In clown world, it's anti-Semitic to call out violations of the Nuremberg Code. The Illinois Holocaust Museum had a vax mandate for visitors, so much for "never forget".
Absolutely correct. I live in Winnipeg. No single group has a monopoly on genocide. Virtually all human groups have suffered/perpetrated it at some time. The museum was built on traditional indigenous burial grounds at the "WorldHeritage Site at the Forks" of the Assiniboine & Red Rivers. Native protests were futile and after 100's of millions of $ & financial problems💸💸💸The Natives are still getting forked royally. Many are still living on reserves with unsafe drinking water in this Province of 100,000 lakes, after decades of broken promises. I'll never set foot in that building. No need, I'm self educated on the full scope of endless genocide. Even when it's in my own backyard...
I lived in The Peg too, back in the day. Reside in BC at the moment. Nightmare.
Have been trying to flee to the free state of Texas or Florida, since October 2021, after losing my small business to lockdowns, and 2 jobs thereafter to "jab mandates", but alas:
For the longest time unvacinated & undocumented, or even no phone to prove, could not travel anywhere- not interprovincial, not on public transport & definitely not to leave the country. Soviet Union was no worse.
Wish you success on escaping👍, It was our government socialist monopoly MPIC auto insurance that left me crippled, lost business home etc.. too broken & old now to polevault the Western Wall into Russia My only hope left is to p⚡ss Turdeau off bad enough that he deports me there. Gulag time like Snowden enjoys would be a breath of fresh air...
You say you used to reside in the USSR.Did you not know that it was the US Central bankers,who funded the bolscheviks??!?Trorskij had a luxury apartment provided, in NYC,before moving on,to secure the socalled revoæution:as Putin calles it,and then the Reds prevailed over the Whites (russians), the Zsar was topled and the deep state had it's first regime change.Do you know that "Europe" is not imaginable without Russian litterature and music.Russia of today, respects christians. Iearlgrey, a UK national,residing in St PEtersburg, says that Russia represent the last bastion of common sense(as opposed to the West of today. They seem to be having it alright,over there, Hmm-wouldn't believe you about much-.
This happened with Trudeau accusing a Jewish Mp in parliament of siding with Swastikas when she put him to the task for the convoy.
Israeli doctors wrote condemning this. I found the letter to Trudeau. It seems this has happened before where the WEF puppet "weaponizes anti-Semitism" to quote the letter. Thank-you for your work.
This is his standard attack strategy with zero thought to whom he's addressing whether it be individuals, groups, or the nation🤕 He's done this to countless groups. He announced a federal employee holiday to recognize Natives abused for 100 + years (under largely Liberal govts & policy.) He celebratesd the day by going surfing🧚♀️ in Tofino, turning down a standing offer by native elders to meet with him that day. He was busy... 🖕🤴
He's the epitome of kettle/pot analogy, complete with blackface persona... 💩
Exactly this. If you want a prime example of anti-Semitism then look no further than the globally coordinated plan to comprehensively TRASH the Nuremberg Code and violate the basic human rights of billions of people by illegally forcing or coercing them to be injected with a dangerous and experimental pharmaceutical product, known to be unsafe, whilst at the same time suppressing safe, effective alternatives, knowing that the risk/benefit for the vast majority of people was unacceptably high, especially young people and children. This decision necessarily disrespected the suffering of ALL Jews affected by the Nazi Holocaust. Furthermore, unbelievably, ISRAEL was one of the countries which went in first and went in hardest!
No int'l human rights orgs such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have ever spoken against the mandate policy. They have indeed supported the mandate.
I was a member of AI some yrs ago. Bk then AI was even criticised as Amnesty West. (I am not white and for me it was quite noticeable) And I saw a horrid relationship at the Int'l Secretariat in London. The logic goes out the window.
I left AI and so did some others.
Bono (of U2) who is one of the leading icons for the AI mission has now degenerated to the status of Schwab's pal flying around in a private jet with his band.
No regret leaving pseudo human rights campaigners behind.
I don't feel sad about these deaths... because multiple people being unaware that I was unvaxxed said they wish ill health upon the unvaxxed and two actually said that the unvaxxed should be denied hospital care
How about we turn this around now that we know the unvaxxed do not need hospital care... and chuck these VAIDS sufferers on the street to die
Classic straw man. The coordinated response gives them away. They are more concerned about their Pharma friends than the maiming and killing of children and young adults.
Indeed, that Davos Cult anointed special 1% who were never jabbed or who theatrically received a saline shot, the leading WEF/WHO/CEPI/GAVI protagonists and their groomed political potégés such as Turdeau of France or Jabcinda / Jabaconda Ardern of New Zealand, all braced for a new world order, seem about to experience the shock of their lives.
