God is good, all the time. We would be in a much different place now if more had stood strong, like yourself. Our culture has walked away from God. Their new idols will never love them and protect them. Their new idols only want to control them. I pray or country would repent and turn back to the Lord. May your blessings be multiplied.
And like you, I was banned from much of everyday life for not taking the poisonous clot shot jabs. I used to overhear the dog park people, an odious set of libtard fools who believe in whatever the current thing is, wishing death on the unvaccinated. I won't forget this sort of thing.
They can stop trying to force the jab on people because they are sneaking mRNA into food by vaccinating cattle and pigs with it beginning this month. There is no requirement to inform consumers of its presence in food.
They do not realize they were wrong at all. I had "friends" over around my dinner table last weekend who swore up and down that it was perfectly fine for people to lose their jobs over their "choice" to not take the vaccine and that the consequences were that they would have to find another job. Also was told in no uncertain terms that these "vaccines" were definitely NOT EXPERIMENTAL and IT WAS A PANDEMIC and now its OVER so we should all just move on and forget about it. Meanwhile here in British Columbia Canada, our Public Health Officer has doubled down and has just put out a 28 page document with orders to continue vax mandates for health care workers in hospitals and in community settings and for university students in health care professions as well as any staff (administrative, etc) in a health care setting. She actually states blatant lies regarding the transmissibility of unvaccinated staff and their burden on the health care system and states that its perfectly okay to deny people their rights and freedoms because of their "choice" but provided absolutely ZERO links to any research to back up what she states is her "opinion". I am traumatized by all of this and I don't think that is going to go away any time soon.
Many who have taken the poison into their blood streams can't possibly admit that they have been duped. Their brains will shut down any and all negative information forever and they will swallow bile until their dying day. My sister is a "science" teacher. When I confronted her with the reality of the failure of the "Experts" she shut me down. "I have no desire to learn anything more about any of this". "I'm not even saying that you are wrong". That is code for "you were dead on about everything and I am a raging asshole for the way that I treated you. but I have already injected myself and my poor innocent children repeatedly, so I am going to pretend that I was right and justified. Admitting my insanity is far too painful, I will bury my head in the sand forever, even when the next Scamdemic is released....."
The rates of death/serious sickness are going to increase exponentially. Cases of most chronic diseases were already rapidly rising, prior to the genetic injections. Everywhere (in the Western World) hospitals were getting super-sized, and in a few decades they would have been building hospital cities, no doubt. That was bad enough, and may eventually have turned many people against allopathic medicine, and maybe start to question just why these diseases are hitting nearly everybody. The horrific long-term effects of the genetic injections, forced into the bloodstream of billions, many of whom were already chronically sick, will be too much for the vast, vast majority. Maybe it will be too late, but they will fight back, and they will fight visciously. The people behind this were too impatient (the old farts wanted to witness their perfect world), and it will cost them their lives.
I simply asked for an apology for being called a science denier. My mom refuses and we no longer speak. All of the ludicrous rags that she adores have now published everything that I was telling her all along.......
Many people are still blind and may very well remain that way. It doesn't matter one bit to them how many people suffer or die thanks to toxic medicines. And I know some gluttons for punishment who continue to trust and run back to the same people and institutions that contribute to their screwed up health. I will never forget what two people told me when I tried to warn them about the covid jabs. Their response was that everyone has their own opinions. I was only trying to point these two people to honest doctors and researchers who tell the truth about health and medicine. If believing in fairytale medicine could heal from or prevent diseases. We wouldn't have any.
I know, I heard it myself, so many people never understood that the jabs were experimental-- and when I tried to tell them they'd accuse me of being a conspiracy theorist. That the jabs are experimental was made clear at the outset, with the announcement of Operation Warp Speed, but then mainstream media and social media pounded it down. Most people assumed that EUA (emergency use authorized) = FDA approved. (Later Comirnaty was approved but not available in the US, therefore the mandated jabs were all experimental). They also assumed that if the jabs were recomended and mandated, and the CDC was saying they were safe and effective, then of course, they had to have been approved, they couldn't possibly be experimental!
PS Here's the US government webpage explaining Emergency Use Authorization:
MR. NADLER, CHAIRMAN: Who seeks recognition? For what purpose does the gentleman from Kentucky seek recognition?
MR. MASSIE: I seek to speak on the amendment.
MR. NADLER, CHAIRMAN: The gentleman is recognized.
MR. MASSIE: There are just a few things I want to correct in the story or examples that were just given. I think it's been dispelled that the vaccine prevents the spread of covid. I mean, I don't know why we're still saying that. The CDC director has apologized for being wrong about that. The NIH Director has said that he was wrong about that. Literally everybody. Deborah Birx.
VOICE [OFF CAMERA]: Will the gentleman yield?
MR. MASSIE: I will yield.
VOICE [OFF CAMERA] : Did Dr. Fauci admit that he was wrong about that as well yet?
MR. MASSIE: I believe they've all admitted that.
VOICE [OFF CAMERA]: No way. So they got the vaccine and they got covid.
MR. MASSIE: Yes, they've all gotten covid. The President himself is contagious right now even though he's had four shots of the vaccine, and that is why he's staying away from people. So I just take a little bit of issue that we are in a congressional markup still perpetuating this falsehood that was propagated by the pharmaceutical companies that stood to profit by this. They knew it wasn't even true. Their tests with 50,000 people in the trials were designed to explicitly not show whether it did or didn't stop the spread of covid. So I'm just offended that we're still perpetuating that myth when virtually everybody has admitted it was a myth. And the reason we need to acknowledge that is that is the myth that underlies the entire rationalization for kicking somebody out of the military for not taking the vaccine.
