Most of those without critical thinking faculties think that Bill Gates' donation for these vaccination efforts is not profit driven, but rather a humanitarian effort. I hope the push back by those who are increasingly worried about WHO fascism is severe and legal! The only way to hold these sickcare psychos accountable is through stern legal action that goes for the jugular!

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I am very afraid that Bill Gates "investments in vaccines" are actually NOT profit driven, but driven instead by much worse motives.

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His family was aligned with eugenics and zero population growth efforts. It's too bad Melinda isn't willing to turn whistleblower, the former secretary may be too dumb to know what a creep he is, though she divorced over the Epstein scandal.

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She could not have not known in all those years. She'd whisteblow on herself.

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God makes life. He loves it. Satan hates it. I see the diabolical fingerprints all over this kind of "research". The gist of it is to diminish life.

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... but he is so smart... he ALMOST finished high-school...

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The only thing that is going to bring down Gates is a good old fashioned SEX scandel. He's got too much money to buy everyone and the press. The victim of HRH Prince Andrew was originally gagged and paid off but broke the order. Where are all Epstein's other victims who know what went on and with whom? Can they really all have been bought off and silenced? Someone MUST know something! Maybe G Maxwell will offer to do a deal, but then she might end up dead in her cell as well... Or are we to believe Randy Andy was the only one?

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The cabal that was behind Epstein's offing are totally ruthless. They know how to get fixers and bagmen to do their bidding...and leave no traces. I can't believe that AG Barr was so clueless to let that happen.

Gates has kids, maybe some of them are doubting the old man's message, could be confronted. There are those who do not believe that money is god that are actually willing to expose corrupt people like Gates if they get a real opportunity that would be heard by a judge or media source.

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He is a vaccine serial killer.

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And a serial vaccine killer. And a serial killer vaccine distributor.

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It can be all of the above.

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You mean like the motives of The Evil One? Obviously.

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Like population control?

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The euphemism is "sustainable development".

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The articles that portray him as a philanthropist are definitely funded by him and probably written by his organization.

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Next time it’s a psychopath gathering aka Davos. A drone strike would save the world

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Phuckin A bubba!

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Unfortunately, the courts more and more seem to be siding with the fascist elements. (see Steve Kirsch's Substack)

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We can do the legal after the fact.

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Bill Gates IS a humanitarian... what are you going to say next? That pigs don't fly?

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About meningitis... does everyone here know that the area in Northern Italy most hit by the first COVID wave (March 2020) had just a couple of months before been mass vaccinated against... (drum roll) meningitis? Source: https://www.lanuovapadania.it/lombardia/che-coincidenza-a-gennaio-mengite-e-20mila-vaccini-tra-brescia-e-bergamo-poi-burioni-disse-stop-teorie-no-vax-se-epidemia-terrorizzera-popolazione/

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Amazing find!!!!

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P.S.: “Indeed, during the outbreak, cases of IMD were reported in previously vaccinated children and adults. Most of these cases were in individuals who were vaccinated more than 2 years before developing the disease, indicating a rapid loss of protection that suggested the implementation of a booster dose.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7419122/

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Sponsored by non-profit called Sanofi

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Sanofi manufactures Plaquenil, which is French for HCQ. In France, it was banned in mid-January, 2020, by Buzyn, the then health minister. https://syrianews.cc/agnes-buzyn-investigated-over-c19-declared-hcq-poisonous/ >>Eleven days short of the anniversary of Agnès Buzyn ‘s phony poison announcement, she confirmed “having joined the WHO Director’s office of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on 4 January."<<

LSN provides more background re: Prof. Raoult, conflict of interest, and Buzyn´s husband Wuhan lab connections. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/the-strange-astounding-fight-by-world-leading-infectious-disease-doctor-and-others-to-continue-spectacular-results-saving-covid-infected-lives-using-common-cheap-safe-medication/

But back to Sanofi that wonderfully co-operated in suppressing its own product for the treatment of covid: "Throughout the ongoing pandemic, we have joined forces to fight COVID-19 in every way possible. This includes developing vaccines at large scales to help prevent and control COVID-19." They know which side their bread is buttered. https://www.sanofi.com/en/about-us/our-stories/sanofi-s-response-in-the-fight-against-covid-19

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Another self-perpetuating loop...vaccine “Ground Hog Day”.

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It’s just ‘mild’ meningitis!

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Meningitis shows that the vaccine is working as intended

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A House Speaker somewhere agrees.

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Correct. It's even less than mild, it's 'Barely Perceptible' Meningitis.

And in the super tiny fine print you'll read: "barely perceptible to all medical personnel involved; but not for the patient. Patients often beg us to end their lives due to the 'minor discomfort and disability' of Barely Perceptible Meningitis"

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Just like 'mild myocarditis' on the other fraud shot.

