Dec 24, 2022·edited Dec 24, 2022Pinned

Did you factor age into this calculation?

I can see that excuse come up immediately from anyone that's skeptical, they will say it's just a factor of age


OK so I tried to see if this was related to age. It took me a while to find age breakdown by German state, and after 20 minutes I found data, but it's from 2011. I am not going to spend any more time on it because I don't speak German so the data is annoying for me to get.

However, age seems to not be a factor at all in regards to excess death





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Dec 25, 2022·edited Dec 25, 2022Author

Wow. Let me look

Wow again -- pinning

Wow third time -- Grabbing the image of your reply and adding to the article asap

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I sent you an email about this article, if you haven't seen it yet:


Really important info from a study posted on Dec. 22nd

It's kind of science-heavy stuff (different types of antibodies and all that, all new info for me) but I suspect you at least have better contact with other Substack writers who can check this out and verify the author's conclusions

Merry Christmas by the way

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Thanks. I saw that one and I like Rintrah. He is right

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

When you buy a coffin for a funeral it has handles for 6 pallbearers. At the rate they are going we will have reduce that to 4 pallbearers. But I don't think they, (the medical / pharma complex) will notice or care. Remember the anti-vaxers are likely the most hated group in the world. It must gall these wicked people to see us still alive and kicking. That is why they do not want us to use ivermectin. Stay strong my friends and don't give in.

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You know if people get fatter and weaker, we may need to increase to 8 pallbearers...

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Nah. There will be a shortage of pall bearers. They’ll have to

go EV. Tesla coffins. Gas powered would sound like lawn mowers.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

LMAO. You win.

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Cremation will likely become the default method of disposal. It solves several problems including destroying the evidence. Finding enough grave sites is not a problem when cremation is liberally used. I am not advocating cremation, quite the contrary, only pointing out the obvious.

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Soylent green, right?

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With respect ma’am. It was Soylent Green.

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Thank you!

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Watched it last year, nightmares after

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Cremation may prove to be inconvenient in a State adherent to the doctrine of carbon neutrality when the burial of biodegradable corpses would be the the eco-preferable method of choice.

Oh the quandaries of unintended consequence!

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Destroying evidence is probably much more important to serial killers than adherence to what they know is a concocted problem. But time will tell.

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That is precisely what I heard from a friend who owns a gym focused on martial arts. People are getting slower and weaker. All customers are, but particularly those who had the poison.

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Very interesting. The gym I go to defied the mandates. I think most are pure bloods. I will ask around.

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My Gym was open by the 2020 summer as well. No masks and no vax requirements. Blue state. It’s a 24 hr gym. Hardly anyone wore masks but I notice the seniors like me did not return. Winters are rough here-- I need someplace to go and get some exercise.

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Hi! Maybe just try walking around the block everyday. By the grace of Yahweh The Creator of EVERYTHING I'm going to be 75 next month. And, I just started doing this. It took a leg blood clot to get me into this mode. Some do say, "Walking is the best exercise."

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Yup. I normally walk in my local conservation district 3 or 4 miles. Winter too. My spiritual worship location actually. Soaking up the gifts of the creation of God. But yesterday it was -49 windchill and snow here. Recently had a hip replacement. 74 yo. So I’m blessed to have a warm inexpensive clean gym to keep my fitness and health level up. I will be out again as soon as possible. Glad you feel the same. Hiking kept me sane during the lockdown. Go for it! We kayaked 21 miles down a river in Nebraska this last summer. I got hung up on rocks and had to climb out onto the rocks twice to rescue myself. It was quite the ride. But glad we did it. In retrospect anyway. Lol. Blessings for the new year😁🎄

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geez, ms J, why not check around for golden girls needing help with chores or snow removal...it'd be mutually enriching/invigorating for all concerned spiritually et physically, cheers

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See above my friend.

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I am a Golden Girl. 🤣.

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I was the one who advised him to close down before there were any mandates at all in Germany. Shame on me, I suppose, but I am not sure. It seems COVID-19 is what is driving mortality, but the vaccines are making sure it can keep going, by locking people's immune systems into the eternal past. He never excluded the uninjured at all though and did not take the poison himself, so there are plenty of unvaccinated customers left to compare those less fortunate/sceptical to.

