I was diagnosed with colon cancer in January 2021. Opted out of the suggested treatment and was told by the oncologist that I would regret my decision within six months...

Nearly two yeas later...

I only regret the colonoscopy... The prep was hell.

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Be well!

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Good for you! The cancer treatment industry is hell on earth. If you want to see anti-science, participate in that field. Is any doctor tracking your progress now? You are in the control group. I bet not one doctor cares how you are doing as a non-participant in the SOP cancer treatments. You rejected them so you can just die is the attitude. Well, we are all going to die someday - even oncologists.

The cancer survival data is just as corrupted, if not more so, than the covid data. The cancer treatment industry was a precursor and model for all this madness.

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Great animated clock logo and tag line. You could do a post on how to upgrade your Substack thumbnail!

My experience with my 80 year old mom in 2017 was hell on earth. The esteemed cancer center was highly skilled at finding every little thing to charge her Medicare and Part F supplements, including procedures we had all firmly agreed would not happen if things went south. 4 months was over a million dollars, essentially laundered money from federal "healthcare" entitlement to the university center using my mother as the pitiful, believing, and suffering vessel, on which the doctor was practicing a Hail Mary surgical procedure and lied to her about her odds of surviving. There was no "cancer treatment."

The cancer industry was absolutely a dress rehearsal for the so called "pandemic." The predatory and sociopathic culture of university hospital healthcare compounds has been honed and perfected for years.

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Oct 23, 2022
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I learned long ago from sophisticated statistical modelers that I worked with that when studying very large systems as in medical or social problems, the system gets what it wants. It behaves like an AI. If the system is corrupt, more profit motivated thane health promoting motivated , if the head of the fish is rotten, it infects and directs the whole system.

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I won't go into detail but my gran was suffering with swollen infected legs with wounds on them, breathlessness, outburst of sadness and panic attacks and on and on.

After 9 months of antibiotic after antibiotic and only getting worse I gave her some B1 in the form of TTFD, a kindof "fat soluble" form of Thiamine, or rather it works like it is fat soluble.

Breathing was better within an hour and she was back to normal by the 2nd day. A week later she had her bandages removed from her legs and the Oedema was away and the wounds were starting to heal.

Months of suffering and all she had was a B1 deficiency! I later found out she had the 4 major signs of a B1 def - Out of breath, diarhea, oedema, sadness and a bunch of minor signs.

Should have been an easy diagnosis but it didn't even cross their mind even when it was obvious the antibiotics weren't working!

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Your gran is lucky to have you and your persistent medical detective skills. Antibiotics also likely draining her B vitamin status. I predict a turning toward independent practices, naturopaths functional medicine practitioners. Unless of course they make it illegal and take licenses away claiming not "standard of care." For example Dr. Joe Mercola declared by White House to be #1 medical misinformation spreader, indeed.

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Oct 23, 2022
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That is such a great line the fancy men admiring themselves in the lab coats. So true.

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The TTAC - Truth ABout Cancer website and docu-series are extremely informative. They've been placed on the 'dirty dozen' list - which should be a recommendation :)

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I bought the original series on DVD to lend out to others. No one will watch it.

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10 years ago the prep involved 3 days of not eating and the "space shuttle launch experience". Now it's only 48 hours of prep time. Yes it's not fun at all even now.

The launch experience: mix powder with water, drink the liquid. Go to the bathroom, hold on for dear life.

Could this be why they're pushing euthanasia? For the high cancer rates that are coming? Because hospitals will be full and unable to treat everyone?

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Hospitals staff are dying off fast, (they got jabbed early if they took it)...not sure the hospitals will be functional for long. How many unjabbed simply left the field? I think many hospitals will close for lack of staff and especially lack of patients, after the big dieoffs next few years. Also, insurance becoming impossible for them to maintain, due to the same reasons.

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You are not allowed to ask how many staff were terminated for experimental injection refusal.

Our Canadian system was at 110% capacity BC (before Covid) so even 5% refusal of experimental compliance has crashed the system.

Look at <drtrozzi.org> for his original testament, from spring 2020, when the hospitals were "overwhelmed" but the ER's were empty.

