
The outpouring of responses is almost crazy - so many of us were affected - thanks to all for your contributions

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We fix relationships by swarming.

Our main problem is corruption of our systems. In medicine, food, government, and everywhere. We don't trust these systems anymore.

The solution to the corruption is new decentralized and transparent systems, called Human Swarm Intelligence systems.

Humans solve problems better in groups. Like a think tank, you can be part of the solution:


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Humans solve problems better in groups. Humans also cause and augment problems better in groups.

Someone on Twitter said their reasoning why they think masks work:

All the medical authorities say masks work against Covid.

What are institutions but really the fronts for group consensus. Don't get me wrong, many times humans do solve problems better in groups...and sometimes they are the problem in groups.

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Actually numerous medical authorites who actually took the trouble to think said that masks don't work against Covid, are in fact a really bad -- and stupid -- idea, viz:

"Wearing a mask to keep out a virus makes as much sense as putting up a chain-link fence to keep out mosquitoes."

-- Rashid Buttar, MD (RIP) 😥

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I did not mean to imply otherwise. My response was in regards to those that think swarming is the answer, and tangentially address the "bandwagon" and "appeal to experts" logical fallacy. Also, upon reflection, it also applies to the unanity paradox as well. If a group of scientists are in a room, and they all agree on something, be very suspicious.

I also like my Sesame Street Analogy that thinking that a mask has kept someone from being sick over the past four years is like Ernie believing that keeping a banana in his ear has kept away alligator invasions on Sesame Street.

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The last 4 years have taught me how the Witch burnings, the Holy Inquisition, the French and Russian Revolutions, Pol Pot, Rwanda and the current genocide in Occupied Palestine could have happened: 🤔

"You can't fix "Stupid" no matter how you try."

-- John Wayne

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Also the CDC, FDA, etc were not front groups for consensus. They were front groups for corruption. And they tried to use social media manipulation to make us think that was consensus.

Our next article will explain our to fix this all in detail. Please come there to discuss more if you care about solutions like this. Your input is valuable. Our Substack is free, 100%, always. And diversity of opinion is welcome, as long as we all base our systems on the results they are getting, and create a high trust society - a new one - since trust is lost in all other systems currently.

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The problem is that the definition of what a consensus is never states under what conditions agreements are made. There is a difference between consent and consensus. My assertion is it doesn't matter who groups got together and agreed on something, it doesn't necessarily make that decision the correct one. The idea that quantity=correct decision is not necessarily true.

And when did this become an advertisement?

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This is clearly defined in Tim Urban's book as the difference between what he calls "Golems" or tyranny of crowds, and "Genies" or the magic and wisdom of crowds. Just like in individuals both are possible.

How do you end up with one and not the other? It isn't that hard. Better systems.

It would be like being afraid to use nuclear power, or cars, or planes because some crash. Yes that it true, but if done correctly groups of high rung and educated people working in the same direction is the most powerful force on earth. It is what the elites fear - unity - and why they spend so much money on propaganda and psychology keeping us apart.

We can prove to you that the good is possible without the bad. Your fears are quelled with results. And it starts with creating a high trust society.

When "authorities" get higher value that creates cascading, which creates echo chambers. This is all made possible because centralized top-down systems are all corrupted.

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The "truth" is merely the consensus of those in power...

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Great comment!

There is no group required to think critically and independently.

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No. But a group is required to change the whole system. Pointing out the problems isn't enough. We need to solve them. And we solve them better in think tank like groups. The elites use them on K-street. And we must too.

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You wrote "What are institutions but really the fronts for group consensus."

I don't think that holds up. CDC, FDA, NIH, NIAID are not fronts for group consensus but conduits for promulgation of the Narrative with the goal of instilling Groupthink. 2020, 2021 they widely succeeded. But Groupthink (which crumbled in 2021, 2022 and 2023) is not Group Consensus.

The push back was the hive mind (swarm mind) led by individuals, as always, many of whom were crushed. But the push back / hive mind turned the tide and is now winning (see Vinay Prasad scoring it 4-0 for Rogan Musk against Fauci).

Al Gore lied about so many things but he was right about one thing: Inconvenient Truths. Masks, social distancing, ventilators, new definitions of scientific terms, lockdowns, vaxx mandates, the vaxx itself . . . all gave way and are giving way to the Inconvenient Truth that none of it worked, all of it harmed, and only the elites were rewarded. The vaxx itself: negative efficacy, wildly harmful adverse effects, and zero necessity. Also, the vaxx destroyed public health as it had been promoted for decades via "institutions."

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Exactly. Centralized entities are corruptible. We need decentralized swarms carefully made that harness the wisdom of crowds without turning into the perils sometimes found in groups. The way we do this is with TRANSPARENT systems we make ourselves that account for these problems.

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My point wasn't to assert with certainty what these alphabet agencies are, but rather to warn that "groups" whether consensus or groupthink can be dangerous and/or as well as beneficial.

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In this way you are right. But "groups" can be magical too. So how do we get one and not the other? We want to show you. The answer is high trust better systems.

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Then maybe this wasn't the way to express that particular thought:

"What are institutions but really the fronts for group consensus."

Individuals have thoughts, and individuals with similar thoughts agree with each other (consensus); it is a grass roots, bottom-up process. When enough of them agree with each other, that is group consensus.

Institutions are not individuals; the individuals working in them are not, in this sense, individuals. They are cogs in a machine. The more cogs in a machine, the more powerful the narrative which emerges. If any cogs (say 2 directors of the FDA) do not want to run in sync with the machine, then they must be replaced.

And that happened.

Groupthink is the top-down process of disseminating the Narrative to the masses. If the medicine doesn't go down smoothly (CDC recommends flu shots), then it needs a little more forcing. Like a mandate.

The goal of Groupthink is, at its basic level, the complete opposite of consensus or group consensus. Because consensus means agreement and it can't be achieved by coercion or fraud. Because that's not consensus, that's coercion or fraud (or in Rona, both).

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Quality BS Detector, please be part of our think tank. You get this and we need help from people like you. Just join the substack for now (100% free). We want to show you something soon at Swarm Academy.

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Maybe it wasn't, but then the point wasn't to exactly describe what the institution was (is it consensus or groupthink?) but rather to warn against groups being the solution. My point is they could either alleviate or exacerbate the problem.

Yes, individuals with similar thoughts agree with one another (consensus) but could not that consensus also be the result of groupthink? Take any trend or "common/trendy" idea over the past decade and is it the result of consensus or groupthink? I think we have seen incursions of groupthink masquerading as consensus over the past decades. It's no accident that a lot of those that succumbed to the Covid narrative were proponents of "orange man bad" narratives as well as "the imminent danger of Climate Change."

