COVID has a 99.9% recovery rate in healthy young people. The only sensible intervention is to protect the elderly, nothing else should have changed. The silence of Democrats and human rights NGOs about China's atrocities over the past few years is deafening: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-control-your-souls-desire

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Well said 👍

There is HUGE difference between dying WITH Covid and various comorbidities versus dying FROM Covid and ZERO preexisting conditions.

It's amazing how folks can't figure that out!!!

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What does dying WITH cov. even mean? Because of a PCR test that isn't meant to and cannot detect infection from a specific - "novel" (computer generated / in silico) - virus, but that can find anything anywhere, especially at over 30 cycles, the way it was used world-wide)? That\s what Cary Mullis, the inventor himself, said about it.

Not to mention that the various symptoms under the umbrella of "covid" can be caused by various things like a lack of certain vitamins and minerals, and of course by the elephant in the room: EMF radiation... No virus is required to cause a heavy detox reaction! Considering Wuhan was the pilot for the 5G rollout in China, and the undercover actions of governments all around the world to set up the 5G infrastructure during the lockdowns, especially in hospitals and schools, one should definitely take the known effects of this military-grade weapon into consideration!

That, plus the flu that was recategorized, as well as some of the effects of the jabs that are renamed "long covid", for instance... Sounds better than jab side effect, doesn't it?

Any way one looks at it, this whole operation is a huge scam perpetrated on humanity and culling it, meaning us.

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Yes they re branded the common cold. A hundred years ago people took tea with lemon and a spoon of brandy and got better. Now we need to interfere with our DNA for flu? Madness

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There is evidence to suggest that while SARS-Cov2 has, at this point, blended in with the ever-present coronavirus swarm and effectively become a 'cold', it didn't start this way. Like others, when I had covid a year or so ago (with no major health issues) it was not a cold. It was worse than any flu I have had. The problem is that for folks who do not have serious comorbidities, we don't know if this was due to purity of an infectious clone, spike protein, viral load, individual allergic responses, lack of previous exposure to similar coronaviruses etc.. Despite that, the response ought to have been early treatment and nothing else. The fact that many people who got naturally infected and had a poor outcome is (outside of comorbidities) is, in my opinion, due to suppression of early treatment.

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I Couldn't agree more, and we'll never know to what extent any of this could have been averted....this was an agenda driven disease.....there was always an objective on the part of govt.....and human health, other than to destroy human life, was irrellivent.

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From what I know the whole thing was totally engineered, hence would never have had to happen if it hadn't been planned that way. Dr. Mike Yeadon calls it a "synthetic pandemic".

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Dec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022

Again: A virus is NOT required to produce such symptoms. They can be caused by deficiencies and by EMF-exposure. 5G makes oxygen difficult to absorb by the hemoglobin, for instance, which can lead to low oxygen levels (* see an article I just pulled up below). Besides, graphene oxide has been added to food and the water supply and is in chemtrails since God knows when. It's toxic. It works like nano-razer blades that make tiny cuts in the blood vessel, causing micro blood clots. And it's an excellent conductor. Combine it with all the other metals in the chemtrails - that end up not just in the air but in the soil, the water, the food etc. - and with 5G, along with the nanotechnology that has also been around for a while, and you get a toxic electromagnetic and physical soup that can make people in the same vicinity (those whose immune systems are a bit weaker, or who are more sensitive to EMFs, for instance) fall sick, seemingly through contagious infection, but actually through toxic environmental exposure.

We keep jumping to conclusions when we expect viruses to be the culprits, even though no virus has ever proven to be contagious as far as I know. (I mean "virus" in the generally understood sense, not its actual meaning which is poison.)


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My wife travels a lot, she often catches bugs, and around 1 in 3 of them she gives to me when she comes back, inc covid, twice.

Explain that?

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Tea with lemon may have actually helped people. If you are a psychopathic Globalist who fantasies murdering 7+ billion people, that will never do!

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Well said- all viable remedies have to be shown to be ‘ineffective’ for the patented mRNA to get the EUA. Plus, as you said, they are lunatics.

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It means nothing. The Globalists are never going to release a virus that would hurt them.