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In BC all cause mortality during 2020 was about average. A little under. However there were about 1000 extra opioid deaths. So all In all we were running light on deaths. Deaths began to climb dramatically after the roll out of the vaxes. Other than a few places that seemingly deliberately killed old People in 2020 there was no mortality signal with COVID. Anywhere. The extra deaths are not being driven by COVID.

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I am an old gal. I, as usual, buck the system. I work with a lifting coach. My PRs have consistently increased over the past 3 years. It is so exhilarating. I wish everyone did it. It’s amazing to be strong.

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A good friend of mine’s Partner owns a gym in town and she told me that the other day a young 22-year-old male was holding a punching bag for somebody, passed out, flatlined, rushed to emergency and later died. Absolutely no mention of this incident in our local media, how many of these stories do you have to hear.

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My youngest is ripped. Very hard worker. Works out hard. He used to spend hours a day five times a week. Now he’s four times for a 45 minute workout. He knows a ton of gym rats. About six months ago he got a call from another ex work out freak. He asked if Dan had heard about a workout friend. No he hadn’t. Died suddenly. The gym rat friend said ‘every week we lose someone Dan’. This is in a relatively small city.

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22? Horrible

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For those folks, being a pallbearer might just do them in especially if triple booster.

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Dec 24, 2022·edited Dec 25, 2022

There are enough toxic men around. We’ll get them carried out.

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Kid's coffins are super small and really sad.

Someone who dies at 80 had a full life, dead at 8 is a tragedy, and those kids mortality is going up.

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The crime of the century. Or multi centuries. Placing children in such danger for no good reason. to save an old lady like me and other adults. That’s normally been called “child sacrifice”. It’s baaaaaak. Big time.

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Nah they are solving the vaccine orphan problem for us.

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Looks like the anti-vaxers will be busy being pallbearers. If you think off this in metaphorical terms the mrna shot does the same thing in a macro sense as a virus does in a micro sense- it injects rna to get the organism to replicate itself....in the case of the vax, this would be the spike proteins.

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anti vaxxers also life care-ers......we need to push payouts for retirements at 55 not 65...

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Please explain. Lost

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If my daughter and her family gets sick or heaven forbids dies--they would need my help--1000 miles away with a teen trans boy with problems and a financial problem no doubt. So pain and misery is not just for those who are suffering from the shots but the dominoes fall down the line. I’m 74. I’m not equipped for being a carer but I would of course do what I can.

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Exactly. Others suffer and are harmed as well. True for the harms of all the vacksines and other iatrogenic medical harms. 😭

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we are going to be needed to care for damaged people, but how will we do this .....life care-ers....thanks for asking JR

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I can do that Jacquelyn. An invalid I can talk to for hours!

Seems a bit cruel!

Hell, I talk to telemarketers, cancpvassers, ...

They break it iff!

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I know someone who listens to their full pitch, refuses whatever they're offering, then attempts to sell them a second hand bicycle. They hang up on him after a few minutes.

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aH, that is a high art, to me, to engage the telemarketer, whilst simultaneously wasting their time whilst making them enjoy it....i once worked with a guy, who when the Mormens came by, came to the door staggering, and while conversing with them, turned and yelled behind him, hey Jim, you wanna switch girls now?....by they time he looked on the porch again, they were gone....that guy was a riot....best

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My record is 13 minutes on the phone before they gave up.

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Thus detox from the spike protein is a possible therapeutic approach.


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I charge $500 an hours. If you're a doctor, 1000.

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We’ll continue to be hunted as we are the control group and the void in health status between the fractured haves and healthier haven’ts is only getting wider and more obvious to all

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I ran with a group today that had a couple of guys who didn't want me around last year, due to vaxx status. They look like garbage and are slower--sad.

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And gues what? We’ll be hated even more when more people wake up because we didn’t take the shot and they did!! We can’t win no matter what!

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I can see that being the reaction of some...can't see why it would be the most typical reaction. There will be plenty of hatred and madness to go around when people wake up, but I don't see how our elite classes, esp. in medicine and media, don't get hit by the biggest waves. The Super-Strength Denial of our era is capable of much, but only so much...

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That is what I am slightly worried about as well.

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yesss,Patti, we'll be branded a la white nnIggers

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Ivermectin also decreases cancer, which is probably the real reason they don’t want us to use it.

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I'll be their hucklebury. (the handles on a casket are called huckles in the south) Saying I'll be your hucklebury is like saying "It's your funeral." Or I'll be one who helps to bury you. I learned that reading comments on substack.

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Anti-vaxxer forever! I won't need a coffin...I prefer cremation.

