Your last point is the most important one, Igor. If the vaccines were actually reducing the risk of death from other causes besides Covid, we should see that reflected in the all-cause data. But of course we do not see that. We see just the opposite.

I don't think there are any good statisticians or scientists left at the CDC. They are hacks.

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Exactly. The article is stupid on so many levels. According to the "article", the Covid shots are almost an immortality cocktail, preventing car crashes, deaths from already existing cancer, violence, food poisoning, drowning etc.

Of course, they are not and all I had to do was find evidence -- within the article itself and with the totla mortality data -- that shows the article to be nonsense.

What is truly shocking is that I am NOT very smart and ANY scientist or administrator who reviewed and approved this article, should have understood the same thing instantly.

This means that all people at CDC who were in the chain of writing and publishing this article are utter fools and hacks.

There are the people who decide what "shots" my kids and grandkids should be getting???????????????

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Sadly, I agree. I think that the CDC and FDA have pushed out the honest, intelligent people. All that remains in these agencies now are people who are willing to support a particular agenda, in this case the agenda of mass vaccination, truth and consequences be damned.

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We need to get an idea into THEIR minds that one day, they will be investigated and receive just, properly metered punishment. That might tamp their anthusiasm for poisoning kids, down a little.

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Curiouser and curiouser … I’m sure it was a perfectly innocent mistake ;-)

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Yeah, like a store cashier that makes innocent mistakes, that always benefit the cashier :-)

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I saw the headline for this MMWR report and decided to ignore it because it was ridiculous. Thank you for looking into it.

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I saw a CNN article and I thought originally that it was a CNN writer's mistake. Then my mom sent me this article and I read it. I was kind of shocked that they think we are such fools to accept this nonsense.

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Based on their experience that spreading nonsense works in large parts of their audience, they will continue doing it.

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If you look at the figure from the study provided by the Steve Kirsch tweet, you see they added to the unvaccinated numbers those who were initially unvaxxed but were vaxxed later. But this obviously increases the number of unvaxxed deaths if those vaxxed later died. See here:


Robert Clark

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Nobody can be sure where is the mistake that CDC authors made. I am also not sure. But using person-time of people before vaccination does not strike me as a place where egregious mistake was made, if person-time was accounted correctly, because deaths are rare.

I think that the article will be quietly retracted and updated numbers will never be made available. This is my prediction.

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Good stuff, Igor. I have been trying to spread the word on Facebook. When I share a post from my page to my main feed I get a lot of ridicule and hate. The mental gymnastics people put themselves through to attack anyone campaigning for freedom is so frustrating. But we cannot be silent.


Lots of sharable content on there so if you use FB consider giving it a follow and a share.

Your t-shirt idea also works well. I redrew a popular Vaccine Passport meme and put it on a t-shirt. It's a great conversation starter:


I also have another one that proudly says "Refusenik". And another in the pop-art "HOPE" Obama style that has the V for Vendetta character and "DISOBEY".


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That radical difference in rate of deaths per 100,000 you show in your table for those with only 1 shot and those with double shot might help us to explain the answer. It’s 4 to 5 times higher for double shot. I thought it might be just the double shot being more people. But it’s also true per 100,000.

I don’t know what the answer is but that is also odd.

Robert Clark

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AnonymousOct 27, 2021

1. On average a blue-collar worker is more likely to be involved in a serious industrial accident than a white-collar worker. (because one is more likely to be injured in a workshop, mine, truck or on a wharf or building site than in an office).

2. On average a blue-collar worker is less likely to recover from a serious illness or injury than a white-collar worker. (because the average income of a blue-collar worker will be less than that of a white-collar worker, thus leading to a decreased ability to pay for the best medical intervention, especially in the USA where there is no universal medical insurance).

3. On average a blue-collar worker is more likely to be seriously injured in a traffic accident than a white-collar worker. (Because lower wages means the likelihood of an older and cheaper car with comparatively fewer safety features).

4. On average a blue-collar worker is likely to die earlier because of lifestyle choices than a white-collar worker. (Because, e.g., the greater wealth of the average white-collar worker allows for the consumption of healthier food and allows him to live in better housing conditions).

5. Combining points 1-4 will lead to the conclusion that, on average, a blue-collar worker will have a shorter life expectancy than a white-collar worker.

If collected data would further show that the uptake of the Covid19 vaccinations was proportionally lower amongst blue-collar workers than amongst white collar workers, then, from point 5, it could be further concluded that:

6. The average life expectancy of proportionally less vaccinated people (in the examples above represented by blue-collar workers) even when not taking into account any Covid19 related deaths, would, for other reasons (in our example points 1-4 above) be shorter than the average life span of that group of people (in the examples above represented by white-collar workers) who have decided to be vaccinated.

7. It could NOT be concluded that, provided a blue-collar worker allowed himself to be vaccinated, he would then automatically be also less likely to die from an industrial accident, inferior medical treatment, car crashes or eating lower quality food and living in less satisfactory housing.

Point 6 above is put forward in the CDC MWWR research paper as being one of a number of possible reasons for the fact that the data collected and analysed seems to show that, even when immediate deaths due to Covid19 are excluded, vaccinated people still have a greater life expectancy than unvaccinated people. In short, what the paper concludes is that the take-up of vaccinations appears to be higher amongst that group of people who also in other ways live a ‘safer’ lifestyle.

Point 7 above is what Igor’s article erroneously believes the research paper is claiming: “So, it appears, that the vaccine is almost an immortality cocktail, preventing car crashes, ongoing cancer, violence, heart attacks, and giving people a 3 times survival advantage.”

In fact it claims no such thing, nor is it its intention to do so. The aim of the research, as clearly stated towards the paper’s beginning, is to show that, contrary to some expressed opinions, there is NO evidence that secondary effects of being inoculated with Covid19 preventative vaccines, such as the rare development of subsequent blood clots, have any discernible negative effect on the life expectancy of those who have been vaccinated. Within the margins of statistical errors that is what it aims to show and that is what it achieves.

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Hi Harry. I really like your objection because it is related to facts, you put a hypothesis forth (that vaccine refusers are blue collar), you are explaining it well and this is all great and I support that, even though you are disagreeing with me.

That said, blue collar workers life expectancy is not terribly different from office workers. They are not even close to three times more likely to die. I feel a little lazy digging up numbers, but I hope that we both agree that their life expectancies are not super different.

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Also puzzling in the person-years data they provided is that 2nd vaccinated have 4 to 5 times higher death rates than the single vaccinated. Then we are better off being 1 shot vaccinated???

Robert Clark

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Interesting... If I am not mistaken, the standardized mortality ratio is Observed Deaths / Expected Deaths. Unfortunately, the authors of this article do not show the denominator they used.

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AnonymousOct 25, 2021

While I have not read through the whole article I note that the aim, as stated at the article's beginning, is to show that being inoculated with the mentioned Covid vaccines does not increase a person's risk of death, as has been claimed by some who oppose inoculation. By statistically analysing death rates amongst two inoculated groups and one not inoculated group and coming to the conclusion that death rates stay relatively equal amongst the groups (they are, in fact, slightly lower for the inoculated groups) it seems to me to achieve its stated aim.

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What my humble article is pointing out is that CDC's calculations are simply wrong.

I have no way to know what the numbers would look like, if person-years are calculated correctly.

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The study was conducted during December 2020–July 2021. The all cause mortality was lower than average in the early months of 2021 according to the final graph provided by Igor. However, in recent weeks, it seems like all cause mortality has increased. It would be interesting to see what, if any, changes occur in the relative death rates if the study were extended.

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