They only need seven letters to read my mind. Nine if you count the space and exclamation point.

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I do not need a brain scanner to figure out your intended meaning!!!

and I agree

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

You're better than me...I can't resolve one ambiguity.

Is it 'off' or 'you'?

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023Author

Now your placed a seed of doubt in my mind

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

AI response:


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Russian response... Off you gooooooo <thud>

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wakes up REEEEEEEE-educated

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Following my response above, a slavik sounded person invited me to a birthday party on top of a tall building.

I accept.

Make sure it's sent to the Right Justin.

The last name is Trudeau.

Look me up. I love parties.

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shazbot! I thought I had everyone fooled that I was just a nanu-nanubot.

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I figured, "you."

Now, we need MAA to tell us which. 😉

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I think either would work

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That was my first thought too! Is it off or you? Inquiring minds want to know!

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Oh, good point! Although with both options, it would be 6 letters, with the duplicate "u" or 5 with the duplicate "f" (not counting spaces or exclamation points)

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Each letter used is counted each time it's used. F(1) u (2) c (3) k (4) y (5) o (6) u (7)

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Still have the problem of 2 ‘u’ … ???

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uh... yeah... I'm a partial product of the California educational system. U wasn't one of those pronouns we could use. :-) And math skills... fuhgettaboutit

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Honestly I thought it was more likely to be NOO!

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Either works for me....🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤣

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does it matter?

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I know that most people will make fun of this (myself included ), but it's extremely dangerous. These people in Davos are fools - suicidal fools! While living under oppressive conditions, the subconscious mind copes. We will either drift into fantasy lands within our minds, like in the movie Brazil or the Secret Life of Walter Middy. Or perhaps we will think the dark fantasies of revenge against our oppressors that we dare not act out. The WEF intends to take away the last vestiges of privacy and autonomy within our minds. The results will not be perfect obedience, but Psychosis and insanity. If I were deprived of the basics freedom of autonomy of thought, I'd go crazy! My impulse, upon reflection, would be to attack and destroy any entity attempting to deprived me of the liberty of my mental faculties, even if it meant ending my own life. In the bigger picture, the blowback against these mind-controllers would be extremely violent and devastating. So the warning to these WEF idiots is: proceed at your own risk, and remember - you were warned!

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Keep in mind that the WEF has always been a reaction. It is not a cause, but an effect.

Which is why this last Davos huddle was a hodgepodge of recriminations. Their fantasy world has stubbornly refused to come into being, and reality has stubbornly refused to follow their script.

The script for the Great Reset was never going to be written by Klaus Schwab, for it was already written by John the Revelator.

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What you say may certainly be true, but they will attemp to carry out their plan none the less.

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

@ Peter: So don't the scriptures (Xtian) say there will be a one world government before the Great God Reset? If so, that means some pretty big shit will be coming our way before that Great God Reset. And that cannot be good for the humans on Earth at that time. Yes? No? Thoughts?

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My thought is that the world is being governed by an evil power now—and I don’t necessarily think it has to be “one government” as we usually think of it. See the multiple-headed monster in Revelation- many heads, all part of the same beast. This became really clear during Covid.

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Yes- I heard one guy speculate that it might not be nations, but corporations. That totally makes sense to me in these times.

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Sure - one beast, one 'mind', but, as you say, many heads.

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If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.

George Orwell, 1984 (1949)

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WEF - create 'solution' in search of a crisis.

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And at some point they will get paranoid and start killing off each other.

Also what happens if the people they need to do stuff all die off?

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The humongous system needed to pull this fully off by TPTB would be impossible for them to engineer and prosper themselves within it. Nobody said they were smart. Hubris won’t make it happen. But fear is very very effective in keeping them rich and controlling the money. Maybe that’s all it takes for these masters of disaster to thrive with other peoples money. They want the $. Look what fear of covid did for them. I laugh at them but stay aware for surely evil has possessed them.

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They are asking for a fight and will get a HUGE one.

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hell yeah!!!

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The only boundary they need is the 6 inch boundary between your ears in your thought cage.

