They already do this in America on the down-low without parental consent. I have a child with spins bifida. Me and the other mom have stories of being denied needed care because the doctors feel our children don’t have a high quality of life. Too many deadly medical errors by these same doctors. I was told by a nurse to take my child and run. My baby was diagnosed as terminal but she just turned 5 and she’s doing great because I fought to get her the care she needed.

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I've only recently been made aware that the organs must be living to be useful--so there are some ethics concerns about how exactly they are harvested. Since it is a really disturbing subject, I have not yet examined this issue in more detail, but maybe other people already know more than I did and do.

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Thank you for pointing this out. This is making me so sick. I'm only 40, but it's my father's generation that had their lives taken when a doctor deemed them unworthy of it. Right here. Not long ago. Just one generation between then and today.

"Do you know anyone who was born very sick and with health problems who then went on to live a productive life?"

The notion of productivity being the hallmark of life's value is the root of evil. Seeing human beings only in the context of their value to others. Classic utilitarian ideology. It's the strongest link between what happened in the past years and Nazi Germany. The wikipedia article about utilitarianism has been hijacked, making it look like some Utopian version of reality, but it's the exact opposite.

We must not quantify the value of human beings. What about the value of life itself? What about our souls?

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Similar to the ancient days of Sparta where they would examine a baby and toss it off a cliff if it wasn't normal.

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In the good old days when uman animals where less degenerate than Today... it is very plausible that uman animals would cull the offspring if it was delivered with defect. After all Biology and Nature demands such Equilibrium.

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I said to my 10 year old daughter this morning, they’ve expanded Canad’s MAID program to infants.

There was a long pause.

I went to do some laundry.

After a while, she called up, ‘Isn’t that murder?’

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Green "has helped some 300 people die." Does that mean killed some 300 people?

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Trudeau is dangerous, for all kinds of reasons. His anti-human policies are those of the Globalists WEF UN WHO Corporate Autocrat Globalist Elites.

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If you want to understand why we are being exterminated .... you need to read this:


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Because they know the genetic defaults coming in the next few years as the jab does its job and the gene theraphy screws up and we get who knows what

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CANADA KILLS OFF ITS WEAKEST: In a move that's been called "eugenicist", people who are addicted to drugs will be eligible for medical assistance in dying (MAID) by March 2024.

The person will have to demonstrate they've tried several treatments, but nothing worked. What's next - suicide yourself if you've proven that you can't get rich?

MAID became legal in Canada in 2016. Since then, the rules around who is eligible have been relaxed several times - and rates have increased TEN FOLD to around 10,000 cases in 2021

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Those people are monsters and demons. But such monsters in the medical field is not new. As far back as the 1970s, those of us in the right-to-life movement knew that "defective" babies were being quietly killed in hospitals. They didn't stop at their early search-and-destroy method of amniocentesis to find and kill the defective in the womb ... they were killing them after birth, too. Monsters and demons. And God will deal with them.

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This is what a world absent God looks like.

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I have opted out of organ donation for the reason that doctors are awfully quick to suggest it when you cannot speak for yourself. I might add that no anesthesia is used when "harvesting" organs. Who knows what "brain dead" people can feel.

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Hardly any active military died from or with Covid. And why did more military members die of Covid AFTER the vast majority had been vaccinated? A belated analysis of the military’s Covid numbers ….


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I was visiting a friend when I noticed a 7 year old girl lying on the couch. My friend explained she was the carer for her. When my friend went to the kitchen I commenced to talk to the little girl until my friend returned. I then turned around to take the cup of coffee and suddenly felt a hand against the side of my head. My friend screamed out that the girl never had been able to more like that and somehow I said must have caused her to like me. OK I am a great grandfather but used to be a single father with my then 2 year old daughter. Anyhow from then on the little girl would spend a huge amount of time together. Due to Rett Syndrome she couldn’t talk verbally but did so with her eyes. While was told she would unlikely live to 10 years old, nevertheless I didn’t hold this realistic. One day I noticed fear in her eyes and explained to the carer that something very wrong was with the girl. The carer made known that was usual happening but I insisted there was something else. As a hospital visit was already due for the Monday (2 days later) we went there and the girl’s specialist checked her out and found nothing wrong. The carer insisted something had to be wrong because I had stated so and I was the best person to know. The doctor then decided for x-rays and it was found one of her legs had the bone cracked. A huge investigation was then done and it was found that her bone had deteriorated.

A few years later the girl had to have a stainless steel brace put onto her spine and after the operation the carer called me to come urgently to the hospital as the parents had already been notified to come as the girl was dying. I rushed to the hospital and when I arrived I simply stood next to the bed and held each of her hands in one of my hands and didn’t say anything. I was informed she was in a coma and couldn’t hear anything anyhow. After about half an hour the girl opened her eyes looked at me and closed her eyes again. I simply remained to stay there holding her hands. This as she knew my heart rhythm as I always held her against my chest. About another half-an hour later, just when a nurse walked in the girl opened her eyes and smiled to me. The nurse did run out calling for a doctor. The doctor asked me what on earth I had done. I explained she knew my heart rhythm and I knew that she would feel that. I asked the doctor if I could take the girl downstairs into the park. He approved one they had done certain test. By the time the girls parent arrived the girl was sitting with me and the carer in the park. The parents expecting to say their goodbye’s only to find her in the park. The girl recently turned 21!

When she was about 8 years old and wheelchair bound I actually danced with her at a disability dance evening and we won a prize for 2 for dinner. Teachers would refer to me to be her ‘father’ because the moment the girl saw me she would become very excited. Actually at times people would comment to me that I should be a shame to have fathered a child as an old man and the child now suffered, not knowing she was not my biological child at all. I had already 9 grown up adults but this girl to me was as my own daughter. The moral is that we all have certain handicaps and one should not judge a person on whatever hidden or visible disability a person may have but rather value their lives as human being.

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