One more comment: one of my associates is a college student and has about 60 fraternity buddies. All are vaxed. About half of them are having covid right now, most are mild but one is decidedly NOT.

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How many are entirely asymptomatic? I would wager most of them.

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They reported being sick on a mailing list, they were on vacation at the time so no mandatory testing

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So how do we know it’s not simply common cold? That’s also making a strong resurgence of course. And most cases of omicron are very likely literally common cold bc of false positive paradox.

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Just in today: one more coworker of mine: He had the mildest cold symptoms (kind of like I described in this article). Scratchy throat, funny feeling in nose, mild headache. Like I said in my article, 1/10 of a cold. He went to test for Covid just for the kicks and tested positive. He is the 4th person, besides me, my son and my other coworker who reported these exact symptoms.

They probably actually ARE covid related for all four of us, and it is the covid virus that tried to get in, but could not. Specifically me, my son and one coworker had an unquestionable symptomatic covid case at home. The coworker I mention in the first paragraph tested positive with his wife who was totally asymptomatic.

I bet I would test positive last Wednesday (as described in my article). Of course I did not bother testing myself and was not actually sick. All symptoms resolved overnight for all four of us.

I do not consider that sort of thing to be an illness, infection, or reinfection. It should NOT count as a "case". To me, this is my immune system working properly to beat off the virus at the gate.

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Very likely all false positives from common colds and the dramatic push toward ever lower specificity of Covid tests (PCR tests are now often just a single genetic probe that may occur in various other viruses and microbes, as well as naturally in human DNA), in favor of higher and higher sensitivity. This push necessarily entails dramatic majority of positive test results being false positives. https://tamhunt.medium.com/the-false-positive-catastrophe-that-results-from-widespread-covid-19-testing-fc6febac8689

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My niece is a freshmen at a state U in the midwest. She hasn't gotten the vaccine. She was supposed to be tested twice a week, but they never enforced it so she hasn't been tested either. She said earlier this fall (maybe October-ish) "everybody was vaccinated and everybody was testing positive for covid". She got sick at Christmas and tested positive for a mild case. As unreliable as the tests are, I'm amused we even rely on them to tell us anything about the nature of the virus at this point.

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My experience with covid has been "indirect". A good friend died with covid in April 2020. I've known many who have had covid. Most of those were mild to moderate without being hospitalized.

Part of my experience with covid has been experiencing the lies of the powers that be and the propaganda of MSM, specifically around the suppressing and withholding of early treatments. This appears to have been done to promote the "vaccines" as the only solution. Whether that was done and continues to be done for profit, nefarious reasons or both, the end result is the same. Death and suffering due to lies.

There is also the experience of the rapid whittling away of civil liberty and the rise of censorship. Then there is the distortions and disinformation about side effects of the "vaccines".

Amidst all of the pain and suffering something wonderful has arisen. I remember that after September 11 Mr. Rogers advised children that when something terrible happens to try to think about the helpers. That doesn't mean a turning away from the horror. On the contrary. Heroes turn towards the pain, the suffering, the horrors, and the injustice. There have been and there continues to be many heroes throughout this whole epoch. There are heroes large and small. Everyday heroes as well as those known by many. I could name names but this post would be very long and I would be sure to miss many of those who are well known to many of us.

I think we should honor the heroes of this movement. That is what it is, a movement. A movement that promotes truth, justice, liberty, and the dignity of all people. It is a movement of historical proportions. Many have stepped up and have done the right thing instead of the easy thing. Heroes are brave. They place themselves at risk and the possibility of loss to do what in their heart they know to be right. I have been touched by these heroes. They give us hope. Their courage and bravery is contagious.

In March it will be two years since we entered the covid era. As bad as things are it would be much worse without the heroes, those known to many and those known only to some.

I propose that we declare March 5th as Covid Truth Heroes Day. On that day we will celebrate our victories, honor our cause, honor the heroes, and send a loud message that we will not be silenced. Please join me in spreading the word far and wide in making March 5th Covid Truth Heroes Day.

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I wish I could put 10 likes on your post

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You Mr. Chudov are one those heroes. Thank You

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Beautiful post. I’d love to celebrate Covid Truth Heroes on March 5th!

