Dec 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The vaccine industry is a scam, nothing more.

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Dec 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Clear as day now more than ever

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Dec 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

A very dangerous scam!

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Mass murder is no scam ,it's a mega crime .

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It’s also an ATM machine that never runs dry for pharma.

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Our very bodies are the cash cows now. Hospitals and pharmacies are the slaughter-houses.

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Indeed they are and may God help those who genuinely need them 🙏🏻 Will they come out alive? The odds? I am not even betting .. This is quite simple - Mass Genocide and Eugenics - MENGELE would be stunned by this “operation” My heart is with you all you fellow “questioners” and to the activists .. we thank you for taking the daily risks you do, so many of you prepared to pay the ultimate sacrifice for sharing the TRUTH - deepest respect ✊🏻

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I made it out of my small local hospital recently after a surgery from breaking my hip. I was treated with great care and no mention of jabs and no masks. Everything was explained to me that was happening and what I signed. I actually personally know some of the staff. I had no choice but to have this done. The difference was the small local hospital environment I’m sure. The last surgery I had was in a big giant system hospital. That would be a no go for me now. The best orthopedic surgeon in the area travels around. Otherwise I stay out of docs offices as my first line of defense. I’m a believer in alternative health treatments.

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I did pray for God’s protection in all matters relating to this. 🙏🏻

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God is great. God is good. 🙏

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Amen 🙏

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We allow this.

Stop needing hospitals.

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Well, we need hospitals but they need to be places to get well, not places that kill you. The flaw lies in the way physicians are trained. Big Pharma should not be in charge of medical schools but it is.

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The flaw also lies in the ACA, which essentially castrated physicians.

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Yeah. I thought so too until I so needed one. Just try and be prepared with what we know now.

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To read the right material and be informed ,can mean the difference between life or death .

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Nicely said

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Makes one wonder how long it has been that way...

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I’m thinking since 1986, when the vaccine manufacturers (pharma) got legal immunity.

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Dr Mullins wrote Death by INjection in 1988. The book is still worth reading. It has been this way since bigmoney started getting interested in making biggermoney. More than 100 years. But yes, that immunity for the poison makers did no good at all. And people continuously been taken by the nose by their docs and adoring them like gods didn't either.

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Since the 50's if I remember correctly. Read the book Doctor Mary's Monkey where they knew within a few years that the polio vaccine was causing cancer.

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Since around 1918 I hear. The Spanish Flu year. I hear that mass vaccination contributed to that plague. It would be poetic justice that the AI and the robots destroyed everyone that contributed to the covid scam, medical scams, hoaxes and all of the world-wide injustices. I get the feeling that that may very well happen as part of a judgment from God.

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Wouldn’t be surprised if that also was a manufactured ‘event.’

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Three hundred years ago the witch hunts and burning alive was real but not the witches .Today are the witches called whyrusses real .? The high priests of the cult say they are and the burning is done with needles and forcing poisons down our thought in hospitals .

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The earth electrical field was interfered with with radar installations, causing Spanish Flu epidemic.

1957 Avian Flum from radar added.

1968 Hong Kong flu from satellites being introduced.

COvid 19 -5G and HAARP.

Dr. Arthur Firstenberg, Dr. Thomas Corton, Dr. Martin Paal

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I did hear some of the info about technology being in place during most or every major health epidemic. The "FAKE MEDICINES", along with other toxins have and still are contributing more than their fair share to human suffering and diseases too.

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I totally believe this, plus chemicals / agriculture / industrial, pollution. Have been killing ourselves at the hands of pHarma / big chem for years.

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I had lots of loved ones who didn't have access to the info I've learned about health and medicine for the past 15 years. I believe that some of them would have opted out of big pharma as I decided long ago to do. Pharma has always been a last resort for me since I've been fortunate enough to live a better quality of life without them .

I believe that almost everything with what we have to do has been weaponized against us. Even more pathetic is the threat of disease itself. Never mind the fact that the diseases or viruses haven't or may never affect you. I've been done with the insanity. I'm looking forward to the fulfillment of Revelation Chapters 21 and 22. Whatever may be taken or denied from my life at the hands of evildoers. Even my life itself. I refuse to let any person or the devil himself rob me of the peace of God, or the hope of inheriting the everlasting kingdom and promises of God.

