Newsweek is a former excellent magazine that's been hanging on by a thread for decades. However, if it wants to rise from the dead this would damn sure be the issue that might allow this to happen. Be the only magazine in North America that tells the truth about Covid and the Covid response. They'd pass Time in subscribers in nine months.

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The Science is settled since 2020. 2000 papers if you wish: http://bit.ly/research2000

What people demand is .... JUSTICE !!!

- Reparations: damages and injuries, especially to the vaxxed, but also to those who had COVID and those who were mistreated (Remdesivir, ventilators)... not to mention the dead.

- That the guilty pay with all their wealth and prison

- Laws to prevent this from ever happening again

- Those who did nothing to stop it by neglect need to be punished and barred from public office for life

If we don't stand firm on this, prepare for the next phases of their plan:


In that substack, I'm about to post something huge I discovered, which isn’t anywhere else.

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Until the media dives into the UNC-CH, Ralph Baric, NIH, NAID, Moderna information and funding loop going back at least to 2015, all of the corrupt media and all of our politicians are desperately trying to manage us all. This Newsweek piece is very much part of this management.

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They (MSM) are putting on their finest 'ice skates' and will now attempt to do their finest 'ice skating' backwards! It is similar to my own personal story. When I was younger, I always wanted to play the game of hockey. There was only one problem... ..... I could not ice skate!! The dance will continue.... They will hold their heads up high, making no eye contact and whistling like no one hears them. We hear them and see them...........

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Great analogy there!

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Like minds!!

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So why not go ahead and say now whatever huge thing you discovered?

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It's called marketing Gabriella. Leave them wanting more and all that. Worked for me after I FINALLY figured it out vis a vis dating!

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Gees Gabriella click on the link and you’re there.

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023

Where’s the”something huge he discovered, which isn’t anywhere else”? Not there. What is he waiting for? Why wait? Dr. David Martin has connected dots already. So has Katherine Watt & Sasha Latypova. What else is there?

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So the global banking mafia wants to establish a one world dictatorship; what's so "new" about that?

Does anyone really think that Billy Gates and Tony Fauci do anything but what their puppeteers want and the the WHO and their "treaty" have anything else in mind?

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>Reparations: damages and injuries, especially to the vaxxed

Especially? The people who bear ultimate responsibility for this madness are the people who complied with it. The only innocent party here is the unvaxxed. Compensate them first. Then we'll see what we can do for the "vaccine-injured" (the craven, loathsome collaborators).

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Yes, and it must be those who profited paying, not the taxpayer - who has already been bleed dry via the wrongs done.

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Same message but another sorry.

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They make more money from the government and communist activist organizations than they do from actual sales of their rags.

They have no intention of doing journalism.

Pushing the narrative is rewarding.

The journalists that gave a shit, either quit or were pushed out, so they’re all communist ideologies there anyways.

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Entirely agree. They have no interest in journalism whatsoever. They exist purely as a propaganda rag, unsuitable for lining my cat's litterbox.

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Indeed, they are part of how this part of the fraud - always inevitable, gets managed.

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The entire article is a limited hangout.

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It may look like limited hangout to you now, but was it limited hangout in 2020 when he was bringing up these same points?

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Timing really can be everything. Tyrants are free to admit to anything once they are sure they have control.

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Straight to the point!

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After 58 years of Time, I had to cancel. They were to woke and lib for me. Not like the old days!

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TIME was arguably always a intelligence agency/bankster mouthpiece.

Their coverage of Vatican II and the Kennedy assignations come particularly to mind.

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I started Time in college and kept with it. Politics to young people back then wasn’t as awful as today. Maybe I was too blind to see it. There was NOT brainwashing on campuses back in the 60s. If there was, we were too idealistic to know it. I just was sure the Warren Report was trash!

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Schools were always about brainwashing.

“Our educational system is not a public

service, but an instrument of special privilege…”

Upton Sinclair, “The Goose Step,” 1923

Sinclair also wrote "The Goslings," which also deals with schooling. Both are excellent, as is "The Brass Check," which deals with the corruption of newspapers.


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Sadly, I’ve come to that conclusion also. Thx for references.

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This U-Turn of the MSM is about to explode. I think many people need more than just an independent investigation. I certainly do. I believe there is a massive indoctrination of government aganecies worldwide with a global agenda that is hostile to the people. Many MSM were and still are their useful idiots. But many are also driven by greed and were deliberatly pushing the fear prorn for clicks. But fear is diminishing now. MSM will need to create a new addiction. I think it will be revenge and anger.