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Spread the word. Feel free to copy and paste.

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Nicely put.

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Dear Professor, What Mr. Rogers said has always been so dear to me, but for some reason I had forgotten about it the past two years. Thank you for bringing it back to me, and thank you for this powerful idea. We need this.

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Have a great day! Please help to spread the word about Covid Truth Heroes Day. Feel free to copy and paste.

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The real heroes are the people who volunteered to be injected with the experiment and are dead and maimed.

They should all be awarded Medals for Bravery for making the ultimate sacrifice in this War against this Deadly Enemy!!!!


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2 cases, me (74 YO), my wife (68 YO). both had covid at same time in Nov, 2020. minor sore throat during day 1, at dinner no taste (!). went for test next AM, positive. by noon on day 2 I felt flu-like (I've had worse hangovers) for about 2-3 days, maybe some lingering weakness for another 7 days. bot of us have no comorbidities, slender, exercise 5-6 days/wk, heavy use of supplements going into pandemic (incl. quercetin, D3, zinc). I am so thankful I had it so I don't have to worry about getting vaxed. I thought about it but after studying the issue hard for the last few months, I wouldn't think of it. hope that helps.

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It helps A LOT. I also thought about vax, but thought that the environment around it is kind of insane. I have a well developed sense of danger and my alarms bells were blazing.

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Neither me nor my unvaccinated family have been sick in years. Only one of my unvaccinated friends claims he got COVID but was forced to test because of work. I’m starting to hear of more vaccinated people I know getting ‘COVID’ with symptoms. If it weren’t for the news I would not know we were in an alleged pandemic

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Interesting, one-third or half the people I know had Covid, some vaxed and some unvaxed

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I should also add that as an ‘essential worker’ who has no work from home option, who lives in a city with millions of people and who takes public transportation, neither I nor any of my immediate coworkers have been sick with COVID, which is one of the reasons I’ve suspected since at least April 2020 that something has been wrong with this situation

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Interesting. I'd also say about one-third or half the people I know have had it. In the early days they were unvaxxed but now they're all vaxxed (some on their second round of Covid). For most it's been fairly mild (cold symptoms mainly) but for a few the fatigue lingered for 2-3 months and I know a few who died and/or were hospitalized (most in early 2020). I've led a fairly normal life since the start and somehow have escaped even when I've been flagged as a close contact (always test negative plus I've had two antibody tests).

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I'm a very interesting case! Everything about my situation should of been BAD.

February 2021. 11 weeks pregnant.

I'm anemic. I also have nutritional deficiency in A,D,E,K. And I mean BAD. My A is almost untraceable. The week after covid diagnosis my D was an 18. I was under medical supervision for pregnancy. We were figuring out how to treat my deficiency anyways.

I beat covid. And easily.

I had to recieve Ivs for fluid as I was dehydrated. Oddly it got my brain bad. Not my lungs..I had brain surgery in 2011. It quite literally went where my inflammatory issues were. My heart also seemed to experience spontaneous changed in blood pressure which would result in me almost passing out.

I had to have several iron infusions. Vitamin injections and take it easy.

My baby is perfect. And he has antibodies! Because we had covid in our house. He was never quarantined . Neither him or I got it! Our other members did.

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Dr. Peter McCullough reported weird nose feelings from being exposed to covid patients after he had recovered from it himself.

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Thank you for another confirming anecdote

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Funny, I experienced the weird nose feeling as well, which quickly resolved and never developed into anything, although not sure whether I had prior infection.

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and why McC is all about the nose saline rinses....he does mention it often...i do it when i have to...best

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Tested positive on the 31st of December, 1st night had a fever following morning headache muscle aches, loss of taste, dry cough, lasted for around 2 days.. Not vaccinated, just early treatment VitD Zinc Quercetin.. Cheering that I have natural immunity.. I am 51 there was no way I was taking that vax.