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It galls them because we are the control group.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Hey Igor, happy Christmas. I know such a grim article is hardly the appropriate venue, but such is life in 2022.

You rock mate. Thank you for all you do.

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Thank you :-)

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Yes indeed, Merry Christmas!

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Yes. I should have said the same. Best wishes and Merry Christmas to you and your family.

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This is as good a response to this post as any. Well done, sir.

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to be sure, b, prof Igor truly is a ...Russian word

for miracle 'чудо', pronounced, 'chudo' !

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Like everything having to do with the pandemic, I have to go with my gut instinct and assume that the deafening silence from governments and their media lap dogs means that excess mortality is going to continue for several more years.

I hope I am totally wrong on this. Most of my friends and family have taken at least 2 shots. Ugh.

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Same sentiment really... and similar observations

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To expect excess mortality to decline, we would need evidence that the mRNA eventually stops producing spike protein. There isn’t any.

There is, however, evidence of reverse transcription into DNA, such that the body might produce more spike protein over time, rather than less.

And if it gets into the germ line DNA in testes and ovaries, every offspring of the jabbed will produce endogenous spike protein for their entire lives.

Sadly, this is the default hypothesis until proven otherwise.

Purebloods should now ask themselves: Are the jabbed contagious? Can the spike protein jump hosts? Can the mRNA?

We’d certainly like to rule it out.

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The Vaxxed (3x/4x) are shedding.

But unvaxxed have a better chance to clear/detox before severe tissue damage occurs.

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Here in the UK the Chief Medical Officer recently assured us that excess mortality would continue and evengrow for some years yet.

Entirely due to the delayed effect of lock-downs and reduced access to medical care!


Meanwhile, our new Moderna factory is on the way....

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For ever unless the excess mortality start being calculated based on expected deaths from the injections. The base increases eliminating excess.

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Dec 24, 2022·edited Dec 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

My vote is only based on the hint from Ed Dowd that his partner in the Insurance industry now sees an acceleration of excess deaths (all-cause mortality) from ~26% last year to ~35% this year.

The worse is yet to come because of new or resurgent cancers and other 1,291 side effects identified by Schizer before the hara-kiri rituals even started.

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Do you have a link? thanks

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This was a good Highwire, Dowd stuff starts at about 9 minutes in.


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Thanks I will take a look

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I don't think this is the link that you need, but it's a great talk from Dowd:


Also, there is a lot of interesting work from Ethical Skeptic on Twitter. I don't understand most of it, but get the gist. Not good.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I watched one of his latest videos online. I don't know If I got it from the CHD or somewhere else. If I find it, I'll update this post.

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I think it was from VRSF webinar this Wednesday episode #60


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Igor, look for Steve Kirsch’s weekly VSRF call. Yesterday’s call was with Ed and his Partner Josh on Rumble

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try this, igor https://www.bitchute.com/video/teg6UHTOLxAt/

hope your foot is healing fast!

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He was also on High Wire last week, talks about the Society of Actuaries data and the massive increase in disabilities amongst prime working age Americans starting mid-2021 (those within the mandates). Can find it on Rumble.

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Worried about how they always hint of future events using Hollywood films. In this case the movie Covid 21: Lethal Virus.

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Here is the blueprint of the genocide since 2010.

o Covid-19 Plandemic Blueprint – RKM Lockstep 2010 Report.


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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Tick, tock.

That death clock is ticking.

Not making fun...everybody just needs to prepare for the upcoming disaster.

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I'm gonna hang out with animals more. Humans are breaking my heart.

Dogs, horses, maybe zoo job?

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Careful...zoo animals are dying like crazy.

Celia Farber just documented it on her Substack today.


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I saw that, a bit. I had to stop rding.

I could stare at animals for hours. My gosh.

There was elephant, also camel you could get on . I waited patiently in both lines thrilled me, even now remember.

Guess what? I was 27, every one else a child.

I'm heartbroken about chimp, gorillas, lions etc being MURDERED

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A zoo job will be no respite. As someone who works in the vet industry, I remind you how indoctrinated veterinary workers are to vaccinations automatically being good. I speak as one of only 2 people at my job who is unjabbed. And do not forget, several zoos have begun to vaccinate their animals with this stuff. It boggles the mind, since vets should be well aware as to why the is no vx for FIP in cats....

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I'm with you. My dog and I are just fine. Need a horse or two, and will go swimming in the ocean with cetaceans gladly!

