7TM6MmK57/
French virologist and Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier called mass vaccination against the coronavirus during the pandemic “unthinkable” and a historical blunder that is “creating the variants” and leading to deaths from the disease.
Imperfect vaccines can make a virus more prevalent and more deadly. some questions on covid vaccines and their policy implications. https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/leaky-vaccines-super-spreads-and?s=w
The Vaccines and Boosters will Result in a Catastrophic Outcome - From a scientific viewpoint it is, therefore, difficult to understand how booster immunizations using vaccines which are not evolution-proof could prevent a highly mutable virus from escaping neutralizing anti-S Abs while driving the pandemic in a catastrophic direction, both in Israel and worldwide. How can the WHO stand by and watch as this additional experiment unfolds, soon to be followed by other countries? https://thehighwire.com/videos/vaccine-expert-warns-of-covid-vaccination-catastrophe/
The Vaccines ARE causing Mass Death https://metatron.substack.com/p/covid-requiem-aeternam?s=r
If you have a large pool of hosts that all have the same fixation, then you have a large number of individual labs in which to have such a mutation occur. You have far more hosts in which to have random chances occur, all selecting for a mutation that attacks one specific weakness and that weakness is in most of the population, so once it’s out, there is no stopping it. And if this fixation prevents the hosts from developing strong new immunities based on these novel pathogens, this becomes iterative. you get wave after wave of pandemics until you wipe out the susceptible population. https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/homogenizing-herd-level-antigenic
The reason for this is that 8B people need cheap energy to live. They would starve without it. And 8B people without food would result in epic starvation, violence, rape and cannibalism. Industrial civilization ends soon after peak oil. Unfortunately we also have 4000 spent fuel ponds that will boil off and release toxic substances for centuries. These facilities cannot be controlled with computers and energy. So even the few remaining hunters and gatherer tribes will die as they consume these toxins in the food, air and water.
The PTB understand all of this and that is WHY every leader is on board with the Injections. There is NO way out of this --- so they have decided to mitigate the suffering as much as possible by putting us down and here is the mechanism https://www.geertvandenbossche.org/post/why-the-ongoing-mass-vaccination-experiment-drives-a-rapid-evolutionary-response-of-sars-cov-2.
Also note – when BAU collapses the PTB will not be insulated from the violence or starvation – or the spent fuel ponds. They will be scapegoated and targeted by violent hordes. There system of power collapses with BAU so their protectors abandon them (or worse – turn on them). They have chosen to go down with the ship rather than be skinned alive by angry mobs who will be blaming them for the fact that their families are starving.
do you have your own blog or whatever, or something on Substack?
I have one page https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220
OFW is where I spend a lot of time --- a new article should drop in the next few days .... comments are closed on the current article
I discovered that site 10+ years ago... it is the mother of all red pill sites... there are some blue pill people commenting but for the most part it's about smashing mass formations
OFW means…. what, exactly?
Thank you for sharing your story. It’s to the point now that my wife and I are talk about our social media “friends” as if we are on a first name basis. Our entire families have been seduced into compliance and we have been shunned. An intimate family member is on team 5 of Naomi Watt’s team that is investigating the Pfizer docs. Please know that you are not wrong in your assertion that crimes against humanity are happening.
I think you mean, Naomi Wolf... :) Yes, she is doing a great service for humanity....
Covid-19 does exist, is a real virus, and it has been sequenced.
you need better sources, at least on this one point
But I have an FOIs from the UK Government stating:
1 - they were told in Feb 2020 by the WHO to look for people with certain symptoms and to swab them, analyse the results and report them as SARS-CoV-2 if they met certain conditions
2 - they duly looked and found them, swabbed them an called them SARS-CoV-2 positive
3 - they had no proof that what they found even caused illness in people
It's mentioned in here:
"They also admit that whatever they have found in these samples has not been proven to cause problems in humans and that back in 2020 they thought it wrong and unethical to inject it into healthy people to see what happened as they claim that they did not know how to cure it but now 2 years later they have started to run trials doing exactly that. Here are the links they sent:
So for over 2 years they had no idea if what they found in the swabs and called SARS-CoV-2 as it matched what they had been told to look for but could not prove was even SARS-CoV-2 even made anyone ill."
hmm yes the imperial link is about a study where they claim they gave people "sars-cov2" but it doesn't have a control group. what they gave them is a manufactured product. It says "the virus was isolated by inoculation of a qualified cGMP Vero cell line with the clinical sample", a "nose/throat swab" i.e. they made something and called it "the virus" rather than isolated 'a virus' from nature. Then:
" A seed virus stock was then generated by a further passage on the same cGMP Vero cell line. The seed virus stock was then used to manufacture the challenge virus in accordance with cGMP at the Zayed Centre for Research GMP manufacturing facility of Great Ormond Street Hospital, and a challenge virus master virus bank (MVB) was produced. Individual dose inoculum vials were then produced in accordance with cGMP by dilution of the cGMP MVB with sucrose diluent. "
This in no way represents something that would actually happen in normal life. The participants might been stressed by the belief they were being infected with a dangerous virus with symptoms that they had already been conditioned to expect. This could thus have caused a nocebo effect together with a reaction to the decaying proteins or 'live vaccine' whatever they were investingating etc..
