Please reply to this article and share your recent, or not so recent, experience with Covid.
Here’s mine:
I had Covid a year ago but we had a recent Covid case in our family where we used Ivermectin. My associate, also with a prior mild case of Covid, had family members sick last week.
In my family, two persons with prior Covid and natural immunity, myself included, who were NOT isolated from the actual Covid patient, reported a strange experience: a funny sense in the nose and throat and a fleeting headache. The same thing was reported by my associate who had Covid previously and had his family members sick last week also.
It was like having 1/10th of a cold: not really enough to feel sick, but enough to ask ourselves if perhaps there is something going on and asking whether, maybe, we contracted Covid.
In all three cases, it was completely over by the morning. If it was any milder, we would not notice at all. None of us tested ourselves. I did not want to waste our remaining two rapid tests on this and my associate also did not care to get tested.
The way I interpreted it, Covid was “knocking at the door” but somehow our natural immunity did not let it in.
Anyone had anything interesting happen recently that is Covid-related? Please share it in the comment section.
One more comment: one of my associates is a college student and has about 60 fraternity buddies. All are vaxed. About half of them are having covid right now, most are mild but one is decidedly NOT.
My experience with covid has been "indirect". A good friend died with covid in April 2020. I've known many who have had covid. Most of those were mild to moderate without being hospitalized.
Part of my experience with covid has been experiencing the lies of the powers that be and the propaganda of MSM, specifically around the suppressing and withholding of early treatments. This appears to have been done to promote the "vaccines" as the only solution. Whether that was done and continues to be done for profit, nefarious reasons or both, the end result is the same. Death and suffering due to lies.
There is also the experience of the rapid whittling away of civil liberty and the rise of censorship. Then there is the distortions and disinformation about side effects of the "vaccines".
Amidst all of the pain and suffering something wonderful has arisen. I remember that after September 11 Mr. Rogers advised children that when something terrible happens to try to think about the helpers. That doesn't mean a turning away from the horror. On the contrary. Heroes turn towards the pain, the suffering, the horrors, and the injustice. There have been and there continues to be many heroes throughout this whole epoch. There are heroes large and small. Everyday heroes as well as those known by many. I could name names but this post would be very long and I would be sure to miss many of those who are well known to many of us.
I think we should honor the heroes of this movement. That is what it is, a movement. A movement that promotes truth, justice, liberty, and the dignity of all people. It is a movement of historical proportions. Many have stepped up and have done the right thing instead of the easy thing. Heroes are brave. They place themselves at risk and the possibility of loss to do what in their heart they know to be right. I have been touched by these heroes. They give us hope. Their courage and bravery is contagious.
In March it will be two years since we entered the covid era. As bad as things are it would be much worse without the heroes, those known to many and those known only to some.
I propose that we declare March 5th as Covid Truth Heroes Day. On that day we will celebrate our victories, honor our cause, honor the heroes, and send a loud message that we will not be silenced. Please join me in spreading the word far and wide in making March 5th Covid Truth Heroes Day.