Me and my husband both got covid 2 weeks ago. First time! I’m unvaxxed. I started ivermectin wed. Felt sick in tues night. I knew it was bad. My lungs hurt. The cough hurt. Got a fever. I did 2 doses a day of 18 mg. And by day 3 fever gone. Day 5. Good to go. Husband. He was worse. He had the J&J. His first covid. He did the 18mg twice a day. Fever gone by day 5. He still has a lingering cough but he is good. Yes. It works ! I also took some HCQ but only a few doses. Didn’t feel I needed both drugs.
I’m pro-IVM for sure, never taken it myself but have been using it on my goat herd for a decade. Anyways, the site linked below has been advertising on Gab for several months. I’ve looked into it enough to believe they are legit, but I make no claims as such. Their prices seem a little high, but IVM available without a script. I will probably buy from them at some point.
Oh gosh, I listened to the OAN vid at the end of this site and it said India is almost Covid free after wide use of ivermectin. Then the zinger: in America, a doctor can lose their license for prescribing it. I guess I have to give my doc the benefit of the doubt here. Anybody know if this is true? 
Yep. It was true about a year ago. NIH has ivermectin on its website as a covid 19 treatment!!! I could not believe it. Also Amazon has it back on their site!!!
You'd think the numbers would speak for themselves. Hasn't the US had the worst outcomes per capita then any other country...or at least the most amount of "deaths".
Seems so...on this video, not sure when it was taped, it was 112,000 cases in the US versus 199 in India after wide use of IVM. I think they try to make things worse for us because just about every other country looks to us and was helpful to them if things were going bad here. Plus we are the deep state’s main chess piece.
There is a bill in CA in which, if passed, doctors will be brought before their licensing board if they are found to be purveyors of misinformation. Misinformation being a fluidy random bullhunky sort of thing as you know. But you could have your license suspended. AND if you do not already have a license to practice in another state it would prevent you from obtaining a license elsewhere. So, those doctors who are out there telling the truth, be sure to show them your love.
I think he practices in TX. But they have gone hard after him. Apparently people outside your state can file a complaint with your state's medical board. Like a hospitalist in HI can file against a doctor in MA. It happens cuz people cray.
I’d say that’s fair. 🐐 🐐 And, the stuff I use on them is still pretty cheap! (and in a pinch I would take it myself...heavens know they’ve spit enough back at me).
@Rick - I have ordered from 3 times. It is legit. I got my orders very quickly. Great communication from the company. Highly recommend ordering from them.
There's a site.. . china pet shop, which has warehouses in both europe and US.. prices for IVM has gone up substantially, but still works out to $0.35 per 12mg dose. Pills are either in 3 or 5mg form, I just buy the 5mg in maximum bulk size. I've also bought the liquid version - which is way more concentrated, but different version of the avermectin family has shown interesting 'effects' against different cancer, with the usual dosage at 4X of normal for half a year. Accounts of such can be found via searching, for folks who might be interested in different treatment modalities as the medical system continues its collapse. I'm not listing the china pet shop here as I don't want the Borg to take special notice, but they've really expanded their offerings and I'm glad, as the pricing is a fraction of Amazon.
It is OTC in many pharmacies (not all) in TN. they do not ship out of state. Compounding pharmacies in TN are your best bet. They just have to have a doctor sponsor them, but it has nothing to do with you needing a doctor RX.
Good for you! I almost felt like doing the same but I’m in a high growth area and new ppl moving in can’t get a doctor. He did express a conservative sentiment at the end and said no when I tested him on getting a booster so I give him the benefit of the doubt.
Pretty easy to find it on Twitter, from serious people, not scams. Our 🐭community has a French guy and he’s super fair, I ordered the full pack (IVM, Flu, HCQ, and the other supplements and antibiotics/antacid that McCullough and FLCCC recommended) for €18, which now is like $0.92… I’m kidding it’s like $20. I’d handle is @quiquichotte1 if you just wait until he announce orders are open, you can avoid the creepy aspects. If that is something you’d like to do, lmk and I’ll ask him. The French aren’t known for their willingness to speak English…lol
He has made a simple graphic, which looks like a slide/meme (i e, one screen) with a flow chart that includes what to do, based on severity/Cuomo-rabidlies/day of diagnosis/ etc. Super easy to follow. I know at least 4 people that feel as if this saved their lives. We all know how to argue our position, but I’ve realized that at the moment of truth, when someone you love gets a positive test, suddenly we are helpless, we either don’t have what all we need or have to get treated by someone who prescribes a protocol we don’t believe will work. our public health officials should be indicted for that alone.
Dr Kory has the best ivermectin info on the internet. And at the end of this "Part-3" (of a 3-part series) he has contact info if you need a doc and Rx: The Miracle NOT Heard Round The World
You're better off for it. We've had another wave down here in FL. Over the last 4-6 weeks virtually everyone we know in our neighborhood has come down with it again! I think this is probably our 3rd wave since the vaxx campaign started. Deja vu all over again.
They were all on the vaxx bandwagon. It was all over our neighborhood FB page.
My family didn't get sick. We didn't get the vaxx and we were one and done with the coof. Or at least we haven't felt sick since we had Delta.
What's crazy is I can't even remember my kids having any colds since they had the Vid.
I wonder if the Vid is just out competing everything? And if you have natural immunity to it you're getting some cross immunity to other similar viruses.
Regarding cross immunity, I haven't been sick with cold or flu since 2007, when I came back from China and got the worst flu of my life; high fever, body ache and shivering cold that my body was shaking and teeth clapping the whole night. Thought I'm not gonna make it. But pulled through and ever since I cannot remember being really sick. Even went on a pilgrim tour to India where nearly everyone got a cold infection during the trip.
And my parents are at least two times sick every year since I can remember.
I didn't even notice my luck until the Rona came, unjabbed and still no infection, even after trying to get it.
Pretty weird. Are there more like me out there. Would be interesting.
Ha! Good thing God didn't listen to you! I also got Delta Dec 1st 2021,scratchy throat and low fever for 2 days then day 4and 5 spiking to 104. Started IVM DAY 5. Got tested pos. Day 7 monoclonal antibodies and x-ray showed bilateral pneumonia. Thought I was gonna die too. Stayed in bed for 12 days. Neg on day 15. Had bad cough until Dec 30 ,blew out a lung and spent 12 days in the hospital. God wouldn't take me either. So we're both still here for a purpose my friend!!!!
