As I keep saying, this is heartbreaking for the many of us whose loved ones were compelled to get the vax because they weren't independently wealthy so couldn't laugh at mandates, or were medically fragile and were terrorized into believing they had no chance without the vax.

Hope God's Big Tandoor in the Sky stays fired up. Lotta people to kebab for eternity.

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My feelings exactly

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Read about it here:



The data is from the British/English government agency UKHSA (United Kingdom Health Security Agency).

Let's look at the (covid-19) death data for those over 80 years of age, both vaccinated, and un-vaccinated, from week 3, 2022 (the week of the great fraud) onwards:

The following table has 4 "columns".

Column 1 lists the period/week of 2022.

Column 2 is deaths among those vaccinated per 100,000

Column 3 is the deaths among the un-vaccinated per 100,000

Column 4 tells the number of deaths saved/lost (i.e, Column 3 minus Column 2) due to the vaccines per 100,000.

week03 39 309 => the vaccines save 270 deaths per 100,000

week04 57 322 => the vaccines save 265 deaths per 100,000

week05 78 326 => the vaccines save 248 deaths per 100,000

week06 103 324 => the vaccines save 221 deaths per 100,000

week07 114 280 => the vaccines save 165 deaths per 100,000

week08 120 243 => the vaccines save 124 deaths per 100,000

week09 120 190 => the vaccines save 70 deaths per 100,000

week10 110 152 => the vaccines save 42 deaths per 100,000

week11 101 141 => the vaccines save 40 deaths per 100,000

week12 90 134 => the vaccines save 44 deaths per 100,000

week13 84 122 => the vaccines save 37 deaths per 100,000

week14............. they suddenly decided to stop publishing the data.


So Column 4 is the number of deaths that are prevented for every 100,000 people who are vaccinated. If this number is negative then it records the number of deaths caused by the vaccines (per 100,000 vaccinated).

Graphing Column 4 we can see that as it approaches zero it levels off (from week 10 onwards). This is due to those presenting the data finding some fraud to keep the data positive, or simply making up the data. Anything, to keep the data from proving that the vaccines are killing more than they are saving.

Image/Graph http://www.preearth.net/images/deaths-caused-saved-by-vaccines.png

I must emphasize that the above data only records deaths due to covid-19. It does not record any deaths due to adverse reactions to the vaccines.

Anyway, after manipulating the data for the weeks 10, 11, 12, and 13, the evil people decided that the data was henceforth always going to show that the vaccines are killing more than they are saving, so they stopped publishing the data. To provide an excuse for this they had to arrange for the UK Government to stop paying for covid-19 testing, so that is what they did. In the week 14 surveillance report they state:

"From 1 April 2022, the UK Government ended provision of free universal covid-19 testing for the general public in England, as set out in the plan for living with COVID-19. Such changes in testing policies affect the ability to robustly monitor covid-19 cases by vaccination status, therefore, from the week 14 report onwards this section of the report will no longer be published."

The relevant data from the reports can be found in the following PDF:


Previously, this very data was used to justify the vaccine mandates. The argument was that the vaccines were saving more than they were killing. This is no longer true. What is now true, is that; The vaccines are killing more than they are saving.


A strategy against any company/organization that wishes to force a vaccine mandate.

Show them the above comment.

Tell them that the justification for the mandates was from exactly such data (this UK data set or its geographical equivalent elsewhere). Tell them that data has changed and that it no longer shows that the vaccines are saving more than they are killing.

As the vaccines have waned the same data set now shows the vaccines are killing more than they are saving.

So there is no longer evidence to justify their mandates.

If they do not agree, ask them to provide current evidence that justifies the mandates.

If they cannot provide current evidence that the vaccines are saving more than they are killing, then the mandates open them to charges of negligent homicide, etc. Charges that may bankrupt them.

Forcing vaccines without reasonable justification leaves them open to charges which could put their company/organization at serious risk.

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Show this to Del Bigtree (how to defeat the mandates)

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Those people were lied to and coerced on the false premise of a consumer medical product.

The engineered support for this coercion came from the false, but widely held misunderstanding of what the consumer medical product would achieve.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It was not approved by the FDA and it was an experiment where the maker and the government gained everything (money and control) and lost nothing (except a certain amt of trust - which they don't care abt).

Fear and lack of critical thinking is how most lined up for the vax (and demanded you do it too). Brainwashed fools. I truly only feel for the people who were forced. That post about the tandoor in the sky - it awaits the unrepentant wicked. Not sad.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

pfizer is scheduled to complete its 3rd phase trial by next spring and might decide to share their results by may 2025. lets hope all will be fine.

Trump surely hoped so, when authorized mRNA under Operation Warpspeed.

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Trump was poorly advised and allowed Fauci full control. That was a very big mistake and he should never be allowed near the WH again. He should come out in full force for Ron DeSantis.

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Yes and Yes and Yes and Yes

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I will take a person who tried to make good decisions for us with our best interest in mind than a person who makes the best decision for himself and seems to be out to take me down. The part I am utterly disgusted with is Trump continuing to say the vaccine is great. Wake up fool! He has a significant blind spot because IMO he pushed it with malevolent advice. It takes humility to admit it was a bad path.

I adore DeSantis. I think if he were president he would face the same evil headwind as Trump did. I think he is a jujitsu master though. The uniparty is not the party of the people. We are the untouchables and they are working very hard not to have to answer to us at all, but to put us in our place. Silent, weak, beholden.

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DESANTIS is the man! A smooth operating executive who's got a sack and ain't afraid of beating down the presstitutes

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

We already know that all is NOT fine. Look at Naomi Wolf’s substack, not to mention this very post here describing the vaxxed getting MORE sick than unvaxxed.

All is most certainly NOT FINE.

Or perhaps you were being sarcastic.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I think sarcasm

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Things are so far south of fine the next stop for the elevator reads "abandon hope, all ye who enter".

Even from a position of skepticism about claims made over the inoculations in both directions, rational interrogation of the data yields the inevitable conclusion that the shots are toxic.

They are a literal poison.

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Jun 5, 2022·edited Jun 5, 2022

the “optimist” who fell or jumped off New York City’s Empire State Building. As he was falling many floors, someone asked, “How’s it going?” He responded:“So far, so good!”

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They’re ticking time bombs

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I agree with you Raptor.

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I hear you but I was told to mind my business so many times that it tempers my sympathy to the point of near ambivalence...

And the thing is ...

If you were to suggest the more severe illness that a CovIDIOT experiences as this situation progresses.... they'd unhinge and double down on the insults.

They made their beds -- they can die in them.

End of the day if this does as Bossche says it will do - and evolve to kill unprecedented numbers... the supply chains will implode and we all starve.

So it's not like being uninjected is a get out of jail card. In fact one might argue that dying from 'the flu' is better than starving to death.

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Have sympathy or don't, that's your choice and each person's choice.

There are certainly people that I will have zero sympathy for as they potentially succumb to their endless series of infections. There are other well intentioned people that are going to suffer, esp. children, and they do not deserve derision.

That's a separate issue.

