You are wrong about this being just "virtue signalling" it is far more insidious.
These Universities are receiving LOTS of money from various federal entities in return for their compliance to specific protocols.
For but one example Cornell University received $340 million from the NIH in fiscal year 2021.
For another example University of Chicago received $234 million from the NIH in fiscal year 2021.
This is not some moral passion play where virtue or lack of plays any part. This is about money, power and control.
These Universities, the administrators, the board of trustees and some faculty all have skin in the game and stand to make lots of money from this themselves. Without question if you can get a FOIA request to reveal various holdings that these Universities currently have you will no doubt find that they are invested in numerous areas of the Covid Cottage Industry.
The students and staff are all being used as lab rats to fatten the purses, further the careers and increase the power of these criminals that are perched atop the University system.
i agree. schools these days are only about money. Not education. I sat in on a Harvard bio lecture one time a few years ago and was startled how elementary it was. Stuff I learned in Middle School, watching National Geographic. And it's not just the grants. Think about how much tuition has increased since the 1970s. Huge loans are needed to pay for colleges. Doesn't help that the idea of college has been slammed into our culture by leftists to believe that EVERYONE needs a college education (which is just not true at all- many would do very well at a trade school and make more money and be without debt, but stigma and elitism). In response, a lot of entry level jobs now require a college education because the pool to eliminate is so much larger. Then, when you weed out the good ones with useful skills, you have kids with idiotic degrees that are not useful outside of academia (like women's studies) fighting for entry level jobs that don't pay well. They can't pay their loans, and they accrue even more debt. Then they vote Democrat because that team keeps promising to eliminate their loans. It's a circular problem that is in the Dems favor, because all they want is to stay in power. Kids lose because because they become debt slaves and don't even know it
Hospitals are given legal immunity if they use HHS recommended drugs to treat Covid-19. Perhaps this is why they don't want to provide non-HHS recommended ivermectin.
If schools and universities are receiving that kind of money, then administrators figure they can risk liability. If one or two students sues for tens of millions of dollars, the university will still come out ahead. Perverse incentives.
I believe if they don't mandate and a student gets Covid-19 the university can be sued. If they mandate and a student dies from the vaccine they can't be sued... because of the PREP Act.
Most/all states have put liability shields in place for people catching covid and thinking they hit the lottery. How can one possible prove where one caught a virus?
These bottomless pits of money are built on raging inflation (because their source is the trillions of dollars - & others - printed out of thin air since 2008)
True, NIH gives a lot of money to university research groups. And university administration grabs about 50% of the money that researchers get as grants. So, the connection is bit more subtle and indirect, but it's certainly real.
Also, it's hard to imagine researchers being on the wrong side of NIH and other funding agencies (like NSF, etc.). Your career and tenure prospects (if you are a young faculty) are
finished if you are not bringing in research money.
I was talking to a friend the other day about his vaccinee injury.... He is young and talented... And he will have to deal with this issue for the rest of his life as it is a serious and permanent condition (cardiac and not myocarditis). This needs to be a choice. You cannot force a condition like he has on someone. There is no argument for preventing transmission (rather, there is strong evidence it increases social transmission)... So how can it not be a choice?
You have a mindset of a well intentioned person. This insanity is perpetrated by criminals (who no doubt recruit unwitting short sighted administrators)
Any parent in their right minds would be pushing their kid to take a 'gap year' or two. Education taken with a few more years of maturity and heath intact is far more valuable anyhow.
@Persephonia I couldn’t agree more! I encouraged my son to drop out of college last fall right before starting his senior year. He is currently taking a real estate training course and working part time. I’m 100% certain he’s learning more now than he would if he had stayed at the woke University. They were requiring twice weekly testing and just recently announced their booster requirement for the spring. I am so glad he isn’t brainwashed by the radical social justice warriors and can think critically.
Parents with kids that can see through it are very lucky. For so many parents this is heartbreaking to see their children brainwashed like this. As parents you know to warn them off of many things (drugs, booze, disloyal friends, etc) but who would have thought that we should have been warning them to always question what their teachers and professors are 'teaching'!
Masks are face decorations and have very minor effect. If, say, two masked people sit down for a cup of coffee, and one is infected, it may on average be 20 minutes before the infection passes. If they were maskless, it would be 10 minutes. On the time scale of months, masks do not matter.
The vaxxed will be endlessly reinfected, I am sure of that, it will be unimaginably tragic to watch, the human suffering, misery, confusion, and desperation.
Barbelo - I think that the body's immune system is already activated against spike in the recently recovered - which increases the risk of an overactive and potentially deadly immune response to the spike protein when it is delivered in such a concentrated and quick manner to the bloodstream.