Participants were "paid about £4,000 for their two to three-week stay" and shown pictures of people playing computer games, reading books, smiling at their clipboards etc. in corporate quarantine faciltites owned by the 'challenge virus' manufacturers. They were told it was to "develop vaccines" rather than establish if there was a virus:
The sun labelled participants "hero Brits" and said "One keen volunteer told The Times: "If I die, better to die gloriously.""
Maybe they were thus on friendly terms with their hosts and under pressure to provide desirable results that could not in anycase be verified. They could have been preselected based on their attitudes to 'vaccines' and the location where adverts were placed, asked about in the registration form.. There was an option of flyer/handout for example.
"Open Orphan plc, has signed a contract with Imperial College London, as part of a Wellcome Trust funded initiative to manufacture a SARS-CoV-2 challenge virus. The contract is worth £3 million and under this agreement hVIVO will develop a new SARS-CoV-2 challenge virus"
at no point was "a virus" labelled "sars-cov2" isolated that could have been used in this study. only a pcr process linked to some primers was used to tie any of this to a computer generated sequence labelled sars-cov2. I'd say the clue about what they were really doing might be "Open Orphan" plc. Participants had to be on the pill etc. https://odysee.com/@TheVirusHoax:5/Dr.-Stefan-Lanka---In-Silico-Explained-(September-25th,-2021):8
I agree with R. E.; this odd, stubborn virus denial is, it seems to me, a virus of the mind, ironically.
“If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized ... If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance -- you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest.”
-- Ian Watson
Thank you for taking the time to reach out...it means a lot.... :) You are right...just some days are hard to get through....I appreciate you.
Everything "they" throw at me just makes me more determined to fight back and defeat them.
True. As long as we’re still alive we have the best chance of saving the world.
Wow, I never heard about this when you were on OG! I must have missed it!
Take for example the northeastern Brazilian state of Ceara, the destination of lots of European tourists. The state government is mandating 3 vax doses for anybody over 18 years old! https://diariodonordeste.verdesmares.com.br/ceara/passaporte-da-vacina-exigira-3-dose-de-pessoas-com-18-anos-ou-mais-a-partir-de-segunda-no-ceara-1.3206402
I fear that, once it’s clear to everyone that there are mass deaths, “they” will blame the unvaccinated. Even though we aren’t the ones dying. We’ll be called asymptomatic carriers or something. The vaxxed will never want to admit their mistakes, especially if their children die. Blaming unvaxxed is easier and that story will be driven by media, politics and Pharma. Lancet will probably fake a paper or two. Sorry to be so cynical!!!
I am planning to take over my hood and run it like a war lord.
I don't think what you described will happen. They have already given up on pushing the un-vaccinated around.
They will try. But more and more boosted people I know are having problems and linking it to the vax. Even doctors are now. Some will never forgive us unvaxed. Never. They will blame us until the day their pox ridden, clotted bodies die of a heart attack.
It may even be worse when all the synergies are taken into account. For example, an OpEd titled "Have we entered a self-sustaining modus operandi for COVID-19?" has been posted recently on Trial Site News (https://trialsitenews.com/have-we-entered-a-self-sustaining-modus-operandi-for-covid-19/#comments). It addresses potential consequences of COVID-19 "vaccinations" followed by repeated boosters. Because most of the critical infrastructure personnel in the USA (doctors, nurses, military, law enforcement, teachers, pilots, etc.) were required to receive the initial COVID-19 "vaccinations" in order to remain employed, and are being required to get the boosters to remain employed, the consequences for the USA could be catastrophic if the scenario posited in the OpEd comes to pass. Recent events suggest we have entered the initial phases of this scenario.
Most likely the perpetrators assumed that scenario. Thus if they want to keep Amerika count this as a modern directed bolshevik tactic. In a country filled with autoimmune people where the formal medical class as been discredited and destroyed what gives? First, the jab survivers will have to be very careful with their food intake and probably sign in to some telemedicine service to get some fancy drugs in the worst times. The new dependence system. I wonder who envisions a down to protein technocracy...LOL. The new workers will be run like an insect colony, all kinds, great margins and being systematically deployed right now. They always come from the south!!! LOL
Who's going to have the money to buy what the insect colony produces so that there can be “great margins”?
Good question. Define money. Then define need. Extend to demand. Once upon a time in the mediterranean some folks convinced others that they needed their fancy products. They usually arrived by boat and accepted barter from smart tribes. Other tribes were convinced to pay in silver. No silver no problem, our boat friends had plenty and could sell it to them. As trade grew, it become more practical to run a ledger. Bad times back home no problem. Our friends could lend you the silver. Just one more entry in said ledger. Now your silver comes with an added premium. Eventually there is a margin call. Some strict measures have to be taken, taxes raised, wages lowered, mines opened, some bondage, etc... Highly impopular. But hey you could always revolt. Maybe YOU DON'T NEED their stuff... But then again who are you gonna sell your stuff? Maybe our boat friends start their own radical revolt with tribe members WITH NEED for their stuff. Some terror plot to kick off some political violence in said tribe urban melting pot. Horror requires imagination. City folks have plenty. LOL. Our boat friends liked to wear dresses and were known for their piercings, tattoos and coloured weird haircuts. Pink was a must... Sound familiar? The must powerful were said to run just ledgers, intelligence networks and finance some more terror prone tribes. They lived off in peninsulas and small islands. Great locations only vulnerable to naval blockades. Anyone with naval ideas, well some nasty war could be launched by some financial over-stretched kingdom. Politics they say. LOL. Now can you find the GREAT MARGINS in said business. And who were the INSECTS. Not much has changed. DEPENDENCE is they key. Now imagine that one of our pirates, the self-learning type, with all the time off from toiling, found a way to reduce that premium at the protein level and control the distribution of said concoctions. Who would need them? How would they pay? Insects you say!!! LOL...