I'm just trying to soberly characterize how a situation happened.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

There were those of us with enough years experience to realize things weren’t adding up. But what makes me truly angry is the fact that my kids with less years experience with the ways of the world believed the “experts”. The “experts “ need to be held accountable, they have harmed many lives.

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Same here and I am very upset by this, one of my kids unfortunately was affected and it saddens me daily

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My beautiful intelligent 1st year college daughter recently proclaimed she would be getting jabbed so she could attend a summer opportunity, and asked for my support. I declined, which upset her so much she moved in with relatives at the end of the school year and removed herself from our family. Saddens me greatly as well, she doesn't understand the horrifying risk she is taking.

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And one day she will understand the horrible risk you took in losing her love to keep her safe and healthy.

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I believe this includes the Pharmaceutical Reps who work as Paid "News Anchors", or as I call them, "Gleaming Frauds".

And also, the Toxic Drug Pusher Dr. Sanjay Gupta who pushed the dangerous drugs to children directly on Sesame Street.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

There is something wrong with Sanjay Gupta. Beyond the obvious weaseliness.

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He sold his soul to Evil. That takes a toll on a Gleaming Fraud.

I think he went down the rabbit hole of the Gleam and realized that he is now in Hell.

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Weak willed and weak minded

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


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My kids too. Youngest got BOOSTED to boot - ignoring my pleas and shared data (AND zinc, D, C and quercetin I provided) and has had covid twice since.

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And pregnant women and neonates 🥲

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I wasn’t independently wealthy either, but would not allow my principles to be compromised. I lost a $100k job offer because I would not submit. I also now see articles stating those w no vax and no WuFlu infection could hold the key. Oh, so NOW you need my input?

He who laughs last, laughs best.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

No amount of money is a substitute for your health. Good on you for making the right decision.

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Starving is bad for it too.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

There are worse things than dying. Living as a slave to your government is one. But you do you, as they say…

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So you're financially comfortable.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I would eat out of a dumpster before putting that shit into me.

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Share your balance sheet so we know exactly how principled you are.

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It ain’t much, that’s for sure. No longer do I shop as I once did, and dinner out is a luxury.

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But you still can shop and I presume you've got food at home?

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Our youngest son is vaxxed courtesy US Army like most of the soldiers. It happened a year plus ago. The alternative was a dishonorable discharge. I wish people would steer clear of enjoying the illness of those coerced into taking these mRNA or aav shots. Smug self- satisfaction is ugly no matter who is reveling in it. It's the opposite of mercy.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I had not realised a soldier's choice was incalculable self-harm or dishonourable discharge. That is evil. I am so sorry.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

My two Army sons were also forced to get the jab-despite the youngest having recovered from Covid! I absolutely hope the ones pulling the levers of mandates will be subject to trial and possibly execution. But I realize it may be only before the Great White Throne that justice will be meted out.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

but please let us enjoy the illness of those who tried to force us all to get it, who decided it was worth shredding the constitution for, disowning their family members for, turning in their neighbors.

it may not be my finest moment but i take a special glee whenever jen psaki comes down with covid. how many times is that now, jen?

i sure hope your son will be ok.

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Well it was pretty obvious that practically no one was at risk. Critical thinking could have told them that.

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You are unsearchable on Twitter now and I worry that you were suspended for wrongthink. True?

If so, huge loss. You were one of the best (which makes me suspect they had to take you out).

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I have already used ""Big Tandoor in the Sky" twice. So funny and true.

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Not in the sky. ; / But totally agree. Made me laugh. Thank you.

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Well, He can put it wherever He wants it...

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Indeed He can SCA. Far be it from me to tell him He cannot operate His tandoor anywhere he pleases. I am watching a John MacArthur video right now entitled "What's wrong with people?" I ask it every day. Hope for some insight. : )

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I frequently wonder how there could be this many people on the planet that are SO ethically challenged!

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I am amazed by the variety and depth. Then I remember who is behind it. The craftiest - since he appears as a light. The deception is easier.

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Indeed! And he has been given but a short time now to “win over” all the people

he can. He is doubling down and hitting the gas while he still can.

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Me and my family are pure bloods and all had COVID last September. I’ve got plenty of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine from my favorite Indian pharmacy in case something nasty evolves. In the meantime it’s vitamins, good food and some nice Florida sunshine.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

also, keep a nebulizer in your family medicine chest. what got my BF through his recent bout with covid (mine was 2 days; his was 5) besides IVM was hourly nebulizing of a 1% food grade hydrogen peroxide saline solution

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

And have a pulse oximeter on hand for when you might need to consult with a telemedicine doc. No hospitals!

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yes, yes! i've had two for years. early in the pandemic, my doctor cousin in NJ (who's advice i mainly disregard) said "if you start feeling bad, keep checking your oxygen saturation."

we also have an oxygen concentrator in case those numbers go down

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Does the nebulizer protect you from nuclear radiation? Apparently, that is what's next...

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Masks do....

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For downwinders, wear at least 3.

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Just make sure that there is enough Pb in them... coming from china, that is definitely possible!

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Alcohol is also good. Radiation kills cells by wrecking the DNA. Most of that is not from a direct hit by the ionizing radiation, but rather from the free radicals created by the ionizing. Alcohol absorbs free radicals.

In case of fallout, stay deep indoors, wear a mask and stay slightly drunk. Not very drunk because you need to maintain that level of alcohol for days. 7-10 rule, every increase in time by a factor of 7 results in the radiation dropping 10x. Plan for a month.

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Russians must know this…

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Interesting. I have never heard this before.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


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well, on a serious note, we have been exposed to, I suppose, a significant amount of radiation here in Japan. Some ppl have been managing it by taking certain food to reduce the effect of radiation, tho, in any case if you're overloaded, then you will be likely to suffer a great deal

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Unfortunately, the radiation part is no joke, it is serious.

As far as I know, radiation is cumulative so it just adds up.... I am just curious - what kind of food is said to reduce the effect of radiation? It might come handy to know...

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One of them. Follow the link. It's like soul food here. Started by a Japanese MD in Nagasaki when the A bomb dropped. Plus other fermented food and iodine (seaweed).


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Thank you very much, kind soul :)...

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add fucoidans from brown seaweed to this list

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Yes - once the supply chains collapse and the power goes out --- the spent fuel ponds - 4000 of them - will boil off the water and spew radiation for centuries

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Jun 5, 2022·edited Jun 5, 2022

... but is all nice and peachy as long as "the best of us" - Klaus Schwab - lives the rest of his days in a bunker (unless Yuval drinks his blood) and sends his "consciousness" into the space, at the speed of light (as the other WEF clown - Michio Kaku was BS-ing).

Fun fact: I remember hearing this BS (consciousness traveling at the speed of light) from Kaku years ago and it was so remarkably stupid that I stopped listening to him altogether; in the light of the current fakedemics I learnt more about the WEF and I said to myself: "my "dear friend" Kaku MUST be part of the WEF with such moronic ideas" (and this was also explaining why he was constantly "promoted" by YouTube) ... so I checked; BINGO!

Our beloved world leader to be, Mr. Schwab has God-like dreams: eternal life and crooks like Kaku and Yuval play along, for their own financial interests.