So does the idea that the vaccines are just pure poison and any antibody activity is just a response. In fact it makes more sense as unvaccinated are not suffering (except maybe if they're getting other shots, flu for example)
I'm pretty sure some of the childhood vaccine schedule is actually like this. Some are "legit" attenuated viruses. Others just try to agitate your body into an immune response. It was a while since I read about it though. I hope there is a large movement to review the whole childhood schedule.
He got a third shot (moderna). The symptoms were high fever for a few days, extreme heart palpitations, sweating, difficulty breathing, no sleep. They had to call EMS (whatever is a UK equivalent).
And why only the young. Probably because the deltoid muscle is not at its full strength and density so too much escapes into the bloodstream and the condition cannot be denied as "stress" or whatever. The implication being, we are all suffering the same conditions just proportional to how much escaped into our bloodstream.
I'm a conspiracy theorist (used to be a normal person pre-COVID). I suspect the real purpose of these mandates is to quietly sterilize as many young people as possible. Hope I'm wrong.
I expect the intention is for much worse outcomes. But I rely on incompetence caused by a poor understanding of health along with a poor understanding of us.
I see a Marek's type situation in the coming months -- only far worse. That will lead to extinction. I hope I am right cuz the global economy is on the verge of collapse and we really don't want 8B hungry predators without food or electricity having a go at each other
According to second-hand info from masonic circles, infertility was the lofty goal. But then somehow also death and crippling crept in ... possibly as a bonus. There is never enough of a good thing.
Was States always legislation oriented? Been reading a little lately on legislation and it makes me wonder if all these viral videos on common law are actually correct as the intimation seems to be that legislation is an import from the lands of Napoleon (or earlier the Romans).
"In his seminal work, The Nature of the Judicial Process, U. S. Supreme Court Justice and former Chief Judge of the New York Court of Appeal Benjamin Nathan Cardozo wrote of the land of mystery when constitution and statute are silent, and the judge must look to the common law for the rule that fits the case. He is the “living oracle of the law” in Blackstone’s vivid phrase."
I was so upset when universities demanded students be vaccinated as many young people probably had natural immunity. So when my university asked for a donation I wrote back that I disagreed with their mandates and wouldn’t be contributing. I contributed regularly to my alma mater but obviously not enough to make a difference in me not donating. But now to demand boosters is criminal.
The failed education system has been far more interested in virtue signaling than in education for several generations. No society can survive ignorance.
I've tried for months and months to warn my family. Unfortunately, two of my nephews who had C19 last year, are now triple-jabbed. My other nephew went to get his first Moderna shot on his 18th birthday last April. He is now triple-jabbed. My niece who turns 18 in a week is also triple-jabbed. Two of my brothers, the fathers of these children, are not speaking to me. My older brother is triple-jabbed (I tried), but he hasn't lost his mind and understands what I've been trying to convey. I worry that they will have long-term consequences. I don't understand.
I wish you well in your effort to protect your family member. Perhaps he should take a semester off? Maybe the virus part of this insanity will be over then.
One nephew attends Boston College. He was part of the swim team outbreak in the fall of 2020. My brother, his father, sent me and our older brother a screed blaming Trump for his son's infection. It was ridiculous. The kids went to a party. Some of the kids got pretty sick but all recovered and the swim season went on. My nephew was fine. He lost his taste and smell for a time.
The other nephew attends RIT. He tested positive during routine screening in the spring 2021 semester but had no/minimal symptoms. He was quarantined by the university in a hotel for about a week.
I saw the jab requirement coming in the early summer. I could not believe my brothers would agree to this without a fight. As I said, these two brothers are not speaking to me so far as I can tell. My older brother's wife, who is double-jabbed with Moderna, didn't believe me when I told her colleges and universities were requiring C19 recovered students to be vaxxed. She later told me that they were both injected and just last week told me about the boosters. She also told me about my niece and my other nephew.
My brothers are idiots. I pray their children don't pay the price for their ignorance and cowardice. I really don't understand. They are not stupid people.
As far as I know, none of them have had any adverse reactions to any of the jabs. They also didn't need them. I would be very concerned about vaxx after a recent infection, though. My children are recent grads. I'm grateful I didn't face this choice.
Perhaps he can take a semester off to see what happens or maybe consider taking class from home. This is so wrong.
Without discussing my own situation, let me just say that we can do only so much for our siblings. We have a duty to disclose what we know if they would listen. But that's it.