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58 year old female, ontario, canada. I was wary from the start at the over reaction to something with such a low fatality rate. When doctors here started to get censored in spring 2021, that was it.. No vaccine for me. Was pressured by everyone! Then a strange thing happened.. My partner (don't live together) got his first pfizer dose in may 2021. Saw him 2 weeks later for a weekend getaway. I have been in menopause for over 5 years. Within 3 days of our getaway, i started spotting. Lasted a couple days. Called doctor who was concerned.. Did uterine biopsy and pelvic ultrasound to rule out cancer. All tests showed nothing wrong. Fast forward to end of july 2021.. Another getaway.. After just a few hours with him i started bleeding.. Lots.. Heavy with clotting. That's when i connected the dots and asked him when he got his 2 nd dose.. It was 16 days earlier. So after 5 years of no bleeding, I had 2 episodes of bleeding both shortly after my partners vaccine. And the 2nd episode lasted 6 days! Heavy bleeding with clotting like i had never experienced. And bruises on both legs after 24 hours and a full upper lip outbreak of cold sores aftet 48 hours. A follow up with the doctor was pointless. He admitted it was 'strange' timing but there was no way to connect this with the vaccine. I thought shedding was a conspiracy theory... But even pfizers documents mention 'transmission' during the clinical trials. I seem healthy these days, so not sure if my health has been compromised. I did have blood taken to check for antibodies.. but don't have any. It's all strange. I'll never get the vaccine.

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This is so disturbing. You're not the first person I've seen have experiences that run counter to the "shedding is a conspiracy theory!" message.

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I live in rural Ontario and there are not very many cases in my area, or opportunities, to catch Covid. I have continued to see my adult children throughout the pandemic, who came and stayed with us regularly from urban areas. They were working throughout the pandemic. No one has gotten covid. I socialized throughout the summer, nothing, even when there were outbreaks.

Most recently in August I got sick after a wedding and this developed into a sinus infection (that's where my colds always go) and was sick for a few weeks. No fever. Didn't get tested. After Christmas both my husband and I had some fatigue and I had a mild aching in my lymph node in my neck but nothing developed into anything.

I personally know two people who have had covid and zero who have died, or been hospitalized. Both the people I know beat it like it was a bad cold.

Our entire family is vaccine free.

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Kid 1, at noon Christmas Eve, headaches, fever detected at 99.7.

Immediately dosed her with 40mg melatonin, 4 grams sodium ascorbate, 45mg zinc, quercitin, lugols iodine, vit A, dr David browstein hammer, selenium, NAC, Salt, magnesium glycinate, and D3. She then took sodium ascorbate, a gram every 15 mins, til her headache calmed or fever was in control. 2 hours or so later and 10 grams vit c, it calmed .

Another 40mg melatonin at 6pm and 2 grams ascorbic acid lemonade. Another round of melatonin at bedtime.

12 midnight, sweats, fever broke, recovering. slept. never sneezed no coughing. teen. 12 hours from awareness to sleeping easily.

Kid 2, toddler - just fell 2 days before off a playground and likely also had a concussion. So, his fever and headache were compounded. Maintained a steady stream of 5 mg melatonin as often as his level of grouchiness demanded. Sufficient C lemonade ascorbic acid as tolerable. Daily dose of age adjusted Seeking Health multivitamin powder juice. Snuck NAC into yogurt.

he Was feverish for 3 days. slept. was miserable granted. no big deal. We did humidifier tents, blankets over chairs, diy tent, humidifier inside, where hydrogen peroxide and lugols iodine are also added to the water tank, as a just in case. Given the toddler can't express symptoms, prophylaxis oxygen therapy is always good.

Kid 3, vaccine injured, just a "mild" and "coincidental" case of kidney failure , nephrotic Syndrome, post safely harmful and effectively dangerous , normal, routine, old-style childhood vaccines at age 6, barely felt off.

As I knew the train was a-coming, heading round the bend, and a viral illness can trigger a relapse, as soon as she said she felt her head swimming,

I dosed her with zinc, quercitin, NAC, d3, vit a, vit c, selenium, lugols iodine,

40 mg liposomal melatonin from Dr John Lieurance of melatonin miracle in the noon, 40mg lipo mel afternoon, and 40mg OTC mel at bedtime. At 4pm that day, detected a 99.7 fever that fluctuated down. She ate robustly, never really was bothered. Mel resolved the impending headache. Trick I learned from old days of prednisone poisoning, MCT oil also treats steroid headaches and her kidney related headaches. So she doses with MCT prophylaxis. She doesn't just eat salt like the rest of us for obvious reasons.