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Fascinating. This explains a lot

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Yes, I keep reminding people that they should keep a backup team of unvaxed for nuclear power station shut-down and spent fuel maintenance because the time may come that the attrition amongst the vaccinated becomes noteworthy.

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No worries...


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Exactly. Imagine if one of the popular/common childhood /mRNA vaccines predisposes 90% of westernised humanity to some super bug. The Amish and other pure bloods will be the backup copy that was defect free that will allow bootstrapping again over time. I still keep thinking about all the reactors that may have no one looking after the spent fuel cooling pools even that will complicate things a bit.

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Only if Brandons minions keep on poking the bear and remain as criminally inept as they have been throughout.

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Just get factor 100 million sunblock.

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If Putin can stall them long enough, his space laser will preempt our 1st strike nuke attack. Based on some comments he made a couple weeks ago, I suspect it will be ready to take out sat comms by fall.

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Jun 5, 2022·edited Jun 5, 2022

My thinking is that the globalist plan cannot succeed as long as there are countries who are powerful enough militarily (1) and have no interest to go with the WEF plan (2).

Neither Russia nor China seem inclined to do so. Furthermore, Russia already gave up using dollars and demands payments in rubles; why on Earth would they ever accept CBDCs then, which are more like vouchers? The whole world lost any faith left in the US$ when they confiscated the reserves of different countries the US government didn't like, most blatantly Russia.

The globalist wannabe totalitarian rulers cannot do ANYTHING without the rich resources from Russia, nor the production of goods from China; without those, the global West will collapse... and I haven't seen any credible attempts to bring any of the industry back...

So, they are not strong enough to fight Russia (1) and they depend economically on China (2); how the heck will they ever win this one?

President Putin successfully stood up against them and saved (at lease thus far) the World from the globalist plague; WW3 with nukes however is still in the cards unfortunately... and then there is the climate disaster (who was allowed because the same "elites" from the WEF (who now they claim they are here to "save us") were enriching themselves from it).

My respect, Vladimir Vladimirovich!

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US neocons want a 1st nuke strike against Russia. Russia developed & has been testing 2 laser weapons. The "small" one has already been put to use incinerating drones. I think the space laser will be ready by fall. It was developed to knock out satellite communications. No cells, no GPS, no way to direct the nukes & we'll be fighting blind.

Also, Putin has stepped up to save the world from starvation. He has assured major Agriculture group that Ukrainian wheat can travel through Russian-controlled ports & Russia will provide protection through the Black sea. It also can travel safely through Belarus to Baltic if Nato will permit it. After his assurances, price of wheat dropped 10%.

Agree on respects to Putin.

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YES, this is the part that I cannot explain either? China decided to use a "classic" vaccine (ineffective and also stupid but at least safer for their own people), while Russia went along with the AZ adenovirus cr@p... I am sure that they have scientists who knew better...

> Perhaps he was still trying to "play ball" with the West?

> Different factions with different interests?

... but - I have to admit - this (and what China is doing now with their "zero COVID lock-downs" (when even we know that is NOT POSSIBLE) are dubious.

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Betadine (3%), POVIDONE-IODINE, mouth wash

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yes, you can add a drop of lugo's solution to your hydrogen peroxide nebulizer solution. you can also nebulize colloidal silver

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Yes, hydrogen peroxide. It is so safe since it is just water + extra O. I heard of Dr Mercola mentioned it in 2020 but never looked it up. It has many uses. It is on supermarket shelves.

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Both Dr T Levy and Dr Mercola have promoted nebulising with hydrogen peroxide; Dr Mercola's protocol differs slightly from Dr Levy's.

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We add the hydrogen peroxide to distilled water and use as a nose wash. Sometimes use the iodine but only occasionally because not sure daily iodine good if one has a thyroid issue.

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I’m learning it’s the opposite. If you are eating standard American diet which is full of bromides that inhibit iodine then you need to flush bromides and supplement iodine. Iodine was removed from many processed foods and replaced with bromides. Bread especially. But it’s in padded furniture, carpet, Fabrics etc. Read the Iodine Crisis by Lynne Farrow. Your thyroid needs iodine if eating SAD diet. I’m using it for hashimotos thyroid disease.

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Interesting.Thanks. Also hashimotos and have never gotten a clear answer on the iodine issue. Don’t eat SAD and mostly gluten free (know a baker who uses non bromided flour eat his stuff occasionally). Endo who I trust (said it was reasonable for us to stay vax free and is pro ivermectin knows something about nutrition) told me not to go crazy with added iodine. Will definitely check out the book

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yes! the bromides are taken up by the iodine receptors and then the real iodine has no where to go! absolutely get rid of all commercially made baked goods. we are so lucky to have a near by farmers market where guys make sourdough with heirloom grains. one fella has a beehive oven that he drives around with on a trailer. he makes bread only using recipes and flours from the 1700s

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the daily dose of the iodine i used was 3 drops, so when my BF was nebulizing i put one drop into 3 of his sessions

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Should that read up to 3% H2O2? Thomas Levy

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Betadine (3%) version.

H2O2 is for hydrogen peroxide.

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Sorry I think I tagged on to the wrong thread, should have been in responseto Carolyn's post, the hydrogen peroxide can be used up to 3% v/v, assuming no irritation, this was according to Dr Thomas Levy

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Dr. Thomas Levy recommended 3% food grade because the products listed percentages are not accurate any longer, i.e. 3% might only be 1.2%

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I rather go with the label, to be on the safe side.

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the instructions i have (thomas levy) instruct you how to take either 12% or 3% hydrogen peroxide to a 1% solution. we had 3% hydrogen peroxide so i followed those instructions- 2 teaspoons of H2O2 in 8 ounces of saline

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Thanks for this info. Can you elaborate please on proportions.

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it was 16 oz of filtered water with 1 teaspoon of a good salt- redmonds, celtic. then i took 8 oz of the saline solution and added 2 teaspoons of a 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide (the instructions are different if you use a 12% hydrogen peroxide) and nebulized a teaspoon at a time with a face mask

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wow! i'm going to be another subject in your experiment. how many times a day do you nebulize?

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really? they wouldn't sell one to you? that's shocking! it's hardly a prescription kind of thing

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hmmm, i was going to do it once a day. i have asthma so i thought it could help.

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In Australia, Ivermectin and HCQ were banned from prescription by doctors; to do so incurred loss of licence to practise. Customs would confiscate any overseas imports. Only recently did the Chief Health officer in Qld. permit scripts for HCQ.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Queensland has recently in Apr or May 2022 reversed the ban on using HCQ to treat C19.

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Did anyone apologize? Are they collecting any stats?

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No. Don't know if they are collecting stats. Their reversal is another piece of evidence that their goal was to inject people by suppressing treatments. Availability of treatments would have blocked any "emergency" authorisation.

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Don't Australians have horses? There's always horse paste for ivm

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What Indian pharmacy did you use? I'd appreciate your assistance.

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The FLCCC website has a list of pharmacies that will provide Ivermectin. I had a very good experience with the one I contacted (Bull Pharmaceuticals).

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Thanks, I will check it out.