Yes. I watched video of the exchange between Hancock and Sunak. Hancock appears materially nervous and disturbed as he delivers his diatribe against Bridgen, declaring ANTISEMITISM not once but twice, and pointing to his first iteration as proof for the second...
But no problem for Sunak, he picks up the football with ease and gracefully recaps Hancock's blatherings, to finally remind us "there is no place in these chambers or in our society" for such intolerance.
However, Rishi Rich, there does seem to be plenty of room in those chambers for colorfully vague, misleading and damning adjectives.
I think that they are beginning to worry about their own skins. The Great Reset has not gone according to their plans and a lot more people are paying attention. It will be interesting who will end up as the sacrificial goat. My bet is on that figure head Swab who is old enough to be discarded.
Actually, after I wrote that looked it up again. His mother’s maiden name was Rothschild but in some places it is alleged she was not a member of the banking Rothschild’s but rather another family.
Well, as a Jew whose great-great uncle, his wife and four adult daughters were murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators in Uman during WWII, I've been saying since our Plague Era ramped up to warp speed that a great many people took great glee in letting their inner Good Germans out.
Nothing has made me understand more clearly how easily the most highly-cultured country in Europe made it a virtue to build and run abbatoirs for the slaughter of human beings deemed a pox and contagion on the pure body of the nation.
This could possibly end up being a story about self-annihilation through technology.
The Covid itself has no ethnic component to it.
But it is a story with criminal undertones and huge groups of people being subjected to illness and death, a story where standing for truth is important.
The CDC and mainstream media urged Native Americans, Blacks, people with Down syndrome, people living in close quarters such as nursing homes and prisons, and those with mental illness including anxiety, depression and schizophrenia to get vaccinated. The propaganda suggested these ‘demographics’ were genetically or situationally disposed to worse outcomes of Covid. At one point the local news in Arizona stated the number one co-morbidity was anxiety. On the coattails of Covid, gays were made to feel threatened by monkeypox.
If you ran a covert, mass clinical study, you would go after the disposable first. The horrendous list of expected AEs as presented in Slide 16 to VRBPAC meeting in Oct., 2020, provided a Mengelean driver just for that, naturally.
Yes, but ... mRNA is Not an ingredient in Sinovax. But, the Big Pharma provider of all the mRNA packed in the vials from Operation Warp Speed, Fosun, is owned by the Chinese Communist Party.
Oh yeah, it's worth repeating that mRNA is NOT in the Sinovax ... only exported under aegis of the US Army contract revealed January 10, this week on, by the excellent researcher, Clare M. Lopez.
Not manufacturer by, but the vials made by the five mfrs of Operation Warp Speed were all containing some amount of the mRNA, as stated by Clare Lopez, guest essay January 10, in
(Or was it Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova?)
Personally, in May 2020, when the Peak Prosperity channel unequivocally stated COVID was a Lab Leak, we fully expected it to already have a magic vaccine to be sold at great expense ...
That Limited Hangout distracted us from the hidden contracts.
I have read several times there IS an ethnic component to it. Maybe that's total garbage but it would also be naive to think no one would ever be interested in an ethnic weapon. I read a book decades ago that said it was a goal - and that once they could target an individual by DNA, whoever got there first would rule the world.
That was the basis for Utopia (BBC). They realised they only needed the fear of the selected released virus to get the vax that sterilised all but the Gypsies.
It was premised on the Malthusian drive to reduce the population as humans are stripping the world of its resources. A lie of course, before Covid the starvation rates were reducing. As was the global poverty levels.
These elite see themselves as Neitszche’s (sp) Supermen and the rest of humanity, this time, as untermensch unfit for life.
The Germans killed anyone they thought were undesirable, Jews, Gypsies, Disabled, Homosexuals, Intellectuals. I don't think of the disabled or homosexuals as ethnic. Covid seems to be targeting everyone, but primarily the elderly to relieve them of Medicare checks and those that can reproduce. So in that aspect, controlling the population it is sorta similar to targeting Jews as the main goal.
I don't know, interesting to think about the differences, as well as the similarities. I have thought for a long time now, instead of taking the people to the cattle cars they figured out a way to get the people to do it themselves, less work. They convinced people to willingly line up for the shot, as opposed to taking them to the gas chamber. When I say "they" I mean those that hunger for world dominance and control, no different from the Nazi's.
As a sidebar, I am watching for the umpteenth time a series called A French Village. It is an incredibly well done docu-drama type show based on real life stories about people living in France during WWII. There is no other movie or TV show like it hence why I have watched it so many times. It is in sub-titles and covers essentially a life time of the various characters. What fascinates me is how much back then is going on now, and how well the story is told and not once do they take you to a concentration camp. It is on Amazon Prime, MHz, I prefer the DVD's because it interviews people that some of the stories are based on. Anyone that is interested in WWII era history that covers hardships and life of everyday people during that time, Nazis, Communists, Resistance, Jews fighting for survival, give it a try if you want something to watch. Sure beats anything on American Tv.