And, another trick I have learned, a 150mg Melatonin day, a single day(!), will stop an impending Nephrotic syndrome relapse in its tracks. It is incredibly powerful. Amazing thing to see. Cause nothing in that prednisone roller coaster worked like that .

So, my kid slept on the couch, already having sweats as the fever broke,by noon the next day was better. day 2, same high dose melatonin and high dose liposomal vit c. She also got into the humidifier tent with lugols iodine and hydrogen peroxide as a prophylaxis. The fluid build up from her first case of Nephrotic syndrome, just 13 lbs on top of a tiny 43lb frame, affected her lungs (mildly, really mild, granted, but why chance it?). She also used a compression nebulizer with lugols iodine and med grade hydrogen peroxide and sodium ascorbate too. This Dr David Brownstein treatment stopped her kidney injury related lung cough of a year, in 2 treatments. So, the nebulizer is used now Everytime something more than a sunshine sneeze blows its head . She also took 10 grams of LIVON labs liposomal Vit C throughout the 2 days, divided doses for those 2 days.

Me, a mature aged parent, weight on the other side of healthy, knew what was coming. I did the Dr david Brownstein hammer, NAC, zinc, quercitin, 100mg melatonin 3x that say (300!), lugols iodine, selenium, sodium ascorbate,d3, vit a, ate beef liver, egg yolks,

I never had a fever. Mild headache. Had the unsick well feeling Dr Suzanne Humphries discusses in her 2.5 hour vit c lecture. I did have the annoying irritated throat cough for 4 days, but it wasn't the lungs. Can't really call it sick. Just had a waterfall of a runny nose for 3 days and slept on the couch with peppermint oil and a strategically placed towel and onion slices. Gargled iodine water, gargle hydrogen peroxide water, gargled colloidal silver water.

Husband, nada. nichts.

Now off to see, does that formula216 really restore the enzyme that converts glucose to vit c in the human body? Dr Thomas Levy. Cause, that would be awesome! why isn't there mrna therapy for restoring the vit c making enzymes in humans????? hmmmm????

no covid death darts anywhere here.

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All 3 of my kids had covid in April of 2020. What happened then was oulse ox of 86 in 2 of them. With a gram of sodium ascorbate every 10 minutes and 20mg melatonin, in 2.5hours, both kids were back to 97%.

doris Loh and Dr Suzanne Humphries

Kid 3, she had these bizarre rashes and swelling body parts. It started as the massive red,blue veiny Halloween skin on her feet and ankles with a massive swelling of said ankles. 40mg melatonin and the 1gram sodium ascorbate every 10 mins til symptoms chill, stopped it. Rash disappeared, swelling gone.

3 hours later was the knees. Repeat 40mg melatonin and the vit c dosing for an hour. calms and disappear.

5 hours later was thighs, repeat treatment.

5 hours later was abdominal area. Upped to 60mg melatonin and switched to sufficient c, ASCORBIC acid form of Vit c, a 4 gram dose. Stops the reactions

She had some facial rashes the next day, was calmer, not the dead man skin as before ...

I had already learned how powerful melatonin was for serious allergic reactions to poison ivy in this kid. Experience 1 with poison ivy resctions using prednisone was still 8 days of hell .

3x since, when the near anaphylaxis head swelling is starting, 50mg melatonin, fast dissolve, and 4 gram dose of ascorbic acid calms it. Then sodium ascorbate every 10 mins until that electric itch under the skin goes away. Repeat melatonin at 40mg as needed which seems to be 4 hours 2nd dose, 6 hours 3rd, and 8 hours on the 4th. So far, 2 days, maybe 3, completely calm. No massive bubbling of the skin around the PI scratches either. The blisters dry up to scabs.

So, when I dose her that first time with veiny ankles and swelling, literally, before my eyes, I watched it just fade. Like rinsing the ink off a tie dye project.

