I finally figured out how to ask people who might answer, without taking up bandwidth!
Unrelated... Need help with finding something:
Do you know any examples of vaccine advocates or activists, or misinformation fighters, who were hurt by vaccines, or had relatives who died, and yet CONTINUED or DISCONTINUED their advocacy?
I already know about Michel Goldman from the Atlantic/Brian Mowrey article, and Aseem Malhotra, but need more examples.
General surgeon had their 12 year old jabbed , died in her sleep about 2 weeks later. Told the staff the daughter had an underlying heart issue. Surgeon still backs the jab. I have no proof , but the girl rode her bike and participated in gym class.
If this story is being true, tells it all. This general surgeon has an ego and his daughter dies.........what's more important to him? Letting his staff know she had an underlying cause or looking at another possible cause? Obviously, his reputation is far more important than the life of his daughter! He sounds like one of those soccer 'dads' that attend their kid's games and then
beat them up emotionally when the kids don't perform to the level the dad wants!
It certainly tells it all …how many more will die in the future? Money and reputation seem to be the guiding force in our medical framework…First do no harm seems to be a forgotten mindset!
Well said in a few words.......it seems that those that follow the narrative who have had injury affect their lives, continue on their path of destruction for self and others. It's a mindset with very little chance of changing. 'Do No Harm' will probably be removed from the oath eventually and replaced with some 'BS' diatribe.
I need to add another piece to the above comment. It looks like this general surgeon may be of female gender (if that's OK to say) according to the obituary. All other parts of the comment apply, in fact, the female mom may be more critical of the kids' play than the dad. Just my opinion....
Thanks for the link! Wow! For those who haven't checked this out, look at what they say the cause of death was. "..... died peacefully in her sleep of a rare and natural cause". What the hell is a rare and natural cause in a 12 year old? This is a new one to me and I have been around for quite a few decades!!
If this story is true, it tells it all. What's more important to this 'surgeon'? His reputation or the life of his daughter? Doesn't take much to see what is important to him... Reminds me of one those soccer 'dads' who attends his kid's games and then beats up the kid emotionally when it doesn't perform to 'his' standards. We all know the 'type'!
Just my anecdotal observation - I have noticed over the past year that my running trails have less and less runners on them. BC (before covid) I would go running and there would be at least 5-10 other runners on the trail. Now I am the only one. But I do see an increase of bicyclists. Maybe all the shotted have been told by their doctors to do less strenuous exercise. Sure seems that way to me. Wouldn't surprise me if next year there were less bicyclists as well. Heart damage is permanent.
There was a German politician, very pro open borders, pro illegal immigrant, whose daughter was raped and murdered by illegal immigrants. It didn’t change his mind at all. And he set up in her name a charity to welcome illegals.
I know someone who has a vaxx injured husband. She is so afraid of COVID (her friend in very bad health died/ was murdered with it in the hospital) that she is willing to take another booster if her doctor tells her to. Crazy.
Katrina... It's even more mind boggling how many people out there have 'zero' critical thinking skills... many people I know, I thought were savvy smart, were just sucked in and continue to follow. I can see it in their faces! That's what is really mind boggling to me! Yes, it's hard to believe. This may be Mother Earth's way (not the globalists) of culling her population of those who don't want to take responsibility for themselves.
Yes, but was that through personal experience/someone close getting injured? I believe for Dr Campbell it was simply him being faced with facts and new data.
she was a huge advocate of the jabs. after her teenage daughter suddenlied in her sleep she continued to advocate the importance of being vaccinated. complete insanity
I too feel tempted to call this "insanity" but then I remind myself that it's what Mattias Desmet describes as the totalitarian mindset. Insanity is a mental condition in not necessarily related individuals. Totalitarianism is a ditto condition in a society in which a mass of individuals have become related through a powerful delusion. The latter seems more frightening to me, far more so.
I have just finished his book and yes.. many people have lost critical thinking in favor of the mass formation... It's easier to hide in the flock than question the narrative
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz describes it as evil obedience. This article predates 'covid' so it is something that was already there. People had heard about "anti-vaxxers", autism, Dr Wakefield etc. but chose to ignore them same like there are 'anti-vaxxers' who heard the pcr wasn't a valid "covid test" or that the Koch's postulates had not even begun to be fulfilled and chose to ignore it.
"Dr. Neppe is critical of medical doctors who simply and ignorantly ‘‘excuse” evil by labeling poisoned patients as “mentally ill’’. The same applies to medical doctors who attribute autism to “genetics” instead of mercury toxicity. “Evil obedience” likewise applies to the vast majority of “anti-vaxxers” who know vaccines are horrible, but lie to themselves and others saying, “Vaccines are good, they just need to be made ‘safer.'”"
I would say there is no "government tyranny" without this criminal behaviour of the people. They are not in mass formation but in mass collaboration with dark forces. Some large proportion atleast are guilty of aiding and abetting in crimes. They should have been researching, discussing the issues and doing their bit to defend their families and nation. There should have been no way that something like this could have been pulled off because people would already have reacted to hearing about previous 'vaccine' disasters. With responsibility comes also the recognition that they have the power to stop such crimininality. 1 hour into this interview Amandha Vollmer calls them accessories to murder and then goes onto to say about the importance of doing the shadow work and the value of constructive criticism. https://www.bitchute.com/video/eJLSvxrTHiZI/
Thanks again for this link. I read Breggin's article and went on to view Catherine Austin Fitt's interview with him on the Solari Report. Very helpful to get a psychiatrist's take on Desmet. He alerted me to things I had not seen through. Not that I was satisfied with Desmet's explanation of the phenomenon but I had not realized the dangers of it.