The human species brain has shrunk about 200 cc in the last 8k years. Probably because of stupid decisions such as this attempt at genocide. Which leaves the insiders (very stupid people) to breed. And the outsiders, who build everything including all the intellectual achievements, dead.
This is why I have no sympathy when things go sideways for the jabbed. Unless they were forced to take it (e.g. to feed their family)... then I nothing but violin concertos for them...
I don't blame them. They trust their parents and the "pubic health experts". Children are always heavily influenced by their parents views (and by their peer groups). If they were opposed to the jabs, it would be very difficult for them to go against their parents. I've always been obstinate.
It was clear from the start that this virus was not airborne Ebola. No one should have been compelled to take these jabs for any reason, especially children and young adults who have very low risk. The fact that the jabs have failed so dramatically only makes it worse. They took the risk for no gain to themselves or society. In fact, the vaxxed appear to be amplifying the spread and spinning off variants.
We should have been able to trust that our government and "public health officials" had our best interests in mind. Unfortunately, we could not. For some of us, the bells and whistles were going off. We knew something was wrong. For many others...the majority...they trusted the wrong people.
Thanks for writing that. They need to be served with Notices of Liability. You may know of Dr. Hooman Noorchashm's relentless attempts to "screen before you vaccine." I refer to him and others in my piece
Natural Immunity Denial Disorder: Diagnosing a Dangerous Condition
I also have a Truly Informed Consent Checklist on Behalf of children here, and in other articles and suggestion addition to Informed Collusion we ned Informed Coercion.
Informed Collusion: Enabling Mass Injections of Children
I wonder what would happen if a person being forced into a booster (or earlier shots, for that matter) slapped a Notice of Liability on them before getting the injection?
So far litigation challenges to university mandates have largely failed, and since they are not covered under the failed OSHA mandate, probably will continue to largely fail until (and if) the supremes hear a case and if they rule against. Plus establishing legal liability for vaccine damage is a high hurdle that would take years of litigation, by which case Covid will be using the Klingon alphabet for its designations.
Darby, can we speak as practical people for a minute.
I do realize that I cannot single handedly save the world.
But I do want just one specific university (U of I) to a least hear me somehow, like start a petition or whatever, or write an open letter etc. What can I do?
I am literally terrified of what is happening esp. since it involves a loved one.
I share your pain, Igor. I started my own Substack in part because I have five nieces and nephews under the age of 10, and my siblings were all determined to get them vaccinated. I did everything I could to try to stop them, but they would not listen to me. Four of the five have now been vaccinated (the fifth one is still too young). So far they all seem okay, but I am not at all optimistic that they will all be okay in the long run.
I'm not sure what else we can do right now except for what we are doing. We are literally at war, and we've taken on the role of war correspondents. As such, we may not be able to do much more than document the death and destruction.
But let me give it some thought for a few days and then get back to you.
Four of my nieces 13-20 are now vaxxed and boosted. I told my sister from the beginning what the dangers are but she lives in a vax-crazed county and just did what all her peers are doing. It's terrifying. I pray I'm overly cautious, would like to think I am but down deep have terrible fear for all of them.
Though most students are sleepwalking, a few must be awake by now or start to question things because of their vax injury.
Maybe you can find and contact some awake students of that university through social media and join effords.
That said, all of us antivaxxers suffer from Cassandra syndrome which is incurable. Fortunately I have a very small family to worry about. Just one, who nearly died of covid before the vax and is now counting two jabs and not in good health. She said, "if what you told me is true, that would be absolutely horrible" and "then what's the point of living?"
The vaxxed simply cannot deal with the horrible truth. In their eyes we are preaching doom and despair so who are we to burst their comfy bubble of hope and happiness? Ignorance is bliss
At some point one just has to accept whatever is coming and it is not just the vaxxed who perish. They will come for the unvaxxed too. You know about Rivax? Or the vaxxed become asymptomatic carriers of a lethal pathogen like ebola. Then there are killer drones, cyber pandemic and if that is not enough, a massive nuclear arsenal. This is not going to end happy anytime soon.
My advice would be to spread a letter in the community (facebook?) seeking lawyers who are also concerned. You are pissing against a Mass Formation.
Another avenue is how serious the checking is as to the booster documentation legitimacy.
Finally, look into a religious exemption - even atheists are entitled to a religious exemption - and foxhole conversions count. This is an area that the courts have upheld and a properly written legal letter might have a big impact..
[:Notice of Liability:] in straight, striking terms, to the point and nothing but - no padding. Preferably delivered from many sources, thus the repetition brackets.