Same. It seemed impossible to me to think people could be turned into monsters who killed little girls. I get it now. Tragically true, and I wish it weren’t.
The part that's horrified me more than anything else is the compliance of so many fine educated mothers with everything that destroys the wellbeing of children. How they just whine about masking their toddlers while they continue to allow the masking of their toddlers.
When I think of the many, many people, during every monstrous time, who risked everything--not just their own lives but those of their own loved ones, to save strangers, to resist vile edicts, etc. etc., and now these NYC and SF mothers just say sadly "the schools are masking again"--
--and there's no marching on Washington; no kneeling in front of school board offices, no great uprising of parents--just whining--
I read, not too long ago, about a person who as a baby was hidden by his mother and the other women in their barrack in a concentration camp. Imagine what it took to keep that baby alive and what those women faced if the baby had been discovered. They all knew the odds against them.
And I just saw one of those animal videos on Twitter. A snake had a baby rat in its mouth and the mother rat attacked that snake that was maybe 30x its length (at least?) until the snake dropped the baby. These fine educated women are lesser in courage than a rat on a country road.
Mike, I am with you; a fully referenced baited trap that has ensnared Hancock, Sunak and their despotic brainwashed ( or maybe not the latter ) cohort. The evidence is so far stacked up behind Bridgen that in one sense I am stunned he has trawled so many useful idiots in his trap, but then again I am not.
The UK ( I am in the UK or should be the YUK ) MSM/press have made a coordinated attack to specifically NOT mention that he was quoting Dr Aseem Malhotra or checking where he referenced his stats ( which I reckon come from the US CDF ) - this willl run and run hopefully, ensuring these abject apologies of human beings are finished...?
Just found out Bridgen was quoting an ISRAELI cardiologist! Said cardiologist has since come out in support of Bridgen stating nothing Andrew said was anti-Semitic.
Likewise and I have just corrected an earlier - erroneous - comment by me.
And I agree......who would be in Hancock/Sunak's shoes now with the tidal wave of data stacked against them; they have just demonstrated they are de facto liars.
Read that; the next thing needed is a "John Deed" independently minded Judge who cannot be coerced by the Lord Chancellor acting for "others" and the fullest examination of the discovery evidence for all to see as a matter of public record - unless, somehow, it is all held "in camera"...cannot imagine that would happen..surely...
Someone who tried to alert the general public very early on, long before the injections rolled up, was former Lord Chief Justice Lord Jonathan Sumption.
I think we'll be hearing from Lord Sumption a lot more over the coming months.
Umm, thou protest a bit too much approach? Maybe. It could also be that the "offended" are just idiots that know that they have been caught with the crime of all ages.
BBC, Sky and the usually suspects ran with the story, pushing it to the front. The ratios were spectacular. Oh this backfired and it backfired hard. Comments have been an absolute sketch. I have never seen such an outpouring of support of any politician, ever.
Glad to hear that. The whole thing is just an attempt to stick to the narrative and avoid accountability. It also shows that the ones behind this sham are not very bright but then it is Sky, BBC and the other media scum.
In terms of raw numbers of people damaged or killed by the vaccine, not to mention all the harmful treatments, plus all the long term side effects of lockdowns, etc. it most likely will destroy the lives of far more people than the Holocaust.
Even if that were true, there were not forced injections for 99.999% of the world. The overwhelming majority of people did--and still continue to do so--voluntarily go to their pharmacy or wherever, roll up their sleeves and then wear their proud sticker displaying for the world to see their choice in getting the shot. Those who were forced to get shots or lose their jobs had a Hobson's choice: neither choice was ok. However, not a single one of Mengele's victims had ANY choice, even a Hobson's one.
My Mother is a Holocaust survivor. Both she and I are against the jabs. She thinks this is a massacre...but one of disinformation, not forced murder.
I will say there is a difference between what you're writing and what Andrew Bridgen wrote/said...he said "since" and you're comparing the two as if the cause of death is the same (I realize that may not be your intent, so I just want to clarify). Those who were killed in the Holocaust had no choice over what happened to their bodies...they couldn't have even traded their jobs for their life (i.e., "mandates").
I love when non Jews freak out about Holocaust references and then try to convince me (the Jew) that I should be offended. But tell them that my Ukrainian born grandmother would say there are Nazis in the Ukraine and I become the anti semite.
That Matt Hancock has the nerve to stand up and be all sanctimonious makes my blood boil. The man who merrily ordered the killing of thousands, threw his wife and children away without a thought and has been busy trying to reinvent himself. A man with no morality inside him at all. Mr Bridgen is one of a very very small group of MPs who have dared raise their heads above the parapet. He's on the right side of history!