The good thing about the destruction of the medical and nursing staff is that they all believe that the shots are "safe and effective", so there is no added grief when one of them achieves the "sudden and unexpected" status in his or her obit.

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Don't forget the Super Fentanyl that is pouring into the world...

That's the opt out when the great starvation gets underway.

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Actually , the hospitals can't afford to renovate and have two toilets in every room.

The nurses are too well-educated to want to clean and change beds every two hours. The cleaning staff are only contracted to clean the rooms once per day.

The situation has been mitigated by employing three more pre-colon review managers.

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Actually, their "prep" is full of PEG and aspartame. I do a Natural Calm mag clean out. But because of my condition, must fast for 7 days all up. It's gentler - that rocketship thing is painful.

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James Sloane would probably recommend ozone therapy and herbs like chaparral, pau d'arco, etc. for most cancers that is.

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Who is James Sloane

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He's an herbalist and former med tech who started a private FB group, Science Based Natural Healing, at https://www.facebook.com/groups/560297341529556

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Thanks for the heads up. I’ve joined group. Important to try to stay ahead of the game

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Research ivermectin or panacur for cancer.

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I know someone with a research background doing this for prostate cancer. Started long ago and determined that the horse paste was even purer and consistent, according to his own lab testing than generic human tablets.

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I share your pain there, they like to start you off weakened, and boy they make alot on those colonoscopies! Such a good moneymaker! About 3 grand says one source...

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three grand is what my last colonoscopy cost in Maine Med

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After I turned 50 a few years ago, I signed up for colonoscopy. I did not bother to read the prep instructions until the week of the procedure. I had to cancel because you need to prepare several days in advance. Have not gotten the procedure done still.

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Oct 23, 2022
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A colonoscopy saved my mom's life.

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Oct 24, 2022
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It's required every 10 years if normal.

.( Unlike mammos that dish out radiation yearly)

The home test tho valuable has false negatives.-overall not as definitive as a colonoscopy.

Home test may be good enough for some people with no family history of colon issues.

I will defer to and support everyone's freedom to choose their healthcare.

Cheers to having options 🥂

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Oct 24, 2022
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I wish you well Mckeekitty

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What was ur chosen treatment? Do u mind sharing?

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How did you deal with it?

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How much was education and how much was instinct? Congrats!

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Oct 23, 2022
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I am sitting here alone watching the NFL. Just had a spinal fusion 5 days ago. You have me LMAOing. Thanks!

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I know how she got into that very competitive specialty.

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I can’t believe this needs to be said, but here we go again.

Here’s an adage as old as time.

When the government tells you to stay calm, it’s because shit is falling apart.

When they government tells you everything is bad, they’re lying to manipulate you.

…the audience has spoken… it is now a meme.


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We need a meme of that.

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And maybe t-shirts.

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While not posted yet. We have made T shirts. Those will come shortly

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What will the t-shirts say? I'll let you know if the words need improvement.

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Peggy Hall from the Healthy American, said some of her t-shirts were censored by the t-shirt company!

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We are working on setting everything up, in house. Fully self sufficient.

Up to and including barter methods.

A $25 dollar shirt could be sent after receipt of close equivalent in traded materials.

Send us $25 in vinyl, we make a $25 shirt for you.

Send us $20 in ink, we’ll print a $20 book.

(Generally speaking)

We are preparing and formulating ways around the threats of a “cashless society” and the censorship that entails.

Right now, shirts are made, in house.

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There are shirts of all different designs, different images and graphics.

On my Substack article titled, “kickbundles” I have posted some designs, free for anyone to use.

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“I’m your huckleberry…why, that’s just my game.” -Doc Holliday.

This is what we do over at my Substack. Come check it out, stay for the dank memes.

Dropped a bunch of free memes we made today.

More to come.

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Don't shoot.

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Jean-Claude Juncker 'When it becomes serious, you have to lie'.

It could not be more serious than this https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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January 2021. My 95 year old perfectly healthy father has his yearly physical, including his every 5 year CT as part of his follow up regime for Prostate cancer. Gets a clean bill of health.

