Dear Readers: Please check the article for changes (to be announced in this message below);
- First change: Added two videos, one explaining HIV inserts in Sars-Cov2 and another of Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier confirming that HIV inserts were added to Sars-Cov2.
- Added Moritz finding that amount of spike protein after mRNA injections is about as much as during acute Covid.
- In the same section, I added a link that spike protein production in vaccinees lasts 60 days, as opposed to just a few days of a Covid infection
Ok I mentioned this just recently in my comment but your stating 60 days , from the cell study that was actually showing mrna . So here is the study that shows spike up yo 4 months . Please read it cause it’s seems more interesting then simply spike found in serum . Snd also note they only checked for 4 months ( and the 60 days was also only checked for 60 days)
I wrote this comment below, but I wanted to make sure that you attended to it, so I’m copying it here as a reply to you.
I’ve been having a discussion about this with another member of a Locals community to which I belong, and have repeatedly said to him that I don’t support the suggestion that the vaccines are causing a version of AIDS (which the term VAIDS seems to suggest) because we are not seeing the kinds of opportunistic infections and cancers that we see with AIDS (e.g. pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, Kaposi’s Sarcoma, candida esophagitis, etc.).
I do subscribe to the idea that vaccinated people are more susceptible to new SARS-CoV-2 variants due to original antigenic sin (OAS). The UK data showing the absence of N-protein antibodies in vaccine recipients who later contract COVID-19 show how OAS can interfere with the development of natural immunity, but this kind of immune incompetence is insufficient to make a case for something that resembles AIDS.
The presence of the gp120 protein, the evidence for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in monocytes and certain T-lymphocytes, the existence of HIV sequences in SARS-CoV-2 and your claim that SARS-CoV-2 infection results in the death of CD4 lymphocytes are all very alarming, but until we establish that vaccinated people are suffering from opportunistic infections, such as the ones that were used to make the diagnosis of AIDS in people infected with HIV, we should steer clear from a term like VAIDS.
Robert you don't know who this will pan out. In the 80s AIDS took years to develop and only manifest when the CD4 count dropped enough. We are seeing CD4 effects on people having had 3-4 doses of GP120-rich transfection therapies and its completely feasible that this is manifest through interference of DC-SIGN just as it was designed to do. I have seen lymphomas already and the next thing I expect to see is HPV-related disease spiking. If by 2025 we don't see a spike in HPV-related disease and CD4 counts are all healthy I'll accept it was a concern that didn't pan out, but there are still other concerns including p53 interference that are not directly tied to immune suppression. I think it is far too early to ditch the term.
My concern is to guard against making claims that our pro-vaccine colleagues will summarily dismiss as gross overstatement and harmful fear mongering. It doesn’t serve our purpose to make claims like “the COVID-19 vaccines cause AIDS” that can be handily dismissed by showing no increased incidence of pneumocystis pneumonia. We can agree to be ready to re-introduce the term if broad scale immune deficiency becomes apparent.
Dr. Cole does NOT equate AIDS with the vaccine effects, so don't expect exactly same pathology. But the damage to the immune system mechanisms is more than evident with these jabs. Can you respond specifically to these "misinformation" statements?
I object to calling it AIDS, specifically because I remember treating AIDS patients who had specific illnesses associated with the specific immune compromise resulting from lower CD4 cell counts. These infections were "opportunistic" in the sense that the possibility of suffering from these illnesses are ever-present, but they only show up as a result of sufficient immune compromise. The particular cancers that Dr. Cole is finding are not unusual in this same way that the illnesses we saw with AIDS were. They may be more aggressive tumors, but they aren't notably unusual tumors. If they were, this problem would have been noted by physicians who are not keen on seeing vaccine adverse events (let's call them "normie doctors" for lack of a better term).
Don't allow the "normie doctors" to dismiss these claims by throwing around the term AIDS, which is inextricably connected to HIV. VAIDS is not much better.