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Better living through chemistry. : (

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Don't blame Symmetrel!

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Why would AI destroy the medical scammers since AI does not care about humans? So far the entire medical industry and world leaders have gotten away with this as people are dropping like flies. I just found out a distant family member 'died suddenly' at 57.

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Because AI doesn’t care.

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Thank you mzlizzi. That was my point. The humanoids and/or the robots, etc., could possibly get hacked, get infected with a virus, malfunction, etc. and go after the people who intended to use them for evil against the masses. Remember the Frankinstein movie?

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Dec 7, 2022·edited Dec 7, 2022

Jenner himself did not believe in vaccination. He was an advocate for equination but the public preferred cow puss. Bit like how they didn't go for swine flu but jumped on board with the bat cave virus. The 'vaxxers' are a bit like fishermen waiting for the public to bite:

" Jenner published his Inquiry in order to recommend horsegrease cowpox, and what I have to say is, that the public declined to have anything to do with horsegrease cowpox. 

The origin of cowpox was scouted as an intolerable origin. It was disgusting. Why a diseased secretion from horses' heels should be more repulsive than a similar secretion from cows' teats was not explained; but, as we all know, there is no accounting for tastes. Various attempts were to verify Jenner's prescription by inoculating cows with horsegrease, but they ended in failure — fortunately, it was said, in failure ; for as Dr. Pearson (chief among primitive vaccinators) observed, "The very name of horsegrease was like to have damned the whole thing." What did Jenner do under these circumstances? Did he confront the public and assert the efficacy of horsegrease cowpox ? Not he. He wanted money. He saw how the wind was blowing. He said not another word about horsegrease cowpox; and as the public were eager at any price to escape from the nuisance of smallpox inoculation, and disposed to substitute cowpox as a harmless substitute, why then he resolved to go in for cowpox, and pose as its discoverer and promoter."


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1. The alleged "Coronaviruses", like the alleged cold and flu viruses, allegedly mutate so fast that any vaccine will always be useless against them. This and my resilient health was why I always refused them.

2. Virology is clearly a damned fraud, because it isolates no "virus" separate and intact, and the "isolate" will inevitably contain multiple toxins and/or machine fabricated DNA, so anything depending on Virology can't be trusted, including all "viral infection" tests and "viral vaccines".

3. Vaccines have caused death and injury from inception. It has always been a stupid idea to inject poisonous substances under the skin, with the possible exception of anaesthetics, for actually useful repair surgery, and some antiparasitic stuff.

4. Pasteur's Germ Theory was clearly plagiarism of never proven, centuries earlier speculation, by a narcissistic (sociopath?), envious fraud.

5. Gene-modification injections have always been high risk, because of the risk of Germ Line (inheritable) DNA modification or unexpected effects, so were previously strictly controlled in several countries, but relaxed for the "emergency Covid 19 vaccines", WTF!!! Mass production of gene-modification injections was a very bad idea, because manufacturing errors and experimental preservatives can, and evidently have, caused mass injury and death, including from gene sequence errors, and these were detected in vial samples! The whole idea of injecting a lot of, or tricking the manufacture by cells of, a patented toxic, synthetic "spike protein" (a biological weapon) is clearly warfare, not medicine! There may even be gene-modifying flu jabs in planning/production/distribution!

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We can develop vax quicker than they can mutate. Unless you insist on lining up enough test volunteers to show perfect safe space. Then the virus wins. But you're right that this one was easy prey for competent immune systems. That's why the fatalities were predominantly people with defective immune systems ("co-morbidities"). And most of those would have survived with competent treatment. The prohibition of treatment killed millions.

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'We can develop vax quicker than they can mutate. '


Pharma can knock out mystery sauce that they claim is a vaccine when it is really a gene therapy and no you can't see the warp speed safety testing raw data because......science.

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Science will be our salvation. Corrupt scientists are the problem.

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"Establishment Science" is often the cause, by it mal-educating/stifling/tempting, otherwise well-meaning, scientists, this corruption appears to have infested most science disciplines, to some degree, e.g. :

* Issac Newton was an occultist, and his "force of gravity" [1] was too weak to make sense.