I never feel defeated - everything that they throw at me makes me more determined to continue the fight.
This lot help:
Never give up.
Never surrender.
Never forget the last 3 years.
None of the Vaxxed will read this info. Even if you send it to them. The reaction, "this is all BS conspiracy crap from non reliable sources".
What needs to happen.
You must prove the damage in/to the Vaxxed via a well done Vaxxed blood database with statistics to prove causative results.
- Blood Clots / Stroke Heart attack
- Destruction of the Immune
- Early Dementia / Prion Disease
It would take a month to recruit, blood draw & analyze the dataset and cohort analysis..
1. Develop the Risk / Damage Profile (VAX-RDP) Score basis normal range vs damaged.
Make it as simple as getting a Covid-19 shot and go to your clinic for a blood draw to determine an individuals risk profile and prognosis of disease & death.
Promote early detection = getting effective "detoxing" protocols / treatments free of charge from a patients Clinic.
Analysis of specific Cohort's to prioritize blood analysis /Treatments priority.
If people realize they have been lied to by Government & the Medical establishment.
If people realize they are at a risk of early disease / death without treatments. Even though they feel fine now.
If people know there are treatments and "cures" available to them to save, protect, or prolong their lives due to this medical malpractice, they will seek this program out in a fervently panic state.
Otherwise, this article and the others are just preaching to the choir as we wait for the death and disease of the next variants hit the populations while the government and medical community's position is "nothing to see here".
This summer and fall ought to be a hoot.
Many of us here are vaxd… unwillingly… keep an open mind
This will only end with mass graves…
At that point, people will wake up from their mass formation psychosis, but it will be, of course, too late.
This is what comes of being a sheep.
We are being exterminated
Srry Mate - but - they are sick and dying and it's just "old age" and "yhit happens."
Stats ain't gonna do it. There are a number of tests you can do for vax damage, but docs here ain't doing them.
But maybe, just maybe, if you can get the science, how do you think your studies will present in the face of the powers of the DOD?
It is so sad and infuriating at the same time. I do believe we are approaching a tipping point where they can no longer hide the evil they've done.
I have been predicting a similar outcome for over two years now. Ivermectin is our only hope. I take the horse paste at 75% dose at the first sign of infection. It cures all viruses.
I live in NZ and the court ruled mandates against police and soldiers are violation of human rights, then turn around and ruled mandates are NOT a violation of human rights for teachers and healthcare workers
These anti-science government appointed cunts, letting super spreaders go look after kids and vulnerable patients
You are a WEF Puppet State. Because your people are nice by nature, you went along not realizing that Jacinda wants to kill you.
CovidArdern (NZ) and Ceaușescu (Kanadastan) are in bed with Clown Schwab and their countries have been targeted to be the model countries for the Global Reset.
We may soon see many refugees from these countries!!!
How are these refugees going to get out? NZ is an island, CA and the USA won't let people from CA across the border unless they're vaxxed. We (USA) only let in unvaxxed illegals from S. & C. America and Mexico.
It's a complete irrational and unreasonable mess. Never mind unethical and immoral. Canada and the USA have bitterly disappointed me. My Lord how corrupt we are!
IKR?! I used to think we (as a country) were at least kinda good. Damn! Was I wrong!
Maybe we ARE good, it's the "leadership" that's nasty.
its called Regulatory Capture. Malone mentioned it awhile ago, talking about FDA and CDC
Regulatory capture has been around way before Malone ever mentioned it.
The way it happens between North Africa and Europe. You're dealing with full fledged dictatorships in these two 5 Eyes countries and do you believe that refugees will try to use the airports or other legal boarder entries?
They swim to the nearest country (at their own risks) and apply for refugee status - that's how it works.
The people from CA seem to not want to try walking across the border. The ones that tried this winter died, freezing in the snow. I'm not sure the ones that want to cross have access to water crossing. Maybe they just don't really want it that bad.
i thought they were vaxxing refugees at the airport or on the plane. at least they did for the afghans
That's how most illegals who entered the country from Europe, Asia and Africa do.
The problem with Canadastan is that you cannot even fly within the country or take a train if you're not quackcinated. So, you either walk or you swim to cross the border. For NZ they have only one option - swim... poor kiwis!!
Study Vietnamese and Cuban boat people.
Take swimming lessons.
Or maybe desperation lessons...
I know many Canadians planning their exit. These are established people with deep roots here, business owners, asset owners etc. and many more with less who have left.
More power to them! If they of a mind to come to America, they know what states to avoid, right? We, as a country, need more people who want freedom, real freedom from government to come here.
Bring-on the freedom minded people!
Get out of where to where exactly? This is a planetary assault by the international Corporatocracy.
You mean international Jewry...
Actually I don't mean that at all. This particular thing is thoroughly nondenominational or interdenominational. All the fascists are welcome!
Please spell it correctly. It’s Kkkanadastan.
