Contact Steve K - we can get this funded. If this is true we need to know now as recessive genes can skip a generation too.

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I'm a tech entrepreneur, wondering ballpark on funding cost for this?

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I have friends at Wake and UNC in this area that could do it, but so much risk with accurate results means I wouldn’t touch UNC with a 1 million foot pole on anything with this virus. People seeing it from the inside have, um, concerns. I think Wake would do it accurately, but that’s if they took it and pressure from NIH funding threats might make them run. Jeffrey Tucker at Brownstone responds to emails and might be worth reaching out to. He would know who might do it and what the upcharge for controversy might entail.

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I'm familiar with Brownstone, that gives me some threads to follow, very helpful thank you. If it's not a burden on your time it would be good to pick your brains on a brief call. Is there any way I might be able to communicate with you directly? Happy to do so in a way that preserves anonymity if that's of interest and can compensate for your time also. LMK.

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Anyone come back to you with an answer on this Dain?

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I think probably a way forward is to get quotes from companies who offer commercial sequencing services for a comparison of DNA from sperm and DNA from a cheek swab?

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And when we find confirmation of our fears? Then what?

How do we even get the message out? I think one of the most pressing issues we face is the near silence on the streets due to MSM spin and difficulty advertising the findings.

I have from the early inception of the vaccine roll out been incredibly concerned about the epigenetic/mutagenic potential of these jabs.

I have CFS/M.E which is a rather frustrating illness. Especially for a guy who used to be a special operations army medic, a competitive boxer, adventure sport enthusiast and spear fisher. Gone are my hobbies. My career aspirations. I exist, battling fatigue most days. If I manage my diet, rest, sleep well I still have a sharp mind. If I do not manage my energy... well I lose that too. I become a prisoner in my own body.

But one does not go from one state to another without resistance.

I spent the last six years analyzing the data from various fields as to what causes CFS/M.E and how it could be treated. To no avail. I am still tired.

I looked wider into other conditions with similar albiet slightly different presenations. Gulf war syndrome, post lyme disease to see if there were hints there too.

What I discovered however is that we have a lot to learn. We can see the stars above us. We know they are there. But knowing they're there and being able to be amongst them, harnessing their energy is a very different beast.

We are messing around with a technology that needs another 100 years of study. Worse... we are releasing it widely completely blind.

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Or, if we were to trust the Bible, we shouldn't even come close to this technology, now or in the future of any kind.

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Kindly help me understand your meaning. Are you saying that, in trusting the Bible, we shouldn't be touching this type of technology with a 10-foot pole, now or ever? If I correctly take your meaning, I wholeheartedly agree!

God is good always, and all ways.

Psalm 91 says it all...

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You got it right. Not for purely religious reasons, just for the plain self-preservation as the species too. But those who wrote it knew way more than the modern illuminated types give them credit for.

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I'm fine with purely religious reasons: time-tested for the general good of mankind. Indeed, the Author has yet to be disproven in His area of expertise.

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That is the truth, and the insanity of mRNA gene tech wrapped in toxic nano lipid particles attacking the reproductive organs of our youth is truly as far from wisdom and goodness as it is possible to get.

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Try Dr Stephen Cabral. Run tests. I was in the same boat. x

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Mar 1, 2022·edited Mar 1, 2022

1) We can't turn to the courts which are agents of the state. See your Supreme Court opinion with respect to Mask Mandates, or the Ontario decisions surrounding Covid.

"If you are Reading this you can Read," El Gato Malo had a Captain Obvious meme last month. It doesn't imply that you understand words, as is evident from the opinions.

Another interpretation is that the judiciary is so corrupt that opinions are obeyed and facts are ignored. I would almost prefer the second interpretation, I would hope to have stupid judges rather than corrupt.

2) The banksters may be vulnerable to persuasion, but only at the point of systemic collapse.

3) I am trained as a chemist and physician, and have not been particularly good at solving your situation. Read Stephanie Seneff, noted in Steve Kirsch's Substack, Toxic Legacy. The book is about Roundup, and has a fascinating exposition of the biochemistry (YMMV!)

Find somebody who is good at orthomolecular medicine or an insightful naturopath. If it took ten years to become sick, it might take ten to recover, then you will be 50 rather than 30, and still won't feel perfectly powerful.

4)Note the absolute absence of physiologically correct information about the protective effect of Vitamin D from our political and medical lords and masters over the past two years. This has had to spread "underground" (Internet) and should keep the lawyers wealthy for a decade.