By the way, I'm listed as a co-author on the important early treatment study by Dr. Peter McCullough (author #7 here: so I'm not an adversary.
SO, what about CD4 T-cell deficiency and "reverse HIV", as Dr. Cole provocatively calls it? Or the effects of pseudourudinized mRNA on the innate immunity cell mechanisms?
Can you clarify your question? There may be an "acquired" "immune" "deficiency" "syndrome" that is "acquired" from the vaccines, but, for now, it seems to mostly subject people to SARS-CoV-2 omicron infections (due to original antigenic sin), and the resulting impact on the immune system MAY lead to increased expression of familiar cancers due to decreased immune surveillance, as Dr. Cole suggests. Please understand that, although the term "AIDS" literally stands for "acquired immune deficiency syndrome", it is MISLEADING to use that term for any "acquired immune deficiency syndrome". AIDS, as we know it, has a longstanding history and body of knowledge that is associated with the virus we now call HIV. Patients with AIDS develop "opportunistic" infections like, for example, a candida esophagitis (a case of Thrush extending from the mouth to the stomach) because candida hangs around in our bodies harmlessly, but the resulting impairment in immunity from an HIV infection can turn this benign colonizer into a major problem. When that kind of thing starts happening among vaccinated people, I will be among the first to call it AIDS or VAIDS.
Let's be clear about this. IF this were happening already, many "normie doctors" would have woken up. The kind of the impact on our immune systems that Dr. Cole and other like-minded physicians are seeing can still be ignored by "normie doctors" because it doesn't yet look like AIDS. What would make it look like AIDS is if the particular tumors or infections that were emerging were not the run-of-the-mill typical tumors or infections (even if they do seem more aggressive or occurring at greater frequency) but rather the kinds of opportunistic infections or tumors we saw with AIDS.
I am not insisting on using the term AIDS for the immune-inflicted vaccinees. But there are many ways in which they would be negatively affected, including cancers of all sorts down the road, no one says immediately. So, time will tell in a year or two, IF the relevant stats will be allowed to be collected and made public. BTW, what is your opinion of Kary Mullis’s denial that HIV is the cause of AIDS?
Igor, you are REQUIRED COVID reading. Amazing summary.
Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond did a deeeeeeeeeeeep dive on this connection, and dug up some old BBC documentary footage that is pretty revealing. Two hours and fifty four minutes and it is thorough!
Researchers University of Queensland, Aus. (unintentionally allegedly) were able to create antibodies to HIV by using a "clamp" to hold the spike protein using a "fragment of an HIV protein".
The upshot for this layperson? Is that these psychopaths are playing with fire.
IIRC from when I first read an article about it, it was a case of "we already know about this 'clamp' from previous study of HIV, and re-using it will allow us to develop the vaccine more quickly than trying to come up with something from scratch".
Absolutely Igor is required reading. And so kind, to ask for input. I wouldn't dare! I'm not smart,enough to ever respond with substance, but I do adore him for asking!
Yep, Ryan is quite incredible. He's a meticulous researcher and his videos run long but he documents everything. If you see it on The Last American Vagabond, you can be pretty damn sure it's the truth.
Great article Igor I really enjoy reading everything you post - thank you
I think overtime we will see the outcome of this through the people we know who have been jabbed. Like every illness / disease the terrain of a persons body / environment is the number one most important thing. Someone who is permanently stressed with poor sleep and diet ( gut health ) they are going to struggle with any bug or virus. Usually most will have 1-3 autoimmune issues.
From my experience of jabbed up friends I have some very unhealthy ones who now seem to have permanent coughs and colds. Then I have other jabbed up friends who are in better shape and seem fine.
However with time will this change ? this is the experiment all these crazy people have thrown themselves into.
I have pretty much stopped talking about it with anybody as the level of stupidity is off the scale.