February 2021-Gets jab #1.

March 2021-Urinary issues begin.

April 2021-Gets jab #2. Urinary issues get worse, pain in hip and chest begin.

May 2021-Two trips to ER within a week for urinary blockage, ends up with catheter. Pain in hip and chest worsen. CT performed, lump on bladder revealed. Refuses biopsy.

June 2021-2nd CT shows lump has doubled in size. Pain now in hip, chest, shoulder, arm, one leg. Placed on Norco for pain.

July 2021-Meets with oncologist who tells him cancer is likely. Has PET scan which reveals 11 “hot spots.” Refuses biopsy, agrees to radiation in chest and hip to help control growth and assist with pain Mgt.

August 2021-Moves to Nursing home so that he can receive oral (pill form) morphine.

September 2021-We convince him to move to hospice so he can begin liquid morphine. At that point the Oncolgist tells us he “can’t believe how quickly the cancer has spread” but that “it can happen in older patients.” I already believe it’s the jab.

November 2021-He is managing quite well, attitude is good, he’s trying to complete his 3rd book before he dies. He tells us the Oncologist has told him 3-6 months.

November 2021 (2nd week)-a med tech shows up one morning with his morphine and two syringes. One is the booster. One is a flu shot. He tells her he doesn’t want either. She get a manager who tells him that all hospice patients must have them, required if Medicare is going to continue to pay the bills. He reluctantly succumbs. 10 days later he goes into a coma. 4 days after that he dies.

10 months from Jab #1 to death. Death certificate cause of death-#1-metastatic bone cancer. #2-Stage 4 bladder cancer.

There is zero doubt in my mind that (1) the jabs caused and accelerated the cancer and (2) the combo of the booster/flu shot when he was already dying was akin to an (unwanted) assisted suicide. Or worse.

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so sorry for your loss!

I just happened to talk to my 86 year old uncle today. Before getting the jab, three times a week he climbed to 9000 and 10,000 feet elevation (with 2,000 feet of elevation gain up, and 2,000 feet of loss back down) with his local hiking club. After jab he develops weird heart arrhythmia, now on blood thinners, can't climb those mountains anymore, but he does walk on a river trail 3 or 4 miles. He's developed other health issues. I have no doubt it's the jabs. Also, my sister who was in excellent health had horrible reaction to second jab, including waking in the night with her heart racing. She's now on bp meds, probably for the rest of her life. Steve Kirsch just today published a substack article that shows there's evidence that EVERYONE who gets the jabs gets some degree of heart damage. EVERYONE! Heart cells don't regenerate, so heart damage is permanent. the more jabs you get, the more you damage your heart. These things are poison, but incredibly insidious poison. They don't kill you right away (well, some they do...). They damage your heart, other organs, they turn off genes that keep you from getting cancer, they damage your nerves. And most people don't put two and two together and realize that these new health issues they develop are from the jabs. The perfect poison.

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Thanks. He’s reunited with his wife of 72 years so it’s all good. He had no idea it could have been the result of the jab. That would have crushed his spirit. He really didn’t want to do it and at first he said no. But the pressure at the community where he lived was immense. When they finally reopened the dining room and the exercise room and started some activities only jabbed people were allowed. He was terribly lonely as my mom had died 6 months prior. So eventually he caved. It was all so wrong. And so many suffered the same fate. I saw that article you referenced and I have zero doubt thst it is true.

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Yes. It's like those true crime stories where the wife is poisoning the hubby with radiator fluid in his lemonade. Slowly, but surely. He doesn't know what is happening, but he feels worse and worse every day, especially after wifey brings him a drink. But it can't be her, she wouldn't be trying to kill him, she's helping him! Then he's in the ground six months later. Twenty years later and three dead husbands later, wifey is finally convicted of being a serial murderer with poison, because the coroner digs up the bodies and FINALLY looks for evidence of poison and correlation with death.

This is exactly what is happening now with the covid poison shots. It's going to be awhile before the bodies are dug up and the mass murderers are convicted.