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Try Wim Hof breathing, esp. pushing blood to your brain on the inhale after a long breathing hold on the exhale, do 4 cycles min, better 6-7. Then start taking ALC (Acetyl-L-Carnitine ) if not taking already, and NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide).

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Try Biomagnetic Pair Therapy and see how it works for you. For me, it’s EBV long-haul and it gets better with the therapy. Also, a clean keto diet (no dairy, no eggs or nightshades) improved my brain fog. Have a look at MCAS and see if it rings a bell for you. Best wishes!

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I think we are finding out why the China Military encouraged Gates, Soros, and Fauci to do Gain of Function research and build research facilities in China. They used the psychotic greedy bastards to genetically destroy us. Everything I have read says China was, “you guys test that mRNA crap on your people first. We’ll watch. If mRNA doesn’t work with the WuFlu we will send another virus back with your Olympic athletes so you can make more money.”

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

This is ridiculous that this person just posts it anonymously on the Internet, and can live with what they've created. We need more whistleblowers to come forward, not some weak 4chan post. This makes me really sad for society - in case it wasn't already sad enough.

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

This is pretty strong argument for the post being a fabrication actually.

The person is supposed to feel bad about it (making it a good person), but is not going public with it (making it a bad person). This discrepancy seems unlikely to me.

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You have a point, but basically we have thousands of bureaucrats, dozens of whom realize the un-wholesomeness of what they are doing, and yet keep quiet.

The so called "FDA resignations" are a perfect example. Instead of speaking up, the officials resigned and stayed mostly quiet, being fully aware of what is perpetrated.

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Our real crisis is the lack of integrity at all levels of society...except for Canadian truckdrivers.

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

🎯Kudos to those stalwart truckers, but even their supporting donations were supposedly hacked by agents for the “unwholesome”!

Truly, where are all white hat hackers? If the decimation of humanity is insufficient impetus, WHAT WOULD BE SUFFICIENT?

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Take away their laptops and lattes?

The actual problem is somewhat deeper. Hackers operate as individuals, NSA,WEF and the Chinese PLA operate as very large organisations. If I was running one of those groups it would be quite easy to play "Whack-a-Mole" with any individual or small group who looked competent or dangerous.

Consider the fate of Andreas Noack; Kerry Mullis and Luc Montagnier are gone , as are 5 African Presidents who attempted to protect their people from injection.

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

While I understand that rather common viewpoint, I would suggest that there are fates worse than temporal death.

Matthew 16:25:

25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

Matthew 10:28:

28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. (KJV)

Abandon the battle, relinquish the war.

2 Timothy 1:7:

7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.


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Why are retired medical professionals and FDA officials not speaking out?

They can't be fired so why the reticence?

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We have an hierarchy. Specialist opinions are more valuable than generalist observations, see Dr. Charles Hoffe, nearby.

I don't watch TV, except free hockey games, but consider "Survivor." After 30- 50 years in play, few want to be voted "Off the Island" and ostracised.

Despite God-like egos, most physicians are humans. The next generation is properly trained, woke, but not secure financially for retirement or banishment. My timing for disemployment has been fortuitous, not planned.

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Yes. Very important question.

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Tons of such people walk around in these industries, afraid to speak up. They've been threatened with financial and career ruination or worse, some of the Project Veritas whistleblowers from pHarma discussed it. Same with CDC/FDA bureaucrats.

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Also, physicians. Obvious but still cannot get over it. Worked with them for 22 years not realizing the evil

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I know. Very sad, isn't it? I will never trust my own doctor again.

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Any time I have to go to a doctor, I gird my loins, lift my shield, and wield my sword to fight for what I need.

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


1. They did go public. They posted it on 4chan. And they probably got heaps of abuse dumped on them.

2. if what they posted was true, a plan to cull the human population, wouldn't those planning it root them out and plug the leak? Obviously yes. So posting once, it being true, and them not being heard from again is in no way inconsistent....it proves nothing.

3. If anything posting once and not being heard form again give credence to the information. If it was a fabrication and they were trolls, which is highly unlikely given the obviously correct insider knowledge and technical verbage, it is more likely they would have kept posting.

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Also true. Ultimately a wise man would consult a few geneticists and possibly conduct some tests.

I also realized that you do not even need any babies, you can just test sperm which is even cheaper.

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Would you want both or would just sperm be definitive?