He will be one of the first that will blamed for all that happened. He knows he will get to face the music - this is just a show to buy more time before he gets to be held accountable.
I just became a paid subscriber because of this post. I love and adore God's Chosen People with all my heart and the Holocaust pierces my heart. I have family members who say as an Israelophile I'm falling prey to antivaxxers who think all this Covid and Globalist agenda is a Jewish Cabal and that I'm siding with some Q thing and antisemites. I honestly don't know what they're talking about, nor do I want to know. I'm a critical thinker and listen to a select few. Thank you Igor for your work, for your honest lens in dissecting data, may my small annual subscription encourage you and be multiplied.
P.S. I ordered Ivm from AllDayChemist, we'll see what happens! I also used Walk In Lab to check my D levels, I love how we can be independent from the insurance/corporate/medical machine.
Thank you very much for subscribing! And yes, I agree how ridiculous it is to equate opposition to novel genetic injections with ethnic hatred. We are trying to save lives of all people, after all
Side note on your IVM order -- I wanted to order from them as well, but got freaked out that I had to provide my bank/checking account info to pay (as I don't have any digital options). Did you do that? I know they've been around forever, so maybe I'm being fearful needlessly...
I’ve been purchasing from AllDayChemist for years. Well before COVID came upon us. They are legit. Initially, I had to use direct pay through my bank account. Now they permit me to use a credit card. They are legit and honest and have excellent customer service.
Thank you so much for this information! It criminal that a drug with decades of use that is sold otc in MANY countries is available only by prescription here in the US! Greedy BIG pharma!
I’m still confused about how to buy IVM -how does one know what dosage to get or milligram potency? Or does ADC only offer one choice? For instance, I currently have 16mg on hand for preventative. Higher mg is prescribed for active C.
I just received email with confirmation that my order is in dispensing and my payment has cleared, and it cleared my bank, so the ACH echeck only took 2 days to clear. the communication is excellent with order numbers etc and when it moves to shipping I will receive tracking. my comfort and confidence is increased.
Now, it does take quite awhile to go from dispensing to shipping so don’t panic. Sometimes it’s 4-5 days before you get the next notification from them. And it’s another few days before you get any tracking information. The whole process can easily take 3-4 weeks.
I did and I'm watching my bank. It's a similar process for an ACH, but I don't have Bitcoin. I just ordered yesterday and it hasn't cleared yet. It is much cheaper and I hope to get it soon before a trip next month to visit and help a chronically ill wheelchair-bound friend who is vaxxed 4x? and has had Covid 2 or 3x, out East, so I want to take some preventatively for her sake. I'm thankful they're letting my unvaxxed self visit them....
In clown world, it's anti-Semitic to call out violations of the Nuremberg Code. The Illinois Holocaust Museum had a vax mandate for visitors, so much for "never forget".
So did the Canadian Museum for Human Rights...
Clown World indeed.
#NoAmnesty 💉☠💔
Absolutely correct. I live in Winnipeg. No single group has a monopoly on genocide. Virtually all human groups have suffered/perpetrated it at some time. The museum was built on traditional indigenous burial grounds at the "WorldHeritage Site at the Forks" of the Assiniboine & Red Rivers. Native protests were futile and after 100's of millions of $ & financial problems💸💸💸The Natives are still getting forked royally. Many are still living on reserves with unsafe drinking water in this Province of 100,000 lakes, after decades of broken promises. I'll never set foot in that building. No need, I'm self educated on the full scope of endless genocide. Even when it's in my own backyard...
Well said.
I lived in The Peg too, back in the day. Reside in BC at the moment. Nightmare.
Have been trying to flee to the free state of Texas or Florida, since October 2021, after losing my small business to lockdowns, and 2 jobs thereafter to "jab mandates", but alas:
if you can get to mexico you can walk across the border no problem.
For the longest time unvacinated & undocumented, or even no phone to prove, could not travel anywhere- not interprovincial, not on public transport & definitely not to leave the country. Soviet Union was no worse.
Soviet Union was worse, I lived there. But I agree on your sentiment. We don't want it to be reinstalled over the whole world.
So fucked up.
sure is
Wish you success on escaping👍, It was our government socialist monopoly MPIC auto insurance that left me crippled, lost business home etc.. too broken & old now to polevault the Western Wall into Russia My only hope left is to p⚡ss Turdeau off bad enough that he deports me there. Gulag time like Snowden enjoys would be a breath of fresh air...
You don't want to be in Russia, believe me.
You say you used to reside in the USSR.Did you not know that it was the US Central bankers,who funded the bolscheviks??!?Trorskij had a luxury apartment provided, in NYC,before moving on,to secure the socalled revoæution:as Putin calles it,and then the Reds prevailed over the Whites (russians), the Zsar was topled and the deep state had it's first regime change.Do you know that "Europe" is not imaginable without Russian litterature and music.Russia of today, respects christians. Iearlgrey, a UK national,residing in St PEtersburg, says that Russia represent the last bastion of common sense(as opposed to the West of today. They seem to be having it alright,over there, Hmm-wouldn't believe you about much-.
