I was vaccinated in April/May 2021 in Los Angeles. The vax caused weird bleeding for weeks and abnormally heavy periods for about six months, during which time I was unable to get pregnant. I finally had a normal cycle in Oct 2021 and got pregnant right after. I’m 40weeks 2days in right now and waiting to go into labor 🤷‍♀️

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Jul 30, 2022·edited Jul 30, 2022Author

Congratulations and wishing you all the best!!! Pinning

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Will pray for you.

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yay. Excited for you and your family. Prayers for healthy, happy mama and baby! I love good news!

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Good luck!

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Congratulations!!! 🎊 👼🏻 ❤️

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TSAS, Please let us all know when baby arrives. We luv good news here! Maybe we dads could swop birth stories too - they always concentrate on the mother. I sat in a chair for 17 hours with my first - at least my wife got a bed!

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High five for being the first thing to being a smile to my face this morning!

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My husband always said it's much harder on the man😂

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Congratulations! It's very encouraging to hear this may just be a temporary disruption. My partner is vaccinated and she had abnormal cycles but hers returned to normal pretty quickly. We aren't planning to have kids in the short term, but it is a low grade worry of mine. She only got the first 2 because of coercion and definitely won't be going back for more, so I'm optimistic that it will be ok in the long run

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Hi, everyone. I did have my baby and she does seem to be doing well so far. However, the doctors told me she suffered severe brain damage in utero and they are unsure of what caused it. The radiologist suspected it could be blood clots but further testing would be required to confirm or rule that out. We’ve been told it is unlikely she will ever walk or talk. We are devastated. Prayers would be very much appreciated 😔

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Thank you for your bravery in letting us know. My heart aches with you. I hope and pray that you find specific answers that lead to perfect healing for your little one and your whole family. Children are extraordinarily resilient and capable of miraculous recovery. Life always finds a way. Never give up ❤️❤️❤️

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I am so sorry to hear that. My thoughts are with you and your partner and that little fighter of a daughter that you gave birth to

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I have been thinking and praying for you TSAS and have been searching thru the comments to see if you were around. I am so so sorry. You are a considerate lady to take time to tell us. My husband and I have your family in our prayers morning and night. Be well and love on that precious little baby girl of yours.

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Still keeping your family in my prayers TSAS. Think of you daily. Hope your little girl has made some progress toward health.


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Happy that she made it into our world but SAD and ANGRY

about what has happened to her! However, where there is life

there is hope. After right now reading your post I can suggest

some things that you can try. Natural healing has saved me throughout my

74 years and I almost died as a baby! Doctor's Best Nattokinase is a

natural Japanese blood thinner that prevents and heals bloodclots. It's

a powder that is in capsules. Natto is made from fermented soybeans.

The Japanese eat it all the time and have the fewest blood clots in the

world. You both should be taking it in some form. (The capsules can be

emptied into liquids.) The vaccinated are very prone to getting blood clots.

This has proven to clear up blood clots. It has mine.

Earlier this year I heard about a young woman who was severely brain

injured, comatose I believe not expected to get better. Somehow she was

given Boswellia Serrata (a modern name for frankincence, a great ancient

healer. Only this Serrata is known as the one great healing one.) I ordered

the capsules and Doctor's Best Nattokinase from Swanson Vitamins. I also

ordered the essential oil that can be used in a diffuser near baby's bed.

That young woman completely recovered from her terrible injury.

Your baby is brand new. I believe that she can possibly be healed

completely through natural means. (I have been very leery of most

doctors I have seen. I do not take any drugs.)

Find me publicly and freely on MeWe.

You all have my prayers! May she be well soon!

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What can anyone possibly say. Devastated is right. Thank you so much for letting us know.

I hope you will find the strength and resolve to get the tests done and fully reported - so you fully understand what happened for your own peace of mind. Your little girl deserves as much. And if there is a linked pattern I hope you will fight for her to receive everything she deserves! Huge Hugs!!

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I hope that she recovers. Thanks for letting us know.

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Wow…. So sad….

Caused by the JAB

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Can't be sure since NOBODY will even ask that from the patient or the doctor side. Esp. in WA. But when a 28YO has that much damage - that they thought he was too far gone for stents wouldn't someone care about how it came about? It is so shocking.