Indeed, institutions are not individuals. That's my point. Whether it is consensus or groupthink isn't for me to decide, my point is that the group got together and for whatever reason, agreed or where coerced on the narrative that emerges, and whatever happened was not good.

Is consensus necessarily good? What if they all agree on something that is a bad idea?

Is groupthink a top-down process? Not necessarily. It could in fact be a old/young process. Or an outside/in process. The beauty of the narrative, regardless of its origins, is it turned a dubious practice at best into a social obligation (your mask protects me, your vaccine protects me.)

The problem with your final paragraph is that often "consensus" is an illusion. How many people really like the movie Twilight? How many would prefer to eat at McDonalds if that local steakhouse had a similar pricing structure (although wait a few months and maybe we will make it there).

Who says that consensus can't be achieved by coercion or fraud?

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Great response! I have had the same reaction to these people who are so enthusiastic about swarm intelligence, and how it will solve all of our problems. They are no different than those people claiming that Bitcoin will solve all of our financial problems. Seriously? No form of money; gold, paper, fiat, or digital, will save us from fiscal irresponsibility. No group, no matter how large, will be able to come up with intelligent answers if the individuals in the swarm are not acting intelligently.

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Would you care to debate us? We can show you, we don't have to argue about it. The group "acting intelligently" isn't what is needed for good outcomes. A good system is needed. Transparency is needed. Skin in the game is needed. And understanding the problem is needed.

Most good answers and explanations do not come from experts. They come from people who understand the problem.

Perils can be found in groups. But so can magical amazing progress. If our system is good enough we can avoid one and harness the other. Just like nuclear power or flying planes.

Also, it sounds like you don't understand Bitcoin. You cannot be fiscally irresponsible with Bitcoin the same way as fiat because you cannot make or print it. It can never inflate. In fact, it halves.

Take the time to understand these topics and you will change your mind. Your fears are impregnated by the centralized corrupt powers because they understand the real way for them to lose power is decentralization.

Read or watch any of these resources if you care to. But when you don't understand something, and then try to argue against it, it helps no one.


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And so far, swarm has helped no one. The closest thing we have to swarm is social media. Millions of opinions competing for relevence, yet the result has been only to make us collectively more stupid. I know bitcoin well enough to know, as we see today, that it's too unstable to use as a currency. The problem with bitcoin is that it's finite, and therefore will eventually become monopolized - it's so obvious that it only takes a basic understanding of economics it's to realize this. I understand these topics better than you think, since I argued them with David Brin 30 years ago (look him up). I've been hearing the same line for decades "It's the system! It's the system! We just need the right system!" That's exactly what the Marxists say "We just need to properly implement the communist system", and yet you accuse ME of being afraid of decentralization. You just talk about replacing one system with another. First, systems are contexual - they only work at specific times and places where conditions permit. Second, systems won't save us, because decentralization is NOT about new systems, it's about NOT RELYING ON systems to make the basic decisions of life for you. Switching from dollars to bitcoin will not prevent you (or the government) from going bankrupt. That requires fiscal responsibility. A nuclear power plant is a complex system. However, it requires trained specialists design, build, and operate. Athenian Democracy is a distributed (swarm) system of government, but that doesn't garuntee good outcomes. If your decisions are being made for you by an totalitarian dictator or an AI, what's the difference? Before you go on about how all these new decentralized systems will save us I'll just leave you with one thing. The Iron Law of Information Systems: Garbage In - Garbage Out.

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Also the toss to Athenian Democracy, not all residents of Athens were considered citizens with the right to participate in the democratic process. Only free male citizens over the age of 18 who had completed military training were eligible. Women, slaves, and non-citizens were excluded. One of the things we found for swarms to work correctly is diversity of opinion. The easiest most consistent way to accomplish this is to have both masculine and feminine opinions in the swarm.

Also swarms do not have to include everyone. Each swarm can set its own parameters. To join swarm academy you need to pass a course (which you would fail right now for your basic lack of understanding systems). Swarms can require codes of conduct, or be smaller groups like 250 people and be a citizen's assembly that represent the system, much like what Plato suggested.

Also the main reason Athenian Democracy failed was size and scalability. We have systems now that could easily solve that problem. It was tyranny of the majority that put them under. In fact, In the 4th century BCE, Athens experienced a series of political upheavals, including the establishment of oligarchic governments known as the Thirty Tyrants. Though short-lived, these events marked a departure from the earlier democratic traditions.

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We have run businesses as swarms and turned them from losing money to be worth $100 million plus. So I guess we shall see. Nullius in verba.

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You clearly don't understand the difference between centralized and decentralized. You should take the time to understand it before arguing about it because this is a waste of time. Communism is centralized top down government - therefore it is corruptible. America for the time was decentralized, therefore hard to corrupt.


Communism vs Individualism

CBDCs vs Bitcoin

Corporate Media vs Independent Media

Top Down Science and Medicine vs Decentralized Science and Medicine

Social Crediit Scores (like China) vs Peer-to-Peer trust scores like Amazon or eBay or Etsy

Provide one example where Bitcoin was corrupted or counterfeited that didn't involve a centralized entity like FTX.

Your fears are parochial, and hinder us all.

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Looking at these reactions I am very much tempted to turn my own experiences into an article. The reason I haven't done that is because it would make the people I (still) love look like very bad people, which they aren't.

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So you self-censor and pretend that "good Germans" in your life are not bad people. It's a story as old as civilization.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph [of evil] is for good men to do nothing.".

Edmund Burke

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Dude, that's the most condescending, presumptious statement I've been confronted with in a long time. Congratulations. Hope you were drunk when you wrote that.

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For me...the reason I have held off is I want to be honest. There were things that I did pre pandemic that were not good. If you were to read mine it would go like "Well no wonder they alienated you, you did some bad things." I've apologized for those things, but an apology does not mean there should not be consequences, and I am living those consequences.

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They might not be bad people, but experience has shown you they are unreliable people, being so readily affected by media-conveyed disinformation to your detriment.

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They are not bad people, they are "good Germans".

Who killed millions in the concentration camps? It wasn't Hitler, Himmler or any of the leadership. It was millions of "good Germans" "doing their job".

So go ahead and forget and forgive, move on, no big deal.

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Did you mean that reply to the main post?

I'm not likely to forget and forgive without acknowledgement of wrong, and I wouldn't push it for anyone else.

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This is called "the banality of evil." Hannah Arendt wrote a book titled thusly.

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You don't want to do that Fabian. Especially since you love them and care for them. You want to show them out in public? I'd rethink that temptation. It is why I write with a strange name nobody would think is me. But anyone I am writing about here who would read the comment I made (on the totally off chance) would know it is me. Or the five or so other IRL people I have told this to. They'd know. Plus I write like I talk. I bet you do too.

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Is that you, Jake?