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Thanks for sharing the sad story, the more come into the open the more people hopefully wake up in a sense opposing this mRNA "vaccine" at least.

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Oh how horrible!!!!

I'm so sorry!!

They're bloody murderers!!!

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Thanks. He lived a good life. He had no idea it might have been the jabs. So that was good. And he was looking forward to rejoining his wife of 72 years who died the year before. So while I miss him, in the end it’s all good.

The real tragedy is that I am not alone. And it’s not an isolated case. How many thousands have suffered the same fate? Or tens of thousands? Or hundreds of thousands. Sadly, I don’t think we will ever know. “They” are clearly hiding the data. And you know that if the governments are hiding data, redacting data, fighting FOIAs, the real circumstances are likely far worse than we can even imagine.

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I'm so sorry to hear about this. Thank you for speaking out. My father also died from the Moderna vax (030A21A and 017B21A, both "bad" batches). He was 72, he died within 2 months of multi-organ inflammatory syndrome, that's the best label I can put on it. Heart, kidneys, liver, brain all affected. Called a septicemia death on his death certificate, and he's unfortunately not the only person I know with sudden onset multiple organ failure that goes down as sepsis. The other was a 47 year old mother in my community, a close friend of one of my close friends, so I have felt that impact some too. And now my best friend of over 30 years is losing her partner to extremely aggressive cancer, metastatic and large sized tumors at diagnosis; they are in their 40s. Many people I love are vaxxed, this feels like a nightmare. Thankfully, I and my husband and my two children are not, otherwise I don't know how I would get by.

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Same. My wife and I, my youngest son and his wife have stood in the breach from Day 1. The entire rest of family all jabbed. And all of the have had Covid, a couple have been hospitalized. But they all have cognitive dissonance.

You and your husband are obviously critical thinkers with the ability to think and act independently. As I tell my wife and my son, be proud that you have and continue to stand in the breach. And you are protecting your kids. You are making a difference whether it seems that way or not. They thought they could get a needle in 90% of the arms. They were wrong. 70 million of us said no. And more have joined us here on the dark side every day. Even my libtard oldest kid said no more after two jabs and a booster.

As Toby says : Blessings to the warriors.

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My heart goes out to you. I'm in the same situation as well. My entire family took the shots, literally every single one. On my husband side, the same story. We may very well end up with no family in 10 years or less, depending how damaging the shots will be. I have already witnessed the devastation they cauzed in my family and my husband's family. What they told us...that the side effects are extremely rare, was the greatest lie ever told. Because if that was the truth I should have never know anyone who's life have been destroyed by these injections. I know so many people that I could write a book about them.

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Thanks. That’s very kind. I could contribute a few chapters to the book. My younger brother is 66. He’s a “Diversity Dean” at a major University in NC. He makes north of 200k per year. So you can only imagine trying to deal with that. I ignore it. He’s had at least 4 jabs. Maybe 5. Still wearing a mask. Last I knew he was planning on working until at least age 70. All of a sudden, with little notice, his last day is tomorrow. When I asked him why he just said it’s time. I know he didn’t get fired as I have my sources. I’d bet the last dollar in my pocket he’s having health issues. He’s at least 75lbs overweight, high blood pressure, pre diabetes. Probably some other stuff and as I said, I’m betting jab injured. But he’ll never admit it. Cognitive dissonance. Which is a huge reason its a problem without a solution.

Stay strong. And as Igor says “Blessings to the Warriors”. My wife and I, plus our youngest son and his wife are still standing in the breach. And will be until they come to drag us alive to the camps. Which will never happen.

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I am thankful every single day that me, my husband, my son and daughter, and 2 of my 3 grandkids are unjabbed. I have to worry about the one grandson (age 28) who got two Moderna jabs in July-Aug of 2021. No problems yet. And I worry about my 3 siblings, who all got the vaxes. Only time will tell.

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It’s not so much that they are hiding the (adverse) data—it’s that they are continuing to promote the vaccine despite the mounting evidence suggesting caution. Since the disease is now recognized to be less deadly than the common flu, one might expect that there would be a halt to the promotion of booster vaccines using mRNA technology. But no, the radio and tv have extensive ad’s promoting the vaccination in children as well as adults.