What’s going on in russia? Seems like it’s hard to get a clear answer on the situation there.
This happened with Trudeau accusing a Jewish Mp in parliament of siding with Swastikas when she put him to the task for the convoy.
Israeli doctors wrote condemning this. I found the letter to Trudeau. It seems this has happened before where the WEF puppet "weaponizes anti-Semitism" to quote the letter. Thank-you for your work.
This is his standard attack strategy with zero thought to whom he's addressing whether it be individuals, groups, or the nation🤕 He's done this to countless groups. He announced a federal employee holiday to recognize Natives abused for 100 + years (under largely Liberal govts & policy.) He celebratesd the day by going surfing🧚♀️ in Tofino, turning down a standing offer by native elders to meet with him that day. He was busy... 🖕🤴
He's the epitome of kettle/pot analogy, complete with blackface persona... 💩
Ridiculous indeed
Exactly this. If you want a prime example of anti-Semitism then look no further than the globally coordinated plan to comprehensively TRASH the Nuremberg Code and violate the basic human rights of billions of people by illegally forcing or coercing them to be injected with a dangerous and experimental pharmaceutical product, known to be unsafe, whilst at the same time suppressing safe, effective alternatives, knowing that the risk/benefit for the vast majority of people was unacceptably high, especially young people and children. This decision necessarily disrespected the suffering of ALL Jews affected by the Nazi Holocaust. Furthermore, unbelievably, ISRAEL was one of the countries which went in first and went in hardest!
It certainly would be comical if, say, this were a Christopher Guest movie. But it's not. So it's actually fucking disgusting.
Side note: Yuri, thank you so much for the work that you do. Humanity is indebted to you.
Likewise, comrade.
It's not just Jewish orgs.
No int'l human rights orgs such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have ever spoken against the mandate policy. They have indeed supported the mandate.
How corrupt they are.
Double standards.
Hypocrisy .
Amnesty is fully demoralized:
I was a member of AI some yrs ago. Bk then AI was even criticised as Amnesty West. (I am not white and for me it was quite noticeable) And I saw a horrid relationship at the Int'l Secretariat in London. The logic goes out the window.
I left AI and so did some others.
Bono (of U2) who is one of the leading icons for the AI mission has now degenerated to the status of Schwab's pal flying around in a private jet with his band.
No regret leaving pseudo human rights campaigners behind.
And churches across the Country/globe?
Yes interesting to see how they twist the concepts and teachings and make the blind followers believe they are doing the right thing.
In clown world CNNBBC are the arbiter of everything.
Let me share some Shad
Truly sad news
I don't feel sad about these deaths... because multiple people being unaware that I was unvaxxed said they wish ill health upon the unvaxxed and two actually said that the unvaxxed should be denied hospital care
How about we turn this around now that we know the unvaxxed do not need hospital care... and chuck these VAIDS sufferers on the street to die
I too have struggled with vengeful thoughts.
Sad news to lose another talented person. But there are more to come
I'm looking forward to it ... haven't got my fix of Shad yet today... will we make it through the weekend without another famous person dropping?
Probably not
Did they have a yellow star for unjabbed? Ask them!
Same thing in Winnipeg. Clown world run by clown people.
Classic straw man. The coordinated response gives them away. They are more concerned about their Pharma friends than the maiming and killing of children and young adults.
Not their Harma friends, the WEF. They both think they will be among the 1% who do not have to live like the rest of us as digital feudal serfs.
Indeed, that Davos Cult anointed special 1% who were never jabbed or who theatrically received a saline shot, the leading WEF/WHO/CEPI/GAVI protagonists and their groomed political potégés such as Turdeau of France or Jabcinda / Jabaconda Ardern of New Zealand, all braced for a new world order, seem about to experience the shock of their lives.
Yes. I watched video of the exchange between Hancock and Sunak. Hancock appears materially nervous and disturbed as he delivers his diatribe against Bridgen, declaring ANTISEMITISM not once but twice, and pointing to his first iteration as proof for the second...
But no problem for Sunak, he picks up the football with ease and gracefully recaps Hancock's blatherings, to finally remind us "there is no place in these chambers or in our society" for such intolerance.
However, Rishi Rich, there does seem to be plenty of room in those chambers for colorfully vague, misleading and damning adjectives.
I think that they are beginning to worry about their own skins. The Great Reset has not gone according to their plans and a lot more people are paying attention. It will be interesting who will end up as the sacrificial goat. My bet is on that figure head Swab who is old enough to be discarded.