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Of course not! Just a bug and a predetermined way to make it appear like the friggin bubonic plague( mediabased fearporn, pcr bs test) and voila! Plandemic! Corral the sheep! Dont let them out! And be sure to cut the tongue out of the smarter and vocal of the herd. Those outside the herd? Shoot to kill.

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That makes sense to me. I could also see them being germophobes.

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Let's don't forget about the hospitals getting $50 grand per patient that got put on a ventilator and died from Covid. Many people died from Covid that didn't have to die, they were murdered by the healthcare system for money.

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According to the lawyers who have filed the wrongful death suits against the medical centers in Fresno, California for killing patients for money with Remdesivir, the average hospital in California got paid over $500,000 PER PATIENT FOR MURDERING THEM! Unbelievable!!!!!

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How much did the lawyers get?

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Good grief, that is insane.

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That almost sounds like you are approving of the murder of COVID patients with I.V. Remdesivir in the medical centers, for astronomical government bonuses.

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They did NOT die from Covid. They died from medical malfeasance. BIG difference!

They were forced to take a test that cannot test for an infection in order to be put away in a covid ward, without any possibility of supervision by their families, and then killed with "medication" and medical equipment. Cov. was put on the death certificate, regardless of the actual cause of death. That's how the hospitals made and probably still make millions.

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Pre-COVID the majority or patients put on ventilators were having breathing problems from pneumonia —fluid in their lungs. In many cases COVID did not cause typical pneumonia. The hypoxia was caused by blood clots blocking blood circulation to the alveoi (air sacks) so oxygenation couldn't take place. But in the beginning of the pandemic, ventilators were set to the same high pressure that had worked to push fluid back out of the alveoli and into the blood vessels where it belonged in pneumonia patients. But that didn't work with most COVID patients. The high pressure with no fluid to work on just "blew out" their lungs and killed them, or at least didn't do any good, because what they needed was anticoagulants (and PREVENTION with early treatment!), not ventilators!

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Perfectly explained.

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There is compelling evidence in Michigan and New York that there was a concerted effort to kill, not protect, the elderly.

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Same in the UK, and from what it looks like in Quebec as well (some 40 percent of Canada's so-called cov. deaths at the beginning of the plandemic happened in retirement homes in Quebec).

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All over Canada, not just Quebec.

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I would assume. But I distinctly remember reading that 40 percent of cov. deaths were in retirement homes in Quebec! Meaning that a large percentage died in that one province! (I know because my 82 year-old mother lives there and she first told me about people dying from cov. and then later, when it became known, that in a center close to her it was actually from neglect, because the staff had run away out of fear of the "virus" and left the residents to literally rot in the home).

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Dec 5, 2022·edited Dec 5, 2022

Additional tidbits...

"...The medical authorities compounded these chicaneries by euthanising large numbers of mostly old people in care homes and hospitals under cover of lockdown using inappropriate treatments such as midazolam, morphine and ventilators. Listen from 3:29:40 to John O’Looney’s chilling narrow escape from attempted murder in hospital later in the year. He is also blanked out on BBC News. These deaths were falsely attributed to Covid and probably accounted for most of the Covid-recorded deaths in the March/April 2020 first wave.


There were a few scattered reports at the time (Jan/Feb 2021) of mass care home deaths soon after their residents had been given their Covid mRNA injections but these reports were quickly hushed up and have never been mentioned again. An uncensored report from a Norwegian health authority explains this Covid vaccine fatal side-effect risk to the very frail..."


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Pennsylvania also...with the granny killing governor sending covid positive patients back to the nursing homes to infect everyone else.

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NJ gov was murdering the elderly as well.

Yet people don't speak out and honestly, don't seem to care. Sad.

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Oh yes. Murder. Cold and calculated. Cuomo should have been hung out to dry and incarcerated but he scampered off because of sexual peckerdilloes. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤔

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He'll be back.

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Oregon, WA and CA too. An epoch times has a documentary the last war. It shows how the Chinese will attack America...west coast...same states that vote by mail and are commies. WOW WHAT A COINCIDENCE!!

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Most of our military weapons have been sent to Ukraine or left behind in Afghanistan.

