Apr 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Of course officials are downplaying the gravity of the situation, they created it with their mandated shots!!

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I have to ask: If people got early treatment, such as the FLCCC Protocol, would the situation be as grave? Or are we reaching a point where OAS/ADE trump early treatment?

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I tweeted a tweet just now to reply to your question with the data that I could find:

I compare Bulgaria (which is 29% vaccinated) with its neighbor Greece (which is 69% vaccinated).

The result speaks for itself


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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Quite a stark and enlightening contrast!

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yet Bulgaria has done worse on deaths until now. They had worse waves of death in Bulgaria but now at 18 and falling with Greece at 58 and climbing.


Maybe Greece got their 3-6 month "lessening of symptoms" and now pay? We shall see.

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Apr 4, 2022·edited Apr 4, 2022Author

Good catch!

Bulgaria looked worse than Greece in 2020 also, before vaccines.

At most the vaccine protection showed up in Greece in the Fall of 2021.


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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Igor, Bulgaria is the poorest country in the EU. Beeing poor means that their health system is very bad. And they have a very old population. Because the young and the middle-aged people are working abroad. From a demographic perspective, what's happening in Bulgaria is a tragedy. The country is very beautiful, but one can go tens of kilometers through empty villages, without seeing a single human...

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

You should see Moldova. As for the health system, poor need not mean bad nowadays. Did you notice there was a Bulgarian doctor who came up with her own successful covid treatment protocol? Then there was the top virologist who denied the factual existence of SARS-CoV-2. How is that for backward? I root for Bulgaria - and for Dilyana!

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And the current wave in Greece looks to be the same or slightly worse than the 2 waves before they got shot up.

I've been curious about Bulgaria as it has done very poorly until recently. I always like the outliers. That's where the thinking starts LOL.

Keep up the great work.

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I've been banned from Twitter.. Copy and paste for us rebles?

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Apr 4, 2022·edited Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

In a sane world everyone would have gotten early treatment, few would have died, the infected would be left with broad immunity, the vaccine would be entering year 2 of a 5-7 year clinical trial period and only those within those trials would be vaccinated. Now? I dunno, I'll defer to Igor on that. I have to think that early treatment is still better than nothing but these chronic infections may continue to smolder regardless. I hope not.

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In a sane world people would direct their efforts to the real cause of disease rather than blame it on genetic fragments that are floating around and have not been proven to cause disease.

People would be educated that certain nutrients are vital for good health and would be encouraged to be sure to include them in their daily intake. Early treatment would include testing for levels of these nutrients and recommendations given. Drugs are to only be used in serious cases and then, for as limited duration as possible.

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Yes, but be careful, you might be going Klaus there. It then might not be possible to have a scalable chemical industry under existing arrangements. Then no industrial society would be viable and we end up where Kaczynski is cheering...

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I don't know enough about Klaus to understand what you are referring to.

Are you saying any industrial society depends on a medical industrial complex?

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Now, to wrap it up. Your comment is dreadfully interesting because it represents a choice, or better said a political spectrum that seems to come to fruition this decade in the west. I call it the Schwab-Kaczynski political spectrum. So as I exposed in my previous comment, if you have citizens with individual responsibility, then the financial conditions for this industrial society could not be met, without socio-political solutions, devolution, Ted style would become a clear possibility. On the other hand, Klaus proposes a managed system, where such decisions would be taken away from you and managed through systematic data collection. That way you can keep your industrial society and you will like it. LOL. Most important it provides the industrial powers a more stable system to introduce, as they call it, disruptive technologies, which means now you adapt to tech instead of tech adapting to you. Once this is framed on the masses, such political spectrum can be played as a power polarity, either perceived or real. Think AC-DC, very important, flick the Switch... We are now injecting the venom... LOL

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Yes. Mostly on its narrative but there are other ownership and market regulation implications that impose it. It's a case of interlocked systems that require each other, in our economic and political accepted/perceived environment. Basically put, impacts on your health as an outcome of industrial production cannot be insured, and if they could, then regulation needed to be set up to avoid excessive market competition. Finance and heavy industry go hand in hand. Further when you add the natural forces of innovation, as a struggle for dominance and/or breakthrough, as Klaus once put it all of this has to be tightly regulated and its introduction planned. Thus, as a natural consequence, when innovation piles up to an extent where the financial system benefits now from the restructuring of existing activities, grand emotional and physically disruptive events are necessary to confuse and distract the masses, while introducing the new technologies and widely testing its materials on the human subjects. They got to know what it does, and what might do to you so that they can produce narratives that guarantee plausible deniability for the industry. Regulation and taxation then tightens the screws on the matters, to guarantee that claims are minimised and profits maximised. That's more or less the materialistic conundrum... But it gets worst...

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Damn, that's a messed up question to have to ask. It looks like we're getting closer and closer to that point, doesn't it? And not only that, of course -- you also have to account for the rest of the carnage wrought by the poisons in the shot, along with the immune system derangement of autoimmune disorders. This stuff never was funny and I think the worst is yet to come. Cheers

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The issue is that with so many countries wanting to sell covid as being in 'endemic' phase, we're not provided with much info. So previous Friday, a son was ill with fever and diarrhea in school. I checked with a GP friend who said yes, there's a stomach flu running around. So didn't think much about it, though 1 dose of Vit I was given as a precaution, since it's anti-viral anyways. He seemed to get better, but continued to be weak... and only on day of non-stop diarrhea that we realized it was BA2. After asking around, a lot of the younger folks afflicted with BA2 had diarrhea for multiple days too. If we had known that, by day 3, would have started on the FLCCC treatment protocols.. but we didn't.. and only 1 week later are we now aggressively treating it as his fever came back.