Schwab? You mean Klaus Rothschild (his mother's family name is Rothschild)? You have to be kidding. They don't eat their own at that level.
Total BS adolf. Mother's name = Erika Epprecht
Actually, after I wrote that looked it up again. His mother’s maiden name was Rothschild but in some places it is alleged she was not a member of the banking Rothschild’s but rather another family.
Where did you see that?
It's so idiotic and bullying it ought to cost the PM his job.
Yes, the dishonest straw man attack is positively Talmudiacal. If we can criticize Jesuitical strategies why not Talmudiacal?
Well, as a Jew whose great-great uncle, his wife and four adult daughters were murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators in Uman during WWII, I've been saying since our Plague Era ramped up to warp speed that a great many people took great glee in letting their inner Good Germans out.
Nothing has made me understand more clearly how easily the most highly-cultured country in Europe made it a virtue to build and run abbatoirs for the slaughter of human beings deemed a pox and contagion on the pure body of the nation.
edited for spelling
This could possibly end up being a story about self-annihilation through technology.
The Covid itself has no ethnic component to it.
But it is a story with criminal undertones and huge groups of people being subjected to illness and death, a story where standing for truth is important.
The gallows humor of the Israeli government partnering with Pfizer is untoppable.
The CDC and mainstream media urged Native Americans, Blacks, people with Down syndrome, people living in close quarters such as nursing homes and prisons, and those with mental illness including anxiety, depression and schizophrenia to get vaccinated. The propaganda suggested these ‘demographics’ were genetically or situationally disposed to worse outcomes of Covid. At one point the local news in Arizona stated the number one co-morbidity was anxiety. On the coattails of Covid, gays were made to feel threatened by monkeypox.
If you ran a covert, mass clinical study, you would go after the disposable first. The horrendous list of expected AEs as presented in Slide 16 to VRBPAC meeting in Oct., 2020, provided a Mengelean driver just for that, naturally.
Yes, but ... mRNA is Not an ingredient in Sinovax. But, the Big Pharma provider of all the mRNA packed in the vials from Operation Warp Speed, Fosun, is owned by the Chinese Communist Party.
Oh yeah, it's worth repeating that mRNA is NOT in the Sinovax ... only exported under aegis of the US Army contract revealed January 10, this week on, by the excellent researcher, Clare M. Lopez.
All of the vials were manufacturered by Fosum?
Not manufacturer by, but the vials made by the five mfrs of Operation Warp Speed were all containing some amount of the mRNA, as stated by Clare Lopez, guest essay January 10, in
(Or was it Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova?)
Personally, in May 2020, when the Peak Prosperity channel unequivocally stated COVID was a Lab Leak, we fully expected it to already have a magic vaccine to be sold at great expense ...
That Limited Hangout distracted us from the hidden contracts.
So what role did they have?
There may be still more to it than meets the eye - wheels within wheels within wheels ...
There was no lab leak as such for sure. Release? Possible, but not of a virus. Leak? No, sir.
I have read several times there IS an ethnic component to it. Maybe that's total garbage but it would also be naive to think no one would ever be interested in an ethnic weapon. I read a book decades ago that said it was a goal - and that once they could target an individual by DNA, whoever got there first would rule the world.
That was the basis for Utopia (BBC). They realised they only needed the fear of the selected released virus to get the vax that sterilised all but the Gypsies.
It was premised on the Malthusian drive to reduce the population as humans are stripping the world of its resources. A lie of course, before Covid the starvation rates were reducing. As was the global poverty levels.
These elite see themselves as Neitszche’s (sp) Supermen and the rest of humanity, this time, as untermensch unfit for life.
See how Super they are when they are captured.
This is Military operation. way past criminal. Or it soon will be.
And Geneva Conventions don't apply to spies, sabateurs, traitors in time of war.
U believe in Geneva Convention. I believe it MUST NOT be applied to these people.
15 min hearing, by junior officer. If he finds they're sabateurs, firing squad
The Germans killed anyone they thought were undesirable, Jews, Gypsies, Disabled, Homosexuals, Intellectuals. I don't think of the disabled or homosexuals as ethnic. Covid seems to be targeting everyone, but primarily the elderly to relieve them of Medicare checks and those that can reproduce. So in that aspect, controlling the population it is sorta similar to targeting Jews as the main goal.
I don't know, interesting to think about the differences, as well as the similarities. I have thought for a long time now, instead of taking the people to the cattle cars they figured out a way to get the people to do it themselves, less work. They convinced people to willingly line up for the shot, as opposed to taking them to the gas chamber. When I say "they" I mean those that hunger for world dominance and control, no different from the Nazi's.