* I'm fed up seeing mention of Einstein [1] as a life example, he was a plagiarist and a fraud too, and misused mathematics, far worse than the Fabian, Maynard Keynes did for economics.

* The Royal Society, and probably many other "science" authorities, are known to have been started by, and still run by, Freemasonry, a facade and recruitment filter for a "one eyed" satanic cult, at high degrees, which is inherently anti-life.

[1] Terrain Theory makes a lot more sense than Germ Theory, and Electric/Plasma Universe Theory, makes a lot more sense than relativity, and as a Unified Theory of Physics, without the need for mystic/occult hacks like Gravity or Quantum Theory.

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We have abundantly creative theories. Some work, some don't. Most people stick with the ones that work. Relativity works.

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Dec 7, 2022·edited Dec 7, 2022

there was treatment. that is what caused deaths. midazolam, remdisivir, intubation etc. flu like symptoms are detox symptoms. they don't need any treatment other than plenty of fluids, rest, a fruit diet and some lymphatic teas. Dr Morse said people don't die from colds and flus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1GYK2Coc84&t=312s

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The prohibition was early treatment. You had to be terminally ill to receive those treatments. Too late then for many victims. Crime of the century. Every doctor, nurse, pharmacist, bureaucrat, and clerk who withheld effective early treatment should be prosecuted. Even the ladies who cleaned their floors are accomplices. Some will receive justice, many will not. The future of our civilization depends on adequacy of the punishment. If unpunished, they'll do it again.

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Dec 7, 2022·edited Dec 7, 2022

the treatment was so early they still aven't got any evidence of a pathogenic virus existing i.e. something to treat let alone any explanation for the methods used.


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There's plenty of evidence of this and other viruses. But even if you choose to disbelieve that evidence, there is plenty more evidence of what corrects the adverse effects of that which you choose to disbelieve, and what does not. If you choose not to use those when you get sickened by that which you choose to disbelieve, few will care. Tony and Bill appreciate your support.

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Scams only work on the ignorant and the foolish. Fool me twice, shame on me...

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Lobotomy, blood letting, electro shock etc: sound medical practices like quakcines.

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deletedDec 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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Dec 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Most pharma is.

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When will the grazing cattle realize this is now open warfare against the people.

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When there's only awake, NOT woke, people left?

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They commit pfarmacide on a daily basis.

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Going to a hospital with respiration problems is equal to suicide .My brother did and was dead after six days in there .Hospitals are the new Auschwitz .

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My SIL barely survived remdisivir and a vent. She woke up and pulled the vent out. That was fall of last year. She is still dealing with some issues. But is alive.

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Yes Janet that's what they did with my brother .I had no idea he went there,no one told me .If I had known I would have made my way in there and get him out of there ,even if I had to carry him .Remdesivir ,ventilators and withholding of effective treatment is the .murder protocol used by the exterminators .

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My brother, her husband, had Covid so he was stuck at home and they whisked her off to a hospital 50 miles away. He had no input on her treatment and little idea what was happening. He was so stressed and beside himself and all alone because he couldn’t see her and then they called him to tell him to prepare himself. But she’s tough and rallied. That cockroach Fauci couldn’t get her. So sorry about your brother Joe. Heads must roll. Evil crimes have been committed.

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It's just money machine and if the products kill people, they don't care.

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Dec 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I’m old enough to remember when the flu disappeared a year or two ago

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Dec 6, 2022·edited Dec 6, 2022Author

In 2020, they counted flu as Covid; in 2022, they count Covid as flu

A little exaggeration but not completely off the mark

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Dec 6, 2022·edited Dec 7, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

You're not exaggerating.

Chicago flu data proves the point. I hope to be posting about that before Christmas.

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...did they think no one would notice??? I guess about 70% did not :(((

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and most of the the time Johns Hopkins who do the counting, admit they count all upper respiratory illnesses including pneumonia etc. as flu !

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Dec 7, 2022·edited Dec 7, 2022

not really. they have flu and pneumonia data and controlled opposition mislabel it flu inorder to make the covid figures seem more plausible. Del Bigtree was off on day one claiming "covid" was no more deadly than the flu when infact he had thrown in all the pneumonia figures and any antivaxxer worth their salt has known for years that flu and pneumonia are grouped togetether to push the 'flu vaccine' when flu deaths are actually rare if not non existant.