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The evil is not just that the Gates Foundation is profiting from these pharmaceuticals (as RFK has shown): it's that Gates has made clear that there are too many people on the planet. Whether by vaccine or birth control or abortion, his Foundation will make sure that there are fewer people on the planet because the globalist elites don't want to be bothered with all the extra people that need to be fed to keep from rioting.

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They're life-hating fiends.

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The terrifying thing is soon the entire globe will fall under the WHO health pandemic treaty and all of this will become mandatory. How do we get out of this?!

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Bingo. You're one of the few who understands this. This, what we are seeing now, is just the tip of the iceberg. They are going to ramp up vaccines from here on out.

FauXi and gang have told us where this is going. More and more <mandated> vaccines because "they care so deeply about the personal health and well being of people worldwide"

I believe FauXi said 6 more vaxxes are up in the near term? 6 or 8

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Please read bailiwicknews.substack.com. KW explains all and it is not good. The WHO is firming up the new treaty NOW.

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Thank you so much for introducing me to this. I LOVE that substack.

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The Bill and Melinda Gates FRAUDATION.

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I'll create the r/malariapositive reddit forum and get it started with "Gee, I can only imagine how much worse this would have been if I had not gotten the vaccine!"

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This is my third malaria. The malaria vaccine saved my life three times, I am so grateful

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“...for its robust protection...”

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Or ye olde "my arm fell off but I sure am grateful that ole Bill allowed me to get this vaccine for shark bites."

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Speaking of bites...What happened to the tree-huggers’ concern for nature? These shots are gonna take out plenty of mosquitoes, prematurely.

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Haha! This f^&*$#ing guy!! Good lord. And who knows what is in these shots.

Welcome to the future! Where we were promised flying cars and all we got was dystopia and endless shitty vaccines.

Meanwhile, 130 year old vaccines that used to be part of mainstream medicine and probably could have saved tens of millions of lives in the past few decades are restricted:


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I'm so weary of evil people.

Apparently they all insist we need to depopulate. If they're so serious or insistent that there's too many of us, is it too much to ask that they go first?

Yesterday I read that Trudeau is pushing through assisted suicide for people that are depressed or that have mental health issues.

I'm so weary.

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outright evil

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The assisted suicide sickos try every year in Maryland to push that kind of legalization. That's a fight worth fighting... To stop them them.

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Appears they’re working it from both ends of the continuum:


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They wait until it's not an election year to put the campaign in high gear. But as your post makes clear, if you can kill unborn babies you will see nothing wrong with killing born ones and in fact humans of any age.

I noticed that Kevorkian didn't off himself but was ready to off anyone else.

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This legislation's intended to legalize infanticide up to 28 days AFTER birth!

CA is moving ahead on a version up to two years of age, by deliberate act or abandonment. Children are now deemed no different than a box of puppies dumped along the road...

God help us.

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You’re in growing company.

Welcome to “Children of Men”.

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Yes...the elite need depopulating.

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Every day it grows increasingly clearer: ONLY THE ELITE.


Frankly, I wouldn't trust these entities to dog-sit!

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I read so much and wouldn't begin to be able to recall where I saw it. Did a search and this was the first result: https://capforcanada.com/trudeau-government-to-legislate-assisted-dying-for-canadians-with-mental-illness/

I remember the original article I read made a point of stating it was quietly put through.

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wait a sec. I thought that I read somewhere that "vaccines" are supposed to have 50%+ efficacy to be approved. I guess in the "new science" of today that no longer matters.

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That is in USA, in Africa (where malaria exists and which is a target of "eugenicists") there is probably lesser standards.

And in USA they approved "Covid vaxx" that is, shall I say, less than 50% effective

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I think the standard in Africa is “do as we say or else you lose your handouts”.

Africa is enslaved by these handouts and it’s by design.

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Once food sources become controlled, citizens will comply with “whatever” inorder to receive food. Recent RFK podcast mentioned some gory details during a mass starvation. those in power likely consider the use of humans experimental subjects and any loss of life best for their planet. Why are they using so many resources to “play” with their prey. Is their amusement a source of their snarky nonverbals?

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yes, but in USSA they approved the "covid vaxx" based on the fraudulent 95% efficacy "data". Yep, Gates loves his population reduction efforts in Africa and India.

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Why don't Africans perceive that they're undervalued?

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Maybe it’s higher against “mild” cases, which are treatable without the treatment causing meningitis etc.

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50% was redefined.

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yeah, I think FDA "misread" it and thought it said if it has "at least 50% net margin" it is approved (as long as we get our cut).

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WTH happened to the FDA? 😳

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Well, they can develop a meningitis vaccine next!