Brits generally try to "do the right thing" at home. In cases like this, telling the authorities to piss off didn't seem right. Teamwork, eh wot! They got played by the most evil configuration of powers we've ever seen. Americans by contrast tend to be unruly and confused, hence fewer of us will croak because of deactivated immune systems.
At least that's my theory.
This is possibly why the European carnage is not yet in the USA
We talk about "Europe" and "America" as if they are monolithic. The responses can be more varied than one thinks. Here in Switzerland, I was convinced the authorities would be worse than the Austrians and Germans. In fact, although stupid and crazy, they were much more laid back than our neighbours. Now things are back to normal - at least for the time being. Same with America. Blue states will keep pushing this forever, but in most red states, it's already history.
It's not over, not by any means. "Covid" is a distraction. What's coming is food shortages, hyper-inflation, and an upending of the financial everything. You think Covid was bad? (It was a farce.) Just wait until you can't access your own money. Start a garden NOW. And get ready.
Dealing with this in my red state.
"Dallas airport uses robocops to enforce mask policy"
Be there with the bourbon!
I read widely variable estimates of the number of unvaxxed in the USA; anywhere from 15 to 65%. It would be nice to have a handle on a good estimate. And if Lord Fauci does not want us doing something, maybe it is vital we do it; I refer to testing to know who does and does not have antibodies. Maybe we need to quarantine our true 'pure bloods', those with neither vax nor natural antibodies.
Maybe! But when the economic crisis really hits, we (USA) will be heavy duty carnage, I think. Who knows... everyone here is gardening mightily.
But the carnage IS in the USA. What's NOT in the USA is the First Amendment, which guarantees freedom of speech. The media is almost completely owned by five or six gigantic corporate behemoths... And that was part of the planning, Obama being the last President to give the go-ahead to further monopolization. If you want to know how bad this genocide pandemic actually is, talk to the life insurance companies... They're paying out on a scale not seen in a couple of hundred years... not from 2020, but from 2021... POST JAB.
A 3 sigma event is about once in two hundred years. This is a 12 sigma event.
Okay, I'm down with that. The point is, it's a lot of dead people, basically, and it's being covered up.
You can all come round to my place. There's plenty of room. Just bring a bottle.
Or a bowl
There is no "immunity" to 5G. Interesting, isn't it, how the symptoms of radiation poisoning are THE SAME AS "COVID." Also interesting to note that Covid 19 HAS STILL NEVER BEEN ISOLATED.
As an American, I can tell you many of my countrymen/women are woolly-headed little sheep. But they'll fight for keeping their guns, so that's maybe a good thing after all... Who knew Covid was being planned? It's like every single thing is upside down...
I've learned to love the second amendment. I only pray we can keep at least the first ten moving on.
Yeah! I'm down with it, and that was my ONE concession back in the day when I thought certain kinds of ammo should be maybe not allowed... If anyone should be disarmed, it's the CIA and the IRS... And I think we absolutely need the Constitution and ALL the Amendments, and the WHO (Bill Grates) can get stuffed with their "pandemic" subterfuge!
All the people I know who own guns did not get the jab?
USA has a few but growing number of pro-freedom states
I believe they have lied about the number of vaccinated Americans from the beginning to help with compliance, coersion, etc
As a UK citizen I can say that it was by far the biggest shock of my life to see how gullible, stupid, ignorant and compliant the Great British people were - and continue to be so. Mind you, the govt did spend 400 million pounds scaring everyone to death on purpose so that they all did as they were told - and got jabbed like good little sheeple. Not me!
I see your UK and raise you Canada.
Agreed! That's only because your lot spent a billion dollars on scaring you! Hard to understand just what is happening - BUT will it be enough for your sheeple to vote Trudeau out?
Reminds me of that great scene from Life of Brian when Brian is telling his followers to leave him peace. "Yes, we're all individuals!" shouts the crowd. Then the lone voice says, "I'm not!" Sums up the human race perfectly. The crowd thinks it makes its own decisions and has not realization that it is a manipulated group of sheep.
I spent formative years in northern NJ. Jerseyites hate more than anything else feeling like we've been played for a chump. We're not generally known as nice people. Kind of the opposite of Brits..but NJ got played just as badly. It comes down, maybe to that knife edge, the line between good and evil that runs down each human heart.
And came so close to tossing that bum Murphy out!
I get two messages from the Brits. My family near London are total Covidiots. However, my friends have never gone along with any of it. It's like two different tribes in the same country.
Brits need more police auditors like this.
I thought we here in usa were the only one to have po liice iditots, sorry uk!
I looked into it more after the hospital my old mum was taken to with an erratic heart beat due to cellulitis infection put IT on her death certificate. I was and am so angry! A friend told me about ASITP (A Stand In The Park and it’s great being with like minded folk and planning for the bad to come.
It is, the question that puzzles me, is why do certain people see through it, and others dont
It is the ability and willingness to question authority. It has nothing to do with intelligence. If you don't question authority you will become its victim.
The Germans were very smart and well educated. "A nation of philosophers" as Einstein referred to them. They just can't question authority. Same as most humans sadly.
There are a lot of very intelligent people I know who've taken 2 or 3 shots. They think I'm weird when I say "I've chosen Ivermectin+ early treatment to deal with this".