Worked pretty well with Covidmania.

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I'm not a lab rat or a sheep Ryan. No one can enter my mind without my consent. Anyone who attempts to physically do so with technology will be subject to termination with extreme prejudice. If someone tried, they would be safest by killing me because I'm not stopping. This is a gut-level, bottom of the soul line I will not tolerate anyone crossing. I would not even consider anyone who voluntarily acquiesced to this to be a real human being worthy of consideration.

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I totally agree about the crazy bit! Even just becoming aware of all this stuff is terrifying which can lead to mental health issues particulary if you have kids to worry about.

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Now I understand why FB seems to know my thoughts before I speak them. The tech is in our phones.

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Don't worry about it. These idiots clearly don't know the actual state of the systems in place across all of the countries they dream about controlling with "AI" and "digital currencies".

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And the destruction of creativity.

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That was 2008 already!

That's when I knew it will go rapidly into the direction of full thought control.


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Seriously though, this is the point, Are these AI linked brain scanners going to be better at 'reading' human thoughts and emotions than the numerous subtle biophysical clues which millions of years of human evolution have provided and which most of us are subconsciously finely attuned to? I doubt it. I bet my dog can read my thoughts better than these stupid machines! Also, we are not merely products of our environment; our unique individuality is also shaped by a far more ancient source deep with our collective subconscious and no matter how much technology they have at their disposal to try and mould us into the 'perfect' human beings, that inner source, that essential core of our humanity, will remain untouched.

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Jaime, yes, I found your note highly meaningful. A good deal of our actions are relatively mindless simply because they are automated habits, that can free the mind and allow thinking. But these new AI technologies can pick up only diffusely generalised mental activity. There are no demonstrations of actual mental content, as defined by specific declarative verbalization or by specific perceptual interpretions of real situations. They readily pick up that someone's eyes are fixated on something. But they cannot detect what is being looked at, or what perception is then being constructed.

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Now you are boasting like Dr Jordon Walker .....

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RemovedFeb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023
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Yep, my thoughts, too, Margaret Anna Alice.

They can kiss my rosy red butt. 🤬

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How do we get seven letters from " kiss my rosy red butt"?? "Red butt"?

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That's my separate thought, and I was being polite. I usually say ass in place of butt.

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AI: Does not compute.

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Kiss ass

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

What are those words, MAA? :)

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Use your imagination :-)

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How is a man supposed to read a woman's mind ? :(

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took me 20 years to figure out

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With great fear and trepidation, if he has an ounce of common sense.

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And no your butt doesn't look too fat in those pants.

Wait.. big butts are kinda in for some folks now, huh?

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"I like big butts and I cannot lie."

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I don't need to read my wife's mind. She reads mine and that keeps me in line.

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Ask ChatGPT ;-)

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ChatGPT - whatever it is - is neither female nor male .... It is a girly-man bot!

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In anagram form with letters placed in alphabetic order:

c f k o u u y (option 1)

c f f f k o u (option 2)

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Feb 2, 2023·edited Feb 2, 2023

Maybe this guy should've said your 7 letters.

Think F*** *FF would've worked for him?

Do you think they would've left him alone? I don't think so.


4:15 Surrounded and a FORCED jab. 😱😲🤬

This guy needs a lawyer. That is just wrong.

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That's gonna be everyone once the WHO is in charge. All they've gotta do is ratify the treaty, that no one wants, and it's all over for all of us.

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I haven't had a chance to watch the video yet but am confused by the publication date of 4/1/20, which is eight months before the vaxx rollout.

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I'm not sure about the dates. I clicked on the other link and it took me to WayBack Machine article here: https://web.archive.org/web/20200831233624/https://fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/presumed-covid-19-patient-held-down-against-his-will-by-police-given-forced-procedure/265705

The article refers to "testing" him; however, they clearly surrounded him and gave him the injection against his will. They even used the excuse that he was mentally unable to make decisions for himself. I see how this is done now. Awful.

He has the right to leave AMA - "against medical advice." They would not allow him to leave and injected him against his will. He needs a lawyer.

