In the U.S., the first quarter of 2023 compared to 1Q 2022 also shows a significant drop in Democratic states relative to Republican ones for the first time. Vermont's fell over 10%, with similar but less severe falls on the West Coast and in the Washington D.C. area.
Vaccines definitely are to blame, but maybe lockdowns/covidpasses contributed too. It is hard to know that government can deprive you of your lifestyle any moment, definitely causes stress and depression and, likely, reduced fertility.
I have been anti-vax for more than 30 years and I think it is both. Definetly tje vaccines. But also the "fear-mongring and propagands around climate change." You see, young people are stupid. I was. They believe this crap. And, in tneir dramatic way, don't want to bring children into this "terrible" world. Mainly the privileged educated lot. My nephew and nieces. I talk to them and thats what they tell me. It will adjust again. People are stupid.
We are poisoned by toxic metals and nano particles and should detox. A chlor dioxide CDS solution could also work.
For decades I felt that something was wrong, but I never imagined such a vile elite, and it's even worse with suicidal slaves. But what can you do when they tell you that there are too many of us and that you have to die once. Most of them don't even want to talk, and that's really monstrous. Naive trust in people is deadly.
Many knew about the toxic chemtrails and kept quiet. It is a puzzle to me how the political elite protects and detoxifies itself. Maybe they really are reptilian, as David Icke claims, and poisons don't harm them.
All countries are Masonic corporations including Russia. The mafia has been ruling us people from behind for centuries. The solution would be the united action of humanity against the evil elites who are everywhere. They plan to cut off the communications they still allow to collect information about people.
According to the American Celeste Solum FEMA, Satanists want to destroy all life on earth or turn it into GMOs. The NWO elite have underground cities to themselves.
A must-read op-ed in the WSJ has the eye-opening headline “Covid censorship proved to be deadly.” I added my own thoughts on this superlative, important and profoundly-true essay. The link to the WSJ article is available in the Reader Comments if you can’t access the pay-walled version.
What the author (and I) are really saving is that Igor's writing - if it had been seen by many more people - could have saved countless lives and prevented misery of an epic scale.
Peter, the slight increase in US births merely reflects continuing immigration. Absent immigration, US has been in depopulation for decades. Our South of the border immigrants have at least 5 kids each, if my neighborhood is any indication. That the whole country's birth rate is still so low indicates that the birth rate of US citizens is till falling.
There's more than one reason for declining birth rate. The jab surely didn't help matters, but it has already been declining over the past two decades as fewer people want children between not being able to afford children due to stagnant wages with increasing prices on everything, plus women feeling like they have a choice now in whether they have children versus before just having kids because society dictated it. Not to mention so many women from Gen X and younger have severe illnesses, like autoimmune illness, so the do not have the health needed to raise kids. Fewer people are in relationships for various reasons, either by choice or because there is less suitable partners from high rate of autism over past 20 yrs. Nobody wants to talk about these things. Vaccine is not the sole cause. The governments of world are part of a lot of the problem because people are barely surviving on their own and can't even fathom trying to properly support a family if they even wanted one.
I would LOVE to see more data from other countries, but I'm sure that many are keeping these data VERY close to the chest. Obfuscation at best in my opinion. -from the china hugging country in the North...
They're not entirely wrong; I've often heard people give this reason for not starting a family. My sister cited ecological concern when having her husband clipped after one child. I'm not sure what her husband thought of this, but he did consent.
Of course, in her case, as in others, the real reason for declining to have children is likely something else. But for many people, climate concern sounds like a noble and perfectly legitimate reason not to reproduce. So I think we'll be hearing that a lot as the willingly and unwillingly infertile search for ex-post-facto justifications for not starting a family.
If we want to know the real reason, vaccines are not the only explanation. There has been a great deal of economic and social decay since 2000, especially in Australia. At this point we can't know whether people are actually infertile, or just utterly demoralized. Will we ever find out?
Could be both. I'm a grandmother past childbearing years. But I feel some despair about the world my 6 year old granddaughter will grow up in (nothing to do with the climate hoax, of course). I'm not sure how I would feel if I were contemplating a family nowadays. Then again, babies tend to be born whether planned or not so maybe infertility is the main cause.
1,600 of Hitler's scientists were transported by the mad elite to America under Operation Paperclip to lead positions.
Nazis have been secret societies for centuries. The mafia really rules the world and now they only need 10% of the slaves. You need to immediately get mengele injections, which can now be found everywhere.
In the U.S., the first quarter of 2023 compared to 1Q 2022 also shows a significant drop in Democratic states relative to Republican ones for the first time. Vermont's fell over 10%, with similar but less severe falls on the West Coast and in the Washington D.C. area.
Who wants to raise children to be WEFFIE slaves? Withhold legitimacy.
General strike - don't vote.
That’s what they want you to think.
Vaccines definitely are to blame, but maybe lockdowns/covidpasses contributed too. It is hard to know that government can deprive you of your lifestyle any moment, definitely causes stress and depression and, likely, reduced fertility.
I have been anti-vax for more than 30 years and I think it is both. Definetly tje vaccines. But also the "fear-mongring and propagands around climate change." You see, young people are stupid. I was. They believe this crap. And, in tneir dramatic way, don't want to bring children into this "terrible" world. Mainly the privileged educated lot. My nephew and nieces. I talk to them and thats what they tell me. It will adjust again. People are stupid.