If MSM manages to out the Covid criminals and pushes societies towards a Nuermberg 2.0 style trial, they can be the useful idiots for the people for a while. But we must not forget what MSM has done and their judgment day will come later. I actually just published a substack on that topic: https://markusmutscheller.substack.com/p/main-stream-media-turns-against-the

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Never forget that Nuremberg 1.0 was mostly smoke and mirrors and public theatre - while the key players were quietly removed, courtesy of Operation Paperclip, to the United States where they were enabled to set up all their research in new facilities.

Not that we should just give up and stop pushing for justice - but we need to be mindful that the Dark Lords will escape to continue their evil work elsewhere.

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The tactic of the MSM will be to funnel the unavoidable truth and anger by blaming it all on selected scapegoats. My betting is on Fauci and Walenski taking the wrap as well as a few mid-level guys at Pfizer. The pols and other Covid Nazis will plead ignorance: "Hey, the experts lied to us! How where we to know?" It's our job to - as you say - ensure that ALL the criminals are hanged for this.

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We were only following orders they will claim. Or something similar to that. Once again, history is repeating itself.

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> This U-Turn of the MSM is about to explode.

Methinks you much overestimate the strength of the woke who run these things. :)

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This is probably the best way to understand our present situation:


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I never discount greed too much. People who start out decent see other corrupt people getting more money and they think to themselves "Well if they're doing it I want a piece of that pie too." I call it the Pie Scenario. A little corruption leads to more corruption of an individual, and more and more and more. When kids start stealing little things from a store, some get a high from it, and they start stealing more and more, until they get caught.

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Agreed, insofar as defining causality, greed is near the top of the list. The Prisoner's Dilemma construct is a way of analyzing human behaviour when their greed (or other motive such as ideology, revenge etc.) leads to undesired consequences, such as being thrown under the bus by people you thought had your back. It's the same divide and conquer approach they use against us - a technique police investigators use to work their way up the chain of a criminal enterprise. You simply make the cost of defecting (betraying your co-conspirators) more attractive than keeping your mouth shut and taking the fall.

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"their (MSM) judgment day will come later"

The MSM owners (6 or 7 companies, 60 or 70 people) should be the first to climb the stairs to the guillotine.

Without the media being concentrated in their hands, the pseudopandemic would never have been possible. The entire operation depended on them.

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In Australia, that would be Rupert Murdoch.

And whoever runs the ABC here. (It's always hard to know exactly who is responsible for editorial policy, but they were certainly all singing from the same playbook.

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He's also a U.S. citizen, so he could be charged as an accessory to murder in a county like Lee County, Florida, where they are in the process of banning mRNA injections and the WHO.

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Yep and the usual stupid sheep in the masses.

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I outlined my (possible) "solution" in a Substack article. I call it a "message in a bottle" because I doubt anyone who can implement this solution will find my bottle and act on my message. Still, I think it might work ... or scare the hell out of the Establishment.


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I was a Newsweek subscriber for years. When they merged with The Daily Beast, I stopped. It was too much. But it is interesting that this is the second opinion piece run. Still have a long way to go though...

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Trust me. Newsweek hasn't found their journalism balls any more than The Daily Beast has. The whole purpose of this article is to throw readers a bone and make them think they are getting some kind of win when it is anything but. Articles like this are used to pacify readers and keep them complacent and obedient readers.

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Oh, I don't disagree. No MSM article published so far has addressed making changes to the system that allowed this shit show to fester. Without that, it's sorry-not-sorry. I am adopting a wait and see stance, which is why I said we have a long way to go...

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Same. I expect we will be seeing more and more mea culpa-style articles in the near future as the blame game ramps up.

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That's a bingo!

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Newsweek like almost all msm is long gone dead. They stopped doing honest journalism years ago (see their Covid coverage) so when I see a piece like this in one of the worst mainstream propaganda pubs suddenly appearing to be doing honest journalism my hackles go up, way, way, up.

The question is, WHY would Newsweek after 3 years of pushing deadly Covid policies/vaccines straight out some Soviet propaganda playbook suddenly do a 180?

Do they finally feel guilty? No.

Do they regret their behavior? No.

Are they worried about their reputation? Lol. No way.

Are they worried about their subscribers? Doubtful, considering they received millions in Covid bailout $ and tens of millions more from people like Bill Gates.

