I think they would manage without him if he were simply neutral, but if he had in fact come out strongly against the "vaccines" and invoked moral righteousness in the name of the Nuremberg trials? I personally can't stand the pope, but I believe he actually could have made a difference here. Of course, though, he didn't.
He's just a tool. And he betrayed a billion+ Catholics with his support for the shots. Easier to get an exemption if you DON'T claim to be Catholic. That's what he's done to us.
Yep, he sure did. My employer is a large federal contractor and they specifically requested a letter of support from a religious leader for an exemption. I told them to go pound sand and laid out the biblical principals regarding how this is my conscientious decision and not that of some arbitrary hierarchy (not a Catholic so it was easier). Not to mention the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which requires employers accommodate sincere religious beliefs says nothing about a spiritual "doctor's note".
I was granted the accommodation but only because I know my theology and the law. Many who don't probably just gave up and took the shots as they knew their bishop or whatever wouldn't write the letter. I'm sure this was the intent of the letter of support request in the first place.
My eldest son just said he's a Christian of no denomination and objected and succeeded in that. My husband, raised in a Muslim family, just said he found the use of fetal cells "cannibalistic and morally repugnant" and he succeeded also. What may have helped is both cited the conscientious objection I took to the Varivax chicken pox vaccine when the local school board wanted kids shot up with that. We had a track record in other words. But son has heard it's best not to claim any particular denomination because they're all weak as hell on this.
Same has happened in the Orthodox Church, although we don't give the same weight to our Bishops as Catholics do to the Pope. Has made religious exemptions nearly impossible. I have a medical exemption but I still oppose mandatory shots and QR codes to live in the world. QR codes are the mark of the beast IMO... when we are reduced to an algorithm that we don't have personal control over, I would say that is a mark of the beast that denies us basic humanity and reduces us to robotic beasts at the mercy of an imperfect human's coding and elite whims of what is acceptable to be allowed to live. This is sickening.
The Pope we currently have is in my opinion an anti-Pope. He struck some kind of deal with Bourla to get Pfizer shots into every arm at the Vatican and now he's pushing boosters. And there's his disgusting refusal to support Catholic teaching on use of aborted babies in making these shots. Finally his verbiage about vaccines being "an act of love" is as pornographically ugly as anything Kathy Hochul has belched forth.
I'm Catholic, that won't change, but under no obligation to follow an anti-Pope to hell with lies and posturing and rotten deeds.
This links to a nice article on him. And in the article is a link to news of his meeting with Bourla. Something really stinks here, even China is pumping $$ into the Vatican.
He's always been on the Liberation Theology side of things, and that's communist at heart. He's said a few valid things since he was made Pope but most of his ideas, especially on the environment, are so stupid I can't bear to read them.
I agree completely. They've already tried scapegoating the unvaxxed but it fails a little more everytime a pro mandate double masked Karen comes up positive for Covid or notices that her just boosted mother died of a stroke or just boosted father died of a heart attack. The war of attrition is affecting their ranks, while more notice that the endgame is perpetual servitude to the papers please police state that the unjabbed warned about. Then there's the play stupid games win stupid prizes reality of getting the jabs to go on a cruise or visit a country or attend a sporting event, say, just to have the cruise or game cancelled or the country to re enact quarantine because of a new Covid outbreak. So yes the puppet master's are going to be forced to start sacrificing some bishops and maybe even a queen here. A lot of spineless pro mandate lawyers will suddenly become ambulance chasers for the jabbed injury lawsuits and the spineless Karen's will suddenly remember that they were victims of the evil shot (follow the money flows). What will be the next boondoggle for the ones on top? Crash the Internet? Crash the Financial System? They seem hell-bent on collapsing everything they can...
It's an interesting question. I don't think employers can be held liable for requiring vaccination when an existing mandate was in place, but now that at least the large employer mandate has been struck down, I suppose it's possible.
I suppose they will need to allege intentional misconduct, for which there can be no immunity. The evidence may not be there yet, but who knows, more evidence may emerge in time.
You are exactly correct! Pharma would NOT have immunity if there was willful misconduct, and there is evidence that might point in that direction. The bad batch issue is one example that I plan to write about: if someone intentionally made different formulations for different populations and you could find that smoking gun, the charade would collapse. Right now plausible deniability is being held up by shoddy trials that intentionally were designed not to look for problems
The Stiftung Corona Auschuss are convinced that the statistics concerning Pfizer, Moderna and (J&J?) adverse reactions spikes, batch numbers and batch geographical location are so clear that gross criminality is the only assumption.
This is a very important development which Reimer Fuelmach and Dr Michael Yeaden will be using to remove Pharma’s absurd shield of immunity from their massive crimes.