MR. ISSA: Will the gentleman yield?
MR. MASSIE: I will yield to the gentleman from California.
MR. ISSA: I can' t wait for January 3rd, maybe the 4th, when one of our early HRs restores those those men and women, those brave men and women, who asked for and were denied their valid exemptions, and we restore them to full active duty, which, by the way, will unring the bell of any question of a general or other-than-honorable discharge. And I look forward to working with the gentlemen on that.
MR. MASSIE: I look forward to that, too. They should all be reinstated. None of them should have been given anything less than an honorable discharge at all for this.
And while I've still got time on the clock, I have to mention that the Secretary of Defense issued a statement on August 24th saying that the vaccines that were required and that would be administered, would be the FDA-approved vaccines, and not a single dose of FDA-approved vaccine, aka, Comirnaty, in the case of Pfizer, or Spikevax, in the case of Moderna, not a single dose of that has been to given a single member of the military, as the Secretary of Defense specified. And it was his only legal way to require the vaccine for members of the military was that it was FDA-approved and that the doses that they would receive would be the FDA-approved, legally distinct from the other vaccines that they would receive, and also labeled as such, labeled appropriately. None of those vaccines have been given, yet tens of thousands of members of the military have been kicked out for not taking that vaccine.
MR. MASSIE: I yield to the gentleman from North Carolina.
US REPRESENTATIVE FROM NORTH CAROLINA: Is the gentleman suggesting that the military engaged in a bait-and-switch and substituted a different vaccine than that which was approved?
MR. MASSIE: I am absolutely saying that what the Secretary of Defense is doing right now is illegal. We know it. I would characterize it as a crime in progress.
MS. LOGREN: Would the gentleman yield?
MR. MASSIE: I'm going to yield to Mr. Tiffany, who's asked—
MR. TIFFANY: I want to make sure I'm clear on this. Are you saying they received the experimental use vaccine?
MR. MASSIE: The emergency use authorization vaccine is all they've received. Not a single member of the military has received the FDA-approved version.
MR. TIFFANY: It's good you're dispelling this notion that's out there, they're getting the FDA-approved vaccines.
MR. MASSIE: There are two notions I want to dispell. And I would the gentlelady time to respond to this. The notion that vaccine stops the spread of covid. Would the gentlelady like to clarify her comments on that?
MS. LOFGREN: Does the gentlemen yield?
MS. LOFGREN: The point I'm making is that there's activity service members can engage in that we would not find to be egregious. For example, adultery. I mean, I'm not in favor of it, I think it's a sin, but I don't think it's—
MR. MASSIE: I'm reclaiming my time, and I think the gentlelady gave valid examples, but the one that I don't, you know, with all due respect, I don't think it's valid, is to substantiate the disproven notion that the vaccine stops the spread of covid and that would be a reasonable, a reason to give somebody a discharge that's less than honorable.
Oh dear sunlover! You entertain people like that at your dinnertable, still?? I am afraid here (netherlands) we have thoroughly lost nearly all ‘friends’ because we cannot shut up when hearing such talk (because they never read anything but know all). So we dine à deux at home. But the disappointment has been and still is huge. You just cannot fathom that they are perfectly fine with a part of the populace, including friends, becoming second class citizens and being forbidden entry. Much like for the jews in the thirties! Is bonny still calling the shots (pun intended) in bc? Got a sister there up north who succumbed to 2 modRNA. No effects yet i believe although her AF played up again. Tried to keep her away, but she wanted to travel.. stay strong. There are many with you in spirit. These substacks and their comments keep me sane ❤️
The Psycho/Sociopathic Predators ARE COUNTING ON QUICK FORGIVENESS AND DESIRE TO FORGET...The PREMEDITATED MASS GENOCIDE WHICH CONTINUES ON SHOULD NEVER BE FORGOTTEN. For health and survival, it's necessary for sheep to remember who the WOLVES are and who the 'SHEEP DOGS'.
You are quite right. Keep up the healing process. Forgiveness is to let go of this matrix world. Let Soddom and Babylon go.
So long as you still believe these death doctors have power over you to hurt you, so this reality becomes yours. If you want to be free of them, then you have to let them go, including the idea that they ever had the power to make you a victim.
Anybody deceived by Biden is beyond hopeless. Thanks for clarifying that Dr. doesn't deserve forgiveness. She certainly doesn't, she deserves the same venomous hatred directed right back at her.
I don't deserve forgiveness for a lot I've done either. I have no pipeline into God's mind so I don't have any idea if I've been forgiven or not. I'm aware some religions claim they know what God is thinking but I find it strange to believe one is capable of that. I don't know about balance, seems like those maimed and killed by evil don't get made right by any balance that comes around later, if it ever does.
Sadly, the Covid scam showed beyond any doubt that only a minority of people is decent and good. It also showed me why horrors like those during WW2 were so common - the stupid or useful idiots vastly outnumber those with common sense and decency.
Miko, I was thinking the same thing just this mornng. How could this mass psyop possibly happen? Then I thought of events like WW2 and Vietnam and the way the people were persuaded or conscripted to fight and kill (or be killed) other people they didn't even know for God / King / Queen & country.
I fear most of us lack any critical thinking and get swept along by the latest propaganda. The majority are putty in their hands, to do with as they wish. It's scarily easy...