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Dec 24, 2022·edited Dec 24, 2022

Re. cetaceans: Sea turtles are not shy, even curious, but the depth of interactions limited, beyond a short swim along. Unfortunately, you can't approach wild dolphins — assuming you knew where to find them — legally, in Hawaii, since 2021 [ no closer than 50 yards ]. Not sure about other states. I am pretty sure dolphins would be open to quality interaction, though. As for pinnipeds, they look like a lot a fun, but, same thing, approach is illegal, and they do bite sometimes ( esp. pupping females! ).

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I just tried to broach subject with vaxxed daughter. That other side is... Well, she said No, Dad, and walked off.

She's my little baby.

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The estrangement, anger and rage from adult jabbed kids is enough to do a control group parent in.

Feels like they’ve been taken far away to a cult community where you can not enter

I still see them holding my hand while we walked in the park long ago

Time heals they say but may not work with what’s taken over the planet

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Dec 24, 2022·edited Mar 23, 2023

According to one survey:

33% of Millennials say they have cut ties with somebody in their life over not getting vaccinated against COVID-19, while 30% of Gen Zers, 9% of Gen Xers and 7% of Baby Boomers say the same. “It’s the new cultural dividing line,” John Gerzema, CEO of The Harris Poll, told Axios. “Three in 10 Gen Zers, and even more millennials, have ghosted friends who would not get vaccinated.”

Source: https://www.clickondetroit.com/health/2021/08/18/millennials-gen-zers-are-cutting-ties-with-unvaccinated-creating-own-vaccine-mandates/#//

...So woke, yet so intolerant.

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Woke is the New Nazi.

My own daughter, vax injured as a baby & toddler, still took three of these gene toxins in order to work, and doesn't want to hear anything about them. She is scared of course, but still did it. Born 1995, and the thing is her whole generation took them, at least all the ones she knows.

I'm a Boomer, know many of my friends who did not take the jab, but others, especially those who are Deep Blue, and believe everything their TV tells them, they STILL will not meet with me indoors. Sigh. The fallout societally is awful. Add in the physical harms from Covid, the treatments, or lack thereof, and the vax, plus the catastrophic results of the lockdowns..

Well, the Cabal just knocked us to our knees, IMHO.

I pray we manage to stand up again!

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Fear and isolation are precursors to total social control

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Joseph Goebbels figured out that fearful people were easier to control.

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I believe the divisiveness result was intentional from the murdering cabal.

They knew it would happen.

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Absolutely - the oldest approach in the book - divide and conquer. Has worked for millennia.

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Certainly they knew, just as they knew force masking of small children would be catastrophic in terms of learning, and emotional health, that lockdowns would kill more people than Covid, that there were successful early treatments discovered, that NOT treating sick people would cause death, and that Remdesivir and a Vent is a death sentence for most.

Everything they did caused terrific harm, as did the vaccine apartheid.

Evil, they are. And we must be smarter, and more well prepared, next round!

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Woke by the very definition means truly stupid and ignorant. Why would you expect any better from them?

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I have to wonder if these jabs and boosts are doing something to their brains.

I’ve had one daughter (30’s) adore me till April 2020 and now all she can do is bitch slap me through “audio text”!

Seriously it was such a loving relationship.

Anyone had that.

From hero to ZERO as a parent

Audio text rants like no other

Imagine using the Block function on your own adult unhinged kid

2 jabs and 3 boosts later..... I’m sorry but her brain is on overload and watch out it’s all your fault.

Millennials and Gen Z ....their all just victims these days

Sigh 😞

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I'm so sorry. Our kids are our greatest challenges and this generation is particularly difficult to connect with....

I personally do feel that the "hard heads" in the past were the parents, (my parents generation, the WW ll crowd,) while we, (boomers) were pretty open-minded people, but now the tables are turned and our kids are the rigid personalities!! Yikes.

Of course my perspective is necessarily biased, but, boy are these millennials, and those who came after them, tough to get though to at all.

Once they jumped on the jabs, censorship, the whole transgender/sex exploitation/pornography for children thing, let's make war with Russia, plus government hand outs for all, you really are in a bizarre soup of unreality.

Social Media has destroyed what it took human beings 6000 years to create in 30 years. Stunning, really.

But I wouldn't give up. A very smart friend once quoted me her mother who said to her daughter, (my friend,) "the older you get, the wiser I will become!"