I'm UK, the majority fell for it and still are. The vaxed are not coping with any infections, whilst when I caught it, 2 days I was unwell. Knew it was attacking my nerves. Held off on my Ivm. Was going to take day 3 if no improvement, but it was done. First infection in 3 yrs. I've been stocking up on food for a year, water supplies and self defence weapon (hardest to get hold of) chaos is coming
Indeed, the vaccinated are inundating the health care system in Australia. Moreover, many doctors who "persuaded" the citizens of Aus to get vaccinated are now regretting this "medical advice" given that the public now understands how catastrophically erroneous it was. Hence, these doctors have "resigned" in shame and fear of the inevitable public revolt. However, articles such as these were available to the general public the during the entirety of the pandemic: https://smartech.gatech.edu/handle/1853/63710
Take care buddy 💪💪
As a Brit I can say that we didn't have much choice regarding lockdown, everything was shut down so there was chuff all we could do.
Live in the UK and can confirm 95%+ of Brits didn't do that. They didn't want to catch the 'deadly virus', break the rules, get caught by police, have the neighbours tell on them, or be perceived as "bad people". (All of which were dumb excuses because the lockdown was not actually enforced, plus no one can tell you what to do in the privacy of your home.)
I finally persuaded a friend who lived alone that she could meet up with me for a walk and the world wouldn't end -- in June! Prior to that, she was too compliant. Another time, I walked past my friends' place and texted them: "Hey, I'm on your street"! They popped their heads out the window and waved, but wouldn't invite me in.
Seriously, the whole thing was fucked.
I wonder if she and others like her were paid off? Fauci, Gates and Klaus have been Covid free to my knowledge. I find it fascinating Biden hasn't caught Covid either while others around him have. We’re they actually vaxxed with the MRNA shots?
Publicly administered jabs use placebos. There is no way Brandon can survive 4 toxic abortive fetal cells infested transgenic injections.
Nostradamus, I enjoy your posts - Thank you.
Just to say, I remember reading that Congress et al was exempt from having to get jabbed. Someone MUST know how wide the exemption goes? But all their PATHETIC mask signalling is INSANE! And these idiots make the rules for the rest?
As if that isn't the biggest tell...to make certain agencies and public bodies immune from mandates. I'm like, I'll have what they're having...
Of course they do. The right way would be for the most "precious" in terms of importance to the country's stability, to be protected as a matter of priority (given the "catastrophic" danger from the virus) alas it was not to be. I remember A.Bourla's some meek excuse when he was asked. Well, for one it speaks volumes for their altruism, taking risks themselves so some other human could use their shot, maybe? LOL
This "AIDS-like chronic Covid all over Europe" is almost sure to be 5G.
And how bout when Pelosi and crew came out and KNELT DOWN, wearing African stoles? Made me wanna hurl mighty chunks...
Exactly!! The politicians and many celebs have had injections of saline -- the poison is for the sheeple.
what explains the disappearance of Gov. Newsome after his jab? Somebody hate him and use the wrong vial? I have read that Congress and most of CDC are not jabbed, and take ivm as a prophylaxis
He was spending time with his family according to his wife!!!
Being a graduate of Schwab's Young Global Leaders Institute, he can't be poisoned by his boss.
You can download his credentials at the below URL:
That gives you a good picture of the WHO is WHO on the planet.
Occam's Razor.
I have a strong suspicion the main decision makers got placebo or salient. Everyone below were just as played.
Schwab may be dead for all we know. Screw him. We need to focus on our own leaders.
Are you having a laugh? Australia's state premiers are, certainly not in that league but we know they've not been shotted. With the exemptions (and that's official, not a secret) for the MPs and other "VIPs" here, US Congress and so on...
What hope can we have that they've taken their safe and effective medication? IMHO? None. But it'd great if they did, especially the hot stuff.
Of course not
Trump and Boris caught Covid we know, but everyone hated Trump and Boris who knows?
Who knows what they, or indeed anyone had?
Indeed. Far more likely to be 5G.
since it is 99% survivable, anyone would be safer taking their chances on the illness, especially if they have access to ivermectin
ask my doc for Ivermectin he said he would get fired if he did. So he didn't give me Ivermectin, but, he got fired anyway BY ME!
Trudeau has had it three times since the fall. (Writing mid August)
New Zealand is what happens when Karen from the Homeowners Association takes over a whole country.
another wannabe tyrant trainee of Schwab
Yep. NZ's Prime Minister "Comrade" Jacinda Ardern attended university on a Freemason scholarship and was the President of the International Union of Socialist Youth in 2009. She was inducted into the World Economic Forum's "Young Global Leaders" network in 2014 and has been rapidly destroying NZ's sovereignty and is turning over the country to the globalist Davos crowd, complete with the Central Bank Digital Currency enslavement mechanism (currently being "discussed" on the Reserve Bank of New Zealand's website).
Here's a link from the Auckland City Council's website -- they're fully preparing for Klaus Schwab's Fourth Industrial Revolution and even cite his book. No doubt Auckland will be NZ's first "smart city" with total surveillance and control of the Kiwis who hadn't enough foresight to escape:
Sad - our respective country’s forefathers fought so hard for our freedoms and many living in democratic systems will happily throw it away for some security… coming generations will loathe these weak minded spineless people.