I fully agree that it is shocking how many people go along with something that is clearly evil. The sad reality is that very few are eve remotely willing to go against what is claimed to be the accepted "view" by the majority. I cannot recall where I read it but there was an experiment in which people were asked to sit down at table with 6 other people and participate in the discussion. The other 6 people were actual actors that were following a script and to everyone's surprise, the great majority of the test subjects went along with the common view of the 6 actors even when their talking points were completely absurd. The Covid scam was based on the same principle - remember how all media went on and on about the "consensus"? A large part of the population fell for it which shows to me that the experiment done decades ago was spot on with its findings.
Miko, I'm sure someone here cleverer than me will know the name of that excellent experiment.
But in addition to those who go along to get along there are the vast majority who instinctively respect and obey authority figures - especially those wearing white coats and stethoscopes - and believe that the whole world exists just for their benefit.
Add innate ignorance to a total lack of judgement and they are easy prey for every nefarious scaremongering scheme, dreamt up by those who they believe are there just to look after them - because it is ALL about them!
Vastly. Look at the numbers of supposedly educated people who bought into this or who go along with the trans insanity—to the point of sacrificing their own children on this altar of Moloch.
We came a lot closer this time than most people realize - I DO remember lots of people agitating that the unvaxed have to be jabbed at all costs and here in OZ they actually built camps in some states.
Yes and pretty much the worst agitators in the UK were so called journalists . I only used to buy the Daily Mail on a Saturday, mostly for the TV guide , I will never buy it again. Amanda Platell wrote some evil stuff. She'd have liked the unjabbed to wear yellow stars at the very least. Michael Moseley who calls himself doctor although he qualified decades ago and has never practised and has made a fortune from weight loss advice said the unjabbed wouldn't be invited to his Christmas party, I laughed my head off when he finally got covid. I hope he was extremely ill. Amazing how it's all forgotten. I won't ever forget. Or forgive.
The legacy media has long been propaganda arm for the governments, especially if they are on the left. Not surprisingly as they are all communists in disguise - they want to censor everything that they disagree with, promote only anarchy, selfishness, stupidity, attack the traditional family all the time and for the past decade, they have promoted all measures to divide the society. In the case of Covid they also got paid a lot of money to push the agenda which proves that the government was made up of complete idiots. The legacy media would have promoted their agenda for free because it was communist/totalitarian and most importantly, it gave them a lot more power than before. I hope that accountability will be applied across the board and medicos and media need face the music big time.
Very, very hard lesson indeed. Some of the people that I protected and help with careers for over 15 years were leading the pack to get me sacked. They failed and now they are scurrying away like rats when they see me. They will get their reward soon enough - they are all boosted.
I can imagine how that must have hurt. I am just sitting here waiting for karma as well. We all found that just a few of friends (be they jabbed or not) knew that it was a choice, and were against any mandate. In short had a good code of morals. Hugs to you !
It was painful because the majority of those who behaved like lunatics only did so because they could. Nothing really to gain. I am one of the lucky ones. I cannot even begin to imagine what it would have been like for those that had to watch their loved ones die alone. Do not even get me started about pregnant women and kids being jabbed with that stuff. I just hope that there will be accountability or this horror will be repeated.
Oh, they are boosted all right and given that they showed the intelligence of door knob, they will get the next jabs too. I kept telling them "If it works so well for you and is effective then why do you keep saying that I am putting you at risk? It either works or it doesn't." Of course all I got was blank stares and the occasional attempt to claim I am selfish before I would cut them off. After a while I realised that a brick wall would have been more receptive so I adjusted to how ignorant and petty the world is in reality.
Same here in Buckinghamshire England. Every day, walking the dog in our local park, my husband was challenged because they knew he wasn't vaccinated. It didn't affect him but I'd have been indignant and furious and defensive. Because they had no right. And also they were wrong and I knew it.
I quit Twitter recently after brief dip when Elon took over. To this day they are "dunking" on the anti science idiots. They think that we are all dropping like flies. I guess the MSLSD crowd attributes all the excess deaths and SADS cases to the UNJABBED. I have a buddy who is far smarter than I am and has very interesting insights on other topics. He doesn't even deny that Ivermectin can work. But not a peep when 2 of his best friends dropped within a week of each other. He will wail about the Sturgis rally though, and how Drumpf prevented people from following the "science" of masking. Working from home, I didn't get a lot of pressure but that Supreme Court decision on the OSHA madness saved me from an actual mandate. I recently found myself unemployed (No longer the case). We have land in a very rural part of western NC. Population 1200. To this day, they have a jab requirement for employees, so I had to rule that one out. There are also a plethora of high paying jobs in my field that are federeal government related, but I didn't even apply. Even if there is no current jab requirement, the next Scamdemic would have a target on my back. I'll pass thanks. Myself and the kids (grown adults at this time) have had Covid once while all the jabbed are injected over and over and can't even clear a simple cold. My wife is the only one of us to have it twice. I opened all the windows in the house and cared for her. No issues. On the 2nd night, I felt a sniffle before I went to sleep. Here it comes I thought. I woke up fine and had no other hints of illness. My natural immunity kicked in, recognized the invader and destroyed it. What a concept.....
I am agnostic on the question of Covid, to be honest (as in, did they simply repurpose the common cold and flu, deny them what had been conventional treatment, stick a bunch of people on respirators, and kill them?), but this protocol seems sensible to me. Keep on keeping on. The people behind this, as well as their everyday enablers, are wicked.
We have a Lurch (Addams Family) in the Senate (Fetterman, as if I needed to say) and Mr. Potato Head as POTUS. Nothing the electorate does surprises me anymore. It’s like a race to elect the most unqualified, incompetent bozos...both sides of the isle.
Likewise here in OZ. It seems that stupidity, ignorance, corruption and an evil totalitarian streak are essential qualities for the politicians. Sadly the voters seem to be oblivious and just accept them instead of tossing them out.
