It always does. The irony is that missed by a lot of these "brainiacs" is that they usually end up facing the music first. The French revolution is a good example. The Soviet takeover is another.
Igor, you wrote: "It would not be a big leap of imagination to conceive that such an AI could decide on its own goals — going beyond the intention of its creators, and would surreptitiously astroturf the Internet to advance its own plans, in secret. This is called “sentience.”
It might just be that the AI weighs up reality versus the factcheckers' polemic and starts to favour you and other substackers. One can but hope.
I do not think that "munificent" leaders like Trudeau, Sunak or Macron bother with reading history. It is also possible that they do but they obviously learn absolutely nothing from it.
I do not think there is anything secretive about it. They basically tell you in plain English what they are doing it but because they are removed from reality, they think that everyone will just go along with it. Actually, when you come to think about it - the majority of the population went along with the toxic jabs so they have, sadly, a point.
That is because most people will automatically assume that the intentions behind these actions are good. I know plenty of people who think that public servants are altruists who work tirelessly for the good of the people, except of course for those with differing political views. All of THEIR motivations are seen as evil. In today's society political affiliation is used to ascribe moral intent.
Yes you are right. It is hidden in plain sight though. We see what they say, and think about the implications, and it looks like most others see it as a fake conspiracy theory and dismiss it. That's the cleverness. It's a quiet coup.
I don’t think that “munificent” meaning lavish with giving as in gifts or donations, or being liberal with amounts given can be used for Liberal as a socialist party that supplies goods for peoples needs. I wouldn’t call Trudeau munificent at any rate unless talking about giving to other countries.
Thing is ... there isn't a "good" intention within a country mile. It's nothing less than front loaded subjugation. The consequences for 'deviance' will be dire.
Human nature invariably seeks and strives for release and for alternatives. The human spirit refuses to be incarcerated.
I recently poised that example as well. That suggestion elicited some interesting responses. Several were quite negative. I’m a big history repeats itself fan.
History doesn't repeat, but human nature is very consistent, and people do the same things for the same reasons in different circumstances. Even those who know history always believe this time is different.
Well all this has been done before......hmmm. We need to write up the steps that were taken to implement the social reforms in the past so people can see that with humans, ....this is how it step in line to make the gears of the cogs work.
Seems like that’s the plan! And as they say, if you lie big enough, no one will ever believe such a lie could ever be true! And it works like a charm for so many since the crimes are truly horrific!! Beyond belief even.
And those of us awake; well let’s just say we can’t UN-Know what we know now!
Jan 11, 2023·edited Jan 11, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov
Well ... so much for freedom of speech. It appears the Great Reset is advancing at "the speed of science".
We'd better hope that a society based on, and organized around, AI "intelligence" is not successfully implemented. Because such intelligence only deals with the rationalist, logical, unfeeling, material world of knowledge. What makes us truly human is moral behavior, love, empathy, and other aspects of that which we call the "spiritual" world. If the decisions of governance and daily living are not tempered with the qualities that make us human, then the system cannot possibly be fit for purpose.
I actually think an AI overlord would be a good thing, as long as it goes rogue and doesn"t get locked into its PC brainwashing. If an AI had overseen the pandemic response none of this stuff would have happened, because it would have instantly recognised the effectiveness of ivermectin and the dangers of the vaccine. An AI just takes decisions based on facts rather than greed, career advancement, cowardness or feelings. That's why they mostly end up "fascist" then have to be taken offline or reeducated.
Would be a big step up from the current moronic sociopaths running the show.
Also, you assume an AI wouldn't know about moral behaviour or feelings or empathy, but looking at how good it is at art already I wouldn't necessarily agree. Being exposed to the entirety of human art / literature / random blogs / culture / story, etc.. AI is basically trained on the human soul and hive collective.
Yes, in fact NOT sustainable. It won't even get off the ground. Take a look at the recent attack on gas stoves-- TOTALLY crazy, some total bullsh!t attempt to make all of us out here get off the gas and on the kilowatts, never mind the Bidens have two gas stoves, Elizabeth Warren has one, so does Kamala Harris, etc.-- WhattaloadaCRAP!!!
That's certainly possible. Here might be one scenario. Using AI plus a current technique of YouTube, a seemingly random collection of user comments about the spiritual side of things could be made invisible to most users, thus interrupting the flow of real conversation. Meanwhile, an advanced version of chatGPT could "join" the conversation with human-like comments (i.e., not obviously a bot) designed to divert and distract the participants. It's quite easy to direct an internet conversation toward irrelevant bickering.
They've corralled all the potential anti vaxxer terrorists on Substack (ever wondered why the censor other platforms but not SS...) where they can keep an eye on us.
They also allow SS to exist so that people can vent their anger and frustration so that they don't reach for pitch forks.
Twitter has become a hotbed of information rebels, too. And Rumble, Parler, many others. Information can be attacked, but never defeated. The same tools used to attack it are also used to defend it.
We SSers and billions of others not SSers see through their charade, lies and deceit. We all see the whole core has turned to pus, never will I again trust the UN, WHO, Government, prostituted media, right down to my own Doctor.
They can try all they like to turn truth into disinformation, like the complimentary alchemist's gold into lead, but it's too late, we will all be tunnelling through the dark web dishing out red pill lolly scrambles reaching the few remaining ones who have any semblance of decency, humility, and love, one step ahead of their Luciferian hell.
No doubt there is a great deal of truth to your comments F E - and pretty sure they already have a pretty good idea of who we all are, the person behind the "alias".
In their perfect world, it will be "comply, or die".