The terrain of our body and environment is everything. Most people are still shovelling toxins into their body daily without realising it. Our food supplies and water are being destroyed by pesticides like glyphosate that is destroying our immune system.
It’s been like bashing my head against a brick wall trying to explain this to friends and family. Yet, as a society most look for the magic pill / jab which is magnifying the problem we’re consistently treating the symptom and not the cause.
It’s time to get as far off grid as possible and start our own smaller communities living inline with nature.
Great Chris, I think everything you have said is what it really comes down to. I too have given up trying to explain. Most of my friends too seem fine generally, or at least on the surface. What they don't understand is the potential for unlimited damage that they could be building up for the future. It's all very sad
I suspect there is a lot of minor damage that is not divulged. Nobody wants to admit they fucked themselves up.... a friend who is damaged tells me lots of people confide in him ... all sorts of issues but one that keeps coming up is lump under the arm... seems to indicate lymph issues
I am enjoying using my mask exemption and telling people I have myocarditis... you should see the shock on their faces when I say ya I got it when I got Pfizered hahahahaha
Be sure to tell everyone you know about how you know loads of damaged people.. then tell them you are worried about getting your booster - even if you have never had any shots
I have also speculated that many of my jabbed friends and family will be reluctant to divulge any nascent personal medical issues due to their unwillingness to believe that they could have possibly been harmed by these vaxxxes. Great insight my friend!
A significant number of my staff up in our Hong Kong office took days off after jab 1.... as they reported feeling quite ill... so ill that in fact some of them pre-booked days off in anticipation of jab 2.
I suspect they did not advertise this to their friends....
I wonder how they are feeling about jab 3 -- which is due soon... I have subtly tried to warn them off this garbage... to no avail...
Same here my friend. I believe that deep down they knew me to be worthy of their trust as I do not speak about serious matters lightly and without proper vetting. However, friends and family ignored all sound logic and reasoning. And for what? Their fear demanded conformity, even to a third jab for my 42 year old brother-in-law and sister with no co-morbidities. Truly astonishing what the media and government has done to normally rational people.
Well that would be a good idea. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people I talk to know my vax status as I have been quite vocal, but I'll see if I can get in into general Convo with unknowns
That's actually a useful strategy and speaks to the lack of validity given to those who have refused the shots despite all the reading they may have done to inform their position. Sad but that actually might be a more powerful approach. Too late for me as I shouted loudly to anyone I knew I wouldn't have them and listed all the reasons why at the time. So far no clear exposure to covid either and after reading these things I'm so glad of that! It's vindication for those of us who have been careful the whole way through.
So given this new snippet of information, despite not knowing full implications yet, my take is we need to avoid exposure as much as we can and treat aggressively if we do contract it. I'm reading several people saying they're irrigating with saline or iodine or hydrogen peroxide after every possible exposure and looking at this info, it looks like a sane and rational approach when transmission will be high and untested as economies drop restrictions.
All of this fits in nicely with that disparity of china's mitigation compared to the rest of the world ie zero covid approach, no mrna vaccines and traditional vaccine technology used.
Dr. Mercola interviewed a doctor that treats ILI's (Influenze Like Illnesses) with saline and hydrogen peroxide nebulized. The doc had been doing it for many years when COVID hit. He tried it on COVID patients, and it cleared up symptoms within hours. Only one of 400+ COVID patients was hospitalized, and the doc began treating that patient in the hospital. Patient was out in a few days.
I believe I read Japan's culture is to irrigate sinuses after exposure to large crowds like bars and concerts. Seem to recall that helped, although I don't remember the details. I"ve read so much the past two years, a lot of the details have blurred. But this is true 100%: natural immunity GOOD, gene therapy psuedo-vaccine BAD!