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Go to indiamart.com and post that you're looking for ivm. There are numerous vendors who will contact you with bids. I picked one and ordered 150 ivm tablets 12 mg each, arrived in five weeks nicely packaged in a tight little box. Total cost ~$120 USD. I give them to friends and family including local surgeon who didn't want to prescribe for himself. I'm glad to help.

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You can buy really cheaply at indiamart.com….if the u.s. mails let it through

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My package was labeled "Health Supplements", neatly wrapped in a small unobtrusive box, and US Customs has better things to do than bother with the likes of that. I think there's been a campaign by the current administration to make people think Customs will seize "health supplements". Very clever of them. But it's unrealistic.

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Thanks. I appreciate your help in this.

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I’ve been using ReliableRX for about 15 years. Never had an issue. Shipping does take a while but their products have always been legit.

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And the same process works for hcq.

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It’s too damn hot in the California desert to go out in the sun.

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Go out earlier. // The Sun episode: Naked tanning, benefits, skin cancer risk, dangers of sunscreen https://youtu.be/6VSsNM0UyJQ

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I hear you. Florida isn’t great in the middle of the summer, it’s not so much the heat as it is the humidity.

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Zinc. Zinc must go with Ivm or HCQ.

Betadine (3%), POVIDONE-IODINE, mouth wash

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Quercetin must have Zinc as absorption addition. If you can’t get HCQ to Ivermectin.

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What is your favorite Indian pharmacy?

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I have been using them for probably close to 20 years and I have never had an issue.

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I am in Florida also. What is the Indian Pharmacy you use?

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I am in Florida also. What is the Indian Pharmacy you use?

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Are you in the U.S.? Does your favorite Indian Pharmacy ship Iver... to the U.S.

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I’ve never had a pack seized.

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"Let’s explore. South Africa and Portugal are on the opposite sides of the vaccination spectrum: South Africa is barely vaccinated, while in Portugal, reportedly, “there is no one left to vaccinate” (read that story, it is something)."


Neither country was "vaccinated" by any precise definition of the word.

I welcome feedback as to how the gene editing drugs qualify under the following definitions.

"On May 4, 2021, the CDC at that time defined vaccination as "The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease."

This did not happen. Immunity did not happen.

"But that definition has changed over time. The CDC website now defines vaccination as "the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease."

This also did not happen. You are not protected from the disease as the effect of taking the drug. You are more likely to get the disease and become ill.

"The CDC's definition of 'vaccine' also has changed: Last spring, CDC defined a vaccine as "a product that stimulates a person's immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease."

This did not happen. The person is not protected from that disease, does not derive immunity.

The definition of "vaccine" now reads: "A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases."

This did not happen. Unless you think stimulating the response means being more likely to get it, and die from it.

Whether you use the old understood meaning of the word, or even if you use the new Animal Farm definition of the word, the exp. drugs fail the test of their own definitional brand.

This is what Joe Rogan said a year ago, Alex Berenson said, it's what I said to my sister very early on.

Both countries were given a gene editing software drug based on a computer dump via China Virus circulating in 2019. They were given this drug repeatedly, and this drug is now a disease enhancing agent.

One country was given this drug on a massive scale. They are faring poorly.

The other country was also given this gene editing software drug on a much smaller scale. They are doing better.

The gene editing drug enhances the effects of the transmission and the effects of the disease, and thus it is not a vaccine.

I can pull up to your house and ask you to get in my car, but if my car is a horse and just shit on your foot, then I'm not using the definition of car. My car might also kick you if you walk too close to the tailpipe.

Hi, I'm Sage.

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You are right, but I am stuck using a language that people understand

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Igor, I am speaking openly and espousing a viewpoint. This is not a viewpoint taken in disrespect to you, but rather a dialogue as to how this thing unfolds in reality.

Language is enormously important. One man's Freedom Fighter is another man's Terrorist. The battle of rhetoric is lost immediately when lies are co-signed. The people who understand the Exp. Drugs as "vaccines" will first need to be re-educated as to the fallacy of this usage.

Esp. when you are discussing a religious concept, and that's all this is by now. A religious disagreement.

It is not a discussion about the merits of a consumer medical product, it is a Holy War.

The God of the Vaccine vs. the Stark Reality of a Blend of Chemicals.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I call them mRNA shots

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Maybe write “vacc*ne” or something that shows you know they aren’t that.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


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I just call them jabs

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deletedJun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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Pfizer clinical trials called them "Investigational Medical Products" and it fits.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

In plain language: experiments!

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Hi Pamela, how are you going?

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After 2 years of Twitter ban it's fab to see you and other favorites pop up on Substack.. still muckraking under the radar & hitting the streets with protests. How are you angel?

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


Keep using that phrase so that it might catch on.

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I prefer “experimental injectable biologic” - avoids assigning the unearned weight of the traditionally understood meaning of “vaccine”, and seems more accurate imo.

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Jun 5, 2022·edited Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I like to simplify that to just exp. injection. Exp. gene editing software if you feel salty.

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I’m trying to like this comment.

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Substack is really glitchy. Like I don't know why, but it does not "work" sometimes.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Is there a glitch in the matrix as well....?

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The matrix gets glitchier and glitchier as time goes on.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Reload the page.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Refresh the page.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I prefer Bioweapon.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Sage I agree. Maybe adding "prototype" might add another layer of clarity. From what I was able to understand reading Brook Jackson's files, Pfizer never called their product a "vaccine" in their contracts with governments. Procurement documents used "prototype" . The basis of Pfizer defence is that they are not liable for any fraud because the "prototype contract" they signed with the Government is making them immune from any liability. ( it is kind a funny that they wanted to seal the documents for 75 years regardless). So maybe the real definition of a "vaccine" should engulf the word "prototype". Current definition uses "preparation". Don't you think that "prototype" should be added to add clarity and transparency ?

"A prototype of a preparation that could be used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases." It is mind blowing how they twist words in ways that 99% of the people won't actually know what they are talking about. It is all about where they put the dot, how they scope the sentences, what they decide to leave out...etc. Anyway you turn it, it is the ordinary people that are going to be used, abused and their own brains hijacked with propaganda BS. It is time those consent forms get an accurate update.

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We are in full agreement as to the power of language and how it leads the brain down a pattern recognition road. I wrote several posts and a video as to why continuing to call it a "vaccine" is creating massive hurdles of understanding.

It really is like speaking a foreign language, you have to be precise as possible, because the word Vaccine is loaded with symbolism. To the point that Steve Freaking Kirsch opened up his interview with Pilot Bob Snow asking why he was mandated to be "vaccinated" by American Airlines if he is mainly in a cockpit and is only infecting his co-pilot, unlike the flight attendants who might be "superspreaders" running the aisles of a plane.

So this is the power of the word that the literal tip of the spear of the movement still ventures into arguments that ascribe this quality of a "vaccine" on what is demonstrably NOT A VACCINE.

I think prototype is a tricky word that might distract, and is better covered in the word, "experimental" which is far more accessible.

That said, every person knows the audience that they are speaking with, so if one feels that this is a useful term, run with it.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Agree. "prototype" is what Pfizer used in their procurement documents. The laws change exponentially depending on the word we assign to the product. "Prototype" allows you to pretty much do anything and not be liable. " Vaccine" not so much.