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“You first!”

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i guess i can’t count

“Brain me!”

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I’m thinking what my reply always is: “Up yours!” But I think it should be “F off”! Same category.

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And same number of letter too.

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Boy o' boy!! Did you hit the nail on the head? Any one who's having trouble deciphering your comment is probably one that will welcome this technology with all the 'fruits' that go with it!!

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

The hubris of the Davos crowd will be their undoing. I will predict that AI investment frauds will make Enron and Theranos look like a Girl Scout cookie sale theft.

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May they undo immediately.

I’m sick of all of these narcissistic lunatics.

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Agreed. I think we'll be seeing a lot of extrapolation of current "AI" engine successes into speculative markets that are far from being possible.

Regarding this specific foray, it is disturbing that this would be promoted as some sort of useful and good technology. Though not surprising from this crowd. I hope it is publicized far and wide so that we know to resist every step of the way.

I think what is described is a long ways off from being possible. I've worked with these kinds of devices for a number of years, they are very crude. There is a huge amount of cross talk and noise in the signals they pick up. Yes, there are some recognizable patterns, but correlating those patterns with specific thoughts is just not yet a thing. At least with this level of receptors. In the lab with lots of sensors and massive processing on the back end it is possible to separate "thoughts". But we still need a huge amount of training data to begin to recognize those thoughts. So something like getting 100s of thousands of people into a sophisticated scanner, having them think say 100 very specific and common thoughts repeated 10 times. Then processing all that and starting to recognize patterns. Eventually, we'd be able to recognize those 100 thoughts in the general population with some degree of accuracy. And etc . . . this is very hard problem.

But again, this a good early warning. We're advancing rapidly and the fact that there are people openly desiring this sort of thought reading means it will likely happen at some point.

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

Thank you for the thoughtful comment. I believe the technology is a long way off in actual reality. Recognize brain discharge patterns, yes. Affect some brain disfunction like Parkinson’s tremor with direct current injection, yes. But, there is no amount of digital signal processing that can turn a bunch of synapses emitting nanovolts into a stream of consciousness. Call me skeptical.

The hubris to believe this can be done with the brain is no different than the white coats that believed we could successfully manipulate the human immune system to properly identify a spike protein generated by one’s self as a foreign body and destroy it without side effects.

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

But that doesn't mean they won't try. Which like covidmania is what gives me pause. After all we are in the middle of a global experiment, that for the most part, people were willing subjects.

People are more than willing to participate if they think it has benefit to them.

I don't see too many people concerned about stuff like this.

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

When (and if) people wake up, it will be too late.

Just like the slippery slope of electronic medical records which began with the Affordable Care Act. How many sheep out there still think that’s a good idea?

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let me see:

If I follow the one way arrows, wearing a mask, standing in circles waiting behind plexiglass for my 240 rolls of toilet paper; I'm definitely safe from an airborne virus.

I definitely feel safer when a guy is required to walk into a bank with a mask on to get money from the teller.

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Remember Alec Baldwin's character in "Glengarry Glen Ross".




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One bank is s f the tellers have no masks.

Another they all do.

Luckily the bioweapon knows which banks will spread fear better

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Yeah. Same with red flag laws. Superficially it all seems like a good idea. That is until actual humans are involved.

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Worse, that they injexted the program to have our own bodies manufuckture that spike

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

When do we get to slow down and have some of these ethical conversations?

I've been waiting for that since we started talking about nanobots, etc. when I was in college in the early 90's.

Seems like nobody wants to take the time to deal with that. Or maybe that's by design?

That is the "hard" problem to me.

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I'm hoping we're reaching a plateau of relying on tech to fix our problems and improve our lives. I would hope we are realizing that if anything technology of the past decade or so has diminished our spirits and crushed our humanity. Processed foods, social media isolation, the medical industrial machine, etc etc.

Hopefully we turn back to spirituality and the basic questions of what it means to be human, living within a community of like minded people who know and care about each other.