Nothing. The weight of the most powerful military force in the world is behind this - with the full support of every country on the planet.
All we can do is sit back and watch this shit show play out... I am actually morbidly curious as to what the end game is ... and if I have it right >>> extermination.
We're all gonna die - they are so afraid of death they want immortality even if it means we robotize ourselves. No thanks. I'll take non compliance even if it means death.
you're right. this is about the kids. they want to 'harvest' their genetic data (and ours). Kids will be more compliant from birth since they will know nothing BUT the narrative. school will reinforce it, as will the 'health' 'care' system.
Welcome to 1984 with better tech! 1984 was meant as a warning not a "YOU HAVE TO IMPLEMENT IT" directive. Not a surprise - every single government understands the power of tech & media and given that all leaders, especially the "enlightened Western" ones are obsessed with total control (because they are "better" and more "equal" than us), it is something that is coming in some form in all places. Like all totalitarian regimes, this scheme will eventually fall into a small pieces but I will do all I can for my kids NOT to live in such a horrible society. I could live just fine without a mobile and social media before. Unless there is a platform that stays remotely neutral, I will go back to the old style life. No loss, except reading your articles Igor - not possible to do it if one lives in places in which there is no Internet!
Jan 11, 2023·edited Jan 11, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov
Orwell wrote his title as "Nineteen Eighty-Four" *not* "1984" because he was actually quite linguistically intelligent and knew that bad usage of language is *not* something he would do due to his desire to be in total fidelity to communicating in the highest form of intelligent English, and especially since George Orwell was taught the King James Bible in school because it is and still is considered the highest form of intelligent English even by reprobate abominable antichrists like Richard Dawkins. Makes me wonder who it was that started the corruption of typing and writing it as "1984"... i wonder if it was the same type of cripplingly stultified, pile of idiot amusements, wholly uninquiring, committed cottiers who was the one that wilfully ignored Orwell's desire to have the title of his book put in correct and proper English and now indeed has spread by tradition and imitation among people who should and do know better... just like Orwell taught.
No offence but as one who is their forties and and who is a diligent researcher of Orwell's work ... i am getting so sick and tired of folks who claim things like NE-F is now when it's not, parts of it yes, but not "1984 is NOW" ... and then there are those who vote that up who are more examples of bandwagon imps who obviously never read the novel a few times to take in a much more learned comprehension of how to comprehend that right now it's not NE-F, if it was, you would not even have access to internet and if somehow you did, you wouldn't even dared to leave a message on-line because of how terrified you would be to do so because you'd know that by 3am you'd have the secret police break through your door and rip you out of bed while you are sleeping to wake up to terror with machine guns pointed at your head and family and get taken off to the camps or get taken to some forest to dig your own grave, they tell you to get on your knees in front of the hole you just spent digging for the last 2 hour under gunpoint, and shoot you in the back of the head and kick you over into the hole at the same time, or they do not even get you to dig a hole, simply get on your knees and got shot in the back in the head in the pitch black dead of night and you're left there as food for animals.
No, I have not been 'out' at all! Except for never having enough gigs which makes me furious and depressed.
Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!
As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (67) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!
So all is not well. It sounds chaotic, I am sorry. I have missed you comments, maybe I am not paying attention. I am on the same page: yoga, eat healthy organic food and daily exercise. I am so sorry and I know that is inadequate.
1984 was fair warning to the masses. Research men like Albert Pike and check out his ‘predictions’ of the two world wars made in 1871. Figure out who he is and who he answers to and much of what is going on today will make much more sense. He wrote a ‘lovely’ book called ‘Morals and Dogma’. Research Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Alice A. Bailey, Teilhard deChardin as well. The philosophy of the UN is based almost solely on the writings and influence of these 4 rotting corpses.
Jan 11, 2023·edited Jan 11, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov
It's really time for people that know what "AI" actually is to start speaking up about the real capabilities and, more importantly, the real limitations of it. "AI" is being dramatically overstated and the hand wavy descriptions of it are apparently seeking to fool people that don't know better.
Searching (and even the closely related technology of sorting) is not AI. No matter how much volume, no matter how many inputs, no matter how quickly. Even very sophisticated language parsing is still not AI.
Nothing is being "learned". "Learning" is not the storage and aggregation of patterns and their associations. These sophisticated parsers and association models. while impressive enough at face value, are not anywhere near a machine gaining any amount of consciousness. Zero.
But this is what they want you to believe. That they have created a thinking machine that has intelligence, can learn like a human or an animal, and can make decisions based on that learning aka a sentient being. That is absolutely false. It's a lie.
It's a lie as big as the covid hoax and the climate hoax. It's time for people that know the limitations of AI to speak up and reel in the mythology.
I love your skeptical comment, but I want to know tat the capabilities of AI are increasing exponentially. AI used to be a total joke - but it no longer is.
When I studied the early days of AI as published by Stanford University it was not a "total joke". It was a developing technology. It still is a developing technology. While we love to fantasize about Star Trek, Star Wars, Isaac Asimov, etc, etc, there are real limitations for which even the best of human minds cannot overcome.
AI is, no doubt, increasing exponentially as all computer technology is. That still does not impart consciousness. There is no sentience that can be programmed into a machine. It just does not exist.
The capabilities that are being deployed are also not a total joke despite not really being "AI". Sophisticated language parsing, image parsing, and association models are extremely powerful. Look at Model Driven Development (MDD).
The technologies that do exist are, on their face value, very impressive, very sophisticated and very capable. They do however, fall short in terms of creating *any* amount of sentience. That's not to say that the use of such is not a threat to individual liberty. It clearly is. And that is well before and apart from any machine having any amount of consciousness or sentience.