Whether this inoculation promotion is at the urging of big pharma or simply doubling down to attempt to distract public attention wrt vaccine adverse effects and therefore protect those who made such decisions from public ire, who can tell. Nonetheless, this is a great moral failure on the part of government agencies that are charged with the highest public responsibility, health.

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Why would they stop? Everything is going according to plan. The depopulation agenda is not a conspiracy theory, that's what you've been conditioned to believe. Once you accept this, everything makes sense.

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Perhaps, but there’s one problem to the conspiracy theory—it’s basically centered in the Western or 1st world, whereas the bulk of the population are in the 2nd and 3rd world. So the conspiracy will fail to reduce total population. So I’d need to know why the conspiracy centers on the Western world.

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They've been practicing in 3rd world countries for years, but have recently stepped up their game and are now highly focused on the West because they see it as a much greater threat of resistance to their totalitarian New World Order agenda...and of course they want an equitable depopulation (see other post). Documentary below exposes what they've been up to in 3rd world countries...


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Oct 22, 2022
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Dr. Jill Biden already beat you to it. But she says people are just now going back to the doctors again & remembering they haven't had this or that test done & finding out they have cancer.

She's just trying to get ahead of what will come out.

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She's probably talking up her investments. The more people worry about a sudden rise in cancer, the more go to get checked, the more get diagnosed, the more her stock investments in cancer treatments go up.

Most of the health news seems to be like this. Notice the constant 'rise in RSV' cases news? Well, seems there are two RSV vaccines in the pipeline...

It is now a matter of indisputable fact that top health officials were trading based on the anticipation of lockdowns as early as January 2020 - while they told the public there was nothing to worry about so they could complete their trade strategies first.

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Some people think "they told the public there was nothing to worry about" and also to go on cruises, to not wear masks, etc., in Feb/Mar 2020 so that the virus would spread, ensuring plenty of demand for the vaccines. This "conspiracy theory" is probably true, given that:

"The development of BNT162b2 was initiated on January 10, 2020" https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmoa2034577

"On January 13, 2020, the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Moderna's infectious disease research team finalized the sequence for mRNA-1273"


BNT162b2=Pfizer vaccine

mRNA-1273=Moderna vaccine

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in 2013 darpa (us def dept advanced research agency) hired moderna to do a jab that spurred anti bodies to a pathogen using mrna.

interesting it went nowhere until feb 2020!!!

also mrma therapies, which is what the spike protein generator jab is, have been investigated for years and no one not even dod got any traction until the panic of mar 2020!!

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It's not surprising that the gene-jab was 'developed in days'. The actual development of the platform proceeded over years, and they just decided on the code to express in a few days. It's analogous to working a few years to write an email client software, then over a couple of days writing a note on it.

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It fails to explain why it took so long to produce variant boosters, especially when you only need 8 mice to test one. The spike produced by the mRNA was modified from the actual Wuhan spike as well with numerous changes. There was a government document of a sample being transferred to Ralph Baric, UNC in December related to coronavirus.

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Geesh... they're working at the speed of science! Which means they first have to see how much demand there will be for the "boosters" and whether the gov will pony up the billions$$$$$$$$$$$.

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I don't know the reason but one possible explanation would be the first one was a race to lock-in market share, then they tried to get it right on the second go-around.

Not saying that's what happened, but it would explain it.

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if you are not exposed to a fragment of the virus like all other vaccines your immune memory is not established!!!

why anyone thinks that spike protein can get in the way...???

and no one has come any closer to hiv vaccines either.

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Yes. I am quite convinced that the early advice to continue as normal, "hug an Asian" and "the flu is worse" were not an accident at all. It wasn't just for the vaccines though but to ensure a 'pandemic' would be in place for the vote-by-mail and ballot stuffing schemes.