He tested -ve on the rapid tests... as expected... as overall was 'mild'. So most people won't be on top of the situation like us... and population-wide infection and spread should keep going up in such circumstances.

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

We are in Alabama and my kids had a stomach virus a couple weeks ago. Turned out it was Covid because we ended up having to bring my youngest in for fluids as she couldn’t stop vomiting. Of course they tested and boom. CV. I’m not sure what we would have done different for her as she couldn’t keep anything down but my husband and I were not reinfected as we had had it a month prior. (1 v with j and 1 un v).

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In AL here too. But granddaughter is in Chicago and has had stomach bugs several times recently, while her mom (dbl-vxxd) has had cold symptoms every other month. Hmmm.

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Yup with the colds. I know many vaxxed that have recurring colds. I've never in my life seen people get over a cold and one week later get another cold, yet in the past month I've seen that exact scenario several times.

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deletedApr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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I had bad stomach last weekend, however overwhelmingly likely it was because of bad sausage that I ate against my best judgment. I tested for covid just in case, was negative.

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😄😄😄 evil sausage

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I live in California and my daughter and I both had GI issues last week. My SIL in Kansas said it's making the rounds there, too.

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It is actually possible to be infected with two viruses at the same time. 5 years ago during the big flu wave, I was really sick (got a little bit better than relapsed) and the doctor became concerned and sent a sample for testing. Turns out I had influenza A and B at the same time.

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deletedApr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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Apr 4, 2022·edited Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

SG, son aged 17. A few weeks ago, his cohort were supposed to be taking some midterm exams in school and pretty much half the school was sick or on quarantine. The peak of the wave seems to have passed for now, but I'm watching for the reinfections (lucking via FB posts). His initial diarrhea lasted 5 days.

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Thanks! Keep us posted, did anyone test for covid

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Apr 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The Aussies, they accepted the vx with eager arms and trampled all over the unvx rights. Its hard to feel sorry for those countries with huge vx uptake that did this. I'll take my chances being post omicron and unvx. If there is going to be a killer version we'll we were warned by geert vanden bosche precisely about this 18 months ago.

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

And not only Geert, but Dolores Cahill, Robert Malone, and Richard Fleming.


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I'm with you lets see what happens in the next few months, if there is a killer version, all we can do is keep our immunity strong. We will have an massive advantage being unvx.

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Just as planned - never ending waves of VAX ( Experimental Gene "Therapy") induced disease

The latest from the Pfizer docs:

Breaking: Recently Unredacted Documents Prove Pfizer & FDA Knew Antibody-Dependent Enhancement Occurring in Vaccinated

From the previous Pfizer documents releases, we know that the FDA knew of the death risk posed by Experimental Gene Therapy falsely marketed as vaccines


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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

That was a very strong message; watched it just once as it came out, and it has lingered in my mind ever since.

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You said it!

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Apr 4, 2022·edited Apr 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

First, thanks for the great articles that keep deplorables like me informed. The next several months will be "interesting" to say the least. I am hoping for the best but at the moment life is a nightmare with all the arbitrary restrictions in place (WA is definitely at the top of the stupid rules table). The majority in Australia is jabbed and oblivious to the side the effects that come with the gene therapy. The media here in Australia is complicit and will cover-up any attempt to raise questions on whether or not things are going OK. A few weeks ago, an Ozzie billionaire who is unvaxxed got Covid and all media was out for blood. He was the poster case for them - old & obese but apparently terminally stupid by not taking the jabs. Turns out the guy has common sense so when he was told that he would be placed on a ventilator + Remdisivir (yes, the medicos in OZ are awful when treating the unvaxxed), he opted for remote treatment from the US with Ivermerctin & Hydroxychloroquine. He recovered and now the media has "forgotten" about it.

I have been several times to GPs with my kids and the thing that stunned me was that in more than half of those appointments, the GPs had to take urgent calls to deal with jab side effects. The sad thing is that the propaganda that was pushed 24/7 has made most people to lose whatever common sense they had and they think that the "unvaxxed" are fundamentally stupid, insane or literally criminals that need to be removed from the society.

In my circle, before I effectively got fired for not taking the jab (cannot go to work without being up to date with the jabs), one person had a heart attack (thankfully survived), one is on life long heart medication, one was in hospital for over week and another one was bed-ridden for 2 weeks - that is four major adverse side effects in a group of 40 or so. All of the above happened after a jab or a booster BUT they still think that I am the crazy/stupid one for not backing down. The look on the face of one my colleagues when I said no way to the jab said it all ("What do you mean you are not going to get inoculated?").

The government is complicit in all of that is happening - at the Federal level there are no mandates. The Prime Minister, who is pretending to be conservative, relies on the individual states and private employers to enforce the jabbing & boosting. The thing that is sickening is that they keep going on and on about "our health and safety" when it is clear that they are desperate to get everyone jabbed to eliminate the "control group". Since the state governments are involved in just about all types of businesses, contractor work is now almost impossible. I was told point blank that even though I do only remote cyber security work, I still need to be fully boosted because that is the WA State government mandate (apparently Covid is infectious via the Internet). The Federal Health Minister is a creature from the WEF and he has already done the rounds saying that a fourth is needed. The health regulators are fully compromised - ATAGI is funded by big pharma and AHPRA is similarly into the "big" game.