Well, Igor that is terrific news! If you don't have it by now, you should feel to breathe deeply and eat off their plates. Hope your cov's are doing well.
So is this hard to get? Scarface type of situation... I live in Tx, if I need it where do I get it...
But... Now I'm thinking, I don't want to get anyone in trouble. This is really f up..I aint going in NWO death camp, not going to hospital until leadership of them are in American prison.
I did a cardio class today and it killed me. I got a headache. Had some chest pains. Not good. I’m sure it’s the covid. Sucks. But I’ll just keep going!!! I think because it’s manufactured it’s worse. I read this omicron was not natural. Not a mutate. Looks like they released that one too. Bastards!!
Yes! I had this same conversation with the family.. as it finally broke through our defences and went through all of us from around late July - that it's a bioweapon. Till now, none of us had been sick with anything for 2+ years, despite confirmed exposure. Previously we might feel achy or tired for a day or two, but will test -ve on both the ART and subsequent serology test (aka our innate immune system took care of it, didn't have to generate longer-term antibodies). We're on the twice weekly protective protocol. Then this time round, the kids had a bit of a mild fever for a day or so., adults no fever.. and I followed the FLCCC protocols on the mix of HCQ/VIM. I split the VIM over 2 meals though, 2X dosage for lunch, 1X dosage for dinner as I figure absorbtion will be better that way. Better results than friends who took the dosage in 1 go. The vexed folks in SG are now having fevers for 3 to 5 days though... much worse fevers. I'm hearing anecdotal stories of vexed folks who still get headaches and fevers in the evenings, 21 days post + test. So that has led to a situation where the pharmacies here in SG have run out of panadol... a lot of clinics too are down to their last couple of boxes. Imagine that.....
Since 7 of us got it in the family, I was able to cross-tabulate the differences in the treatment protocols used and tally the subsequent recovery. This newest strain has big elements of Delta - majority have lost their sense of smell and taste. An unvex friend still had nothing 21 days later... and I figured out that the combo of benadryl/lactoferrin/melatonin in the evenings was the key difference. He got about 80% back with 2 days of that routine... and decided to let his body continue healing by itself. Just need to kickstart the process, and he's enjoying his coffee again.
The women in the family all incurred early periods... and I just read that the 1500m Irish runner competing now in the Euro champs actually mentioned that she had the coof in June and had 3 periods that month, same as when she got the jabs. So that's just an additional data point for the ladies if it's still age-applicable.
None of us had any significant coughs.. but hearing from the grapevine that the vexed folks are still coughing up a storm 3 weeks later. Some remaining phlegm which is interfering with the oxygen uptake... more irritating than debilitating.
Oh the first kid that got it was negative after 4 days... he was instructed to gargle with providone iodine every couple hours, and I got slack with the subsequent kids who fell sick, so they took longer to get better, 5 to 6 days to test -ve. So by the time I got it, followed by my mother, we'd figured that out and the gargling for us to -ve in 3 days. So the latest variant is mostly replicating around the tonsils...
I only fell sick 9 days after the 1st case in the family.... and I now believe I would have skipped it, but I was being run a bit ragged over time getting and prepping food for the whole family. I did up the VIM dose to daily.... and we had 2 members who didn't fall sick, just a bit more tired. The conclusion is that the viral load is just extremely high, so whatever measures you're using to soak up the spikes, just have to up the regimen to deal with constant high viral load exposure.
I also saw a recent podcast by Chris Martenson and his wife, where they mentioned that both of them came down with the coof on their recent travel. He got over it pretty quickly, while she had it a lot worse, and the difference was the PI gargling Chris did. I'm assuming they followed the appropriate FLCCC protocols, but it wasn't mentioned.
Just more anec-data to help folks get well faster as this new variant makes the rounds.
You are the BOSS getting out 2 weeks after. My husband did too. He plays pickleball. He said it was brutal. I waited. I used the excuse of just getting stitches removed from my chest and internals needed a week. Totally true, but there is no way on God's green earth I could have played. I walked around the block and thought I was going to have to hitch a ride home. Not kidding.
U did need a week! Stitches in your chest! It’s no joke! I’m 61 and have high BO. Asthma and obesity. If I had listened to them in 2020 I would have been scared. Somehow I knew right from the start this was all concocted. Mainly I think they did it to do mail in ballots and get rid of Trump. The timing fit and was perfect. It all came together and Trump fell for it too!!! But it’s no joke and the only reason I’m still standing walking and running is I did my homework. The supplements I’ve been on for 2 years have certainly strengthened my immune system. Take it slow but if U can get on some good supplements like NAC. Magnesium for sure. D with k and C. Get gluthione if I can. c60. There are so many things to help people older pump up immune. You will do fine. Do take it slow. ESP after a surgery!!
I too have asthma and have controlled blood pressure. I read early on that Losartan was among some of the drugs they were considering as helpful if you got Covid so I went to my doctor and told him I didn't think the water pills were enough for the BP and I wanted Losartan (and ACE2 inhibitor) and he gave it to me. I laugh thinking of it because I told him to kiss off when he suggested BP meds. Suddenly I want them! Have you found NAC helpful with your asthma? I take NAC and Quercetin and they have helped significantly with night time (like bedtime) asthma. I take all your supps except gluthione and C60 (which I am not familar with but will look).
I had a melanoma on my chest removed. I am not a huge worrier, but it did provide a diversion while pitying myself for getting covid. Haha. I'm good now. Got it all out, Until the next one decides to show. Hope it is somewhere less conspicuous and where there is more meat. Chest melanoma is obnoxious.
my boyfriend started taking a small weekly prophylactic dose of ivermectin in jan 2021. he desperately wanted me to take it but my feeling on drugs is the same as my feeling on vaccines- i really don't want either unless absolutely necessary.