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The very fact that Pfizer used that term makes me want to avoid it even more!

They probably came up with "prototype" to divert from "experimental".

Like "enhanced interrogation technique" actually means "torture".

"prototype" sounds like a fancy new car, "experimental" sounds like...you are a lab rat.

And you are a lab rat by taking it.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Prototype is the word used in the law enacted to allow this travesty.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

You are exactly right.

However, if I begin a conversation with my physician friends about the gene editing software efficacy or safety using the correct description of “gene editing drug that enhances disease,” not a one of them will give the rest of my sentence any thought whatsoever.

If, on the other hand, I casually comment that I recently read that the latest variants are causing more deaths in the highly vaccinated country of Portugal but almost none in the minimally vaccinated country of South Africa, I might just get one or two of them to at least consider that as an unexpected and strange piece of information.

As you say, language is indeed enormously important. Had folks been offered a gene editing drug that will cause your body to produce the toxic part of the covid virus, and whose long term and even near short term effects are not yet known, very few people would have agreed to get this injection. Words matter.

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Hana our Sage 😉🤗

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

My husband and I haven't been vaxed nor have we gotten covid. How do you suppose the continuing variants will affect the unvaxed as far as severity or deaths? I wonder too about the rate of covid amongst the never-vaxed. It does seem that the vaxed are more susceptible, but then again, the vaxed are the largest group.

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Congratulations on still remaining uninfected. Stay healthy and stock up on medications and vitamins. Wishing you the best of health

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Thank you, Igor!

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Just had it for the first time as a vax-free 61 yo. I did the betadine gargles and rinses and describe the immune response as though to a cold/mild flu.

My 2x vaxd husband brought it home from work (infected by a 3x vaxd colleague who infected 10 other vaxd people), my fully vaxd daughter caught it Really quickly (ADE?) and my other two vax-free children didn't catch it.

I think these viruses are mutating to optimise specific conditions in the vaccinated.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

That was because the faccines have damaged the immune systems of the faccinated. That is a fact!

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Jun 5, 2022·edited Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

i am the same.my wife and daughter are both 2 jabs and my daughter has been exposed quite a bit to people with covid,so far my luck is holding.i am not and never will be jabbed

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Jun 5, 2022·edited Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Me too. I had a 5 day Covid in January 2021. Slight fever one evening and runny nose. Lost taste and smell. 74 yo unvaxxed. I had an antibody test in October to confirm. I have eaten clean for years, hike birdwatch, paint outdoors and my D level is between 70 and 80 always. I started extra immune system building immediately when Covid started. Never will I comply. Hubby got one JNJ and is done. No boosters. I’ve been around people who got Covid and never reinfected so far.

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I bet you had an asymptomatic infection, and you do have natural antibodies to covid. You won the lottery.

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There is NO such thing as asymptomatic spread of disease. This was dreamed up by Fauci to make people afraid of each other, & keep people separated and isolated & boy did it work! It has destroyed families, friendships, all kinds of relationships.

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I didn't write that the commenter SPREAD covid asymptomatically. I wrote that he or she had an asymptomatic case of covid. Those are two entirely different things. By the way, later in this very comments section, Igor himself mentions that someone he knows had an asymptomatic case of covid.

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No such thing as asymptomatic case of disease. What do you think any sane doctor would think if you called & said you were ill with any disease, pick one, don’t you think he or she would ask you what your symptoms are? And if you said you didn’t have any, what do you think the response would be? How do you define ANY DISEASE without symptoms? In the case of Covid, we know that the tests are unreliable with 97% false positives. Even the CDC admitted that. Prove me wrong.

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And I asked him, how does he know that that person had Covid? Please read my comment below.

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You are getting yourself into knots. It is like digging the proverbial hole ...

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deletedJun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Exactly. You get invaders but your immune system mops it up. We don’t have a star trek force field around us to keep the invaders from getting near. The Star Trek force is in us. 😀🤔

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I'm unvaxxed, had Delta in September, not fun but manageable. Then Omicron in January and barely knew I had it.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Same here, my husband and I are 'unvaxxed' and no Covid so far. We do take all the recommended supplements and have a supply of ivermectin and hcq.

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Jun 15, 2022·edited Jun 15, 2022

I am unvaxxed and just got reinfected 6 months after my first covid bout.

I came down with symptoms after my parents (both boosted) came to stay with me. They developed flu symptoms and two days later, I was sick too.

So my understanding is that I had Omicron BA.1 in January and BA.5 just now in June. Mutations appear to be happening very quickly compared to the pre-vaccine period, and they appear driven by those who are boosted. Unfortunately it seems like those of us who are unvaxxed and who may have only succumbed to one previous wave (or none at all) are increasingly susceptible as a result.

Now, I'm under 40 and healthy so my symptoms are mild. But what's most curious is that I feel rougher now than I did during my initial bout six months ago -- and over here it's nearly summer. This is not the season to be getting a flu-like virus...! We have messed with the natural course of the virus and even those of us who made the right choices are paying the price.

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I am unvaxxed, had Delta in September 2021, a nasty case but managed ok with pony paste. Not as severe as many of the people I know. Then again in January I got Omicron, very mild sore throat and nothing much else, from a vaxxed boosted 17 yo niece. Was 67 at the time, very athletic. Lifelong asthmatic, so I thought I would take a beating with covid but it never got to my lungs oddly enough.

Then in April I got the nastiest cold I've ever had. And many of my vaxxed friends/family got that plus later bouts. It's weird. Like the other viruses were waiting their turn. Or is it that our immune systems took a beating with covid?

I guess all we can do is stay as fit as possible, keep the ivm on hand, and be there for those who get sick. I'm not afraid of anything.

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Makes me glad that I’m not jabbed and have had unconfirmed case in early March 2020 (no tests then) and probably a few weeks ago. My elderly parents both tested positive (both boosted) and where mildly symptomatic at the same time I was sick. Should add that my unjabbed teen children and I live with my folks. Also glad that I’m moving out of blue NJ and into red SC in a few weeks. King Phil enjoyed his emergency powers too much and won’t hesitate to pull the draconian trigger again when the waves of B4/5 and future variants go after the very vaccinated population here.

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Did you have any covid-specific symptoms in 2020, like did you lose smell? Good idea to move to SC

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Funny, my Nephew (pureblood) is leaving Oregon for SC in a couple of weeks. He feels safer.

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I never lost sense of smell or taste. But I did have an unusual illness where a ran a fever and was just exhausted for about 4 days.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

There was a bad flu in January to early March in 2020 and I know many people - healthy people young and older - got it and a kick-their-asses secondary lung infection that took them weeks to get over. It was not the fauXi virus. The fauXi Wuhan virus was very distinctive and if you had it you would have no doubt. The symptoms were profound loss of smell. taste, headache from hell, deep malaise, cough, big aches, chills, etc. Wuhan was not "just a cold or flu;" certainly not those first 5-6 months of 2020.

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I had mine in Nov 2020. It was an illness unlike any other

- First stomach flu

- Then regular viremia

- Also lost smell

- My blood oxygen was mostly okay, but once dipped to 88 and recovered

I made a point to walk daily

It was not super severe, but it was unlike anything before

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I’m jealous! I’ve not gotten c19 and everyone else has!