I bought into Desmet's explanation for quite a while, but as I heard more about his theory, I was became massively skeptical. If you go over to banned.video, there are interview with Breggin that are quite good.
Anything strange in the one may be called "a form of insanity" by the next. What Mattias Desmet describes however is definitely not insanity in the clinical sense.
I do not doubt that those partaking of mass formation are driven by different motives and/or different fears but the thing is: they will act in the same way, as a massive human force, on individuals perceived as outsiders or if so goaded even on themselves. That's where the danger lurks.
Found one... @DrShaneRRR Son got myocarditis. Seems to have tweeted when he was in hospital with his son, advising kids to get vaccinated (many screenshots). It seems he later deleted this tweet. I've sent them to your dog on twitter. He has continued to fiercely advocate.
It's very instructive to read all of the replies to Dr Shane's now-deleted tweet.
I read acknowledgments of injuries in children/relatives, but advocacy continued.
I read a lot of praise for him approaching this in a factual scientific way. Very few advocates would be open on this subject. This may explain why he deleted his tweet (actually he seems to have written a thread, all now deleted.
The most insightful: "It's hard staying the course and continuing to promote vaccines when one of your own has had one of the rare side effects." @twinkle37620490
That one who said her 12-year-old nephew, Jacob Clynick, died from it but she would still vax her teens even if she had to stay up all night checking their hearts.
Yes. He had three shots and was badly injured. When he tried to report it and look for answers he was ignored and they tried to ridicule him. Now he's one of the most vocal critics of the lockdowns, the shots and the public health establishment.
He's one of Israel's most senior health officials. His Twitter name is @shmuelcshapira.
I pay attention to how Canadian TV and newspapers, especially CBC and Toronto Star, cover the single cases of severe injury (few make it into the mainstream media of course). In nearly every one, the victims are interviewed and somehow 'quoted' as not regretting their decision and even urging others to continue getting them. The most egregious was a guy who is paralyzed and waiting for compensation that isn't forthcoming. I just don't buy it. I have yet to meet a parent (usually mom) of a vaccine injured child who made the connection and didn't change their mind about vaccines. Why would adults who get injured by mRNA shots be different than a parent? I don't think it's the journalists who are gaslighting us using the victims who aren't in any shape to fight back about being misquoted - I think it's actual policy imposed on editors and producers by the Canadian government.
He comes across as an Iron man. he made a defiant statement even two days after his son's passing. Obviously his son's death didn't count ? Seems to be making a lot of money from the sales of his pro vaccine books. Perhaps Can't retract ? Could be a career killer.
She manages clinical trials. last year she worked on COVID trials, this year she is working on mRNA for flu, pneumonia and shingles. and yes, she is a personal acquaintance and was incredibly upset when she found out I wasn't injected.
Oh, I know. My husband is a chemist and works with young PhDs. They are all vaxxed and have totally bought into the narrative. As have two of his sisters. And almost everyone I know, regardless of education.
That pro vax doc Dr Poland with Mayo Clinic who ended up having tinnitus and said he would investigate further.
I also just heard about a UK GP who would normally avoid NHS (bc they're not the best :-P) and go private when she had a health problem. This time she got herself jabbed and had severe side effects. And yet she kept telling people incl. her close friends, persistently to get jabbed. She didn't seem able to make the connection between her symptoms and the jabs. (Hello?) I am not sure if she is willing to talk openly tho.
You should see their comments on Twitter and Reddit. They had severe reactions. Like really bad stuff. They call it "vigorous immune response" and swear they will take every future jab.
Yes, I remember the line "this means your immune systems are working" when people suffered severe reactions. Interestingly, have not seen that line for a while now.
This is not directly responsive to you request, but somewhat relevant.
YouTube has a very interesting video from a "vaccine expert". He was generally very pro vaccine for traditional childhood diseases. Also he was quite open about certain vaccines that have failed or seem to drive nasty pathogen evolution, with lots of focus on Marek's Disease strains.
What was sad/disappointing was his answer to a question at https://youtu.be/TeyxhehhEuo?t=3639 . He basically said we should take all the (Covid) vaccines we can, because even if they cause pathogen evolution, those who take every available booster will still be somewhat protected.
First, that was not supported by some of the avian evidence he'd presented earlier, and second it is EXACTLY OPPOSITE of the early unrighteous indication by vaxx mandaters, who claimed it was selfish to avoid the jab.
It's also how lipid nano particles work. Nano goes everywhere, particularly nano that has been deliberately engineered to evade the immune system and to slip into cells.
like when they said it would stay in the arm. really? is there a walled off container in the arm that cuts that area off from circulation? i didn't think biology worked that way
Yeah, didn’t you know? It’s like when a bee stings you and your allergic reaction is only to the arm. That’s how the epipen works. You get stung in the shoulder, and your shoulder can’t breathe, so you inject the epipen into the shoulder, and your shoulder recovers. I hate it when peoples shoulders die from the bee stings…
It was great that Del invited you on the show. I see you Igor as one of us - someone who isn’t considered an “expert” or any of that stuff. Just someone who smelled a rat in the kitchen, decided to scope it out and have reported your findings to warn everybody else to be on the watch.
It wouldn't take much to be more accurate and truthful. You could be wrong 90 % of the time and still do better than the CDC. Del Bigtree took some heat beat their 100%. The Baileys, Tom Cowan & Andrew Kaufman did this video where they critic Bigtree for his virus propaganda. Dr Kaufman says something particularly strong about it somewhere in there.
Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
What about plain old logic? If I drink alcohol that alcohol surely travels through breast milk, as does garlic, spicy food, and medication of all types— even lotions, soaps, and hair dye. But I’m supposed to suspend the belief, pending a “scientific study,” that a chemical injection into my bloodstream would somehow NOT find its way into my breast milk?
Are we so stupid anymore that we need a peer reviewed study of 113 samples to confirm what a village idiot would know without even thinking about it! I’m so tired of these science fights! Let’s stop buying into this gaslighting era mantra “it’s not real unless you can prove it by methods we select” bullshit. Common sense, gut intuition, confidence in basic knowledge, folks.
The crazy thing is that SOOO many women have NOOO idea that everything goes through the breastmilk!!! And I won't mention how many men don't know that!!!
As much as I agree with going down the Common Sense path, it's a hard path to take when the UNcommon Sense path walks roughshod over it!
So to answer your question, YES, as a race, we ARE that stupid these days. Sorry :-(
Any of the studies described in the article are laughable and have nothing to do with medical science, though I am skeptical about medical science in general. Too many times it has made a 180 degrees turn. They simply use a trial and error method. All is needed is a class action lawsuit for the truth to come out: the emperor has no clothes.
My main question is whether gates and cdc are directing the scam or being directed to support it. Bills involvement of so many aspects of this disaster seems to support him being in charge. I hope he lives long enough to explain his actions in the new Nuremberg trials.
There are those that say this is only about $$$$$. Karl Denninger at Market Ticker is one of them.
However... Billy G. is a eugenicist. He admits that.
He also admits that vaxxination is a way to achieve the eugenics goal.
If you get money from Billy's "Foundation," you are indirectly one of Billy's employees. And you will find exactly what Billy wants you to find. That's your job.
And he's been in a partnership with Tony the Rat for a long time. Tony has liberally distributed ~$200B over the decades he has controlled NIAID.
Between those 2 villains + the Wellcome Trust they have bought off, marginalized, and rewritten anything that could threaten their narrative. So RalphieB and PeterD could work on the doomsday weapon in peace.
Having money - having power - was a precondition to achieve their goals.
The goal is no secret. They want 7 in 8 of us dead. 1B or less humans on this planet.
There is a lot to be said for outlawing billionaires, as a matter of principle. Wealth and power concentration will inevitably be misused by the psychopaths who are ruthless enough to accumulate it. Just look at the current laundry list of villains, add Ted Turner, Soros, Big Tech types, and all the rest we're familiar with.
But it is our taken-for-granted idolized western way of life, affluence built on the misery of invisible millions on other continents, that created the evil called Gates.
Yep. Where would the Western world be without the Third World to provide for it? Virtually no-one thinks about the people who make the clothes in sweat shops, or those who grow the cotton, or those who dye the clothes in massive, colourful, chemical pits. No-one gives a toss about those poor people overseas, somewhere, living in squalid conditions, with no education, who all helped create the clothes someone is about to buy in some funky Western world shop.
Allow this sort of deliberate ignorance to fester and then it's not long before people like Bill Gates don't just merely exist - they bask in the sun...
People struggle to join the dots - consciously or unconsciously, or both.
Bill Gates is a big funder of the WHO. As recently as 2014 WHO was involved in attempting (and in some cases succeeding) in making a large number of African women infertile without the women's consent or knowledge. The WHO started working on ways to reduce population in the 1990s - possibly a little earlier. They formulated a vaccine for tetanus combined with HCG - to cause antibodies to HCG - a hormone important for maintaining pregnancy. It is too awful to realize these people play games with other people's lives with no thought or care. It's hard for me to wrap my brain around that kind of evil.
Thirteen samples taken? That’s not science. If 1 in 100 found toxicity in vaccinated milk that is too much. ‘1% isn’t much.’ ‘1% of babies died!! That’s not much?’ ‘Well...99 lived’. They take 13 samples from seven women only and declare it is safe? Why not the same amount from each woman? Why not right after, 24 hours later, one week later, one month later, three months later? How about someone vaxed during pregnancy, vaxed one week after birth, etc. neither study is properly done.
I think we've crossed the Rubicon, and now... Science is what we FEEL is right. Especially if a Spokesperson of Science, like Dr. Fauci, says it's right.
In the future, no studies will be OK, if it feels like a drug will work.
This is how these evils do psyops: pay off some corrupted scientists through multi-layers of funding, publish bogus papers with fake data, quote the paper with their media puppets and bots to push their narratives. We are seeing the same tactics from virus origin, early treatments, vaccine safety...
On another substack yesterday somebody (forgot his name) suggested we stop referring to the explanation of the crimes going on round about us by the mild word "narrative". The need for the word "narrative" was bred where all the other mystifications have been and are being bred. At universities that attract well-off not necessarily bright or honest students who then later become professors in the same system. Never having experienced a thought of their own i.e. being unfit per se for scientific research they are no danger to the interests the educational system is designed to protect and keep going.
Back to my point: The justification of crimes requires propaganda and that's what's being used. So let's call the whole bunch of it by its proper name, "propaganda".
As I see it, so long as we speak the language of our adversaries we are abetting them.
After doing a Grand Genetic Experiment where 60% of the world population got the substance and 40% left for control, no bad study surprises me anymore. We have a new record, everything else pales in comparison.
Although, calling it an "experiment" is unjust, they knew what they were doing.
A lot more will die, and honestly, I don't know how obvious it will be to people. The vast majority will continue to make up excuses to why it is happening, and proudly proclaim "I took X vaxxines and I'm fine."
Until they're not fine. Which they will attribute to anything but their Miracle Vaxx.
Because... if they ditch their Miracle Vaxx, they will have to be afraid of dying again, and they want to avoid that at all costs.