Will get the chance to test it out as today it has decided to visit our house
. For now I am negative but its only a matter of time as I'm constantly clearing up snotty tissues and getting sneezed on by little one. Currently using nebuliser but no real symptoms bar a headache so far. Family who are positive attest it is identical to a flu they both had 3 weeks ago and both tested negative at that time. Symptoms are bad headache, extremely high temperature, muscle aches, congested nose and phlegmy cough. For now I am the nurse! Good luck to everyone else dodging it.. We managed for 2 years but now the only option is to treat aggressively:)
I am 100% with you, and in agreement. Your last sentence is exactly what I have been telling others in my small (20,000 resident) rural North San Diego County, Commifornia town. I have small 14 acre ranch, we are off grid other than water, we will cont. to develop sustainability without the system, but because I am under severe tyrannical leadership (Gov. Newsom). I might be forced to leave the state I was born and raised, for the Dictator may round up my family "the unvaccinated" and put us in camps for all I know.
HIV is a passenger virus. It proliferates in people with low immune system. It does not cause AIDS. It was a diktat of NIAID, and all subsequent funded research necessarily had to uphold it.
Vaxxed people will test HIV positive due to either the hiv inserts in covid or an opportune growth due to a compromised immune system over time
Either way Fauci and his minions will have the hiv vaccine or a new age AZT to kill more people and blame it on HIV, which by itself doesn’t do anything sinister to the human body’s immune system .
Naturally immune people likely put the HIV virus in check or hidden away (like chicken pox until it re-emerges as shingles), and the serum concentration if any is too low to be detectable
Each dose of mRNA injection causes the body to create a similar amount of spike protein as someone with severe infection. So, take that multiplied by 2, 3 or 4 for many Israelis.
I don't have a link to this handy but I'm sure I read it on either Dr. Malone's Substack or Dr. Jessica Rose's. It's been in the last 3 weeks.
AIDS is not a disease, it's a syndrome. It's a collection of diseases that can occur in people who are HIV positive or HIV negative. The HIV theory fails Koch's first postulate (it actually fails all of them). is a good place to start. There are many books on the subject as well. Rebecca Culshaw's "Science Sold Out" and Peter Duesberg's "Inventing the AIDS virus" are good ones.
In early days, when 'asymptomatic' people (found by gay contact tracing) were put on the highly toxic AZT, it destroyed their immune systems, and then they would become ill with the opportunistic infections. Fauci even said that it could be "passed thru casual household contact". Mike Yeadon said asymptomatic infection is 'mythological'. Luc Montagnier said the virus- eventually isolated- was benign and did not cause disease. The disease of AIDS was caused by poisoning people with AZT and extreme medication regimens, and the fact that many were frequent users of street drugs, especially the toxic amyl nitrate 'poppers'. I once read a magazine story, cannot find it anywhere now, that said AIDS appeared nearly simultaneously on the east and west coast, in two specific gay communities, that had a free mens' clinic that were participating in testing a novel vax for hepatitis.
Thank you for sharing this information about HIV and Sars-Cov-2. Fascinating!. In 1982, a UCLA scientist and my father, named Ronald Billing discovered and patented a murine monoclonal antibody, ABX-CBL which binds to CD-147. We now know that HIV and Sars-Cov-2 binds to CD147. Humanized ABX-CBL is being used in COVID19 trials now.
The humanized monoclonal antibody to CD-147 was used for treatment of solid organ transplant rejection and GVHD in 2001 in a Phase 1/2 clinical trial at Fred Hutch in Seattle, WA in 2001. We know CD147 receptor is up regulated during an inflammatory response and is found on most cancer cells. It is a receptor for HIV. It is highly expressed on proliferating T lymphocytic helper cells. He believed the antibody work against HIV infection.
Abigenix humanized the murine monoclonal antibody CD147 for clinical trials. Shortly after, Abgenix was acquired by Amgen for $400 million. Amgen shelved the drug in 2005. The clinical trial was published in the journal Blood.
SARS-CoV-2 infection (and in my opinion the jab increases it too) makes your body produce high amounts of CypA which uses to bind to CD147, so another angle is down regulating CypA.