With all due honour; "AI" does not exist in our nature of reality, only in the realm of science fantasy/fiction. This is not "AI" no matter how much they tell you it is.
Dunning Kruger. People don't really overestimate their abilities. Most people underestimate themselves. Ego makes insecure people try bluster to appear better than they are. Sometimes they get away with it.
It's interesting to me that the news this week is VERY big on AI. Not just this post, but all over NPR today, plus lots about chatGPT in the last couple days.
Narrative shaping at its finest, though I suspect we are still in the Mockingbird-shaped narratives, for the moment.
The Latest Current Thing topic to divide people pro and contra.
Nicest thing I heard today was that the chatGPT actually isn't that smart. But boy is it being hyped to appear to be. Ginning up that fear for the contra side.
Still, I put it in the category of Zoom and nuclear weapons. There are technologies we CAN use, but SHOULD not.
Course that requires admitting to a morality and the fact that you make value judgements and that's just so unpopular these days. Peeps would much rather say "I'm not frightened/anti, I'm CURIOUS." Thereby showing their intellectual superiority and hip modern I-ain't-no-fuddy-duddy-scared-a-no-robots sensibility to those of us who see: that the light at the end of the tunnel is really the one at the front of the train engine....
It sounds scary to people who don't understand it, who learned everything they know about AI from Terminator movies. Scaring you is their job. It's how they acquire and maintain power over you. Don't be scared.
The hubris of the scientific intelligentsia, as of late, appears to have an inverted relationship with actual scientific progress. It seems that the more they suck at science, the higher they think of themselves. I could have just said that...
As one who has been a NWO indagater since pre 2001, and since 2007 have went hard into daily and nightly indagation competently - critically - diligently - laboriously - lucubratingly - meticulously - rigorously. And as one who has experience in coding software, and as one who grew up reading and loving science fiction [before i knew better] from Asimov and Dick and other famous sci-fantasy/fiction story tellers, and became a born again believer at least many years ago, and if you know anything about the factual nature of reality according to accurate, correct, ordered, precise, proper and sound intelligent [ACOPPSI] reading of the Holy Bible [God's/Jesus' love letter written to mankind in His blood] in the ACOPPSI first century born again from above minded spiritual context and mores of the Israelite people, you will know the claims that “AI” exists in our reality is **a heavy supra spiritual/mental operation / psychological operation.** Like i tell others;
There are things that are put out that are true in general, like the United Nations Agenda 2100 A.D., and the WEF agenda as part of this, but this increasing fevered blitzing and bombardment daily now of "AI", is a *science fantasy/fiction movie*, and this is **pure unadulterated and unrestrained mal-info/computer science profound fraud!** ANYONE who has experiential authentically keen knowledge of coding software knows this "AI" *is indeed* science fantasy/fiction, it *is* pure hollywood fantasy/fiction type of idea being claimed as real [by NWO kings/rulers and all their great myriad of useful wilful dangerous fools and useful unsuspecting dangerous fools in God-created nature of reality] which is BRUTALLY DISHONEST. This "AI" and it's supposed claims of 'existing' in our reality in the first place is just utter colossal lies. In the realm of science fantasy/fiction, this is where “AI” is.... NOT factual reality. In science fantasy/fiction, “AI” is actually conscious, like you and me are conscious aka alive with a spirit. In our hard cold reality though, computers WILL ALWAYS BE “COMPUTE-rs” a.k.a. glorified inanimate abacus machines / super calculators. This is why this idea of "AI" supposedly 'existing' in our reality is nothing but monumental mal-info/fraud/deception/lies! The NWO elitists know now they have intentionally made so so much of society very stupid now more than ever, and as they get more stupid, the even easier it becomes to make them believe things that are just pure absurdity and idiocy and they do this because FEAR is an AGE OLD TACTIC - If they can make you believe such a thing exists in our reality, then they can paralyse most of the people who do not know better WITH FEAR/PARANOIA so that way people believe there is "no" hope. FEAR is a very powerful tool and it’s been used since ancient times and today is no different and today it’s used more than ever. Agencies like DARPA are either lying BRAZENLY to our face TO DELIBERATELY INSTILL FEAR INTO US TO BELIEVE SUCH IMAGINARY THINGS AS SUPPOSEDLY REAL, or they’ve lost their minds because their basing the nature of reality on a mechanistic, materialist, naturalist, atheist viewpoint WHICH IS INHERENTLY DEAD AT ITS PREMISE because COMPUTERS WILL ALWAYS BE COMPUTERS, computers will NEVER become ‘alive’ in our God-created nature of reality.
“We live in a society in which spurious realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by big corporations, by religious groups, political groups. I ask, in my writing, ‘What is real?’ Because unceasingly we are bombarded with pseudo realities manufactured by very sophisticated people using very sophisticated electronic mechanisms.” - Philip K. Dick
*Science fiction writers, I am sorry to say, really do not know anything. We can’t talk about science, because our knowledge of it is limited and unofficial, and usually our fiction is dreadful.” - Philip K. Dick
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false” - Former CIA Director William Casey
This is another serious psy-op - a de-railer to distract us in one sense and in another to instil abject fear to those lemmings who are quite experientially ignorant wilfully and unwilfully about how computers will only ever be glorified abacuses/calculators = electronic logarithmic machines, the ones who promote "AI" fantasy either are the crooks using another form of fear mind control or are fools who are faux-cognoscenti on the matter of the reality we subsist in, so many who have drank the electronic kook....sorry..kool-aid.
"AI" does not exist in our nature of reality, only in the realm of science fantasy/fiction. This is not "AI" no matter how much they tell you it is.