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It is the JAB

She is/was blue pilled

She got JABBED , then pregnant, (stupid, should have waited 5+ years)

The baby with brain damage SADLY, is the price of that mistake.

By April 2021 folks that were not blue pilled, knew the NIH, fda, were corrupt, hiding the dangers of the JAB.

Here is 1 such data point

…. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (April 2021)

.. Out of the 127 women receiving vaccines during their first or second trimesters, 

104 spontaneous abortions occurred before their pregnancies hit the 20-week mark.

Anyone who read that ^^^ would know the JAB is not safe…

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How wonderful! Kind of late, but red raspberry leaf tea brings more easy labor. I pray that he/she makes it safely into our world. I would start taking Swanson Vitamins' NAC 600 mg. capsules to keep you safe from all Coronavirus' (which could be in the jabs.) I post publicly on MeWe.


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All the best wishes for you two!

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Congratulations! Wishing you all the best 🎊 ❤️😎

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That is great to hear! (For all sorts of reasons :) )

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Congrats, and best wishes. As the others have said, please keep us informed on the results!

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Jul 30, 2022·edited Jul 30, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Okay, so the birth rate might seem bad, but the good news is pregnancies by men in California is up infinity percent, so really, it’s almost a wash ;)

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That is technically in line with the trans-humanist blueprint for our species.

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Haha! Good one 😂

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Could just be that all eligible-to-be-parents in California left..

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Then they left very suddenly

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Have you tried to rent a U Haul in California? Now if birth rate in Texas were to go up ..

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

As a Texan, that was my question. How does this account for all the export of people to other states. I am very curious about the TX birth rates now. I’m unvaxxed but I had 2 births in my extended family this year both to vaccinated moms-however both were vaccinated BEFORE getting pregnant and of the dads, it’s 1 vaccinated and 1 unvaccinated. I have never prayed so hard in all my life for those 2precious babies.

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Good point

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I would be very interested in seeing the birth data on Texas

I had a baby July 2021 but didn’t pop one out July 2022

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I would think that a shift in both rates when the basis is by country would be more significant than a basis by a state. Movement from one country to another is far more difficult than moving from a state to another.

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It has been a massive outflow for a few years now. TX, UT, OR, WA, TN, ID, CO. They come to get away from the madness only, they demand the madness happen in the new state - which works in Western OR, Western WA, Austin TX and most of CO, but not the rest of the places.

In Florida? Think Jersey and NY.

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🙋🏼‍♀️ This was me. We moved out of CA in December 2021 when I was 34 weeks pregnant.

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Thank you ☺️!

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deletedJul 30, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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My comment was a little tongue in cheek...

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Now this statistical analysis intrigued me so I looked at the facts behind the claim. If you look at that actual stats.. and I’ll generalize them, the birth rate decline in question looks at the monthly over following monthly. In January 2022 there were something like 34500 total births. By June there were 32700 in that month. So the statistics reflect the 6% reduction, or 1800 less births. Easily could be 1800 eligible-to-be-pregnant women moving out of state. Or mRNA vax... or not enough alcohol or coffee.

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Seems like births were up just before the decline. Perhaps the anticipated effect of people staying in more, therefore having more encounters that may result in pregnancy?

If so, the decline may be even worse than it appears.

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Jul 30, 2022·edited Jul 30, 2022Author

You are EXACTLY right but I did not want to say it since it would overplay my hand a little.

I would rather understate things

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Unfortunately, I believe over time there will be proof of causality. However, it will be justified as “Climate Change” or due to economic conditions., etc…. The LIES will never end!!!

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Jul 30, 2022·edited Jul 30, 2022

The june decline is due to the Ukrainian war and instability! Oh wait...

Edit: I mean I'm not a biologists so can be the Ukrainian war!

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Thank you for doing this excellent work! It is a signal that needs to be looked at for sure.

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The charts you shared do not show a birth-rate recession for 2 reasons: (1) you didn't provide at least 2 consecutive quarters of year-over-year declines, and (2) 2 consecutive quarters of decline are not the technical definition for a birth-rate recession.