Are they trying to create and steer a particular narrative? Most likely, but why?

The Atlas piece reads like a limited hangout. While everything he mentions on his list is spot on he leaves out the elephant in the room-- that the vaccine is/was not safe, not properly tested, and that it has killed/maimed potentially millions of people worldwide. He also doesn't address the biggest crime-- that the vaccine was forcibly injected into millions via mandates.

Newsweek is essentially ignoring the worst thing to come out of the pandemic, the deadly forced vaccines, while simultaneously asking for mere "I'm sorry's" from those who are most culpable in all of the Covid and the vaccine's failures.

The people behind this need to hauled off to prison not writing letters of apology.

Also, on another note. I suspect Newsweek is queuing up to pin all of the Covid failures including the deadly Covid vax on Trump just in time for 2024.

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Check out el gato's latest substack on iatrogenic murder.

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I read it. Really good, fascinating stuff.

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Luv it.

"you cannot stop the spread of respiratory diseases.

but you can stop doing stupid and dangerous things in response to them

and it’s high time we did.

they are not going to stop trying to scare us.

it’s up to us to stop believing them."


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When I was growing up and a young adult, Newsweek was a major news organization that had a lot of influence. It wasn't perfect by any means, but they had some good writers and columnists and did give more in-depth (fairly balanced) treatments of the big news stories. Those days are long gone. I still remember that Newsweek sold for $1!

But I've outlined the path the new owners could take to quickly accumulate many new readers and subscribers. Of course, they won't follow that path. Someone would have to do it themselves (start their own magazine). Actually, Substackers in growing numbers (like Igor) are taking on this important task.

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Same! I remember the day when Time and Newsweek and 60 Minutes were legit. It's really sad to see the destruction of journalism this way.

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My parents subscribed to Newsweek (which we thought was better than Time) for probably decades. I started reading it in junior high. I joke that I could bluff my way to a political science degree just because I had read Newsweek cover-to-cover for years. I always thought David Ansen was the best film critic in America.

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These two useless rags are in a neck and neck race to the bottom of the barrel. So do you mean it would pass time in the lesser number of lost subscribers?

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Time has about fifteen subscribers so that's not much of a challenge. Both are garbage.

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A rag like Newsweak needs to have many more consistent years of fact-based reporting to recover from their mistakes, nay, anti-fact narrative, of the past. One issue isn't enough. Thinking people normally don't trust the media anymore especially since the media almost never provide any source link, and I've never seen the media provide a link to a study which supports their assertion.

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"Newsweek is a former excellent magazine..."

All corporate news sources have been garbage for decades. In fact, the masses are not privy to any important info from any source.

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Epoch Times already there and growing rapidly.

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Newsweek is about the only news magazine that has any conservative voices. Many of the readers and commentators are the usual brain-dead liberal fools but often get pushed back something rarely seen elsewhere. I support them although the article balance is slanted left.

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Isn't Newsweek only on line now? Didn't they discontinue the print version?

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Could be , I guess , but does anybody care ?

I remember back when S.I put out a good issue , including some in depth journo .

Of course all that turned 180 and so it felt good to cancel it.

Going back before that was the sad spectacle of The New Yorker .

in the case of Thebes TNY it made even worse , because it had been the quality standard for decades.

Venezuela here we come !

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I liked this comment only until I had read more comments. Sorry about that.

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Apologies AND Investigations AND Prosecution

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This was a DOD domestic (and global) bio-weapons program. I highly doubt there will be apologies, and if there are investigations, they will be fake....and there will be no prosecutions. Big pharma are just the front men in this Department of Defense bio-weapons program, and they have been given immunity from prosecution.

I hate to say it, but nothing will be done.

What people should be concentrating on, and figuring out how to stop, is the WHO and their "pandemic treaty" and the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR)

Once these are completed and in place, we are royally screwed.

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Congress needs to immediately stop funding the WHO and the USA needs to get out of WHO.

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I believe Trump did that, but commie Joe got us back in.

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You're correct. Trump got us the f*** out of the WHO and former Senator Joe Biden got us back in. The only way for us to be exempt from the WHO Accord is to not be a member.

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Alice, you're much too gracious calling him former senator. Call him for what he is!

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Demented, demonic, treasonous, pedophile usurper!

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Yes, and hopefully by the time the new IHR and Pandemic Treaty would go into effect (assuming they are approved) we will have a new president who could also get us out. I hope I'm right.