The upcoming elections in May are going to be a deciding factor if I stay in Australia or not. The opposition Labor party is way worse (effectively insane Greens & CCP aparatchiks who love digital IDs and digital money) so if they win, it will be probably game over. I have no intention of jabbing my kids and I expect Labor to push for that even harder than the current Federal government. I do not see much hope of the truth coming out as both governments (Federal & State) + the medical community will have to admit that they have been complicit in the greatest crime since the start of the Australian Federation. That makes them criminally liable and I cannot see that taking place without some 1789 event.

It is a crying shame because the country is wonderful - great climate, rich in just about everything - and before this nonsense, it was probably one of the best place to live in the world.

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

How are you going to leave Australia if you are unvaxxed?

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Apr 4, 2022·edited Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Not all airlines are insane. Most will accept same-day or previous-day negative tests. Only Qantas and Singapore are fully jab nazis and I suspect they are already losing market share for being stupid. It would not be easy but it can be done (reminds of the communist hellhole I left as a teen - they would not allow the plebs to travel either). Moreover, it seems that it will be easier as time goes by as the restrictions for international travel are slowly dropped. In short, there is hope for the unvaxxed if it comes to leaving Western Australia and going to some place where some measure of sanity has returned (which rules out Canada, US and most of Western Europe).

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You probably can only enter the US illegally if you are unjabbed. Western europe is not that bad. Some places have the digital pass mania as france and italy, others is mostly the moronic mask mandates. No restrictions except for air travel in most of it. You just need a negative pcr and probably an address, which could be your temporary location.

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Where would you consider going, if you don't mind my asking? The whole world seems to be in lockstep.

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I guess you said - eastern Europe?

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Norway, Mexico. Probably the UK. Plenty of places recently.

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There are plenty of places but it depends on the financial resources needed to live OK without a bunch of totalitarian nutcases coming after you because you had the audacity to refuse to be experimented on. My key requirement is for my kids to have a normal life without the horror of what I had to put up in that communist hellhole (being constantly hungry and cold is not fun - still I could go out and play something that the scum in charge here loath to see). That rules out Norway as it is way too expensive (someone please correct me if I am wrong) and the UK too. I am thinking somewhere that is less developed and with enough corruption that you can get by and thus my kids can live a decent life. Mexico is too violent to take any chances. To be honest somewhere like Bulgaria where you can buy an entire village is what I am contemplating. Some of the places I saw, have not changed in 200 years which is, in this case, a good thing. After seeing police drones and helicopters monitoring people that went for some exercise with the kids (yes, that was Perth not Wuhan and I am still fuming over it), I want to be away from places that allow tech to be abused in that way. I am still thinking that maybe I can move to the country here WA but the price of properties is now downright insane thanks to the government (the country is an actual continent but thanks to the idiots in charge, land is very hard to get). The only places that are affordable are literally 3 days drive from an OK medical center and that would be a problem. At present I am trying to learn as much as I can in case I have to leave this insanity.

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Easy if you have another passport. So I guess the Caribbean should do well out of it.

Shittiest part is getting back in, 2 weeks 'quarantine' in Queensland and one week in NSW or Victoria and Victoria is at the new concentration camp in Mickleham which is close to the train that goes past the recycling plant near Monash (probably about an hour by train).

Tasmania has no isolation requirements but also no international flights.

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Another passport? Say what? That is so out of my league - I thought it was only in the movies. Might be easier to find a gp that squirts it in the sink.

I was thinking of Tassy.... Would the elites leave us alone in Tassy? It is such a small, inconsequential place. Surely it could be haven away from these psychopaths.

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I think that's definitely an idea. Go to Tassie and declare it independent.

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Everything you talk about is exactly the same in Victoria. I fear we are in lockstep with most of the world. Nothing gets out to the public without the media's approval and the media is controlled to only put out the narrative. And that media is everywhere, in every western country especially. They have us in an iron grip unfortunately. The main stream media is the average person's reality. And nothing is getting past it. Escape if you can or hunker down in small, like-minded communities and survive. That which doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Never surrender.

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McGowan and Andrews are your typical bolsheviks. They get a kick out of abusing the hoi polloi and the only thing they crave is more power. The media and the medicos will hopefully be held accountable as they have been instrumental in tearing apart the society. I used to think that personal injury law was the worst form of employment - now the medicos (how can you inject a child with that stuff and live with it is beyond my comprehension) and the media are at the bottom. Both the medicos and the media know the truth and they attack anyone who goes against the insanity.

The average person should know better by now. If you do not know what is happening and think that Mark/Dan is doing a good job, there is no hope for you. You might as well go outside and say that the sky is green every day.

Escape is my plan and I would never surrender to these idiots. I remember vividly everything I had to put up with in communism and there is no way I will have my kids live through something similar.

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I agree, but you have a memory of communism that alerts you to what is going on whereas most Australians are very naive. In my community it is business as usual. I hear about very few vaccine injuries and they are never acknowledged as such. People genuinely think the government was doing its best to protect the people but may have overstepped the mark a little. Until people's lives change majorly for the worse, long term, (ie. losing money, family deaths) there will be no awakening for them. Plus I think most doctors and people working for the media have largely been brainwashed and believe in what they are doing. So many unsuspecting, good hearted people who assume everyone is like them. 😖 Like taking candy from a baby.

Good luck with your plans!