All these "official" sponsored studies seem to have been designed in such a way as to present a pre-designated outcome. Built to mislead, not study. This includes the pfizer trials themselves and the conflation of relative and absolute efficacy.
This includes a heap of the safety studies and how they have been released. The whole thing screams corruption through and through. The devil really is in the details.
Like the design of the large international climate change studies. They are designed to show that the earth will be filled with climate catastrophes in the future.
I would say that the argument about absolute and relative efficacy is also designed to present a pre disignated outcome i.e. that there is some efficacy. It is a fall back argument for those questioning things to get dragged back in. Similar like the argument about viruses fitting thru masks is presented like a gotcha when really it upholds the virus exists propaganda. It doesn't matter how well a mask filters if there is nothing to filter. Time and again there are these fall back arguments that help defend the core ideology of germ theory. The fake science is all over the place like for example the studies claiming flouride is good for the teeth. That one is a major belief people have been indoctrinated with in school. One that is defended by any sort of efficacy claims leading to masses of health problems. Tooth decay isn't even caused by bacteria.
Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
Thanks and well caught, excellent analysis.
there are two ways to manipulate studies : one is the use of faulty statistical analysis and the other, amply illustrated here, is through the study design and protocol. This happens far more frequently than some would imagine and, sadly, even the Peer review process (where relevant) doesn't always pick up such design abuse.
A third element to this is that such studies find it difficult to get funding other than from a party with a vested interest in the outcome. Again as well illustrated here. Such is the world of "science" and medical "research" today. Like so many aspects of the world we find ourselves living in today, it needs a fresh start.
I remember very well media here poo-pooing any dangers posed by the miracle winkccine to the menstrual cycles or breastfeeding or anything of that nature in 2021.
Sorry I was crude in my first post. You did a great job explaining. Nicely done. Now if any of them would just care enough to be honest and maybe a little poorer. That would be wonderful.
I finally figured out how to ask people who might answer, without taking up bandwidth!
Unrelated... Need help with finding something:
Do you know any examples of vaccine advocates or activists, or misinformation fighters, who were hurt by vaccines, or had relatives who died, and yet CONTINUED or DISCONTINUED their advocacy?
I already know about Michel Goldman from the Atlantic/Brian Mowrey article, and Aseem Malhotra, but need more examples.
Yeh, 32 dead doctors in Canada. Most of whom, if not all, were advocates for the shot.
Yeah but they are dead and cannot change their minds, I am looking for people who changed or NOT changed their mind
General surgeon had their 12 year old jabbed , died in her sleep about 2 weeks later. Told the staff the daughter had an underlying heart issue. Surgeon still backs the jab. I have no proof , but the girl rode her bike and participated in gym class.
If this story is being true, tells it all. This general surgeon has an ego and his daughter dies.........what's more important to him? Letting his staff know she had an underlying cause or looking at another possible cause? Obviously, his reputation is far more important than the life of his daughter! He sounds like one of those soccer 'dads' that attend their kid's games and then
beat them up emotionally when the kids don't perform to the level the dad wants!
It certainly tells it all …how many more will die in the future? Money and reputation seem to be the guiding force in our medical framework…First do no harm seems to be a forgotten mindset!
Well said in a few words.......it seems that those that follow the narrative who have had injury affect their lives, continue on their path of destruction for self and others. It's a mindset with very little chance of changing. 'Do No Harm' will probably be removed from the oath eventually and replaced with some 'BS' diatribe.
I need to add another piece to the above comment. It looks like this general surgeon may be of female gender (if that's OK to say) according to the obituary. All other parts of the comment apply, in fact, the female mom may be more critical of the kids' play than the dad. Just my opinion....
Yes a female .
Thanks for the link! Wow! For those who haven't checked this out, look at what they say the cause of death was. "..... died peacefully in her sleep of a rare and natural cause". What the hell is a rare and natural cause in a 12 year old? This is a new one to me and I have been around for quite a few decades!!
More than ego, he has to start thinking about liability.
Exactly Joe.
got any links? Thanks
Obituary only , tried to send to your substack, said it was invalid.
just post the link here, I check this sub-thread once in a while
If this story is true, it tells it all. What's more important to this 'surgeon'? His reputation or the life of his daughter? Doesn't take much to see what is important to him... Reminds me of one those soccer 'dads' who attends his kid's games and then beats up the kid emotionally when it doesn't perform to 'his' standards. We all know the 'type'!
Just my anecdotal observation - I have noticed over the past year that my running trails have less and less runners on them. BC (before covid) I would go running and there would be at least 5-10 other runners on the trail. Now I am the only one. But I do see an increase of bicyclists. Maybe all the shotted have been told by their doctors to do less strenuous exercise. Sure seems that way to me. Wouldn't surprise me if next year there were less bicyclists as well. Heart damage is permanent.
'50' is the new '70'! Agewise!!
Just had a thought when I read your post. I wonder if the participants at Park Run events has declined as of 2021 since 2019?
Each 5km event has a web page and the results section will show numbers of runners per week by gender and age group along with their run time.
Tough way to move up in the race standings
And maybe musicians /rappers?
Moderate exercise? For 12-year olds? Who’s kidding whom? Don’t forget “The Real Anthony Fauci” by RFK, Jr, a complex tome full of end notes.
Myocarditis brought on by spike protein which loosens plaque from vessel walls.
They are dying because they were injected.
There is a political person in Canada who's 17/18 yo daughter died in her sleep. Last I read he's in denial and still pushing the jab.
There was an Illinois senator?
A press assistant of Kamala Harris, William Fairfax, just died of “natural causes” at age 24. Will they even consider the vax? Probably not.