1) in june of 2021, my moderna trial subject friend came to stay with her staunchly unvaccinated childhood best friend. after leaving us and going back to their respective homes, they both got covid (delta). my moderna friend called me for advice as moderna merely took her blood. she also asked me to help her friend. they were both having a hard time of it but the moderna friend is affluent, has a solid husband and insurance. her friend is divorced, uninsured and lives alone on a hobby farm. i gave them both a list of supplements and instructed the hobby farmer to go out to her barn to get her tube of ivermectin. she protested that it was for animals; i countered that she was an animal.
she had been spending nights with such extreme body aches and spiking fevers that she was sitting up crying. eventually her desperation overcame her resistance and we figured out a safe dose which she took around 4:00 pm her time.
i suddenly started to worry; i had convinced this woman who i had only recently met, to take this medication that i had never tried. my BF had been on it for half a year but he took the human version and at a much smaller dose. what if rachel madcow was correct and this woman died?
to my great relief she called me the next morning to say that she had been able to sleep through the night with only a mild fever and no body aches. she now stock piles the stuff whenever she can get it at her local feed and seed store and tells me the price has doubled (still cheap).
2) in july 2021 i went to what was meant to be an outdoor pool party driven indoors by torrential rains. the 50 or so freshly vaccinated women packed around the dining room table hadn't seen each other in a year and were full of the fresh blush of confidence in their jabs. there was all the clucking, cooing and air kissing that you might imagine at a party of women.
i stood outside in the rain and called my BF to come pick me up. that night as we went to bed, i announced that i would start on IVM the next day. he was happy.
3) my moderna friend's unvaccinated mother then got covid and my friend called me for help. since her mother lives near her farm friend, i called her and sent her over with all the supplements i had suggested to her plus her horse paste. the mother recovered just fine and avoided hospital.
4) a local DOD subcontractor (who insists that the covid shots are a depopulation scheme and contain a kill switch) got covid. his doctor refused to prescribe IVM and he got so bad that he was preparing to go to the ER when another medical friend got him some. he was 50% better after his first dose and 100% better after his second.
5) another friend tests often for work and had just tested negative (jan 2022) even though she was feeling sick. she waited 5 days before getting another test, this time positive, at which point she called me. she had gotten so bad that she collapsed and hit her head on the floor. we raced over with some IVM for her. after one dose, she felt much better and only went to the hospital to have her head checked. she says from now on, she won't wait. if she feels a flu of any kind coming on, she'll take some IVM.
5) my moderna friend and her moderna/pfizer husband (he had two moderna shots in the trial and promptly got himself two pfizer shots) came over for new years dinner 2022 with her horse paste mother, and their son and his girlfriend from the UK. they stayed for a few days and then returned to their respective homes. all got omicron EXCEPT me, my BF and the mother- the 3 unvaccinated people- who all were taking preventative IVM.
6) in june of 2022, a double vaxxed and boosted friend called to ask if she could use my sauna as she was feeling sick. i said of course. that was a friday. on monday, i woke up feeling stiff and sore with a bad headache and a temperature of 100. i immediately took a full therapeutic dose of IVM. the next day i tested positive and on wednesday i felt perfectly normal again.
7) my BF then started to feel bad and upped his IVM dose to the full value. he had a very sore throat but no fever. his doctor suggested he come right over for some paxlovid. no way. i had him nebulize a 1% H2O2 saline solution, 1 teaspoon every hour, which made him feel better almost immediately. he continued to nebulize at greater intervals for the next two days and then was fine.
we both stopped taking weekly IVM, assuming we had some natural defense and not wanting to deplete our stock unnecessarily.
8) recently, our unvaccinated house guests both had covid (july 2022). we treated them with IVM and supplements. we didn't do anything special to isolate from them and we didn't get sick even though we ate our meals together and were in the same house with 2 covid positive people.
my boyfriend has resumed his once a week small dose of IVM; i have not.
my strong feeling after these experiences is that i will always keep IVM as a basic in my medicine cabinet and will take it immediately upon having any flu symptoms no matter what kind of flu i have. if the clinical trials don't show efficacy, i can only think that is because the trial designers don't want to find efficacy. i do believe that the entire "pandemic" could have quickly and quietly been brought to it's knees if this cheap, simple and harmless medication had been widely deployed. that it wasn't constitutes willful murder.
I have 30 doses of horse paste on hand (apple flavored), but only if I get sick. I have not tasted it. Within about a week of Fauci frowning at Trump for mentioning HCQ, I started taking quercetin, vitamin D, zinc, and a small glass of orange juice to wash the supplements down. I take them every day except for the vitamin D if I am out in the sunshine. These supplements are all found in food. Cherry tomatoes have lots of quercetin. Quercetin is an ionophore for zinc, as is HCQ.
I was exposed to Covid19, alpha version, and woke up from a very intense fever sweat. If there were any other symptoms I slept through them. My friend, who exposed me, was taking quercetin and zinc about once a week. He had a moderate flu for a couple days.
Interesting anecdote: The same guy is pre-diabetic and was prescribed a drug to control blood sugar and he tests daily. When he started taking quercetin daily, the test instrument warned him his blood sugar was too low. The one change in his life was the daily quercetin. With his doctors approval he dropped the prescription drug and controls the blood sugar with diet and quercetin. I just did a quick search and quercetin is known for reducing blood sugar. So not just an anecdote, a real bit of data.
I believe quercetin and zinc (+Vitamins D&C) make a better prophylactic than ivermectin. I am saving the ivermectin for a day when I feel a cold or flu coming on. Don't over do the zinc. I dropped down to 30 mg/day, still 270% of the recommended dose. More zinc caused by nose to run, a lot.
See for a site that tracks most or all ivermectin studies. Right now it lists 90. Also there are links on the left side of the page to dozens of other potential therapeutics. What I find hilarious is that almost all therapeutics had varying degrees of benefit, yet CBD turned out to exacerbate Covid.
yeah the media is hopping on this one. SF Chronicle already has a piece out about it, claiming IVM and the other drugs in the study did absolutely nothing. I guarantee my Covidiot dad will send it to me tonight. Every single person I know (who aren't covidiots i should add) who had or has covid is taking IVM and is better within hours. I took it and accidentally took a lower dose than I should of, and was fine within a day or two. My then 6 week old, exclusively breastfed, was fine after 12 hours. IVM works.
If a covidiot sends you anything, you send them a nice picture of you and your rosy cheeked infant. All happy and healthy. Every time. Should stop the nonsense. Congratulations your baby. Smart parents.