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Have you ever looked at the New York State Flu tracker? Very interesting stats. You can see weekly comparisons over the past 4/5 years. The end of this year is off the charts # wise and “flu” season is just starting……https://nyshc.health.ny.gov/web/nyapd/new-york-state-flu-tracker

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I will ignore any government flu tracker just as the gov ignored all the truths they have about the plandemic and any transparent open debate.

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Well, in theory at least, more people could be getting sick because of weakened immune systems.

Or... just more scare tactics for the proles.

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Not interested

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Statistically outliers are usually culled from the sample.

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The Plandemic really is this simple. They just decided to invest monopoly money in promoting to fulfill their orgasmic vaccinologist fantasies of "inventing a novel flu from China" to "blow the entire system up". The media will drive the hype and the money will follow.

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the simplest answer is usually the right one. Of course Barney had to come up with it !

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It was Fred's idea but no one would believe him.

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I sold nearly 1000 flu test kits annually, but in 2020 I sold 2 boxes. They all just stopped testing for it.

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Dec 7, 2022·edited Dec 7, 2022

Flu was out of fashion in 2020, however it is becoming more fashionable again, now that a lot of people have gotten tired of Covid and they are putting mRNA into flu shots instead.

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Covid is the new flu like orange is the new black!

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They did but they will lie to your face snd claim they didn’t stop testing.

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How about in 2020 they rebranded flu as covid19 and then killed lots of people with ventilators, midazolam and many other toxic anti virals in order to create the impression of a pandemic spike in deaths?

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People are so easily conned. “There a sucker born every minute” possibly PT Barnum. “It's morally wrong to allow a sucker to keep his money.” W C Fields. Quite possibly he might add health and life, if alive today.

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Flu has regained some popularity now that they are putting mRNA in the shots.

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more likely that they're counting common cold as both Covid and flu as the case may be (Omicron was mostly common cold and false positives and flu now seems likely to be mostly common cold or a host of other respiratory issues now all rolled in as "flu")

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I believe sars-cov-2 was circulating in the U.S. in spring 2019, if not sooner. That keeps me from embracing whole-heartedly a range of theories about the interplay between the virus and flu.

The question isn’t whether there was interference, but to what extent it was viral va human.

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Dec 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The flu went on a well earned break and covid19 covered.

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And it is back with a vengeance! Get your flu jab now to be safe. Honestly I cannot understand how these people from the CDC and the media can say all this BS with a straight face.

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In a country where the rule of law existed these people would be in prison. Too bad we don’t have the rule of law.

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We have the Golden Rule: those with the gold make the rules.

Same as it ever was. Just now, the veil's been shredded.

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It has been shredded a long time ago. Same thing happened in communism as well - some were more EQUAL than others.

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Yes, they would be in solitary for the rest of their lives. But then again, it is a law system not a justice system.

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Today my husband got a text from his sister. Did you get your flu shot?

LOL. No. We don't do that.

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Good gravy! It’s nobody’s damn business

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In November I was at a routine eye doctor appointment and while going over my health records, the nurse/tech asked if I'd had flu or pneumonia shot. I asked her if the government required the inquiry. She said "Yes." So I told her that I'd not had either. In retrospect, I think in the future the answer will be "That's none of your business, unless you can convince me that the information has any relevance to the service you provide." Back in the 80s there was a big anti-illegal-drug advertising campaign: "Just say no." I've adopted that beginning this year. It turns out that recreational drugs aren't my problem, rather it's the legal ones. So far in 2022 I "just said no" to Paxlovid. More recently on my own initiative, after due diligence, I'm "just saying no more" to a statin, aspirin and a hypertension medication.

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Its easy to keep a straight face when you’ve been a lying evil narcissist for decades. We need to invent a Liar Detector that works like a thermometer: great at airports and at the lunch table at journal peer review boards!

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Just abolish Government. If no one has violent power over anyone else, the issue of lying becomes far less critical.

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No need for lie detector - a simple 2 minute conversation would be enough. These idiots are not exactly good at talking without a teleprompter...

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We have a lie detector, it's when someone says anything but the truth!

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Their lips move?

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It's a job qualification.