In coming smartass remark. --- In his case he might have just killed himself to get away from her. 😏
They need not "consider". They know.
Could be..... It's been. About a month. Maybe I'm getting him confused with the Canadian doctors.
Yes. He is a USA State politician. I still can see their family of 4 pic. She sat to his immediate right.
There was a German politician, very pro open borders, pro illegal immigrant, whose daughter was raped and murdered by illegal immigrants. It didn’t change his mind at all. And he set up in her name a charity to welcome illegals.
I know someone who has a vaxx injured husband. She is so afraid of COVID (her friend in very bad health died/ was murdered with it in the hospital) that she is willing to take another booster if her doctor tells her to. Crazy.
Katrina... It's even more mind boggling how many people out there have 'zero' critical thinking skills... many people I know, I thought were savvy smart, were just sucked in and continue to follow. I can see it in their faces! That's what is really mind boggling to me! Yes, it's hard to believe. This may be Mother Earth's way (not the globalists) of culling her population of those who don't want to take responsibility for themselves.
It depends on what your definition of "dead" is....
"Dead" in many cases is when the brain is joined by the rest of the body.
Didn't Dr Been and Dr Campbell changed their minds?
Yes, but was that through personal experience/someone close getting injured? I believe for Dr Campbell it was simply him being faced with facts and new data.
Who says they cannot change their minds? In the US some doctors might vote against Biden before they die of jabs and vote for him after they die.
Their minds WERE changed … to dust.
she was a huge advocate of the jabs. after her teenage daughter suddenlied in her sleep she continued to advocate the importance of being vaccinated. complete insanity
I too feel tempted to call this "insanity" but then I remind myself that it's what Mattias Desmet describes as the totalitarian mindset. Insanity is a mental condition in not necessarily related individuals. Totalitarianism is a ditto condition in a society in which a mass of individuals have become related through a powerful delusion. The latter seems more frightening to me, far more so.
I have just finished his book and yes.. many people have lost critical thinking in favor of the mass formation... It's easier to hide in the flock than question the narrative
Is it "mass formation" or is it simply people adjusting their behavior to adapt to a new and terrifying situation, aka government tyranny?
A different viewpoint:
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz describes it as evil obedience. This article predates 'covid' so it is something that was already there. People had heard about "anti-vaxxers", autism, Dr Wakefield etc. but chose to ignore them same like there are 'anti-vaxxers' who heard the pcr wasn't a valid "covid test" or that the Koch's postulates had not even begun to be fulfilled and chose to ignore it.
"Dr. Neppe is critical of medical doctors who simply and ignorantly ‘‘excuse” evil by labeling poisoned patients as “mentally ill’’. The same applies to medical doctors who attribute autism to “genetics” instead of mercury toxicity. “Evil obedience” likewise applies to the vast majority of “anti-vaxxers” who know vaccines are horrible, but lie to themselves and others saying, “Vaccines are good, they just need to be made ‘safer.'”"
I would say there is no "government tyranny" without this criminal behaviour of the people. They are not in mass formation but in mass collaboration with dark forces. Some large proportion atleast are guilty of aiding and abetting in crimes. They should have been researching, discussing the issues and doing their bit to defend their families and nation. There should have been no way that something like this could have been pulled off because people would already have reacted to hearing about previous 'vaccine' disasters. With responsibility comes also the recognition that they have the power to stop such crimininality. 1 hour into this interview Amandha Vollmer calls them accessories to murder and then goes onto to say about the importance of doing the shadow work and the value of constructive criticism. https://www.bitchute.com/video/eJLSvxrTHiZI/
Really interesting information John, and the analysis. Thank you for the links as well!!
Thanks again for this link. I read Breggin's article and went on to view Catherine Austin Fitt's interview with him on the Solari Report. Very helpful to get a psychiatrist's take on Desmet. He alerted me to things I had not seen through. Not that I was satisfied with Desmet's explanation of the phenomenon but I had not realized the dangers of it.
You're welcome. :)
I bought into Desmet's explanation for quite a while, but as I heard more about his theory, I was became massively skeptical. If you go over to banned.video, there are interview with Breggin that are quite good.
I'd rather think that people adjusted their behavior to cope.
It reminds me of Marvin Harris cultural materialism.
Thanks for this link.
A good question!!
What Desmet described is a form of insanity.
Anything strange in the one may be called "a form of insanity" by the next. What Mattias Desmet describes however is definitely not insanity in the clinical sense.
I do not doubt that those partaking of mass formation are driven by different motives and/or different fears but the thing is: they will act in the same way, as a massive human force, on individuals perceived as outsiders or if so goaded even on themselves. That's where the danger lurks.
And she blamed the "early" rules relaxation for her death even though she did not even claim that covid killed her.
I don't think it was acknowledged that the 'died suddenly' was a consequence of the vaccine.
She hasn't been a big twitter advocate, though being President of the Sth Australia AMA means she's supporting her organisation's advocacy.
Found one... @DrShaneRRR Son got myocarditis. Seems to have tweeted when he was in hospital with his son, advising kids to get vaccinated (many screenshots). It seems he later deleted this tweet. I've sent them to your dog on twitter. He has continued to fiercely advocate.
It's very instructive to read all of the replies to Dr Shane's now-deleted tweet.
I read acknowledgments of injuries in children/relatives, but advocacy continued.
I read a lot of praise for him approaching this in a factual scientific way. Very few advocates would be open on this subject. This may explain why he deleted his tweet (actually he seems to have written a thread, all now deleted.
The most insightful: "It's hard staying the course and continuing to promote vaccines when one of your own has had one of the rare side effects." @twinkle37620490
That one who said her 12-year-old nephew, Jacob Clynick, died from it but she would still vax her teens even if she had to stay up all night checking their hearts.