Schwab's "Fourth Industrial Revolution" and his two books are school boy level. Dr. Robert Malone's group studied Klaus Schwab's book "The Great Reset" (which he had mailed to pretty much every politician on the planet) and concluded it is pure garbage. Watch:
Check out the Klaus Schwab's WEF sequel to "The Great Reset" = "The Great Narrative". A High school level of scholarship. Shows a complete lack of knowledge of basic energy science.
A few gems of their "great wisdom" that warrants a C- on Grade 11 student's essay:
"...A peaceful world, a healthy world, a breathable world, a clean world, a fair world: each should be regarded as a global public good whose provision depends on our ability to cooperate globally. Such a pressing necessity was made obvious with COVID-19: no global state exists to deliver a vaccine to the entire world, so the effort to vaccinate as many people as possible falls upon international organizations whose power is constrained by competing national interests and a patchwork of fragmented agreements and initiatives negotiated between 200 sovereign states. It doesn’t work. On 21 November 2021, the lack of global cooperation and the incessant bickering about burden sharing meant that only 54.7% of the world population was vaccinated. At the time of writing, the emergence and identification of the Omicron variant might prove to be a stark consequence of this failing...."
“...NZE2050 concern the conversion from fossil fuels to renewable energy, (...) [because they are not possible] in poor countries ... within the 30-year timeframe needed to address the climate challenge. (...) these countries need requisite energy to build their nations and to provide basic needs for their large unserved populations This cannot be circumvented or ‘leapfrogged’ by the technology-based methods inherent in NZE2050 – if global minority countries cannot implement CO2-reducing tech on a large scale, how could global majority countries achieve this?”
Answer: A vast forced transfer of wealth from developed countries to the undeveloped to build ineffective, virtue signalling wind & solar farms. Goal achieved: More poverty for the Western Proletariat and continued poverty for citizens in developing nations, i.e. a World Neo-Feudal corporate fascist state.
I snorted when coming across a telling Freudian slip in Schwab's 2022 book _The Great Narrative for a Better Future_. Here it is:
"Confronted by a life-threatening virus with our own fragility and immortality, ...".
LOL. Of course the word intended was "mortality," but these psychopathic ruling elites are so focused on transhumanism to the point where THEY expect to never die due to "mind uploading" (mortality is for the rest of us), that they can't even proofread their text properly.
That is great stuff. You should write to your country distributor/editor and very politely ask that a correction is issued in the future editions and if possible add an errata to existing distributing copies. I suggest that you insist that given the broad context, this, I would call it typo, would induce the casual reader in confusion or, worst even, in misconception about the authors opinions regarding this dreadful virus and the pandemics it caused. They will not be happy but they will eat their hats. Then please do publish and propagate their reply if you find the time for it old chap. There is nothing more they detest than being brought down to the level of the riff-raff, as they call it. They will eat bigger hats but they will like it... LOL. By the way you are completely over the target on councils. The mediocre bureaucracies that populate them have for long been following UN agenda 2030 directives and plans because of convenience and the elected stooges for the speculative real estate opportunities it creates. Yes, many counties strategic investment and decisions have long been directed by someone far way that in their opinion seems to know more of their county than the folks that inhabit it. Eyes on patriot..
Yes, I know that Schwab's prose (that is, the prose of his ghost-writer) is pablum. Most Marxist/socalist-inspired writing is. So what's your point? My point was that his pablum and UN2030 goals are already being quoted and adopted by New Zealand's national *and* local governments. NZ is already gearing up for a digital ID and Central Bank Digital Currency, so that the BIS (the Bank of International Settlements, the Central Bank of Central Banks) in Basel has complete control over the populace. If you speak out of turn or are ... gasp! ... a dissident and critic of any government policies, your access to your digital currency can be instantly frozen. No grocery shopping for you this week or next, and your UBI (Universal Basic Income) monthly deposit has been docked a hefty fee for your intransigence.
Economist Catherine Austin Fitts explains the Central Bank's "going direct" financial reset, and this video contains a very short clip of the General Manager of the BIS actually stating in October 2020 how they will have "absolute control" via their Central Bank Digital Currency, and he said "we will have the technology to enforce that" --
correct, the prose is just his 'narrative'; all pure propaganda. Might fool a few of the sheeple, while they roll out their implementation like a juggernaut.
What makes a good movie? Of course this ruse is there to prepare your mind only. Great PR by the way. Regarding the energy part It's simple. Create a pump and dump renewable energy trend to feed the banksters assets and cut off their losses. Then drop the hammer. I heard that lithium will last until 2030, but everything industrial will be progressively going AC-DC now... How do you feed it? Heard that nuclear, gas and bio fuels are all green in the EU now. Add nanotech, the battery kind, and you have your answer. The answer has both exoteric and esoteric implications that would be too obvious for the initiated...
oh dear god! On the bloody council website!!!
Right there, out in the open. Can't accuse them for keeping it secret, can you?
I imagine most of the mindless bureaucrats at Auckland City Council have NO idea of the evil they are helping to descend upon New Zealand. It's usually only the top level of politicians or top level of managers that are corrupted and following the World Economic Forum's game plan. And all those "Young Global Leaders" and the younger not-yet-famous "Global Shapers" are thrilled at being invited to heady conferences in Switzerland to "network" with others who are rising up the ladder of national and world power and to meet in person with billionaires and famous people. It strokes their ego, and that's all part of being tempted into corruption.