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Viral interference. Sars-Cov-2 outcompeted it. Now there is less Sars-Cov-2 although its still around, giving influenza a chance to come back since waning immunity means there are more people susceptible to flu, not to mention immune suppression from the COVID JABS

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Utter nonsense. I hope you’re being sarcastic. If not, please read the article.

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That all you got dufus?


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Dec 7, 2022·edited Dec 7, 2022


so is santa. this time he is delivering fruits, berries and melons to make kids healthy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cVXOkxWblo

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Your article fails to account for the 90% false positive rate for COVID tests. Fail.

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They don't have a 90% FP rate. They are correctly picking up the viral fragments they were designed for. The test was misused by testing asymptomatic people with too high a Ct threshold. They indeed had these viral fragments, but it did not indicate infection with a replication competent virus.

Over 90% of positives in 2021 did not have COVID

Now its being used as it should in many hospitals, on sick patients with COVID symptoms. Those with symptomatic COVID will typically have lower Ct levels. In a hospital setting they would also likely be tested for flu as well.

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they have a 100% false positive rate coz there is no evidence of a pathogenic virus existing in the first place. https://odysee.com/@DeansDanes:1/cpe-english:f

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EVERYONE I know that has ever gotten the old flu shot got deathly ill after taking it. I have 2 friends that ended up in ICU and they never recovered totally. They are both dead now. I believe the new mRNA flu shot IS the COVID shot and they are just telling people they are getting the flu shot. No one should get the COVID shot or the flu shot. GET HEALTHY instead.

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It's funny because illness from the flu shot was the reason I felt so strongly about NOT taking the Covid shot.

Way back when, I simply and uncritically followed my doctor's advice, so when he said "you should get a flu shot", I said, "sure"! I didn't even question it, even though I was 29 and in peak health due to diet and exercise. Within an hour, I was projectile vomiting repeatedly at my poor friend's house to the point where he was really concerned. This went on for hours, along with body aches. Later that year I got the actual flu ... except worse than any flu I'd ever had before. And worse each year until 2020 when I decided to start an anti-inflammatory diet and add higher doses of vit C, zinc, quercetin, and ADK to my daily routine. I haven't been meaningfully sick since (despite living mostly normally with 2 school-aged children).

This all reminded me of a discussion I'd had way back when after my flu shot illness. I used to horseback ride, and remember hanging around the stable chatting with a group of women about how we'd all gotten the flu after getting the flu shot, and how none of us would ever take it again. Seems like we are not unique 😅

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Adk ? Familiar with the rest of em.

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What Thomas Jacobs says. The pill has vitamins A, D, and K. I think the A is to offset issues caused by taking large amounts of D on its own. But I alternate ADK capsules with vit D drops from time to time.

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Better to get these from the evolutionarily appropriate sources.

A: liver. Only source worth considering. Supplemental vitamin A is not the same and can be very toxic.

K: fermented foods, mostly kefir and hard cheese

D: midday sunlight on bare skin, 15 mins every day (supplementation is necessary in Northern lattitudes)

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Alternatively, for vitamin A, simply consume Beta-Carotene found in orange vegetables like carrots and let your body convert to vitamin A as needed.


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Nope, conversion is low even for people who can convert it.

Vegans are liars who knew

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Nope, conversion is low even for people who can convert it.

Vegans are liars who knew

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I still wonder if the big spike in deaths in the winter of 2020-2021 flu season wasn't tied to the flu shot - not to Covid.

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I reckon you are absolutely right, a flu shot is a covid shot. Your advice is 100% correct get healthy instead. I've been mocking and scoffing at flu shots for years and advising people not to get the toxic junk injected into them but they are oblivious - they simply don't get it, instead they get the shot.

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Tony and Karen: you have my vote... that just makes sense. Bigly.

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Thank you!

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It's easier to continue to live an easy life and just take medicine to combat your ailments, rather than to, you know, live a hard life being healthy and in shape and eating well where you don't need to take medicines.

Plus it seems that much like mental illness these days, the number of meds you take gives you some sort of cred. Make sure to get your 6th booster and post about it so the whole world knows how virtuous you are!