Israel professor Shmuel C Shapira. Very active on Twitter
did something happen to him or his loved ones?
Yes. He had three shots and was badly injured. When he tried to report it and look for answers he was ignored and they tried to ridicule him. Now he's one of the most vocal critics of the lockdowns, the shots and the public health establishment.
He's one of Israel's most senior health officials. His Twitter name is @shmuelcshapira.
Those who discontinued:
1. Dr Robert Malone!
2. Steve Kirsch
3. Dr Paul Offit (come offit, you must have read about him,..)
A babe Aussie nurse.
Those who continued on:
1. Dem senate candidate Fefferman of PA
2. A dem senator from New Mexico, USA - not Mexico
3. Gov Gavin Newsom
4. That white quack who lost her baby in 2021, who had hoped for sympathies. Instead she received taunts; forcing her to lock her account
5. https://twitter.com/shmuelcshapira
Robert Malone, not Paul.
Fetterman in PA.
got any links?
He did post on Twitter that both himself and his whole family were jabbed.
I was just correcting the misspelling of Fetterman's name in the above post.
It was typed with 2 f's instead of 2 t's.
Oh, for 2 ffs' sake......
Thanks for the correction.
Different, but same, same to me those two places. (I am an Aussie, not Kenyan....)
I live in Pennsylvania so I have to see his ugly mug, and his name, on political signs everywhere.
I pay attention to how Canadian TV and newspapers, especially CBC and Toronto Star, cover the single cases of severe injury (few make it into the mainstream media of course). In nearly every one, the victims are interviewed and somehow 'quoted' as not regretting their decision and even urging others to continue getting them. The most egregious was a guy who is paralyzed and waiting for compensation that isn't forthcoming. I just don't buy it. I have yet to meet a parent (usually mom) of a vaccine injured child who made the connection and didn't change their mind about vaccines. Why would adults who get injured by mRNA shots be different than a parent? I don't think it's the journalists who are gaslighting us using the victims who aren't in any shape to fight back about being misquoted - I think it's actual policy imposed on editors and producers by the Canadian government.
Someone's leaning on the editors that's for sure. Things are a tad askew as they say.
There is one example in Japan; Dr. Masayuki Miyasaka, an prominent immunologist.
He was skeptical about Covid vaccines until Dec 2020.
He has changed his stance to advocate Covid vaccines since Dec 2020, when he had a conference which Dr. Fauci attended.
His son died after Covid vaccination in Aug 2021.
He is advocating Covid vaccine more since then.
He comes across as an Iron man. he made a defiant statement even two days after his son's passing. Obviously his son's death didn't count ? Seems to be making a lot of money from the sales of his pro vaccine books. Perhaps Can't retract ? Could be a career killer.
This is so disturbing that they continued. Makes me nauseous.
I know someone in Big Pharma. Works for Pfizer.
She is 110% convinced that C0VID is fatal, and the ONLY long term protection is vaxxinaton. She has had four so far I think.
Their thinking is vaxx or die.
Is her thinking any different than those good Germans in WWII who went along with Hitler because.... cooperate or die?
She manages clinical trials. last year she worked on COVID trials, this year she is working on mRNA for flu, pneumonia and shingles. and yes, she is a personal acquaintance and was incredibly upset when she found out I wasn't injected.
Oh, I know. My husband is a chemist and works with young PhDs. They are all vaxxed and have totally bought into the narrative. As have two of his sisters. And almost everyone I know, regardless of education.
That pro vax doc Dr Poland with Mayo Clinic who ended up having tinnitus and said he would investigate further.
I also just heard about a UK GP who would normally avoid NHS (bc they're not the best :-P) and go private when she had a health problem. This time she got herself jabbed and had severe side effects. And yet she kept telling people incl. her close friends, persistently to get jabbed. She didn't seem able to make the connection between her symptoms and the jabs. (Hello?) I am not sure if she is willing to talk openly tho.
She probably found it easier to make the connection between her jab and her income.
As someone who has tinnitus, Dr. Poland is insane. He got the booster even after suffering!
Most Israelis and others who refused the third or more.
Those 4.5m yankees who took the latest version....
You should see their comments on Twitter and Reddit. They had severe reactions. Like really bad stuff. They call it "vigorous immune response" and swear they will take every future jab.
Truly deranged, Darwin level stuff going on
I am only interested in those who took them either under duress or ignorance. Not interested in volunteers.
Can any one, any one, plead ignorance since 2021, over the dangers of the faccines?
Unless people show their faces or recognised IDs, I am suspicious of anonymous comments as I suspect most were agents or assets of "them".
Here is another who 100% bought their lines/lies.
Yes, I remember the line "this means your immune systems are working" when people suffered severe reactions. Interestingly, have not seen that line for a while now.
There’s this Canadian idiot.
She's clearly just following orders. How well did that work in Germany in 80 years ago?
Dr. Joel Walskog from Milwaukee. Great guy and orthopedic surgeon, suffered from transverse myelitis after the vaccine.
i heard Z Dawg is currently looking to fight for truth LOL
Just saw this yesterday:
This is not directly responsive to you request, but somewhat relevant.
YouTube has a very interesting video from a "vaccine expert". He was generally very pro vaccine for traditional childhood diseases. Also he was quite open about certain vaccines that have failed or seem to drive nasty pathogen evolution, with lots of focus on Marek's Disease strains.
What was sad/disappointing was his answer to a question at https://youtu.be/TeyxhehhEuo?t=3639 . He basically said we should take all the (Covid) vaccines we can, because even if they cause pathogen evolution, those who take every available booster will still be somewhat protected.