This was on purpose by the Biden regime and the corrupt Pentagon.

I do believe that the CCP will attack the West Coast because they know we cannot defend ourselves.

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Mike Adams just did his daily "Health Ranger Report" on that, 11-30-22.

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Yes, I listened to it.

Makes perfect sense.

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Dec 5, 2022·edited Dec 5, 2022

Well I don't. Someone's trying to scare the shit out of Deep-red-pilled people. All it takes to strike back are plasma weapons. You do NOT need guys on the ground with bayonettes. This is not 1789.

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You really don't know much about the US or the Chinese military, and you let people take advantage of your lack of knowledge to keep you scared.

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Please do enlighten us.

The Military jacked up on deadly mrna vax and is 25 percent under its requirement goal and dresses like women. The Military that has a general that with the Chinese when Trump was thinking of attacking China.

Please tell me if I got it wrong.

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The US military cannot win a war. Got their asses kicked by goat herders.

Billions of $$ of equipment left behind in Afghanistan and millions more sent to Ukraine.

All on purpose to weaken the fighting capability of the US military.

Deadly mRNA forced on troops. Purging of the ones who refused to take it. Denying all religious exemptions.

Gen. Milley, the fatty who no way passes Army weight standards, calling his BFF in China to undermine the President with his treasonous behavior.

SecDef Austin who is the poster child for the Beltway Bandit of the Military Industrial Complex.

US is screwed...and China knows it.

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"David" is a troll.

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Troll...DoD or DHS?

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No - just someone who seems to know more about the US and Chinese military them you do...

China can barely invade Taiwan...

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Dec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022

The American people will have a chance to use those fancy weapons they all stash. Isn't this the only reason why there is a second amendment, to act as a militia in case of a foreign invasion? Cause it's pretty clear it's not for fighting tyranny imposed on them from within. FBI alert!!!

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Dec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022

The purpose of the 2nd. was so that we the American people can protect ourselves against a degenerated tyrannical Federal government, because the Founders very well understood that ALL governments degenerate over time as more and more self-serving sociopaths get control and make changes for their own benefits and not the People's.

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At least we can defend ourselves, unlike the rest of the world that is not allowed to own firearms.

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I can definitely see that. They are fighting more ferociously in China out of all places. I guess the patriots are still waiting for Q to make the his move. 🤣🤣🤣

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You mean - What a coincidence that epoch times has that documentary, right?

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No. I think Epoch Times is the only real news, well it is the only I know of.

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Of course you do...

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Xi, is that you?

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China's bribing system has reached almost every sector in the US.

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Almost? Did they miss a sector? From which sector does the big guy not get 10%?

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Correction - it has reached almost every sector in the world. The US just happens to be more under the spotlight.

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Yes, that’s why I became an ex democrat. Most progressives I meet and even see on media just parrot TV scripts. We should be policy driven and informed; how about health insurance for everyone? That levels the playing field for people of any race, creed, gender, etc without having to argue about those issues? How about bodily autonomy? Following the Nuremberg code?

Free speech? The dems instead like to portray conservatives as “devisive”, “mean” etc. But that is just gossip, and where is their policy? Mandates primarily, which is raw authoritarianism, and crooked business- taxpayer money goes straight to big pharmaceutical, and big pharmaceutical gives some back to Biden and company. Tyranny.

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Health insurance companies' financial control over the medical system is part of the problem, not part of the solution.

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I. just looked up the median age of the 10531 "deceased in the 5th wave":

年齡中位數 Median 86

From the official government website of Hong Kong: https://www.covidvaccine.gov.hk/pdf/death_analysis.pdf

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The case fatality rate data seem to be showing a massive positive effect of the jab in the 80+ age bracket with a still substantial effect in others. Looks like they offer Pfizer there, unlike on the mainland, as well as sinovac. I wonder which one they use more. I also wonder what their non-covid excess mortality rate is by vaccination status.

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Yes, I had noticed that too - and wondered if the data is trustworthy. I doubt it.

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Probably better survival than that. In July 2021, the UK DHSC told Steve Baker MP in a parliamentary answer that the IFR was ~0.096%. That I assume would have been for all age groups combined.