I believe pharma loses its immunity if it can be proven they hid important info and / or falsified data. I also think institutions that mandated the vax might be sued too especially since my understanding is that in the US the only approved vaccine is not given here (Comirnaty) while the by slight of hand the EUA Pfizer vaccine is - they are supposed to be the same, but technically / legally they are not.
They have committed crimes. They may have immunity for vaccine damage but not when criminal action has led to that damage. Whistle blowers will provide evidence. They already are.
Well, at the risk of stating the obvious, Biden did just authorize Putin to invade Ukraine. So significant conflict with Russia (or perhaps worse) is imminent. That may serve as a distraction. However, the larger distraction is I think they will now "pivot" to "climate change." Only 7 years left, blah, blah, blah... With all this urgency re climate, who has time to "relitigate the past" re covid. Mistakes were made, blah, blah, blah...
Do not be too quick with such conclusions. Predicting the future is very tricky, and the puppeteers are smarter than us. But I am generally on board with your thought process.
Ha ha - the arrivistes at Davos are not smarter than us. They are just humourless, uninteresting and uninterested Techno-Bores of no culture. They have replaced imagination with power and avarice and humour with the autistic, sub-adolescent fascination of the newly purchased ant farm. Strivers.
Those who have the gold make the rules, you bourgoise insect! Your lack of interest demonstrates your ignorance of how much culture matters!
But they're aware of the power of cooperative efforts by we the little people after the recent demolitions of their short positions in the stock markets. They have money, but together we have more.
Yeah. By no means do I think anything I'm saying will necessarily play out that way, only that they seem like reasonable possibilities. I should hasten to add that I would be surprised if there is not another allegedly very dangerous new variant, or some other new pandemic (smallpox?), which magically appears on the horizon. This will present an opportunity for the cabal to acknowledge some past mistakes w/r/t Covid so as to appear "reasonable" (in a modified, limited hangout kind of way), while also assuring us that now they have knowledge to deal with the next crisis better. Of course, the end game will be same -- more control, compulsion and surveillance by the elites.
Seeing the evidence of the flu vaccines was reason #1 why I decided to wait and see about the current jab. Was waiting until the end of the Summer to see if boosters were needed and if the shots actually protected the injected. When the data showed that these shots weren't what was promised, I have doubled down that I will not take anything that hasn't been studied long term before unleashing to the public!
If anything, the pandemic has demonstrated that we have foxes guarding the henhouse, i.e. in the FDA...
I think if the Netflix subscriber miss is anything to judge by, the next pandemic or disaster is going to have to not just be on teevee. Hopefully people will go back to believing what they see with their own eyes rather than the story they were told by the talking heads on the box
I like the way you think LOL. Could be but we're already so skeptical of EVERYTHING that they know it will be uphill for them to do it again. They lost the middle with their boosters for everyone every 3-6 months nonsense.
Are they, though? Money and influence doesn't equal smart. Everyone has known what Soros has been doing for decades; heck, he's admitted it time and again. Only the corruption of our own politicians, businessmen, and scientists have allowed him to get as far as he has. Oh, and his NGO's are probably siphoning off foreign aid money to then be laundered and spent to bribe politicians, corporatists, educators, scientists. So. We've been funding our own demise. We were too busy attending to our jobs and families, being good Americans, to realize the inroads this Beelzebub had made.
Look, I do not like any one of the mentioned puppeteers, but I realize with regret that yes, they are smarter than me (though I am sure we have many readers who are much smarter than I am)
Really? You would plan to block out the sun to lower Earth's temperature? Obviously KIL humans with flawed vaccines? Not hide your tracks far better when developing a bat virus engineered to infect humans in an aerosol form? I mean, VPN and burner phone communications at the very least, amirite? And you would WRITE a damned book about your intention of world domination? Igor, I'm sorry butbI don't think you would have done any of these things which makes you smarter in my book. Anyway, the groundwork for everything was laid decades ago. THOSE wee the smart ones. That they did their work hidden from sight.
Igor, I think that your substack and the conversation we are having are PROOF that the puppeteers are NOT smarter than us! And we will be better prepared for the next time…..
We weren't interested in the Crimea takeover. Unlikely we'll care more about the rest of that corrupt sewer. No reason we should. Of course, if he nukes russia, they can't support Trump in '24, and hunter can get his old job back in ukraine as a courier for the Biden cartel.
The only hope we have is for us to all come together and realize that the mess we are in will not be resolved simply by laying blame on these globalist monsters and their puppets. It was our choice (humanity - collectively and individually) to accept and comply to the futile world of slavery from time immemorial. And it is our determination as we awaken to restore this palatial home finally recognizing we have had it in our hands to do so all along.