During that "Show Your Vax Card" time in Cook County, I drove to Wisconsin for shopping, it was a beautiful change of scenery. It honestly didn't even take that much extra time because less people and all highway driving.
When was the last time you saw Beetlejuice? I heard he was executed after he said he was going to be President lol. Yes he, it seems they have lots of secrets. I agree about the hellhole. I've only seen pictures and know people from there.
Doug Casey had a good article at Zero Hedge yesterday, expounding on all these nightmarish hell holes. They are becoming more nightmarish. The people who can get out are getting out. There's going to be two Americas - secession or not.
This is good news, but I am not at all sure that it covers or even begins to "correct" all the collateral damage. These folks may regain their jobs and their back pay, but how many lost their houses, spouses, pulled kids out of school? How many folks and their businesses / property went unprotected in their absence? Besides, their new mayor looks (to me) to be worse than Lightfoot - at least potentially.
Bravo for a good Judge and decision, but a lot of "elite" folks still need prison time.
The isolation. The division. The shaming. The fear.
The people who fucking spent their time holding their breath on hiking trails, or turning away from others (masked or unmasked) approaching them, like Noh theatre.
The loss of income for those who left before getting fired.
The destruction of small businesses.
The censorship.
The license revocations.
The realization that 2/3 of the people you thought you knew? You didn't know.
That 2/3 number comes up quite a bit in Substack posts on this subject.
It was the number Stanley Milgram reached as well, having determined that only 1/3 of people had the moral or psychological equipment to refuse an immoral order.
Yes, my personal experience somewhat more like 3/4 or 4/5 but hey I'm in Cali, lol, tryina balance out for saner states so I'll go with the more-common 2/3....
The older I get, the more aware I am of the deep and positive influence of my home geography--the native plants and animals, the land/water formations, the color of the skies in certain seasons and the patterns of rain and fog and heat--on my soul. I know that beauty/meaning exists everywhere, in all of the natural environments, but I do believe there is a strong connection when one is born in a particular place, or has lived a long time there, or perhaps has never had a connection to a landscape but somehow stumbled upon one that spoke "home" to them.
I love love love this state's landscapes and a few of the persons they have influenced.
But I have also come to despise or (only in my better moments) pity so many of its people. Blind, deluded fools. Saw a child taking a tennis lesson today wearing a mask. CRIMINAL.
How can one forget? It was not one instance or one minute. It was over a year here in Oz and they are still pushing the jabs. It is incomprehensible. Some are aware of what was done and like zombies, still vote for the same people. It really is living in a dystopian world...
Don't you dare apologize. Everyone should be outraged at what the totalitarians were doing to people. And you are right about necessary investigations into some of these monsters and their thirst for power.
“If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized... If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance - you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest."
My bf and I were both deputy sheriffs that lost our jobs (me 23 years, and him 17 years).
Anyone who went along with this disgraceful act of blatant tyranny is evil.
Many of our coworkers had to sell their homes, move to other states, and find new employment to survive.
I have no words.
But, by the grace of God we are healthy and have survived a day at a time. By the GRACE OF GOD.
Thank you for your service and bravery and standing up for yourself!
Congratulations! Pinned
God is good, all the time. We would be in a much different place now if more had stood strong, like yourself. Our culture has walked away from God. Their new idols will never love them and protect them. Their new idols only want to control them. I pray or country would repent and turn back to the Lord. May your blessings be multiplied.
Yes, AMEN!
I am triggered by seeing that Lori cow. I too live in Chicago. On the South Side, no less. It's a nightmarish hellhole.
I hate to agree with you on both counts
And like you, I was banned from much of everyday life for not taking the poisonous clot shot jabs. I used to overhear the dog park people, an odious set of libtard fools who believe in whatever the current thing is, wishing death on the unvaccinated. I won't forget this sort of thing.
We should never forget what they did to us. They wanted us dead. Either by taking the covid death. Or by refusing to take the covid death shot.
Right now I am feeling the full effects of the military and government psyops. No wonder they call it post traumatic stress.
I'm right there with you, Kathleen. I really and truly am.
I never thought in my lifetime, that something so diabolical would happen.
Neither did I. And they're not done with us yet. This is controlled demolition.
They've got more of these things planned.
They don't THINK that they are done, 8 days and I'll have some great news.
Same. I can’t believe many people are being so blind. I just don’t get it.
I am a regular person. It is crystal clear to me.
They can stop trying to force the jab on people because they are sneaking mRNA into food by vaccinating cattle and pigs with it beginning this month. There is no requirement to inform consumers of its presence in food.
These psyops cannot defeat the Godstrike. Look up Carrington Event.
Kathleen you should change “wanted” to “want”. They are not done, but neither are we.💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
Yes it's as bad as bullets. I've done about all.
PTSD is fun. I've been dealing with it for years, and years, and years. People making fun of you for it is fun also. Enjoy!
Those bastards stole 3 years of my life.
They do not realize they were wrong at all. I had "friends" over around my dinner table last weekend who swore up and down that it was perfectly fine for people to lose their jobs over their "choice" to not take the vaccine and that the consequences were that they would have to find another job. Also was told in no uncertain terms that these "vaccines" were definitely NOT EXPERIMENTAL and IT WAS A PANDEMIC and now its OVER so we should all just move on and forget about it. Meanwhile here in British Columbia Canada, our Public Health Officer has doubled down and has just put out a 28 page document with orders to continue vax mandates for health care workers in hospitals and in community settings and for university students in health care professions as well as any staff (administrative, etc) in a health care setting. She actually states blatant lies regarding the transmissibility of unvaccinated staff and their burden on the health care system and states that its perfectly okay to deny people their rights and freedoms because of their "choice" but provided absolutely ZERO links to any research to back up what she states is her "opinion". I am traumatized by all of this and I don't think that is going to go away any time soon.