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No. But if I were a man I would totally love to be named Jake. Of course I would have to live up to the general badass feel of the name. Huh. That sounded like I could be Jake, but not admitting it, but instead gave myself a half compliment. And if that is so, I probably AM a badass.

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Or a weird douchy sort of guy who was misnamed. I'm torn.

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You're absolutely right. Otherwise I'd have done it long ago, because I have a strong urge to talk about those feelings.

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When I was reading your comment about your wife and your friend the pain was palpable. I'm not sure touching would be the right description, but something struck me while reading it. Maybe a recognition. A sad recognition.

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Nov 8, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023

Don't let anyone talk you out of something you need to do for yourself. I allowed my older sister to talk me out of confronting my father about abuse issues because he was ill with M.S. and I've always regretted it because at the time I was strong enough to do it. She was afraid for her own emotional safety - she didn't care about what it was doing to me. They're all dead now but I'm left with the pain of letting myself down. So please, try to ignore the Raptor who doesn't care about you. Do what's right for you. You know what that is - no one else in the entire world does. Speaking your truth has an ENORMOUS amount of power (gentle, loving self power) that probably frightens people like Raptor. Breaking the fear that holds you back from doing what you know to be right is just beyond liberating! A lot of people fear honesty because they are holding something back and want to feel ok about it. Honesty has its own rewards.

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If you can Zoe, imagine the world primarily operating on satisfying and obeying their feelings with no regard for others. Imagine what an utter hellscape this would be. Discretion is the better part of...

It is compassionate and selfless. Two things this world (and Igor was suggesting) could use more of. It takes more effort to keep your mouth closed and not self satisfy Zoe. I have a feeling Fabien is a man that can sort out what is best for himself and is not in search for his power.

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If you can, Raptor, imagine you know more than me and are more compassionate than me. Imagine, if you can, Raptor, that I need your guidance and need to be put in my place. I agree that Fabian (which you spelled wrong) knows what is best for himself which is why I wasn't telling him what to do like you were.

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It seems you transfer your own struggle onto Fabian. Why don't you read his reply to Raptor right above yours? You have regrets - he hasn't.

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You have no idea what you're talking about. Butt out!

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I agree with you Zoe. I write under my real identity and don't gaf because I think and feel what I think and feel and it won't matter what anyone else says or thinks about me. In the end it really only matters what I think and feel about me. Covid has revealed so much about so many. Most of it disheartening. Perhaps the lesson is to do more of what brings peace and happiness to your own life. It seems to be the only way to make any kind of a difference in this world. You are only in control of one person......YOU.

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Wonderful Patti!

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I think that is great advice and I thank you for that - but I've been contemplating it for a long time and kept myself from doing it. Igor and Raptor just confirmed that this was a bad idea. Doesn't mean I won't write about it, but probably not under my real name.

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What you're talking about here is a writing challenge. You want to convey a complicated, nuanced story, and you're aware that if you don't do it carefully, it might give a misleading impression of the people you're writing about. Perhaps, as a writer, you might view this as an interesting challenge? To see if you can find a way to convey the full complexity of the story in a way that's closer to the way you really feel about it? If you can succeed, you'll be happy to write it under your own name.

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As long as you are listening to your inner voice and going ahead and doing what you fear, you'll be on the right track. Personally, I say using your own name and speaking up in your own voice and for yourself is a next level super power. But that's MY opinion - doesn't mean that's right for you right now. Peace to you and wishing you all the best. Courage - that's what it's all about! ♥️

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Yeah, I have written down my saga a couple times, and have avoided this part of it for the reasons you mentioned. Two thoughts.

First, I think it is important to let others know the struggle we all have had to deal with in 2020. Maybe others already have done a better job of this already, and that is up to you to decide.

Second, maybe you were meant to write this and send this to them, aand not have any of us read it. Do they know how you feel and to what degree you feel it?

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

A question for you and for all the people out there that have loved ones who have acted "badly." If they acted that way, are they genuinely good people? Or are you simply giving them a pass because you love them?

We give people passes all the time because we love them and we think they're "good people." But honestly... if they are pushing us to do things that we believe aren't good for us, are they good? Or are they just acting in their own self interest because they're scared? And does their "fear" justify their behavior? If yes, when does it stop?

People need to be accountable for their actions in some way, shape or form. I'm not saying "don't ever forgive," I'm just saying that people need to know what they did was wrong and that they were very much acting like "good Germans."

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“People need to be accountable for their actions in some way, shape or form. I'm not saying "don't ever forgive," I'm just saying that people need to know what they did was wrong and that they were very much acting like "good Germans."

Speak the truth.


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When I say I have been obsessed with the Holocaust , I never really understood why, until COVId . Now I understand. I could never believe that so many people would allow such a horrible atrocity to happen to innocent people, children, mothers, families? So when I saw what was happening in so many countries around the world, people being locked in their homes, being arrested, losing their jobs, being forced to take a shot to see their family or keep their jobs, churches being shut down, children being forced to mask when they were still trying to learn how to communicate and instead of the masses saying wait, why are liquor stores open but churches closed? Why are politicians seen out with no masks partying with friends but others being locked up or vilified? This all made it clear to me why I have been obsessed, because it was possible for the Holocaust to happen and happen again due to so many humans turning their backs, going along, and afraid to speak up. In terms of that idea, this has been just as bad. The obvious visuals may have not been as bad and the people creating this “Holocaust like” humanity crushing moment in time were tied to perhaps even bigger more evil and stupid motives like greed, governmental and large pharmaceutical corporate power instead of just a mega maniac tyrannical political leader, isn’t this just as or more devastating to the world? And the really frightening part is, it isn’t over yet! So to me, until “heads roll”, until the bs stops being allowed, until the vaccines are pulled from the market place and those behind all of this are made to pay a big price, the truth has not been told and this this war against humanity is still going on!

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but the "holocaust " was weaponized so the jews could use the lie as a GET OUT OF JAIL FREE card..:don't believe the lies

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I suggest checking out the 10 part doco series called "Europa the last battle" on bitchute. It'll tell you things you never knew about the holocaust and the 20th century.

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All of the above. I am afraid too of a re-run. I am not sure if the level of compliance will be as high. We shall see.

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I heard a recent Adam & Dr. Drew Podcast and they were talking about a recent apology on Bill Mahr by a Public Health person who said they believing in both accountability and forgiveness. Drew thought that both were not possible, but they are. You can forgive someone and yet no longer put up with their s. Or at the very least, a new agreement or negotiation can be written.

Forgiveness is very important...for the forgiver. It means no longer holding onto things. And that is completely different than holding people accountable. I also think there is a different impulse when holding people to account vs. wanting to see them punished.

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Taking accountability is how one earns forgiveness from others.

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Forgive but NEVER forget.

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that was my question, too. The fact that neither even called me for months prove me they were not really the close friends I thought I had. One waited 8 months.