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Yes, RSV was planned to be an early mRNA vector shot, and Moderna gave that information to their investors,( that they could create an RSV vax quickly via mRNA)over a year ago. RSV is a great potential money maker, as the symptoms are vague and common, like the ‘rona; runny nose, cough, mild fever…sore throat. They could diagnose the whole planet, and make trillions.

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my fb feed showed an ad for over 65's to get in on a pfizer trial of an mrna vaxx for rsv.

i had entered the aztrazeneca trail via a fb ad. i got the real azn 1222 jab in nov/dec 2020....

i will not volunteer with what i don't know but should have about mrna harms!

i did endure the moderna jabb in arp/may 2021 bc i was a fool then!

liver function okay just tested bc i have a chronic but not worrisome liver condition....

and my cardio was checked in dec 2021.

lucky so far.

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Yes! This! My friends 5yr old just got released from hospital due to bilateral ear infections and low oxygen levels. Dx was RSV. He was on supplemental O2… 5!!! Come on! She’s pro vax so no idea if he had c19 but probably.

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Idiot, her not you : )

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She is an idiot and her husband is (much) worse.

She has probably been briefed (somewhat) about vax side effects, and told to expect an increase in cancer diagnoses. She’s just trying to get ahead of the curve......

But the shots really are “safe and effective “........everyone says so....

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:) I agree

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Just my opinion from how he looks and the amount of time he spends in Delaware - Brandon has cancer and is in treatment for it. He'll eke out an existence for many more years to come, like Carter, because the elites do not follow the SOP from the cancer treatment industry. Just like they don't follow CDC guidelines for covid.

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Me thinks too Napoleon

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Igor, how is your foot feeling tonight? I hope you are doing better.

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Better and thank you

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The vaccine spike protein enters the nucleus of the cells and degrades DNA damage repair and the immune system. 🔱CHILDREN ARE NOT LAB RATS🔱

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Nor are adults!

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It would be good for the studies to be replicated, but that's different in this political climate.

Don't jump on one or two studies as gospel truth just because it confirms your biases or fears.

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Igor, the way our leaders are going with inducing famine, talking about putting mRNA in food, coming up with plans to block out the sun's rays, turning off power plants, let alone posturing towards a nuclear war, Michel isn't the only one with a chance of 5-year survival below 30 percent.

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It's all moot.* The CDC/FDA no care because they really don't exist. Alberta is removing the health records of individuals. Who knows what else these psychopaths are up to anymore?

*The judge in the Peckford et al. lawsuit (a solid evidence-based lawsuit which included damages) was dismissed (as predicted) because in her words 'it's moot' because the measures were 'suspended.' Suspended!

Welcome to the post-colonial banana republic we call Canada. Our motto is: It's moot.


As you were.

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same here in UK

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What specifically?

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Personalized cancer vaccines. It will be like Oprah:

-cancer for you, and you and you and you.... cancer for all of you!

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The concept of individualized cancer therapies is at least 25 years old. I'm not holding my breath that any of these mendacious monsters will deliver a useful one.

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It is not the individualized part that concerns me. It is any cancer treatment from groups that have shown a reckless disregard for human life and health.

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Whether it works or not is no longer relevant - the propaganda media and the government people bought off for the Covid jabs will make sure of that.

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Kind of like personalized suicide pills. Which flavor and color would you prefer?

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There is some "gold standard" evidence that spike protein-based vaccines are carcinogenic:

The Novavax clinical trial had almost double the incidence rate of neoplasms (tumors) in the vaccine group as the placebo group. This was in a study period of just THREE MONTHS.

https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2116185/suppl_file/nejmoa2116185_appendix.pdf - see page 48

Unfortunately, I haven't seen the corresponding tumor or cancer incidence data from the mRNA vaccine trials. Maybe the fact that it's so difficult to find is not a good sign...

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Because cancers take time to develop they would not show up in the covid poison shot safety trials of only three months. Even turbo-charged cancers would most likely not show up. There's a reason why they aborted those trials as soon as they could, and now don't even do trials for new poison shots.