Moreover, that's 0.096% if you get infected. On the Diamond Princess, most people didn't get it. 20-40% of people in a country seem to have had no COVID symptoms whether they're jabbed or unjabbed.

So, maybe nearer 99.94% survival.

Almost certainly less severe than the 1968 Hong Kong flu. 86,000 Brits. died of that, in a population of 55,000,000, suggesting a population fatality rate of 0.15% and an IFR maybe more than that. Statisticians 50 years ago are thought to have been fairly honest.

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NOTE: that was a reply to Yuri Bezmenov's.

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Dems know that if they critique China's human rights record they will be lectured ad nauseum about George Floyd, BLM and The Lancet's epidemiological study that reported that up to 1,000,000 civilians including women and children were butchered during the RINOs and Dems' non-existent WMD pretext driven invasion and occupation of Iraq.

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But wars are PROFITABLE! You wouldn't deny them their profits now, would you???

And they needed all the hype to get Americans to roll over and accept the NDAA "Patriot Act" to save them from all the Al Quieda terrorists. Funny how the Deep State labels everything the exact OPPOSITE of what it actually is!

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“The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises in doublethink.” George Orwell, 1984

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I don't know if it is you, Yuri... But if it is, I really enjoyed your lecture back in early 80s. I've found plenty of similar subversion structures spanning the entire spectrum of human existence, the Full Spectrum (Dominance) of them. Regardless, Godspeed.

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Between your lines, I read that the chief crooks are in the USA and City of London. Why are they so silent if not approving of what happens over there? Are we to witness another coup? The deep state used to stay on top of everything and aswe know so well, love to overthrow more regimes around the world in order to achieve their globalist 'unity' -read hegemony. I thonk THEY are the first ones who should be thrown out. And we the people should kick them out.

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PUBLIC COMPLAINT AGAINST GOVERNMENTS 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


תלונת ציבור נגד ממשלות 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


DENUNCIA PUBBLICA CONTRO I GOVERNI 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


PLAINTE DU PUBLIC CONTRE LES GOUVERNEMENTS 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


DENUNCIA PÚBLICA CONTRA GOBIERNOS 12/01/2022 - Action, legal action


Please substitute your state's criminal law codes, disseminate and act in all procedures, send me a copy with the penal codes similar to these Italians


buffa.andrea.salvatore@protonmail.com; andreabuffa@yandex.com

PUBLIC COMPLAINT AGAINST GOVERNMENTS 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


תלונת ציבור נגד ממשלות 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


DENUNCIA PUBBLICA CONTRO I GOVERNI 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


PLAINTE DU PUBLIC CONTRE LES GOUVERNEMENTS 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


DENUNCIA PÚBLICA CONTRA GOBIERNOS 12/01/2022 - Action, legal action


Please substitute your state's criminal law codes, disseminate and act in all procedures, send me a copy with the penal codes similar to these Italians


buffa.andrea.salvatore@protonmail.com; andreabuffa@yandex.com

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I've had covid twice. First time my wife and I both discovered we had temperatures when trying to access stores. We both took a single 12mg tab of ivermectin that night, woke up with no temperature and all fine - this was while we were living in a hotspot of Delta infections all around us, classified as a 'red zone' by Malaysian gov', so pretty sure that was covid caught early.

No symptoms after that.

More recently wife got presumably Omicron, was sick with severe headaches and high fever for 3 days, tested positive. As her fever broke I caught it too. We both slammed ivermectin but it didn't seem to help, both slamming vitamin D, and C, with zinc, melatonin at night etc. Basically FLCCC protocol, though that said HCQ more effective for Omicron that IVM. I have some HCQ now but didn't have any then.

We both took around 2 weeks to fully clear the infection and be back to normal - except a week or 2 later, I find my asthma (normally v. easily controlled with an inhaler) is still quite bad and ongoing, often feel run-down and generally feel like I'm coming down with something, which has dragged on for about 4 weeks now.

So sure, we both 'recovered' in terms of being alive, but I do seem to have lingering, ongoing health effects that no other flu or cold have created.

No, it's not mental. I was convinced I'd cleared it; it's my body telling me there's still a problem, not my head.