Do we share the same dad?! Lol this sounds exactly like my dad! He sends me every article trying to debunk ivermectin possible and tries scaring me to get vaccinated because I’m going to end up on a ventilator from COVID 😔 it’s been an awful year and a half dealing with this from him and his COVID crazy sisters too. He’s conservative politically but his most recent share was from 😂about PfZier executive having his 4 th booster and paxlovid and experiencing mild symptoms 🙄 I usually bite back with something rhetorical but I’m learning to bite my tongue instead and start ignoring them.
I always look forward to reading your articles. I personally have used both HCQ and Ivermectin. I completely believe it made my life much better with Covid. I had it Aug '21 so I am guessing it was Delta. I did not add to the numbers by getting tested. However, I did go get an antibody test about 60 days after, so I could prove I had it if I needed to do so. Yes, I had strong antibodies. I had a high fever and back pain so bad I was going out of my mind. As soon as I started with these, symptoms immediately started getting better. By day 3 of using them I was basically back to normal. I did have some lingering exhaustion, but that I could handle! You will never convince me these drugs don't work.
I just received a Large order of IVM, HCQ, Zpak form India. The IVM is 12 mg tabs Qty 500. Total with 5 Steroid Inhalers and shipping was $130. Received it in 8 days from placing order. Box said General Goods.
I ordered 200 x 12mg pills of IVM there in my darkest hours last year in May. I got it send to Thailand where I live in 14 days with tracking. I was so grateful that I shared their services far and wide on Reddit and Twitter last year. My family in Germany also orderd IVM but was conviscated by German customs. And lo&behold they even got their money back from the shop. Since they must have grown their business, I hope they kept their quality. I was so concerned about scams. Check out their Twitter handle to verify.
Hope you all are healthy and share your ivm surplus with people in need.
I can tell you from personal experience and from people I know that ivermectin works. You should immediately walk out on any doctor who says it doesn’t work.
I don't disagree with the point, but we just might be better off with nurse practitioners setting our broken limbs and stitching our deeper cuts. And of course the radiologists who read the scans.
Yes we do need that of course. It is concerning that any “doctor” would forego actual science in favor of pseudo science and conformity. I don’t want to be treated by any doctors who operate like 21st Witch Doctors. The good news is that most of these doctors have had the decency to euthanize themselves with the injections. The bad news is that health care system (exploitive death care system) is going to fall into ruin as soon as their staffs die from the injections. Maybe out of the ashes of the old system we can build a health care system that has actual science and ethics woven into its DNA? You know a system that has signs on the doors to their facilities that read, “Witch Doctor Free Zone”?
I would like to see a study done that splits patients in equal (by comorbidities) but randomized arms, intervention and control. Give the intervention arm the flccc protocol (IVM, D3, zinc and C) and give the control group whatever the official medicine recommends. Start early, on day 1 or 2.
What the "official medicine recommends" is not a control group. All such a study would tell you is whether ivermectin was safer than the other drugs not whether it worked. A control would have to be something that was known to be harmless like a sugar pill.
In case you were not aware, David is a troublemaker from the MisinformationKills group. He either pretends to not understand anything or really does not understand anything. Difficult to have a conversation ...
I'm sorry if you dislike my questions. They are repetitive. But you seem to have a problem with the concept of evidence. I probably hate asking you almost as much as you hate not answering..
Hi Igor. My husband is a physician so he got vaxxed early on with Moderna. I am not vaxxed. Last February, he came home sick on a Thursday. Had a pos covid test on Friday. He was sick for a solid 4 days with lingering symptoms for another week. All he took was Tylenol and Advil to control his fever. I got sick on the Monday after him. As soon as my fever spiked at 9:00a.m., I took IVM, zinc, C, and D3. By 3 pm, I was outside playing catch with my dogs. I Cleaned house a bit, made dinner, etc. I had very very mild lingering symptoms for about 3 days and I lost my sense of smell for about 10 days.
Me and my husband both got covid 2 weeks ago. First time! I’m unvaxxed. I started ivermectin wed. Felt sick in tues night. I knew it was bad. My lungs hurt. The cough hurt. Got a fever. I did 2 doses a day of 18 mg. And by day 3 fever gone. Day 5. Good to go. Husband. He was worse. He had the J&J. His first covid. He did the 18mg twice a day. Fever gone by day 5. He still has a lingering cough but he is good. Yes. It works ! I also took some HCQ but only a few doses. Didn’t feel I needed both drugs.
Awesome! At the end of my article I also talk about two persons' recent experience. Pinning for now
PS Cute dog picture
Can’t get better than a real life recommendation! My doc poo pooed ivermectin at my annual... Im disappointed. I make my own hydroxychloroquine.
I’m pro-IVM for sure, never taken it myself but have been using it on my goat herd for a decade. Anyways, the site linked below has been advertising on Gab for several months. I’ve looked into it enough to believe they are legit, but I make no claims as such. Their prices seem a little high, but IVM available without a script. I will probably buy from them at some point.
I have ordered from them, and was well satisfied. It's the real deal.
Oh gosh, I listened to the OAN vid at the end of this site and it said India is almost Covid free after wide use of ivermectin. Then the zinger: in America, a doctor can lose their license for prescribing it. I guess I have to give my doc the benefit of the doubt here. Anybody know if this is true? 
Yep. It was true about a year ago. NIH has ivermectin on its website as a covid 19 treatment!!! I could not believe it. Also Amazon has it back on their site!!!
It's truly despicable what our public health institutions have done.
So many deaths on their conscience.
You'd think the numbers would speak for themselves. Hasn't the US had the worst outcomes per capita then any other country...or at least the most amount of "deaths".
There is a statistical correlation with the amount of money a country spends on health care and the number of deaths from COVID-19.
Yeah, you're right.
Somebody posted a link that normalized money spent vs. outcomes on this Stack a couple of months ago. Truly depressing.
It was all for nothing and they screwed with children's heads.
Seems so...on this video, not sure when it was taped, it was 112,000 cases in the US versus 199 in India after wide use of IVM. I think they try to make things worse for us because just about every other country looks to us and was helpful to them if things were going bad here. Plus we are the deep state’s main chess piece.
No doubt. America has become so corrupt.
I think we should disband the FDA, CDC and NIH
There is a bill in CA in which, if passed, doctors will be brought before their licensing board if they are found to be purveyors of misinformation. Misinformation being a fluidy random bullhunky sort of thing as you know. But you could have your license suspended. AND if you do not already have a license to practice in another state it would prevent you from obtaining a license elsewhere. So, those doctors who are out there telling the truth, be sure to show them your love.