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

To piggy back;

It is logical to assume that given the complexity and severity of this you'd ensure it could not be stopped once started.

If accurate, and the technology to study this WAS EVER LOST we would NEVER know about this. If you could keep this secret you'd have a passive sterilization in the population that people would never know about.

I've already suspected there may be chemicals/vaccines/birth control that would begin the drip feed on this process. Seen many couples 30+ where birth control using couples -really- struggle to conceive. There is then this myth that "it's hard to get pregnant." Except anytime I read literature that is WW era and sooner -- families were huge in some cases.

I hope someone is making hard copies of everything at this point. Remember as much as we are looking hear now, the world is exiting the great pause.

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

All the Malthusian hypotheses proponents discover prosperity itself reduces population. Greed is quite a human basic thing and as societies get richer they stop having babies, what a bother - noisy things are always hungry. Those of reproductive age cannot imagine the joy of children in old age. That tends to limit population. Oddly Gates and company may work to improve infant survival in poorer places where children have great value in spite of their desire to limit population growth. Quite odd. We don't need a pandemic to reduce population.

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And even with a proxy server you could be identified . My CV is absolutely unique, nobody in my graduating group of 80 had the same tickets. At one level I am one of two, and the other one is dead. I have always understood the assumptions behind "disguise" of personal identifiers, but GMAB. If you have an adjacent database you can decipher the identities. Four datasets should make it a no-brainer.

See Dr. Andreas Noack, we know what you know and we know who you are.

Keep in mind that there is a CyberWar in progress. The players are obscured by their commanders and the population only sees good hits such as Colonial Pipeline, the Stuxnet Worm, or the foreign systems attacks, such as the Russian hits on the Ukraine. Consider the trillions of US$ devoted to "CyberSecurity." There is more than one way to defeat an enemy.

Watch for the attack on financial accounts, now that Childe Justin has demonstrated the technique and viability of the operation, and contemplate the vulnerability of major economies.

Where the 165mm shell hits the road, MMT (Magical Monetary Theory) willl not buy you another drone, because arms dealers understand that there is often a loser, and fairy dust will not pay their costs.

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The people anonymously posting that at 4chan did feel badly. I read the archive of that entire thread. About half way down the post the OP came back. Some of the other posters were telling them to turn Moderna in to the proper authorities and such. The original poster answered a few of them. They seemed scared and did not know who they could turn to. In Dec 2020 it was hard to believe that type of stuff but its not so difficult now. Another hint that the post was indeed real.

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and then they were accidentally hit by a hit and run truck

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Actually there have been quite a few sudden and unexplained deaths of young-ish dissenters.

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Michael Hastings'd

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Then there was another poster starting his contribution with the photograph of Charles Lieber et al. Most interesting. People need to go over the whole thread while picking and choosing.

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Maybe they thought about going public, and somebody "persuaded" them not to...

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Maybe they were accidentally hit by a truck

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I would not be surprised....

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Did you ever hear about NDAs? Try theorizing then. You alse need to check on the meaning of "public".

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I guess the time for hoping to be wrong has long gone

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Just thinking out loud here but, if this infertility is by design, it's a pretty slow way to reduce the population, isn't it? So babies born from 2022 onwards aren't going to be having babies of their own until 2042+ & the world population continues skyrocketing in the meantime? Have I missed something? And then there's the poor countries who never got vaccinated & generally poor countries are countries with high birth rates? So is this a very bizarrely slow way to stop the reproduction of western people, 20 years on from now? Don't get me wrong, I don't trust these pharma companies (otherwise I wouldn't be here) but either I've misunderstood something or this is a very round-a-bout way to achieve an end.

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022Author

Your summary of the allegations is correct.

But my point is, we do not need to wait until 2042, we can test a few newborns now.

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I am a tech entrepreneur with some resources to allocate. Do you know ballpark funding cost?

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Don't worry! They're also actively killing us with these shots today, tomorrow, and in future generations! Cancers, blood clots, heart attacks, strokes! What more could you want?

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Marek's... (only worse)

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Given how many women are having problems with their cycle after their jabs, the jabs are already decreasing fertility now.

Additionally, there is a weird insistence on jabbing everyone, especially people in countries with low jab rates like Africa etc.

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They have admitted that women's cycles are increasing in length supposedly temporarily but if half of the women increase cycle length from 28 to 31 days permanently, then that is a 5% drop in fertility.

