I have not read all of this material yet; just wanted to reiterate that YOU ARE A PRICELESS GEM ~ who else is even toying with the idea of pouring this amount of time, energy, effort, and commitment to truth-seeking into this type of oversight? (Possible trick question, in that we all know the answer is "virtually NO ONE." ) THANK YOU ~

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Thank you! It took about 9 hours!

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I agree. I will read this, but haven't had time to yet. I saw the conclusions of this paper a couple of days ago and given that the vaccine causes MISC, (a la maddie de garay), I was like, "Well, I am highly suspicious of this. I suspect data massage." I opened it up and looked through it and thought, looks like data massage, but I can't dig into it, but I'm betting someone like Igor will! Yay!

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You are right to be suspicious

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I wonder if Maddie is hoping her parents end up in Hell (not that there is a Hell but anyway...)

Can you imagine your parents enrolling you in an experiment involving a 'vaccine' that has existed for less than a year? And you end up with a wrecked body wracked with pain and contemplating suicide.

Come to think of it --- parents who do that to their kids have a bit of Devil in them... so they might enjoy Hell. So is that really punishment?

Deep thoughts....

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Maddie has WONDERFUL parents who made the mistake of trusting the government. They are suffering terribly. No condemnation is appropriate.

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I knew this was a Con from the moment I saw that dead body on the street in Wuhan --- what would a deathly ill person be doing wandering the streets????

And when they insisted Operation Warp Speed would deliver a Safe and Effective Vaccine I said to myself - WTF (on steroids) You cannot have a safe vaccine in such a short time period because it takes YEARS to conduct long term safety trials.

I also know that we have never developed a vaccine for a coronavirus so I did a bit of poking around and found this gem https://www.wired.com/2003/05/feds-race-to-make-sars-vaccine/

I passed that around to a few people trying to alert them not to get involved with Operation Warp Speed. They ignored it. Two of them now have heart damage.

Call them trusting - call them stupid - call them whatever you like -- but what they did is a far cry from VOLUNTEERING your CHILDREN to participate in the initial trials of a completely untried treatment.

Her parents treated her like a lab rat... go ahead - inject her -- we'll be sure to alert you to the side effects.... we trust you not to wreck her..

It's an experiment... an.. experiment... who volunteers their kids for an experiment?

I dunno. How about a destitute crack head who breeds for the sole purpose of volunteering their progeny for PAID medical trials - then takes the $$$ and buys more crack.

What I do know is that if you cared about your kids -- you most definitely would not put them forward as lab rats.

Wonderful? hahahaha... how are they wonderful - they wrecked the body of their child - permanently!

If my parents did that to me I'd want to strangle them.

What's the mothers day card look like - thanks for volunteering me to be a lab rat and destroying my life - you are wonderful!

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three of my doctors who work for Ohio Health here in Central Ohio, based on bringing up early treatment, all of them backed getting the mRNA vaccine. I did not ask but my hunch is that they all vaccinated their children and recommended grandchildren be vaccinated as well.

in this kind of environment, one cannot fault Madie's parents

and now two years later, the Big Lie continues so the challenge is to get the word out about the danger of mRNA vaccines and the spike protein and liquid nano particles

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Well actually no. they are not remotely wonderful. Maddie's parents committed an act of gross stupidity and nothing can fix the damage they have done.

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I'd be suicidal if I was in their shoes... every single day I'd be reminded of my epic f789 up...

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data torture is a better term than data massage.

no need to disparage the word massage. massages are enjoyable, relaxing and leave one feeling rejuvenated.

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Wow Igor, thank you for the in depth look at the data. The world needed someone like you to be in leadership at the NIH or CDC to halt these crap jabs and keep big pharma honest. 🤗🌸💥.

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Guys like Igor may not be appreciated in those agencies. They're toxic.

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Nice thought ... but I wouldn't ever ever wish that upon our dear friend Igor!

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He’d straighten the place up… we need people like him as well as scientists and physicians who cannot be sold off for money 💰

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😳 that's a lot of time.

Thank you.

