Wow, Lena really gets around. At least she has good taste.

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Just part of the plan: silence resistance leaders... for example by threatening to show the wife hot chats or pics ...

I know from a trusted source that in order to corrupt the few not yet corrupt bankers and financers, they invite them to hot parties or send them bait in a hook(er).

Who are THEY?

In 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations was founded, to infiltrate and control democracy, by freemasons David Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Herbert Hoover, Allen Dulles, Walter Lippmann and Edward M. House. The impressive 10-thousand members list proves the power grab was successful.1 Since 1921, the CFR has chosen every single Secretary of State. Similar mason institutions, most with similar names, were founded in over 100 countries, including Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs and the European Council on Foreign Relations2: practically, there’s no war where the CFR isn’t involved on both sides. 3 Their magazine Foreign Affairs is one way they send orders to all members.

In 2018, Wikileaks proved the CFR controlled all mainstream media.4

Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower, Bush father and son, Carter, Clinton, Obama 5 ... some argue that, with few exceptions like JFK and Trump, at least since WWII, all US presidents were freemasons and many CFR. All administrations were filled with thousands of CFR members. 6 The Trump administration was no exception. 7 It’s not a coincidence that Neil M. Gorsuch, CFR Supreme Court Justice appointed by Trump, betrayed conservatives by ruling in favour of homosexual marriage and other New World Order “progressive” agenda.

Another proof of grooming for infiltration: 28 Jun 2019 Democrat Tulsi Gabbard wasn’t renewed 5 CFR year membership. 8 Because she wouldn’t obey all orders? In 2020, she was still pro-homo-marriage9 and pro-abortion (a basic CFR request) and pro-Biden, but wanted paper ballots, Electoral College, supported Trump in breaking up Big Tech and removing their censorship through section 23010, Glass-Steagall, pro-natalism paid family and medical leave plans up to 12 weeks, less public and defense spending, drug patent breaking, no war.11 That’s probably why she was defamed by Kamala12, Hillary Clinton and mason Mitt Romney.13 In 2021, she questioned Fauci on COVID origin and masks.14 Tulsi was groomed by WEF in the "Forum of Young Global Leaders" but suddenly was disappeared, and not because she turned 38 (41 in 2023), the WEF cut-off limit for “young”, freemason Macron (45) is still in the search results. Fremason Trudeau, 51, isn’t, but is listed in weforum.org15, while Tulsi has been erased from there, in Apr 2022 (she independized from the Democratic party in Oct 2022).16 Maybe this was the drop that filled the cup: she’s against CBDCs and social scoring.17


The CFR is just a small piece of a large puzzle of thousands of organizations, for example:

9-11: 2 planes, all 7 WTC towers down, but not the closest non-WTC !

Soon to post more here:


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Do you know if the CFR chose Pompeo? You did say every Sec of State so I’m assuming yes. That would be interesting. I always wanted him to be a good man.

I always wondered about Tulsi, from what you are describing she’s decided to go her own way, good for her.

Tulsi, Ivanka Trump, Trudeau, to name a few are part of the Young Global Leader club ( I believe that’s the name) which is closely associated with the WEF. I believe Chelsea Clinton is too. Not a good look for Ivanka.

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Tulsi will never go her own way until she leaves the Jagad Guru cult. She is a pawn of someone who is angling to be a major player. She will say what people want to hear until she doesn't have to anymore.

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People who have been just waking up don’t really understand some of the nuances of what is happening in the world. Tulsi hasn’t gone her own way. It’s just a ploy to gain trust from the awakened.

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Jagad Guru cult ?


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There's almost a thousand pages about her cult, including her father and his political career and her own including her publicity team and photographer who all hail from the same cult.

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I recommend a search.

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That’s hilarious. A search! Like, where? Google?

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Okay, I’ve been a student of the NWO for thirty years. Never heard of this cult.

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You have now. They keep their head down more than Scientology or NOI.

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Another Xiden in the making - but with a personality. She, in my opinion, is not to be trusted.

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Too many newbies have no instincts. The claims I see on Substack comments often have no basis in reality.

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Instincts are developed over time by those new to a movement. Those who have been around awhile should be welcoming and educating, or else we are no better than the elites, who want it all for themselves.

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Ivanka? How about this one?

Maria Bartiromo - https://www.younggloballeaders.org/community?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=Maria+Bartiromo&x=15&y=11&status=&class_year=&sector=&region=#results

I love pasting that one in whenever I see a Fox video with her in it, .... especially as a reply to anyone saying how much they like her. lol

But THIS short video left my slack-jawed mouth hanging wide open:

04/05/2022: Texas Governor Abbot Dodges Klaus Schwab Question! He's WEF Owned!:


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Yes, she’s on the WEF list too. So disappointing.