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Do you really think, given the extent that they (the Biden administation) have gone to with these evil plans, that they won't commit election fraud again, and place another person into the white house who is completely onboard with this agenda? They have been commiting election fraud all over the world, in order to get their people in place. Just look at the recent Presidential election in Brazil, for instance. In my opinion, one of the main groups behind this agenda, is the World Economic Forum. In my opinion, this is all part of the World Economic Forum's "Great Reset"....which is prelude to United Nations "Agenda 21 / 30". The Biden / Harris campaign slogan was "Build Back Better", the slogan of the World Economic Forum's "Great Reset"

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Every president is a puppet of the same system. The parties only exist to simplify the pitting of neighbour against neighbour for a myriad of divisive reasons that should have no business in politics.

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Should have been a huge red flag when Biden was parroting bbb. It was to me.I told you who was pulling the puppet strings.

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Jeez, I hope you're right too!

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And the UN

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I hear you... the proposed amendments to the IHR, pandemic treaty and the WHO’s One Health plans keep me awake at night. I do a lot of reflecting (mostly to calm myself down) and I’ve concluded 1) If I can participate in any way to oppose or prevent this shit from happening I will 2) If it happens and it’s out of my control, I can still make choices that support my autonomy and personal sovereignty. So, for example, as a healthcare professional forced to resign from my dream job due to a ridiculous vax. mandate, I’ll never put myself in a position like that again-it’s private practice from here on in. I’ll work for myself for the rest of my life. I’m learning more about finances and trading for extra income to use the systems to my advantage for as long as possible. Everyday I reflect on my vision of a house on some land with gardens, a green house, chickens, near-infrared light sauna and a white picket fence (heck, why not!). Im literally dreaming it into reality while making realistic plans/decisions. Im thinking of cashing my kids’ RESPs and saving that money for alternative education for them. So literally, Im rejecting the “new world order” as much as possible. My hope for everyone here is you can do the same. Good bless and Good speed!

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I really like your observations - and completely agree with you!

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Investigations? The Science is settled since 2020.

2000 papers if you wish: http://bit.ly/research2000

What people demand is .... JUSTICE !!!

- Reparations: damages and injuries, especially to the vaxxed, but also to those who had COVID and those who were mistreated (Remdesivir, ventilators)... not to mention the dead.

- That the guilty pay with all their wealth and prison

- Laws to prevent this from ever happening again

- Those who did nothing to stop it by neglect need to be punished and barred from public office for life

If we don't stand firm on this, prepare for the next phases of their plan:


In that substack, I'm about to post something huge I discovered, which isn’t anywhere else.

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AND hangings.

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Let's just make sure our attention is not so narrowly focused on the apologies and investigation and prosecution that the ongoing erosion of our freedoms goes unnoticed. The globalist billionaire psychopaths are perfectly happy to "sacrifice" fall-guys for past sins while they continue full speed ahead with their evil plans. They especially love to play the "look over there" game while installing the latest AI, slipping in a dangerous law or regulation, preparing to release the next pandemic, and so on.

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I completely agree. The games and distractions are endless. We can't allow ourselves to be distracted.

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Amen. So true indeed.

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It's ok for forgive the mask Nassis as they go to the gas chamber.

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And capital punishment. That is what this crime deserves. That's what the Nazi doctors got for exactly the same stuff.

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Unfortunately, not. A few did, but many did not receive capital punishment. Many (1,700) of Hitler's top doctors and scientists were brought into the United States by the OSS (Office of Strategic Services....now known as the CIA) under "Operation Paperclip", and put into top positions within OUR government, running programs like the NASA space program. They were also placed in industry like BIG PHARMA and BIG CHEM....among others. Annie Jacobsen wrote a book back in 2014 entitled "Operation Paperclip" that I highly recommend.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

But the WHO treaty will put us in even worse shapecv

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The Covid Plandemic was just a test for what’s coming. Next time the techno infrastructure will be in place to enforce mandates and total control.

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Agenda 2020= origination of plan. Systems in place

Agenda 2030= completion of goals.

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Beware of "digital currency," which I think will end up in "banning cash," which would be check mate for Big Brother.

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Then I guess we'll have to go the non-techno route.

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Took the words out of my mouth. I will never let my guard down. Ever.