This is quite interesting, given the knowledge we have now about the CD 147 interceptor and the monocolonal antibodies that are now impossible to get. I wonder if Amgen shelved the drug or maybe sold it?
I’m looking into it. My guess is that they don’t know that they have it because the receptor has been renamed from CBL to CD 147 and they won’t puttwo and two together.
Very concerning topic, but you have done a great job at simplifying it for the layman.
What about the autoimmune related immune dysfunction, occurring at the lymph nodes after vaccination. My very basic understanding is that the cells that produce the innate immune systems components. Lymphocytes, become infected with mRNA, produce the spike and then the body attacks those cells also limiting the immune response afterwards. Although this may be only a temporary response as opposed to permanent.
I also wonder if the spike protein itself should be considered a mutagen or mutagenic toxin. And has varied EPIGENETIC effects on cells, depending of course the type of cells it encounters. Muscle cells, cells of the nervous system, lymphocytes and the lymphatic system etc etc. This becomes a bio distribution conundrum as it goes wherever it goes once it leaves the site of injection.
Hi, it is a good point but I wanted to touch only the topics relating HIV, Sars-Cov-2, and explain VAIDS. I do not want to discuss, say, autoimmune problems or myocarditis. But it is a very important issue and I agree.
I do not want to sway this excellent living article that Igor has produced for us, I agree we need to stick to the topics relating to HIV ect. But look at this new study that came out (I believe is has concerning limitations) it might interest you Conway Judge, the study aspirated from "draining lymph nodes" near injection sight.
I became aware of this study because of "B-Cell" claims that I am disputing in private email w/retired MD.
Anyway, just go to the end, read the "discussion and the limitations" for that is the most revealing because it proves the science isn't "settled" and the need for "vaccine improvements" are known. I agree w/you and Igor, the topic of autoimmune/immune dysfunction is very important indeed.
Thus mRNA covid vaccines protect those who respond to the vaccine with b cells and t cells for strains that are no longer in circulation but do not protect the vaccinated from strains too different from Alpha? The risks from frequent boosting do not outweigh the benefits.
I am not sure I agree with the study (I gave link too) conclusions at all. I posted it only because @ConwayJudge (comment above) mentioned Lymph nodes.
I believe the mRNA vaccines & DNA vax SHOULD NEVER BE USED ON HUMANS OR ANIMALS (for that matter), because I wholly disagree with ANY technology that invades our cells and instructs them to produce something they are not supposed to produce.
Certainly not pathogenic S-Protein designed from any strain of Virus. So, I agree kinda with your statement, other than I don't believe at this time, that ANY mRNA vaccine developed for ANY strain/mutation "benefits" outweigh the risks. LOL, I am thumbs down for all mRNA/DNA vaccine technology.
At this point I am one of those (I took early retirement from medical field) whom doesn't care how many studies "they" show that "may prove" efficacy, because the technology is a dangerous slippery slope.
I read there is a link with JJ and AstraZeneca causing a higher expression of CCR5 and that’s actually causing an increase of HIV. I know that’s not what you’re referring to in this article but bare with me. I’ve also read that CCR5 has a connection to increase in metastasis of cancer. I’d love if someone with a better grasp on this would give their opinion.
Del Bigtree covers it in latest edition of The Highwire. It’s based on research that showed this for AAV5 vectors, but postulated that might also apply to AAV26 (J&J I think) or the ChAD used by AZ
The Highwire discusses the CCR5 expression and increase in HIV susceptibility. They didn’t discuss the cancer link. My fear about it also increasing metastasis was a connection made because there are lots of medical papers that talk about CCR5 possibly playing a role in cancer. Here is one example:
Do you find it strange that they added HIV+ patients to the phase 2/3 trials for Pfizer? Pfizer didn't plan to, but then an old friend of Fauci's wrote a letter to Francis Collins demanding that HIV+ people be included. A week or so later, Pfizer agreed.