You are 100% right. The demographics can change soon and we will have a society of critical thinkers and non-conformists, without the mass of compliant persons.
Whether this is even going to be governable, remais to be seen, but I am optimistic.
Being 50, I went through several financial crises and never lost money. I even made money on the latest covid crisis in March of 2020.
The typical financial crisis is a crisis of confidence. Ultimately the issue is that we, collectively, are not as wealthy as the total value of financial assets it. That's what these crises expose. The next one will also involve the US dollar due to financial downfall of the United States.
Mind you, I am optimistic for the future of the United States, but it will go through some bad times.
I just wish as were as confident that the narrative is indeed collapsing. People I know who I strongly suspect were vaccine-injured, including very common vaccine injuries like Bell's palsy, are in complete denial that such injuries were caused by the vaccine. Do others see the narrative imploding on a widespread basis, even among those who were "true believers"?
Even the dimmest bulbs can now see that the vaccines didn't do what was promised. Those in denial are the true believers that are reckoning with cognitive dissonance. Fortunately, they are less than a majority and probably only around 30% of the population. The mushy middle are the only ones that need persuading, and they are clearly going our way.
Let me just put this here. I am against the war. What war? Well, whatever war they will be cooking up. And I don't believe their stories of atrocities. I don't care if Russia spears little Ukranian babies on the ends of bayonets, nor if they drop fifty atomic bombs on Ukraine. Nor do I care if the Chinese invade Taiwan and rape every Taiwanese woman 15 times over. I don't believe, and I don't care, and it doesn't justify whatever war they want.
I didn't believe their stupid covid crap, and I am not going to believe their stupid war crap either.
Excellent analysis - and I can't fault the conclusion. It does seem that the covid narrative is crumbling - and that Fauci is poised to become a scapegoat - a very deserving one, of course.
If Pfizer (and/or Moderna) also gets its comeupance, I won't have a problem with that, either.
But you are right - there is no way that this is going to be the end of it. Boris Johnson has announced they are dropping all the pandemic restrictions (including mandates & vax passports) in the UK - but it all seems a bit too easy. Those 6 "puppeteers" are probably not the real puppeteers, but just the spokespeople for them. Gates, for example, is just a pitiful wimp with a lot of cash to throw around. The real pullers-of-strings have to be hidden in the shadows still...
The global financial system is desperately needing its reset still - that will not go away. So we can expect something else. Many have speculated about another (real, worse, truly deadly) pandemic, but I think the biological practicalities of this make it unlikely (though I wouldn't be surprised if they try, given how well the fear-mongering worked for this one). They probably have a number of tricks still in the bag, to bring out as needed - but a cyber attack, an EMP, or something that directly brings down the current financial system does seem to be the winner here!
What shadows? What global financial system? The situation is comprehensible in terms of a confused unsystematic entanglement of transactions and powerplay. I love the shiny glamour of City of London skyscrapers, but do the people who work in them do anything real? They may make money, moving money around, but that's nothing really real is it? And I love the square mile because it's not just corporate skyscrapers. That would be cold. It's a palimpsest. Ancient Roman remains, seventeenth-century churches, nineteenth-century railway stations, the social optimism of 1950s/60s/70s housing, quirky little parks; Each generation of influencers has their influence, but no one gets to impose a masterplan.
It may be appealing to think of a dragon lurking in the shadows that we could slay with single blow, but what if there is no such beast? We just have to roll up our sleeves and deal with the mess in front of us.
I don't quite know how to respond. The idea of "a dragon lurking in the shadows that we could slay with single blow" is yours, not mine. If you can't see deeper than "the shiny glamour of City of London skyscrapers" to the bankers who sit like spiders in the web of the global banking system, then I am not the one who will be able to enlighten you...
Obviously my dragon is a caricature. The point is, what if there is nothing of any great power or substance in the shadows? What can the financial service industry actually do? It can make money by moving money around, having little real effect on anything, or it can invest in the real economy. What the real economy looks like depends on a combination of entrepreneurs creating products and services that consumers want buy, and political decisions to spend public money and grant planning permission for various projects. If politicians do the bidding of technocrats by instituting lockdowns to keep everyone hanging on for some mythical magical wonder-cure for a disease of virtually no threat to healthly people, it's a sign of the scientific illiteracy and philosophical weakness of politicians. The problem is political, not financial.
Cut-outs. It's how they structure things. Design for many layers of limited hangout and plausible deniability.
Anyone who says that they know what happened, is likely to be at least somewhat... trying to sell you something. Stay skeptical, demand evidence, continuously validate and re-evaluate. It's a big weird world.
Thanks! I especially like how you said "Anyone who says that they know what happened, is likely to be at least somewhat... trying to sell you something."