No question technological advancements have helped us all and we've had a good run of wonderous, almost magical advances. But as you say we need to now question how much and which technologies we need.

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

Agreed. As someone that was born when gas was $0.22 a gallon, technology hasn’t significantly improved my quality of life. Yes, it has created some amazing things and we have increased life spans but overall, life is not better.

Sure, airplanes and cars are safer, go further on a gallon of fuel and mobile phones save time but IMO, computers are not the game changer that many see them to be.

I started my working career with a secretary that wrote shorthand and typed my letters, today, I type my own letters and e-mails in a computer that crashes at least one a year which costs me several days of my life at the mercy of my corporate overlords to get a replacement and several more days to reinstall all the shitty programs that have now changed and don’t want to work with my older hardware. How is my life better because of technology?

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Yup and to what degree we need them. And to figure out they come with opportunity cost; like the cost of giving up time with your family, friends and other loved ones.

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That was the whole point of the digital lie, to steal away our lives.

Scamdemic Harmacide

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Analog tape is like $500- bucks for a roll of two inch. This is best tech ever

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I never agreed to no Harmacide injext, lockdown jail, freaking masks nor anti social distance

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I never agreed to live with so many cowards in this country.

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Great damn post RYAN!!!!!! or zombies or traitors

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Don't worry. Most of the cowards will be out of the picture in a couple of years.

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I never agreed to the poison in the food! Boggles my mind. I’m 56 & it’s not normal that so many people, especially women, my age have autoimmune issues. Sneaky bastards! Gmo has got to go! & the whole kit& caboodle.

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People don’t want to slow down. They are conditioned to believe that life is short and we only get one so we can just blunder ahead like toddlers and the consequences will be fine or we won’t be here to worry. Ugh

I actually had an online discussion that mandates weren’t ethical and I asked my opponent to explain why he thought they were. At some point after taking down his arguments easily he said they were ethical because there was nothing unethical about them. I gave up.

You’re further comments put me in mind of this essay I read years ago before I even knew who Paul Kingsnorth was. What a thinker. Added bonus is a reminder that he also had interesting thoughts about the unabomber that I was just revisiting today as well! It’s a long read but I hope you enjoy it! I think lots of EGM readers would love it. BTW it was actually hard finding this link as the original publisher is no longer available. Thank goodness I could find the author’s website!


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"The Minority Report." (I think.)

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I truly pray you are correct.

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We can all hope and pray!

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True. The AI myth is such an obvious scam. Digital marketing agencies have already tested and dropped ChatGPT, which is the best of a bad bunch.

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Oh yeah, the latest is the ubios shit, literally ...

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Or humanity’s undoing

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You know, I went and fought wars for freedom. I watched my friends die there. I suffered long periods of nightmares and stress long afterwards too.

This isn't quite the free world I was fighting for. This sounds like the most heinous dystopian reality I never wanted to see emerge. Just saying.

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You're right. A showdown is coming

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Don't fall for their empty brained word salad nonsense. Klaus Swabs entire book was written on a similar vein of nonexistent quasi science fiction blather.

We can't even begin to explain how our brain actually works in reference to what is consciousness or where/how a single memory is stored. And they claim they're ready to magically "scan" our thoughts in realtime?

It's simply some version of dystopian fear porn. Don't believe it. In fact, stop listening to these idiots altogether!

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And that tech has 24 (or more) surface electrodes. Two earpieces with temporal lobe electrodes will not pick up much.

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After 30+ years staring at electrical activity in the brain all we know is certain areas are involved with certain emotions or physical activities. That's hardly "reading someones thoughts".

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Yes! Reminds me of the Human Genome project.

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While it is true that ample, cheap desktop computing power made that effort successful, it is going to take another leap of technological advances to make any significant progress with translation of neuron streams into recorded, useful data.

Currently, Moore’s law is pretty much stalled and raw computer power is no longer advancing. Parallel processing does affect that but software development has significantly lagged behind hardware development.

We need at least one if not more paradigm shifts in computing hardware and software before this kind of pipe dream has any chance of success.