Everyone was a little crazy about getting a vaccine back then, so maybe it was simply keeping a constituent group happy. I don't think the letter appeared on its own, though.
Another weird thing, here is the statement of work the US Army made with Pfizer, in return for all the money they gave them:
In addition to not distributing any of the vaccine to China :), the only other public requirement was that it "prevent COVID-19", which it doesn't do.
But there is also more than a paragraph regarding what the Pfizer vaccine was supposed to do that is blacked out. I'd like to know what is in there. I'm just slightly paranoid when it comes to Fauci, government secrecy, vaccines and anything regarding HIV. They really, really want us to get those shots, and I don't believe in the intentional depopulation theories.
If you don't believe in depopulation theories, do you have a replacement theory to explain the intensity of the push for vaccine uptake? (I see how they blocked early treatment, terrain preparation and recognition of natural immunity. Since I don't believe this is just about money for Pharma, depopulation works for me.) Do you have any speculations as to what was redacted?
Many aspects of this "vaccination" campaign are hard to explain using benevolent motives.
I personally pray that the main driver of the story was greed and corruption, not drive for depopulation.
But yes, around June of 2021 I started doubting just they are pushing covid vax so hard on young people and Covid-recovered, and could not find a non-criminal explanation.
Personally, I doubt there is any singular reason. Certainly, it's not our health. I've thought for quite some time the virus was released or used as a frothing desire to real world play out event201 (
I think it went better than expected, the majority caved in fear, it became a great tool to further control and divide people, test the ability to deny health procedures and treatment based on jab status, etc. I imagine to them it's testing theory, situational responses, revisions, etc. To us it's a slow kill!
1. Every country on the planet is on board with the Injections. Even Sweden. When have all countries aligned on any issue? Never.
2. Not a single MSM outlet is interviewing any of the expert dissenters – Yeadon, Bridle, Montagnier, Bossche etc… and the mainstream social media platforms are blocking them.
According to Rystad, the current resource replacement ratio for conventional resources is only 16 percent. Only 1 barrel out of every 6 consumed is being replaced with new resources
THE PERFECT STORM : The economy is a surplus energy equation, not a monetary one, and growth in output (and in the global population) since the Industrial Revolution has resulted from the harnessing of ever-greater quantities of energy. But the critical relationship between energy production and the energy cost of extraction is now deteriorating so rapidly that the economy as we have known it for more than two centuries is beginning to unravel
“The global economy was facing the worst collapse since the second world war as coronavirus began to strike in March, well before the height of the crisis, according to the latest Brookings-FT tracking index. “The index comes as the IMF prepares to hold virtual spring meetings this week, when it will release forecasts showing the deepest contraction for the global economy since the 1930s great depression.
Oil Gluts – do NOT indicate we have found more oil. We just pumped what’s left too fast.
Summary In 2019 a second Perfect Storm was approaching – the central banks had been doing ‘whatever it takes’ for over a decade…. Essentially nothing was off the table --- throw the kitchen sink at pushing GFC2.0 into the future. In 2019 the guns were blazing but the beast was no longer held at bay…
What do you do when you are burning far more oil than you discover --- and your efforts to offset the impact of expensive to produce oil push you to the edge of the cliff? You can accept your fate and allow the beast to shove you into the abyss…. Or you can take the ‘nuclear option’ and shut down as much of the economy as possible, preserve remaining oil and pump in trillions of dollars of life support to keep the system feebly alive.
Punchline: The problem global leaders face is that if you unleash the nuclear option without some sort of cover, the sheeple and the markets would be thrown into a panic and you risk blowing things up prematurely. So you need a reason for putting the global economy on ice --- one that does not spook the masses – one that is big enough to justify such epic amounts of stimulus and extreme policies --- and one that allows you to explain ‘this is just temporary – once this is gone --- we will get back to normal’
A pandemic is the perfect cover.