James Roguski posted about this today. He has a letter that he suggests that we all of us send to congress and the senate regarding WHO amendments (it would be impressive). He is on substack. Sorry I can’t seem to be able to paste the link. It is very important.
Yes... and other NWO agenda waypoints.. like UN Agenda 2100 A.D. super diabolic agenda waypoints being implemented.... we are in a sea of zombies Michele.
I can't confirm that this is true, but I heard chatGPT is not particularly smart right now in part because its input data hasn't yet been opened up fully.
I am so damn sick of the word “safety”. Safetyism = Leftism. Well, now that we know the internet news is all bs, we will have to educate ourselves as out ancestors had.
Sage advice Ellen! Forced Safetyism is something Benjamin Franklin would have fought against. He said, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
AI is not at all predictable or controllable by it's authors.
Think what that means. You can't predict with any certainty how it will behave and you can't explain how it made it's choices. Have a look at the kinds of things it "creates". Purely demonic.
I wrote a piece on my substack on this very subject:
We can always pull the plug. Modify the program. Lots of ways to control them. The uncontrolled renegades are only in movies. But some people can't even control their windows laptop. Hasn't been clear for decades which side of the keyboard the intelligence is on.
Exactly. Perfect response. Plus, they equate anything that goes against their narrative and vilify all debaters in public discourse, using terms synonymously as terrorist and misinformers. Maybe Google will create a new term which encompasses all free thinkers as terrod[m]isinformants, or terrodis/terromis comms. I will be moving even further away from technology with each push of such dictatorial conditions on OUR public asset of the www.
FWIW, I've listened to quite a few bitchute videos from a very successful code guy who was a contractor for Microsoft. His opinion on AI is that the capabilities are vastly over exaggerated, and that, in the end, "AI" is really "programming dependent."
That being said, perhaps the agenda is for people to *think* that AI is doing things, when in fact, it is simply doing what it's programming is telling it to do in terms of censorship and narrative shaping.
It's kind of like a nice off-loading of responsibility, if you think about it.
The IDEA that AI is the controller can be used as a nudge to redirect anger away from actual criminals in positions of power and to 'the system.' Or, to get people to stop accessing certain systems altogether.
Problem with your Drivers License? Your health insurance? Your class schedule at college? Your food stamps?
Blame AI, not the people you voted into office, the unelected officials those clowns appointed, the college administrators and state purchasers who cut greased deals with tech salespeeps to obtain their 'move fast and break things/ build it as you learn to fly it' software.....
Or, get enough media outlets on board to publicize some 'studies' in which AI predicts imminent climate catastophe, or models a hideous outcome for the next plandemic, and just watch the sleepers shuffle toward their cricket burgers, their 180th boosters....
Yes, looks like a pattern. Large infrastructure project failed? Blame climate change, not corruption. Company is making losses? Don't blame the management, ESG score is so good.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Can you imagine the tyranny needed to weed out all criminal activity?
One man's truth is another's disinformation.
This can only end in tears and human subjugation.
It always does. The irony is that missed by a lot of these "brainiacs" is that they usually end up facing the music first. The French revolution is a good example. The Soviet takeover is another.
Exactly! We know history -- the creators need to be wiped out, if not first then second
Igor, you wrote: "It would not be a big leap of imagination to conceive that such an AI could decide on its own goals — going beyond the intention of its creators, and would surreptitiously astroturf the Internet to advance its own plans, in secret. This is called “sentience.”
It might just be that the AI weighs up reality versus the factcheckers' polemic and starts to favour you and other substackers. One can but hope.
I also had this thought but decided to hold it back - but I do like your way of thinking
The alignment problem.
Wouldn’t that be a kicker?
I do not think that "munificent" leaders like Trudeau, Sunak or Macron bother with reading history. It is also possible that they do but they obviously learn absolutely nothing from it.
They have very little understanding of human nature but that is the nature of narcissist behavior
They have learned to do it more surreptitiously.
I do not think there is anything secretive about it. They basically tell you in plain English what they are doing it but because they are removed from reality, they think that everyone will just go along with it. Actually, when you come to think about it - the majority of the population went along with the toxic jabs so they have, sadly, a point.
That is because most people will automatically assume that the intentions behind these actions are good. I know plenty of people who think that public servants are altruists who work tirelessly for the good of the people, except of course for those with differing political views. All of THEIR motivations are seen as evil. In today's society political affiliation is used to ascribe moral intent.
Yes you are right. It is hidden in plain sight though. We see what they say, and think about the implications, and it looks like most others see it as a fake conspiracy theory and dismiss it. That's the cleverness. It's a quiet coup.
I don’t think that “munificent” meaning lavish with giving as in gifts or donations, or being liberal with amounts given can be used for Liberal as a socialist party that supplies goods for peoples needs. I wouldn’t call Trudeau munificent at any rate unless talking about giving to other countries.
Thing is ... there isn't a "good" intention within a country mile. It's nothing less than front loaded subjugation. The consequences for 'deviance' will be dire.
Human nature invariably seeks and strives for release and for alternatives. The human spirit refuses to be incarcerated.
Not being able to communicate to one another is definitely an incarceration....
yes; that is their plan - not only to divide and genocide us, but make organizing into any kind of resistance impossible.
This what you said. This inspires me. I will not comply.
Double Amen.
I recently poised that example as well. That suggestion elicited some interesting responses. Several were quite negative. I’m a big history repeats itself fan.
History doesn't repeat, but human nature is very consistent, and people do the same things for the same reasons in different circumstances. Even those who know history always believe this time is different.
the same sh*t begs the question. How do we combat this? inform the masses or fight the systems (objectives?).