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I have noticed in life that you can let some friendships go and just be your authentic self, and then... voila! ...new & beautiful friendships arise❤️

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I struggle with this every day. Almost every one of my friends succumbed to the media psyop- and I have to admit that it happened to me as well. But it took a bad reaction to the second shot to open my mind up to the possibility that the shots were not as safe as we were told. I NEVER thought it was a good idea to inject children, all healthcare or military and said so. As the intensity for jabbing got higher, I was distressed at what I heard coming out of my friends’ mouths. We have agreed to disagree, but how quickly they jumped on the bandwagon for the vaccine passports (my conscience would not allow me to use one-even though technically I was qualified) and mandating these shots for EVERYONE. We remain “friends”, but in my mind the relationship has been damaged-I don’t think I will ever fully trust them again and it just doesn’t feel genuine anymore. It’s like going through the motions. I’m not sure this will change or really how it could? I’m not sure they are remotely aware of any of this. They still are getting ALL the shots and I have no trust that they wouldn’t go to the same position should they be told there was another “deadly” pandemic and that those antivaxxers were preventing them from going to restaurants, singing in their choirs and getting on planes to travel the world.

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Nov 8, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023

"People are often unaware of how their problematic behavior affects others." ~ Sr. Annamarie of Christ Crucified, Discalced order of Carmelites (and my old piano teacher!). In this case, many DO know that their assumptions and wholesale embrace of "The Science" wasn't the right call, but they just cannot bring themselves even to think that they could possibly be WRONG. They are missing major pieces of themselves. All it takes is not having grown up in with a guiding philosophy of morality and ethics. Or choosing not to live by any former training that teaches they have to answer to a higher power and that consciousness of their behavior (examination of conscience such as taught in the Roman Catholic church, as one example) and living by these wisdom teachings would go far to prevent the banality of evil.

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"All it takes is not having grown up in with a guiding philosophy of morality and ethics."

This sums it up in a nutshell.

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They are no necessarily bad - but they definitely are MORONS

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Yes and that’s scary!!!

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

In reading those many Reddit posts, I was struck (as in, whapped upside the head) by the lack of character depth expressed by those females. As if pregnancy is 'all about me'; a sort of women-only power trip. Bet they were also Bridezillas (if married at all). Speaking from the perspective of a mother of 3. You make a cogent point, Shibumi.

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When you aren’t sure you will make it through this illness, but are told go home and do your best to get through it - you have a hard time trusting doctors. When you are told that your decision not to get vaccinated makes you a thoughtless self centered person, you have a hard time trusting those family members. When you see friends and family members go into the hospital to be helped, left alone where no one can visit, to never return while the hospital gets wealthier off of their COVId deaths, you have a hard time trusting hospitals. When you are told lies about the safety of something you are required to take to keep your job or see a show or eat in a restaurant , you have a hard time trusting your government. The distrust I now have goes far across many areas of life. I am not hateful to any of those who wronged and continue to wrong others. I try to treat them the way I expected to be treated. But distrust is a way of protecting oneself and I cannot let go of that. What upsets me is how it all just keeps on going like all the unnecessary deaths and mistreatment and injustices didn’t even happen. It bothers me when my close relative speaks proudly about how they got their latest COVId shot I don’t feel comfortable explaining why that might not be safe or a good idea. But I say nothing, they are an adult so it isn’t my place to tell them what to do. But I worry about them anyway. Of course, the other outcome of having so many people die an earlier death than expected , and people contracting crazy cancers like never before, and family members dealing with multiple deaths in one year, all of this makes me feel like life just got much shorter! I try to control my thoughts because it isn’t fair to my young adult children. But inside I always feel life is fleeting for all of us. When madmen run the world it hard for anyone to feel safe!

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Amen. Wish I could have put to words as well as you did!

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Well said

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On the other hand Shibumi... : ))

I have an example of a situation most every person in the world has faced where the loved person tries to force another person to do something that might kill them. That is a loving mama who shows the people she loves that she loves them with food. Do you push leftovers, second helpings and desserts on a person that is fat? Yet most people (at least in America) are fat. Too fat for too long could mean heart attack, diabetes and a string of other terrible things that insulin resistance brings. Mama sould be held accountable?

Of course mama may just get her feelings hurt. She won't cut you off and not let you see babies.

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Same as an enabler, of drugs or alcohol etc

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NewScott. I think, lost in the typing or something, was a light-hearted example. Mamas who do things in love (like who make us food and give hugs when we are mad) are a balm even when their gifts might not be awesome for the waistline or force us into good moods we were desperately trying not to be in.

Not every reply should be taken hard core. I should have added a wink and more smiles and maybe a dancing dog emoji. You cannot hear my tone. Sorry for the misunderstanding I created.

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I appreciate your position. In theory at least (LOL) you can tell Mama or whoever is making your meals that you love her food but you're trying to stop second helpings or eliminating deserts during the week, and my *guess* is that she would respect that.

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I have known a few Iraqi and Italian mamas that I might not be too sure about the outcome. How does one react when love is rebuffed?

I think we all know the difference between things encouraged in love (thank you Italian and Iraqi grandmas everywhere!) and things done in selfishness. Jab "encouragement" was rarely (because it would not work out well and is counterintuitive) anything to do with love and care for the people they demanded get jabbed. It was ugly, nasty, brutish, selfishness on steroids.

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I was in a doctor's office some three years ago (wouldn't be caught dead in such a setting today) waiting on a friend. Thumbed through a Real Simple magazine in the waiting room when an article caught my attention. It suggested that instead of taking your unvaccinated friend to the restaurant for lunch as planned, you drive to the local Covid19 jab clinic, turn on the waterworks, profess your undying love for the friend, and see what happens.

It was a most revolting read...

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That's a very difficult question.

They aren't stand-up kind of people, that's for sure. They were weak.

But so am I. I've been weak so many times throughout my life. I wouldn't want to be judged by my worst moments.

I just try to remember all the good they did. For me, for others. But they failed this test. Does that make them all bad? No, I don't think so.

I just remember my wife crying for days on end - right in front of my daughter - after that first shot, two weeks before she did a 180. For her it was just impossible to accept that she's been physically abused like that. We could never talk about it. Never. I literally begged her to talk to me about it, but never would she give me that. She couldn't.

My friend who shut me out of his restaurant while I was standing in front of him fucking crying said he doesn't remember that. We were alone, before the place opened. He just shut the memory out somehow.

It's tough on these people, too. Yes they were weak, but people can't always be strong. Not that strong. It's not in everyone's nature. That doesn't make them bad through and through.

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I think maybe you should write about it. Anonymously. People have no idea what people went through and I read your short comment here and I hear what a lot of people here have probably lived but couldn't give voice to as well as you did.

Things happened. People have no idea how to put them into context.

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I'm not implying that people are bad through and through and I have certainly made mistakes like everyone else and don't want to be judged by my worst moments.