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Yes, for info watch this: https://presentdangerchina.org/webinar-whos-on-first-at-the-who-the-ccp-runs-it-and-we-must-leave-it/ and read James Roguvski's substack, where he gives much info and sample forms to contact anyone and everyone

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Which is why you are reading articles like this one in Newsweek, to make you think it's all over, they are apologizing now and they feel really, really bad so we are vindicated! Whew! So glad we've got lockdowns and forced vaccines behind us.

Meanwhile, the WHO treaty marches on.

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Bingo. It's deception - an appearance of retreat while they attack on another front.

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not just the treaty, the IHR that will pass unless it is objected to

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The IHR is filled with fangs too.

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To have Newsweek publish a piece acknowledging that #MistakesWereNOTMade (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem) is a HUGE step toward justice and much more promising than the limited hangout piece (https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/dissecting-the-new-plea-for-covid) they recently published.

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strongly suspect that more people read MAA and igor substacks. most people don't read, period.

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Haha, good point, nymusicdaily. The people who read read Substack. People who don’t read consume click-bait headlines on social media and MSM.

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and a lot of stupid vids

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I know "most people don't read, period." Including my son.

It's especially frustrating for me because he is young, and I know that it's HIS "normie" future that is being both blatantly, as well as surreptitiously, co-opted by the ptb.

He just doesn't get it. Yet.


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I'm a Gen-X-er that didn't have cable growing up and found broadcast TV ultimately boring as a young kid. So on a whim I picked up some novels. And what got me started on my reading journey were the D&D based Dragonlance books. To be honest if I started with something else, like more high-minded literature or non-fiction works and/or essays, I probably would not have learned to appreciate reading as much, if at all. Today, I think one can start with graphic novels (comics and manga) and so-called light novels (full novels with illustrations, mostly dialogue driven) to get into the habit of reading.

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Dragonlance!!! Such fun reading. Those were the days before amazon and I was entirely dependent on the local library. Not horrible, but you know those suppositions about "what did it mean to you to be rich?" mine is being able to afford box sets so you can read series in order. It's something I still regard as a lovely lovely luxury and I'm quite happy I can do this for my girls, probably more than is good for them! I haven't looked for a good Dragonlance set as my eldest got really into Wings of Fire. Sort of similar idea. Your reading tips are bang on. Good luck Canadian Dissident!

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That is sad but not inevitable. Try getting him hooked on audiobooks using something that would draw him in. I’m not sure how old he is, but Lemony Snicket’s “A Series of Unfortunate Events” would be a great way to get him addicted and open up his mind to the joys of reading.

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When I used to drive a lot more, audiobooks definitely saved my sanity and actually made traffic ironically enjoyable.

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I owe my reading life to audiobooks. I’ve probably “read” a couple thousand books over the past two decades thanks to the ability to multitask while listening.

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Both of my now grown sons loved those audiobooks! Good recommendation. Also, I'd add Gary Paulsen's wildlife adventure/ self discovery type audio books.

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I am far from the worlds best mom, but one thing I am proudest of is getting both my children to love reading and books. I am currently working on getting them to read meaningful works (like the list of writers at the back of your children’s book MAA!) It’s never too late, even if you can only resort to bribery! That’s how I started with the oldest 😝

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Haha, I’ve no doubt you are, Stephenie, and that IS an incredibly significant achievement to be proud of! I am forever grateful to my mother for teaching me to read before I started kindergarten. She used a system of flashcards and coffee cans that cemented my love of both reading and coffee 📚☕️

And it delights me to know they are reading some of my favorite authors and books! 😄

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Thank you! It's nice having a list to refer to and reflective of what I was exposed to in high school, plus lots of very helpful additions! To this day I regret giving away copies of certain books.... But now I own a compendium of Orwell's complete works, so it's expansive in the end.

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Amen. I’ll take any publicly accepted progress at this point.

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Yeah. As much as I want my "I told you so" moment, I just hope that the truth shines through more and more. I did write about this 14 months ago (see https://goingsane.substack.com/p/the-narrative-v10) but even then it felt late from my perspective.

Like Sheldon H said: any publicly accepted progress is good progress at this point.

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FYI, MAA: https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/vindicated-friday-march-3-2023-c/comment/13270823

This incident relates to the subject of Dr. Atlas' opinion piece and has implications for our Substack karass. Jeff, apparently, was not interested.