So very true. ; )))

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Yes Katherine

It seems as the adult kids jumped on the jabbing, censorship, let’s kill Russia and the trans train about 2 1/2 years ago

I figured tikTok, IG, FB and Twitter in unison smiled at each other and their mission was accomplished.... operation brain wash

and it’s endless the talk from young adults how they should not have to pay a dime for college debts and boomers should pay. Can someone pay our truck loan off?

Their all victims and they scream it daily to high heaven

I do see many 50-60 YO’s doing the same as well.

I keep gently telling them to turn off CNN and go outside into nature.....remember trees...parks and camping 🤦‍♀️

It’s all very very stunning

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I'm so sorry. Can completely relate. Wish it were so, so different with our children!

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This is what really hurts, John. I can certainly sympathize.

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A lot of deadmen walking.

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SaHiB wrote- 'I'm not happy

about Schadenfreude becoming the primary entertainment mode.'

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I would like to say thank you for all the time spent putting these articles out. Thanks to you and many others, the truth is getting out. You are all doing what the medical community should be doing, and that is, getting to the truth however uncomfortable it might be. This is how science is supposed to work. It’s a constant flow of ideas, hypotheses, trials trying to find the truth. It boggles my mind and has created such a deep visceral sadness and an overwhelming sense of betrayal in my soul. The complete collapse of integrity and departure from science is jaw dropping. But, because of the tireless work that you and others put in gives me hope as we move into the new year. A very Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones and a blessed and happy new year

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

There was no way the german government would miss a genocide

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It sounds like excess mortality will get better if you stop the shots...

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I also thought so -- hoping it is true

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Dec 24, 2022·edited Dec 24, 2022

Someone, perhaps Sherri Tenpenny explained these products will kill you about 30 different ways, over time. They are disregulating the immune system so that it will not recognize cancer cells and many people have subclinical myocarditis. Everyone who took it needs D-dimer and Troponin tests. (Sp.) And to be hyper vigilant for cancer......


pHarma field days ahead.

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Yes, I'm very afraid of the future for those that fell for the lies. It's terrible and why we must force this disaster out into the open, otherwise it will not stop.

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Dec 24, 2022·edited Dec 24, 2022

On the other hand, the damage from the shots may be cumulative, producing a cascade of health issues in the months and years to come. Ergo, more, or at the very least, sustained levels of excess deaths. Certainly, the amyloid clots don't augur anything good, as they don't clear that easily, if at all. Nor do the scarring from subclinical myocarditis, which whittle at heart efficiency, leading to premature failure and other issues. To say nothing of 'turbo cancers' due to weakened immune system, etc. That's why I personally doubt levels of excess deaths will return to pre-jab levels for quite a while. Wait and see.

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People, especially those over 50, won't stop.

The older you are, the more you WANT to shot so you won't die of certain COVIDdeath.

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Based on my observations, three is all that is needed to get into serious strife consistently in a short period of time. My understanding is that each MRNA jab damages the heart muscle and the damage is cumulative. If one factors the fact that the MRNA damages more than just the heart (suppresses the immune system, makes one more susceptible to other problems like cancer), those with two, even one jab are looking at problems in the future. I do not know in detail how the Adeno-virus jabs affect the recipient but the UK data (they used mostly Astra-Zeneca) is just as awful as the US and, my guess is that the outcomes will be similar to the MNRA jabs.

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As I understand it, adeno-virus jabs are mDNA, which means they work on your DNA rather than your RNA.

Also experimental.

Probably just as bad.

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Well, the outcomes from the jabbing seem to be very similar - no protection from the bug, on the contrary, it makes one more susceptible, horrible side effects and yep, people are gone after getting jabbed.

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Dec 24, 2022·edited Dec 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It stands to reason the more shots you put in your body, the more poison is in you. Therefore, the more excess mortality there is. All the true doctors (the ones who are considered "misinformation spreaders" by main stream media) are saying those who took the shots will most likely not be here in 2-5 years-unless they work hard to detox. At this point if you don't realize these death shots have been purposely pushed by all the globalists gov'ts all over the world and the 2 and 3 letter agencies, I really don't know what else to say.

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That is what I have been wondering about. Thankyou for confirmation, I don't think detoxing for 5 years will prolong the inevitable.