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

A slow way seems more like a deliberate plan to slow population growth by someone who believe they are saving the world while trying to complete the execution of their plan before being caught. Obviously if there were a high percent of quick deaths the vaccine rollout and booster campaign would reach fewer people.

If they were motivated by the climate change cult then it makes sense that they focus on the developed western world with the highest emissions per capita. That is indeed where the vaccine was pushed the hardest.

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Except China is the biggest polluter, and they didn't use the mRNA vax. They use an old-school vax. But that wouldn't be entirely inconsistent with the climate change cult; they *believe* the Western nations are the worst, facts don't matter.

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Read the Georgia Guidestones

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Westerners are the biggest problem in their minds. We just consume too damn much compared to third worlders. And, of course, they don't want their genocide to be TOO obvious.

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Consider the possibility this may also be a 2nd Holocaust . . . recall the extent to which Israel is vaccinated.

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That's exactly what I was thinking in my reply to Nikki Vella.

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

This doesn't have to be the only population reduction initiative. Both Ukraine and Russia are major wheat exporters. Russia is responsible for a huge proportion of ammonium nitrate fertilizer. Trade through Belarus produces a large portion of the potash (soybean fertilizer). Bill Gates owns more than half of American farmland.

But in my opinion the biggest destroyer of birth rates occurs when you reduce opportunity by hindering economic growth like in Japan and South Korea.

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

You would want it to be far enough later that you could not be connected to the programme. If you "know" that AGW is a crock, later is as good as sooner.

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Read WEF agenda 2030

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I did! There are a lot of current buzzwords, ('sustainable', 'stakeholders', etc.), and lots of Bafflegab, but the intent is clear. --They want total global control in all areas of life by 2030.

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Perhaps they have prioritized the energy using countries? Plus Africa is rich in resources, China is colonizing it, you need cheap labor for resource extraction, and a famine can easily be engineered (as the British did to Ireland). Notice also the most draconian vax mandates occurred in Australia whose population was becoming wary of being controlled by China.

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Mar 1, 2022·edited Mar 4, 2022

Show me the projection that the population is set to skyrocket this century, and we can take it from there. As for missing something, the answer is yes: War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death.

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Except the world's population isn't skyrocketing. Demographers have been noting for a long time that the rate of population increase has been slowing, even in third world countries.

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"Birth Gap" excellent doco explains how birth rates are falling well below replacement - before the shot.

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I know what you mean, but, do you think this is the best way they could come up with without being discovered as trying to "cull the herd"?

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Don't worry. This generation - who took the shots - will have higher, more rapid mortality, too.

It's a multi-pronged approach. Kill with the jabs, then sterilize for future.

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Another great article , thank you Igor!

The genocidal maniacs KNEW what they were doing, these horrors are in fact their calculated plan to cull "useless eaters."

Premeditated GENOCIDE: The FDA and the SEC were aware of "Undesirable Side Effects" of experimental Gene Therapy masqueraded as "Safe and Effective" vaccines


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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

MSM / Feb 27, 2022: Moderna CEO: Possible Patented DNA in Virus https://youtu.be/FesspOSV4ZA

In a shocking interview with Maria Bartiromo, Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel admits it’s possible that Moderna patented DNA could be in the Corona Virus. The patented DNA was originally designed for cancer research. Bancel has reportedly sold 10 million dollars of stock in Moderna and also deleted his Twitter account which Snopes has said was no big deal.

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Bartiromo is a WEF Young Global Leader. Why would Bancel go on her show when he has to be aware of the news to which she's referring? His non-response/non-excuse is laughable. Why are we being shown this, even?

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Mar 1, 2022·edited Mar 1, 2022

the seeds of social unrest ... done on purpose. it is a whole package it is not only one piece. these guys have been preparing for this at least a couple of decades and been doing it for millenia ... nothing new really. btw, look at what he has on the wall of his office, that is proudly showing to us ...

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Lidia you're shown this because MSM is starting to ask questions!!

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

You just wait and see - Pfizer and the rest of the bastards will keep their heads down. Worst comes to worst, they'll licquitade and restructure and play corporate musical chairs and reincarnate as a totally new corporation with none of the old baggage but somehow still owning all the patents.

And then? Taking a cue from agri-business, you (threaten to) sue anyone who carries their product without paying the license fee. Such as these children if your hypotheses holds true:

"Oh, you took those jabs and boosers and then managed to concieve? Well, if you pursue litigation for damages due to the vaccine you got, we'll countersue your child for IP infringement and theft."