As a data point along the way to illustrate, look at how long it has taken and the computing power required to do simple spoken speech to text with any modicum of accuracy, not to mention the complexity of language.

When they start reading my mind, I’ll switch mentally to my mother tongue, Esperanto. 😉

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Karl Marx book was written on a lot more substantied facts than schawb's ones. Trying to implement that "utopia" by other psychopaths caused plenty of pain and misery. The current bunch will not succeed but they will cause by far more misery and harm than what the communists had managed to achieve.

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Absolutely this. This is definitely made up.

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100% agree

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

This really is scary stuff. I read 1984 for the first time about 25 years ago. Back then I was blown away by what technology already was in place-stuff Orwell should have known nothing about. It has only gotten closer to everything in that book since then. However, I have to believe that God will only allow this technology to go just so far before He intervenes-like He did with the Tower of Babel.

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this is like "2084"

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It's closer to Brave New World .....or a good combo of both. Orwell and Huxley were eugenicists I believe

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Scary and disgusting. Just what I need in the morning😞. But better to know, than to fall into one of these traps.

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It's scary to the cult. They're time is growing short

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I think we all wonder how this will play out!

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Never mind the faraday bag... we need faraday hats

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

If you think about it this will eventually wipe out self-awareness.

I don't think they want humans to be able to pass a recaptcha test.

Are you alive if you can't write an auto-biography?

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correct, the essence of humans is ability to think independently

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YES! That implies FREEDOM of thought and action. That is the essential difference between us and most ETs.

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Yes, and thinking independently is what makes you able to resist. They are trying to move the indoctrination from the outside to the inside of you.

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In the case of people with lots of childhood trauma, their memories are disjointed and missing chunks. They are alive. They could write a semblance of an autobiography, but how much of it would be real memories?

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AI would be happy to fill in the gaps for a more pleasing experience.

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A kind compassionate AI from Davos? Have we switched from sci-fi to fantasy?

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You know, kind and compassionate, like Mengele, or some other mass murderer. Dahmer, maybe?

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Ah, now that sounds right!

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Error 453, no solution found.

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Nein, danke.

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“Are you alive if you can't write an auto-biography?”

That’s profound and will be an important touchstone for the future.

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

No one talks about Kurt Vonnegut anymore. Probably because the progressive, WEF, elites see his works as too close to the truth. I urge a everyone to read his very short story “HARRISON BERGERON”. You can Google it and read it’s 3 or 4 pages free online. It’s funny, dark, and accurate.

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Unless my memory is failing me, he had a story with state-assisted suicide chambers, too. Apropos for Canada. And in Slapstick, the Chinese micro miniaturized themselves until they live inside everyone's bodies as tiny (red) particles. Kind of ironic after Wuhan.

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I swear, we are living in the exact world he predicted thru his works. It’s really kinda spooky

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It’s called predictive programming.

The Powers That Be believe that their evil won’t boomerang back on them if they clearly state their intentions.

Keep in mind that we will “own nothing and be happy” in just seven short years.

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I just hope a few people are studying each of them. Getting close to them. :)

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I am often reminded of Ice 9 and the law of unintended consequences.

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Remember the chronosynclastic infundibula? (I haven’t said that word in 40 years!)

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it's like endoplasmic reticulum from biology. I can't un-forget it.

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“Cats Cradle” ! You know, his works used to be required reading... Geeee, makes one wonder whether he’s been intentionally suppressed.....

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For sure.

And so it goes...

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The father in the story even had some kind of implant that would cause him to hear a loud noise periodically so that he could never hold a stream of thought...Great story, too bad it isn't fiction anymore.

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Ironically, you can log on to Google with your Google account to read the story.

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Harrison Bergeron - audio

Maria Dahlberg

The short story Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut Jr., read aloud.

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

"I warned you, but you didn't listen."

~Ted Kaczynski

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov


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Jacques Ellul the Technological society written in the 60's. Good read.

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Man, I didn't want Kaczynski to be right.