I also had the real covid that 2020, May? And I wS laid flat, 7 days straight. I luckily had ivermectin horse paste. Day 1 to 4, I was a concrete block. Took ivermectin on day 5. Day 6, I realized the anvil on my chest was gone which I hadn't quite register had been there Day 7, recovering. I didn't have the zinc, d3 etc back then, just the melatonin and vit c.

Since May2020, having the zinc quercitin, and all the other get well vitamins, using sodium ascorbate like candy, using melatonin like a college party beer keg, all illnesses since have been walks in the park .

The older kids know, tke the bowl of goodies,

3 to 6 hours in the rushed and massive speed of illness will overwhelm them,and 2 hours past that, it will be on its way.

Helps to eate a beef, liver, egg, and butter low carb, renal safe diet.

Dr Sarah Huen

Dr Sarah Hallberg

Dr Jason Fung

Dr Ken Berry

Dr Richard Bernstein

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Wife and I over 70, unvaxed December 2020, both BMI less than 25, both supplement vitamin D, annual test over 50. Seldom sick.

Cross country trip few days in December, upon return felt tired, assumed jet lag. Next day hoarse, mild sore throat, fever rose to 100. Had quercetin and zinc, took one of each twice a day three days. Fully recovered.

March 2021 wife elected to take J&J vax since borderline diabetic.

March, I had minor surgery, clinic wanted PCR test, I also elected to also get antibody test. PCR neg, antibody positive. Only recognized illness for years was December episode, so I assume it was covid.

June, wife got sick, I was fine. She was very ill 24 hours, fever 100. Quercetin zinc 3 days, 2 per day, fully recovered. No symptoms for me.

September, both had minor sniffles, fatigue 24 hours. Both took quercetin zinc 2 days. Both fully recovered.

Unknown if any of these episodes were sars2. Reasonable assumption in midst of raging pandemic. Seroprevalence surveys consistently show exposure is consistently 40 times reported "cases," so probably. Probably every case, including fatalities, would have had similar outcomes if our criminally insane medical industry had issued hcq/zinc/antibiotic kits to all as apparently one state in India did, with very good results. Joe talked to modi, told him not to disclose what they gave those successful residents. Probably included a bribe. The corruption is so ubiquitous and media so compliant they don't even need to keep it secret. This has been an utterly corrupt time. It will get worse unless we make it stop.

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My husband and I are retired in Florida (yay!). He is 73 and I just turned 70. I didn't even know Covid was a frightening disease until March of 2020 when our son, who had tickets to fly down to visit from Philly, called and said he wasn't coming due to Covid. I was surprised. Up there they were freaking out about it, and down here, not much at all.

But just a month later, my husband got sick. Really sick. High fever, cough, aches, slept all the time, couldn't eat, couldn't taste, couldn't do much at all. I called the doctor and asked what to do. They prescribed antibiotics but they didn't help. I decided to get him tested for Covid, and had to drive an hour away to the closest testing clinic, Advent Health. They came out to the car and had him fill out the paper work and spit in a cup. We went home and five days later we got the results. Negative for Covid, Flu A, Flu B and strep. He was still very sick. We found out months later Advent Health was sending tests to a lab giving inaccurate results so we never knew if he had Covid or not.

We said no to the jab and so did our son.

Fast forward to December 2021. Our son flew down for my 70th birthday. He wore a mask in the airport and on the plane as did all the passengers. He somehow caught Covid on that flight. He started feeling bad four days after he got here. He asked me to take his temp and it was 98.7. He just didn't feel right so I kept him home from the big party we had. We went to Walgreens and bought a home test and sure enough, it was positive. He really didn't feel that bad (he's 41) and I offered him to stay with us so I could care for him, but he went home, Covid and all. I gave him Ivermectin and the Covid vitamins and told him to take 2 a day for 5 days and the vitamins. He was back to work the next week and never did get very sick.