I think Dr McCullough might be a victim of this. He said he was losing his designation from some medical board but nothing very critical.
I think he practices in TX. But they have gone hard after him. Apparently people outside your state can file a complaint with your state's medical board. Like a hospitalist in HI can file against a doctor in MA. It happens cuz people cray.
One state for sure rescinded that, and it’s now illegal for a doctor/pharmacist to refuse a patient, but I’m not sure about out of state prescribing
it is now legal in SC for a doctor to prescribe it. i guess i mean, it is legal again
So goats are more important to CDC than Americans? 😎 fair assessment?
I’d say that’s fair. 🐐 🐐 And, the stuff I use on them is still pretty cheap! (and in a pinch I would take it myself...heavens know they’ve spit enough back at me).
I'm gonna see him for my medical needs.... He doesn't give a shit about CDC guidance
Not the best bed side manner😎
@Rick - I have ordered from 3 times. It is legit. I got my orders very quickly. Great communication from the company. Highly recommend ordering from them.
Thanks! Great to have that input.
Ivermectin is available OTC in Mexican pharmacies at low prices.
last time I paid $1.80 per a 12mg pill
Mail order ? And ain't postal service trashing invermectine they find? Boy, vaccinated are gonna be pssed, if they ever go here or bitchute...
I don't even talk to them.. Better to talk Mets to my dogs
There's a site.. . china pet shop, which has warehouses in both europe and US.. prices for IVM has gone up substantially, but still works out to $0.35 per 12mg dose. Pills are either in 3 or 5mg form, I just buy the 5mg in maximum bulk size. I've also bought the liquid version - which is way more concentrated, but different version of the avermectin family has shown interesting 'effects' against different cancer, with the usual dosage at 4X of normal for half a year. Accounts of such can be found via searching, for folks who might be interested in different treatment modalities as the medical system continues its collapse. I'm not listing the china pet shop here as I don't want the Borg to take special notice, but they've really expanded their offerings and I'm glad, as the pricing is a fraction of Amazon.
Can you freaking imagine medical students and 10th grade history class students reading this shit 40 yrs from now?
😎 hey, future I'm not a hero but I didn't give up being an American or Catholic.... Most did
my boyfriend has gotten it from india and from several compounding pharmacies in the US. he keeps us well stocked
I think Tennessee is working on making IVM OTC, but I’m not sure what the progress is on that.
It is OTC in many pharmacies (not all) in TN. they do not ship out of state. Compounding pharmacies in TN are your best bet. They just have to have a doctor sponsor them, but it has nothing to do with you needing a doctor RX.
I found a summary of the "rules" at:
At least it is a source where to get them, but they sure make a goof profit looking at the production cost vs sell price.
(still in terms of profit nothing compared to cell toxin paxlovid)
Yep my doctor in CA did the same to me last Jan. I left her. Ordered the drugs on line. I will order more!!
Good for you! I almost felt like doing the same but I’m in a high growth area and new ppl moving in can’t get a doctor. He did express a conservative sentiment at the end and said no when I tested him on getting a booster so I give him the benefit of the doubt.
Pretty easy to find it on Twitter, from serious people, not scams. Our 🐭community has a French guy and he’s super fair, I ordered the full pack (IVM, Flu, HCQ, and the other supplements and antibiotics/antacid that McCullough and FLCCC recommended) for €18, which now is like $0.92… I’m kidding it’s like $20. I’d handle is @quiquichotte1 if you just wait until he announce orders are open, you can avoid the creepy aspects. If that is something you’d like to do, lmk and I’ll ask him. The French aren’t known for their willingness to speak English…lol
I have love hate relationship with French... I love them, they hate me
Thank you! I’m sure the IVM Dr McCullough recommends feels safe.
He has made a simple graphic, which looks like a slide/meme (i e, one screen) with a flow chart that includes what to do, based on severity/Cuomo-rabidlies/day of diagnosis/ etc. Super easy to follow. I know at least 4 people that feel as if this saved their lives. We all know how to argue our position, but I’ve realized that at the moment of truth, when someone you love gets a positive test, suddenly we are helpless, we either don’t have what all we need or have to get treated by someone who prescribes a protocol we don’t believe will work. our public health officials should be indicted for that alone.
Dr Kory has the best ivermectin info on the internet. And at the end of this "Part-3" (of a 3-part series) he has contact info if you need a doc and Rx: The Miracle NOT Heard Round The World
Dr Pierre Kory 8/14/2022
The consult is pricey!
You're better off for it. We've had another wave down here in FL. Over the last 4-6 weeks virtually everyone we know in our neighborhood has come down with it again! I think this is probably our 3rd wave since the vaxx campaign started. Deja vu all over again.
They were all on the vaxx bandwagon. It was all over our neighborhood FB page.
My family didn't get sick. We didn't get the vaxx and we were one and done with the coof. Or at least we haven't felt sick since we had Delta.
I only had ONE covid so far, Nov 2020. Could this change? Sure, who knows. I was seriously exposed for the last 2 weeks and I am not sick so far
What's crazy is I can't even remember my kids having any colds since they had the Vid.
I wonder if the Vid is just out competing everything? And if you have natural immunity to it you're getting some cross immunity to other similar viruses.
It's just weird.
I stopped flu shots 5 years ago... I was coerced kinda, couldn't do a volunteer job...
I've been very healthy I have noticed
I took the flu shot in 2011. Two weeks later I spent the better part of 2 weeks in bed. Asked God to kill me.
Regarding cross immunity, I haven't been sick with cold or flu since 2007, when I came back from China and got the worst flu of my life; high fever, body ache and shivering cold that my body was shaking and teeth clapping the whole night. Thought I'm not gonna make it. But pulled through and ever since I cannot remember being really sick. Even went on a pilgrim tour to India where nearly everyone got a cold infection during the trip.
And my parents are at least two times sick every year since I can remember.
I didn't even notice my luck until the Rona came, unjabbed and still no infection, even after trying to get it.
Pretty weird. Are there more like me out there. Would be interesting.
I did get Delta. It kicked my ass. I stayed in bed for 5 days. It took me about 10 days to feel ok. But I've had no issues since then.
However, like you, in 2011 I had the flu so bad that I asked God to kill me.