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My wife was born here and she picked up that something is fishy very quickly. I did not have to convince her that the jab is bad and she is distressed that all her relatives are jabbed. In short, there is naive thinking around but what I see is primarily willful ignorance (see my original post - people that will be affected by the jab for the rest of their lives think that I am the crazy one for refusing to take it).

The mindless zombies in the media, well, they are too stupid and invested in the narrative to grasp just how idiotic they are (Castro was the darling of the media until he got absolute power and then shot or imprisoned the media that supported him).

The medicos are a different issue - they are supposed to read and be informed. Do no harm used to be the motto - now the rule seems to do no harm to your bank account! Quite clearly most are not (my former GP admitted to reading only the abstract of papers & pharma docs - so much for the thorough checking of the facts) and are spineless to boot. If all the medicos would have been united in saying the truth, this mess would have been over a long time ago. Moreover, they would have been celebrated as heroes (quite rightly too). They chose the easy and lucrative way and they will pay for it when reality hits the rest of the world.

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Yes, the doctors will have to reassess their complicity when everything comes out. Sleepless nights ahead for them.

Most of my friends and family were initially hesitant about the vax but all acquiesced as the months went by - their doctors reassured them, they wanted to travel, get back to normal, protect their elderly parents, stop the spread, etc... And the mandates got the stragglers. I think once you are jabbed you just have to believe it is all okay. The alternative is unthinkable.

It has been a well orchestrated con by the parasitic elite that control gov, media, basically every commodity in one way or another. I have been listening to John Coleman's book on the 'Committee of 300'. Terrifying history of our enslavement - how, why and who. Everything seems to be speeding up too and coming from many angles. We are living through incredible times.

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That is the sad reality - the majority have been willing and in some cases keen to trade their bodily autonomy for the simple promise that life will return to some normality. My first reaction was - who gives you the permission to take away my rights? If the jabs are so safe and effective, why do they have to be mandated? Why are all alternatives to the jab outlawed (try to get Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine and see where that gets you)? What sort of medical protocol is that to tell people that are unwell to go home until they are unable to breathe and then you put them on a ventilator? Where is the evidence that this is an emergency of such scale that it requires us to copy China (if you want to see hell on Earth check the videos from Shanghai)? Moreover, if the requirement is for multiple, ongoing jabs, what is to stop them from declaring an emergency on the lack of organs for transplants? You have two kidneys so you have to donate one because of the "emergency". Most people I talked to, said that I am not being realistic and that no one would ever ask that. Still we were under home detention for 8 months and no one seems to grasp the fact that accepting that sort of control, implies that harder measures will be equally accepted by enough of the hoi polloi to make someone like me look like troublemaker.

Seeing so many young people accept an experimental, and now clearly toxic jab, is enough to make one despair about the future. How can one be so devoid of critical thinking is puzzling to say the least.

I hope that some sanity prevails and I can stay in WA (my wife's relatives are all here) but it looks bleak at the moment - the local emperor just decreed that the emergency measures will be in place for many months (that is what he said back in 2020) and very few people are asking questions about it.

Still, it is good to know that am I not alone (thank you for your replies) and all credit to Igor for trying to keep people informed! The fact he does it for free is showing me that humanity has hope for the future.

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I keep plugging away at my Australian relatives who live in a nice comfortable house in the nice comfortable eastern suburbs of Melbs. They'll crack eventually.

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Haha good for you. I try to plant seeds as well.

When they are waiting in a long line at the grocery store with their digital id and carbon credit allowance cards they will start to wonder if you actually knew what you were taking about. Maybe.

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

As an Australian who had to be vaccinated to keep my job (and would certainly not have done so otherwise) I need to ask - is there a point at which the spike proteins are not produced with a covid infection (i.e. the vaccine wears off) and we can hope to acquire natural immunity? Or is the production of the spike protein going to happen every time? I'm not optimistic about the answer, but I'm wondering if we know. Thank you Igor for your excellent posts throughout this whole saga - Australia has been a nightmare and it sounds like it may continue to be so.

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As a close relative of a great vaccinated person, this is a question that I ask for myself. I do not yet know the answer but I want to know.

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Thanks Igor - I guess the best we can do is resist boosters at all costs and hope in time, the negative effects of the vaccine will be reduced or disappear. Best to be optimistic!

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

And begin early treatment for any cold-like illness on DAY ONE of symptoms. Don’t wait for a test result. Hit it hard and hit it fast. I use the FLCCC protocol on everyone near and dear to me who sickens. So far, it’s worked out very, very well in every single case, even my charges in their 60s, 70s, and 80s all did beautifully.

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Yes, as at least in our case, the rapid antigen test was negative for the 2 days of symptoms and once the symptoms had receded finally turned positive, so treating any symptoms with care and attention is crucial!

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The vaccine wears off, but the *memory of the original spike remains*. So every time you're exposed to a new variant, your immune system calls up the antibodies it learned from the jab. As the variants mutate further & further from the original spike, the old antibody design becomes less & less effective. (That is nicknamed original antigenic sin, but the scientific name is antigenic priming or imprinting.)

Worse, in the vaccinated, the virus is mutating in such a way as to cause the old-style antibodies to enhance entry into the cells. That is called Antibody Dependent Enhancement and is starting to show up in heavily vaxxed countries. It makes the vaxxed more susceptible to infection, hospitalisation & serious illness.

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The newly released Schizer document showed VAED is real


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I can't see tweets, lol

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yup. I got banned from twitter when I "welcomed" Jacinda Adern to US 😆

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you did the right thing

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

You can see everyone's tweet (unless they aren't public) without a twitter account. I don't even have an account, but just bookmark the twitter home pages of those I like and go there directly.