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I just looked at the most recent graduating class of the young global leaders, what stands out is the companies they work for-Netflix, Mastercard, Bridgewater, Johns Hopkins, on and on.

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Not to me. I am not a Boob Tuber.

Faux is not really a lot different from their competition.

TV melts your brain, Hulu ran public service announcements about it.

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I went total Elvis on my TV, ... then had to go get a new one and all they had were Smart TV's ugh. I never hooked it to wifi though. After I Elvis'ed the old one, I remembered I still wanted to use it for old SNES games. lol The tube hasn't been turned on in quite a while now. At least 4 weeks and even then, ... it was Tetris, Not Faux..

I cut my cable in 1995 and never looked back. and would surely never pay for streaming, ..... anything. Something about this sentence

"TV melts your brain, Hulu ran public service announcements about it."

I find to be contrarian, ... or at least counterproductive as an advertising campaign. lol

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WEF puts a lot of people on their list without their permission - do you know that? I don't think that is a fair assessment.

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I just did some searching, and I have to say I don't know that, and I don't believe it is true.

I can't see any reason they would do that, and I can't find anything suggesting they did.

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I think that's grasping at straws.

I am also sure they couldn't do that against anyone's will, especially not a powerful person to be noticed.

I have no doubt that outed Young Leaders like Elon Musk really are NWO fakes.

BTW, the Twitter algorithm still has a government portal.

And people still get booted for upsetting the status quo.

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I doubt we need not worry about Maria Bartiromo's activities. She has been a reliable reporter and in no way a fan of the left. See her Twitter https://twitter.com/mariabartiromo and judge for yourself. There are a lot of WEF class attendees that are nowhere near agreeing with the WEF objectives.

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Don’t be so easily fooled. Of course she is.

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Yes! I'm amazed that she's not been called out yet.

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That's why I paste it so often. Hoping it will eventually get traction.

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I've mentioned quite a few times when I post. I also believe she's the highest paid female fox host.

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In Patriot circles, she’s called out constantly.

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I wonder if the people you mentioned worry that if they do not attend the WEF young leader and other WEF get togethers, they will be destroyed. Any person, country, political,leader who does not follow the narrative are dealt with accordingly. We have now witnessed assisinations, politicians dropping from sight....Boris, Nicola, jacinda. I often wonder who,is next.

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True BUT - you don't have to live in fear because you know, they know you know, and they discount you. That's their arrogance. They won't erase you because they can't. Besides in the case of Ivanka she comes with the Jared. Jared is NOT a good person - he's part of the cabal (see his masters to whom he is beholden in Israel).

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666 Park Av.

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That’s their address?

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Ivanka was and is desperate to be back in the 'fold'. She was lost to the 'in crowd elites' along time ago. To me she's trash. Not smart, cunning and stupid with it.

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Tulsi has denied any relationship with the WEF and in fact is not in their Young Leader cohort. Unlike Buttiegieg.

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WEF Class of 2015 Ivanka, same year as the one eyed jack mccain from Texas (Crenshaw) & Tulsi Gabbard who was scrubbed from the pages just like Putin and certainly others who pissed of Heir Schwab. No one can say that statement from Gabbard is a lie, that she has no relationship with the WEF. Now I wonder if she will use the word NEVER ??

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These people went rogue. They weren’t scrubbed.

Ha! Like the CFR or WEF would ever let anyone “leave.”

You folks are so naive sometimes.

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Once you are in - you never leave. Best you can do is distance yourself or let it 'go' ... doesn't mean they will let you.... they've got material to black mail you for certain. Its like the Hotel California.. you can check in any time, but you can never leave...

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I bet she did.

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Pompeo is a terrible human being. He literally was Trump's handler for the deep state

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Id like to see proof Ivanka was a part of this “school.” Do you have it?

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She commented gushed even on Chelsea Clinton and how she missed her because since her Dad was a big Rhino (not her words) they did not get invites or see each other as much. Chelsea is a Satanist spawn. What more do you need to know? You are the company you keep.

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She was missing being 'part of the in crowd' and IMHO that means she's part of them. Weak and washy minded. No back bone there. A sell out. I admire those who stand alone, or at least have some shade of independence - an Elon. Not afraid to ruffle the feathers. To go counter to the 'crowd' and Ivanka ain't that.