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Based on the paper by that Belgian doctor, his cancer after the booster jab progressed incredibly quickly (on his right side) - apparently the scans picked up stuff earlier than 3 months. However, he had already had two shots (on the left side) by that time so maybe it was the cumulative effect. That being said, one needs to look for that sort of evidence and it is quite clear from the trial design that Pfizer was not looking for a working product. They designed the trial to get their "product" to pass it - incredibly enough, they failed even that rigged trial! Their jabs were that bad. What is more astounding is that this practice is not new in medical research. Success is not commonly measured in whether or not the patient survived and got better. The success is framed around mostly artificial measures such as whether or not the patient has a reaction to it. The antibodies trick is quite some piece of work. Even Pfizer admitted that if the body produces antibodies, there is no correlation to any improvement in the patient's condition. Yet, no one is asking the question: Why in hell are you testing for things that are of no use to the patient? Of course, they do it because these are things that they put in presentations to claim that their product are having an impact. If the impact is negative like Vioxx, it ends with "Sorry, we will pay back some of the money we made as profit".

As far as the new products are concerned, yes, you are 100% correct - they no longer bother with testing. Even the more recent jabs (boosters) were based on some "bridging" magic that meant that if the test animals had an immune response of any sort (as in it did not matter whether or not the response was meaningful or useful), then it could be reasoned that it would work in the human recipients. The evil and fraud in the whole mess is difficult to grasp by a normal human being.

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But it DID show up in the Novavax trial, and the 86% increase in tumors is absolutely horrific, p=0.14 or otherwise. I would never assume that it is not biologically plausible for tumor development or progression to be dramatically accelerated by a vaccine in a very short time. Of course, Pfizer and Moderna may be worse in reality (real-world observations are suggesting they may have a serious cancer-promoting effect as well, and I'm pretty sure they ARE worse for mortality), but it seems that Novavax unblinded their trial earlier than all of the others, correct?

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Nothing to see there. Absolutely nothing because my guess is that they sanitized the data the moment they got the chance to do so. That is assuming that they were looking for that sort of thing anyway. Given that they were not looking for blocking transmission.....

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By "nothing to see" you are referring to Pfizer/Moderna, right? Have they released any such data at all?

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I am referring to Pfizer who have had to release their stuff as ordered by a court. The data is available but no one can tell the amount of manipulation done on it. Even so, what is available is horrific - they knew the jabs were toxic and did not offer any benefits to anyone taking them.

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very sad for humanity, but very good news for Pfizer and the other Big Pharma companies. Cancer "drugs" (i.e. poisons sold under the euphemism "chemotherapy") are a huge money maker for Pharma. Hundreds of millions of people will suffer and die, but Pharma will reap billions in profits.

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Pharmakia. Revelation 18:23

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Big pharma has already gotten the cash.

This is not about the MONEY...

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What else could it possibly be about?

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Transhumanism coming our way?

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That too, but on steroids. The attempts to make basic concepts like 'male' and 'female' and 'age' meaningless is the first step in decoupling the targeted population from connection with reality and the natural world.

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No, "augmented" genetically-improved humans

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Or as the left would say - trannies.

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Billions? Heck no...they've go their eyes on $trillions.

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I bet Rockefeller sensed this very early when he founded the American Cancer Society already in 1913, i dont believe in him having so much love for humankind, but just profit related reasons.

Besides he engineered complete medical science with pushing the vaccine narrative in 1910 with Flexner report, there are real good documentaries like James Corbetts "Rockefeller Medicine".


Now i got already off topic, i am sorry. Its just such a big rabbit hole.

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Nothing to see here. Just some Undesirable Side Effects of climate change:

mRNA "Vaccines" Are Gene Therapy. May cause Undesirable Side Effects That Could Delay Or Prevent Their Regulatory Approval According To BioNTech SEC Filing

The Truth About "Safe and Effective" mRNA "Vaccines" Hidden In Plain Sight


Dr.Sucharit Bhakdi: Routine Introduction of Gene-Based Vaccines Spells the Downfall of Mankind “

Dr. Bhakdi Warns Of "Greatest Conceivable Manmade Catastrophe of All Time"


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They just recommended Harmacide for babies .

Child sacrifice.

Maybe the demoRats will lose their asses now

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