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Dec 4, 2022·edited Dec 4, 2022

Have you seen this study: “Toxin-like peptides, almost identical to toxic components of venoms from animals, like conotoxins, phospholipases, phosphodiesterases, zinc metal proteinases, and bradykinins, were identified in samples from COVID-19 patients, but not in control samples.” These animal venoms use the nicotine receptors in our body for uptake. Rumor has that chewing nicotine gum or putting on a nicotine patch helped bring back someone’s taste/smell. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8772524/

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And giving the Death shot to the elderly will mean removing them from the SS benefits rolls all the sooner. I can hear the Mother-W.E.F.fers cheering even now, "GOODY-- MORE, for MEEEE!!!!"

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The fake PCR tests couldn't tell the difference between COVID and any other respiratory infection.

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But once I know it I can recognize it. I am not sure how abusive this gas lighting world is going to become, but I have to try not to let it intimidate me. I am going to be proactive and learn to fight for what is important. I wish for you strong boundaries and an unshakable belief in yourself.

Blessed be.

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The US needs major protests over rigged elections. The Republicon Party is spineless.

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Dec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

No, the Republican party is superbly filling its role in the Uniparty.

If you think the Republican party is spineless, look at Bush 41's campaign against Buchanan and how they saved Mitt Romney in 2012 by cheating Ron Paul out of the Maine caucus.

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Neither major party represents me. Dick Cheney was the mastermind of 9/11 as far as I can tell, just like the Dems were in control of the engineering of Jan 6th.

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There are a lot more of us then there are of them. This is especially true in China. Push people too far and they will break. There are some ex-French monarchs who found this out the hard way. Human nature has not changed significantly over the last few hundred years.

EVERY government on the planet is aware of this. Government exists to expand their power and control over the populace, but the people in government ultimately want to keep their head attached to their torso.

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The only people in the US that are allowed to protest are violent progressives. My feeling is the only way there can be any change is if we get the tranny/ltbtq/refugee/black/muslim/pedo contingent to protest for us. They will not be jailed. If you're white, Christian and protest, you'll be arrested in the US and they'll just keep you in jail until you die.

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When death in a gulag is a better option then living under tyranny the system will break. We seem to be headed straight toward that reality.

I doubt it will take that long though. The “elite” won’t be able to control their golems much longer.

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Their strategy against the populace has always been divide and conquer. They have to dig deep to find some identifiable group to use as the heroes and an opposite group as the villains. Don't worry they will drop the Antifa/BLM/TS group like a worn out shoe if they think it will be advantageous. They would have to focus on some other group to take their place. They quite happily embrace actual Nazis in Ukraine.

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Either Pat Buchanan or Ron Paul would have been much better than the stooges that were selected by the Republican machine.

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Agreed. I’m wandering in the wilderness politically now. Seen and been both sides. Uniparty. I am in the mood to punish my recently democrat tribe much more at the moment. Which I tried to do last month. Sigh.

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I believe Ron Paul had a better chance in 2008 election than 2012. The GOP and conservative media behaved similarly to him as the DNC and media did to Tulsi Gabbard.

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Yet another saviour, tulsi, the one present every week on fox, still owned by BlackRock, and a weforum young leader as well...

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The GOP is also actively behind rigged elections. Mitch McConnell refused to support Trump backed candidates and would rather see Democrats win. He's owned by the CCP..

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No argument here. Establishment Republicons are doing everything they can to sabotage Trump. Get ready for the first transgender president in 2024. The Dems are plannng to run Michael.

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I forget. Is he a trans woman? They can’t get any woman as it is—they will put a fake woman on the ballot. Sounds about right although that could be a heavy lift— and I ain’t talking about bras.

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Great comment. I get confused myself as to exactly what "trans" means is it a male to female or female to male? The problem is what is what. Which is a trans woman? Since you really can't trans chromosomes I think that establishes true gender and should define the law. Surgical modifications shouldn't count. The reason I'm putting this out there about Michael is because for various reasons I think it is in fact the plan. For one thing there are an inordinate amount of copies of the Michelle book on display at Costco; moreover the Dems are pushing trans ideology big time. Could trans people actually account for their abundance of alleged votes? It doesn't seem likely to me.