Many who have taken the poison into their blood streams can't possibly admit that they have been duped. Their brains will shut down any and all negative information forever and they will swallow bile until their dying day. My sister is a "science" teacher. When I confronted her with the reality of the failure of the "Experts" she shut me down. "I have no desire to learn anything more about any of this". "I'm not even saying that you are wrong". That is code for "you were dead on about everything and I am a raging asshole for the way that I treated you. but I have already injected myself and my poor innocent children repeatedly, so I am going to pretend that I was right and justified. Admitting my insanity is far too painful, I will bury my head in the sand forever, even when the next Scamdemic is released....."
The rates of death/serious sickness are going to increase exponentially. Cases of most chronic diseases were already rapidly rising, prior to the genetic injections. Everywhere (in the Western World) hospitals were getting super-sized, and in a few decades they would have been building hospital cities, no doubt. That was bad enough, and may eventually have turned many people against allopathic medicine, and maybe start to question just why these diseases are hitting nearly everybody. The horrific long-term effects of the genetic injections, forced into the bloodstream of billions, many of whom were already chronically sick, will be too much for the vast, vast majority. Maybe it will be too late, but they will fight back, and they will fight visciously. The people behind this were too impatient (the old farts wanted to witness their perfect world), and it will cost them their lives.
Sounds like SYNDROME of DENIAL. Now you can tell her to “sod off”
Rightly or wrongly, I can’t and won’t forgive and / or forget.
I simply asked for an apology for being called a science denier. My mom refuses and we no longer speak. All of the ludicrous rags that she adores have now published everything that I was telling her all along.......
Many people are still blind and may very well remain that way. It doesn't matter one bit to them how many people suffer or die thanks to toxic medicines. And I know some gluttons for punishment who continue to trust and run back to the same people and institutions that contribute to their screwed up health. I will never forget what two people told me when I tried to warn them about the covid jabs. Their response was that everyone has their own opinions. I was only trying to point these two people to honest doctors and researchers who tell the truth about health and medicine. If believing in fairytale medicine could heal from or prevent diseases. We wouldn't have any.
I think we all have the same tales to tell Mary… dry ground and deaf ears..😢
I know, I heard it myself, so many people never understood that the jabs were experimental-- and when I tried to tell them they'd accuse me of being a conspiracy theorist. That the jabs are experimental was made clear at the outset, with the announcement of Operation Warp Speed, but then mainstream media and social media pounded it down. Most people assumed that EUA (emergency use authorized) = FDA approved. (Later Comirnaty was approved but not available in the US, therefore the mandated jabs were all experimental). They also assumed that if the jabs were recomended and mandated, and the CDC was saying they were safe and effective, then of course, they had to have been approved, they couldn't possibly be experimental!
PS Here's the US government webpage explaining Emergency Use Authorization:
If you read it carefully, you will find that by taking a covid "vaccine" you are in fact participating in a phase 3 trial, that is, an experiment.
And here is the US government webpage about the clinical trials (in other words, experiments), which are anticipated to conclude in March of 2023:
Congressman Thomas Massie 7/27/2022: "Vaccine Does Not Stop Spread of COVID"
MR. NADLER, CHAIRMAN: Who seeks recognition? For what purpose does the gentleman from Kentucky seek recognition?
MR. MASSIE: I seek to speak on the amendment.
MR. NADLER, CHAIRMAN: The gentleman is recognized.
MR. MASSIE: There are just a few things I want to correct in the story or examples that were just given. I think it's been dispelled that the vaccine prevents the spread of covid. I mean, I don't know why we're still saying that. The CDC director has apologized for being wrong about that. The NIH Director has said that he was wrong about that. Literally everybody. Deborah Birx.
VOICE [OFF CAMERA]: Will the gentleman yield?
MR. MASSIE: I will yield.
VOICE [OFF CAMERA] : Did Dr. Fauci admit that he was wrong about that as well yet?
MR. MASSIE: I believe they've all admitted that.
VOICE [OFF CAMERA]: No way. So they got the vaccine and they got covid.
MR. MASSIE: Yes, they've all gotten covid. The President himself is contagious right now even though he's had four shots of the vaccine, and that is why he's staying away from people. So I just take a little bit of issue that we are in a congressional markup still perpetuating this falsehood that was propagated by the pharmaceutical companies that stood to profit by this. They knew it wasn't even true. Their tests with 50,000 people in the trials were designed to explicitly not show whether it did or didn't stop the spread of covid. So I'm just offended that we're still perpetuating that myth when virtually everybody has admitted it was a myth. And the reason we need to acknowledge that is that is the myth that underlies the entire rationalization for kicking somebody out of the military for not taking the vaccine.
MR. ISSA: Will the gentleman yield?
MR. MASSIE: I will yield to the gentleman from California.
MR. ISSA: I can' t wait for January 3rd, maybe the 4th, when one of our early HRs restores those those men and women, those brave men and women, who asked for and were denied their valid exemptions, and we restore them to full active duty, which, by the way, will unring the bell of any question of a general or other-than-honorable discharge. And I look forward to working with the gentlemen on that.
MR. MASSIE: I look forward to that, too. They should all be reinstated. None of them should have been given anything less than an honorable discharge at all for this.