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You're right, too many people do not realise they should mostly be taking responsibility for their own health by being sensible about food, drink, rest and play and avoiding obvious hazards about certain excesses. The danger for humanity is the medical-industrial-pharma complex will take advantage to monopolise and control human health, as Dr Benjamin Rush very accurately stated 200 years ago:

"Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship … To restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic and have no place in a republic … The Constitution of this republic should make the special privilege for medical freedom as well as religious freedom"

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I made this comment on another substack post -- in long term care facilities, the caregivers have noticed for years that the old dears seem to have a die-off after flu jabs. And the same happened with covid jabs. Imagine that.

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I just wanted to clarify this - are you saying ALL the new flu shots this year use the MRNA technology?

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Dec 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Until the plandemic arrived in Australia every year MSM does their propaganda about how this is the worst flu season and hospitals are being or will be over loaded and people must get a jab blah blah blah... every year start of winter same lies, misinformation... Jabs don't work, jabs damage immune system. Jabs are billions $ industry.

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I thought it was only THIS year haha

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deletedDec 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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Same with Chinadian CBC, the Communist Bullshit Corporation. Our tax dollars screwing us silly.

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Australian Bolshevik Collective or Anything But Correct. If only a government with stones comes in and defunds the bastards.

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At my recent doctor appt there was a sign listing all the vaccines to take-similar to what you saw online. I started getting nervous just reading all the vaccines that were listed.

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Well, according to the locals in my area, there is a measles outbreak with 22 kids hospitalized. I'm pretty sure that means I'm going to get the measles and die.

/of course they don't mention the fact that this area has it's share of illegals who are infected with God only knows what...

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If you took all the recommended shots you'd barely be human anymore. More like a walking pharma biolab, assuming you could still walk.

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Yep, they have been pushing this crap for a long time. A GP tried to get me to take the flu jab over 15 years ago and was stunned when I told him that if I do get the flu, all I need to do is take a couple days off. It is just a flu for goodness sake, people have had it since the beginning. What is with the emergency BS?

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Fear sells, doesn’t it? It doesn’t take a dermatologist to see that the Collective Epidermis has thinned to the point of invisibility.

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Well said. I reckon the only reason we have flu around is because of the flu vaccines. I'll go further, the only reason we have many diseases around is because of the vaccines created to "prevent" them.

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Dec 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Omg! I’m so sick of this nonsense. I’ve had no vaccines or a flu shot at 59. TAKE CARE OF YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM! Your immune system is a perfect machine and it knows what to do! Leave it alone! This isn’t rocket science! I swear, the Pharma Cartel has turned people into pussies! Yes...I said it.

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According to Dr Bryan Ardis, they are turning people into part human, part reptile, the mRNA shots make human cells produce snake venom peptides. Sounds crazy but when you see the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle things are adding up.


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It occurred to me that the push for artificial knees, implants of so many kinds is fuelled by ostensible need/demand etc but also by the sinister developing normalization of transhumanism by the evil powers that be. How many artificial parts will the Ontario government stick to those poor kids being indoctrinated into gender transition?

Never has government involved itself in something as personal or cultural as that social movement. Clearly there is an agenda afoot, and we are expected to blindly pay taxes for it. Whether we agree or not.

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Lots of meds are made with snake venom...especially blood pressure meds.

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Sure lots of meds are made using controlled levels of toxic substances. It does not excuse a global scale deception where people are being told they need to have a gene manipulation drug injected that instructs their cells to produce a spike protein when in fact their cells are being instructed to make dangerous venom peptides entirely unnecessarily.

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Whoa...the covid death shots are poison.

I was just stating the snake venom is used in manufacturing drugs. It is also used in cosmetics and crop production. Link to a company in the UK that sells it:


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Ok, yes agreed. I got that from listening to Dr Bryan Ardis full video discussion. People wonder why they have "hayfever" in February or unsual respiratory symptoms in early spring - venom based crop sprays!!!! The stupidity, ignorance, evil and incompetence of some of mankind is just so far beyond staggering, it is not possible to even attempt to describe it with words.

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Pharma is evil.

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Your immune system is truly a gift from God!

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Your immune system allows you to live in God’s beautiful world…along with the insanity.

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And yes, your spiritual reality is your immunity from evil just as your somatic immune system guards your body.