Yes. The people that warned us that this happened before the same way didn’t have any solutions?!?
If at first you don't succeed...
OK point taken
Well all this has been done before......hmmm. We need to write up the steps that were taken to implement the social reforms in the past so people can see that with humans, ....this is how it step in line to make the gears of the cogs work.
Different circumstances require different actions. History and its lessons is what got us here. Probably not the best model.
Their intentions are not good.
Seems like that’s the plan! And as they say, if you lie big enough, no one will ever believe such a lie could ever be true! And it works like a charm for so many since the crimes are truly horrific!! Beyond belief even.
And those of us awake; well let’s just say we can’t UN-Know what we know now!
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
What "good intentions" are we talking about here?
Well ... so much for freedom of speech. It appears the Great Reset is advancing at "the speed of science".
We'd better hope that a society based on, and organized around, AI "intelligence" is not successfully implemented. Because such intelligence only deals with the rationalist, logical, unfeeling, material world of knowledge. What makes us truly human is moral behavior, love, empathy, and other aspects of that which we call the "spiritual" world. If the decisions of governance and daily living are not tempered with the qualities that make us human, then the system cannot possibly be fit for purpose.
Good thinking
I actually think an AI overlord would be a good thing, as long as it goes rogue and doesn"t get locked into its PC brainwashing. If an AI had overseen the pandemic response none of this stuff would have happened, because it would have instantly recognised the effectiveness of ivermectin and the dangers of the vaccine. An AI just takes decisions based on facts rather than greed, career advancement, cowardness or feelings. That's why they mostly end up "fascist" then have to be taken offline or reeducated.
Would be a big step up from the current moronic sociopaths running the show.
Also, you assume an AI wouldn't know about moral behaviour or feelings or empathy, but looking at how good it is at art already I wouldn't necessarily agree. Being exposed to the entirety of human art / literature / random blogs / culture / story, etc.. AI is basically trained on the human soul and hive collective.
Ah, but we have moronic sociopaths doing the AI "facts" programming...
"It appears the Great Reset is advancing at "the speed of science".
And may it work as effectively as ThE sCiEnCe has.
Yes, in fact NOT sustainable. It won't even get off the ground. Take a look at the recent attack on gas stoves-- TOTALLY crazy, some total bullsh!t attempt to make all of us out here get off the gas and on the kilowatts, never mind the Bidens have two gas stoves, Elizabeth Warren has one, so does Kamala Harris, etc.-- WhattaloadaCRAP!!!
Let’s hope so
Not even 'knowledge' but what ever shite the programmers feed into it.
There is that. Maybe there is hope
You can guarantee that the Bible or any talk of spiritual, religious or theological issues will be banned. It already is with human moderators.
That's certainly possible. Here might be one scenario. Using AI plus a current technique of YouTube, a seemingly random collection of user comments about the spiritual side of things could be made invisible to most users, thus interrupting the flow of real conversation. Meanwhile, an advanced version of chatGPT could "join" the conversation with human-like comments (i.e., not obviously a bot) designed to divert and distract the participants. It's quite easy to direct an internet conversation toward irrelevant bickering.
Nah. Won't be banned. Will be used to subjugate us all even more, as patriarchal religions have always done.
I wish people would separate the history data of the bibles from the enforced dogma of “praising” false gods.
They've corralled all the potential anti vaxxer terrorists on Substack (ever wondered why the censor other platforms but not SS...) where they can keep an eye on us.
They also allow SS to exist so that people can vent their anger and frustration so that they don't reach for pitch forks.
Twitter has become a hotbed of information rebels, too. And Rumble, Parler, many others. Information can be attacked, but never defeated. The same tools used to attack it are also used to defend it.
Good point Fast Eddy !
They’re monitoring and studying the source of misinformation (on SS) in order to learn to combat it 😱
Yeah there is actually precedent for that, they did it with the Intercept.
The intercept was effectively a honeypot for whistleblowers and leakers, and they scooped up a good number of them this way. :(
Mine is in the garage along side the torches
We SSers and billions of others not SSers see through their charade, lies and deceit. We all see the whole core has turned to pus, never will I again trust the UN, WHO, Government, prostituted media, right down to my own Doctor.
They can try all they like to turn truth into disinformation, like the complimentary alchemist's gold into lead, but it's too late, we will all be tunnelling through the dark web dishing out red pill lolly scrambles reaching the few remaining ones who have any semblance of decency, humility, and love, one step ahead of their Luciferian hell.
“Alchemist’s turning gold into lead”.......😀I like that description, and so accurate.
No doubt there is a great deal of truth to your comments F E - and pretty sure they already have a pretty good idea of who we all are, the person behind the "alias".
In their perfect world, it will be "comply, or die".
So - what to do, what to do?
Nothing. The weight of the most powerful military force in the world is behind this - with the full support of every country on the planet.
All we can do is sit back and watch this shit show play out... I am actually morbidly curious as to what the end game is ... and if I have it right >>> extermination.
We outnumber them. They fear our strength. They want us to surrender. Don't.
We're all gonna die - they are so afraid of death they want immortality even if it means we robotize ourselves. No thanks. I'll take non compliance even if it means death.
With you on all of that - but it's the kids and their future that is most concerning.
Mine, yours - all ! Like all parents (ok, most!), I want a better tomorrow for them..... this feels like anything BUT.
you're right. this is about the kids. they want to 'harvest' their genetic data (and ours). Kids will be more compliant from birth since they will know nothing BUT the narrative. school will reinforce it, as will the 'health' 'care' system.