And while I've still got time on the clock, I have to mention that the Secretary of Defense issued a statement on August 24th saying that the vaccines that were required and that would be administered, would be the FDA-approved vaccines, and not a single dose of FDA-approved vaccine, aka, Comirnaty, in the case of Pfizer, or Spikevax, in the case of Moderna, not a single dose of that has been to given a single member of the military, as the Secretary of Defense specified. And it was his only legal way to require the vaccine for members of the military was that it was FDA-approved and that the doses that they would receive would be the FDA-approved, legally distinct from the other vaccines that they would receive, and also labeled as such, labeled appropriately. None of those vaccines have been given, yet tens of thousands of members of the military have been kicked out for not taking that vaccine.
MR. MASSIE: I yield to the gentleman from North Carolina.
US REPRESENTATIVE FROM NORTH CAROLINA: Is the gentleman suggesting that the military engaged in a bait-and-switch and substituted a different vaccine than that which was approved?
MR. MASSIE: I am absolutely saying that what the Secretary of Defense is doing right now is illegal. We know it. I would characterize it as a crime in progress.
MS. LOGREN: Would the gentleman yield?
MR. MASSIE: I'm going to yield to Mr. Tiffany, who's asked—
MR. TIFFANY: I want to make sure I'm clear on this. Are you saying they received the experimental use vaccine?
MR. MASSIE: The emergency use authorization vaccine is all they've received. Not a single member of the military has received the FDA-approved version.
MR. TIFFANY: It's good you're dispelling this notion that's out there, they're getting the FDA-approved vaccines.
MR. MASSIE: There are two notions I want to dispell. And I would the gentlelady time to respond to this. The notion that vaccine stops the spread of covid. Would the gentlelady like to clarify her comments on that?
MS. LOFGREN: Does the gentlemen yield?
MS. LOFGREN: The point I'm making is that there's activity service members can engage in that we would not find to be egregious. For example, adultery. I mean, I'm not in favor of it, I think it's a sin, but I don't think it's—
MR. MASSIE: I'm reclaiming my time, and I think the gentlelady gave valid examples, but the one that I don't, you know, with all due respect, I don't think it's valid, is to substantiate the disproven notion that the vaccine stops the spread of covid and that would be a reasonable, a reason to give somebody a discharge that's less than honorable.
And with that, I yield back.
Oh dear sunlover! You entertain people like that at your dinnertable, still?? I am afraid here (netherlands) we have thoroughly lost nearly all ‘friends’ because we cannot shut up when hearing such talk (because they never read anything but know all). So we dine à deux at home. But the disappointment has been and still is huge. You just cannot fathom that they are perfectly fine with a part of the populace, including friends, becoming second class citizens and being forbidden entry. Much like for the jews in the thirties! Is bonny still calling the shots (pun intended) in bc? Got a sister there up north who succumbed to 2 modRNA. No effects yet i believe although her AF played up again. Tried to keep her away, but she wanted to travel.. stay strong. There are many with you in spirit. These substacks and their comments keep me sane ❤️
I don’t mind those friends that took and can discuss this. (Only one, and he died within 8 mos from jab). But most don’t want to discuss.
meanwhile, Alberta is seceding. I'd get out of BC if at all possible.
The Psycho/Sociopathic Predators ARE COUNTING ON QUICK FORGIVENESS AND DESIRE TO FORGET...The PREMEDITATED MASS GENOCIDE WHICH CONTINUES ON SHOULD NEVER BE FORGOTTEN. For health and survival, it's necessary for sheep to remember who the WOLVES are and who the 'SHEEP DOGS'.
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XNrv28AC27RC8t6Ex5Kt9wPjXS9L8JWx (someone else created it)
You are quite right. Keep up the healing process. Forgiveness is to let go of this matrix world. Let Soddom and Babylon go.
So long as you still believe these death doctors have power over you to hurt you, so this reality becomes yours. If you want to be free of them, then you have to let them go, including the idea that they ever had the power to make you a victim.
Indeed, we are to forgive. Forgiving is NOT forgetting.
It's also wise to remember about God using his own people
to enact His vengeance sometimes. Should people be
threatened on their property or in their cars, they have every
right to stand. I trust God as well. I am held by our Savior...
And, trust him working for us and HIS GOOD BENEFIT FOR SOULS.
Anybody deceived by Biden is beyond hopeless. Thanks for clarifying that Dr. doesn't deserve forgiveness. She certainly doesn't, she deserves the same venomous hatred directed right back at her.
I don't deserve forgiveness for a lot I've done either. I have no pipeline into God's mind so I don't have any idea if I've been forgiven or not. I'm aware some religions claim they know what God is thinking but I find it strange to believe one is capable of that. I don't know about balance, seems like those maimed and killed by evil don't get made right by any balance that comes around later, if it ever does.
God's Wrath, aka the Carrington Event, has already begun.
Sadly, the Covid scam showed beyond any doubt that only a minority of people is decent and good. It also showed me why horrors like those during WW2 were so common - the stupid or useful idiots vastly outnumber those with common sense and decency.
Miko, I was thinking the same thing just this mornng. How could this mass psyop possibly happen? Then I thought of events like WW2 and Vietnam and the way the people were persuaded or conscripted to fight and kill (or be killed) other people they didn't even know for God / King / Queen & country.
I fear most of us lack any critical thinking and get swept along by the latest propaganda. The majority are putty in their hands, to do with as they wish. It's scarily easy...
I fully agree that it is shocking how many people go along with something that is clearly evil. The sad reality is that very few are eve remotely willing to go against what is claimed to be the accepted "view" by the majority. I cannot recall where I read it but there was an experiment in which people were asked to sit down at table with 6 other people and participate in the discussion. The other 6 people were actual actors that were following a script and to everyone's surprise, the great majority of the test subjects went along with the common view of the 6 actors even when their talking points were completely absurd. The Covid scam was based on the same principle - remember how all media went on and on about the "consensus"? A large part of the population fell for it which shows to me that the experiment done decades ago was spot on with its findings.