Four days after he left, I felt sick. I had a fever and was tired, so I went to get a rapid drive through test and it was positive. Now I had been taking Ivermectin and Quercitin for a few months along with all the zinc, C, D etc they recommend. I really didn't feel bad at all. I had a fever that ran between 99 and 101 for about a week. I did lose my sense of taste and smell. I had night sweats. But the worst part was this horrible cough. At first it was loose, then it got tight, then it got painful in my left side. I went to the ER and they ran tests and said the Covid had settled in my left lung and I had pleurisy. They gave me azithromicin and prednisone and sent me home. I felt the doses were much too low so I doubled up on them after a few days of not feeling better and that seemed to work. I called and got refills and by day 7 I was feeling pretty good. The cough did linger but my temp was normal and my oxometer went up to 97 after being at 92 for five days.

That was December 9, 2021 that I tested positive and today is January 4, 2022 and I feel great. I am still not completely tasting my food, and I still have night sweats once in a while, but I am back to normal living for the most part. I did have a "weird" feeling once the virus was gone that is hard to describe. Almost like an inner anxiety that I couldn't shake. That feeling is finally gone now but it lasted about a week.

My husband never got sick even though I slept in the same bed coughing all night. When he was sick I slept in the guest room. We're pretty sure he still has the antibodies from almost two years ago. I made an appointment to get a blood test to see if I have them yet. My question is how do you know which variant you had? I hear loss of taste and smell is not Omicron yet my symptoms were mild except for the pleurisy.

I am anxious to read other's experience with Covid.

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Thank you for sharing your story. This sounds like the omicron with the terrible sweats

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Thank you for starting this thread. It is so interesting to read everyone's experiences. I thought Omicron too, but I keep hearing loss of taste and smell is not Omicron. I really do not know. What I do know is when people tell you which variant they had, they are guessing as one is ever told. I am scheduled for an anti-body blood test Friday. Fingers crossed that it's strong.

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I had Covid at the very beginning of the pandemic. Sickest I’ve ever been in my life. Really bad for 4 or 5 days, one day of feeling slightly better, then WHAM. Completely layed out with zero energy (and I really mean zero energy) for 17 days. Crippling nausea, no food and could barely drink even water. I distinctly remember feeling like I was encountering something unnatural that I’d never come across before. Complete disruption of taste and smell (before I even knew that was a symptom), so much so that I still can’t eat foods I enjoyed before being sick. Took no medicine as I was wholly ignorant at the time. Revived on day 17 after ER visit with IV fluids and was good after that.

My live-in unvaxxed girlfriend recently got omicron less than a week ago. Positive test at work. She felt bad on day one, ok on day two, then bad again on day 3. Near full recovery by day 4. Had her take McCullough’s nutraceutical bundle and aspirin.but no IVM or HCQ needed.

I remain unvaxxed and I definitely felt my body be exposed to her Covid and successfully mount an antibody response. It was an unmistakable feeling in my throat, nose, and chest of starting to become subtly, subtly sick but quickly being resolved. I now feel great, like I’ve been naturally boosted and gained strength. My original immune response for sure recognized the illness, almost 2 years later.

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Someone mentioned that they took ivermectin long after covid ended, and their smell returned next day. I cannot vouch it but it is in the comments to my Ivermectin story. Wort taking a look. Please note that I do NOT advice you to take Iver for this as I have literally no idea if it will work -- just passing something on.

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Thanks for passing that along. My sense of smell eventually returned but it’s my palate that seems forever changed, as I don’t enjoy the same types of food as I did prior. Perhaps IVM would help with that too, IDK, but I totally understand that the info you’re communicating isn’t to be construed as medical advice 👍

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Lost taste and smell for a few days around Christmas 2020 from covid. Didn't take long to completely return for most things. Weirdly, carbonated beverages tasted like they were contaminated with disinfectant for quite a while afterwards. To this day, they still taste a little bit "off". Nothing unusual about any other food or drink, just carbonation.

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It's interesting that you mentioned carbonated beverages. That was something that first led me to suspect that I might have Covid (which I did, back in October). I kept detailed notes during my illness, and this is what I wrote at the time:

"Most significant symptom was abnormal/reduced sense of taste/smell. Diet Cola tastes weird/unpleasant, with little-to-no apparent sweetness. Flavours/smells not gone completely, but diminished."