Before anyone can be blamed, there needs to be a "shocking revelation" that forms the pretext for the blaming. Perversely, what is already known about Fauci--his lies, his bankrupt medical ethics, his corrupt personal finances--does not qualify. Neither does the Pfizer whistleblower. These are now known quantities, and the moment is past for them to serve as the necessary catalysts for a narrative shift.
When the shocking revelation appears in the legacy corporate media, we will know who gets sacrificed.
I don't have a better theory than you do about who will be the scapegoats. I agree Fauci could be one of them. But he has been hyped so much as a hero, and is seen as such by so many, can they really tear him down? Furthermore, I am skeptical about the Big Pharma execs being scapegoated. The Moderna CEO talked to the WEF recently about their plans to make more mRNA vaccines for other diseases in coming years. I think the powers that be want to make this technology ubiquitous and the unavoidable new norm of medical practice in the future, and they need these Big Pharma corps to do it. Also, Big Pharma has bought off so many in power, can they really be made the fall guys?
One more thing -- I think in Australia Djokovic was scapegoated. The government wanted to focus the peoples' anxiety and ire on him personally, and they sent him away, much like the original "scape goat" in the Bible.
Australia is not the US. Australians surrendered their freedom along with guns some years ago and are just mindless sheep. Americans surrendered nothing and freedmo is winning here. There is nothing Biden can do with Florida.
Word is out even among the Fauci fans that he used beagles in a horrendous way. And orphans. Enough dog-moms out there who are kinda pissed off over the beagles to tarnish Fausti's badge, a little.
I'm not too sure we are done with the "variants". Omicron was so far from the original strain, that Omicron had to be a second lab release. Will we see a third, a fourth? Another release is better than a little shooting war that might spiral out of control (like WW1) for the governmental players; they get distraction and to hold on to their power through more safety-first executive orders.
Dorsey probably had more influence than Brin and zuck. Censoring the hunter laptop story probably put Joe over the top. Lots of Joe bothers have said they wouldn't have supported him if they had known. And, no, cheating could not have overcome that big a deficit. That only works in close races.
Scott Atlas book describes birx and red as more influential than fauch, at least in their meetings. Birx was exclisively the courier issuing orders to the states, where the actual destruction occurred.
No, David. Georgia saw at least a million illegal fake/harvested ballots in middle-of-the-night drops into drop boxes. This was before Ruby and Shae ran their special ballots through multiple times during the "stopped counting." The margin was 11,000. Repeated in six battleground states. Not close at all. There you go.
Unfortunately until MSM engages in honest reporting, I don’t think anything will change. How can they report on adverse reactions when they are still echoing “safe and effective”? Also, if a financial crisis is “next” how do we prepare for that?
I think the pope should be added to one of the people who were essential to make this happen. His influence is vast and people trust him implicitly. https://www.ncregister.com/blog/pfizer-and-the-vatican?s=09
I am not a fan of the pope, but the six puppeteers would manage without him
I think they would manage without him if he were simply neutral, but if he had in fact come out strongly against the "vaccines" and invoked moral righteousness in the name of the Nuremberg trials? I personally can't stand the pope, but I believe he actually could have made a difference here. Of course, though, he didn't.
The Pope is a puppet, not a puppeteer
That's a very interesting insight.
I agree but he has that aura of moral authority that probably nudged many of the unwilling into lining up for the killer vaccines.
In Catholic teaching, no one is obliged to obey a Pope if what he is commanding is evil. He doesn't have that power.
He's just a tool. And he betrayed a billion+ Catholics with his support for the shots. Easier to get an exemption if you DON'T claim to be Catholic. That's what he's done to us.
Yep, he sure did. My employer is a large federal contractor and they specifically requested a letter of support from a religious leader for an exemption. I told them to go pound sand and laid out the biblical principals regarding how this is my conscientious decision and not that of some arbitrary hierarchy (not a Catholic so it was easier). Not to mention the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which requires employers accommodate sincere religious beliefs says nothing about a spiritual "doctor's note".
I was granted the accommodation but only because I know my theology and the law. Many who don't probably just gave up and took the shots as they knew their bishop or whatever wouldn't write the letter. I'm sure this was the intent of the letter of support request in the first place.
My eldest son just said he's a Christian of no denomination and objected and succeeded in that. My husband, raised in a Muslim family, just said he found the use of fetal cells "cannibalistic and morally repugnant" and he succeeded also. What may have helped is both cited the conscientious objection I took to the Varivax chicken pox vaccine when the local school board wanted kids shot up with that. We had a track record in other words. But son has heard it's best not to claim any particular denomination because they're all weak as hell on this.