Miko, I'm sure someone here cleverer than me will know the name of that excellent experiment.
But in addition to those who go along to get along there are the vast majority who instinctively respect and obey authority figures - especially those wearing white coats and stethoscopes - and believe that the whole world exists just for their benefit.
Add innate ignorance to a total lack of judgement and they are easy prey for every nefarious scaremongering scheme, dreamt up by those who they believe are there just to look after them - because it is ALL about them!
Stanley Milgram exp on authority. Also see Solomon Asch exp. on conformity.
2 experiments that can never be repeated now, because they are too truthful and expose how easily the average person can be manipulated.
Vastly. Look at the numbers of supposedly educated people who bought into this or who go along with the trans insanity—to the point of sacrificing their own children on this altar of Moloch.
Yes, the Holocaust will happen again, no problem.
We came a lot closer this time than most people realize - I DO remember lots of people agitating that the unvaxed have to be jabbed at all costs and here in OZ they actually built camps in some states.
Yes and pretty much the worst agitators in the UK were so called journalists . I only used to buy the Daily Mail on a Saturday, mostly for the TV guide , I will never buy it again. Amanda Platell wrote some evil stuff. She'd have liked the unjabbed to wear yellow stars at the very least. Michael Moseley who calls himself doctor although he qualified decades ago and has never practised and has made a fortune from weight loss advice said the unjabbed wouldn't be invited to his Christmas party, I laughed my head off when he finally got covid. I hope he was extremely ill. Amazing how it's all forgotten. I won't ever forget. Or forgive.
The legacy media has long been propaganda arm for the governments, especially if they are on the left. Not surprisingly as they are all communists in disguise - they want to censor everything that they disagree with, promote only anarchy, selfishness, stupidity, attack the traditional family all the time and for the past decade, they have promoted all measures to divide the society. In the case of Covid they also got paid a lot of money to push the agenda which proves that the government was made up of complete idiots. The legacy media would have promoted their agenda for free because it was communist/totalitarian and most importantly, it gave them a lot more power than before. I hope that accountability will be applied across the board and medicos and media need face the music big time.
And it will be much faster and more efficient
Sadly, very true.
Very, very hard lesson indeed. Some of the people that I protected and help with careers for over 15 years were leading the pack to get me sacked. They failed and now they are scurrying away like rats when they see me. They will get their reward soon enough - they are all boosted.
I can imagine how that must have hurt. I am just sitting here waiting for karma as well. We all found that just a few of friends (be they jabbed or not) knew that it was a choice, and were against any mandate. In short had a good code of morals. Hugs to you !
It was painful because the majority of those who behaved like lunatics only did so because they could. Nothing really to gain. I am one of the lucky ones. I cannot even begin to imagine what it would have been like for those that had to watch their loved ones die alone. Do not even get me started about pregnant women and kids being jabbed with that stuff. I just hope that there will be accountability or this horror will be repeated.
Oh, they are boosted all right and given that they showed the intelligence of door knob, they will get the next jabs too. I kept telling them "If it works so well for you and is effective then why do you keep saying that I am putting you at risk? It either works or it doesn't." Of course all I got was blank stares and the occasional attempt to claim I am selfish before I would cut them off. After a while I realised that a brick wall would have been more receptive so I adjusted to how ignorant and petty the world is in reality.
Same here in Buckinghamshire England. Every day, walking the dog in our local park, my husband was challenged because they knew he wasn't vaccinated. It didn't affect him but I'd have been indignant and furious and defensive. Because they had no right. And also they were wrong and I knew it.
Dear lord. I have family there. I'm sorry. How did these cretins challenge him?
I quit Twitter recently after brief dip when Elon took over. To this day they are "dunking" on the anti science idiots. They think that we are all dropping like flies. I guess the MSLSD crowd attributes all the excess deaths and SADS cases to the UNJABBED. I have a buddy who is far smarter than I am and has very interesting insights on other topics. He doesn't even deny that Ivermectin can work. But not a peep when 2 of his best friends dropped within a week of each other. He will wail about the Sturgis rally though, and how Drumpf prevented people from following the "science" of masking. Working from home, I didn't get a lot of pressure but that Supreme Court decision on the OSHA madness saved me from an actual mandate. I recently found myself unemployed (No longer the case). We have land in a very rural part of western NC. Population 1200. To this day, they have a jab requirement for employees, so I had to rule that one out. There are also a plethora of high paying jobs in my field that are federeal government related, but I didn't even apply. Even if there is no current jab requirement, the next Scamdemic would have a target on my back. I'll pass thanks. Myself and the kids (grown adults at this time) have had Covid once while all the jabbed are injected over and over and can't even clear a simple cold. My wife is the only one of us to have it twice. I opened all the windows in the house and cared for her. No issues. On the 2nd night, I felt a sniffle before I went to sleep. Here it comes I thought. I woke up fine and had no other hints of illness. My natural immunity kicked in, recognized the invader and destroyed it. What a concept.....
I am agnostic on the question of Covid, to be honest (as in, did they simply repurpose the common cold and flu, deny them what had been conventional treatment, stick a bunch of people on respirators, and kill them?), but this protocol seems sensible to me. Keep on keeping on. The people behind this, as well as their everyday enablers, are wicked.
Our Founders weep
Neither will I.