But... it's one thing to do a bad thing that hurt you and you alone, and it's another thing to engage in "blanket cruelty." To a certain extent, the argument is "I'm scared of X, so I don't want X in my life." In this case, X is the unvaxxed. What if X was something like "young black men?" Would that statement be OK? The unvaxxed may or may not hurt you, and many people perceive young men as being a threat that may or may not hurt you. Why is it OK to discriminate against the vaxxed and not young black men? "Blanket cruelty."

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I don't think any of them are aware of what they let happen to us. They see things from a different angle. I have so many flaws, but my strongest trait throughout my adult life has always been my moral compass and my ability to feel compassion and act on it when I feel I should. But I never did any work to acquire that trait.

Just like other people didn't choose not to feel compassion in certain situations. They're just different than us.

I still blame them. Trust me when I say I am mad at them. But more profound than the anger itself is the realization of how futile it is to be angry, because blaming all these people isn't gonna change a thing. It's just gonna do the opposite. It's gonna widen the divide.

We need to focus on preventing this from ever happening again, as other have attempted before us. To some success I think. God knows what could've happened, had this really spun out of control. Those camps in Australia look like this story was intended to have a different ending.

Btw, take note how this happened just when the last Third Reich witnesses were dying off. Those who had the power to warn us.

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That's what I am feeling reading this Substack - we are really lucky that we are being vindicated.

I thought that we were going to be scapegoated all the way to having men in white coats take us away in white vans.

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It’s so true that those convinced by the panic porn media in 2020 think differently than I do & there’s no point in being angry.

I work with teenage girls at a treatment center, and many are from blue states which locked down HARD. It’s interesting that these students see firsthand how damaging the isolation was to themselves, but they aren’t angry about it because they think it was warranted! I am often stunned by this but realize that their parents and everyone around them told them it had to happen for their safety. The isolation often led to problems which landed them in treatment for mental health issues. It is not my place to correct their thinking, and I would get fired if I tried. But I do often ask them questions, hoping to get them to think about the experience in new ways.

I also noticed that they were convinced that red states had higher death rates. But when I show them data, they are surprised that it’s not the case, even even though we didn’t shut down & had very few restrictions in my area. ...Hard to change minds in this kind of scenario.

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Nov 17, 2023·edited Nov 17, 2023

There are some that are quite aware of what they let happen to us, we, the ones who questioned. There are some that are aware of what role they played to ensure we were punished - I know because I have been quite dogged in following-up on this f**kfest. And they will not apologize. They don't care. They show no empathy, no compassion, nothing. I would say they show no brains either but whatever. These are the ones who revealed themselves for the content of the character, for the quality of their heart. There's no further explanation, nor justification. And they'll do it again. Can't prevent this all happening again - not without some kind of intense therapy for those who became nasty vicious sheeple, the kind of therapy that is used with sociopaths. I'm serious.

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If there’s no consequences, there’s no reason they won’t again drape on the “blanket of cruelty”..

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It's not blaming people to ask them to be accountable for their actions.

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RemovedNov 8, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023
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I agree with your sentiment to a degree. But when people started expressing desire to segregate society and cast out the “unclean”, that’s when it crossed the line for me. Or when people tried to pressure others into making an irrational decision.

I had friends and family who fell for all the propaganda and really believed all the lies but they didn’t want to punish those who didn’t come to the same conclusion. Those, in my mind, are the innocent victims, or the good people who were simply lied to. (Not very critical thinkers, but not necessarily bad)

Those who believed the lies and wanted to force everyone else to go along with it, that’s a whole new kind of dangerous narcissism. If a person is going to guilt, shame, and force someone else to do what they think is best, they better be damn sure they’ve done their research.

This situation flushed out the different types of people for sure.

I would add one last thing. If they did try to guilt, shame, or force other people into doing something - and they aren’t apologizing NOW that it’s obvious that it was all lies, that’s another clear sign that they have bad character and aren’t interested in self reflection or restitution. That’s my two cents.

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Nov 8, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023

The moral wrong was speaking and acting authoritatively in an area on which they knew little or nothing about.

Their offense wasn't ignorance as nearly as much as it was arrogance.

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Some ignorance is willful. Especially the kind linked to arrogance. Doug Wilson gave a good speech about that on Blog and Mablog.

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I recommend not doing that if you are posting under your real name

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Nov 8, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Yes, you are right. I can't do that to them, which is why I haven't.

If it's well-written it should reach enough people even if published through a fresh account.

Great idea, thank you.

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No, it's not a good idea - don't let all these guys bully you Fabian. It takes guts to speak your truth - there are rewards for doing so. Fear is something that holds everyone back from doing what they know is right and these guys are trying to hold you back. Please use your moral compass and believe in yourself and that NO ONE has the right to tell you what to do and NO ONE has the right to abuse you and gaslight you. Standing up for yourself is the height of morality. It's exceedingly important for your character and your Soul.

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Just a small correction. There's no such thing as your truth or my truth. There is only THE truth. Please do not use Wokester language. It makes them stronger.

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You clearly have the very best of intentions.

But I detect a touch of influence going down. And I don't dig it.

Fabian is going to do what he decides to do....

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I've actually talked to my wife about this and she has no issues with me writing about it.

It all goes so much deeper. I was completely destroyed by all these losses. Everything I had left I destroyed myself. Sorta like a late onset Borderline personality disorder or something, I don't know. I'm so traumatized, just no good anymore to anyone.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

AH I didn't see this. I think that is a terrific idea.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I'd like to hear your experiences under a different name. :)

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Just like the "good Germans in WWII." Not bad people... just **countenanced** evil and pushed hell onto the innocent in their "gee, I wasn't bad" hypocrisy.

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In ONE picture. Here is where cowardice leads: Just one picture of Dresden, 1946 or so. https://static.dw.com/image/17238262_605.jpg. THIS is what the "good Germans" - and by extension, the "good vaxxxer" did, and are doing, to the world. Look at the pix... then understand these intellectually dishonest vaxaholics are doing even worse, only it isn't quite such obvious kinetic damage.

Life does not take kindly to cowards, the lazy, etc. Wish it did - we could all be on our derrieres sipping margaritas permanently in Cancun - but it doesn't.

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Looks like Gaza city today. This is what happens when you incentivize evil.

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Not even close.

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Yes and true. But the IDF cannot similarly wipe out women and kids, or the elderly.

Yes, this does tie one arm behind the back. But we mustn't become equally evil

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If you're a good person, do you go along with evil?

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it happens a lot and is normal. It takes special people to see evil in progress.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Igor, for several years I have been citing and linking you and some others (Alex, Eugyppius, Bad Cat etc) to try to get through to people during the Vaxx Coercion that taking the vaxx was at very best a very poor bet. Like all risk and zero proven benefit.