Same has happened in the Orthodox Church, although we don't give the same weight to our Bishops as Catholics do to the Pope. Has made religious exemptions nearly impossible. I have a medical exemption but I still oppose mandatory shots and QR codes to live in the world. QR codes are the mark of the beast IMO... when we are reduced to an algorithm that we don't have personal control over, I would say that is a mark of the beast that denies us basic humanity and reduces us to robotic beasts at the mercy of an imperfect human's coding and elite whims of what is acceptable to be allowed to live. This is sickening.
That's really well expressed!
He brings in the few millennia of control via religion.
The Pope's behavior has been shameful, I agree. Faith and morals, indeed. Someone paid off this old socialist, imo.
There will be leverage in place - this is not about money. Vatican is very dirty.
Undoubtedly. Leverage more than money. And Jesus wept.
Because Jesus would have rejected the Pfizer shots and booster, as of January 31 of this year He will not be allowed in Vatican City.
That's ok. Lots of plans to follow Jesus. None to go to Vatican City.
Well since I'm unvaxxed, I have none either.
Do you suppose they will repaint all the nails to look like syringes?
The Pope we currently have is in my opinion an anti-Pope. He struck some kind of deal with Bourla to get Pfizer shots into every arm at the Vatican and now he's pushing boosters. And there's his disgusting refusal to support Catholic teaching on use of aborted babies in making these shots. Finally his verbiage about vaccines being "an act of love" is as pornographically ugly as anything Kathy Hochul has belched forth.
I'm Catholic, that won't change, but under no obligation to follow an anti-Pope to hell with lies and posturing and rotten deeds.
I agree, Zade.
This links to a nice article on him. And in the article is a link to news of his meeting with Bourla. Something really stinks here, even China is pumping $$ into the Vatican.
Well, he's a socialist and he's been skewing Communist lately so there's that.
He's always been on the Liberation Theology side of things, and that's communist at heart. He's said a few valid things since he was made Pope but most of his ideas, especially on the environment, are so stupid I can't bear to read them.
I agree. He has some truly wacky ideas.
I agree completely. They've already tried scapegoating the unvaxxed but it fails a little more everytime a pro mandate double masked Karen comes up positive for Covid or notices that her just boosted mother died of a stroke or just boosted father died of a heart attack. The war of attrition is affecting their ranks, while more notice that the endgame is perpetual servitude to the papers please police state that the unjabbed warned about. Then there's the play stupid games win stupid prizes reality of getting the jabs to go on a cruise or visit a country or attend a sporting event, say, just to have the cruise or game cancelled or the country to re enact quarantine because of a new Covid outbreak. So yes the puppet master's are going to be forced to start sacrificing some bishops and maybe even a queen here. A lot of spineless pro mandate lawyers will suddenly become ambulance chasers for the jabbed injury lawsuits and the spineless Karen's will suddenly remember that they were victims of the evil shot (follow the money flows). What will be the next boondoggle for the ones on top? Crash the Internet? Crash the Financial System? They seem hell-bent on collapsing everything they can...
Who will the lawyers sue? Pharma has immunity.
They will find a way. IG Farben had immunity too
I know pharma has immunity, but universities and employers mandating the jabs may not, as examples. When that tide turns you'll see it...
It's an interesting question. I don't think employers can be held liable for requiring vaccination when an existing mandate was in place, but now that at least the large employer mandate has been struck down, I suppose it's possible.
But “just following orders” hasn’t been a great defense in the past…. And like you said, now that mandates have been struck down….
I suppose they will need to allege intentional misconduct, for which there can be no immunity. The evidence may not be there yet, but who knows, more evidence may emerge in time.
You are exactly correct! Pharma would NOT have immunity if there was willful misconduct, and there is evidence that might point in that direction. The bad batch issue is one example that I plan to write about: if someone intentionally made different formulations for different populations and you could find that smoking gun, the charade would collapse. Right now plausible deniability is being held up by shoddy trials that intentionally were designed not to look for problems
Whoops just saw your comment post mine.
The Stiftung Corona Auschuss are convinced that the statistics concerning Pfizer, Moderna and (J&J?) adverse reactions spikes, batch numbers and batch geographical location are so clear that gross criminality is the only assumption.
This is a very important development which Reimer Fuelmach and Dr Michael Yeaden will be using to remove Pharma’s absurd shield of immunity from their massive crimes.
From your lips to God's ears.
I believe pharma loses its immunity if it can be proven they hid important info and / or falsified data. I also think institutions that mandated the vax might be sued too especially since my understanding is that in the US the only approved vaccine is not given here (Comirnaty) while the by slight of hand the EUA Pfizer vaccine is - they are supposed to be the same, but technically / legally they are not.
I don’t believe there is Pharma immunity for fraud. And there may be a lot of it gone out, hard to say.
Yep, that is true. Very hard to prove. But evidence may be forthcoming in time.
