Are COVID Skeptics Targeted by a Clandestine Operation?
Weird "I want to be your friend" messages
A few days ago, I had a weird interaction via phone text messages (SMS) to which I did not give a second thought. Here it is:
Some anonymous person who supposedly had a wrong number (and pretended not to know me) wanted to be my friend.
No thanks.
I have a “theory of personal safety”, which is that a situation when “I found someone” is much safer than if “someone found me”. So I am never receptive to anything when I am contacted out of the blue.
I thought that it was just some sort of an odd new-style commercial spam. I received “I want to be your friend” spams before. No big deal.
Until today.
It turns out that the same “Lena” contacted eugyppius on Twitter. “Lena” also wants to befriend eugyppius??? Hm…
Who is "@EileenChan2580” (archive link)? (is it “Chan” or “Chen”?)
Who else is “Eileen” following? A lot of Substack authors and related Twitter accounts! I saved the entire list in this PDF file. Here’s a small sample of who else “Eileen” is following:
I am in a great company! Some other names Lena is following are: Steve Kirsch, Dr Lynn Fynn, Alex Washburne, Andrew Bostom, Michael Senger, Prof. Norman Fenton, Edward Dowd, The HighWire, Ben with US Mortality, Brook Jackson, Chief Nerd from Twitter, Josh Guetzkow, eugyppius, Chris Martenson, Kelly DNP, Kris Held MD, Dr. Andrew Huff, Jeffrey Tucker, Del Bigtree, Dr Clare Craig, Mary Talley Bowden MD, Dr Aseem Malhotra, Pierre Kory, Ben Shapiro, Dinesh D’Souza, Kari Lake, Dan Bongino, Kyle Rittenhouse, Tom Fitton, Lauren Boebert, Rep Marjorie Taylor Green, Donald Trump Jr., Dr. David Cartland, Dr Ryan Cole, Aaron Siri, The Vigilant Fox from Twitter, Dr. James Olsson, Aaron Kheriaty, Mart Makary, Robert Kennedy Jr, Martin Kulldorf, Vinay Prasad, El Gato Malo, Daniel Kotzin, and more.
I am not into clandestine operations; I am very busy, and I prefer to just blow the whistle. But something IS going on.
“Lena” is following a number of people. If you know anyone on the list, let them know about this operation. It is clearly targeting substack writers, as evidenced by Eileen’s “following” list.
The picture of Eileen may not be hers and the name could also be a fake. It could be a four-hundred-pound guy in a country far away.
Remember, if an unknown person from far away wants to be your friend, be careful!
What do you think this is? Clearly not a commercial operation, right?
Please share this post WIDELY to warn people about a strange operation underway!
Wow, Lena really gets around. At least she has good taste.
Has anyone met "Hannah Williams" yet?
Be careful. Even on the Stacks.
Doing everyone a favor.