Ha! Good thing God didn't listen to you! I also got Delta Dec 1st 2021,scratchy throat and low fever for 2 days then day 4and 5 spiking to 104. Started IVM DAY 5. Got tested pos. Day 7 monoclonal antibodies and x-ray showed bilateral pneumonia. Thought I was gonna die too. Stayed in bed for 12 days. Neg on day 15. Had bad cough until Dec 30 ,blew out a lung and spent 12 days in the hospital. God wouldn't take me either. So we're both still here for a purpose my friend!!!!
Well, Igor that is terrific news! If you don't have it by now, you should feel to breathe deeply and eat off their plates. Hope your cov's are doing well.
So is this hard to get? Scarface type of situation... I live in Tx, if I need it where do I get it...
But... Now I'm thinking, I don't want to get anyone in trouble. This is really f up..I aint going in NWO death camp, not going to hospital until leadership of them are in American prison.
Men usually have it worse - Covid-complications correlate with testosterone levels.
Did you have extreme tiredness even after you felt better? Week 2 for us was brutal b/c of tiredness. Felt good...but.
So glad you both are doing well.
I did a cardio class today and it killed me. I got a headache. Had some chest pains. Not good. I’m sure it’s the covid. Sucks. But I’ll just keep going!!! I think because it’s manufactured it’s worse. I read this omicron was not natural. Not a mutate. Looks like they released that one too. Bastards!!
Yes! I had this same conversation with the family.. as it finally broke through our defences and went through all of us from around late July - that it's a bioweapon. Till now, none of us had been sick with anything for 2+ years, despite confirmed exposure. Previously we might feel achy or tired for a day or two, but will test -ve on both the ART and subsequent serology test (aka our innate immune system took care of it, didn't have to generate longer-term antibodies). We're on the twice weekly protective protocol. Then this time round, the kids had a bit of a mild fever for a day or so., adults no fever.. and I followed the FLCCC protocols on the mix of HCQ/VIM. I split the VIM over 2 meals though, 2X dosage for lunch, 1X dosage for dinner as I figure absorbtion will be better that way. Better results than friends who took the dosage in 1 go. The vexed folks in SG are now having fevers for 3 to 5 days though... much worse fevers. I'm hearing anecdotal stories of vexed folks who still get headaches and fevers in the evenings, 21 days post + test. So that has led to a situation where the pharmacies here in SG have run out of panadol... a lot of clinics too are down to their last couple of boxes. Imagine that.....
Since 7 of us got it in the family, I was able to cross-tabulate the differences in the treatment protocols used and tally the subsequent recovery. This newest strain has big elements of Delta - majority have lost their sense of smell and taste. An unvex friend still had nothing 21 days later... and I figured out that the combo of benadryl/lactoferrin/melatonin in the evenings was the key difference. He got about 80% back with 2 days of that routine... and decided to let his body continue healing by itself. Just need to kickstart the process, and he's enjoying his coffee again.
The women in the family all incurred early periods... and I just read that the 1500m Irish runner competing now in the Euro champs actually mentioned that she had the coof in June and had 3 periods that month, same as when she got the jabs. So that's just an additional data point for the ladies if it's still age-applicable.
None of us had any significant coughs.. but hearing from the grapevine that the vexed folks are still coughing up a storm 3 weeks later. Some remaining phlegm which is interfering with the oxygen uptake... more irritating than debilitating.
Oh the first kid that got it was negative after 4 days... he was instructed to gargle with providone iodine every couple hours, and I got slack with the subsequent kids who fell sick, so they took longer to get better, 5 to 6 days to test -ve. So by the time I got it, followed by my mother, we'd figured that out and the gargling for us to -ve in 3 days. So the latest variant is mostly replicating around the tonsils...
I only fell sick 9 days after the 1st case in the family.... and I now believe I would have skipped it, but I was being run a bit ragged over time getting and prepping food for the whole family. I did up the VIM dose to daily.... and we had 2 members who didn't fall sick, just a bit more tired. The conclusion is that the viral load is just extremely high, so whatever measures you're using to soak up the spikes, just have to up the regimen to deal with constant high viral load exposure.
I also saw a recent podcast by Chris Martenson and his wife, where they mentioned that both of them came down with the coof on their recent travel. He got over it pretty quickly, while she had it a lot worse, and the difference was the PI gargling Chris did. I'm assuming they followed the appropriate FLCCC protocols, but it wasn't mentioned.
Just more anec-data to help folks get well faster as this new variant makes the rounds.
You are the BOSS getting out 2 weeks after. My husband did too. He plays pickleball. He said it was brutal. I waited. I used the excuse of just getting stitches removed from my chest and internals needed a week. Totally true, but there is no way on God's green earth I could have played. I walked around the block and thought I was going to have to hitch a ride home. Not kidding.
U did need a week! Stitches in your chest! It’s no joke! I’m 61 and have high BO. Asthma and obesity. If I had listened to them in 2020 I would have been scared. Somehow I knew right from the start this was all concocted. Mainly I think they did it to do mail in ballots and get rid of Trump. The timing fit and was perfect. It all came together and Trump fell for it too!!! But it’s no joke and the only reason I’m still standing walking and running is I did my homework. The supplements I’ve been on for 2 years have certainly strengthened my immune system. Take it slow but if U can get on some good supplements like NAC. Magnesium for sure. D with k and C. Get gluthione if I can. c60. There are so many things to help people older pump up immune. You will do fine. Do take it slow. ESP after a surgery!!
I also want to add that I agree about the mail in ballot thing. Totally.
I too have asthma and have controlled blood pressure. I read early on that Losartan was among some of the drugs they were considering as helpful if you got Covid so I went to my doctor and told him I didn't think the water pills were enough for the BP and I wanted Losartan (and ACE2 inhibitor) and he gave it to me. I laugh thinking of it because I told him to kiss off when he suggested BP meds. Suddenly I want them! Have you found NAC helpful with your asthma? I take NAC and Quercetin and they have helped significantly with night time (like bedtime) asthma. I take all your supps except gluthione and C60 (which I am not familar with but will look).
I had a melanoma on my chest removed. I am not a huge worrier, but it did provide a diversion while pitying myself for getting covid. Haha. I'm good now. Got it all out, Until the next one decides to show. Hope it is somewhere less conspicuous and where there is more meat. Chest melanoma is obnoxious.
my boyfriend started taking a small weekly prophylactic dose of ivermectin in jan 2021. he desperately wanted me to take it but my feeling on drugs is the same as my feeling on vaccines- i really don't want either unless absolutely necessary.