As a sidebar, I am watching for the umpteenth time a series called A French Village. It is an incredibly well done docu-drama type show based on real life stories about people living in France during WWII. There is no other movie or TV show like it hence why I have watched it so many times. It is in sub-titles and covers essentially a life time of the various characters. What fascinates me is how much back then is going on now, and how well the story is told and not once do they take you to a concentration camp. It is on Amazon Prime, MHz, I prefer the DVD's because it interviews people that some of the stories are based on. Anyone that is interested in WWII era history that covers hardships and life of everyday people during that time, Nazis, Communists, Resistance, Jews fighting for survival, give it a try if you want something to watch. Sure beats anything on American Tv.
Same. It seemed impossible to me to think people could be turned into monsters who killed little girls. I get it now. Tragically true, and I wish it weren’t.
The part that's horrified me more than anything else is the compliance of so many fine educated mothers with everything that destroys the wellbeing of children. How they just whine about masking their toddlers while they continue to allow the masking of their toddlers.
When I think of the many, many people, during every monstrous time, who risked everything--not just their own lives but those of their own loved ones, to save strangers, to resist vile edicts, etc. etc., and now these NYC and SF mothers just say sadly "the schools are masking again"--
--and there's no marching on Washington; no kneeling in front of school board offices, no great uprising of parents--just whining--
I read, not too long ago, about a person who as a baby was hidden by his mother and the other women in their barrack in a concentration camp. Imagine what it took to keep that baby alive and what those women faced if the baby had been discovered. They all knew the odds against them.
And I just saw one of those animal videos on Twitter. A snake had a baby rat in its mouth and the mother rat attacked that snake that was maybe 30x its length (at least?) until the snake dropped the baby. These fine educated women are lesser in courage than a rat on a country road.
Bridgen played a blinder here. They took the bait and fell straight into his trap.
Notice how much publicity he has now? About a Tweet?
How many normies are now reading Bridgen's Twitter feed?
the tweet was the straw that broke the dam ...
No hiding this. So many people know so many people who....
low number of booster takers.
of course, the blood supply is effed up forever
I think alternatives will emerge. Pure bloods will eventually start independent private transfusion / blood bank services.
It's already happening.
if we arnt thrown in cages and milked like bears of their gall in china.
So is the medical system.
Well played LOL..
Mike, I am with you; a fully referenced baited trap that has ensnared Hancock, Sunak and their despotic brainwashed ( or maybe not the latter ) cohort. The evidence is so far stacked up behind Bridgen that in one sense I am stunned he has trawled so many useful idiots in his trap, but then again I am not.
The UK ( I am in the UK or should be the YUK ) MSM/press have made a coordinated attack to specifically NOT mention that he was quoting Dr Aseem Malhotra or checking where he referenced his stats ( which I reckon come from the US CDF ) - this willl run and run hopefully, ensuring these abject apologies of human beings are finished...?
Just found out Bridgen was quoting an ISRAELI cardiologist! Said cardiologist has since come out in support of Bridgen stating nothing Andrew said was anti-Semitic.
Oh this gets better!
Likewise and I have just corrected an earlier - erroneous - comment by me.
And I agree......who would be in Hancock/Sunak's shoes now with the tidal wave of data stacked against them; they have just demonstrated they are de facto liars.
Andrew is now suing those in Parliament who defamed him as anti-Semitic. Legal team already on it. That means discovery evidence. 🙂
Read that; the next thing needed is a "John Deed" independently minded Judge who cannot be coerced by the Lord Chancellor acting for "others" and the fullest examination of the discovery evidence for all to see as a matter of public record - unless, somehow, it is all held "in camera"...cannot imagine that would happen..surely...
Someone who tried to alert the general public very early on, long before the injections rolled up, was former Lord Chief Justice Lord Jonathan Sumption.
I think we'll be hearing from Lord Sumption a lot more over the coming months.
Hancock is a de facto murderer, and belongs to the gallows. But it all started with lies, true enough.
They all do.
Umm, thou protest a bit too much approach? Maybe. It could also be that the "offended" are just idiots that know that they have been caught with the crime of all ages.
BBC, Sky and the usually suspects ran with the story, pushing it to the front. The ratios were spectacular. Oh this backfired and it backfired hard. Comments have been an absolute sketch. I have never seen such an outpouring of support of any politician, ever.
Glad to hear that. The whole thing is just an attempt to stick to the narrative and avoid accountability. It also shows that the ones behind this sham are not very bright but then it is Sky, BBC and the other media scum.
In terms of raw numbers of people damaged or killed by the vaccine, not to mention all the harmful treatments, plus all the long term side effects of lockdowns, etc. it most likely will destroy the lives of far more people than the Holocaust.
Also reminiscent of the Tuskeegee experiment
You racist (default denomination) and ... (checking latest narrative notes) gas cooker user!
Racist! 😉😉
I'm so ashamed
Tuskeegee doctors did not directly harm their people, they just didnt give them cure.
What is happening now is more like Mengele experiments.