First, that was not supported by some of the avian evidence he'd presented earlier, and second it is EXACTLY OPPOSITE of the early unrighteous indication by vaxx mandaters, who claimed it was selfish to avoid the jab.
I guarantee if it’s in the body it’s going to show up in the breast milk. That’s how breast milk works.
It's also how lipid nano particles work. Nano goes everywhere, particularly nano that has been deliberately engineered to evade the immune system and to slip into cells.
Mom drinks alcohol, baby gets alcohol
Mom eats fish containing mercury, baby gets mercury
Mom takes drugs, baby gets drugs
Mom gets vaxxed...
like when they said it would stay in the arm. really? is there a walled off container in the arm that cuts that area off from circulation? i didn't think biology worked that way
Yeah, didn’t you know? It’s like when a bee stings you and your allergic reaction is only to the arm. That’s how the epipen works. You get stung in the shoulder, and your shoulder can’t breathe, so you inject the epipen into the shoulder, and your shoulder recovers. I hate it when peoples shoulders die from the bee stings…
Does breastmilk contain poop and teeth also? Those are in the body as well.
those things are contained
CDC employees celebrated the removal of Del Bigtree on Youtube.
Bigtree has been far more accurate and truthful than the CDC ever was.
Congrats CDC. Losers.
Del Bigtree is my hero
It was great that Del invited you on the show. I see you Igor as one of us - someone who isn’t considered an “expert” or any of that stuff. Just someone who smelled a rat in the kitchen, decided to scope it out and have reported your findings to warn everybody else to be on the watch.
Exactly true! And thanks!
Do you - or anyone - know what his viewership ratings/numbers are?
I enjoy his show.
In the millions
Mine too! A truth telling warrior! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
It wouldn't take much to be more accurate and truthful. You could be wrong 90 % of the time and still do better than the CDC. Del Bigtree took some heat beat their 100%. The Baileys, Tom Cowan & Andrew Kaufman did this video where they critic Bigtree for his virus propaganda. Dr Kaufman says something particularly strong about it somewhere in there.
What about plain old logic? If I drink alcohol that alcohol surely travels through breast milk, as does garlic, spicy food, and medication of all types— even lotions, soaps, and hair dye. But I’m supposed to suspend the belief, pending a “scientific study,” that a chemical injection into my bloodstream would somehow NOT find its way into my breast milk?
Are we so stupid anymore that we need a peer reviewed study of 113 samples to confirm what a village idiot would know without even thinking about it! I’m so tired of these science fights! Let’s stop buying into this gaslighting era mantra “it’s not real unless you can prove it by methods we select” bullshit. Common sense, gut intuition, confidence in basic knowledge, folks.
Logic does not apply to medical science. They do an experiment and then tell the experiment what the results should be.
The crazy thing is that SOOO many women have NOOO idea that everything goes through the breastmilk!!! And I won't mention how many men don't know that!!!
As much as I agree with going down the Common Sense path, it's a hard path to take when the UNcommon Sense path walks roughshod over it!
So to answer your question, YES, as a race, we ARE that stupid these days. Sorry :-(
Great Point.
It's science that is unstable, not mRNA or any other vaccine, pill or potion, but the science that goes into the making of the stuff.
Let's stop building our lives on scientific make-belief and redirect our energy. We could move mountains. And to better purpose.
Any of the studies described in the article are laughable and have nothing to do with medical science, though I am skeptical about medical science in general. Too many times it has made a 180 degrees turn. They simply use a trial and error method. All is needed is a class action lawsuit for the truth to come out: the emperor has no clothes.
My main question is whether gates and cdc are directing the scam or being directed to support it. Bills involvement of so many aspects of this disaster seems to support him being in charge. I hope he lives long enough to explain his actions in the new Nuremberg trials.
I’ll add that to my prayers
There are those that say this is only about $$$$$. Karl Denninger at Market Ticker is one of them.
However... Billy G. is a eugenicist. He admits that.
He also admits that vaxxination is a way to achieve the eugenics goal.
If you get money from Billy's "Foundation," you are indirectly one of Billy's employees. And you will find exactly what Billy wants you to find. That's your job.
And he's been in a partnership with Tony the Rat for a long time. Tony has liberally distributed ~$200B over the decades he has controlled NIAID.
Between those 2 villains + the Wellcome Trust they have bought off, marginalized, and rewritten anything that could threaten their narrative. So RalphieB and PeterD could work on the doomsday weapon in peace.
Having money - having power - was a precondition to achieve their goals.
The goal is no secret. They want 7 in 8 of us dead. 1B or less humans on this planet.
There is a lot to be said for outlawing billionaires, as a matter of principle. Wealth and power concentration will inevitably be misused by the psychopaths who are ruthless enough to accumulate it. Just look at the current laundry list of villains, add Ted Turner, Soros, Big Tech types, and all the rest we're familiar with.
It's only about money for many. It's only about politics for others. Some go for both. For most, it's just obedience and submission.
Gates is pure evil
Perhaps so.
But it is our taken-for-granted idolized western way of life, affluence built on the misery of invisible millions on other continents, that created the evil called Gates.
It is quite accurate - but how few would see it as this!
Affluence built on the misery of invisible millions? Really?
Yep. Where would the Western world be without the Third World to provide for it? Virtually no-one thinks about the people who make the clothes in sweat shops, or those who grow the cotton, or those who dye the clothes in massive, colourful, chemical pits. No-one gives a toss about those poor people overseas, somewhere, living in squalid conditions, with no education, who all helped create the clothes someone is about to buy in some funky Western world shop.