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No, _I_ am jealous

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I’m glad to have not gotten it, but would rather get Omicron now and get reasonable natural immunity than get a worse vax-driven strain that may come along.

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Don't temp fate, Datagal....

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My wife and I got Covid in early April this year. Peak Omicron time I think - in UK?

Neither of us vaxxed. Took me 2 days to get over it. Took her about a week. She tested positive (lateral flow tests), but I didn't (i used a different brand of test, but we both had the same symptoms at same time).

Mostly it was like a flu.

*Unpleasant symptom description incoming - skip next bit if you're queasy*

What really made it stand out for us was the excess mucus.

Thick, green mucus in vast quantities from the nasal area. Spitting huge chunks every 10 minutes. I never knew it could bounce. Very rubbery, high viscosity. Also surprised at how much was being produced. I didn't know the body could make that much that fast. Mine was quite a bit worse than my wife's. Maybe that's why i got over it quicker? Anyone know of a mechanism like that?

*End of graphic over-sharing*

Has anyone else had that as a symptom? I've not heard it mentioned anywhere, just loss of smell, etc.

Thankfully I've always had a strong immune system.

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I have not read of such extreme mucus. Should have filmed them! :)

Did you take any meds?

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Yes, tremendous headache. I remember saying, “What do I have?” Out loud.

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I had the same symptoms and did lose my sense of smell the first week in Feb 2020.

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I'm certain I had covid the first week of February 2020. I was sick in bed for a week or so, followed by several weeks of significant post-viral fatigue. (I too lost my sense of taste and smell.) The post-viral fatigue and other long-term symptoms (shortness of breath, exercise intolerance, etc.) waxed and waned for many months. Then, to my everlasting regret, I succumbed to the intense pressure (mostly from one of my sisters) to get vaxed. I got two shots, and the second one, it turned out, was from one of the "bad batches." (I didn't know this at the time, of course!) After the second shot I became extremely sick, remained sick for months, and I have lasting injuries from those toxic injections.

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You described my experience to a T…. Except I did not get the bio weapon.

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You meant to a C?

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Igor, I had “something” in Feb 2020 with five days of fever and fatigue. Then I recovered and went back to exercising, but needed an albuterol inhaler for another month to two months. Then three weeks ago, lymph nodes under my jaw swelled up and I sneezed a hundred times over two days. By day three, back to normal completely. Not vaxxed. I wonder about getting an anti-N antibody test. I want to know if I really was exposed to the actual virus.

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Antibodies may not be detectable anymore.

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That sounds like my last illness. I had 3 days of sore throat and swollen glands. Then was just stuffy for a couple of days. Then 3-4 days of fever and fatigue.

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Glad you got better.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

welcome to SC! where in SC? i'm so grateful that i left NYC when i did, although i did still lose my seasonal job of 40 years here. the governor stepped in to save the day but it was too late for me

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Thank you! New house is in Blythewood. I wish I’d left a few years ago but didn’t want to uproot my kids before they graduated. Sorry you lost your position. That’s terrible. Where in SC are you?

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

we live in charleston. i started coming here in 1980 for the spoleto festival and fell in love with the town and the event. for 2 years i was on the costume crew and took over the department in my third season. i opened a NY costume shop so that i would be free to do this, met my partner here and over the years bought 4 houses in charleston that i fixed up and rented out. eventually i sold all my NY real estate (my apartment and my commercial co-op) and renovated one of my rental houses here for us to live in. brought my then 94 year old father here where he died in 2019 before all this crap happened. 2020 would have been my 40th year but the festival was canceled due to covid and this year, they canceled me because i refused to get vaccinated. i'm not sure i have any reason to be here any more.

it's been beyond heart breaking and i am full of rage but i guess i keep it under control. the tears bubble out now and then. i take some spiteful joy in knowing that they aren't doing well. the person who replaced me is sub par and it really doesn't fly here in SC to insist that all your possible ticket purchasers are double vaxxed, boosted, masked and carrying photo ID- especially by the same justice, equity and diversity people who would have a hizzy fit if you suggested a voter might need to show a photo ID!

the governor ended their idea of jim crow medical segregation so now i guess, the festival has to resentfully sell tickets to any old contaminated person who wants to attend, except funny- the people they offended and ostracized did not race to buy tickets the minute they were forced to treat the unvaccinated like full human beings again. so ticket sales are still way down. i can't believe i'm saying this, because i have loved this festival more than anyone but i hope their contempt for their unvaccinated audience members bites them in the ass. as far as i'm concerned, an arts organization that agrees to act as an enforcement arm of the state (stalin? mao?) has lost it's way and no longer deserves to exist.

anyway, welcome to the neighborhood!

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Same deal with the Traverse City Film Festival, which I attended a half dozen times over the last decade. Totally wonderful, but now requiring proof of jab&booster for admittance to the indoor venues around the city. So the unwashed, including me, will not be there.

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and yet, if they made a policy that said "no black, asian, jewish, catholic, trans (pick a group of your choice) people allowed" all hell would break loose

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Come see me in Aiken sometime. We’ll have a grand old time. Moving from Oregon as soon as the home we bought closes. Hope to find some unvaxxed friends and some vaxxed ones that don’t go all cray-cray on me for being a “pureblood” as some are calling us lately.

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We'll have to have a pureblood get together in SC! I'm hoping that I'll find more purebloods. Surrounded by the crazy jabbed here in NJ.

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we can have a get together here if you like. i've got quite a few unvaccinated friends

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seems like there's an exodus lately from the crazy states. florida, texas and south carolina will be packed. it's very strange what has happened: i now question all my friendships. my assistant of 30 years at the festival is here working on it and i am having a big problem with that. no one has called me, asked me why i'm not there after 40 years, come to see me. i have "friends" who i know would turn on me if they found out that i wasn't vaccinated even though they didn't mind that i never had a flu shot or a mammogram. i'm not shy about my disdain for the conventional western medicine so i'm not sure why anyone would assume that i would have jumped on the bandwagon for these vaccines.

my nextdoor neighbor, who claims he loves me, has told me that children should be taken away from unvaccinated parents so what does his supposed "love" for me mean? can i count on it?

it's lonely out there. but you do make better friends and perhaps in time that will compensate for the disappointment

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Yes, it’s very sad and here in Oregon, it’s been crazy central. Several people have ghosted us. We are healthy and in our mid 60s. Covid was a nothing burger for me. Our next door neighbor told us we were being “selfish” and “unpatriotic.” Our down the street neighbor said directly to my face about the unvaccinated, “They just need to all go and DIE- and no one should offer care to them when they get it,” he said. I told him, “Well, as a long time NP who has always cared for everybody, no matter their healthcare decisions, I think that is both an unethical and immoral way to view things.” He stormed off. We do have two dear friends from Mexico who love us here and they are vaccinated. We will miss them along with our unvaccinated friends.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Where in SC? We considered that as well.

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Near Columbia in Blythewood

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Which city did you choose in SC? Maybe we can be neighbors. I’m heading out of Oregon soon, fingers crossed.