The fully vaxxed University students returned to our city for the fall semester, arriving throughout July and August. They had to be vaxxed, only a few bothered with exemptions. And we had a huge wave of covid cases that peaked September-October. Some of the dorms had a covid wave that sent a lot of the students home. None of that has made a dent in the pro vaccine minds that run that stupid woke campus. This isn't about reason, it's control, pure and simple
And then there are the pro athletes... if they tore a ligament they would have to take a year off... so why not take a year off and wait and see... much more than a knee ligament at stake.
The athletes are the only ones who seem to see what's aimed at them. Yet they are afraid to spend a year sidelined. I know Division 1 soccer player who's about to get boosted. His mother knows better but is afraid to do any more than tell him he shouldn't. If that were my boy....
I think the preaching about "protect your elders" got to the young idealists. They don't think critically about these shots, don't hear that they fail and maybe word isn't really getting out enough about the lethal side effects. But the administration pushing this should know better than to feed young people into the wood chipper. They are the ones that really are responsible. And I hope they answer for it someday.
Also they think they're bulletproof. I'm old enough to remember when students pushed back and questioned authority. Now they allow themselves to be manipulated by it. Vaxxes, CRT, Climate BS. No questioning,no critical thinking. Parents should be putting their feet down, withholding tuition or encouraging a year off. Too many examples of kids writing to administrators begging to stop the vax requirements, they are told "no" and obediently inject themselves anyway. Sick and sad.
This local campus is a sorry mess now after the last ten years of craven whores in the administration. They had a fake hate crime of someone scribbling racist BS on a wall or two, knew the guy that did it was black because of the security cameras but played it up for sympathy and publicity and demands on the faculty. Then news came out, the 35 year old probably paid black perp was convicted, and.... Silence. And all the morons in admin accomplished with all that was to frighten off a bunch of prospective black students.
My generation was the most disobedient and rebellious of any in this country so I cannot understand how these kids think. Maybe they think they have no other options besides University. The irony is these universities are desperate for students. A brother of mine teaches at a prestigious college in Lancaster and told me his college wouldn't survive another 2020-2021 financially. Loss of tuition and especially room and board hit them so hard. The students don't realize it's a buyer's market. They don't seem to organize to fight this. And it utterly breaks by heart that they're being hurt to enrich the pigs in pharma and government.
IM posted data from New England and Iceland yesterday showing tight agreement between rate of booster shots and rate of covid case increase. The trend upward in cases after initiation of booster shots is monotonic just like the booster dosing. Insane.
You are wrong about this being just "virtue signalling" it is far more insidious.
These Universities are receiving LOTS of money from various federal entities in return for their compliance to specific protocols.
For but one example Cornell University received $340 million from the NIH in fiscal year 2021.
For another example University of Chicago received $234 million from the NIH in fiscal year 2021.
This is not some moral passion play where virtue or lack of plays any part. This is about money, power and control.
These Universities, the administrators, the board of trustees and some faculty all have skin in the game and stand to make lots of money from this themselves. Without question if you can get a FOIA request to reveal various holdings that these Universities currently have you will no doubt find that they are invested in numerous areas of the Covid Cottage Industry.
The students and staff are all being used as lab rats to fatten the purses, further the careers and increase the power of these criminals that are perched atop the University system.
This is shocking but also sounds believable based on what I know. Student lives do not matter
Some Universities go straight into demanding it of their students some hang back for as long as possible in the face of the bribes.
i agree. schools these days are only about money. Not education. I sat in on a Harvard bio lecture one time a few years ago and was startled how elementary it was. Stuff I learned in Middle School, watching National Geographic. And it's not just the grants. Think about how much tuition has increased since the 1970s. Huge loans are needed to pay for colleges. Doesn't help that the idea of college has been slammed into our culture by leftists to believe that EVERYONE needs a college education (which is just not true at all- many would do very well at a trade school and make more money and be without debt, but stigma and elitism). In response, a lot of entry level jobs now require a college education because the pool to eliminate is so much larger. Then, when you weed out the good ones with useful skills, you have kids with idiotic degrees that are not useful outside of academia (like women's studies) fighting for entry level jobs that don't pay well. They can't pay their loans, and they accrue even more debt. Then they vote Democrat because that team keeps promising to eliminate their loans. It's a circular problem that is in the Dems favor, because all they want is to stay in power. Kids lose because because they become debt slaves and don't even know it
Hospitals are given legal immunity if they use HHS recommended drugs to treat Covid-19. Perhaps this is why they don't want to provide non-HHS recommended ivermectin.
I think universities are also given legal immunity if they follow HHS recommended procedures, but I am not sure.
They can get legal immunity but not if fraud can be proved. We will see.