Log out of your account and click on the first link and it will show up. If you get a "log into twitter" pop up window, clear your cache, reload, and it will be gone.

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I reckon your right on this, we are starting to see more hospitalization, normally with reinfection.

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FLCCC has a recovery protocol for long COVID and to mitigate vaccine effects. They have doctors from all over the world and you should be able to find one who can work with you on a regiment that helps your body to a more healthful state. https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/i-recover-protocol/

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It depends on how many times you got jabbed. What batches, brands... It may also depend on the setting. Many doctors had carte blanche to experiment on quantities. Now according to the late French expert you get AIDS for sure after the 3rd shot. Check your T-Cell count and ratios. Don't despair. Many people abandoned AIDS protocols and are perfectly fine. Nobody knows exactly what is the mechanism but I bet the late doctor knew something he could not openly say. You should also do a d-dimer test for micro clots to be in the safe side. Remember the kidneys are able to eliminate all sorts of nasty solvents if they are running properly. For that purpose check your blood PH and adopt any necessary dietary protocols to avoid excess acidity. Some claimed that interferons are crucial to fight auto-immune problems. Maybe that's why raw milk is a commercial illegal substance. 4 days yogurt? You gonna have to dig. Rudolph Hess style. Good luck.

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What do you mean that many doctors could experiment on quantities? In the US? Where?

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FDA dump pfizer documents show forms sent to doctors with instructions and suggestions how to conduct such quantity experiments with the product. How much was performed in this fashion and how much of it was recorded beats me. Just reporting... With such a massive roll out I dare to think of the logistic problems that happened, plus errors and abuses in application. This experimentations probably occurred in hospital environments ,where doctors were given power to follow their "instincts". My experience is that many people undergoing hospital treatments, such as cancer and heart problems, where both told that the vax was needed because of their impaired immune system... LOL. They were also constantly menaced that eventually treatment would stop if they were not vaxxed in the near future. My guess is that this incentives were placed to insure that everyone got it. Many white coated charlatans are in it for the power kick over others. Special forms might be just what egos that feel special need to be filled... Peer pressure then does its magic. Just sayin...

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Dr. Nathan Thompson on immune system testing - quite instructive: https://www.brighteon.com/d0b119e8-6c42-4bc3-9e32-d6d37b1ff769

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Yes. I have been trying to propagate extensively this, in any form I could think of and achieved zero efficacy. Plus something easy to test, track and reproduce/compare. Something we could even call "scientific". Still the grip is hypnotic. I shoved chemical reagents up my nose and programmed fluorescence said I have said virus. The narrative is solely based on the esoteric. Very troublesome. The degree of anti-social behaviour is widespread biblical. Some pundit linked psy control and new pixel screens to psy meds and MK-ultra programs. Brain wave manipulation it seems. Nevertheless, it's the exoteric implications that disturb me. Sheep are still mammals. This is further down the food chain. Very troubling implications...

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Reading GVB, we vaccinated are permanently screwed until a new anti drug gets created to undo the vax.

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Apr 4, 2022·edited Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."

Albert Einstein

Hope is not a strategy it helps nothing. Rather than wait for Big Pharma who has led to 60% of Americans with chronic disease 40% with two or more chronic conditions try fortifying your body and detoxifying.

Mother Nature has tens of thousands of years evolving sophisticate systems and Pharma a short and corrupt history riddled with fraud compounded with hubris. Look to the doctors, researchers and scientists who got it right, saved lives & earned trust.



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I imagine, sunlight, weight management, nutrition and supplements may at least provide some protection…The Front Line Docs have a long COVID protocols I would also consider following🙂

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He did his best to warn early, and suffered much rejection for it. He commented recently that more peers in his field have quietly been in touch to tell him he was right.

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So now you carry the cross. You got to ask yourself why? That doubt that you express is the key. Why do you keep on thinking that some sort of divine intervention will be available in the future? Maybe it was here all along. Maybe it is you that will invent it. Maybe the doubt that you experience serves exactly that purpose. Know your sin some old magicians wrote. They also provided extensive dietary advice, probably adapted to their geography and era and were obsessed with blood pollutions of many kinds.

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Bruce Patterson's article said 15 months for the spikes to stay, and in his interview with Dr Peter M he confirmed it's the same thing for V induced spikes.

So I'd probably treat/detox yourself hard with early rx protocol to get rid of the spikes just to be sure?

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Patterson's long haul protocol may be one of the better ones out there to manage the ongoing damage of the spike. Who knows if it will ever be neutralized.

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deletedApr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

That's what I'm hoping. I did think that the pushing of boosters might indicate the vaccines do completely leave your system (around the 3 month mark would be my guess), but I guess we will wait and see.

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They last up to 15 months, but that is worst case (so far).

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

We only had 15 months of data at the time this value was disclosed. Nobody knows, and my hunch is the number varies by person.

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Interstitial. Spikes were detected in concentration 15 months following injection. So we know they can persist in the body for a least 15 months and not merely 2 months -- all their existence presenting risk of damage to the body. mRNA should deplete within a few days, however, there is evidence for at least one mechanism existing by which the spike protein production instructions are encoded and continue to result in future spike creation long after 2 months. Thus my statement.

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Yup. That's why I said 'so far'. It definitely varies by person. Most eliminate the mrna & spikes much more quickly, iirc ~2 months.