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But, I thought he was on the right track. 😟

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I’ve been mining old SciFi for insight into the world in which we are now living. Interestingly, I just started Philip K. Dick’s “Ubik,” the premise of which is basically exactly this, with some superficial differences. I’ll find out how it all turns out in the next day or two. No spoilers! But I get the feeling it’s not going to end well.

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I recommend A Scanner Darkly, in which an undercover police officer who is losing his mind from the drugs he takes as part of his cover begins to suspect that he himself (in his cover persona) is the drug dealer he is after. It is perfectly appropriate to the sort of police states we live in now.

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That is a very prescient mind trap of a book, for sure. It's been one of my favorites since I read it in '78.

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damn. we all read the same stuff growing up. Maybe that's why we can imagine all the potential evil of this shit?

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

It’s as simple as that, , yes.

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Cordwainer Smith has some excellent and accurate dystopian 'fiction'

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There's something about 40s to 70s SciFi that I find very illuminating. Its like they had a bird's eye view of something that we've since become too immersed in to see clearly.

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Youre right.

They just knew we'd fuck ourselves somehow.

Now we're so arrogant we can't even imagine our species being our own undoing.

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Look up predictive programming. It’s everywhere.

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

Except a lot of those guys were being hounded by the proto alphabet because it was assumed the only way they knew those things was that they were spies or something. The real CIA/establishment sci fi guys were doing the space opera stuff like Hubbard.

Phil Dick's sanity was wrecked over the surveillance and the break ins he suffered, his manuscripts stolen. To call his stuff 'predictive programming' and dismiss it as an ops is exactly what the alphabet would like everyone to do.*

*This does not include the generally sanitized movies made of his work.

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In a similar vein, another 'lost' Sci Fi movie of that era- "Idaho Transfer" is worth watching. The totalitarian government is mostly off screen, but it gives some fuel to thought.

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one of the best all time sci-fi movies.

way...WAY ahead of it's time.

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Thanks, I'll check it out.

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Trivia fact: That was George Lucas’s first crack at direction. A very interesting film.

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Never heard of it.

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I'm ready for the Butlerian Jihad. It's long overdue. ("Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind.")

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Among the first things I think they would target would be exactly what was in your first example: heterosexual attraction. After all, that's what leads to babies. And we all know how much they like population growth...

Having realized that heterosexual attraction might be something that certain groups want to suppress, I see things like obese model campaigns, or the books pushing alternative sexual preferences to middle schoolers, or secretly offering hormone replacement to kids or many other little campaigns in quite a different light.

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I did not say it but yes it is entirely possible

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn!

You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!

You said in your heart, “I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God;

I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon.

I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.”

But you are brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit.

Those who see you stare at you, they ponder your fate:

“Is this the man who shook the earth and made kingdoms tremble,

the man who made the world a wilderness, who overthrew its cities and would not let his captives go home?”

All the kings of the nations lie in state, each in his own tomb.

But you are cast out of your tomb like a rejected branch;

you are covered with the slain, with those pierced by the sword, those who descend to the stones of the pit.

Like a corpse trampled underfoot, you will not join them in burial,

for you have destroyed your land and killed your people.

Let the offspring of the wicked never be mentioned again.

Prepare a place to slaughter his children for the sins of their ancestors;

they are not to rise to inherit the land and cover the earth with their cities.

“I will rise up against them,” declares the Lord Almighty.

“I will wipe out Babylon’s name and survivors, her offspring and descendants,” declares the Lord.

“I will turn her into a place for owls and into swampland;

"I will sweep her with the broom of destruction,” declares the Lord Almighty.

= = = = =

Sorry to get all biblical on y'all, but sometimes the situation calls for it. That is Isaiah 12, where Satan gets cast out of heaven.

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I better put another layer of aluminum foil on my tinfoil hat.

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1. I'd be very concerned about potential misuse of this technology.

2. I have a feeling that this brain-scanning technology is not going to work--or at least, not going to be as seamless as they'd like.

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I might be more concerned if it were not seamless.

That might get the people clamoring for more "experimentation" without realizing the threat.

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