They have committed crimes. They may have immunity for vaccine damage but not when criminal action has led to that damage. Whistle blowers will provide evidence. They already are.
Well, at the risk of stating the obvious, Biden did just authorize Putin to invade Ukraine. So significant conflict with Russia (or perhaps worse) is imminent. That may serve as a distraction. However, the larger distraction is I think they will now "pivot" to "climate change." Only 7 years left, blah, blah, blah... With all this urgency re climate, who has time to "relitigate the past" re covid. Mistakes were made, blah, blah, blah...
Do not be too quick with such conclusions. Predicting the future is very tricky, and the puppeteers are smarter than us. But I am generally on board with your thought process.
Ha ha - the arrivistes at Davos are not smarter than us. They are just humourless, uninteresting and uninterested Techno-Bores of no culture. They have replaced imagination with power and avarice and humour with the autistic, sub-adolescent fascination of the newly purchased ant farm. Strivers.
Beat me to it.
Not smarter but access to much more resources than us. Hell if they were smarter than us we'd have been done in a long time ago.
Those who have the gold make the rules, you bourgoise insect! Your lack of interest demonstrates your ignorance of how much culture matters!
But they're aware of the power of cooperative efforts by we the little people after the recent demolitions of their short positions in the stock markets. They have money, but together we have more.
THIS!! Amillion times THIS!!
Yeah. By no means do I think anything I'm saying will necessarily play out that way, only that they seem like reasonable possibilities. I should hasten to add that I would be surprised if there is not another allegedly very dangerous new variant, or some other new pandemic (smallpox?), which magically appears on the horizon. This will present an opportunity for the cabal to acknowledge some past mistakes w/r/t Covid so as to appear "reasonable" (in a modified, limited hangout kind of way), while also assuring us that now they have knowledge to deal with the next crisis better. Of course, the end game will be same -- more control, compulsion and surveillance by the elites.
There was some op-ed today saying the flu vaccine should be mandated. Mandated shots for everything, coming soon.
And the flu vaccine is as ineffective as the Covid vax, just not as deadly, it is a perfect scam
Seeing the evidence of the flu vaccines was reason #1 why I decided to wait and see about the current jab. Was waiting until the end of the Summer to see if boosters were needed and if the shots actually protected the injected. When the data showed that these shots weren't what was promised, I have doubled down that I will not take anything that hasn't been studied long term before unleashing to the public!
If anything, the pandemic has demonstrated that we have foxes guarding the henhouse, i.e. in the FDA...
I think if the Netflix subscriber miss is anything to judge by, the next pandemic or disaster is going to have to not just be on teevee. Hopefully people will go back to believing what they see with their own eyes rather than the story they were told by the talking heads on the box
I like the way you think LOL. Could be but we're already so skeptical of EVERYTHING that they know it will be uphill for them to do it again. They lost the middle with their boosters for everyone every 3-6 months nonsense.
Are they, though? Money and influence doesn't equal smart. Everyone has known what Soros has been doing for decades; heck, he's admitted it time and again. Only the corruption of our own politicians, businessmen, and scientists have allowed him to get as far as he has. Oh, and his NGO's are probably siphoning off foreign aid money to then be laundered and spent to bribe politicians, corporatists, educators, scientists. So. We've been funding our own demise. We were too busy attending to our jobs and families, being good Americans, to realize the inroads this Beelzebub had made.
Look, I do not like any one of the mentioned puppeteers, but I realize with regret that yes, they are smarter than me (though I am sure we have many readers who are much smarter than I am)
Oh, you're smarter than they are. Five bucks says they go to hell and you don't.
Really? You would plan to block out the sun to lower Earth's temperature? Obviously KIL humans with flawed vaccines? Not hide your tracks far better when developing a bat virus engineered to infect humans in an aerosol form? I mean, VPN and burner phone communications at the very least, amirite? And you would WRITE a damned book about your intention of world domination? Igor, I'm sorry butbI don't think you would have done any of these things which makes you smarter in my book. Anyway, the groundwork for everything was laid decades ago. THOSE wee the smart ones. That they did their work hidden from sight.
Igor, I think that your substack and the conversation we are having are PROOF that the puppeteers are NOT smarter than us! And we will be better prepared for the next time…..
Ah, thanks
Was looking at all the WEF young global leaders, in the 2009 class was a jo cox, murdered in 2016. Was she going to blow the whistle?
We weren't interested in the Crimea takeover. Unlikely we'll care more about the rest of that corrupt sewer. No reason we should. Of course, if he nukes russia, they can't support Trump in '24, and hunter can get his old job back in ukraine as a courier for the Biden cartel.
Not smarter, just more evil, willing to lie, cheat, censor, and kill.