Mengele's victims had ZERO choice; that's not a good comparison.
well... there were videos of forced injections somewhere in asia (Vietnam?)
Even if that were true, there were not forced injections for 99.999% of the world. The overwhelming majority of people did--and still continue to do so--voluntarily go to their pharmacy or wherever, roll up their sleeves and then wear their proud sticker displaying for the world to see their choice in getting the shot. Those who were forced to get shots or lose their jobs had a Hobson's choice: neither choice was ok. However, not a single one of Mengele's victims had ANY choice, even a Hobson's one.
My Mother is a Holocaust survivor. Both she and I are against the jabs. She thinks this is a massacre...but one of disinformation, not forced murder.
The recent references to Tuskegee are based on such experiments destroying groups' trust in the medical industry.
While it's not the only problem with the mRNA "vaccines", one of their side effects is also to destroy people's faith in the medical industry.
not only the medical professionals, also authorities, laws, media, schools and police proved themselves to be not deserving respect
I will say there is a difference between what you're writing and what Andrew Bridgen wrote/said...he said "since" and you're comparing the two as if the cause of death is the same (I realize that may not be your intent, so I just want to clarify). Those who were killed in the Holocaust had no choice over what happened to their bodies...they couldn't have even traded their jobs for their life (i.e., "mandates").
Brandon thinks you mean Tuskegee Airman.
I love when non Jews freak out about Holocaust references and then try to convince me (the Jew) that I should be offended. But tell them that my Ukrainian born grandmother would say there are Nazis in the Ukraine and I become the anti semite.
We are trying to SAVE lives, not spread hate and division
That Matt Hancock has the nerve to stand up and be all sanctimonious makes my blood boil. The man who merrily ordered the killing of thousands, threw his wife and children away without a thought and has been busy trying to reinvent himself. A man with no morality inside him at all. Mr Bridgen is one of a very very small group of MPs who have dared raise their heads above the parapet. He's on the right side of history!
Of course, Matt Hancock has no morality. If he did he wouldn't be sanctimonious.
He will be one of the first that will blamed for all that happened. He knows he will get to face the music - this is just a show to buy more time before he gets to be held accountable.
I just became a paid subscriber because of this post. I love and adore God's Chosen People with all my heart and the Holocaust pierces my heart. I have family members who say as an Israelophile I'm falling prey to antivaxxers who think all this Covid and Globalist agenda is a Jewish Cabal and that I'm siding with some Q thing and antisemites. I honestly don't know what they're talking about, nor do I want to know. I'm a critical thinker and listen to a select few. Thank you Igor for your work, for your honest lens in dissecting data, may my small annual subscription encourage you and be multiplied.
P.S. I ordered Ivm from AllDayChemist, we'll see what happens! I also used Walk In Lab to check my D levels, I love how we can be independent from the insurance/corporate/medical machine.
Thank you very much for subscribing! And yes, I agree how ridiculous it is to equate opposition to novel genetic injections with ethnic hatred. We are trying to save lives of all people, after all
Side note on your IVM order -- I wanted to order from them as well, but got freaked out that I had to provide my bank/checking account info to pay (as I don't have any digital options). Did you do that? I know they've been around forever, so maybe I'm being fearful needlessly...
I’ve been purchasing from AllDayChemist for years. Well before COVID came upon us. They are legit. Initially, I had to use direct pay through my bank account. Now they permit me to use a credit card. They are legit and honest and have excellent customer service.
Thank you so much for this information! It criminal that a drug with decades of use that is sold otc in MANY countries is available only by prescription here in the US! Greedy BIG pharma!
I’m still confused about how to buy IVM -how does one know what dosage to get or milligram potency? Or does ADC only offer one choice? For instance, I currently have 16mg on hand for preventative. Higher mg is prescribed for active C.
Click on the three bars in the upper right and then click on treatment protocols. If has all the information you’ll need.
The best source for current information is the Frontline Doctors website.
I just received email with confirmation that my order is in dispensing and my payment has cleared, and it cleared my bank, so the ACH echeck only took 2 days to clear. the communication is excellent with order numbers etc and when it moves to shipping I will receive tracking. my comfort and confidence is increased.
Now, it does take quite awhile to go from dispensing to shipping so don’t panic. Sometimes it’s 4-5 days before you get the next notification from them. And it’s another few days before you get any tracking information. The whole process can easily take 3-4 weeks.
I did and I'm watching my bank. It's a similar process for an ACH, but I don't have Bitcoin. I just ordered yesterday and it hasn't cleared yet. It is much cheaper and I hope to get it soon before a trip next month to visit and help a chronically ill wheelchair-bound friend who is vaxxed 4x? and has had Covid 2 or 3x, out East, so I want to take some preventatively for her sake. I'm thankful they're letting my unvaxxed self visit them....