If schools and universities are receiving that kind of money, then administrators figure they can risk liability. If one or two students sues for tens of millions of dollars, the university will still come out ahead. Perverse incentives.
I believe if they don't mandate and a student gets Covid-19 the university can be sued. If they mandate and a student dies from the vaccine they can't be sued... because of the PREP Act.
Most/all states have put liability shields in place for people catching covid and thinking they hit the lottery. How can one possible prove where one caught a virus?
These bottomless pits of money are built on raging inflation (because their source is the trillions of dollars - & others - printed out of thin air since 2008)
True, NIH gives a lot of money to university research groups. And university administration grabs about 50% of the money that researchers get as grants. So, the connection is bit more subtle and indirect, but it's certainly real.
Also, it's hard to imagine researchers being on the wrong side of NIH and other funding agencies (like NSF, etc.). Your career and tenure prospects (if you are a young faculty) are
finished if you are not bringing in research money.
I was talking to a friend the other day about his vaccinee injury.... He is young and talented... And he will have to deal with this issue for the rest of his life as it is a serious and permanent condition (cardiac and not myocarditis). This needs to be a choice. You cannot force a condition like he has on someone. There is no argument for preventing transmission (rather, there is strong evidence it increases social transmission)... So how can it not be a choice?
You have a mindset of a well intentioned person. This insanity is perpetrated by criminals (who no doubt recruit unwitting short sighted administrators)
Unwitting short sighted = Money is involved. Make no mistake about that.
criminality and genocidal intention is involved, make no mistake about that
Any parent in their right minds would be pushing their kid to take a 'gap year' or two. Education taken with a few more years of maturity and heath intact is far more valuable anyhow.
That's what mine is doing. He wants no part of this madness.
Same. He is smarter than I and saw things for what they were long before I did.
@Persephonia I couldn’t agree more! I encouraged my son to drop out of college last fall right before starting his senior year. He is currently taking a real estate training course and working part time. I’m 100% certain he’s learning more now than he would if he had stayed at the woke University. They were requiring twice weekly testing and just recently announced their booster requirement for the spring. I am so glad he isn’t brainwashed by the radical social justice warriors and can think critically.
Parents with kids that can see through it are very lucky. For so many parents this is heartbreaking to see their children brainwashed like this. As parents you know to warn them off of many things (drugs, booze, disloyal friends, etc) but who would have thought that we should have been warning them to always question what their teachers and professors are 'teaching'!
And then they have to learn remotely while boosted because "case counts are high"? You can't make it up.
So what about this moment makes it particularly deadly? Is it pathogenic priming and the immune system going after the body?
This is indeed stupid but also highly criminal. I cannot believe this is happening, boosting young people who just recovered.
Hey Igor - would you agree that England by removing restrictions 'let er rip' is setting up not only for even more infections and deaths....
But more importantly ....the infections in the vaxxed will rage in the CovDIOTS resulting in epic numbers of Mutant Factories.
Masks are face decorations and have very minor effect. If, say, two masked people sit down for a cup of coffee, and one is infected, it may on average be 20 minutes before the infection passes. If they were maskless, it would be 10 minutes. On the time scale of months, masks do not matter.
The vaxxed will be endlessly reinfected, I am sure of that, it will be unimaginably tragic to watch, the human suffering, misery, confusion, and desperation.
Barbelo - I think that the body's immune system is already activated against spike in the recently recovered - which increases the risk of an overactive and potentially deadly immune response to the spike protein when it is delivered in such a concentrated and quick manner to the bloodstream.
Exactly! This is the worst time to give the "booster", to young men and women who just recovered.
That makes total sense.
So does the idea that the vaccines are just pure poison and any antibody activity is just a response. In fact it makes more sense as unvaccinated are not suffering (except maybe if they're getting other shots, flu for example)
I'm pretty sure some of the childhood vaccine schedule is actually like this. Some are "legit" attenuated viruses. Others just try to agitate your body into an immune response. It was a while since I read about it though. I hope there is a large movement to review the whole childhood schedule.
The entire vaccination mafia needs to be dismissed and every vaccine needs to have a skeptical, scientific, open and comprehensive review.
Vaccinating for non-deadly illnesses (flu, chicken pox) is a mistake in most cases.
toss it off a cliff for at least two generations, then maybe bring back tetanus shots
The whole thing is just pissing me off. I talked to a friend a few days ago who took a moderna booster. The guy literally barely made it.
I am sorry to hear, but do you know much details about what happened to your friend?
He got a third shot (moderna). The symptoms were high fever for a few days, extreme heart palpitations, sweating, difficulty breathing, no sleep. They had to call EMS (whatever is a UK equivalent).