Anyway, when I linked one of your very well researched pieces in mid 2021 one response I got was basically: "Why would I even read something from someone with a name like that?"

In the summer of 2022 a neighborhood association scheduled an outdoor picnic bbq in July but required all attendees to be vaxxed. Srsly. When I told them how idiotic that was I was informed it was two Stanford PhDs (in stem, btw) who made the call, for the safety of all. Masks were recommended in addition but would not be enough by themselves.

And so it went for 36 months with the OIPs (otherwise intelligent people).

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wow - you can educate a dumb person - but he or she will remain a dumb person

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When I linked from Bad Cat or Igor etc, I was weirdly accused of making their medical decisions for them. Because now offering information one is free to take or leave is tantamount to controlling the medical choices of others.

Same folks who warned me of the incredible dangers of taking vitamin supplements like vitamin D. Rank poison,that. Unlike the experimental gene therapy injections they so eagerly raced to get.

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we must reflexively learn to refer to those two stanford phds types as NOIP = not otherwise intelligent people.

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Very well said, Igor.

To see it doesn't make us any better than others. Just better in one aspect.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Fear. It makes people behave like madmen. They take leave of their senses. Evil is able to take hold.

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Why does he frame it like that though? Ask yourself. I don't read you as thinking you're better than anyone else, just that you have things you NEED to say. I'm getting very upset at all these people trying to bully you into not trusting your own instincts. It's NEVER a mistake Fabian, to trust YOURSELF. And you'll always find people trying to instill fear in you - ALWAYS - they're always there, ready to moralize and guilt you out of doing what's right for you. God Bless.

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cf Hannah Arendt's The Banality of Evil T he “banality of evil” is the idea that evil does not have the Satan-like, villainous appearance we might typically associate it with. Rather, evil is perpetuated when immoral principles become normalized over time by people who do not think about things from the standpoint of others. Evil becomes commonplace; it becomes the everyday ... (see full quote at https://philosophybreak.com/articles/hannah-arendt-on-standing-up-to-the-banality-of-evil/.

Jack Maden concludes "Jack Maden writes For 20th-century German philosopher Hannah Arendt, *****most evil is committed by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil. **** "https://philosophybreak.com/articles/hannah-arendt-on-standing-up-to-the-banality-of-evil/

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For those that are Christian, perhaps some of the answer can be found in the gift of discernment:


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They were just being human beings, yes, as ugly as that may be.

My family was guilty as hell. Beutehändler and SS members. I grew up with this knowledge, with a strong rejection of these 3 generations of my family, dozens of whom I knew when they were still alive.

I have been drilled not to trust the government and not to shun minorities by both teachers and parents alike all my life, which made all of this so much harder to accept.

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You are not responsible for their sins. All of us have murderers, war criminals and slavers in our family tree. All of us. That is why we are alive today.

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And I think most of us are related to Charlemagne, too. Not kidding. That's the math.

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We are all of us seven degrees from Kevin Bacon, too!!! :-)

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

During Covid Mania I kept searching for the historical template where people lost their minds. Bolshevik Russia, Mao's China, Pol Pot's Cambodia, and even the French Revolution (aka French Lives Matter!). But 1930s Germany always stood out as the template for Horse Lady in NZ, whoever it was in Oz and Justin Le Douche in Canada. And Tony da Fauch at home and whoever it was in Jolly Olde . . .

Instill Fear with The Big Lie and keep pounding it home, suppress any countervailing points of view with ad hominem attacks and generalized calumny, gaslight everyone morning noon & night. One of the greatest cultures of the 20th Century was flipped overnight into a mindless, soulless killing machine, and most Germans (and many others) were swept along. At the point German cities were leveled and their brothers and sons didn't come home, they were still "all in," and now had to ride the storm out to the very end.

Even in 1952, 7 years after the shitshow, small town Germans still believed in the Fuhrer and Nazism (see "They Thought They Were Free"). Apparently the Nuremberg Trials were mostly just theatre, while the smart Nazis went into science programs overseas.

The most interesting outtake from Rona and the coordinated collapse of the Anglophone democracies was how the preening class delighted in contemplating the suffering and even deaths of the Disagreeniks (us). Let them starve, let their cancers grow, deny them even hospice care, because you know our patience was running thin with the Unvaccinated, the Unclean.

As the great American philosopher Arnold said, "Screw your Freedoms."

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the narrative of ww 2 was written by the victors, who are now the new nazis.

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Here is the 1932 definitive The Doctrine of Fascism, for free https://sjsu.edu/faculty/wooda/2B-HUM/Readings/The-Doctrine-of-Fascism.pdf about a dozen pages. Fascism is the merger of the socialist state with co-opted, crony big biz (communism is a cousin where the state directly owns the means of production;otherwise both are socialist; fascism also is nationalist, Marxism internationalist hence the liebensraum push by Hitler into Russian

Right now, we live in a fascist state, only not IG Farben, Krupp etc but Meta, Google, Amazon etc.

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Son of a nazi!

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Great opening paragraph.

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I shudder when my 13-yr old English granddaughter casually mentions "during lockdown'. BTW, her parents early took AZ, wondered why we on this side of Atlantic would not do also.

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And yeah that Arnold quote was among the most despicable statements throughout those 3 years.

But hey, what do you expect from a guy whose success is built on giving fellatio to two twins on a regular basis in order to finance his steroid habit in the 80s?

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what twins?

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Well said.

When people are taken by this type of mass hysteria, I think it's impossible to feel regret. It felt right then and they are not ever gonna betray that feeling. They will say they're sorry when the tide turns, but it's all make-believe.

They won't betray that feeling of togetherness, of doing what's right, fighting the good fight.

Very very few will ever feel actual regret for what happened these past years. Most will only ever pretend.

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As the even greater Canadian/American philosopher Blaise (me) say back to Arnold: You want to screw my freedoms? You will do that when you come pry those freedoms out of my cold, dead, clammy hands. Molon labe, fasco-Marxist Arnold

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I understand that, thanks. This is why the "good Germans" trope is so critical.

I had one guy come up to me in church - not me to him - and demand to know if I got the shot. "No," I said, and I have a 700 page, 2k footnote paper on the topic (now it is 2,500 pp, 10k footnotes) "and I'm not getting it." Rather than say, as I would have out of intellectual honesty, "Gee what did you learn?" rather, he turned on his heel and stomped off. Talk about intellectual dishonesty. Similarly, my rich little brother, whom I might gently email once every 4 months about the dangers of the shot, just tersely replled "Stop emailing me." So I did. Last report his wife was on her second round of serious Covid.

Truth is, Bourla, et al trade on fear and normalcy bias. And the truth is, as Tolkein wrote in Lord of the Rings

Frodo: I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.

Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.