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How much of the 9 hours was for the droll minutiae like formatting, importing data, copy/pasting stuff etc? I feel like it takes me an inordinate amount of time to do the little technical stuff ;)

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Like 6-7 hours was re-reading, re-wording, re-calculating etc.

The data faking was pretty obvious right away but it has to be described in an accessible and correct manner and the numbers had to be verified

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Well it shows in the final product, that's for sure😍🤗

editing is such a chore :)))

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So many thanks!

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Cooking dinner, calling your girlfriend, playing a computer game, getting up to get a beer, letting the dog out, scratching your ass....c'mon now, be honest 🤣🤣🤣

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That part takes me for-ev-er, too. It's easier to write things out longhand. 🙄

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Ouch. My ADD limits my ability to focus on drudgery to about 45 seconds.

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Thank you!


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WOW!!! I plan to send this to a doctor friend of mine. THANK YOU!!!

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Soon to be former friend

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Ha! Well no. I don't think this would sever the friendship. We've been conversing from opposite sides of the coins for half a year or more now. :( !

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It would have taken me a lot longer than that!

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Yes Igor you truly are a gem! Thank you!!!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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These covid jabs may result in more deaths than every genocidal story I've ever heard, or not heard about in human history. And the people behind this program appear to have no intention of shutting it down. I falsely assumed last year that covid jabs would be a thing of the past after 50K+ adverse effects had been reported. This insanity on steroids!

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You may be right and I hate that

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Wait until after the election.

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This is why people are still wearing masks, getting boosted and lining their children up for these gene therapies. Public health officials are lying!!! It’s so infuriating. In my mind, it’s not a case of educated vs uneducated when considering who is falling for this crap. It’s a case of who trusts public health officials vs those who have a little bit of skepticism. Those with a little bit of skepticism are those who are willing to see that public health officials are cooking all the data to support this insanity. My only question is whether or not the people making up all these stupid fake studies (or rather fake conclusions) are just brainwashed into being useful idiots, or if they are protecting their own self interest and careers, or trying to cull the population, or usher in a biomedical fascist system? Or who knows what else might be there motivation. I’m sure there are many, many different reasons people are signing on to junk science. This reminds me of the study the CDC put out showing that masks work. Or the studies from pharma showing the “vaccines” work. It’s all garbage. I hope I never need medical care. I’ll be doing everything in my power to avoid our current medical system. Time to go work in my garden.

Ugh. I just don’t understand how people can live with themselves after being this intellectually dishonest. I blame them for all those still living life constantly terrified of this virus and I blame them for the deaths of who have died from the aftermath of this insanity. I have a friend who literally wears a mask and has hung an air purifier about her neck to walk around with. I am not making that up. My sister and I invited our cousin to lunch this summer at a restaurant and when she arrived she had a panic attack because she had not been in a restaurant for two years. And she was even hospitalized after her vaccine and was still planning to keep getting doses! Trusting people are being victimized every single day by these “scientists” who basically commit outright fraud. How do we make it stop? Who will prosecute these crimes? There just too many involved that it feels insurmountable.

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Fear is a powerful thing:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/821d1b69aa60

Worst of all, this pandemic of fear was intentionally, manipulatively and unethically cultivated:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/63e7cb0add54

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Sep 13, 2022
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I remember when I first learned about what happened during WWII and I wondered how it happened and why people just let it happen. Now that we are living through it, it makes so much sense because it’s literally happening again. It still doesn’t make sense from a logical stand point but the psychology of it is definitely a pattern of human behavior no matter the time period or circumstances. The book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism, helped me understand what we are seeing and experiencing. It’s so painful to watch. Trusting people in authority is apparently a very dangerous path to take in life.

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Excuse me S D, those 90% had nowhere to go. The 10% that didn't get on the trains were either very lucky or could pay for a place to hide. Much of this so-called heroic help had to be paid for dearly. And the majority who boarded trains were "kleine Leute", no money, no networks, no protectors. For God's own sake, don't blame them and He, who watched them waiting on the platforms, with their little children, their valises and their pannikins, let Him rest their souls.

