A lot of us “resisters”, being human and sharing similar feelings about so called “Covid shots”, tend to congregate together, enjoy each other’s company and almost form a mutual admiration society.
Many genuinely GOOD things come out of that: we exchange cool ideas, enjoy a safe space to talk to each other, we explore thoughts while staying in the comfort zone, find inspiration to write for those similar to us, find support, etc.
Substack is especially prone to this, as communities are difficult to discover, so we just tend to hang out in a few favorite (and amazing) isolated communities, like Unreported Truths, Eugyppius, Cattitude, Kids, Covid and Vaccines, Margaret Anna Alice, and many more others.
But are we changing the world? Or are we escaping to a safe but isolated ideological island and retreating from the real battle? Will our comfortable island be eventually invaded by the enemy?
Unfortunately, I am afraid that this is a retreat, and that it is a mistake to be insular. We should reach out to people who hate us, who were made to fear us, to our lawmakers, to support people persecuted and alone, and so on.
This post is actually an instruction manual, but also an invitation to discuss how can we approach random or targeted people, how can we place a seed of doubt in the brainwashed, and how can we support resisters.
I tried a few things on Twitter (I do not use Facebook) just to explore a little.
The most important takeaway, do something every day for at least 15 minutes! Talk to someone new, approach people online or offline, try to help them see the truth.
Talking to persecuted resisters
This is possibly the most emotionally rewarding and easy thing to do. Go to your favorite social network and search for things such as
“I was fired” mandate
"I was laid off" vaccine
You get the idea. Search for whatever you like using my terms as an example. Twitter or facebook will find a lot for you. This will reach people you have never heard of who are in need of help. These are regular people, often with few online followers, feeling alone, down and rejected. Talk to them nicely, offer support, praise their independence, be truthful, friendly, and supportive.
Mr Joe Schmoe from a small town who has no one to turn to, may now feel empowered, validated, supported and valued. Joe is right to reject the shot, but he feels a terrible cognitive dissonance, being fired, with no one to turn to, and we can help him.
It is amazing what a few words of encouragement can do to strengthen a person who is down. Even if you are in the USA and the fired person is in Australia, words of support make an incredible difference. Believe it, I tried; and you should try for yourself.
If you just spend 5 minutes of your time to do it, your 5 minutes could really “make the day” for five people. The reward-to-effort ratio is just enormous.
Write to your lawmakers
Just send snail mail letters to your lawmakers. Say whether you voted for them and tell them that you are strongly against vaccine mandates and would not vote for them if they support said mandates; or write ANYTHING ELSE that your heart desires. Send that letter. It will make a difference, statistically.
Deprogram Covid Cult Members
Covid and vax believers are like a cult. They believe nonsensical things (such as “their vaccine works” but “they are threatened by the unvaccinated”), reject any contrary evidence (their aunt’s ex husband dying from vaccine is a “rare event”), and trust “authorities” who are at best thieves, and at worst, madmen.
The TV and media convinced then that they are “superior” because they “believe in science”, and told them to ignore “misinformation”, even if it appears to be true. This idea that true things can be misinformation and should be ignored, is the surest sign of a cult. They think there is a “consensus”, which we know does not exist.
How do you deprogram them? I do NOT know that and I would like YOU to help me fill this part out. This is inherently difficult and will get you exposed to vile language and other forms of abuse. This is true even if you talk to them in person.
The thought that they were scammed with a worthless and dangerous jab, is so offensive to them that they will go to extreme lengths to justify it.
But let’s brainstorm it. There are many webpages about “planting a seed of doubt”. The best is to ask questions and see if the person can arrive to the answer different to what they were programmed to believe.
If you fail, do not take it personally — most people are extremely resistant to changing their minds. But the ones who can change their minds are very important as they have this capability, so they are often opinion leaders. Keep trying.