1) in june of 2021, my moderna trial subject friend came to stay with her staunchly unvaccinated childhood best friend. after leaving us and going back to their respective homes, they both got covid (delta). my moderna friend called me for advice as moderna merely took her blood. she also asked me to help her friend. they were both having a hard time of it but the moderna friend is affluent, has a solid husband and insurance. her friend is divorced, uninsured and lives alone on a hobby farm. i gave them both a list of supplements and instructed the hobby farmer to go out to her barn to get her tube of ivermectin. she protested that it was for animals; i countered that she was an animal.
she had been spending nights with such extreme body aches and spiking fevers that she was sitting up crying. eventually her desperation overcame her resistance and we figured out a safe dose which she took around 4:00 pm her time.
i suddenly started to worry; i had convinced this woman who i had only recently met, to take this medication that i had never tried. my BF had been on it for half a year but he took the human version and at a much smaller dose. what if rachel madcow was correct and this woman died?
to my great relief she called me the next morning to say that she had been able to sleep through the night with only a mild fever and no body aches. she now stock piles the stuff whenever she can get it at her local feed and seed store and tells me the price has doubled (still cheap).
2) in july 2021 i went to what was meant to be an outdoor pool party driven indoors by torrential rains. the 50 or so freshly vaccinated women packed around the dining room table hadn't seen each other in a year and were full of the fresh blush of confidence in their jabs. there was all the clucking, cooing and air kissing that you might imagine at a party of women.
i stood outside in the rain and called my BF to come pick me up. that night as we went to bed, i announced that i would start on IVM the next day. he was happy.
3) my moderna friend's unvaccinated mother then got covid and my friend called me for help. since her mother lives near her farm friend, i called her and sent her over with all the supplements i had suggested to her plus her horse paste. the mother recovered just fine and avoided hospital.
4) a local DOD subcontractor (who insists that the covid shots are a depopulation scheme and contain a kill switch) got covid. his doctor refused to prescribe IVM and he got so bad that he was preparing to go to the ER when another medical friend got him some. he was 50% better after his first dose and 100% better after his second.
5) another friend tests often for work and had just tested negative (jan 2022) even though she was feeling sick. she waited 5 days before getting another test, this time positive, at which point she called me. she had gotten so bad that she collapsed and hit her head on the floor. we raced over with some IVM for her. after one dose, she felt much better and only went to the hospital to have her head checked. she says from now on, she won't wait. if she feels a flu of any kind coming on, she'll take some IVM.
5) my moderna friend and her moderna/pfizer husband (he had two moderna shots in the trial and promptly got himself two pfizer shots) came over for new years dinner 2022 with her horse paste mother, and their son and his girlfriend from the UK. they stayed for a few days and then returned to their respective homes. all got omicron EXCEPT me, my BF and the mother- the 3 unvaccinated people- who all were taking preventative IVM.
6) in june of 2022, a double vaxxed and boosted friend called to ask if she could use my sauna as she was feeling sick. i said of course. that was a friday. on monday, i woke up feeling stiff and sore with a bad headache and a temperature of 100. i immediately took a full therapeutic dose of IVM. the next day i tested positive and on wednesday i felt perfectly normal again.
7) my BF then started to feel bad and upped his IVM dose to the full value. he had a very sore throat but no fever. his doctor suggested he come right over for some paxlovid. no way. i had him nebulize a 1% H2O2 saline solution, 1 teaspoon every hour, which made him feel better almost immediately. he continued to nebulize at greater intervals for the next two days and then was fine.
we both stopped taking weekly IVM, assuming we had some natural defense and not wanting to deplete our stock unnecessarily.
8) recently, our unvaccinated house guests both had covid (july 2022). we treated them with IVM and supplements. we didn't do anything special to isolate from them and we didn't get sick even though we ate our meals together and were in the same house with 2 covid positive people.
my boyfriend has resumed his once a week small dose of IVM; i have not.
my strong feeling after these experiences is that i will always keep IVM as a basic in my medicine cabinet and will take it immediately upon having any flu symptoms no matter what kind of flu i have. if the clinical trials don't show efficacy, i can only think that is because the trial designers don't want to find efficacy. i do believe that the entire "pandemic" could have quickly and quietly been brought to it's knees if this cheap, simple and harmless medication had been widely deployed. that it wasn't constitutes willful murder.
awesome post and also pinned -- parallels some of my experience
thank you. i'm honored
I have 30 doses of horse paste on hand (apple flavored), but only if I get sick. I have not tasted it. Within about a week of Fauci frowning at Trump for mentioning HCQ, I started taking quercetin, vitamin D, zinc, and a small glass of orange juice to wash the supplements down. I take them every day except for the vitamin D if I am out in the sunshine. These supplements are all found in food. Cherry tomatoes have lots of quercetin. Quercetin is an ionophore for zinc, as is HCQ.
I was exposed to Covid19, alpha version, and woke up from a very intense fever sweat. If there were any other symptoms I slept through them. My friend, who exposed me, was taking quercetin and zinc about once a week. He had a moderate flu for a couple days.
Interesting anecdote: The same guy is pre-diabetic and was prescribed a drug to control blood sugar and he tests daily. When he started taking quercetin daily, the test instrument warned him his blood sugar was too low. The one change in his life was the daily quercetin. With his doctors approval he dropped the prescription drug and controls the blood sugar with diet and quercetin. I just did a quick search and quercetin is known for reducing blood sugar. So not just an anecdote, a real bit of data.
I believe quercetin and zinc (+Vitamins D&C) make a better prophylactic than ivermectin. I am saving the ivermectin for a day when I feel a cold or flu coming on. Don't over do the zinc. I dropped down to 30 mg/day, still 270% of the recommended dose. More zinc caused by nose to run, a lot.
I saw a presentation by Dr Zelenko that showed green tea extract was better than quercetin. Something to consider. He put it in his Z-DTOX formula.
All your articles are worth reading. Don’t sell yourself short.