Idiot children who believe the spoken word. It's not a vaccine. Co2 is not a greenhouse gas. Recycling is a lie. Somebody tell them.
We are poisoned by toxic metals and nano particles and should detox. A chlor dioxide CDS solution could also work.
For decades I felt that something was wrong, but I never imagined such a vile elite, and it's even worse with suicidal slaves. But what can you do when they tell you that there are too many of us and that you have to die once. Most of them don't even want to talk, and that's really monstrous. Naive trust in people is deadly.
Many knew about the toxic chemtrails and kept quiet. It is a puzzle to me how the political elite protects and detoxifies itself. Maybe they really are reptilian, as David Icke claims, and poisons don't harm them.
All countries are Masonic corporations including Russia. The mafia has been ruling us people from behind for centuries. The solution would be the united action of humanity against the evil elites who are everywhere. They plan to cut off the communications they still allow to collect information about people.
According to the American Celeste Solum FEMA, Satanists want to destroy all life on earth or turn it into GMOs. The NWO elite have underground cities to themselves.
What is strange is that I do not see a corresponding drop in searches for fertility testing and fertility clinics, in Australia.
If people were choosing to not have kids, I would expect that to be reflected in search trends.
I was looking at annual reports for Australia's Assisted Reproductive Treatment program.
A 20% increase in the number of people seeking reproductive assistance in 2021, another 8% increase, in 2022, in Victoria.
Might be a good lead to follow if anyone wants to try to shake out more data.
Excellent observation.
Aren't they also going to blame covid and lockdowns as a factor?
Can't we simply point to miscarriage and stillbirth rates in VAERS?
A must-read op-ed in the WSJ has the eye-opening headline “Covid censorship proved to be deadly.” I added my own thoughts on this superlative, important and profoundly-true essay. The link to the WSJ article is available in the Reader Comments if you can’t access the pay-walled version.
What the author (and I) are really saving is that Igor's writing - if it had been seen by many more people - could have saved countless lives and prevented misery of an epic scale.
WEF is our enemy. If anyone takes them out, history will look on them as a hero.
The enemy of all humanity. But what's Schwab's hold on people? Brainwashing? Cult leader they want to please? A gathering of psychopaths?
It's not enough to change anything. We need excess death to soar as well.
A one-two punch for the two-for-one special.
A data point offered up purely for context and perspective:
US fertility rates have been rising since before COVID.
Peter, the slight increase in US births merely reflects continuing immigration. Absent immigration, US has been in depopulation for decades. Our South of the border immigrants have at least 5 kids each, if my neighborhood is any indication. That the whole country's birth rate is still so low indicates that the birth rate of US citizens is till falling.
For the long term macro trend that may be true.
However, within the context of mRNA inoculations, it begs the question of why the US is not seeing the same drop offs in fertility as Europe.
Jab-happy Canada is looking kinda low as well. Though their TFR was already lower than the USA for a while.
Look in ‘google trends’ for the popularity of ‘maternity clothes’ in New York.
There's more than one reason for declining birth rate. The jab surely didn't help matters, but it has already been declining over the past two decades as fewer people want children between not being able to afford children due to stagnant wages with increasing prices on everything, plus women feeling like they have a choice now in whether they have children versus before just having kids because society dictated it. Not to mention so many women from Gen X and younger have severe illnesses, like autoimmune illness, so the do not have the health needed to raise kids. Fewer people are in relationships for various reasons, either by choice or because there is less suitable partners from high rate of autism over past 20 yrs. Nobody wants to talk about these things. Vaccine is not the sole cause. The governments of world are part of a lot of the problem because people are barely surviving on their own and can't even fathom trying to properly support a family if they even wanted one.
This paper says the only factor which coincides with the sudden drop is the vaccine.
I would LOVE to see more data from other countries, but I'm sure that many are keeping these data VERY close to the chest. Obfuscation at best in my opinion. -from the china hugging country in the North...
They're not entirely wrong; I've often heard people give this reason for not starting a family. My sister cited ecological concern when having her husband clipped after one child. I'm not sure what her husband thought of this, but he did consent.
Of course, in her case, as in others, the real reason for declining to have children is likely something else. But for many people, climate concern sounds like a noble and perfectly legitimate reason not to reproduce. So I think we'll be hearing that a lot as the willingly and unwillingly infertile search for ex-post-facto justifications for not starting a family.
If we want to know the real reason, vaccines are not the only explanation. There has been a great deal of economic and social decay since 2000, especially in Australia. At this point we can't know whether people are actually infertile, or just utterly demoralized. Will we ever find out?
Could be both. I'm a grandmother past childbearing years. But I feel some despair about the world my 6 year old granddaughter will grow up in (nothing to do with the climate hoax, of course). I'm not sure how I would feel if I were contemplating a family nowadays. Then again, babies tend to be born whether planned or not so maybe infertility is the main cause.
They must believe Nazi science.
1,600 of Hitler's scientists were transported by the mad elite to America under Operation Paperclip to lead positions.
Nazis have been secret societies for centuries. The mafia really rules the world and now they only need 10% of the slaves. You need to immediately get mengele injections, which can now be found everywhere.
I didn't know what mengele injections were... horrifying.
We told you so.
Why aren’t the Vaccinators marching in the streets protesting against placebo jab lots?