Anyone think a corporation wouldn't dare pull such a stunt doesn't know enough about how corporations behave. Always have behaved.

Of course, I'm pretty much speculating here.

There simply is no depth a capitalist won't sink to in pursuit of profit. None.

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Actually, my guess is that Pfizer is going down. It will look horrible - blame and shame and huge fines. We will feel so Rightous! Then, they will file bankruptcy and re-org, re-name, and continue doing business. Pfizer will be forgotten, but the wheels of the machine will keep turning.

Moderna is more central to those wheels (government projects to build manufacturing facilities) - so it's Pfizer that will be the scapegoat. My Cassandra hat says - look for this in about 2 years, when the overwhelm of pain & suffering is too great to ignore (they are still ignoring and burying).

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It's thinking that a group of people would do this intentionally is what I have trouble accepting.

About ten years ago I attended a small speech by Ted Turner about the buffalo industry, in which he controls a majority of those animals. Smart man, extremely charismatic. Apparently he has four wives who live in a separate houses and he rotates through them, spending three months with each, but that isn't relevant.

His Southern charm was infectious, especially when talking about raising buffalo for food, until someone asked about clearing out humans from huge swaths of the northwest so Elk could have their natural migration paths back. It was like a flip of a coin. He advocated for this, and all the disruption and destruction it would bring, and his vehemence in lowering human interests to below the Elk was filled with psychopathic darkness.

If Turner - a bipolar billionaire emotionally numbed with Lithium - were funding this, I wouldn't have trouble believing. He can't be the only person like this, so maybe I should reevaluate my first sentence.

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Since we measure normalcy on a bell curve, any one characteristic will become abnormal once we go far enough along the curve.

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Georgia Guidestones. It's all there

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Except somebody blew them up - destroyed them - in 2022...maybe because their prophecies were being actively enacted?

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I agree with Ted .. why should humans... animals that are paving over the planet ... be prioritized?

If this is an extermination plan ... then I am 100% on board. There are way too many humans.

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

He used to have Jane Fonda for a wife, whom I blame for the rejection of nuclear energy, a system with some soluble problems , but unacceptable since "The China Syndrome."

Even the German Greens appear to prefer not freezing to counting on Vladimir's (natural) gas!

Pharmacologically, the Manic-Depressives report less numbing on lithium, the other drugs mute their creativity considerably more. Lithium has potentially nasty consequences with Diabetes and renal function, and is fussy to dose.

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I'm a lithium survivor. Just 10 years for me. The net effect for me was extreme anhedonia - nothing matters, and what if it did? Those 10 years, I sat on back porch and read & smoked - and when I look at my library list - I hardly recognize what I read. Lithium is deadening to emotions and cognitive crispness. The narrow therapeutic window did come into play, as at the end of 10 years, my kidneys were squealing, and doc didn't believe me.

All psych drugs change your native brain. (including the fluoride in the water - most psych drugs have fluoride in the formulation)

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ted is nobody. these things are much deeper and go long away back.

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

This could be done privately I guess? I mean, the government and big pharma aren't going to do it or give attention to it.

How much would such a study cost?

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022Author

Anyone, like say Steve Kirsch, could finance it (and I could chip in also). It should not be expensive, it is just a DNA test, totally non-invasive.

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Have you gotten in touch with him? You are Internet famous now, so I think he would take you seriously!

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He reads this blog. He has referenced it

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

There are DNA testing for father confirmation and ancestry. Any chance these results can be accessed and be used to find the mutation? Thank you for your work

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Would Dr. James Lyons-Weiler (IPAK) be able to help?


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I'm curious, what is the successful birthrate in late 2021 into 2022 compared to the previous year? Really, where is this data?

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Probably some of that data that the CDC is withholding as subject to misinterpretation. Also, they probably want to wait until as many people have had covid as possible so they can try to blame everything on covid.

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Yeah, except for those pesky pure-blood people who are having non-mutated babies

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Wish I'd had more. We're going to need non-mutated babies even more than we needed good people. Sigh.

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I actually saw yesterday that unvaccinated babies can get graphene contaminated blood https://www.bitchute.com/video/IBa3VImzFFlZ/

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Probably want to blame WW3 radiation. Please God no. Sending light and love to the world.

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I would not put anything past these monsters.