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Excallent documentation. In fact very impressive. You missed the cherry on the icing, the Trilateral Commission. That is the CFR's enforcer unit. Some of the enforcers are the most qualified in the world ie Ross Garnaut.

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I love people who can think.

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...about other than the self

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All funded, and highly over-represented by jewish bankers.

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Among many others.

Jews control the media.

This Jew Hater crap us tiresome.

Jews control the media?

Rupert Murdoch is of Irish Descent.Ted Turner, an Episcopalian.

Jew Haters are some of the most brain dead people on the planet, and 90 percent of what they claim is ignorant nonsense .

The ten percent that is true fails to note that Jews are prominent in any field they pursue.

It isn't because of an evil agenda, it's because they can count to seven, and thus they know what day it is.

They know Sunday is not and never will be the seventh day.

It's the first day of the work week.

Six days shall you work, and the seventh is the Sabbath of the Lord.

They are one day ahead of you every week of your life, 52 days ahead at the end of every year.

And they are smarter than you because they are not just bilingual from early childhood, which alone is tremendously beneficial to intellectual development, but they read and write both left to right and also right to left, which gives them right/left brain balance as children that you never will likely attain, and if you do, the impact post childhood will be much smaller.

Also, the school week begins on Sunday for Jewish kids.

That's when Hebrew school is in session, and they learn phonetics and grammar and composition just like they do in English class.

As for the maybe ten percent that sort of is true, that there are substantial numbers of evil, WEF/NWO Jews would be true if they were named correctly as JINOs, which is what they are.

Jew Haters like to claim Jesus hated Jews. The passage they cite is not condemning Jews at all, it is Jesus calling out JINOs, and telling them if Abraham were really their father, they would conduct themselves as Abraham did.

If you want to know about Jews, the last place to look is Jew Hater sites. It's hard to decide what they are mostly, ignorant or deceitful.

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Aha... another ashkenazi pretender Jew pathological liar. Rupert Murdoch's mother was Jewish. There is a reason Murdoch was invited into Areil Sharon's helicopter to drink champagene while watching the Falangist Christians machine gun 3500 Palestinian old people, women and children at Shatilla. Even your tatty cue sheets a lie. Murdoch's closest associates were David Rockefeller, Frank Lowy, and Ross Garnau... all Zionists. Do not presume to lecture an Aussie historian on Aussie history. Tosser.

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And they slaughter their own in Israel because they are amoral. Pls somebody post Netanyahu’s quote about sacrificing his own people to Pfizer. Just like Soros did and does.

I thought Ted Turner was dead and a Jew took over CNN....

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They jab their own in Israel for the same reason they did it all over the world.

The Elites.

If you want to know what they really think, spend some time on World Israel News.

There are plenty of anti vaxxers, they love Trump and hate Biden, and are very hopeful now that they are rid of their " Biden", Bennett, and have back their " Trump", Netanyahu.

I have no idea what quote you are referring to, but I do know the Leftys are rioting because Netanyahu is determined to reel in and clean up the courts that made the mandates possible.

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No. He wants to set the Knesset executive above the judges so he won't go to prison for corruption. That is why Israelis are rioting.

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JINOS. Lol, that's a new one.

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It's well over a decade old, and the concept originated with Christ.

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How much did Hasbara or Talpiot pay you for your absurd screed, which is "just a bit" philosemitic?

From an intellectual perspective, learning The Talmud and Hebrew makes them murderous towards we far more successful and physically attractive Aryans. No idea what you are ranting about vis a vis when the school week begins, but I am sure you have your reasons.

I despise jews and more people in human history have hated and expelled them than any other. Not going to lie, their phenotype is repulsive to me. I have seen maggots with a better countenance. But, it is their nasty habit of introducing multiple genders, race mixing, chicken and child sacrifice, homosexuality and pedophilia (on top of all the financial fraud) that has most influenced the greatest Europeans to toss them. And trust me, they are going to get tossed again soon.

Thing is, I do NOT want to know about jews. I wish to never hear their shrill, lying voices, nor see their giant protuberances ever again (noses, get your mind out of the gutter).

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If you are stupid enough to think I would waste my time plowing through a mountain of idiotic J-Hater nonsense, you are dumber than average.

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You are an ignorant putz. You are also a hypocrite-- why are you on a Jew's substack?

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jews, are the most expelled people in HUMAN history. I would think you could handle feedback a bit better. Also, 8x more likely to be gay, 10x higher psychopathy, 20x higher pederasty. You are an aberrant, and dangerous strain. You are also perilously close to your next expulsion, given the shit show your degeneracy and avarice has made of this once gracious host nation. Like Johnny Depp's disgusting ex-wife, you keep shitting the bed. That's why I am here. Somebody has to tell the Goyim, it is long past time to get vengeance.