The only hope we have is for us to all come together and realize that the mess we are in will not be resolved simply by laying blame on these globalist monsters and their puppets. It was our choice (humanity - collectively and individually) to accept and comply to the futile world of slavery from time immemorial. And it is our determination as we awaken to restore this palatial home finally recognizing we have had it in our hands to do so all along.
You are 100% right. The demographics can change soon and we will have a society of critical thinkers and non-conformists, without the mass of compliant persons.
Whether this is even going to be governable, remais to be seen, but I am optimistic.
Being 50, I went through several financial crises and never lost money. I even made money on the latest covid crisis in March of 2020.
The typical financial crisis is a crisis of confidence. Ultimately the issue is that we, collectively, are not as wealthy as the total value of financial assets it. That's what these crises expose. The next one will also involve the US dollar due to financial downfall of the United States.
Mind you, I am optimistic for the future of the United States, but it will go through some bad times.
I just wish as were as confident that the narrative is indeed collapsing. People I know who I strongly suspect were vaccine-injured, including very common vaccine injuries like Bell's palsy, are in complete denial that such injuries were caused by the vaccine. Do others see the narrative imploding on a widespread basis, even among those who were "true believers"?
good question
Things take time. The truest believers will be the last to change their minds. Some will probably be stuck in a dwindling pool of paranoid delusion.
Even the dimmest bulbs can now see that the vaccines didn't do what was promised. Those in denial are the true believers that are reckoning with cognitive dissonance. Fortunately, they are less than a majority and probably only around 30% of the population. The mushy middle are the only ones that need persuading, and they are clearly going our way.
Let me just put this here. I am against the war. What war? Well, whatever war they will be cooking up. And I don't believe their stories of atrocities. I don't care if Russia spears little Ukranian babies on the ends of bayonets, nor if they drop fifty atomic bombs on Ukraine. Nor do I care if the Chinese invade Taiwan and rape every Taiwanese woman 15 times over. I don't believe, and I don't care, and it doesn't justify whatever war they want.
I didn't believe their stupid covid crap, and I am not going to believe their stupid war crap either.
I do care as such, and I am against any war.
I care, too, but war is a planned distraction. Do not comply.
I meant I don't care about their lies. I don't believe them, and I won't be swayed by them.
Good for you, Lizzy.
Excellent analysis - and I can't fault the conclusion. It does seem that the covid narrative is crumbling - and that Fauci is poised to become a scapegoat - a very deserving one, of course.
If Pfizer (and/or Moderna) also gets its comeupance, I won't have a problem with that, either.
But you are right - there is no way that this is going to be the end of it. Boris Johnson has announced they are dropping all the pandemic restrictions (including mandates & vax passports) in the UK - but it all seems a bit too easy. Those 6 "puppeteers" are probably not the real puppeteers, but just the spokespeople for them. Gates, for example, is just a pitiful wimp with a lot of cash to throw around. The real pullers-of-strings have to be hidden in the shadows still...
The global financial system is desperately needing its reset still - that will not go away. So we can expect something else. Many have speculated about another (real, worse, truly deadly) pandemic, but I think the biological practicalities of this make it unlikely (though I wouldn't be surprised if they try, given how well the fear-mongering worked for this one). They probably have a number of tricks still in the bag, to bring out as needed - but a cyber attack, an EMP, or something that directly brings down the current financial system does seem to be the winner here!
What shadows? What global financial system? The situation is comprehensible in terms of a confused unsystematic entanglement of transactions and powerplay. I love the shiny glamour of City of London skyscrapers, but do the people who work in them do anything real? They may make money, moving money around, but that's nothing really real is it? And I love the square mile because it's not just corporate skyscrapers. That would be cold. It's a palimpsest. Ancient Roman remains, seventeenth-century churches, nineteenth-century railway stations, the social optimism of 1950s/60s/70s housing, quirky little parks; Each generation of influencers has their influence, but no one gets to impose a masterplan.
It may be appealing to think of a dragon lurking in the shadows that we could slay with single blow, but what if there is no such beast? We just have to roll up our sleeves and deal with the mess in front of us.
I don't quite know how to respond. The idea of "a dragon lurking in the shadows that we could slay with single blow" is yours, not mine. If you can't see deeper than "the shiny glamour of City of London skyscrapers" to the bankers who sit like spiders in the web of the global banking system, then I am not the one who will be able to enlighten you...
Obviously my dragon is a caricature. The point is, what if there is nothing of any great power or substance in the shadows? What can the financial service industry actually do? It can make money by moving money around, having little real effect on anything, or it can invest in the real economy. What the real economy looks like depends on a combination of entrepreneurs creating products and services that consumers want buy, and political decisions to spend public money and grant planning permission for various projects. If politicians do the bidding of technocrats by instituting lockdowns to keep everyone hanging on for some mythical magical wonder-cure for a disease of virtually no threat to healthly people, it's a sign of the scientific illiteracy and philosophical weakness of politicians. The problem is political, not financial.