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At this point, the Dems could run a head of cabbage and it will win, since they count the votes.

Oh wait, they did install a head of cabbage named j0e xiden

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Trans just means they "switched" gender, which, of course, is physically impossible. All they can do is pretend, and get themselves mutilated. And, by the way, why have people forgotten that there is already a perfectly good English word for a man who had his balls cut off? It's EUNICH. Lets all start using the correct term! But some of them didn't go that far and are just trying to conceal their male anatomy.

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Michael the general or some sort? Guess we will see. There has been an epidemic of gender and sexual preference announcements by preteens in my son in laws family. Preteens.

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Here's the way you address a hall full of "trans" politicians:

"Attention ALL fairy tale THINGS" (courtesy of Shrek)

You really can't take any of them seriously anymore.

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China Mitch

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Trump will do it. He'll save us. The father of warp speed operation, vaccines daddy. If not him then definitely Elon, the one doing research on brain chipping monkeys...

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Having a bad day, Joe?

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I didn't know that telling the truth shows that someone has a bad day. In this day and age you might be right though... Keep believing in the orange buffoon. If you could see through the covid scam, which was pretty easy for anyone that didn't lose their marbles completely in 2020, doesn't mean that the deep state didn't prepare a couple of additional layers for the ones with not enough brain cells.

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Well at least we know the Establishment hates the Orange Buffoon & Elon Musk with a passion. That tells you a lot. I have a problem with people and their Purity tests. Everyone has a different idea of what the Purity test should be. So in the end you support nobody but yourself.

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You don't actually know that at all. It just looks like that on a superficial level, yet if you would just think for a little bit you'll realize it's all a show and that both the buffon and the son of baphomet are part of the play, main actors nonetheless.

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I credit Dr. Francis Boyle for confirming my suspicions that covid was a bioweapon. I would tell people that and they looked at me like I was a nutter. Then, the covid death shots emerged. Another bioweapon. Refused to take.

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Not addressing the orange buffoon issue by any means, I see.

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Isn't he married into the CCP? I'm not sure, I can't prove it but I think his wife is a political connection to China.

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Wife has huge connection to CCP. Her family owns shipping companies.

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Not spineless - very much complicit. Have a look at the money wasted on Murkovski in Alaska, a true RINO if there ever was one. That was only topped by Arizona which managed to make the elections in Cuba look clean and well organized. BTW, Michigan and Pennsylvania do not count anymore - they are through and through Bolshevik.

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Brazil is doing an awesome job, wish they would swing a few protesters our way.

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No political party is perfect, Republicans are definitely infiltrated by the same Globalists that we have all become aware of. Our selection of candidates should be based on individual vetting. Pay attention to who and what organizations are helping their campaigns. Avoid voting for anyone who talks about collectivist concepts of any kind. Actively search for those who show respect for strong individualism and self reliance.

We the individual people are who have a spine.

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Unfortunately you are not describing any Republicon I actually know. I'm talking about rank and file types. When it comes to political activism they are all talk and no action. By the way, I'm in Colorado and the Republicon Party hardly exists here. There are voters but no genuine active party.

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Sorry to hear that, I'm in commy- fornia, (California) I have not seen any true representation in decades.

This era has been difficult for all of us.

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It would be interesting to see if the DOJ/FBI rounded up the election deniers/Domestic Violent Extremists just like they did the J6ers...

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I am sure that if they could get away with it, they would.

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I'm not sure that your "if" is really that iffy...

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They are already threatening any district reps that refuse to endorse the election there with arrest for a felony they dug up somewhere. Even if it gets thrown out of court they will make sure they will harass you in every way possible and push you into bankruptcy with legal bills.

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Dec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

"The recent events in China show that protesting works even in crazy, totalitarian countries where the state has near-total, WEF-style control of the population."

Yes, it does. But you don't mention the cost to the brave protesters:

Chinese police are knocking on protesters’ doors, searching cellphones


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You are right!

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Wow, that is way more restrained that I would have expected. Where I was born and raised, the people were simply rounded up and "disappeared".

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I think people are being "disappeared"...