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There is no definite that you can detox it all out, but you certainly have a better chance of living if you at least try the detox methods that the different doctors recommend. I use many of their recommendations on a regular basis, just to keep myself healthy and hope to detox from any shedding. Altbough nobody in my immediate family took the poison, almost all I work with did. I have no idea when they take their boosters, and I have to be around them.

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What will happen in 2-5-10 years, I think depends on two things. First the toxicity of the jab batch. There is a website which classifies how "hot" the jab batch is and some of them are absolutely awful. Not by design I think - quality control with new tech always stinks. Second, predisposition to severe reactions - some people tolerate the jabs better than others (as in they do not end up in a hospital right after taking the jab). However, medium and long term the damage is there and I am not sure how much the detox can help. From my understanding of the MRNA tech, those who took the jabs will produce the spike protein for the rest of their lives. Since the spike is highly toxic, that cannot be good for them.

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Most of my Dad's side, all in.

My brother in law a quiet dissenter, I'm A loud one.

So, where are the vaxxed ones? My mom got sick of it, and stopped after 2/3. No other complaints I've heard of.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I chose “get worse” despite the rapidly falling booster rates and/or outright rejection of boosters from original 2 shot victims. The reason being that I believe that the long term damage to hearts and CV systems is real and intentional. So excess mortality will be with us (over pre 2020 baselines) for at least a decade when most of the myocarditis cases, for example, will have played out. Same with CVD. We know smokers can live for 40-50 years before succumbing to cancer or strokes, but the damage done to CV systems is far more aggressive from spike, so I’m betting much of this gets resolved within 10 years. That’s not even considering the rapid increase of very aggressive cancers that will also front-end load deaths over the coming 2-4 years. I believe this was intentional but they miscalculated the high upfront deaths and now are in a bind as public opinion increases against these jabs almost daily. The Australian health official and the newscaster coming forward this week are great cases in point. MSM can no longer suppress it and the tidal wave of revolt is coming. Florida’s grand jury is the nail in the coffin for perpetrators of all this as the process of public discovery is going to be earth shattering to the masses that are still in the dark. The likes of Elton John and Sean Penn are going to look very foolish very soon to those hypnotized by the narrative. Our side is growing literally every day

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I saw an article this morning that described a study that drew troponin levels from a large sample of vaxxed, and found them all elevated. Thus, every person in that sample had some evidence of heart damage whether symptomatic or not. A damaged heart will accumulate more damage as it is stressed over time without protection and precautions. I am sure this news will start circulating more widely, I will post it here when I come across it again.

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This was the "thailand troponin study"

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I think that this was a German study that followed the Thai one. The similarity in the results is VERY BAD news for those who took the MRNA jabs.

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Yes, I forgot to mention from my litany of post jab adverse health problems that the Feb 2021 astra-zen jab induced a subclinical virus to attack my heart unbeknownst to myself until it was discovered during a naet session early Oct 2022. Same virus also found in astra-zen double jabbed husband.

So most vaxxed have no idea the horrendous damage unleashed from even a single clot shot.

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When soldiers in the Vietnam war were first exposed to agent orange, some developed symptoms early on such as chloracne or various other respiratory complaints. This made them ask, are you sure it is safe?

Officials claimed it was absolutely safe and they had nothing to worry about. But as time went by this became less and less true. In fact it became an absolute disaster.

Asbestos and the mesothelioma caused by it presented in a similar way. Most taking 15-25 years to develop the condition. But in some cases it only took a couple of years.

Knowing this trend and the fact genotoxicity was never ruled out doesn't exactly give me high hopes for the next decade. Because if the adverse events we are seeing now is due to a genotoxic type mechanism. Those who are injured now would only be the few early warning signs. Not the many that come later.

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What's weird about Vietnam is that the DOD reported that 61,000 died after 20 years of war.

But if you ever looked at the other side of the story by reading Vietnamese reports, you'll wonder how they could have killed so many Americans that the DOD didn't know were their soldiers

Agent Orange may have killed at least 1.6 million veterans in that time-frame, but who cares!

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That's a good point. Ed Dowd cites the 61,000 figure when making comparisons looking at excess mortality in the same age groups now, but I'll bet the same ratios emerge for the vaccines over time, 61,000 excess mortality after a year will turn into 1.6 million by 2030.

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It's a possibility for sure.

I hope I am wrong but they specifically failed to rule this type of toxicity out. They refuse to look to see whether it is or is not possible. They fail to acknowledge that not all genotoxicity is caused by damage to the DNA itself but often is damage to gene expression. Very hard to see this.