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Here is that 4chan archive of that post. For those curious the original posters come back. They were scared and seeing what I have seen last couple years they had good reason to be….warning salty language lol


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Interesting thread. I was impressed by a few predictions and LOL'ed knowing the future and that some of those anon who were relishing some perceived superiority are likely jabbed now and hate themselves for it.

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is there an easy way to skip to new posts by the original posters?

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New thread, new identity. Unless they referenced themselves, the answer is no. Within the thread, the identity of OP is maintained.

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It will be difficult to convince an injected CovIDIOT to beat off into a test tube... cuz they will not want to know that they've sterilized themselves... because that would admit that they have been played. Maybe Steve Kirsch could offer some $$$ to the CovIDIOTS to participate in the studies...

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I love ya Fast Eddy!!

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Without being gross, do you think you could break even by selling the video to PornHub?

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That might be good content for the gay channel.

But the real money would be in the 25 yr old hotties seeking Pure Bloods... Pornhub could leverage this into some very compelling Reality TV... this would elevate them into the mainstream of entertainment..

The whole family can gather around the laptop and watch as the hotties vie to breed with a big fat old bald Pure Blood.

If children can decide to inject an experiment then surely they should be able to choose to watch Breeding with a Pure Blood.

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I agree that the 4chan post looks knowledgeable, but this has been a year for not listening to knowledgeable-sounding experts, so I'll offer a crack at it. The problem is that it suggests the genetic insertion of recessive mutations as a way of insidiously affecting infertility. Now, keep in mind that recessive mutations act not by what they do, but by what they don't do. A recessive mutation that causes cancer (an oncogene) is usually a train-wrecked gene that was supposed to prevent cancer. As long as it's paired up with a working version of itself, then all is well. This claim in the 4chan post essentially states that a paperweight is being inserted into the genome. If that's the case, then one would think that unless it has the ability to target and excise the healthy version of itself, the real CDKN1B gene, then its greatest risk is that it will plop itself down randomly in the middle of something important, disrupting the function of the victim gene. If so, then it will contribute greatly to the over-all ill health of the population, but getting two disruptions of the same gene will be much less likely. In other words, giving us a recessively mutated gene will never have the kind of effect suggested, because we will always have the natural gene in place to prevent a double-recessive situation. This can only have an effect if the sequence has the ability to target and destroy the function of the existing gene in the host genome. If the mutated gene has an active function and produces some manner of enzyme that interferes with function, then it will not be recessive.

Any way, that's my take on it.

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Mine is too many decades past, and we didn't have CRISPR techniques, which are now some years old.

I would want to design a system which would reliably incorporate the necessary changes.

Sleep well.

Sorry, R

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Dear Igor,

Thanks for another post emphasizing the significant concerns we're faced with and how these can be tested.

I saw in the previous post, you were looking to see if there could be any experts around who could 'check your work' so to say.

In case you haven't crossed paths yet, I'd like to bring to your attention Chris Masterjohn PhD (nutritional sciences, and he often goes deep into the biological pathways during his writings, https://chrismasterjohnphd.com/covid-19/ He has recently interviewed Stephanie Seneff and Jessica Rose)

He was recently discussing the Swedish reverse transcription study, and having to fend off the pharma trolls: https://twitter.com/ChrisMasterjohn/status/1497556655466287106

His substack is here: https://chrismasterjohnphd.substack.com/

Anyway, I post this in the off chance your two minds can collaborate, and strengthen each others' research in our very treacherous times.

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I am always open to cooperation

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The real all stars will be victorious. Pfizer, Moderna, CDC et al. will live in infamy forever.

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

This is a sick comedy at this point. We need a math head to crunch this now that it is known, I do not know the proper equation yet though.

If true, and vaccinated parents reproduce and produce this 100% in their children -- so infertile children -- how many generations?

Also, it would see the unvaccinated within the group could then sustain population -- but not growth. It may then also be possible for an unvaccinated to have children with the vaccinated and get a child with the trait, but not active, but how latent and could it be handed down from there?

It would effectively mean eventual sterilization for any bloodline that mated with vaccinated people, at any point in the future of mankind.

I want to be wrong Igor.

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Mar 1, 2022·edited Mar 1, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Do you think this could be a selection for the cynical and ornery? Human, or any population, will expand to fill its niche, plus a little more.

Do you not think we have enough Karen's? I invaded a shop today unmasked, the one in front of me made up for me by wearing two!

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


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Why do you want to be wrong? 8 Billion rapacious animals is far too many already.

Something should have been done about us decades ago.

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