See for a site that tracks most or all ivermectin studies. Right now it lists 90. Also there are links on the left side of the page to dozens of other potential therapeutics. What I find hilarious is that almost all therapeutics had varying degrees of benefit, yet CBD turned out to exacerbate Covid.
yeah the media is hopping on this one. SF Chronicle already has a piece out about it, claiming IVM and the other drugs in the study did absolutely nothing. I guarantee my Covidiot dad will send it to me tonight. Every single person I know (who aren't covidiots i should add) who had or has covid is taking IVM and is better within hours. I took it and accidentally took a lower dose than I should of, and was fine within a day or two. My then 6 week old, exclusively breastfed, was fine after 12 hours. IVM works.
same experience with taking it
If a covidiot sends you anything, you send them a nice picture of you and your rosy cheeked infant. All happy and healthy. Every time. Should stop the nonsense. Congratulations your baby. Smart parents.
thank you!
Do we share the same dad?! Lol this sounds exactly like my dad! He sends me every article trying to debunk ivermectin possible and tries scaring me to get vaccinated because I’m going to end up on a ventilator from COVID 😔 it’s been an awful year and a half dealing with this from him and his COVID crazy sisters too. He’s conservative politically but his most recent share was from 😂about PfZier executive having his 4 th booster and paxlovid and experiencing mild symptoms 🙄 I usually bite back with something rhetorical but I’m learning to bite my tongue instead and start ignoring them.
lol i'm sorry you're going through it too. Right now I live by the saying "I love him but I don't have to like him." It helps a lot
Dammit, if you just got the shot... Well, you will get covid, but.. But...
It'll be a lot worse than if you hadn't of gotten it😂😂😆😎😄
Freaking classic!
I want them to say it at funeral of someone killed by deathvax
I always look forward to reading your articles. I personally have used both HCQ and Ivermectin. I completely believe it made my life much better with Covid. I had it Aug '21 so I am guessing it was Delta. I did not add to the numbers by getting tested. However, I did go get an antibody test about 60 days after, so I could prove I had it if I needed to do so. Yes, I had strong antibodies. I had a high fever and back pain so bad I was going out of my mind. As soon as I started with these, symptoms immediately started getting better. By day 3 of using them I was basically back to normal. I did have some lingering exhaustion, but that I could handle! You will never convince me these drugs don't work.
Congratulations and stay well!!!
Yeah, Igor... Great articles, lively readers, and you always give me likes....
Better then getting banned by testy wtiters!😎
Alex won't let me post sometimes... He can post on mine😎
I had my substack for a year. I only deleted spam posts lke "I am making $1234 per hour", so far.
I had some terrible posts that I kept anyway. I do reserve the right to delete any messages, however so far that was not necessary.
Yes, you're the best...
I've had posts deleted by OTHER writers.... And, sadly, they never "liked" any of mine.
You have fun substack!
I just received a Large order of IVM, HCQ, Zpak form India. The IVM is 12 mg tabs Qty 500. Total with 5 Steroid Inhalers and shipping was $130. Received it in 8 days from placing order. Box said General Goods.
May I ask which website? Great to have an actual customer making the review :)
I dealt directly with Anil - Kachhela Medex Private Limited or
Greetings Charlotte,
I can recommend the Indian online store
I ordered 200 x 12mg pills of IVM there in my darkest hours last year in May. I got it send to Thailand where I live in 14 days with tracking. I was so grateful that I shared their services far and wide on Reddit and Twitter last year. My family in Germany also orderd IVM but was conviscated by German customs. And lo&behold they even got their money back from the shop. Since they must have grown their business, I hope they kept their quality. I was so concerned about scams. Check out their Twitter handle to verify.
Hope you all are healthy and share your ivm surplus with people in need.
Do you have a link?
I can tell you from personal experience and from people I know that ivermectin works. You should immediately walk out on any doctor who says it doesn’t work.
They all say that, we still need doctors to deal with broken ankles and such
I don't disagree with the point, but we just might be better off with nurse practitioners setting our broken limbs and stitching our deeper cuts. And of course the radiologists who read the scans.
Yes we do need that of course. It is concerning that any “doctor” would forego actual science in favor of pseudo science and conformity. I don’t want to be treated by any doctors who operate like 21st Witch Doctors. The good news is that most of these doctors have had the decency to euthanize themselves with the injections. The bad news is that health care system (exploitive death care system) is going to fall into ruin as soon as their staffs die from the injections. Maybe out of the ashes of the old system we can build a health care system that has actual science and ethics woven into its DNA? You know a system that has signs on the doors to their facilities that read, “Witch Doctor Free Zone”?
Public utility work, as usual!
Thanks a lot for this excellent article.
Underpowered, confusing with major limitations mean the study was designed for publication in NEJM or JAMA, not to study ANYTHING.
I'm sorry that you're confused. How would you fix it?
Are you a Demcast member?
I'm just trying to understand how you would fix this study.
I am not Vinu but here's my 2 cents.
I would like to see a study done that splits patients in equal (by comorbidities) but randomized arms, intervention and control. Give the intervention arm the flccc protocol (IVM, D3, zinc and C) and give the control group whatever the official medicine recommends. Start early, on day 1 or 2.
What the "official medicine recommends" is not a control group. All such a study would tell you is whether ivermectin was safer than the other drugs not whether it worked. A control would have to be something that was known to be harmless like a sugar pill.
What studies have come closeted to that protocol?
The only issue I see that you have is the formulation (is the IVM dose any different?) and the day that they start treatment.
In case you were not aware, David is a troublemaker from the MisinformationKills group. He either pretends to not understand anything or really does not understand anything. Difficult to have a conversation ...
I'm sorry if you dislike my questions. They are repetitive. But you seem to have a problem with the concept of evidence. I probably hate asking you almost as much as you hate not answering..
Start at the very top. Drain the corrupted swamp.
Can you answer the question, or do you want to play your game of deflect again?
Hi Igor. My husband is a physician so he got vaxxed early on with Moderna. I am not vaxxed. Last February, he came home sick on a Thursday. Had a pos covid test on Friday. He was sick for a solid 4 days with lingering symptoms for another week. All he took was Tylenol and Advil to control his fever. I got sick on the Monday after him. As soon as my fever spiked at 9:00a.m., I took IVM, zinc, C, and D3. By 3 pm, I was outside playing catch with my dogs. I Cleaned house a bit, made dinner, etc. I had very very mild lingering symptoms for about 3 days and I lost my sense of smell for about 10 days.