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That is what I expected. I did not think that the CCP got soft, on the contrary, the current leadership is ruthless compared with the previous lot.

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How can we believe anything we hear from China especially, but also NZ, Australia, Canada, and other jail prison states like killafornia where they are killing my ass?

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We can no longer believe anything.

#Ashli Babbitt

#Edward Snowden

#Julian Assange

# Ukraine

#Joe Biden

# elections

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Your list is a little confusing. It depends on who is saying what. I certainly have doubts about Ashely Babbitt, and Joe Biden is a no brainer, if you get what I'm saying.

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I have been confusing people for 73 years and it is my goal to continue until I am personally confounded by what I write and say.

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That makes you the oldest member of the Chinadian privy council.

We know why its called a privy...

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You've lost me, Stevanovitch. Which kind of privy are you talking about?

FYI I am neither Chinese nor Canadian. I am a Swiss/Swedish/English American.

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Privy, noun… the place where you, ahem, take a crap. In private.

Our traitorous evil PM turdo, will spew shit about his Emergency Act bashing the truckers last feb. his privy council is that little group of slimeballs at the top who illegally called the Inquiry on themselves vs having the people do it. The foxes guard the chickens…


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You might enjoy this article at The Farm:

Communist China Is A PsyOp


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I, too, am very suspicious about any “news” coming out of China. Is this really related to the protests or is there something else going on here?

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I follow Ed Dowd on Gettr. Lately, he has been saying a lot of interesting things about China. Check out his Gettr thread: https://gettr.com/user/edwarddowd

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I follow him on GETTR. I also just finished reading his book on Kindle. The work he and Mr. Sterling have done is amazing.

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The media didn't cover the lockdown protests in the rest of the world...how strange they cover this one. The lockdown protests in other countries didn't work...also strange.

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Good point

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The Chinese protesters are not brave - they are DESPERATE! After months of arbitrary lockdown they have nothing left to lose. And as for a million dying of covid in response, the current strains are milder and anyway, over a million apparently die every year due to industrial air pollution.

And they still have all their other controls, like incessant PCR testing, social credit scores and 24/7 facial recognition surveillance. They are still not free! Nothing has really changed. And all coming to your neighbourhood soon.

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Just like the Canadian protesters were desperate

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And were put down with the same brutal approach used by the CCP. I am still stunned that it did not wake up more people. This is Canada we are talking about not Venezuela.

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They did wake up a lot of people. That's one of the reasons why they pushed operation Uuraine. All those showing signs of getting woken up by the brutal take down of Canadian protests went quickly back to sleep.

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Well, in that case, it did not really wake them up did it? Sad to see such a beautiful rich country fall into the Bolshevik/Fascist nightmare in a matter of a couple of decades.

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Correct - they live in the medical tyranny that the "degenerates" of the world would like to see imposed on everyone. China seems to me like a test run and the results are awful for those of us with a working brain.

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Totally agree. They just got the date wrong - this time. The 5G tech wasn't ready in time. Those Smart phone toys they've already got everyone addicted to will soon enslave their owners and become their masters. All life will be through your phone and they can turn it on and off at will...

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Yep, that is what they do in China now. If your mobile "shows" that you have been in "close contact" you get the privilege of going to some hellhole to quarantine yourself. At your expense. For as long as they deemed it fit. You of course have no right to appeal the decisions made "for your own safety and that of your fellow citizens". Just about the very definition of hell on Earth.

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No one in their right mind believes any death/contagion data from China--or from the US for that matter. It's all made up to create the desired effect that the plan calls for.

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Maybe China is playing their own game, the same game we've seen.

Tighten control... then loosen. Then tighten again. Then loosen...

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There is so much more known about early treatment and prevention, that if applied nationally those death rates could be much lower. Also the milder forms of COVID are going to be less harmful to the vulnerable. Rather than masks the daily gargling and nasal hygiene plus weekly ivermectin and famotidone and a few supplements, and the country could get through it. Wouldn't it be amazing to see a country this large try something like that and succeed?

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Some Indian states did do just that - the results were remarkably good. The contrast with the Indian states that followed the WHO guidelines were stark.