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And all wikipedia articles have been edited to reflect the new reality

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

LOL, I don't know about that, I better check Wikipedia for the latest definition on that- especially since they changed what "definition" means...

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If we can't trust basement-dwelling incels who can we trust

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It’s definitely deflationary!

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Indeed, Klaus Schwab is happy if humanity is transitory.

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Klaus Schwab demise: “but efryone iz goone! Vat is dze kee tzo tzurn on dze powour tzo dze haus???

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Is that a decline in the *rate* or a decline in the overall *number*?

If it's the number... a lot of people have moved out of CA lately. I would bet they skew heavily toward kid-having age families, since school closures and the possibility of school V-mandates were a big driver of this.

If we now find that rates have also declined in the states that massive numbers of people are moving *to*... that'd paint a very different picture.

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Then I suppose we will see an increased birthrate in the other states, somewhere down the line; very soon.

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

(waits impatiently for the numbers)

But now that I think on it, if a significant portion of young families moved out of state, you could expect a decline in the rate as well as the number. Main question is how big a decline would you expect, and does it line up with what actually happened?

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It takes a lot of families leaving suddenly and unexpectedly to make a change of THIS magnitude

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But what about North Dakota, with 56% vax rate but you said the birthrate is also down? Why would it be down just as much. Small population, maybe many work in healthcare or military thus were mandated?

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Maybe look at overall US birth rates, which would account for movement.

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

those are devilishly hard to get, at least this soon. All states report separately, and on a different deadline.

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Usually about a year to collate the birth data, I think.

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But this wouldn’t explain the birth rate decline in North Dakota that had minimal population decline

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So noted!

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I believe California overall only lost about 385K people. That is a staggering reversal given its steady growth for the previous century but still, it won't fuzz the noise that much. By county it can be much more drastic, for example SF loses more than 5% of its childhood age population per year 2 years running, and apparently 20% (wow) of 25-29 year olds left SF over the previous two years.

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The Southern border and immigration may be coming into play here: a lot of Latinos may be coming into California and also be pregnant, which is why the percentage drops are lesser too. A purer picture might come from closed countries such as Japan, where Guy Gin mentioned a recent drop in births too. Or US states that are less likely to get a Southern Border boost...

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Yes Amy, lots of latinos and our local motels - hotels are being paid big $$$ for room and board

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Jul 29, 2022·edited Jul 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Zero Carbon Agenda 2030

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It seems some states are prepared for using the dead...this is extreme...


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Bill wants to help

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How are they going to vote Democrat after they've been composted

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Arizona, Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania.....

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My hearty chuckle almost spilled my wine!

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Just wait until someone proposes Soylent Green.....and I’m willing to bet that some nutcases will be all for it.....

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Oh wow that is so depressing. I'd heard about this but the details are just...SMH.

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People think of California as a blue monolith, but politically I bet it varies at least as much as Hungary. Inner counties are very deep red conservative with low vaccine uptake. Adam Nunes country. It would be very interesting to see birth rate data changes by California county.

Fun trivia fact: the American state with the most Republicans is California. They're just outnumbered...for now.

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Yea, we used to be somewhat moderate and elected Republicans now and then. What happened? When it's so far to one side, everyone loses.

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Igor I Hope You are well. You were one of the first writers I came upon in this community. Thanks for all the research.

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and thank you!!!

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Welcome. !!!!!

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

If unvaccinated young people are smart they will start having lots of children and their offspring will take over the world very soon

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Gotta have at least 4

Bill Gates has 3

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That is too conservative. I was thinking more like 8 or 9. We need to be strong and resilient like our greatgrandparents.

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If I knew then what I know now I would have started earlier

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There is an increase in people seeking IVF, plain and simple. You are on to the truth Igor.

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Do you have any links

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Just from the few infertility folks I know . Have a female you know call Reproductive health physician’s office for appointment and ask do you have anything sooner? Have you had more calls for appointments. ? Investigative journalism at its finest.

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Sorry I do not .

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My Daughter Lives In CA. She is PG...and vaxxed. we pray. The Great Pacific Northwest Oregon, Washington, Idaho......would like to see less Californian's but did not want it to be this way.

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Whether purposeful or not, the vaccine passports destroyed the control group.

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but what about you and me

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