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Thanks for the heads-up, MisterY. I arrived at that repellent Emily Oster piece after the comments had been closed, so I voiced my complaint in the shoutout thread that day. It likely went unnoticed as there are nearly 1,500 comments:


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Thank you, MAA. I didn't know about the shoutout thread but will check it out and add my own comment. I got involved in the Substacks Reads comments because I had recently downloaded the Substack App for my smartphone and consequently (although I wasn't aware of it until that day) I was involuntarily subscribed to Substacks Reads. When the Oster article/interview appeared in my inbox, I clicked on it. I couldn't stomach the article and so I jumped to the comments which were only a dozen or so at that moment. Since I hadn't read much of the article, I confined myself to responding to one of the Substack moderators who had posted a preemptive comment warning commenters to be civil and abide by Substack guidelines, as if a hostile response was expected. I responded to her by pointing out that characterizing those who were critical of Emily as a "mob", as implied by the title of the article, was derogatory and thus violated Substack guidlines. The moderator did not respond but 9 people upvoted my comment while I watched many new comments appear, almost all critical of Emily, the Interviewer/article author, or the Substack policy of involuntary subscription. Most were well-written and civil. A few went too far, perhaps, but those could have been censored on an individual basis, if warranted. I wasn't too surprized when comments were closed, but I was shocked when all of them were censored some hours later. I really wish I had made a copy of the comments. They were that good: heartfelt, passionate, and some personal testimonies of hardship and loss.

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Thank you for calling them out and bearing witness to the comments that got disappeared. That was a truly disappointing episode, and I hope the Substack leadership and staff will take away the lessons that matter and adjust accordingly.

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If only Atlas were to have fully replaced Fauci from the start, how differently the whole debacle could have gone.

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You don't understand, that puppet would have been replaced by another even worse:

Idiocy, conspiracy or idiotic conspiracy?

15 Feb 2022. Christofer Cole, FDA Executive Officer of Countermeasures Initiative: “The drug companies, the food companies, the vaccine companies.... so they pay us hundreds of millions dollars a year to hire and keep the reviewers to approve their product.” “If they can get every person required to get an annual vaccine that is a recurring return of money going into their company.”1 By focusing on one tree (money), people miss the way out of the woods.

Any crime detective must ask the whys, "what is there to be gained, and who and how is going to gain it?", “what’s the real motivation when there’s nothing to gain”? And here’s where most fail: they can’t explain the motive behind international coordination without a money trail. Some even fail to acknowledge it even if it’s in their face because it implies changing their world model upside-down:

How was it possible that mainstream media in different countries would cover news with the same scripted template, being the only difference the inclusion of local comments from the same pre-approved pool each time?

Why were all dissident scientific and medical voices ignored, censored and prosecuted by all levels of power, even universities and medical associations?

Can you rationally explain why those politicians who didn’t receive a cent from vaccine manufacturers have supported blatant constitutional violations?: quarantining the healthy, shutting schools and churches, vaxxing pregnants and children, nano-chipping the population, etc.

Is there a pandemic of a very contagious stupidity virus? Or is it a lunacy pathogen?

Is there a pre-requirement of being a sociopath or a psycho-path to occupy any level of authority?

Why do secret societies of satanists and luciferian masons need secrecy and impose obedience on their members under the threat of losing their easy jobs, easy money, livelihoods or lives?

What do they have to hide in secret?

Why are they freely allowed to benefit fellow accomplices with power seats, especially within Government, infiltrating all places of power?

Why are they allowed to act as one man in controlling central banks, supposedly opposing political parties, supreme courts, listed corporations, supposedly antagonist media, etc.?

Occam’s razor leaves only one logical answer: the global coup is run by masons.

When there's a confession of a crime, you need no more proofs. They expose their devious plans out loud and they put their money where their mouth is. The money trail proves they walk their talk with billions.

Yet, when there’s no money trail/profits, what else than freemasonry could explain precise coordination in 100+ countries (government agencies, politicians, judges, corporations, media, military, police, secret services)?:

• Why did the freemason President of France and freemason Fauci fund gain-of-function in Wuhan, supposedly being China THE enemy?

• Considering they control almost all listed corporations, they lost trillions with the lockdowns (they don’t care, they forge money).

• Unlike previous PLANdemics, it wasn't about selling billion$ of snake oil to governments, but about shoving it through your veins. This was most obvious with child and pregnancy haccination:

The PLANdemic wasn’t about the rich getting richer but about a global power grab. Only freemasonry can explain infiltration and coordination of all positions of power, especially, where there was no money trail. Why else do they need to be a secret society?