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Beautifully explained. Born in NYC I was and raised one hour north of the city by my parents, both were raised in the city. So I got to make the distinctions very early in life. JINO's exactly. never heard that term before. Living in NYC, the world comes to you.

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Every single time. This Tribe is a plague.

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You're a plague and an ignorant one at that.

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Another common Leftist/jewish/communist trick is to accuse your opponents (white men) of that which you are most likely to be. No, I am not a plague, unless you hate truth.

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Many CFR members go rogue, but it’s all a ruse. They pretend to separate from the organization but it’s only to gain respect from the people they’re lying to. That should be obvious! Their pictures suddenly disappear from the young globalist website, etc.

Don’t be fooled.

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I'm not fooled, and I don't Tweet either, because the same applies to Elon and the WEF and all the other three letter agents.

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Probably not insured heavily enough to demolish for the pay out.

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Hubba! Hubba!

Just the kind of well-connected, affluential Ai Gender Fluid fantasy many adore nowadays.


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Why don't the pretty girls follow me (I mean, apart from you Margaret)?

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Yeah, ... she seems Really Easy !! I wonder if she can drum up enough volunteers for a good old fashioned Gang, ... stalking. Yeah Stalking, that's what I meant. lol

Oh, I added your "New Words & Phrases" to my ongoing list a couple months ago, I hope you don't mind. Philantropath. Posted in comments down below.

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I don't mind at all. Thank you for helping it gain currency! Just a tiny correction as your version is missing the 'h' after 't'—should be philanthropath :-)

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So I instantly ran to the list to check, .... and it was only a typo in this comment where I bungled it.

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Good one MAA! That's a real knee slapper!

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Has anyone met "Hannah Williams" yet?

Be careful. Even on the Stacks.

Doing everyone a favor.

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Yeah. Starting a couple days ago. "Hannah Williams liked your post" right in a row from random posts spanning months. Creepy profile.

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I thought that was weird too. I was Hanna'd too

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Me too. And i don't even run a substack.

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I took note too - I think whoever is behind "Hannah Williams" is keeping track of "unacceptable views" wherever they can be found.

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So do you think the authors get Lena and we mere commenters just get Hannah?

I have thought for some time that any organisation which wanted to watch for resistance would certainly follow Substack. I worried that Substack would be "cancelled" and then we would have to find a new place to congregate, or maybe we would all end up in the same "camp."

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I have thought about how conveniently the censors shoved us dissenters all into one location -cancelling accounts on all those other platforms - where we can be taken out like fish in a barrel. Not saying Substack was an accomplice, but it could certainly be utilized by the spooks to identify and rank those still enjoying freedom of expression.

It's hard to trust anything anymore. And that's part of the plan too. Forget their evil schemes. Truth will prevail.

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Me too. And I don't have one either😳

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Yes ditto that about Hannah. But also watch Jack. He asked me to be specific with where I live.

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North Pole.

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Yes ditto to all that you have said. I am also sent threats of violence through substack on another stack that are then deleted. Malware is being used and my devices are being interfered with.

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No wonder my father raised his voice when he said AND YOU STAY OUT OF IT! This was after warning me that all this that is happening now, will happen during my lifetime.

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I saw that in another post and clicked on Jack to see what was up with that. Glad you were aware of that being weird.

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My heckles went straight up. I suspect I’m being monitored by ASIO (or similar authorities) here anyhow but this was different.

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I think your suspicions are correct. However, not only are they correct but it's worse than you suspect. In some Australian states the secret police security surveillance state overreach apparatus is also being used to monitor citizen's political views and activities for the benefit of the surveillance state and ruling political parties using your revenue contribution through state GST share so it is difficult to know in any specific instance at what level the surveillance is taking place but I would assume it is not merely being undertaken at one level or by one agency alone. One would be naive to assume otherwise, particularly when they tend to leave traces of their activities. I expect to find out soon at what level it is happening. All I would rule out is that it is being undertaken at council or local government level. That's all that is unlikely. This is how corruption and waste of tax dollars manifests itself. Certain agencies were recently given increased powers and are using them. Powers available include the power to impersonate you or others, to assume your identity, to take over your accounts, to delete, modify or fabricate data including communications. False identities are being created on substack to commuicate with you. You are not the only one this is happening to of course. This is all being done using your tax dollars for the benefit of the corrupt secret police security surveillance state and ruling political party. You are not the only one this is happening to. You may at some stage need to expose what is going on through your substack or by other means. I would also suggest getting in touch with Kyle Beattie in Canada at University of Alberta to discuss what is happening. As well as conducting vaccine effects research he specializes in political corruption. Do this for your own self-preservation. I expect to soon receive absolute proof that what I have seen indications of has been happening but may not be at liberty to discuss it Miriam. I am 100% certain your suspicions are absolutely correct.