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ding ding ding! And pills for all the *other* side effects that just haven't been discovered yet. 🤑🤑🤑

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We have a side effect as our PM.

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Just in time for the release of the Gates Mosquitoes in California and Florida, without the permission of the populace.

Federal government said yes

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They are already releasing weird genetically modified mosquitoes that mate with wild mosquitoes and cause depopulation. Everyone is cheering this type of stuff but I am going hmmmmm

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Exactly. Bio weapon mosquitoes.

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If you prefer your news meaty: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3425381/Are-scientists-blame-Zika-virus-Researchers-released-genetically-modified-mosquitos-Brazil-three-years-ago.html

Should you favor dry stuff: http://www.genewatch.org/uploads/f03c6d66a9b354535738483c1c3d49e4/Oxitec_unansweredQs_fin.pdf

Yeah, it´s a RIDL!

Three is lucky, so here goes: "Another 2020 scientific study revealed that the “sterile” insects revert back to being fertile, resulting in resistant GMO populations persisting in the environment." https://journal-neo.org/2021/05/11/why-are-gates-and-pentagon-releasing-gmo-mosquitoes-in-florida-keys/

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Is it wrong to want these demons in human flesh to rot in Hell immediately

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Good lord

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The mosquitos creep me out more than I can say. The Aedes Aegypti mosquito are the carrier of yellow fever and other tropical diseases. I read a whole book about their influence on history. They've barely made inroads into California and here they are releasing supposedly reproduction defective ones in enormous quantity.

I only hope the point isn't to bump up the depopulation agenda pace. Let's not forget that entomology was apparently popular in the CTRA/DTRA biolabs operating in Ukraine and Georgia.

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It’s absolutely a bio weapon mosquito. Like the Lyme disease ticks dropped in Cuba.

What’s going to happen to birds and reptiles that eat these mosquitoes?

The cattle, horses, animals bit by these things.

F it pisses me off.

Bunch of psychopaths

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Attacks on the ecosystem tend to trend badly within the laws of unexpected consequences.

Something larger than psychopathy is at play, though, when killing off humanity won’t suffice.

Best-laid plans are often visited upon their concocters. “The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas” sorta thing...

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Texas, as well.

The states must say “NO”, and engage in countermeasures.

They’re gonna need lots of Ivermectin if they fail to act.

(Seems Gates thought of that too, and is invested in the marketing of an INJECTABLE version of IVM.

🤔What vistas could that open up?)

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Gates and his fellow psychopaths must be sent to Gitmo

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No. They must be sent "home".

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Agree. But a bit of pain first I have zero problem with.

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I'm sorry but from everything I've read - which is a lot - I think Bill Gates is an absolute monster! He is into everything and is a partner with Fraudci.

Read RFK Jr's book on Fauci for starters.

Can someone tell me why he was allegedly such a good friend with Jeffrey Epstein? Is it true? And why did he really get divorced? The timing seems to match up with the Epstein revelations. And they did bring down a royal prince already...

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yes and yes

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Some think he got divorced as a financial risk mitigation strategy. Not likely but who knows.

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He probably wanted her to eat bugs forever. More than likely she caught the conscious cold and opted out!

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Bill Gates explains (ahem) his connection with Epstein here:


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Thanks Thonas, I hope other people find it useful but I can't bring myself to listen to him or watch him - or Fauci. They are utterly EVIL!!! I think of all the evil that used to be in the world like Hitler and Stalin. Where did it go - it doesn't just disappear! We have our own generation of MONSTERS!!!

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How about that fat-ass Gates volunteering to have some CRISPR gene editing done to him that would confer all the anti-malaria benefits of sickle cell anemia.

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Yeah, and meanwhile the government and the lying media are sticking with the safe and effective narrative. But the families of those killed by the shots know better. Here’s a review of just a few examples of death by injection:


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Great article!

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Thanks, Igor. I like your stack.

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Why didn’t you put more details into Unitaid? The Doctor that Dr Tess Laurie went up against (Dr Andrew Hill) said he was backed by Unitaid!! Holy crap don’t all these pieces fit together nicely.



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They fit nicely together, but I was running the article length limit and I like to keep my articles to one, at most 1.5 ideas per article

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I understand! I’ve not unsubscribed to Stacks, but have been reading far less. It all feels so doom and gloom and takes so much time. We are downstate from you, so have been living under similar tyranny for some time. We have a small business we had a very difficult time staffing until the past 3 months or so. Had a baby In November, homeschool the kids - there’s a lot going on and only so much time to read. All that to say, sometimes I pick what I read based on length.

Here’s hoping Pritzker gets voted out.

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Illinois is becoming a failed state, thanks to Democrats and Chicago

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