Now you are out of the frying pan into the fire! We here in usa have been in fire since we changed bodies in w. house.
How do you know about the Freemason scholarship, Moonspinner?
She is/was a Mormon, some say that's the same thing.
I don't know.
Around the year 2009, I happened to come across a link for an online copy of NZ's glossy Freemason "magazine" (I forgot the name of it), and it showed a photo of (then) new MP Jacinda being the "celebrity" to announce the awarding of uni scholarships to certain young Freemasons, and the article mentioned that she, too, had attended uni on a Freemason scholarship. I can try to find it again, but now that she's becoming a much-hated dictator, that link may no longer be available, and I don't have the URL to see if I can find it archived.
Hi Moonspinner,
Really appreciate your enlightening information.
Once again the conspiracy theories are borne out as much more truthful than the propaganda MSM spin.
Cheers and best wishes,
If you're interested in delving more into the shadowy NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, here's a very interesting deep dive into her family connections from polymath Miles Mathis. About halfway into this essay is the section "Who is Jacinda Ardern?". I found the entire essay to be VERY interesting.
Amen praise the Lord Sage hit it out of the park, with three on base!!!!
How come no one comments on how utterly insane her eyes are, in EVERY pic?
Because her boss is looking over the shoulders of all non-GMO misinformation superspreaders:
They need the police and soldiers to do their dirty work and to protect them. They will. The Brownshirts of 2022.
There are always plenty of Brownshirts, sad to say.
Exactly this^^
New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (“NZDSOS”) .
That is a great presentation and deserves a wider audience
Here's a Google image search prior to covid of cholesterol crystals in urine. https://tinyurl.com/jtvkrwv3 I don't know what they are finding in the vaccines, but these images are strikingly similar.
I agree with you Traffer.. having spent a good part of my early career in semiconductor microcontamination looking at the world through microscopes and scanning electron microscopes, I cannot convince myself that these are not just materials like NaCl crystallizing. The statement that "these are not natural" could not be farther from the truth. This is all a distraction... the mRNA and the lipid nanoparticle delivery system are the problem here. As the solution slowly dries and goes into supersaturation, the first isolated crystals will begin to nucleate.. that's what many of these microscope pictures represent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lo0cp2uhxb0
You're exactly the type of person we'd like to hear from on this subject, professional experience looking at similar objects. Thank you. They don't look natural to my untrained eye, so the pre-covid pics were eye opening. If further compelling evidence comes along, I'll consider it of course.
Off subject, can a scanning electron microscope image a virus, like Sars?
Yes, a virus can been seen via SEM. It used to be harder to interrogate biological samples in high vacuum SEMs, but these days there exist "environmental" or ambient environment SEM's that do not disturb or explode biological samples. Often a virus is first viewed at a more macro level, for instance within a cell, via SEM. For the ultimate in resolution the samples can be then interrogated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM).
Here is an entire set of open source papers describing the use of SEM in researching viruses; https://www.mdpi.com/journal/viruses/special_issues/virus_diagnostics_and_research
In this paper, found at the above source, you can see this progression from SEM-to-TEM and the TEM micrograph (figure 2) of an adenovirus;
Here is some background regarding the capabilities of SEM v TEM; https://www.nanoimages.com/sem-vs-tem/
3 of 4 videos of the microtech in the vaxx have been removed from Rumble.
Schizer is fighting hard for survival. They recently tried to corrupt Paul Alexander with $1million and $50K per month to stop publishing scientific papers that show that C-19 quackcines are fakes. I don't know how much they're paying Rumble to censor its contents.
Dr Paul Alexander | Danger & failure of the covid “vaccines” – $1 million bonus and 50K salary per month. Offer turned down.
Yep, I read his stack. He's got sense and guts.
Is that so?, how is able to travel if he's not jabbed?
That's a massive red flag.
The rulers are so enamored by subjugating the masses, they cannot let go of the "controls" completely; this they fear-a return to democracy.
Nailed it. Power is a drug.
Power and cocaine light up the exact same part of the brain. Therefore...
It makes no sense. There are so many disillusioned and then there are those who know full well but prosper. So much for the lowest corruption in the world.
Welcome to the Covid Zone!
Besides the thought to move to NZ, I must say that I'm no longer keen on vacationing in NZ either. What if I get locked in? We've been looking at larger sailboats for a different long vacation plan, but I really did want to spend more time in NZ.
Really worrying about all my NZ friends, too. Locals are so warm-hearted that they gave the government the benefit of the doubt at each step.
Got to say that banning our nuclear-powered carriers from stopping hasn't made any difference in the end, not that I don't empathize at a basic level. Stops would have been nice.
That's the thing. Kiwis and Canadians are so obedient and trusting. And their governments abused them like rabid animals. Still Canadians aren't getting upset. They just can't believe their government would be so incompetent and idiotic. I try to say at every turn: Yes, they can. At this point, it's deliberate too because they're too heavily invested in their narrative and policies.
Yes and no: many Canadians (especially this one) are pissed off beyond belief. Of course the lame stream media ignores this fact and/or produces an occasional hit piece to call us extremists (or whatever the favourite insult is at that particular time). At least 5 million of us are prisoners here right now, all due to Justy Turd, his enormous ego, and the nodding seals in his grubberment. I have lost what little respect I had for public health and the entire medical system; it will never return. I am just waiting for the northern U.S. border to fully re-open so I can drive across. I'm not really keen on flying nowadays for many reasons.