Cut-outs. It's how they structure things. Design for many layers of limited hangout and plausible deniability.
Anyone who says that they know what happened, is likely to be at least somewhat... trying to sell you something. Stay skeptical, demand evidence, continuously validate and re-evaluate. It's a big weird world.
Great post, by the way.
Thanks! I especially like how you said "Anyone who says that they know what happened, is likely to be at least somewhat... trying to sell you something."
From Forbes Richest: WEALTH SURGE
A new billionaire was minted every 17 hours on average over the past year. Altogether, the world’s wealthiest are $5 trillion richer than a year ago.
- Obviously at that pace, this is hardly a list of any consequence. However, those that are not named will be of interest.
Before anyone can be blamed, there needs to be a "shocking revelation" that forms the pretext for the blaming. Perversely, what is already known about Fauci--his lies, his bankrupt medical ethics, his corrupt personal finances--does not qualify. Neither does the Pfizer whistleblower. These are now known quantities, and the moment is past for them to serve as the necessary catalysts for a narrative shift.
When the shocking revelation appears in the legacy corporate media, we will know who gets sacrificed.
I don't have a better theory than you do about who will be the scapegoats. I agree Fauci could be one of them. But he has been hyped so much as a hero, and is seen as such by so many, can they really tear him down? Furthermore, I am skeptical about the Big Pharma execs being scapegoated. The Moderna CEO talked to the WEF recently about their plans to make more mRNA vaccines for other diseases in coming years. I think the powers that be want to make this technology ubiquitous and the unavoidable new norm of medical practice in the future, and they need these Big Pharma corps to do it. Also, Big Pharma has bought off so many in power, can they really be made the fall guys?
One more thing -- I think in Australia Djokovic was scapegoated. The government wanted to focus the peoples' anxiety and ire on him personally, and they sent him away, much like the original "scape goat" in the Bible.
Australia is not the US. Australians surrendered their freedom along with guns some years ago and are just mindless sheep. Americans surrendered nothing and freedmo is winning here. There is nothing Biden can do with Florida.
Word is out even among the Fauci fans that he used beagles in a horrendous way. And orphans. Enough dog-moms out there who are kinda pissed off over the beagles to tarnish Fausti's badge, a little.
I'm not too sure we are done with the "variants". Omicron was so far from the original strain, that Omicron had to be a second lab release. Will we see a third, a fourth? Another release is better than a little shooting war that might spiral out of control (like WW1) for the governmental players; they get distraction and to hold on to their power through more safety-first executive orders.
I am certain that we are not done with Covid at all and that Omicron is not as mild as it seems.
Covid will be the news story of years ahead.
Xi'an is poised to wreak havoc on the world if China decides to allow it to do so.
Once we are scapegoating, will Omi be made the scapegoat for vax damage, heart disease and the like? It has got potential.
In a just world ALL of them would end up swinging in the breeze.
i WISH i COULd like your answer 10 times
Dorsey probably had more influence than Brin and zuck. Censoring the hunter laptop story probably put Joe over the top. Lots of Joe bothers have said they wouldn't have supported him if they had known. And, no, cheating could not have overcome that big a deficit. That only works in close races.
Scott Atlas book describes birx and red as more influential than fauch, at least in their meetings. Birx was exclisively the courier issuing orders to the states, where the actual destruction occurred.
No, David. Georgia saw at least a million illegal fake/harvested ballots in middle-of-the-night drops into drop boxes. This was before Ruby and Shae ran their special ballots through multiple times during the "stopped counting." The margin was 11,000. Repeated in six battleground states. Not close at all. There you go.
Voters, not bothers...
interesting auto-correct from the SStack algorithms.
The first time I saw a photo of Bancel I froze. His psychopathy is stamped on his face. I wouldn't allow a guy like that to empty my trash.
Bourla just looks brutally stupid, so I'm sure he's a convenient tool.
Fauci may just be stupid enough not hear himself contradicting what he said yesterday.
All three above people are smart and very nasty
Fauci and Bourla look like morons to me. But maybe that's part of their cunning.
Unfortunately until MSM engages in honest reporting, I don’t think anything will change. How can they report on adverse reactions when they are still echoing “safe and effective”? Also, if a financial crisis is “next” how do we prepare for that?
Fantastic. This was the latest “exercise,” so perhaps we do know what’s coming next. https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/exclusive-imf-10-countries-simulate-cyber-attack-global-financial-system-2021-12-09/