The world does not countenance cowardice. The US became a nation only through courage and bravery, These vaxaholics betray this nation and all humanity. And that's a fact

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Hunkering home in terror over catching the sniffles (even according to the unreliable CDC you had less than a 1 in 500 chance of dying) is about as cowardly as it gets.

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As noted, the links don't copy ( I can get if you need) but

Dr. Martin Makary at Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Medicine with other scientists teamed up with the non-profit FAIR Health group to look at the insurance data of 48,000 children diagnosed with Covid between April 2020 and Aug. 2020. Not ONE of the children who died were free of pre-existing medical conditions such as cancer (see also here). And this is true in Germany, too, where a massive study late fall showed ZERO – there’s that word again – deaths from Covid among healthy German kids, as reported by Alex Berenson here, Dec. 2, 2021, or here at LifeSite News. Or see a the details in a late 2021 German study (collating evidence from three sources 1) a national seroprevalence study (the SARSCoV-2 KIDS study), 2) the German statutory notification system and 3) a nationwide registry on children and adolescents hospitalized with either SARS-CoV-2 or Pediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome (PIMS-TS)) reported that there were zero (0) deaths in children 5 to 18 years old across the period of study. Ditto in Sweden - Swedish data by Ludvigsson reported on the 1,951,905 children in Sweden (as of December 31, 2020) who were 1 to 16 years of age who attended school with largely no lockdowns or masks. They found zero (0) deaths. “Despite Sweden’s having kept schools and preschools open, we found a low incidence of severe Covid-19 among schoolchildren and children of preschool age during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.” If you include kids with serious morbidities, there were six deaths. In Germany, out of a total population of 80 million, around 10 million school age kids. Even serious illness was extremely rare, 1 in 50,000. See Dr. Paul Elias Alexander’s SWEDEN AND GERMANY: NO DEATHS IN CHILDREN DUE TO COVID for more reading, or this article which notes that German scientists found that no healthy child 5-17 years of age died of COVID in Germany.

It's gotten so obvious that by 2023, one of the key players in the Icelandic government’s response to Covid-19, CEO of deCODE Genetics, neurologist Dr. Kári Stefánsson, who was a massive vax pusher at the outset, and even went as far as proposing those who refused the vaccine should be put in lifelong quarantine, now says, as reported by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson Aug. 3, 2023 here, “Based on the information we have today, I would not recommend vaccination to people under 40 or under 50” Dr. Stefánsson said in a podcast in late July, reported by Icelandic media on August 3rd. “Now, many scientists have stepped forward saying it was wrong to vaccinate everyone, pointing to the high prevalence of myocarditis, and how even those who contracted the virus are less likely to develop it than those who got vaccinated.”

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I somehow missed this when it came out. Very nicely written, encouraging reconciliation while understanding that it is not always possible.

The depths of hatred over Covid, most but not all from vaccine-believers, illustrates the confounding challenge that humankind faces: charlatans can manipulate fear to ramp up hatred and cause people to do, I was going to say just about anything, but anything without quailfiers is probably closer to the truth. Though history ought to teach us to avoid the mistakes of the past, the same kinds of mistakes end up getting repeated again and again.

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Feb 4Liked by Igor Chudov

Yup. Lost my 37 yr old daughter and our now 13 yr old grand daughter during the Xmas holidays of 2022. It's been 14 months as of Feb 6 since she has even spoken to us. Not a call, not a text, not a visit. Nothing. Completely cut off. I'm destroyed, as we were a pretty tight fam. 😭

This was over pronouns of our grand daughter 🙄and the fact that I have been screaming from the rooftops about the poison death shots. She jabbed as soon as it was avail. And then jabbed our grandie as soon as it was there for kids.

Two things we would never discuss in front of them because we know where they stand on it. All because she saw my Twitter posts.

Even during her dad's cancer battle last year. Not a single word.

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Wow... Read that and felt... stunned...

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Over social media rants. Because that's where I went to vent rather than rant and rave in front of my grown kids. I feel like she changed mentally after the jabs. She turned very cold.

Over social media posts!? You write off your parents and cut our only grandchild from our lives?

Ouch 🤕

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"Ouch"? In a word... 😳

There's an old Gloucestershire saying my departed Dad -- an Annapolis Valley farm boy and WWII spitfire pilot -- was very fond of saying: "There's nought funnier than folk"; and ain't it the truth: When my twin sister was diagnosed with and died of cancer out of the blue 2009 - 2011 the remainder of the family all got together on Saltspring Island to be with her widowed husband and family -- and I was bluntly and specifically Not Invited. Couple years later my older sister also croaked from cancer, leaving me the last living member of my family... and the surviving spouses and children all washed their hands of me... 11 years later I've not seen nor spoken to any of them since.

Truly... "There's nought funnier than folk". 🤔💩

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Ain't dat the trut'!?


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I am sorry to hear this and I wish you the best

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Feb 4Liked by Igor Chudov

Спасибо Igor!

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

My wife has a cousin who told us that she and her husband would not be able to visit us since we hadn’t taken the gene agent. I never liked the cousin’s sanctimonious attitude in as long as I’d known her (husband vastly more tolerable), so I was okay with that. Later, she said she could come visit us if we got a covid test. Sorry, babe, not happening, LOL! We all attended a wedding later, still hadn’t taken the gene agent. She seemed to have gotten over herself.

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Her boyfriend of 3 years and father of her child DID THAT? OTOH if she's that self-righteous she'd be unendurable to live with. That said, up here in Canuckistan after being shacked up for 6-8 months you're considered married by the tax man and the legal protections of marriage apply. Can't understand how that doesn't also pertain in America.

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First, no I don't do podcasts. There is a reason I remain anonymous. Second, running tests in simulation is not real life. Here's a test: I will use 3 methods to pick 3 stocks on the stock exchange. You use swarm or AI to pick one, then after 60 days we see which stocks have gone higher. Seems like a perfect AI "law of large numbers" problem.

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I have lost relationships w friends I had for decades. Two ppl told me to ‘go back to my country’, if I don’t like the ‘rules’ in America and criticize mandates. I said if nobody is doing anything bad in America, why are there prisons and most importantly why ARE there ppl in there?

I lost job oportunities, and had jobs taken from me by vax zealots w +5 shots. Literally took my job from me for trying to save their lives, just fired me for no reason. lol After using me for months to fill in for them when they were in hospital twice w covid, once pneumonia etc etc etc

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On the plus side you've got a much better change of still being alive in 3 - 5 years than they do...

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Mistakes were not made; crimes were committed.

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What's not true? Be specific and give me counterfactuals. Preaching won't work.