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Can you link "Jack"'s profile? I do not think I have come across that one yet. Thanks for the heads up.

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Me too

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Me too.

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Me too

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Dang, ... I never get picked for any teams, .... oh well, to hell with that slag. lol

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Me too. H W

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Hannah Williams "liked" some of my posts also. 🤔🤔

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Not just one or two, all of them.

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Yes all

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I made some Trump-critical comments that seem to have escaped her.

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I also got Hannahed.

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yep. moi aussi.

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Me too

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Why don't the pretty girls want to follow me?

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Never mind Bird ,I figured out what you meant! I had a Joe Biden moment ,but I figured it out. Lol at myself!

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"Hannah Williams" was all over my posts recently, blowing up my notifications, why what do you suspect?

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Thanks for the tip. I just looked at some of my message responses on Substack, and guess what? Hannah Williams. I'd guess a psyop is happening, since Substack is one of the few sources of anti-establishment writing. We should all be mindful of this.

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She suddenly started showing up on 3/27, and has liked a half dozen of my old posts.

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Seems like a bot account designed to get people to view the profile and the self-help books listed on the account. A form of "not so stealth" marketing.

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Be careful of "Glass", "Sita", "JonesySmart" and "margie." All send and then delete messages so they are received in your email but are not left on Substack.Some emails purportedly from Substack may not be and may contain malware. Look for modifications to your devices

Don't be surprised if messages sent and deleted include malware.

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I'm thinking this is meant to be a "we know where you live" kind of message. By pulling together a body of my past posts (she/he liked the one above, too), it's also a way of saying "we know what you think, dissident!" Creepy ...

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I sm sent threats of violence incuding murder. Also, malware appears to have been used.

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Yes, same

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PSYOP indeed.

Hint. Use Phonetics

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Phonetics, eh.

I noticed that that H.W. also "liked" blogposts by almost only German writing C19 politics & philosophy commentator "gunnarkaiser", and only the few most recent ones (even though they are from late 2022), as if a lazy attempt of making it look like being from Germany, too, and perhaps legit - but why?

Either that person actually is German, for which I've detected zero hint (but that doesn't have to mean much today), or enjoys autotranslations of that guy's texts somehow, or (uncle Jon might call me too conspiratory minded), it was an intuitive hipshot of feigning the passing of a first check someone might make.

Why am I commenting phonetics... well, I know which condemnation-porn-serving, fake-identities using, financial needs plagued grifter's blog I used to hang out at and mention several times my nationality, and that's when I was thinking of phonetics myself.

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I went through my notifications backlog: all of my comments she liked had "German(y)" either in the comment itself or in the title of the post.

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I looked at my comments with the Hanna likes, and there was nothing about Germany in the posts or the comments, one was about Tiffany Dover, one about pilots dropping dead, for instance. But I am German 😱 Makes me think of Stasi right away... 👂👂👂👂👂👂

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Who was mentioning nationality, you or author?

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I mentioned it a couple times.

The author (kaiser) writes German and is known in the German anti-narrative scene.

Edit: BUT I never commented there, so I gave no hint I was reading that. Many of kaiser's posts are for paying subscribers.

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If Hannah Williams is a scam, it's a well-funded one, because "she" has a paywalled Substack doing what seem to be book reviews. The profile picture is certainly generic hot girl, but it's a genuine Substack publication.

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Yeah, but how hard is it to Paywall a substack? Is it just a checkbox ? What better way to make people think there is something there, than to paywall it so no one can see it. And what better way to get people to pay just to find out, ..... then the real games begin !! lol

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True, but to enable paid subscriptions requires activating Stripe, with all the verification required, even if one doesn't actually expect to get anyone to pay good money.

I myself was very uncomfortable with the idea of giving my bank acct. info etc. to a platform I know nothing about so I figured I'd have to get my lakeside estate some other way.

But for any Substack that enables that option, there is a financial institution trail.

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I am not familiar with the requirements on that platform, but if it is anything like Paypal it requires a bank and a CC so would be slightly more difficult to use fake identification to get both.

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I liked the old B&W pic more though. A few days ago around 3/31 she seems to have got a lot younger. I suppose government agencies ave a quarterly schedule, and Q1 just ended.

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