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Is it really all that different? How many have gotten the shot because if they did not, they’d be unemployed? How many nurses have said no? The number is large, but what percentage do they represent.

Masks are still worn over here in Japan. This in true for the classroom too. Are all teachers, besides myself, ignorant of the fact that we can not teach through a mask? That our students, students around the world are failing horribly because of masks and online only learning? Why am I the only one who refuses to wear a mask? Why am I the only one who has lost 80% of their income? If

My wife was not pulling in big bucks, we would be homeless. I still very well might end up that way.

Most are not wealthy enough nor have enough family support to fight this. It is not being rounded up and boarding trains to death camps, but for many, I’d say most, it is comply or be cut off from employment and society in general. For me, a lot of the mystery of what happened in Japan and Germany leading up to WW2 and during has been solved.

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Excellent analysis, Igor!

This is how epidemiology science is done nowadays. Instead of analyzing data and drawing conclusions from them, the “conclusion” is made beforehand (COVID vaccines significantly improve this or that) and to support this “finding,” the data is then arbitrarily selected and tweaked to fit that conclusion.

Most people, including medical professionals, are unable to uncover these shinanigans, because they lack the required mathematical and statistical skills. That’s why we’re so thankful for your articles!

I would just like to point out that there’s a link between the inflammatory response caused by the COVID vaccines (both acute, such as MIS-C, and chronic inflammation) and the suppressed ability of the vaccinated people’s immune systems to fight against infections and cancer:

If you have armed forces (= the immune system) dragged through an ongoing war against a practically indestructible opponent (= chemicals and toxins in the COVID vaccine), the armed forces won’t be readily available to fight on yet another front (= against infections and cancer cells). And when they arrive, they’d be tired, less effective and more likely to miss the opponent, causing even more collateral damage than usual - which leads to further inflammation.

There are more reasons for the suppression of both acquired and innate immunity by the COVID vaccines, but this is one of them.

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The MMWR reports despite a lot of learned names have a lot of apparent conclusion first statistical effort involved. Makes you question the reviewers' professionalism that allowed it past their desks.

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What do you call people who compare vaccination v. covid?

Morons, because they fail to realize the vaccinated people can get covid and you will almost certainly end up with the same people in both groups.

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Spike via nose

Spike via arm

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incredibly larger dose via arm

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MORE-ONS (plural!!! )

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Since nobody is ever, truly, 'fully vaccinated' -- there's always another booster around the corner -- I suppose the CDC could argue there were zero MIS-C cases amongst the "fully vaccinated" ;-).

That sounds ridiculous, of course, but it's the reductio ad absurdum of ignoring cases that happen in the first 14 days post-jab, or even worse, considering them 'unvaccinated'.

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Igor, thank you for all the work you must have put in to this. I think you said it took you 9 hours! I love the way you explain stuff. I’m right on the edge of not understanding it all but you pull me through it every time, if I concentrate hard enough! Keep up the good work 😀

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Ah thank you :-)

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I second that "thank you"! I always feel very compelled to read every word of your articles, to try and understand. And I'm here for the commenters too! :-)

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Me too! I learn so much from the commenters (as well as Igor of course!)

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I read this whole argument carefully. It seems to me that you reallocation of children into the correct categories is completely defensible. Indeed, it seems to me that a complete stretch to exclude so many vaccinated children. It is almost as if the paper's authors had an agenda. Lastly, this kind of data manipulation in publications should be caught through peer review. The fact that it isn't speaks volumes on the state of the medical profession today.

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every sentence of yours is 100% on the mark

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Absolutely brilliant & superb clarity of presentation

At this point, we could probably assume that the CDC has access to the 'missing' data and would have included it if it were positive, so.....

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Thank you so much, Igor, for your excellent analysis on MIS-C in relation to the vaccine. It is one of the issues I was looking at myself last spring. I even published an article on my Substack last April that asked whether public health officials were actually faking child deaths, using the MIS-C diagnosis, to pressure parents into vaccinating their children. (Sadly, there is some evidence for this.)