Several European countries have banned the Moderna vaccine for young people because of myocarditis.
And why only the young. Probably because the deltoid muscle is not at its full strength and density so too much escapes into the bloodstream and the condition cannot be denied as "stress" or whatever. The implication being, we are all suffering the same conditions just proportional to how much escaped into our bloodstream.
Was he forced to take it ---or did he ignore all the warning signs and go ahead anyway?
The latter. I am baffled.
I'm a conspiracy theorist (used to be a normal person pre-COVID). I suspect the real purpose of these mandates is to quietly sterilize as many young people as possible. Hope I'm wrong.
I also hope that you are wrong but I suspect much worse outcomes. (and also hope that I am wrong)
I expect the intention is for much worse outcomes. But I rely on incompetence caused by a poor understanding of health along with a poor understanding of us.
I see a Marek's type situation in the coming months -- only far worse. That will lead to extinction. I hope I am right cuz the global economy is on the verge of collapse and we really don't want 8B hungry predators without food or electricity having a go at each other
Keep in mind that people are NOT chickens locked in a honeycomb of cages. We already had Covid for the most part.
If you want a perfect conspiracy theory: vaccine was invented by Trump to rid us of liberals
According to second-hand info from masonic circles, infertility was the lofty goal. But then somehow also death and crippling crept in ... possibly as a bonus. There is never enough of a good thing.
Death for the parents, infertility for the kids would be my guess. Kid's vaccines should be checked for hormones.
They get rich killing us slowly.
Sadly if that is true it will only emerge in an incredibly diffuse way and be nearly impossible to prove causally.
Yep, and wiping out the older drains on social security, medicare and pensions. You know, useless eaters.
Are there any lawyers here? Doesn’t this policy open the schools up to massive liability?
Read the PREP Act on legal immunity first:
I believe RICO would be more applicable.
Was States always legislation oriented? Been reading a little lately on legislation and it makes me wonder if all these viral videos on common law are actually correct as the intimation seems to be that legislation is an import from the lands of Napoleon (or earlier the Romans).
"In his seminal work, The Nature of the Judicial Process, U. S. Supreme Court Justice and former Chief Judge of the New York Court of Appeal Benjamin Nathan Cardozo wrote of the land of mystery when constitution and statute are silent, and the judge must look to the common law for the rule that fits the case. He is the “living oracle of the law” in Blackstone’s vivid phrase."
Common law is Anglo-Saxon, i. e., Germanic, and it is of the essence:
"Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate."
Justice will get delivered.
I was so upset when universities demanded students be vaccinated as many young people probably had natural immunity. So when my university asked for a donation I wrote back that I disagreed with their mandates and wouldn’t be contributing. I contributed regularly to my alma mater but obviously not enough to make a difference in me not donating. But now to demand boosters is criminal.
Demanding vaccines was also criminal. My heart is exploding when I think about young people and what happened to them.
The failed education system has been far more interested in virtue signaling than in education for several generations. No society can survive ignorance.
FoxNation has a good series online this week tracing the failures of the education system to progressivism, the precursor to communism.
I've tried for months and months to warn my family. Unfortunately, two of my nephews who had C19 last year, are now triple-jabbed. My other nephew went to get his first Moderna shot on his 18th birthday last April. He is now triple-jabbed. My niece who turns 18 in a week is also triple-jabbed. Two of my brothers, the fathers of these children, are not speaking to me. My older brother is triple-jabbed (I tried), but he hasn't lost his mind and understands what I've been trying to convey. I worry that they will have long-term consequences. I don't understand.
I wish you well in your effort to protect your family member. Perhaps he should take a semester off? Maybe the virus part of this insanity will be over then.
Did those triple jabbed have covid already? How was it?
One nephew attends Boston College. He was part of the swim team outbreak in the fall of 2020. My brother, his father, sent me and our older brother a screed blaming Trump for his son's infection. It was ridiculous. The kids went to a party. Some of the kids got pretty sick but all recovered and the swim season went on. My nephew was fine. He lost his taste and smell for a time.
The other nephew attends RIT. He tested positive during routine screening in the spring 2021 semester but had no/minimal symptoms. He was quarantined by the university in a hotel for about a week.
I saw the jab requirement coming in the early summer. I could not believe my brothers would agree to this without a fight. As I said, these two brothers are not speaking to me so far as I can tell. My older brother's wife, who is double-jabbed with Moderna, didn't believe me when I told her colleges and universities were requiring C19 recovered students to be vaxxed. She later told me that they were both injected and just last week told me about the boosters. She also told me about my niece and my other nephew.