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citation needed

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https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/lucknow/uttar-pradesh-government-says-ivermectin-helped-to-keep-deaths-low-7311786/. There is also a Substack article by Dr. Malone on specifically this topic. It is funny to see so many "fact check" sites go all out to say that there is no benefit from ivermectin early treatment. I suppose data from one of the most populous Indian states does not qualify as evidence in their "reality".

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Thanks. I did not doubt your assertion, but nobody is going to be persuaded unless some reliable source can be cited. Indian Express appears to be a legit newspaper, in fact I see several other articles of interest in today's edition.

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It is more than fair to ask for a reference to an article. I just wish people would be willing to listen to facts and alternate explanation. In my experience, 99% of the people thought that I lost my marbles by refusing the jab and actively tried to "cancel" me.

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The success of protests are exactly why the WHO is trying to take the decision making away from individual Govts. with their amendments to the pandemic treaties.

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I fully expect more mandates and lockdowns.

And reports of unexpected benefits from the jabs. You know, like how your hair bounces and shines just before you drop dead.

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Maybe the perpetrators and their flaks' hair is bouncing and shining before they drop dead.

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I'd like to know where people (apparently) got the idea that we should be nearly immortal. The old and infirm have been dying of (among other things, of course) predominantly mild respiratory diseases for all of recorded history. This whole exercise has reeked of nothing so much as narcissism and cowardice to me from the very beginning. Name one region where average age of death *from* covid has not closely tracked with life expectancy. Seriously, people need to get used to the idea of dying, by whatever means helps them assuage their anxiety. It's going to happen to us all some day.

Similarly, the long covid hysteria. There have always been people that have chronic medical issues either precipitated or exacerbated by common, otherwise-mild illnesses. This life was never a boundless utopia of perfect health and happiness. Deal with it.

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Godlessness is so tightly associated with weakness of all kinds. I do sense a return to true power based in faith and humility. Where greatness lies.

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Dec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I believe this psyop was always a test to see just how far Governments could go before there was a strong rebellion. Now that they know, expect a round two in the Winter months.

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I'm glad that they are people are being emancipated but is all really what it seems? They have been protesting on and off for years and China tightly restricts which videos are leaked to the West. They are either using it as an excuse to open up or for some other reason.

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Eyes on Brazil.

Will apple/china syndrome impact the

current protest-demonstrations against the installation of an unelected puppet regime?

We'll be watching.

Thank you for keeping us informed.

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I am sure that the Western media is running 24 hours coverage of the Brazilian protests, um wait, no, never mind. That is not part of the narrative so the protests are completely ignored.

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Well I guess Klaus Von Frankenstein is going to be disappointed in his MODEL China.. He said how China did things was a MODEL for the rest of the world... So the new MODEL is protest everyone everywhere and do not stop.. Protest every WEF member in every country and hold signs showing you know they belong to the WEF not their country and protest Klaus Von Frankenstein who is actually fronting for his mentor Kissinger who of course is a puppet for the real EVIL behind everything..

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Same for Justin Trudeau

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AGREED IN FULL-- Herr "Kissmyassinger" is N.A.Z.I. essence disguised in a JooSoot.

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Old Kissieface has more blood on his hands than Genghis Khan, Soros, Stalin and Mao combined. And he’s not done with us yet.

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Dec 2, 2022·edited Dec 2, 2022

Nope and if you have seen him lately he can hardly hold his head up and hardly talk.. His EVIL is weighing him down....

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I wish we had a way to p.m. here.. I have a lot more to say to one who may have some historical background on that from an ethnic point of view....

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What has always amazed me is a lot of them always change their last name so you do not know.. Wonder why they do that ..... He is another one who comes from Army intelligence like all the old leaders of the TV networks and he worked for the Rockefellers and believes in a one world government of course..

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The Wreckafellows, yes. The Bible is full of instances of Hebrew characters changing their names. Used to signify a change in outlook, consciousness and/or a new or renewed relationship to their God. Now it just means hiding from the truths that drive antisemitism, however you want to interpret that.

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Wreckafellows. My list of useful descriptors grows…

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We can thank Andrew Carnegie for that-- Takes one to know one ;-)

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

What are all those concentration camps for do you suppose?

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