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My family and I may or may not have had Covid, and we don't care. I live in the Bay Area (for a little longer, we are leaving due to the school mandate) and in early January 2020 I was walloped with a fast acting head cold I caught on public transit. Five alarm cold for days, the worst I can remember having. No respiratory component. My family all caught it, and they did have a respiratory component.

So we think we all got Covid then. We have been waiting two years for a recovery test to be made widely available which, if we were not living in a total public health dystopia, we would have had an easy time getting and never had to vaccinate or test again.

December 2021 I got a highly similar cold, walloped me for two days instead of many days. I home tested negative. But those tests are crap and I didn't test until it was mostly cleared, so who the hell knows. My son also caught this cold but it was very mild for him and my wife basically avoided it. Was it Omicron? We think maybe.

Other than that we have had no experience that could be Covid at all, and we think the masking and other rules are stupid so avoid them when at all possible.

Anyway that's life in a world where public health is a complete disaster. I have no idea if any of us ever had Covid and I will never know. IDGAF and I am looking forward to relocating to a free state where I never have to care again.

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You definitely should relocate, I am considering the same

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Also here in SF, and looking to get out this year. I think maybe I got it on New Year's Day afternoon starting w/the shivers. Progressed to a low-level fever by the evening (so I missed my 2 freedom parties :-( ) and it was all over by the morning, so I never got to treat it, other than watch football all day Saturday because of fatigue. Back to work & riding my bike already. Family has mild cold symptoms now & are downing lemongrass soup & taking vitamin C & zinc. Nearby friends have the good stuff in case anybody worsens, but doesn't look like that'll happen.

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You can easily get a covid antibody test at LabCorp. Its does not need a dr prescription, and costs $10. I also got wolloped in Jan 2020 with a cold that had a bad cough. In June I tested for covid IgG S antibodies and it was negative. What I had then was probaby a flu.

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My mother in law nearly died of covid, unvaxxed. She had comorbidities but was reasonably fit for her age.

In April 2021 she came down with diarrhea and fever, gastrointestinal infection. Then it progressed to her lungs and she started coughing a lot. The GP was happy with the supplements we gave her, but this did not stop the progression.

Policy was to keep patients at home until they needed oxygen. So when SpO2 hit 80% she was transferred to hospital where her situation gradually deteriorated and she was put on high flow oxygen and got very close to liver failure. Thank god the hospital did not put her on ventilation.

Suddenly she took the u-turn and her situation steadily improved. After she was transferred to a recovery home, she kept testing positive until we gave her a bottle of carrageenan antiviral nose spray. Her test 3 days later came back negative and she was allowed to go home. (Interesting note, I bought some bottles from different internet pharmacies, all manufactured Oct-2019 with 2 yr shelve life. They were quickly sold out everywhere and never restocked. You can DIY it though)

Her recovery was slow. Before, she could hike 20km through the hills. After, she could barely walk one block with walking frame. It took the rest of the year to recover back to her previous level.

In retrospect, I believe the max dosage of Paracetamol (Tylenol in the US) she took may have contributed to the severity as I later learned it depletes glutathione. N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) may help with that.

About two months ago she phoned me in distress because she came down with the exact same gastrointestinal symptoms again. So I said, if you believe you have the same thing again, start the Ziverdo kit I gave you. So she did and recovered within 36 hours.

Unfortunately, she took the vax a few months after the ordeal and recently got the booster too. She took the proverbial blue pill and now claims ivermectin has dangerous side effects even though it may have saved her the second time.


Two vaxed elderly people I volunteer for recently got the covid, but only very mildly, recovered quickly.


One care worker told me about her 80+yo mother. During the first wave in april 2020 she was told she needed ventilation and there was little hope she would survive. She refused and told the doc she wanted to go home and die there, not in hospital. So she was escorted by ambulance back home where she..... recovered completely!

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Covid is blowing through our house at the moment. We're all unvaxxed. My husband picked it up from the neighbours (all double vaxxed), and met another women in line for a PCR test who was triple-vaxxed, with the same symptoms as he had. It has passed through the 4 in our family now, with typical flu-like symptoms of fever (max 102), aches, some nausea and fatigue. We're all on the mend. We've been taking lots of C, D, Melatonin but other than that, nothing out of the ordinary.

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