My brothers are idiots. I pray their children don't pay the price for their ignorance and cowardice. I really don't understand. They are not stupid people.
As far as I know, none of them have had any adverse reactions to any of the jabs. They also didn't need them. I would be very concerned about vaxx after a recent infection, though. My children are recent grads. I'm grateful I didn't face this choice.
Perhaps he can take a semester off to see what happens or maybe consider taking class from home. This is so wrong.
Without discussing my own situation, let me just say that we can do only so much for our siblings. We have a duty to disclose what we know if they would listen. But that's it.
There is only one way to cure stupidity. And the injections are likely to accomplish that.
The human species brain has shrunk about 200 cc in the last 8k years. Probably because of stupid decisions such as this attempt at genocide. Which leaves the insiders (very stupid people) to breed. And the outsiders, who build everything including all the intellectual achievements, dead.
"Party". I wonder what was in the Punch.
Coof juice.
This is why I have no sympathy when things go sideways for the jabbed. Unless they were forced to take it (e.g. to feed their family)... then I nothing but violin concertos for them...
I don't blame them. They trust their parents and the "pubic health experts". Children are always heavily influenced by their parents views (and by their peer groups). If they were opposed to the jabs, it would be very difficult for them to go against their parents. I've always been obstinate.
It was clear from the start that this virus was not airborne Ebola. No one should have been compelled to take these jabs for any reason, especially children and young adults who have very low risk. The fact that the jabs have failed so dramatically only makes it worse. They took the risk for no gain to themselves or society. In fact, the vaxxed appear to be amplifying the spread and spinning off variants.
We should have been able to trust that our government and "public health officials" had our best interests in mind. Unfortunately, we could not. For some of us, the bells and whistles were going off. We knew something was wrong. For many others...the majority...they trusted the wrong people.
Most humans are about as intelligent as a lemming
Thanks for writing that. They need to be served with Notices of Liability. You may know of Dr. Hooman Noorchashm's relentless attempts to "screen before you vaccine." I refer to him and others in my piece
Natural Immunity Denial Disorder: Diagnosing a Dangerous Condition
I also have a Truly Informed Consent Checklist on Behalf of children here, and in other articles and suggestion addition to Informed Collusion we ned Informed Coercion.
Informed Collusion: Enabling Mass Injections of Children
It is so criminal to "boost" recently recovered young people, that my head is literally spinning.
NCAA recently came out accepting natural immunity in lieu of clot shots, BUT after most kids were probably injected already.
I wonder what would happen if a person being forced into a booster (or earlier shots, for that matter) slapped a Notice of Liability on them before getting the injection?
So far litigation challenges to university mandates have largely failed, and since they are not covered under the failed OSHA mandate, probably will continue to largely fail until (and if) the supremes hear a case and if they rule against. Plus establishing legal liability for vaccine damage is a high hurdle that would take years of litigation, by which case Covid will be using the Klingon alphabet for its designations.
Very upsetting but true
Yes, overall the system is set up to preclude all accountability on their part. At least we should have the right of refusal, though.
they do not care
Points well taken. Thank you for this, Igor.
Darby, can we speak as practical people for a minute.
I do realize that I cannot single handedly save the world.
But I do want just one specific university (U of I) to a least hear me somehow, like start a petition or whatever, or write an open letter etc. What can I do?
I am literally terrified of what is happening esp. since it involves a loved one.
I share your pain, Igor. I started my own Substack in part because I have five nieces and nephews under the age of 10, and my siblings were all determined to get them vaccinated. I did everything I could to try to stop them, but they would not listen to me. Four of the five have now been vaccinated (the fifth one is still too young). So far they all seem okay, but I am not at all optimistic that they will all be okay in the long run.
I'm not sure what else we can do right now except for what we are doing. We are literally at war, and we've taken on the role of war correspondents. As such, we may not be able to do much more than document the death and destruction.
But let me give it some thought for a few days and then get back to you.
Four of my nieces 13-20 are now vaxxed and boosted. I told my sister from the beginning what the dangers are but she lives in a vax-crazed county and just did what all her peers are doing. It's terrifying. I pray I'm overly cautious, would like to think I am but down deep have terrible fear for all of them.
You’re a good person Igor. I pray the Lord Jesus blesses your efforts.
Though most students are sleepwalking, a few must be awake by now or start to question things because of their vax injury.
Maybe you can find and contact some awake students of that university through social media and join effords.
That said, all of us antivaxxers suffer from Cassandra syndrome which is incurable. Fortunately I have a very small family to worry about. Just one, who nearly died of covid before the vax and is now counting two jabs and not in good health. She said, "if what you told me is true, that would be absolutely horrible" and "then what's the point of living?"