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God should look after his world a little better by not giving evil the upper hand. Instead let's give the average, hard working, honest person the upper hand in exposing the whole truths about the atrocities humanity has been subjected to over the centuries, yes the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help YOU God.

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MAN should look after his own world!

Don’t blame God. What a cop out!

It’s easy to blame God when MAN takes no responsibility.

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Its kinda forgiveable… heck, i know a rabbi who is an atheist. Clown world eh.

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God claims to be in charge - and is therefore responsible. He has put thugs, murderers, idiots and psychopaths in power over us, so is responsible for the multi-faceted catastrophe's we see unfolding. No cop out. Hard working honest people are not copping out.

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Dec 8, 2022·edited Dec 8, 2022

No, God is not responsible for human beings choices.

If more people realized the love of a loving, perfect Being and Creator, they wouldn’t want to be evil. I see your understanding is limited, as most ego driven people.

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Yes and now he should help us to have the full freedom to benefit from it naturally instead of expecting us to pay corrupt authorities to weaponize disease against us.

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That’s MAN, not God. You have free will, don’t you? Or is God forcing you to do something against your will, like MAN is?

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certain MEN empowered and enriched by God. Our free will is being more and more limited by increasing infringements on humanity's freedoms. The elite super rich who are effectively in charge are the ones who have the true free will. Yes God is effectively forcing us all to endure the consequences and fall out of multi stage atrocities including deliberately incited terrorism around the world, deliberately started wars with the aim of bringing about a one-world-government, weaponization of disease, etc. Those trying to turn the tide are facing a hard increasingly difficult uphill struggle against the riches and power of elite minority cabals. Ultimately this is tribulation and apocalypse unfolding - all totally unnecessary. The acceptance by people like yourself simply enables and empowers our demise.

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The reclassification of virtually everything is a flu is HUGE. Thank you for bringing this to our attention!

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Dec 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It’s like the combining of influenza and pneumonia in counts. One is viral, the other bacterial. Not the same thing at all.

But they don’t care. They are like economists and crooked accountants, cooking the books.

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Yep, they make Ponzi look honest....

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The fact that people die from bacterial infection in the lungs is not a justification for lumping pneumonia in with influenza stats. Pneumonia can be the result of many things, not just flu, and not just viruses.

Completely inaccurate.

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Dec 7, 2022·edited Dec 7, 2022

pneumonia subsides with fasting. what they are doing is adding toxic drugs to turn and flu into pneumonia and then death. if they are detoxing then they can't tollerate additional toxins. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMzJINXsrmA

Dr Tilden explained this in the 1920s:

"According to the Toxin Philosophy, every so-called

disease is a crisis of Toxemia; which means that toxin has

accumulated in the blood above the toleration-point, and

the crisis, the so-called disease—call it cold, “flu,”

pneumonia, headache, or typhoid fever—is a vicarious

elimination. Nature is endeavoring to rid the body of toxin.

Any treatment that obstructs this effort at elimination

baffles nature in her effort at self-curing.

Drugs, feeding, fear, and keeping at work prevent

elimination. A cold is driven into chronic catarrh; “flu”

may be forced to take on an infected state; pneumonia may

end fatally if secretions are checked by drugs; we already

know what becomes of headache; typhoid will be forced

into a septic state and greatly prolonged, if the patient is not killed."


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Dec 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Excellent, keep up your outstanding work, God Bless!

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These alphabet organizations AND ALL news media have been doing this (creating graphics & numbers to stoke fear). I saw a comparison recently (can’t remember where) of a weather map here in Texas from 2012 or so next to one from 2017 and the later one was all red and orange with the weather person saying there would be myriad deaths because of “record heat” that summer; although, the temperatures on the older map were from the same month and the temps were the SAME!

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Indeed you are so right - after all fear is the currency of control. We've had the AIDS scare, we have the ongoing cancer fraud, War on Terror which was manufactured by the elite cabal who want to bring in a one world government. The covid global scale fraud at every level from origin to testing to control measures to "vaccines". Now we have our fraudulently reported war in Ukraine which is really a NATO proxy war on Russia. We have the ongoing fraudulently reported and vastly exaggerated "climate crisis". All designed to corral humanity through fear and ignorance into a CCP style "bio-secured" digital dystopia where we effectively live our lives in a semi virtual reality metaverse internet of everything monitored 24/7/365 by AI.