It's the memory so far that persists.

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If the goal is to achieve step-by-step damage, you could also say that your immunity is gradually destroyed. There were claims to that effect.

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Gotta say, Igor, you've been right on too much! Sadly, smart people saw this coming a long time ago -- Vanden Bosch, etc. I really appreciate your detailed writing on this. Be well and keep it up. 😁

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Apr 3, 2022·edited Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Igor, I’m going to print this out & give to a bunch of AG’s on 4/12. I can’t even spit out the disgust I have for those who could have stopped this.

Every scientist who predicted this was banned & were targets of character assassination. If you listen to the leaked audio of Collins, apparently real assassination was on his wicked tongue.

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Apr 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It's interesting that, here in Australia, I have heard nothing about this. (In particular, the new variant.) I just searched the ABC news website, and yes, there is a story about the "4th wave" in NSW & cases escalating - but the theme is about the over-stretched ambulance service. And I had to search. There is none of the hysteria that we have seen over the past 2 years, none of the daily government fear-mongering briefings - at a time when we were still going for zero covid.

And at least in a couple of states here (Queensland, where I live, also Western Australia, and probably Tasmania) our actual exposure to CV over the past 2 years (up until we "opened up" around Christmas & interstate travel started to be less restricted) would have been as limited as Hong Kong, maybe even more so. In NSW & Victoria, they did have more cases - but the hysteria was not really justified by the numbers. I didn't follow the actual "case" numbers in those states, but I do know that the CV deaths in Australia, pre-jab, were very low, and dubiously attributable to CV as they were all reported as being elderly, the majority in aged care or geriatric wards or otherwise with "underlying conditions" (and so likely to die of the next respiratory virus that came along). There would only be a handful of people in this country with natural immunity. (I am one, I got it about 6 weeks ago.)

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Apr 4, 2022·edited Apr 4, 2022Author

They want Australians NOT to know.

The press is complicit in this because they are rightly afraid of being called to account and of having responsibility for the health disaster, which they do have.

The press is afraid of their own readers due to the deception that they undertook.

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So maybe, just maybe the only silver lining to all this is that we won't be locked down again or slave masked up again with each new variant. Otherwise this would point fingers at the posionous and more than useless clot shot, over and over, and we can't have that.

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Apr 4, 2022·edited Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I'm in NSW & this is the first I've heard of it, too (although I don't follow MSM closely). I live in a reasonably remote rural area &, up until Christmas time 2021, I didn't even know of anyone who had contracted Covid (that's how little the virus affected our small rural village during previous waves). My husband & I & our 2 young children caught Covid at the end of February (all unvax) & recovered within days. It's Monday morning 4th April & the local preschool is closed due to staff in isolation, the primary school has cancelled all functions until the end of term due to a rise in notifications & I know of 3 people who have tested positive over the weekend. Considering the food shortages we had towards the end of January, with people forced into isolation from +ve tests, this latest surge is nothing short of astounding. It's like wildfire. And there are now so many stories of families in a similar vein to 'wife & kids vaxed but husband not vaxed & he didn't even get sick'. The difference from now to what it was like back in January is absolutely incredible. In January, the NSW premier was coping flack daily for loosening restrictions just as Omicron was really accelerating. Case rates were plastered everywhere along with footage of massive lines of people waiting to get tested, as if in an effort to scare people since the premier wouldn't do it. Now, most of the info is coming from local businesses with notifications of staff shortages (who are obviously all vaccinated, particularly the schools & early childcare places). Covid sure took its time to reach us way up here in the bush but it's got its skates on now. Wonder if the lack of government excitement has anything to do with the impending federal election?

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Your comment is incredibly informative, I will post it without mentioning your user name for privacy, is that okay?

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It's fine with me, anything if it helps people to join the dots & actually see what's happening.

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yes, it's quite weird. The Federal government is obviously looking to the election next month - but you wouldn't think that would make any difference to the labor premiers (i.e. Queensland, Victoria). In fact, you might expect it to be the opposite.

I got covid mid February (after going down to Canberra for the big rally there). I live with my 92 y.o mother - who is double jabbed, and due for her booster (so you might expect the jab-induced protection to have worn off) - and she didn't catch it. I am the only one in my extended family to be unjabbed, and so far the only one to get covid. One of my cousins (also in Brisbane) also has an unjabbed family - and they have all caught it recently, all with only mild illness.

Mine too was fairly mild, not sure if bad Omi or mild delta, but I lost my sense of smell for a few weeks, and I did have the classic symptom progression: about 5 days of the mildest cold ever, bit of a runny nose, slightly scratchy throat, bit of a cough in the morning, quite tired. Symptoms started to lighten up, then all of a sudden it got worse, no fever at any time, oximeter reading was fine, but waves of sweating, cough & other symptoms got worse.

I was using X-Clear nasal spray and hydrogen peroxide 1% with a few drops of povidine iodine in a vaporiser, so that probably helped reduce my viral load & associated infectivity & viral assault. Plus some other recommended things, fairly aggressively (including IVM). When I started getting the stage 2 I started using MMS, and that had an almost immediate effect. Not sure how bad it might have been without that. I'm in my late 60s, reasonably healthy but definitely not quite as resilient as when I was younger!

I don't know anyone else in Brisbane who has had it - but as in NSW, there are a lot of people in isolation, which has affected health services & schools. However, those services have also been very depleted by the mandatory jab requirements - and the governments are not saying anything publicly about how many staff they have lost. But word is that the number is in the tens of thousands (teachers), probably similar for health professionals (including paramedics).