The vaxxed simply cannot deal with the horrible truth. In their eyes we are preaching doom and despair so who are we to burst their comfy bubble of hope and happiness? Ignorance is bliss
At some point one just has to accept whatever is coming and it is not just the vaxxed who perish. They will come for the unvaxxed too. You know about Rivax? Or the vaxxed become asymptomatic carriers of a lethal pathogen like ebola. Then there are killer drones, cyber pandemic and if that is not enough, a massive nuclear arsenal. This is not going to end happy anytime soon.
I've got some mates and family members in the same boat... can't say anything or they get angry...
Fortunately I don't think it matters... extinction is inclusive.
To quote Doris Day 'Que sera sera'
Let's try to stay positive and think of the things we won't have to do once extinction is complete:
1. I won't have to paint the house
2. I don't have to worry about old age
3. I don't have to get that leaky radiator fixed before winter
Come to think of it... I don't have much stress in my life.... I don't do much that I don't want to do.
Feel free to continue the list
My full intention is to NOT go extinct, along with my relatives
This is I did not get the covid vax
My advice would be to spread a letter in the community (facebook?) seeking lawyers who are also concerned. You are pissing against a Mass Formation.
Another avenue is how serious the checking is as to the booster documentation legitimacy.
Finally, look into a religious exemption - even atheists are entitled to a religious exemption - and foxhole conversions count. This is an area that the courts have upheld and a properly written legal letter might have a big impact..
[:Notice of Liability:] in straight, striking terms, to the point and nothing but - no padding. Preferably delivered from many sources, thus the repetition brackets.
Why not get in touch with Del Bigtree´s ICAN?
The fully vaxxed University students returned to our city for the fall semester, arriving throughout July and August. They had to be vaxxed, only a few bothered with exemptions. And we had a huge wave of covid cases that peaked September-October. Some of the dorms had a covid wave that sent a lot of the students home. None of that has made a dent in the pro vaccine minds that run that stupid woke campus. This isn't about reason, it's control, pure and simple
They're idiots for doing this to themselves. For what?!
And then there are the pro athletes... if they tore a ligament they would have to take a year off... so why not take a year off and wait and see... much more than a knee ligament at stake.
The athletes are the only ones who seem to see what's aimed at them. Yet they are afraid to spend a year sidelined. I know Division 1 soccer player who's about to get boosted. His mother knows better but is afraid to do any more than tell him he shouldn't. If that were my boy....
I think the preaching about "protect your elders" got to the young idealists. They don't think critically about these shots, don't hear that they fail and maybe word isn't really getting out enough about the lethal side effects. But the administration pushing this should know better than to feed young people into the wood chipper. They are the ones that really are responsible. And I hope they answer for it someday.
Absolutely/. It was the most criminal thing to do to them.
Also they think they're bulletproof. I'm old enough to remember when students pushed back and questioned authority. Now they allow themselves to be manipulated by it. Vaxxes, CRT, Climate BS. No questioning,no critical thinking. Parents should be putting their feet down, withholding tuition or encouraging a year off. Too many examples of kids writing to administrators begging to stop the vax requirements, they are told "no" and obediently inject themselves anyway. Sick and sad.
This local campus is a sorry mess now after the last ten years of craven whores in the administration. They had a fake hate crime of someone scribbling racist BS on a wall or two, knew the guy that did it was black because of the security cameras but played it up for sympathy and publicity and demands on the faculty. Then news came out, the 35 year old probably paid black perp was convicted, and.... Silence. And all the morons in admin accomplished with all that was to frighten off a bunch of prospective black students.
Incompetent whores run the universities.
My generation was the most disobedient and rebellious of any in this country so I cannot understand how these kids think. Maybe they think they have no other options besides University. The irony is these universities are desperate for students. A brother of mine teaches at a prestigious college in Lancaster and told me his college wouldn't survive another 2020-2021 financially. Loss of tuition and especially room and board hit them so hard. The students don't realize it's a buyer's market. They don't seem to organize to fight this. And it utterly breaks by heart that they're being hurt to enrich the pigs in pharma and government.
They seem to be struggling with the formula :
Highly vaxxed countries have record covid infections + record hospitalizations + record deaths...
You'd think they'd connect the dots and conclude the vaccines are worse than useless.
Idiocracy hath arrived
IM posted data from New England and Iceland yesterday showing tight agreement between rate of booster shots and rate of covid case increase. The trend upward in cases after initiation of booster shots is monotonic just like the booster dosing. Insane.