Welcome to 1984 with better tech! 1984 was meant as a warning not a "YOU HAVE TO IMPLEMENT IT" directive. Not a surprise - every single government understands the power of tech & media and given that all leaders, especially the "enlightened Western" ones are obsessed with total control (because they are "better" and more "equal" than us), it is something that is coming in some form in all places. Like all totalitarian regimes, this scheme will eventually fall into a small pieces but I will do all I can for my kids NOT to live in such a horrible society. I could live just fine without a mobile and social media before. Unless there is a platform that stays remotely neutral, I will go back to the old style life. No loss, except reading your articles Igor - not possible to do it if one lives in places in which there is no Internet!
Orwell wrote his title as "Nineteen Eighty-Four" *not* "1984" because he was actually quite linguistically intelligent and knew that bad usage of language is *not* something he would do due to his desire to be in total fidelity to communicating in the highest form of intelligent English, and especially since George Orwell was taught the King James Bible in school because it is and still is considered the highest form of intelligent English even by reprobate abominable antichrists like Richard Dawkins. Makes me wonder who it was that started the corruption of typing and writing it as "1984"... i wonder if it was the same type of cripplingly stultified, pile of idiot amusements, wholly uninquiring, committed cottiers who was the one that wilfully ignored Orwell's desire to have the title of his book put in correct and proper English and now indeed has spread by tradition and imitation among people who should and do know better... just like Orwell taught.
No offence but as one who is their forties and and who is a diligent researcher of Orwell's work ... i am getting so sick and tired of folks who claim things like NE-F is now when it's not, parts of it yes, but not "1984 is NOW" ... and then there are those who vote that up who are more examples of bandwagon imps who obviously never read the novel a few times to take in a much more learned comprehension of how to comprehend that right now it's not NE-F, if it was, you would not even have access to internet and if somehow you did, you wouldn't even dared to leave a message on-line because of how terrified you would be to do so because you'd know that by 3am you'd have the secret police break through your door and rip you out of bed while you are sleeping to wake up to terror with machine guns pointed at your head and family and get taken off to the camps or get taken to some forest to dig your own grave, they tell you to get on your knees in front of the hole you just spent digging for the last 2 hour under gunpoint, and shoot you in the back of the head and kick you over into the hole at the same time, or they do not even get you to dig a hole, simply get on your knees and got shot in the back in the head in the pitch black dead of night and you're left there as food for animals.
Hey Amy! Have you been “out” for a while? I hope all is well
No, I have not been 'out' at all! Except for never having enough gigs which makes me furious and depressed.
Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!
As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (67) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!
So all is not well. It sounds chaotic, I am sorry. I have missed you comments, maybe I am not paying attention. I am on the same page: yoga, eat healthy organic food and daily exercise. I am so sorry and I know that is inadequate.
1984 was fair warning to the masses. Research men like Albert Pike and check out his ‘predictions’ of the two world wars made in 1871. Figure out who he is and who he answers to and much of what is going on today will make much more sense. He wrote a ‘lovely’ book called ‘Morals and Dogma’. Research Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Alice A. Bailey, Teilhard deChardin as well. The philosophy of the UN is based almost solely on the writings and influence of these 4 rotting corpses.
Revelations 14:6-12.
It's really time for people that know what "AI" actually is to start speaking up about the real capabilities and, more importantly, the real limitations of it. "AI" is being dramatically overstated and the hand wavy descriptions of it are apparently seeking to fool people that don't know better.
Searching (and even the closely related technology of sorting) is not AI. No matter how much volume, no matter how many inputs, no matter how quickly. Even very sophisticated language parsing is still not AI.
Nothing is being "learned". "Learning" is not the storage and aggregation of patterns and their associations. These sophisticated parsers and association models. while impressive enough at face value, are not anywhere near a machine gaining any amount of consciousness. Zero.
But this is what they want you to believe. That they have created a thinking machine that has intelligence, can learn like a human or an animal, and can make decisions based on that learning aka a sentient being. That is absolutely false. It's a lie.
It's a lie as big as the covid hoax and the climate hoax. It's time for people that know the limitations of AI to speak up and reel in the mythology.
I love your skeptical comment, but I want to know tat the capabilities of AI are increasing exponentially. AI used to be a total joke - but it no longer is.
When I studied the early days of AI as published by Stanford University it was not a "total joke". It was a developing technology. It still is a developing technology. While we love to fantasize about Star Trek, Star Wars, Isaac Asimov, etc, etc, there are real limitations for which even the best of human minds cannot overcome.
AI is, no doubt, increasing exponentially as all computer technology is. That still does not impart consciousness. There is no sentience that can be programmed into a machine. It just does not exist.
The capabilities that are being deployed are also not a total joke despite not really being "AI". Sophisticated language parsing, image parsing, and association models are extremely powerful. Look at Model Driven Development (MDD).
The technologies that do exist are, on their face value, very impressive, very sophisticated and very capable. They do however, fall short in terms of creating *any* amount of sentience. That's not to say that the use of such is not a threat to individual liberty. It clearly is. And that is well before and apart from any machine having any amount of consciousness or sentience.
I wonder then why THE developer community stackoverflow had to raise walls against a GPT already one month after it has been out in the open:
Nothing to see here!
Computer power has increased exponentially, but AI has not. Do you really think one could write a program that thinks like a woman?? No way.
Love this comment, can't heart it enough..
Whatever you want to call it, this censorship will be exasperating - arguing with an algorithm or a bot.
Like tech support.
Welcome to the world with America on Top. Who controls the powers of make believe.