When staff shortages are mentioned, the story is always that it is because of iso requirements. But even that is not much mentioned in mainstream news these days. (Fair enough, the floods have been more of an emergency in recent weeks - but even that has not been given the media coverage it would justify. Maybe because the government response was so pitiful...)

There is no doubt that the government and media between them have been running a very skilful and deliberate brainwashing campaign, playing us like an old piano to produce the music they want to hear.

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I reckon this is all being kept quiet -- because they want this to spread and infect vaccinated people so that we get Devil Covid asap.

The Ukraine 'war' is also part of this operation -- it distracts people from the fact that Covid is raging

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They will need nuclear war to cover up the deaths from their vaccine poisons and the “gain of functioned” highly mutating virus..

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Whelp, ain't that the plan?

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Literally, the nuclear option. These psychopaths would do it, rather than admitting any culpability.

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Apr 4, 2022·edited Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

🙌 You know it! Welcome to the NATO, USA, Ukraine, Russia, China war! 🙄 EDIT: Oops! I forgot Canada.

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Original Antigenic Sin is just the stupidest term ever invented. "Immune system miscalibration" or "mistraining" or something like that would have been much better.

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I agree. But there are other terms for it, like Hoskins effect or Hoskins paradox, as well as antigenic imprinting.

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I kind of like the sound of it. Very dramatic. 😄

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Spicy names are memorable.

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Au contraire, it's perfect. It's a fitting tribute to the hubris of man in thinking he is smarter than God (or nature if you prefer), just like it's biblical namesake concept of "original sin".

Dr. Thomas Francis who named it was the son of a preacher.

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Apr 5, 2022·edited Apr 5, 2022

If it's not too hubristic to say, I'm pretty certain it's Man who has created all the gods, so I'm not sure how they could be smarter than Man, even though individually some of us are very stupid indeed.

And I'm also pretty certain that belief in the God of the Bible won't automatically inoculate you against hubris. In fact I'm not sure why an over-confident belief in God wouldn't be construed by God as a great impertinence to him and put you in line for a thunderbolt.

Nevertheless, I did like the way you made your point, though I can't help but worry about those who take Genesis literally. What might original antigenic sin mean to them? Would they avoid eating apples in case they went into anaphylactic shock?

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Appreciate your reporting Igor 🙏 top notch

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Apr 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I'm dubious about the reinfection claims here in Oz. Denmark (also highly vaccinated) did a major study and only found 67 confirmed reinfections out of 1.8 million. That is, a miniscule percentage. Why would we be any different - noting the authorities here are adept at fudging data, or not releasing it as they see fit. Or is your point ADE or VAIDS or the like is the culprit?

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If you listen to Dr Peter McCullough, he asserts most “reinfections” are due to a false positive in the first case. I don’t know what role false positives are playing here, but if originally high, these new cases could then be the real deal?

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deletedApr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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Things have changed tremendously and also outcomes for the vaxxed are completely different from unvaxxed. But yes false positives are with us

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Yes — with omicron vs older variants he did concede that. False positives are a thing however ;)

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In the very early days there were reports from India of reinfections by a different variant conformed by genome sequencing. But such cases seem rare. OTOH, doing genetic sequencing is rare as well. We likely need a much better ability to do sequencing to understand the variant and sub-variant spread. The chip shortage likely isn't helpful.

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Isn't the UK limiting the term "reinfection" to a certain time frame between occurrences? How is that going to affect the data?

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Apr 4, 2022·edited Apr 4, 2022Author

91 days must pass between positive tests, so UK is NOT recording most short term reinfections at all. These days their official "cases" have no relation to actual people who get sick and have Covid.

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Has Denmark seen Ba2.2 yet?

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Apr 4, 2022·edited Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Africa and India will tell the tale. But then, can ANY “authorized” numbers now be trusted? We’re dealing with entities capable of releasing ANYTHING, to then claim populations are succumbing due to undervaccinated status!

Exercise a healthy skepticism of anything coming from government sources...just sayin’.

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You are right to enquire about the culprit. Your April equals October in the Northern hemisphere, which is what I need to go by. At that time of year, the odd case of sniffles would be the norm, certainly not an epidemic. I do not think we are dealing with a COronaVirus Infectious Disease. You are also right to point out that reinfection is practically non-existent.

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Queensland Senator Malcolm Roberts becomes the first Western politician to say it how it is:

‘This unprecedented betrayal of the Australian People must be referred immediately to a Royal Commission. To the Prime Minister, the Health Minister, the federal health department, and all those in the Senate and House of Representatives, all of you who have perpetrated this crime, I direct one question. How the HELL did you expect to get away with it? We’re not going to let you get away with it. We’re coming for you, we have the stamina to hound you down, and we damn well will!’

(A full transcript follows the video.)


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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Worse, he has yet to deal with the potential explosion of cases that may be on the way to the vaccinated. He only addressed the fact that vaccine harms were minimized.

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The situation is even worst than that. When I post the below disclaimer people think that it's a fantasy but I copied all the content from jab manufacturers' patents.

This is a time bomb. Its worst than a nuclear bomb when you realize that people's immune system has been permanently compromised.


Disclaimer of Liability ™

Whilst we endeavor to make our products toxic, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied about their efficacy and safety.