Nor did they consider at all the mitochondrial DNA as opposed to cellular DNA and the emergence of various findings showing damage to mitochondria is actually occurring.

Most of the effects and symptoms of this type of mechanism would not appear overnight. But instead grows slowly and comes on in a series of waves of increasing intensity and duration over a number of years until the organs fail to function.

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If you read people like Walter Chesnut the spike protein and the LNPs are just a swiss army knife of miserable ways to get sick, causing widespread amyloidosis and mitochondrial damage.

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Not to mention all the little Vietnamese and Laos children who still are suffering from persistent environmental exposure and through contaminated food supplies. Birth defects. Cancers. It's not over yet.

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I believe, sadly, the “die” has been cast.

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The "the"?

Sorry, German language joke.

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The der, “die”, das??

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Missed that the first time around. Thanks baboon for pointing out a little levity in a serious subject!

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Dec 24, 2022·edited Dec 24, 2022

I tried finding this video but YouTube search is useless.

It was a parody where Noel Gallagher from Oasis talks about people from Leeds and the importance of band names they can pronounce.

He said, there's no point calling your band "The The" because people in Leeds will pronounce it " " (depending on where you are in Yorkshire people will either say "the" "t'" or just something approximating silence).

There's also this.


That's all the "die" jokes I have for you, sadly.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Those who have had the jab now have compromised immune systems. Many will not acknowledge the damage and will not seek to repair what may be possible, so we will see these people succumb to a variety of illnesses.

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Thanks Igor for the merry Xmas post. Thanks Melanie for this spot of truth.

It's taken me nearly 2 years to recover about 80% from the Feb 2021 astra-zen shot and I suspect I was poisoned by the 2019 flu shot.

First 3 months my BP shot up, would wake up with pounding heart, continuous herpes/cold sores/canker sores, chronic fatigue, low back pain increased, sort of an overall body unwellness, then had series of really bad sinus colds/inner ear infection spaced every 3 or 4 months which I never had before, also noticed brain fog, feeling stressed out all the time.

Had terrible covid of the lower digestion last Easter week, really painful retching from large intestine, then parasite in small intestine around July this year causing odd digestive problems, finding low back pain had gotten progressively worse since Feb 2021 jab.

It's like the jab constantly is battling the immune system and weakening the body overall.

All these protocols don't work for me. What has worked is NAET treatments by good practitioner over 3 months, pine needle tea over 18 months which I continue, chiropractic, self healing, its been hell peeling away each layer of this multipronged timed released and pissible 5G triggered systemic attack on the body. Also doing yoga stretching.

Most people just think it's aging and normal aches and pains but it's not.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

"I've heard people are getting sick after the COVID shots, but I don't have to worry. I'm fine."

-every single vaxxed/ boosted person I know.

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Dec 24, 2022·edited Dec 24, 2022Author

and many of them sick - but not making a connection :-(

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That’s interesting. Tell you what I’ve found. A few people I know got jabbed and then got high blood pressure, pain in the leg or headaches. Now they say ‘I’m great’. Are they? Have their symptoms gone but other things are at play in their bodies ? Do they really feel ‘great’? Are they kidding themselves? The thing is we obviously can’t question what they say. Is the spike protein breaking down and their bodies are eliminating it? As far as I can tell so far the spike protein can be detected in the body 18 months post jab. This would indicate, to me anyway, that damage is still being done. Who knows. Time will tell. And it won’t lie.

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Yes, spike protein was causing hair loss 18 months later which I never had before and still haven't recovered from, swollen breasts as well, and stress induced cortisol fat

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And when they do get it, over and over, they are grateful for the protection offered by the jabs. You really cannot make up something so stupid but I guess it is good reflection of the person....

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Dec 24, 2022·edited Dec 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Thought I would comment on the poll at the end. I chose "all of the above". I tend to think it will get worse. The reason I think this considers that less are taking the bio-weapon shots. First, it is a prediction so there is always a bit of doubt, but I think common sense is speaking based on a preponderance of the evidence. Time will tell of course.

The reason I tend to lean worse, is that I think we have yet to see just how bad these shots are. Basically, there are "time bombs" waiting to go off. :(.

Secondly, one thing that seems to have risen over the last 4 months or so is musicians, performers, etc. being effected in multiple ways including death. That is what we are hearing about. That means it's occurring everywhere else, that we don't hear about.

Thanks for all the work on the article itself, heading out to share.

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