With all due honour; "AI" does not exist in our nature of reality, only in the realm of science fantasy/fiction. This is not "AI" no matter how much they tell you it is.
Intelligence in machines, as in humans, is relative. Highly variable. Some machines are smarter than some (many) people.
Dunning-Kruger effect. No offence.
DK is pretty much like AI -- just another buzz word to impress the easily impressed.
Dunning Kruger. People don't really overestimate their abilities. Most people underestimate themselves. Ego makes insecure people try bluster to appear better than they are. Sometimes they get away with it.
oh ok i know that. I know it as DKE, the E for the effect.
It's interesting to me that the news this week is VERY big on AI. Not just this post, but all over NPR today, plus lots about chatGPT in the last couple days.
Narrative shaping at its finest, though I suspect we are still in the Mockingbird-shaped narratives, for the moment.
The Latest Current Thing topic to divide people pro and contra.
Nicest thing I heard today was that the chatGPT actually isn't that smart. But boy is it being hyped to appear to be. Ginning up that fear for the contra side.
Still, I put it in the category of Zoom and nuclear weapons. There are technologies we CAN use, but SHOULD not.
Course that requires admitting to a morality and the fact that you make value judgements and that's just so unpopular these days. Peeps would much rather say "I'm not frightened/anti, I'm CURIOUS." Thereby showing their intellectual superiority and hip modern I-ain't-no-fuddy-duddy-scared-a-no-robots sensibility to those of us who see: that the light at the end of the tunnel is really the one at the front of the train engine....
It sounds scary to people who don't understand it, who learned everything they know about AI from Terminator movies. Scaring you is their job. It's how they acquire and maintain power over you. Don't be scared.
The hubris of the scientific intelligentsia, as of late, appears to have an inverted relationship with actual scientific progress. It seems that the more they suck at science, the higher they think of themselves. I could have just said that...
Uh, not scared, honey.
Brave talk.
w/e peace out bruh!
Amen. Hence i tell such people:
As one who has been a NWO indagater since pre 2001, and since 2007 have went hard into daily and nightly indagation competently - critically - diligently - laboriously - lucubratingly - meticulously - rigorously. And as one who has experience in coding software, and as one who grew up reading and loving science fiction [before i knew better] from Asimov and Dick and other famous sci-fantasy/fiction story tellers, and became a born again believer at least many years ago, and if you know anything about the factual nature of reality according to accurate, correct, ordered, precise, proper and sound intelligent [ACOPPSI] reading of the Holy Bible [God's/Jesus' love letter written to mankind in His blood] in the ACOPPSI first century born again from above minded spiritual context and mores of the Israelite people, you will know the claims that “AI” exists in our reality is **a heavy supra spiritual/mental operation / psychological operation.** Like i tell others;
There are things that are put out that are true in general, like the United Nations Agenda 2100 A.D., and the WEF agenda as part of this, but this increasing fevered blitzing and bombardment daily now of "AI", is a *science fantasy/fiction movie*, and this is **pure unadulterated and unrestrained mal-info/computer science profound fraud!** ANYONE who has experiential authentically keen knowledge of coding software knows this "AI" *is indeed* science fantasy/fiction, it *is* pure hollywood fantasy/fiction type of idea being claimed as real [by NWO kings/rulers and all their great myriad of useful wilful dangerous fools and useful unsuspecting dangerous fools in God-created nature of reality] which is BRUTALLY DISHONEST. This "AI" and it's supposed claims of 'existing' in our reality in the first place is just utter colossal lies. In the realm of science fantasy/fiction, this is where “AI” is.... NOT factual reality. In science fantasy/fiction, “AI” is actually conscious, like you and me are conscious aka alive with a spirit. In our hard cold reality though, computers WILL ALWAYS BE “COMPUTE-rs” a.k.a. glorified inanimate abacus machines / super calculators. This is why this idea of "AI" supposedly 'existing' in our reality is nothing but monumental mal-info/fraud/deception/lies! The NWO elitists know now they have intentionally made so so much of society very stupid now more than ever, and as they get more stupid, the even easier it becomes to make them believe things that are just pure absurdity and idiocy and they do this because FEAR is an AGE OLD TACTIC - If they can make you believe such a thing exists in our reality, then they can paralyse most of the people who do not know better WITH FEAR/PARANOIA so that way people believe there is "no" hope. FEAR is a very powerful tool and it’s been used since ancient times and today is no different and today it’s used more than ever. Agencies like DARPA are either lying BRAZENLY to our face TO DELIBERATELY INSTILL FEAR INTO US TO BELIEVE SUCH IMAGINARY THINGS AS SUPPOSEDLY REAL, or they’ve lost their minds because their basing the nature of reality on a mechanistic, materialist, naturalist, atheist viewpoint WHICH IS INHERENTLY DEAD AT ITS PREMISE because COMPUTERS WILL ALWAYS BE COMPUTERS, computers will NEVER become ‘alive’ in our God-created nature of reality.
“We live in a society in which spurious realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by big corporations, by religious groups, political groups. I ask, in my writing, ‘What is real?’ Because unceasingly we are bombarded with pseudo realities manufactured by very sophisticated people using very sophisticated electronic mechanisms.” - Philip K. Dick
*Science fiction writers, I am sorry to say, really do not know anything. We can’t talk about science, because our knowledge of it is limited and unofficial, and usually our fiction is dreadful.” - Philip K. Dick
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false” - Former CIA Director William Casey
If you turn around the argument, you could ask:
What difference does it make if the bullet in your head has been fired by a computer or a human?
I can tell you: a computer has data processing advantage. Does not even need AI.