We cannot guarantee that your gene 144 won’t be deleted, your X / Y Chromosome won’t be inverted, your gene 69-70 won’t be deleted or mutated, that you may experience loss-of-function due to protein folding, that your gene E1, E3, E4 won’t be deleted, that you won’t receive shots full of magnetic graphene oxides, nano-biosensors and self-integrated bio-circuits (motherboards, transistors, routers, antennas, etc…).

We do not guarantee that you won’t be MAC Addressed as per Lord Schwab’s instructions (COVID -19 is a rare but narrow window of opportunity to rethink, reinvent, reset our world).

By using our products you agree that you automatically become legally a trans-human and therefore our property since you are GM-modified using our patented mRNAs (CERTIORARI 12–398).

Trans-humans do not enjoy any human or other rights of a state and this applies worldwide. Our patents are under US jurisdiction and law, where they were registered.

Any reliance you place on our products is therefore strictly at your own risk.

We care,

CEOs Murderna & Schizer.


Fact Checker: We make sh$t!





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It's shocking that it takes one of Pauline's right hand men to tell the truth.

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Welcome to the empire of lies, corruption, degeneracy, and death.

One mRNA + One Spike Protein = 1,291 Diseases + Unlimited Ways to Die


by Dr. Peter McCullough

The American Galileo!!!

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My view is that it's the lipid causing most of the problems.

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I try not to let the darkness interfere with my day to day life, and I try to keep my own home light and happy, but it's getting really worrisome. Thank you for keeping your readers sane with real information!

I tried to summarize the insanity that's going on in the military.


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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Great article Igor! It makes you wonder for how long the governments and media of the highly vaxxed nations and states are going to get away with this. Evidence is mounting daily. I'm from the land down under, and I noticed just today, the Daily Mail rag is reporting the death of a double vaxxed person in their 30's with no underlying conditions (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10682739/Covid-Australia-Double-vaccinated-patient-30s-DIES-half-million-Aussies-battle-virus.html) Just one, of course, not to alarm an already fearful public.

All the while, the vaxxed are getting sicker and dying, with the unvaxxed blamed and excluded. Irrespective of the reasons why people have taken the shots, they need to have all the pertinent information to provide their informed consent. If they don't have this information, such as provided in this article, then it is by coercion not choice. Surely these people are starting to wake up - even using the government's own numbers.

Given that the governments (state and federal) brag that over 95% of Australians are fully vaccinated (https://www.health.gov.au/initiatives-and-programs/covid-19-vaccines/numbers-statistics), it doesn't leave too many people left to ponder the shots, other than to take fourth booster, which they're heavily pushing now. So by that statistic alone (which I find difficult to believe), in raw numbers the vaxxed must be over-represented by a massive factor in new cases, existing cases, hospitalisations, and deaths. Surely it doesn't take too much interpretation of the figures we're given to conclude that probably more than 90% of those with Covid-19 and/or its variants are vaxxed. If it was the unvaxxed getting sick and dying in statistically bigger numbers, don't you think they'd be shouting about it?

The entire thing is an evil horror show, from start to finish. This is eugenics in practice, when you can't have a combat world war to thin out the herd. Right out of the playbooks of Bernays, Goebbels, Russell et al. they are dividing and conquering by fear, allowing the killing machines that follow the mass formation psychosis to target the weak and vulnerable. Centuries and centuries of practice has honed their dark arts, and from an historical perspective and my reckoning, unfortunately we're really just at the beginning of this nightmare. If those in control of this juggernaut (a bunch of elite eugenics-driven puppet masters) managed to pull this whole thing off right under the noses of slumbering populations without nary a whimper, I shudder to think what's in store for us.

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Hi! I'm in Aus! The fact 95% of our fellow Australians are vaccinated truly terrifies me. I cannot believe they government is still pushing the vaccine, when there is almost no one left to vaccinate.

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I don't want to inadvertently sabotage some folks... but let's just say certain groups in OZ have happily put together fake vax certs to continue with normal life... it's the same situation as in Israel, where the official claim was that everyone was pretty much vexed, until Dec 2021, when it finally came out via official testimony in Parliament that oops..maybe only 2/3 were vexed. Of those vexed israelis, most are boosted.. but everyone else, nope, the govt was just outright lying about the high vex % as part of the psychological ploy to pressure folks into complying.

The US vex % was even more obviously a fraud.. as that % crept up by 0.5% daily for a period of time. The really high profile football players like Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady didn't take the shot(s).. but their lower profile teammates just faked a jab via visiting some clinics in the middle of nowhere. Point being - the vex % numbers can't really be trusted.. so US is more like 63% vexed... same as israel, and that provides a natural bulwark with more durable natural immunity, vs the European places that really pushed it to 80-90% vexed.

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Do you think this will just be in the vaccinated? I haven't heard of anyone that I know of getting it a second time so far that hasn't been vaccinated

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It is much MORE prevalent in the vaccinated, but I heard of (but never met in person) unvaxed people to whom it also happened.

Can you share your friends' experiences?

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What is feeling stranger as time goes on is the few of us left unvaxxed and never apparently infected. They will want us like a commodity in the future for study, eggs, semen, blood, and organs.

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Apr 4, 2022·edited Apr 4, 2022Author
Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I have a colleague who got infected in May 2020 and now he got sick with covid 2nd time. (unvaccinated)

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Didn't we all get colds/flus/respiratory viruses multiple times in our lives? I remember a time way back when in 2019 when I got three colds in one year. The horrors!

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

As far as I understand immune depletion of covid is more serious than cold/flu.

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We did, but did not get heart attacks, lung fibrosis, diabetes, etc from colds

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