When I looked at the CDC studies at that time, I found the same thing you found here: The studies were heavily manipulated, specifically by picking and choosing which patients to include and exclude. I wrote: "...for months the CDC has been using the threat of MIS-C to frighten parents into vaccinating their children. However, MIS-C has been linked in published reports to both Covid-19 and the Covid-19 vaccine. Whether the vaccine or the virus is more likely to cause MIS-C is unclear. The CDC appears to be going out of its way to suppress any data that could answer this question...."

In fact, every vaccine-related study I looked at from the CDC was heavily manipulated in exactly the same way: The researchers included the children who could help them make their case for the vaccine and found arbitrary reasons to exclude hundreds of children that would have weakened their case for the vaccine.

I eventually gave up looking at CDC-sponsored studies because it was so time-consuming and ultimately, disappointing to realize just how dishonest the agency was. I'm glad you haven't given up, though, because this information still needs to get out there.

Ultimately, these types of studies, where the sample size is small and patients can be excluded for arbitrary reasons, need to be abolished altogether -- and government funding for them banned outright. Large studies that compare health outcomes in vaccinated (including a single dose of ANY Covid vaccine) vs. unvaccinated, with no easy way to manipulate the outcome, are the only honest method of determining vaccine safety and efficacy. Everything else belongs in the garbage.

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The CDC studies’ “Data” and “ conclusions” are indeed Grossly and blatantly manipulated - what can be done?!

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You mean, Multisystem Inflammation is more likely

when giving a vaccine that mixes decades of molecular design tricks that specifically aim to ignite acute severe inflammatory response?? (with the theory of provoking lasting immune memory)

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Igor, you are demonstrating a flaw that all CDC Studies have, including their atrocious VSafe Pregnancy study, that I urge you to look at next.

The CDC remove subjects from the study, they cherry pick subjects they want included, and most Importantly they do not test all subjects of a large cohort and Control groups- they do not test ALL subjects for blood and tissue bio markers of the outcome measures, side effects, Infection, S Spike Protein levels, nor Specific Antibody levels.

In the CDC Pregnancy Study they never confirmed any subjects Pregnancy with a blood test!! They used a small time frame, they never confirmed a birth nor a miscarriage nor tested all subjects for blood bio markers of side effects or Complications of pregnancy nor did they examine any fetus!!

I commend you for analyzing the Fraudulent CDC STUDIES! Now we must go to court- the CDC and FDA must be served a cease and desist desist order!

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Just what should be the punishment for deliberately harming children? For such malice? Simple question. I believe there is a simple answer.

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great catches igor! how about this for a possible confounder: how many of the unjabbed kids had parents who were jabbed? shedding maybe?

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I do not want my articles to carry more than 1 or at most 1.5 ideas. I can go by the CDC's own numbers and make a pretty convincing critique.

You have a GREAT point -- I just do not want to bring too much into one article

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And how would you find out if the parents were vaxxed, other than assuming they were, because they vaxxed their kid? Then...both parents? One parent? Or being with jabbed friends? Teachers? Too much to think about!

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Excellent point!! I did not get Covid until several weeks after my roommate got jab #2.

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Yet another new category from the DOJ:

You might be a domestic terrorist if your kid has NOT had MIS-C.

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Forgot to mention that some of us realize that there is another agenda at work here. And it's not about improving human health or saving human lives. I'm starting to believe that the fear of death and disease is what keeps people running back for more punishment from a medical system that's either keeping them sick or killing them.

There were and are better medicines and healthcare services all along. I'm getting ready to go back to my program. I just finished watching Episode 1 of Stop Cancer Naturally, hosted by Johnathan Landsman. The first episode alone gave me enough info about properly addressing health threats. Visit stopcancernaturally.com for more details. I think Episodes 1 and 2 will be airing for about another 15 hours before the start of the next episode(s).

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I believe you are correct that fear is driving the irrational demand for these crackpot medicines. I have just finished re-reading “United States of Fear” by psychiatrist Mark McDonald, who also publishes interesting articles here on Substack. In that short book he develops a compelling explanation of how generalized anxiety and fear drives people to attempt to control the uncontrollable with superstitious solutions like masks, distancing and vaccines despite (or even because of) the lack of any evidence for their effectiveness and safety.