Allow this sort of deliberate ignorance to fester and then it's not long before people like Bill Gates don't just merely exist - they bask in the sun...
People struggle to join the dots - consciously or unconsciously, or both.
Bill Gates is a big funder of the WHO. As recently as 2014 WHO was involved in attempting (and in some cases succeeding) in making a large number of African women infertile without the women's consent or knowledge. The WHO started working on ways to reduce population in the 1990s - possibly a little earlier. They formulated a vaccine for tetanus combined with HCG - to cause antibodies to HCG - a hormone important for maintaining pregnancy. It is too awful to realize these people play games with other people's lives with no thought or care. It's hard for me to wrap my brain around that kind of evil.
This is a movie put out by Children's Health Defense about the African women: https://infertilitymovie.org/
Thirteen samples taken? That’s not science. If 1 in 100 found toxicity in vaccinated milk that is too much. ‘1% isn’t much.’ ‘1% of babies died!! That’s not much?’ ‘Well...99 lived’. They take 13 samples from seven women only and declare it is safe? Why not the same amount from each woman? Why not right after, 24 hours later, one week later, one month later, three months later? How about someone vaxed during pregnancy, vaxed one week after birth, etc. neither study is properly done.
Come on, if 8 mice are enough to authorize a vaccine for billions, 13 humans sounds extremely scientific!
Hmmmm...I hadn’t looked at it like that. You’re right. It is science!! At the very least it is scientifical.
It's even scienticacious, I would say.
I think we've crossed the Rubicon, and now... Science is what we FEEL is right. Especially if a Spokesperson of Science, like Dr. Fauci, says it's right.
In the future, no studies will be OK, if it feels like a drug will work.
This is how these evils do psyops: pay off some corrupted scientists through multi-layers of funding, publish bogus papers with fake data, quote the paper with their media puppets and bots to push their narratives. We are seeing the same tactics from virus origin, early treatments, vaccine safety...
Covid bioweapon origins
Early treatments designed to kill
The "vaccine" is a bioweapon
On another substack yesterday somebody (forgot his name) suggested we stop referring to the explanation of the crimes going on round about us by the mild word "narrative". The need for the word "narrative" was bred where all the other mystifications have been and are being bred. At universities that attract well-off not necessarily bright or honest students who then later become professors in the same system. Never having experienced a thought of their own i.e. being unfit per se for scientific research they are no danger to the interests the educational system is designed to protect and keep going.
Back to my point: The justification of crimes requires propaganda and that's what's being used. So let's call the whole bunch of it by its proper name, "propaganda".
As I see it, so long as we speak the language of our adversaries we are abetting them.
After doing a Grand Genetic Experiment where 60% of the world population got the substance and 40% left for control, no bad study surprises me anymore. We have a new record, everything else pales in comparison.
Although, calling it an "experiment" is unjust, they knew what they were doing.
They're still trying to get rid of the control group.
Can't be done.
VA still pushing covid shots and boosters.
They're part of the government. They won't stop.
The experiment part is they were experimenting with how many they can kill before it gets obvious.
A lot more will die, and honestly, I don't know how obvious it will be to people. The vast majority will continue to make up excuses to why it is happening, and proudly proclaim "I took X vaxxines and I'm fine."
Until they're not fine. Which they will attribute to anything but their Miracle Vaxx.
Because... if they ditch their Miracle Vaxx, they will have to be afraid of dying again, and they want to avoid that at all costs.
All these "official" sponsored studies seem to have been designed in such a way as to present a pre-designated outcome. Built to mislead, not study. This includes the pfizer trials themselves and the conflation of relative and absolute efficacy.
This includes a heap of the safety studies and how they have been released. The whole thing screams corruption through and through. The devil really is in the details.
Like the ivermectin studies
Like the design of the large international climate change studies. They are designed to show that the earth will be filled with climate catastrophes in the future.
I would say that the argument about absolute and relative efficacy is also designed to present a pre disignated outcome i.e. that there is some efficacy. It is a fall back argument for those questioning things to get dragged back in. Similar like the argument about viruses fitting thru masks is presented like a gotcha when really it upholds the virus exists propaganda. It doesn't matter how well a mask filters if there is nothing to filter. Time and again there are these fall back arguments that help defend the core ideology of germ theory. The fake science is all over the place like for example the studies claiming flouride is good for the teeth. That one is a major belief people have been indoctrinated with in school. One that is defended by any sort of efficacy claims leading to masses of health problems. Tooth decay isn't even caused by bacteria.
Thanks and well caught, excellent analysis.
there are two ways to manipulate studies : one is the use of faulty statistical analysis and the other, amply illustrated here, is through the study design and protocol. This happens far more frequently than some would imagine and, sadly, even the Peer review process (where relevant) doesn't always pick up such design abuse.
A third element to this is that such studies find it difficult to get funding other than from a party with a vested interest in the outcome. Again as well illustrated here. Such is the world of "science" and medical "research" today. Like so many aspects of the world we find ourselves living in today, it needs a fresh start.
The review process itself is deeply flawed, and editors can overrule the decisions made by the reviewers if they happen to provide a critical review.
I remember very well media here poo-pooing any dangers posed by the miracle winkccine to the menstrual cycles or breastfeeding or anything of that nature in 2021.
Yes, lots of folks were banned from Twitter for stating that...
Obviously they were looking with their heads up their asses. It’s hard to see anything but poop
Sorry I was crude in my first post. You did a great job explaining. Nicely done. Now if any of them would just care enough to be honest and maybe a little poorer. That would be wonderful.
It is hard NOT to be crude!
Thank you
Bill Gates has mommy dearest issues.