The more you study, the more smoke you can find from the smoking gun, not gun, cannons. Conspiracy-skeptics and cabal-deniers can't explain why those powers are spending billions in de-carbonisation, injected Bluetooth nano-routers, 5G, chemtrails, toxics, war-on-meat, gender ideology, paedophilia, robot-philia, human rights for the non-human persons (animals, AI robots), etc. Even if they admit the de-population progrom, they can’t explain the push for in-vitro fertilization, which contradicts depopulation.2

If they just took time to read, they’d find it is proven beyond any doubt that the satanic digi-tatoship wants to murder 95% of mankind, while there's no democracy, when all parties are under freemasonic orders and pockets (n.b. democrats and RINOs).

A school mate confessed: “Your argument looks all right but if I go that way, I won’t be able to enjoy life.” Some are unwilling to enter the rabbit's hole because they know that they won’t find wonderland at the other end, just nightmare-land, THE end of our world. Just as Cypher in Matrix movie, they’d rather forget all of it and live the good life (good lie) rather than join the resistance in a painful David-Goliath war “doomed to be lost”, as if being in denial would prevent their own extermination: better be a happy self-uninformed skeptic, than a responsible realist.

WARNING ! The next threats and the solution:


In that substack, I'm about to post something huge I discovered, which isn’t anywhere else.

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F Nazar - go and spout your CT jabber elsewhere - "Occam’s razor leaves only one logical answer: the global coup is run by masons." World class detectorist gobs***e.

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They would never have allowed that to happen.

Atlas does not belong to the same club, as it were.

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Indeed, that was obvious. Atlas was relentlessly marginalized and vilified, as he was clearly not cut from the same cloth as the others.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I'm waiting for the NYT to tell me what to think.

To do otherwise would be very racist...

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I was thinking of showing the Newsweek piece to an NYT/NPR victim who is important to me. But Scott Atlas was in the Trump administration, and wikipedia said he spread misinformation, so therefore he is unacceptable and there is no need to consider his statement.

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Blue Monday...

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Still removed from my career for refusing the shot.

No boosters needed…. Just the original shot.

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It’s the same way at my former employer! I cannot believe this clot shot is still required! They definitely have (jabbed) blood on their hands...

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I wish that anyone injured by the covid shots would sue their emoloyer that mandated them. At the minimum file a Worker's Comp claim. It is costly and time-consuming for an employer to defend these cases..... especially if they had several. They cannot refuse to file a claim if an employee said it is job related.

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Very few lawyers will take these cases. My bf is in a class action lawsuit now for getting fired for refusing the jab. And that was with HIS doctor’s numerous exemptions!

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lol 'just started'. Is that because NO ONE signed up for his Hedge fund. Why not 2 years ago?

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This is a free service for everyone (free for lawyers to register, free for people to search for a lawyer) Maybe the delay in starting a registry is because 2 years ago very few lawyers would even touch these cases. But I guess the tide is turning. There have been some successes, such as with the city workers in New York. So it seems more attorneys are willing to argue these cases.

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Love your name!

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Husband still can’t legally travel to the USA, same as the joker. 🎾

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Atlas never mentions that the vaccines were mandated. Wonder why he left that part out?

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

The biggest part of the article is the acknowledgement that this shit was KNOWN AT THE TIME.

That's been the most painful part for me, because if I knew it then I could not even begin to believe that they didn't.

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This will be so hard for most people to admit. They bought into the constantly changing narrative all along. Just the other day a vax happy friend of mine, who is a gem about differing opinions, parroted the same reply as 2020 to something I said and it took me aback for a second. Totally unexamined. She still has no idea that the protocols put in place were the exact opposite of all the plans we had. I’ve tried explaining, but gave up some time ago and just let it go. It was a weird reminder though of how people are getting through their day....

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Problem is the assault perpetrated is much more serious and evil than an apology could ever address. “ ...Oh sorry that your young son now has permanent heart damage...” “...sorry bro that your restaurant was bankrupted because of my mandate..” “my apologies that your mom was murdered at the hospital, it happens”

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Nuremburg showed us possibilities but this time we cannot allow Operation Paperclip 2.0. They all have to face justice and not be allowed to join Space Force.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

We have not been and were never facing what RFK Jr has termed “a mismanaged pandemic,” a stance supported by most “health freedom” celebrities. What we are dealing with is fraud, tyranny and mass murder.