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Blythewood SC. Fingers crossed that you get out of there soon!

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Thanks, Bergen. Found out today the sellers agreed to the repair list. So we on off and running. Do you like Blythewood? We have family members in Aiken and Aiken is an equine community, which we love. Cheers and good health to you.

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That's awesome! Congratulations. I have to admit, I haven't spent much time in Blythewood yet but from what I've seen of it so far, I do like. Check back with me in mid July after I move in :). I was in the state for the first time the week between Christmas and New Years. Looked around near Charlotte and then the Lake Murray area, and then finally into Blythewood. Found a new development under construction in Blythewood and plunked down the earnest money on the house on New Years Eve. I will be closing on 6/30. I know its going to be a huge change moving from the northeast NJ/NYC suburbs. Cheers and good health to you too!

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Another noteworthy fact is seasonality. Portugal is coming up to summer now, while South Africa is coming upon winter. Making the divergence that much more significant in my mind. Especially in light of last year’s wave at this time in SA.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Very good points as well as the median age: 27.5 in South Africa vs 46.2 in Portugal. Even with all things considered the obvious trend of worse outcome in vaccinated areas is alarming.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

... and Keiser Permanente STILL sends me reminders to get the second "booster"... but if I didn't get the first one, I should get that one first (according to them)... I also get "alerts" on the phone to get the mRNA juice injected for "my protection"

How can anyone trust the government or the healthcare system anymore?

The reality is: they don't care; we are going to full-blown tyranny (or at least that's the plan).

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They are scammers

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Kaiser's CEO belong to the WEF board of advisers!

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

No we cannot trust them; organized crime .

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I got an mRNA vaccine alert on my phone from Safeway!

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

That would really annoy me

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

This is consistent with what Geert Vanden Bossche has cautioned about. "Fusogenic" is new to me, essentially infectiousness?

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No, it is making cells clump together inappropriately (for human body function)

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Got it. Thank you. And there is the amyloidosis data as noted by Walter M Chestnut.

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I read the current dominant variant (maybe ba 5) is a deltacron?

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Love that get a healthy tan and stay in good shape, this is massive, Vitamin D is a big factor, stay away from seed oils and processed carbs and your on your way.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Igor, thank you so very much for your relentless efforts to inform. Regardless of their so far silence, I send research like yours to lawmakers. They can’t deny they are uninformed. What I am hearing is that unvaxxed are susceptible—exposed in areas where vaxx rates are high. However, so far, the infections are mild. Andreas Oehler’s most recent Substack on amyloidosis is also excellent.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Thank you from Australia for what you do Igor. Your articles are informative and well researched, back up by fact.

Most people where I live are behoven to the jab. For me, it's like I'm a fugitive in my own state/country as I have not followed suit.

Sadly, I sit and watch as the boosted suffer. Yet they fail to link the association to the inoculation (I refuse to use the term "vaccine"). Many are medical specialists, nurses and others in the broader medical field.

All you've said is playing out before my eyes.

We are at war here. The most hideous, evil, yet extremely clever diabolical unfolding of toxic destruction ever known to mankind.

We need people like you Ivor. Thank you.

I hope more and more people will gain insight and take action against this atrocity. We will win if we get the numbers. We are greater in number than them. It MUST happen!

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I mostly feel horrible for my closest associates who were affected. But aside from that, I also feel bad about Australians and conned people everywhere. Thank you and I hope everyone avoids the worst harm.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


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btw, Igor

I flicked this Sub of yours to over 100 Australian pollies and about 20 CHOs and "experts".

Here is my exchange with an Australian CHO!:

I am not going to get into a debate. Our very high vaccination rates in WA have clearly reduced the serious disease from our current Omicron outbreak; 28% of these hospitalisations (and unfortunately 26% of deaths) were due to the 1% unvaccinated - https://ww2.health.wa.gov.au/Articles/F_I/Infectious-disease-data/COVID19-Weekly-Surveillance-Report. It is accepted that the vaccine is not as effective in preventing transmission with Omicron (very effective with Delta), but remains significant initially but wanes over time (I suggest you read the NEJM article that I reference – Page 4).

Are you willing to debate me re your latest advice?:


In particular, these two sentences:

Vaccination continues to be the most effective mitigation measure against COVID-19. Vaccination exerts a population effect by decreasing rates of infection and transmission, and reducing the impact of severe disease.

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Jun 5, 2022·edited Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I would not expect anything else from these imbeciles. The reality is that they lied and abused their power to an extent that they should be locked up for the rest of their days. Most importantly they know that they lied and abused their power but like all criminals, when caught, they pretend they did nothing wrong or double down. The CHO here in WA is absolute scum and fits in well with the psycho who is premier. All of the Labor party ministers (both WA and federal) would have fitted well into any communist country - well trained in regurgitating BS, self-confessed "real leaders", devoid of any empathy and not a single properly working neuron between them. The "28% hospitalizations due to 1% unvaccinated" is pure BS and is probably from a "fact sheet" compiled by some apparatchick with the intent of shutting up the deplorables. Even by their own stats, the jabbed ones are around 94% in Perth and it is lower outside Perth (thankfully country folk are lot smarter than the city ones). I have been looking at their reporting of the people that sadly die in WA and they are very careful NOT to indicate the jab status, whether they died with or from Covid and whether or not they had other health problems. If the numbers he quoted were correct, they would have been shouting them from the roof tops - they are not and they hope that by omitting the info, the hoi polloi will fall for it. Sadly, it does work to a greater extent than even I expected. The fact the CHO would still go with the jab lowering the transmission rate is absurd but admitting the opposite would raises the question - why the hell did they coerce people to take the jab? The answer is that this was a power trip for most of these lowlifes and if there is any justice in this world, they would get what they deserve for it. One last thing - the NE Journal of Medicine used to be a reputable publication but its editorial board (just like the Lancet and many others) sold out and were part of the "expert" class that pushed all the horror of the last 2 years. They too should join the politicians behind bars for fraud and murder.

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They are doing what the worst of human nature does: covers its tracks to avoid the retribution they know they deserve. They jumped on a bandwagon, muscled people into shots that were a half-thought-through technology, and got to look like heros in the doing. Now if they admit they were wrong they know full well they're going to get it good. I say give it a bit of time, and these slobs will all end up either hanged or behind bars. I'd like to see them behind bars in a traveling exhibit.

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There is something very wrong with the whole approach to the jab and I do not think that this was a half-thought-through tech. The chance that Pfizer and Moderna would both be using MRNA is negligible and in my opinion there was some high level coordination. If one adds the fact that the target was the spike protein which is not only toxic but also the part that is most easily bypassed by virus adaptation, it begs the question - what was the end goal of this whole effort? All previous efforts to get MRNA working failed (badly in most cases) and the people involved in trying to get it working are not stupid. On the contrary, I suspect that they are probably very, very smart and definitely knew the potential for a catastrophic failure. They went ahead probably thinking that they have the perfect tool - a leaky jab that the masses would have to take on a regular basis very much like the Windows OS - always in need to patch and upgrade. Their problem is that the damage inflicted by the jab is not repairable.