All those who claim that vaxaholics are just stupid, or sheeplike, or don’t love their children should take a closer look at fear-driven behavior. Until we understand why people are anxious and fearful, we will never understand how they might regain their senses. All the scientific evidence in the world will not convince a person who is making decisions emotionally. Only by resolving their neuroses will they become capable of rational analysis and changing their opinions to align with the facts.

We have so many great scientists, Igor among them, but we are equally in need of competent psychologists and anthropologists.

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I finished the book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism, and it also addresses the concept of free floating anxiety and how people have been drawn into mechanistic thinking to try and address it. Sounds like The United States of Fears is talking about similar concepts. It completely makes more sense viewing what is going on than simply trying to see logic as parents are spraying their children down with Lysol or as people wear a mask into a restaurant and then take it off and shove it in their pocket while eating. I especially find it interesting when people would announce that they got covid despite “following all the CDC guidance”. 2+2 was never put together because its not about logic. It’s psychology. It’s a fascinating phenomenon.

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the fear is induced via messaging, relentless messaging, overt and subtle

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Man, I really feel for the jabbed. I really do.

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I would feel for them, if they felt okay with the un-jabbed; so many are Covid maniacs, and are not willing to listen to what we have to say. They are lost it seems. Fear is a wonderful and, at the same time, dangerous tool to use for compliance. I tie the mass hypnosis to the breakdown in our education system over the last several decades. I work with children, and even some ten years olds say they are afraid to say what they think....how can this be? Lord, what have we done? We need some major shifts to happen in so many areas.

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I believe individual teachers can make a difference for their students. It does not take long to put the question of discernment and logic in their mind to evaluate things they are told. And they have to be regularly instructed that just as we don't follow lemmings off the cliff, we don't follow along with things we suspect are wrong, and to speak up against what is wrong, doing so shows moral courage. Counter messaging needs to be frequent to break the PC stranglehold on their hearts and minds. We are literally on a war footing against asymmetric or irregular war being waged by China and the communist led WEF against the Western nations. Fauci made a commercial for WEF. It is a foreign agenda that has inserted itself into western politics. https://defconwarningsystem.com/2021/05/06/china-already-engaging-in-irregular-war-with-us-in-the-grey-zone/

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Yes. Germaphobia is a great business model for big pharma. Instead of looking at the importance of terrain (which requires work and sacrifice), germs can be blamed and a medication (much easier to take an injection than change lifestyle) can be created for every germ. As pharma keeps people thinking the germ is the only problem, they have repeat customers for life. Thankfully I started study the importance of a healthy microbiome before this debacle so I was not afraid of germs. And yes, I do believe they exist but obviously, the virus is not nearly as influential in the course of the disease as preexisting conditions and age. I feel for those who felt powerless and that felt the only answer was going to come from big pharma. With years of pushing germ theory as the only theory of illness, I see how covid and the “vaccine in every arm” was an easy sell to the public. Thankfully many people are skeptical. And more so everyday.

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Just look at what comes out of Hollywood- relentless fear messaging (or pap)

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Their are multitudes of quacks in those fields and a few far-between good ones. What makes the good ones good, is not their professionalism. It's their strong moral fibre, their compassion and their humanity that lace their professionalism. That's why Mark McDonald for one is so enlightening, so refreshing to listen to (his books I have not yet read).

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It is only those with the strongest moral fibre who will dare to advance alternative hypotheses. McDonald’s suggestion in his book is that our mass hysteria is due largely to female anxiety at the loss of male support. His damning indictment of American males is alone worth the price of the book, and even those of us who have tried to resurrect traditional masculinity will find much of his critique applies to us as well.

So it takes moral fibre not only to advance a new hypothesis, but to read and evaluate one honestly.

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Spot on, Mary.

I have long believed that the fear of death is the reason people couldn't wait to become eligible for the clot shot.

Death is a perfectly normal transition. We will all experience death.

The jabbed must now confront their mortality...the very thing they wanted to dodge. Sad really...

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Old sixties aphorism:

What you resist, persists.

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