Undermine fake “authorities”
Some people love being pompous, pretend that they know something, use a bunch of acronyms next to their names, and spout tyrannical nonsense. Challenge them online or in person, politely but make some festive fun of them. They hate it and being made fun of, really deflates their egos and influence.
Show off with anti-Covid-vax garb
I have a T shirt that says “No vaccines needed, I have an immune system”. This is not an entirely correct message missing a few important disclaimers, but good enough for a T shirt.
I wear this shirt to stores and I love the reaction I am getting. I get hateful stares from half the people and genuine compliments from other people. By having this shirt on, people who meet me realize that they are not alone.
We do not need a Central Committee
Just do your own thing. Talk to your friends, to your coworkers, search Facebook, search Twitter etc. Just 10-15 minutes spent online, reaching out to people who you DID NOT KNOW BEFORE, will make an enormous difference.
Some weak minded Covid cultists think that everyone agrees with the Covid cult. Just showing them that you are different, but healthy, happy, and friendly, may be enough to make them doubt that “everyone agrees”, and may unravel their confused beliefs.
Despite their professed “belief in science”, most Covid cultists would not know how to read a scientific article, so talk to them in simple terms that they understand. Try to refine your approach as you go.
This resistance stuff works and is not novel
This online resistance has been tried many times with excellent results. Electing Trump, electing Biden, many color revolutions, were achieved with these techniques and a few other things mixed in. This stuff works IF we believe in the message, believe in ourselves, and want to invest effort and a bit of bravery. Do not risk your life or career if you do not feel like it — just do what you think you can safely.
To the regime spies reading this
Dear Covid tyranny spy: if you are reading this to report on “new misinformation efforts”, be very afraid. We are right, we are numerous, we will defeat your false message, and we are just getting started. So please go to your publication and publish an alarmist article how “misinformation campaign is becoming organized”.
Your empire of lies WILL be defeated and the Covid cult will be exposed and judged, when facts come out. For many people who damaged their health, it will be too late, but this is the best we can do.
If you are motivated by money — and want to make serious money — up to half a million — email Project Veritas at veritastips@protonmail.com, steal all emails from your organization and record a video or two surreptitiously. You will easily make half a million from donations if your emails and recorded conversations are juicy stuff.
What NOT to do
Never lie about anything to make an argument. You may make mistakes — but do not make them intentionally.
Do not do anything illegal and avoid and withdraw from any hostile situations immediately, no matter how much the other party is wrong.
Help make this manual better!
Please comment on what you want changed, added or improved in this document.
The most success I've had in discussion is with people who just assume I've been vaccinated because I'm a scientist and seem reasonably rational. (I don't fit their preconceived notion of a raging Trump-supporting hillbilly antivaxxer, I guess.)
I generally don't disabuse them of that idea, just let it exist as their assumption. I use expansive statements like, "we who support vaccination science" and "those of us who really hoped these vaccines would be effective" or something like that, in an effort to demonstrate that I am not their enemy. I try to stay calm and objectively discuss research findings. I try not to rely on too many anecdotes, but sometimes data is too abstract for people and you have to bring up the person you know who had a breakthrough and spread it around their office because they didn't run a fever. But in the end, I find that if I just try to make it about "us"as humans, I get a lot more buy in from the very invested vaccinated.
That being said, however, I did have a nice calm conversation with a vaccinated friend (maybe not a friend anymore?) who agreed with me that the vaccines were largely ineffective, admitted the vaccinated can and do become infected and spread covid, and stated that mandates were an overreach-but when I finally told her I had recovered from covid as an unvaccinated individual, she literally jumped out of my car at the stoplight to get away from me.
I responded to a slightly asinine post on facebook about vaccines.I posted up a meta-analysis paper showing vaccinated and unvaccinated could pass on the virus as well as a CDC statement about masks being fairly useless...one of the "entranced" was telling the person whose page it was, to ignore me because "they" only accept published science and CDC statements...which is what I posted.Its not really possible to break the depth of the trance state of people like that..