Reifying the Big Lie that there ever was a “pandemic” caused by a “unique viral pathogen” in 2020 covers up the crimes of what actually happened in the hospitals and nursing homes as well as provides cover for those who designed and executed this operation.

This needs to be confronted head on in the “health freedom movement” as those with the biggest audiences by and large reinforce the “pandemic” narrative and create fertile ground for justifying all sorts of “emergency measures.”

There was no pandemic ever- there is no “lab leak”- there is no “unique viral pathogen”- there is no “China Virus”- there is no “bioweapon”- There is no “There” there.

It is all fraud piled on top of fraud.

“It’s just a virus and some bad actors” say the public.

“A bioweapon that needs to be contained next time” say the subverted Covid oppositional actors.

It was an epidemic of violent government and medical assault against people, of false attribution of death, and of intense propaganda using fraudulent tests and bogus studies introduced to bring about a dystopian Biosecurity state.

The official “Covid” narrative is cold-blooded fiction.

There was no pandemic.

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100%! I'm sure you mean what they call the SARS-CoV-2 virus is NOT a bioweapon - you are absolutely correct, but it was the pretense to deploy the true bioweapon: the mRNA jabs. It's just starting - millions more will die from the jabs. With more than half the population brainwashed into injecting themselves (or in some countries, forced against their will), will there be enough left to stand up against the evil globalists and governments?

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It's important to note that clowns like Kulldorff, Malone, Bhattacharya were advocating FOR vaccines aka poisonous mRNA injections in 2020 to fight the phony scamdemic.

How do these people get a pass?

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Not everyone has your foresight and people can change. If we can only support those who got it 100% correct, 100% of the time, we are screwed.

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"100%! I'm sure you mean what they call the SARS-CoV-2 virus is NOT a bioweapon - if you are in the US may I refer you to Dr David E Martin who will explain in US English that SARS COV2 is legally a bioweapon. He will even quote you the US statute(s) - his knowledge and testimony is freely available...

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I wonder if Atlas dared to speak clearly to Trump in any time before the November Election: Fire Fauci, fire everyone, put them and their cronies under arrest, end the plandemic and stop everything, including your demented operation warp speed.

I think he didn't. Atlas shrugged, as always. (No one saw that coming lol)

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Didn't Trump try to fire Fauci and Birx at one point, but he got so much push back from Fauci's adoring public that he backed down? I wasn't paying as much attention back then, so it's possible I am remembering it wrong.

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Trump was the boss. A boss knows there are five to ten careerists working under an ambitious guy who are willing to stab him in the back in order to get his position.

If anything Fauci had all his rivals that could topple him down under a leash, making difficult for the boss to attack him.

If Trump had wanted to remove fauci, he could have gone to the spies and tell them it was time to clean the stables and that every protection deal was done for. If the spies do not obey, declare Martial Law and have the military destroy all who oppose the President.

Trump digged his own grave by not kicking his enemies out in 2017.

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I don't need an apology.. I want 'em handcuff and charge Fauxi, Gate, 10% Joe, fda, cdc, nih, CEOs and all who carried their water .. media, big tech and hollywood! The lost of trust and the damage they have done to this country and to the world! The Nuremberg Code!

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I wonder if truth is springing forth, or if some of it is being "allowed" out to distract us from the other horrible things our government and 3 letter agencies are up to. I'll bet on the latter.

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Is he kidding us? Investigations? The Science is settled since 2020. 2000 papers if you wish: http://bit.ly/research2000

What people demand is .... JUSTICE !!!

- Reparations: damages and injuries, especially to the vaxxed, but also to those who had COVID and those who were mistreated (Remdesivir, ventilators)... not to mention the dead.

- That the guilty pay with all their wealth and prison

- Laws to prevent this from ever happening again

- Those who did nothing to stop it by neglect need to be punished and barred from public office for life

If we don't stand firm on this, prepare for the next phases of their plan:


In that substack, I'm about to post something huge I discovered, which isn’t anywhere else.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

No question, they have to be held accountable, not a verbal scolding,.heads must roll for the adverse reactions and so deaths are not in vain.

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

“Will we see apologies and investigations? (the real apologies and investigations, not fake ones)”

No!! I would at least like one or more from my sisters. If they apologize maybe there’s hope. But I will not hold my breath.

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Me, too.

I don’t think it will ever come to pass.

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