100%. I share all those sentiments. As long as the land border opens I can wait out the rest. Biden is an idiot. And I think it's more than 5 million. See, the vast majority of people got their two doses by October of 2021. Given the vaccines wane within eight months, there are millions more suddenly unvaccinated. What makes me laugh is that everyone getting sick now but got vaccinated last year think the vaccines are doing anything. In any event, this reality makes the mandates all the more absurd. We have friends who got two doses in July of 2021 and planned a trip to Europe this July. They are not boosted yet they get to flash a passport and board a plane despite the fact the vaccines wane? It's beyond belief what's going on.
Yes, it's all about sCiEnCe...right? 🤪
I'm waiting it out while doing research into living elsewhere and getting a 2nd passport/citizenship. In a year we've gone from having one of the world's most respected and safe passports to looking at where to immigrate and/or claim refugee status. I'm sure my brave ancestors who fought (several died) in World War 2 and/or ones who immigrated here for a better life are all rolling in their graves. It's really hard to process how screwed up this country - and the world - is right now.
Btw, this is the bill I'm watching. It was put forward by Rep Chris Jacobs of NY...
My second passport / citizenship is for Canada. Useless!
In just ONE year Justin tarnished the reputation of this country. 22% of immigrants plan to leave while we're already experiencing one of the largest permanent exodus in history. People are not going to stand for this. My situation is more complicated but we have a five year plan. Done with Quebec and Canada.
190 countries are now controlled by the WEF and UN, there is nowhere to go.
Stupidity squared.
Totally beyond belief. I think we could drive if the Americans change their rules. Maybe in November??
I'm hearing you can now. They're not asking. But yes, we have to wait to see what they do on their side with the mandates. Offer a negative test at least!
I just saw on the news that in France's elections Macron of France is being seriously challenged by Marine Le Pen again, and others who also oppose Macron's policies are doing surprisingly well too. Le Pen ran on 3 main things: 1) The economy (diminished buying power) 2) Wokism 3) Globalism. The French are apparently fed up with everything. Looking hopeful for a change, hopefully the first of many around the world. Get those WEF people OUT!
I would love to see Le Pen win. It would shock the world and put some fear into the WEF folks.
Maybe France can restore the momentum lost in Italy when Salvini was ousted.
Yes! May WEF puppet Macron be thrown like the trash he is. 🙏🙏
Fortunately, the truckers may have shifted the government's stance, and that of the Canadian people. Hoping the Kiwis and Canadians and everyone else remembers this lesson going forward. I don't want to spend my old age penned up in a virus camp.
Doesn't look that way. The government managed a Bolshevik inspired maneuver in dehumanizing the truckers (where the useless and feckless media giddily and gladly helped. In one occasion a CTV new 'journalist' doxxed truckers), invoked the Emergencies Act and then arrested and froze bank accounts criminalizing LEGAL activities. All while an apathetic Canadian hay-eating public looked on and let themselves be manipulated into obediently accepting yet another disgusting anti-democratic act by a rogue government. One of the fall outs of this has led to crowdfunding laws in the budget. All based on lies. Justin sits on a throne of lies as Buddy would say. So I'm trying to see the positive in all this because not only did we under estimate how far this totalitarian government would go but the mandates remain firmly in place. The longer they do so, the further away from science and logic we go.
Damn, I hadn't kept looking at the Canadian side of it. Thanks for the details! When the convoy got to our area, we got to actually spend time with them, so it was a distraction from Canada. That sucks. The US view of Canada was always "free/good healthcare, mellow government, self-sufficient people"...
The only positive I can see is the people who are fighting so things get shoved back into place, but it's not looking sufficient.
I thought Canada was all those things too - and it was for the most part. But boy are we letting Justin sink his left-wing ideological teeth into that.
And Justin is still out there lying about the unvaccinated posing a risk to the vaccinated on a plane. The entire globe is free to travel yet Canadians can't. That's proof he's playing politics and being extremely vindictive to the point he does deserve whatever is coming to him.
A couple of factors are leading to this. One, he's an idiot. I think the world sees this. And an unconscionably hypocritical one at that. People see through this. All politicians are corrupted, hypocritical and foolish to some extent in chasing power and votes, but Justin is at the point where he contradicts himself in the same speech or interview. He's completely out of control breaking laws and 'unwritten' rules of Parliamentary ethics.
Two, it appears the majority of the caucus is now fed up with him. The problem is the Cabinet is supremely tone-deaf - and stupid. Very, very stupid fill the Cabinet. I mean, seriously stupid people like the Health and Transport Ministers. This is the part where I thought the only way out of his authoritarian tendencies is either the NDP stops propping him up (and the Bloc Quebecois where the mandates are concerned - fools) or there's some sort of internal putsch. According to insiders who are responsible writers, this is what's happening. So yes, it would take Jagmeet down with him because Singh idiotically tied his party to what may become a sinking ship. Good riddance.
Three, general weariness of his shtick. It seems he's the only one incapable of reading the room. He's a petulant, vindictive, shallow, divisive individual and if he's not stopped soon, will take this country past the point of no return.
I want to witness him deposed in the most humiliating way possible for what he's done to this country - and seven million unvaccinated Canadians.