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Only a brief encounter, a long tweet on X the other day about someone's baby getting the measles. The mom was angry, wanted to piss on everyone who did not get their kids vaxxed, (as if this had anything to do with another failing, leaky vax?). Many in younger generations have no idea some shots easily fail; when they do, the recipient (their kids) can come down with the same illness the vaxx was intended to protect. Reported (where?) from China with a 95% compliance rate, pre-covid, breakthough measles infections occurring among Chinese school children in several different cities. Neither US mainstream nor the CDC reported on these embarrassing "events", response is a fascist push more compliance a la Disneyland event. Growing up inside a Media-induced bubble does not impart understanding or truth. Few can see or comprehend the dangers unless this occurs to close relatives. Its evil incarnate, as this is how we now have an autism rate of what, 1 out of 32 boys, and growing...the true pandemic.

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I lost a friend of 40+ years over this, plus his insufferable wokeness. Once the C19 thing kicked off he became very paranoid and turned into a hypochondriac, leaving the shopping outside for days, then washing everything in bleach and only going leaving the house for 'cautious' walks. He and his wife would call an ambulance at every sniff or cough. He'd email us about 'arseholes' locally who didn't wear masks and then about 'fuckwits' who hadn't taken the shots, not realising he was talking about me and my partner, he openly sneered at our questions and became unbearably pious. We saw him then for what he really is and realised our paths have diverged and will never meet again. I'd say it was sad to lose a decades old friendship, but it's not really because we really don't want to be friends, or even acquaintances, with someone like that.

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What a sad personal transformation

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Nope, I am all done with anything pro-vaxxer or vaxxed or pro doctor (like the "wellness doctors" and kits and co, and their promoters, yes even karen kingston etc.), AND the real live vaxxed (due to the shedding stuff), I saw it as a IQ test and they all failed.

I forgive for the sake of my own sins, but never forget, and due to; you really can make me sick (poison me), for my own health, stay away, yes out of my life.(oh, the sarcasm) I cannot even help you anymore, even that was taken away.

My family was shit anyways, inclusive colleagues, they are stupid as F...K, they just dropping their masks by "putting on their masks"---the sarcasm....again.

They upgraded the time of death of my vaxxed, dad, grandmother and mother in law, and colleagues at work.

When I had to wear a mask (always a medical establishment) I wore my own mask, not theirs, indoors I suggest to take them off, they all did, yes all the doctors!!!!!

So in Germany shopping stores you had to wear them to. I wore a net with rhinestones on them even on work, so I could breath normally.

Outdoors never ever!!

Realize; The Segregation IS the BioweaponVaxx, and their is no way back.

All we have to do is wait for them to die or get horrible sick, so they cannot come outside.

After that all authorities-companies are gonna hunt for the unvaxxed.....just give it time.

Empty world on its way.....

In the mean time i keep focusing on my health and life.

Note; a lot of my parents generation have died, how do I know, due to the second hand markets, there is so much stuff, is it cheap as dirt or they get it barely sold. This was never the case before.

Keep an eye on the second hand markets, they tell a lot.

-House-markets to, all these baby-boomers are dying and their kids to.

-The time schedules of crematoria, the time between death and cremation is getting longer and longer. Is was in march 2023 9 march dead cremated 17th (day 8), this used to be within 6 days by law.(Netherlands) Or you do not know in which crematoria you need to be.

Keep in mind it was the vaxxers (most are narcissists) that are and are still the cause of this, they made this happen, not people like me.

Never give in never surrender to tyranny.

Gonna cuddle my non vaxxed pets... Have a great day.

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I’ve had two grandchildren born during the pandemic. I met the first one 1 time. I’m not allowed to see them nor will they talk to me because I refused to get vaccinated. Beyond knowing they were bad I also have health problems that put me at greater likelihood of having an adverse event. They tried the line of putting the baby ahead of what I thought. I informed them my personal health would always come before anyone’s demands of me. It made me sad, not angry. I know they just don’t know any better. Hopefully one day we will reconcile (just not at the expense of my health).

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A sad story that I wish did not happen

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There was a rift with our children because we didn't take any shots. Up to the last C19 shots, we've taken everything we thought was right to take, but when we refused this last one, our three adult children orphaned themselves from us, and we've not seen them for 2+ years along with the grands. They have to be hearing about friends and families that have experienced adverse effects.

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Jesus, it is fucking 2023. They are still clinging to The Narrative?

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I’m kinda in the same boat. My daughter won’t let me visit until her baby is 3 months old. What stupid doctors are planting about the damn DTAP?!! I never had that issue giving birth to her and even took her on a damn airplane when she was only a month old!

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I'm in a similar situation. Our son just told us today that when their baby is born end of February, that no one will be able to be with the baby unless they are fully vaxxed against Covid, RSV, and Tdap until the baby is fully protected (meaning vaxxed), which means we effectively can't hold our first grandchild until at least 6 months. This makes us sound like monsters if we aren't thinking of protecting the baby. I reminded him that getting vaxxed doesn't keep one from getting and transmitting the illness, and instead, he is assuming we are infected even though we are perfectly healthy simply because we aren't vaxxed. My heart is broken that his fear is creating these consequences, but of course he doesn't see it that way.

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I think pediatricians are being used in the powers that be’s plan to destroy the nuclear family. It’s heartbreaking. They were being used long before COVID. I’ve seen some insane lists of requirements to be around or care for this generations babies. My aunts granddaughter had 3 typed pages that had to be followed. Insanity.

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How incredibly STUPID - and intentionally caused by their doctor's recommendations.

Just say I love you and see you in six months - and stay in touch

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I reminded my daughter to not even be around newly vaxxed people while she is pregnant as shedding is real and told her many grandparents aren’t even around anymore because so many selfish children listened to unscrupulous doctors. Told her that her own dad is dead from a brain tumor and why can’t she do some research? After all, she and my son i law are lawyers! Told her that the army made her father get all

Kinds of shots and he’s the one who died early/. Makes you wanna go. “Hmmm”.

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Both of you should buy a copy of Dr Suzanne Humphries' 2013 book _Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History_ and gift it to your adult children before they harm their babies with the dozens of "well baby" jabs. It'll put the fear of God (and vaccines) into them.

During COVID Lockdown, Vaccine Rates Dropped — So Did the Number of SIDS Deaths: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/covid-lockdown-vaccine-rates-dropped-so-did-sids-deaths/

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Thank you. I will look for this book.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

This vaccine propaganda has been ramped up over many years and clearly it’s extremely dangerous. Just to see how many people had no questions when this highly dubious medical experimental was labeled a vaccine as opposed to something else. This shows what humanity is up against when it comes to modern tools and methods of propaganda which short circuit critical thinking making it possible to influence large numbers of people to cause harm themselves. Very scary that power.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

The analysts at the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations, the world HQ for global social engineering (for central banking families) has stated that 99% of the masses are unable to counter the social engineering. The 1% who are immune are your real family. Go out and find them by being very vocal. You won’t survive long-term if you don’t form meaningful community to counter what’s coming.

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