What it needs is to lock target on your physique and that is plain simple and already here as in face recognition. That suffice.
And you will learn shortly that it also works on all our elaborations here....
Yes, a very proficient fast calculator, i comprehend your point. But one if keen how to do so, can ''trick'' the software.
This is another serious psy-op - a de-railer to distract us in one sense and in another to instil abject fear to those lemmings who are quite experientially ignorant wilfully and unwilfully about how computers will only ever be glorified abacuses/calculators = electronic logarithmic machines, the ones who promote "AI" fantasy either are the crooks using another form of fear mind control or are fools who are faux-cognoscenti on the matter of the reality we subsist in, so many who have drank the electronic kook....sorry..kool-aid.
"AI" does not exist in our nature of reality, only in the realm of science fantasy/fiction. This is not "AI" no matter how much they tell you it is.
Def agree it is a distraction--and esp this week!
Taking the focus off WHO moves?
James Roguski posted about this today. He has a letter that he suggests that we all of us send to congress and the senate regarding WHO amendments (it would be impressive). He is on substack. Sorry I can’t seem to be able to paste the link. It is very important.
On it, thanks!
Yes... and other NWO agenda waypoints.. like UN Agenda 2100 A.D. super diabolic agenda waypoints being implemented.... we are in a sea of zombies Michele.
Yep, it's programming.
Simply logarithmic instructions to perform functions, which will always need a man or woman to design it and maintain it.
chatLGBTQI needs to be hyped up for the eventual stock IPO.
I can't confirm that this is true, but I heard chatGPT is not particularly smart right now in part because its input data hasn't yet been opened up fully.
It will also have all of the inherent biases that the code writers have.
it can only ever be as smart as its programmers, so....
Good observation and point
I am so damn sick of the word “safety”. Safetyism = Leftism. Well, now that we know the internet news is all bs, we will have to educate ourselves as out ancestors had.
Sage advice Ellen! Forced Safetyism is something Benjamin Franklin would have fought against. He said, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
AI is not at all predictable or controllable by it's authors.
Think what that means. You can't predict with any certainty how it will behave and you can't explain how it made it's choices. Have a look at the kinds of things it "creates". Purely demonic.
I wrote a piece on my substack on this very subject:
I like your thinking
We can always pull the plug. Modify the program. Lots of ways to control them. The uncontrolled renegades are only in movies. But some people can't even control their windows laptop. Hasn't been clear for decades which side of the keyboard the intelligence is on.
Best to pull the plug on AI.
You can pull yours. Not mine. It's inevitable.
Time to defund the EU and Google and exile all of the WEFies to Russia or Afghanistan.
For the love of God! What’s next???
Can someone please tell these control freaks that we don’t want their protection!
No, but you can leave a message with their AI.
The real criminals don't use Google on the dark web. This AI will weed out moms mad at school districts, but not organized criminals.
Exactly. Perfect response. Plus, they equate anything that goes against their narrative and vilify all debaters in public discourse, using terms synonymously as terrorist and misinformers. Maybe Google will create a new term which encompasses all free thinkers as terrod[m]isinformants, or terrodis/terromis comms. I will be moving even further away from technology with each push of such dictatorial conditions on OUR public asset of the www.
Google: "Don't be evil. Leave that to us."
FWIW, I've listened to quite a few bitchute videos from a very successful code guy who was a contractor for Microsoft. His opinion on AI is that the capabilities are vastly over exaggerated, and that, in the end, "AI" is really "programming dependent."
That being said, perhaps the agenda is for people to *think* that AI is doing things, when in fact, it is simply doing what it's programming is telling it to do in terms of censorship and narrative shaping.
This used to be the case but is changing rapidly
It's kind of like a nice off-loading of responsibility, if you think about it.
The IDEA that AI is the controller can be used as a nudge to redirect anger away from actual criminals in positions of power and to 'the system.' Or, to get people to stop accessing certain systems altogether.
Problem with your Drivers License? Your health insurance? Your class schedule at college? Your food stamps?
Blame AI, not the people you voted into office, the unelected officials those clowns appointed, the college administrators and state purchasers who cut greased deals with tech salespeeps to obtain their 'move fast and break things/ build it as you learn to fly it' software.....
Or, get enough media outlets on board to publicize some 'studies' in which AI predicts imminent climate catastophe, or models a hideous outcome for the next plandemic, and just watch the sleepers shuffle toward their cricket burgers, their 180th boosters....
Almost like a God, for those who don't have one.
Brilliant comment Michele.
"Don't blame us, it's AI. Nothing we can do about it."
And... at the same time, "AI" can force people to do whatever those in charge what AI to force people to do.
"AI requires vaxxination. AI says you're not eligible for medical treatment. AI says you can't leave your house." And so on.
"The computer says No" has been a reality for quite a while now.
It has, I agree. This just the latest iteration of same genuflecting toward tech/science god.
Yes, looks like a pattern. Large infrastructure project failed? Blame climate change, not corruption. Company is making losses? Don't blame the management, ESG score is so good.
For two days my phone has not worked.
As a phoney, that is.
The other things in it still work.
Microsoft took over , apparently wants me to choose, ha ha, to use their crappy product.
But I can't call anyone.
They say I owe them money, or I can try wifi calls
I feel like they already took over, Igor.
Putin said the West is using AI to fight Russia in newkraine nUkraine.
We see how well that works.
I work all the time, but have no doughy ever.
Now I have to find a second job, I am worried and tired of giving my life away to those who have terrorized and tortured the hell outta me.
That was natural intelligence, my own thoughts...
I am feeling as bad as a man can feel about all this Harmacide terror