As far as giving it more time, I do not think that there is any time left because the psychos in most governments are now trying to get kids to get the jab. An ethics professor from supposedly the top medical school in Australia is on record that kids should be able to get the jab if they are afraid of Covid without the consent on parents. Let that sink in.

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Jun 6, 2022·edited Jun 6, 2022Author

In notes to Table 1 of the latest PDF report they say "Number of vaccination doses sourced from Australian Immunisation Register. Vaccination data are available for WA residents only, therefore, the

number of unvaccinated individuals (0 doses) may be overestimated "

How big is that effect? Can we trust their reports? Just asking

I looked at NSW reports, they seem to strangely ignore vaccination status of "deaths over 65" and report status of deaths under 65 only. I guess I know why.

And it is not 1% unvaccinated but 5%?


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Nothing here is transparent.

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That is what the media and assorted politicians and "experts" claim. They also claim that the jab works to reduce (used to be prevent) transmission, lower the fatality & hospitalization rate and my favorite - the program of coercion, threats, wasted borrowed & tax payer money (you should see the clown show at hospitals) and home detention IS the reason WA fared better (it did not) than other states. If anyone believes that, I have a Sydney Harbor bridge to sell for a few quid. Admitted, the bridge is a bit used but we can haggle over the price (honest!).

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I don't believe. So I don't care. So I don't know. There are plenty of analyses done by people like you that I rely on to jab their butts with.

Take the Australian data as a whole. Use NSW as a cross check. They are all in it together.

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I do not believe but I do care - the criminals in charge are pushing the jab for kids based on all these made up stats. I have two kids so it is all hands deck for this potential fight. The prospect of my kids being excluded from everything because they have not and WILL NOT get these jabs is what worries me most.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Heartbreakingly sad. These are our "Leaders". This is the future in their hands. Deeply sad. Australia is doomed if this continues. We need more like Senator Gerard Rennick and the like to rear up.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

So, 28% of the hospitalizations (a MINORITY of hospitalizations, then, by definition, are in unvaxed. As are deaths.

The lack of objective logical analysis is astounding and actually very nefarious.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

1. We need to see their definitions. From memory, they defined "unvacced" < 14 days of the injection!

2. We need to see the granular details of each count.

In short, we can only rely on high level unaudited data of multiple sources.

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There is no definition but the one that they make up and adjust as the fraud becomes ever more obvious. Judging from the redefinition of what vaccine is and what it is supposed to do, these lowlifes have literally taken the ideas from 1984 and applied them in the local context. It is a sad indictment of the population's lack of knowledge and passivity that so far it has kept the scam running.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Really, only 1% unvaccinated? That is wild.

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Definitely not true and not difficult to prove that it is BS. In the country, the only ones that I know are jabbed work in retail or health. The regional towns businesses are begging people to work for them. This is a marked difference from 2 years back when I rarely saw signs of positions being available. Why are they desperate for workers? Because their staff quit when the diktat for the jab came into effect. In Perth itself, around 20% of the medical staff refused the jabs and I doubt it that their families complied.

The idiots in charge are desperate to see all the deplorables get jabbed multiple jabs and they are absolutely seething that people like me have not taken a single shot. The WA premier is on record multiple times that he wanted to punish those that refuse to comply with his diktat (not any different from any aspiring dictator). They go with the 1% because to say that you have 100% jabbing is not possible in a state that surface wise is roughly the same as Western Europe. Even the communists, with all their "free" voting, would claim results in the band of 90-95% (only Stalin was getting 100%) but since these idiots did live NOT in communism/socialism, they think that 99% is believable.

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Jun 5, 2022·edited Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I don't know. I don't trust any of their unverified or unaudited data. It is a fact, however, that most of Australian adults have been injected.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Well said, fellow FIGHTER.

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Just as Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche describes.

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Would be great to get some scamdemic news outta , what is happening in China...Russia?


In Alameda they are saying you'll have to put a mask on at Oakland international airport. BrOakland is having another fit o' fear porn.

Of course due to that hot young federal judge's ruling they can't make ya wear mask on plane, but hand you one to get thru BrOakland airport.

I am relieved to hear they worked out the way to make the viruses stop outside the doors o' the airoplaney while folks got their masks of shame upon their faces before flying thru them.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

in australia we have now got newspapers trying to explain / blame covid being the cause of a 7 fold excess death rate and our hospitals being hammered by sick people who cant fight other virus's beside covid-its beyond bizzare that the correlation is not made that perhaps these leaky vaccines caused the problem.In the last day we had a state court case agree that the jab being mandated to work on submarines is just and reasonable to protect our navy from infected un jabbed people.its just crazy illogigal stuff,and it seems to have no end

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

does Geert Vanden Bossche get to say "i told you so" yet?

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Maybe just maybe the zombies will wake up when doomsday stares straight into their abyss of an immune systems that they don’t have left.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

it will be the first coffee i've had in my life so i probably will spill it! i'm already having a problem with the headline. "no need to panic"? really? who panicked the world for a flu? told everyone that it was SO TERRIBLE that they couldn't go outside, have jobs, see friends and loved ones, were all doomed to certain death if we got it, etc, etc.

i'll read it, thank you, but i may puke

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I stopped reading after he said he reached out to Offitt.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

paul offit generally makes me want to hurl but i did listen to an interview with him on TWIV, pre-vaccine and they asked him if he would take the vaccine and he said it would depend on the data. i was pretty surprised at that.

he also has gone public saying that he advised his son NOT to get a booster and he's been critical of the FDA approval process.

he's still a tool but even he seems shaken by the overt corruption on view.

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Jun 6, 2022·edited Jun 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

He's worried the stink from the covid shots will spill over to his cherished childhood vax schedule (he gets royalties from the rotavius shot). He should be worried, the blatant corruption and incompetence on display by pharma/medical industry has opened many people's eyes. People are now questioning everything, including do infants and toddlers really need all these shots?

Offit is as slimy as it gets, this guy has been on our radar for over fifteen years. One thing is certain, any negative comments he makes regarding the covid shots are almost certainly self-serving and not driven by altruism.

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If Offit understands what is happening, makes lightly critical comments, and votes YES, he is actually a WORSE criminal than a religiously believing fool.

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Me too... as I have already watched a video of Offit making zero sense on this issue a month or two back.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Omg this Offit guy has no idea what he is talking about. Coronaviruses mutate quite slow....lol.

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This is the sort of thing that makes me want to see covid mutate into something lethal.

When Offit's grandkids (fully jabbed no doubt) are suffering --- I would like to force him to re-read what he says in that interview

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He’s a humble man Carolyn

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Carolyn Dr. Vanden Bossche is a humble man

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I live in Portugal and it is right, the people are mostly jabbed. From 2 sources, really normal people like the lady that is doing the cafe in our village and from a patient of my TCM doctor I have heard that people are feeling sick and that there are many people dying, espacially younger ones and that they connect it to the jab. So this is terrible and light at the end of the tunnel. The normies seems to have got it,

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Thank you! Anything else notable from Portugal? Would love to have a detailed site report.

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as far as we live very withdrawn and I only have contact to a very limited circle of people, there is not much I can tell. But if you are interested, I will keep my ears open and leave incoming information here for you.

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