We all need to stop using their terminology, It's Betelgeuse !! lol
So THATS how you spell it! 🤣😂🤣😂
She should have changed her name to Heavy-foot.
Quite. Maybe, just 'it' ? :-P
Oh god that's a creepy pic of her. That reminds me of Fauci smiling and saying 'My African American friends '.
So revolting....
that is likely the same smile he had when reading orphans he experimented on died of hiv drugs.
Are they merely educated fools and lucky opportunists or malevolent criminals?
All of it !
The fact that that creature made it to Mayor tells a lot about the local electorate. Unfortunately none of it is good.
We have a Lurch (Addams Family) in the Senate (Fetterman, as if I needed to say) and Mr. Potato Head as POTUS. Nothing the electorate does surprises me anymore. It’s like a race to elect the most unqualified, incompetent bozos...both sides of the isle.
Likewise here in OZ. It seems that stupidity, ignorance, corruption and an evil totalitarian streak are essential qualities for the politicians. Sadly the voters seem to be oblivious and just accept them instead of tossing them out.
I would have preferred Mr Potato head over our current potus, and Lurch has a much larger vocabulary than Fetterman.
During that "Show Your Vax Card" time in Cook County, I drove to Wisconsin for shopping, it was a beautiful change of scenery. It honestly didn't even take that much extra time because less people and all highway driving.
I'm out by O'Hare. It's no longer the city I grew up in. It was such awesome city, too.
If laughter is the best medicine, this will make you better: https://twitter.com/Brick_Suit/status/1256794305684889600?s=20
Beetlejuice in the flesh.
She’s a Reptilian. Not human. Real Human beings don’t behave like her.
No, that's a drowner in the Witcher serie.
That picture was enough to trigger me, let alone a video of the hateful elven witch (apologies to witches) and I live thousands of miles away!
I am triggered and I live in Australia, what slime bucket did that slide out of?
When was the last time you saw Beetlejuice? I heard he was executed after he said he was going to be President lol. Yes he, it seems they have lots of secrets. I agree about the hellhole. I've only seen pictures and know people from there.
Indiana beckons...
I count watch it all. after 2 min's I was enraged and had to stop watching.
Doug Casey had a good article at Zero Hedge yesterday, expounding on all these nightmarish hell holes. They are becoming more nightmarish. The people who can get out are getting out. There's going to be two Americas - secession or not.
This is good news, but I am not at all sure that it covers or even begins to "correct" all the collateral damage. These folks may regain their jobs and their back pay, but how many lost their houses, spouses, pulled kids out of school? How many folks and their businesses / property went unprotected in their absence? Besides, their new mayor looks (to me) to be worse than Lightfoot - at least potentially.
Bravo for a good Judge and decision, but a lot of "elite" folks still need prison time.
And if there is Any possibility to do so, I smell a City of Shitcago appeal in 3, ... 2, ...1 !!
They need iron maidens and brazen bulls is what they need. As an appetizer.
You said it!
Never forget what they did to us.
The trauma. The worry. The loss of education. The death.
The isolation. The division. The shaming. The fear.
The people who fucking spent their time holding their breath on hiking trails, or turning away from others (masked or unmasked) approaching them, like Noh theatre.
The loss of income for those who left before getting fired.
The destruction of small businesses.
The censorship.
The license revocations.
The realization that 2/3 of the people you thought you knew? You didn't know.
Never forget.
That 2/3 number comes up quite a bit in Substack posts on this subject.
It was the number Stanley Milgram reached as well, having determined that only 1/3 of people had the moral or psychological equipment to refuse an immoral order.
Yes, my personal experience somewhat more like 3/4 or 4/5 but hey I'm in Cali, lol, tryina balance out for saner states so I'll go with the more-common 2/3....
My experience matches yours but I’m in the Northeastern version of CA, otherwise known as Maine. Beautiful but crazier than crazy.
Isn't that the worst?
The older I get, the more aware I am of the deep and positive influence of my home geography--the native plants and animals, the land/water formations, the color of the skies in certain seasons and the patterns of rain and fog and heat--on my soul. I know that beauty/meaning exists everywhere, in all of the natural environments, but I do believe there is a strong connection when one is born in a particular place, or has lived a long time there, or perhaps has never had a connection to a landscape but somehow stumbled upon one that spoke "home" to them.
I love love love this state's landscapes and a few of the persons they have influenced.
But I have also come to despise or (only in my better moments) pity so many of its people. Blind, deluded fools. Saw a child taking a tennis lesson today wearing a mask. CRIMINAL.
Beautiful reflection.
Only 1% of all people resisted in any meaningful way.
And lest we forget the many, many suicides.
You are singing my song.
"The realization that 2/3 of the people you thought you knew? You didn't know."
And I sure wasn't born yesterday.
And the pregnant women and babies
An acquaintance of mine just suffered fetal demise in the 20th week. Are you seeing much of that in the vaxxed?
How can one forget? It was not one instance or one minute. It was over a year here in Oz and they are still pushing the jabs. It is incomprehensible. Some are aware of what was done and like zombies, still vote for the same people. It really is living in a dystopian world...
I view it as we are in the 4th year.
2020 - 1st year
2021 - 2nd year
2022 - 3rd year
2023 - 4th year
They are not done yet.
Don't you dare apologize. Everyone should be outraged at what the totalitarians were doing to people. And you are right about necessary investigations into some of these monsters and their thirst for power.
“If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized... If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance - you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest."
And the fact that the majority of the population buckled, assures you of one more thing:
A REPEAT (insert your next crisis)
I sure hope you're wrong Ryan. I'm hoping the Red states will take the lead on this matter now that we're better educated! Fingers crossed buddy!
Me too!