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You are bang-on Tony! We are living in the dystopian future that CS Lewis, of all people, predicted in his very short book, “The Abolition of Man” and also his novel, “That Hideous Strength” (the third in a compelling trilogy).

The dissonance reported by the “news” and our lives experiences. It confounds me that the majority of people simply do not see it.

The Ukraine war is a grift and a farce perpetrated on us with our government thieving our tax dollars, with no accountability, to funnel through Ukraine and back into their personal coffers.

It all just boggles the mind.

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Thank you Samantha, I can see you are deeply knowledgeable about these things and helping others to see the truth.

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You give me too much credit, Tony. Anything good I do...well, I give all glory to God. I am an avid reader, but learn so much by talking to people smarter than me!

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I don't think it's too much credit. From the way you have written I can see high intelligence and knowledge of what is going on behind the mainstream propaganda headlines.

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Well, thank you so very much. Also, I’ll be posting my latest article sometime tomorrow...we’ll see what people think. I’m new so don’t have many subscribers. Tomorrow’s post will either cause me to lose most of what I have, or I’ll gain some. 💗

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Dec 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

anyone who saw what when down in 1976 with the swine flu vaccine never took another one. my cousin's wife spent a year in a wheelchair. i'll take my chances with the flu

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Dec 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I'm from the government, and I'm here to help you.

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:-D :-D :-D

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Dec 6, 2022·edited Dec 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

According to this massive multi year UK based NHS study the flu vaccine offers no reduction in hospitalisation or death from flu.

Strange how real world data so often shows that pharmas products are complete crap.

The Effect of Influenza Vaccination for the Elderly on Hospitalization and Mortality

An Observational Study With a Regression Discontinuity Design


The data included 170 million episodes of care and 7.6 million deaths. Turning 65 was associated with a statistically and clinically significant increase in rate of seasonal influenza vaccination. However, no evidence indicated that vaccination reduced hospitalizations or mortality among elderly persons. The estimates were precise enough to rule out results from many previous studies.


Throw in that flu vaccine is stuffed with aluminium and that the best modern data indicates that aluminium lodges in the brain causing alzheimers and the flu shot is a real winner.

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Let's not confuse people with facts and data. Trust and do NOT verify should be their motto.

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It seems most people don't want facts and data, it requires too much thinking. They want commands, phrased pleasantly, with a soothing tone, but commands nonetheless.

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It's haarrrrdddd to think for yourself.

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Advertising had made them desire commands.

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Confirming flu vaccines are, at best, useless.

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Its a killer.

The aluminium in the shots (about 80% cntain aluminium) lodges in the brain causinf inflammation. This inflammation can cause autism and alzheimers.

Aluminium expert Dr Christopher Exley recently has his career destroyed because his findings were showing that pharma jabs were the most likely cause.



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Not useless, but pretty close to it.

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Why would anyone put any stock in anything the CDC has to say. They lost all credibility long ago.

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A granny said she got the flu shot and I asked if she got the booster. She said, "Oh no, no one at the hospital even encourages it anymore when you say you aren't COVID 'vaccinated'." I told her, you know the same people who said "Safe and Effective" are the same people that say you should get the flu shot.

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Dec 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

A lot of these flu shots still have mercury in them. Others have aluminium salts. I wouldn't take such poisons even if they did work. I'd rather risk the flu (which I never get anyway) than end up spending my last years in an institution with Alzheimers Disease (caused by Al exposure, watch Chris Exley on The Highwire last week).

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All any intelligent person needs to see looking at this is how sick the Covid vaccine has made the population. It’s a farce at this point

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The problem is most do not see that at all and still follow, blindly, whatever the CDC is peddling.

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Dec 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The flu vx makes you more susceptible to coronavirus: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31607599/

"Vaccine derived virus interference was significantly associated with coronavirus and human metapneumovirus"

Imagine that! How many old folks had their flu shot for the 2019-2020 season?

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I never take the flu shot, but know lots of people who did and said they got sicker than they ever had been when a respiratory pathogen came around.

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And they said the opposite back in 2020. As I’m reading this a news alert popped up warning about the worrisome flu season.

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