End Game – Covid was foisted on us as cover for the response to peak oil (if we don’t slow the burn oil prices go through the roof and we collapse) but it is also being used to convince billions to be Injected. The Injection is meant to cause extremely deadly variants similar to Marek’s this .. only worse because we are deploying into a pandemic
“Mass infection prevention and mass vaccination with leaky Covid-19 vaccines in the midst of the pandemic can only breed highly infectious variants.”
French virologist and Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier called mass vaccination against the coronavirus during the pandemic “unthinkable” and a historical blunder that is “creating the variants” and leading to deaths from the disease.
The Vaccines and Boosters will Result in a Catastrophic Outcome - From a scientific viewpoint it is, therefore, difficult to understand how booster immunizations using vaccines which are not evolution-proof could prevent a highly mutable virus from escaping neutralizing anti-S Abs while driving the pandemic in a catastrophic direction, both in Israel and worldwide. How can the WHO stand by and watch as this additional experiment unfolds, soon to be followed by other countries?
The reason for this is that 8B people need cheap oil to live. They would starve without it. And 8B people without food would result in epic starvation, violence, rape and cannibalism. Industrial civilization ends soon after peak oil. Unfortunately we also have 4000 spent fuel ponds that will boil off and release toxic substances for centuries. These facilities cannot be controlled with computers and energy. So even the few remaining hunters and gatherer tribes will die as they consume these toxins in the food, air and water.
Money somewhat explains it, but not fully, unfortunately (I wish it was a greed-only story).
Covid was lab created. Covid vax was ready for it. The major player in health policy -- Bill Gates -- is a friend of Jeffrey Epstein and obsessed with depopulation.
These three facts point to something much more sinister than just a money making enterprise.
I keep my fingers crossed praying that this is just about corruption.
The phenomenon of disease mongering can explain that the vaccine might have been ready before the disease. Maybe Gates hates mankind and wants us all dead but I see nothing but dollar signs in Bourla's eyes. This looks a lot like the campaign to get Viagra into every American, male or female.
Shale binge has spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times.
Preface. Conventional crude oil production may have already peaked in 2008 at 69.5 million barrels per day (mb/d) according to Europe’s International Energy Agency (IEA 2018 p45). The U.S. Energy Information Agency shows global peak crude oil production at a later date in 2018 at 82.9 mb/d (EIA 2020) because they included tight oil, oil sands, and deep-sea oil. Though it will take several years of lower oil production to be sure the peak occurred. Regardless, world production has been on a plateau since 2005.
What’s saved the world from oil decline was unconventional tight “fracked” oil, which accounted for 63% of total U.S. crude oil production in 2019 and 83% of global oil growth from 2009 to 2019. So it’s a big deal if we’ve reached the peak of fracked oil, because that is also the peak of both conventional and unconventional oil and the decline of all oil in the future.
Besides the death shot. Starvation is coming. Nothing is being grown except rape seed and grass where I live. The food inventories are from last year. October I think panic will set in
Other redactions in the document covered over Pfizer's manufacturing speed/capacity, so perhaps some of it related to that and the building out an infrastructure for future mRNA products, but otherwise I don't know. Too much secrecy.
There is something about vaccines that make people fanatics and it seems like a general human failing of some sort. Maybe our innate fear of germs, plus a desire to purify people, and a desire to be on the right side of history. I know many people who push these shots, and like you said aren't getting money or any other benefit, but I've known them for years and they don't want to hurt people.
Covid-1984 has a World Bank five-year plan underlying it, so could there be any other reason but financial? Yet this is a complex project: Panopticon. Mark of the Beast, ultimately. Grab your Bible for details.
I believe a huge component of the vaccine push is purely demand for data. Data to prove mRNA is safe. The lack of efficacy of the vaccines can always be blamed on variants, but the safety data is crucial to the next, and far more profitable, round of mRNA vaccines. Alzheimer’s, breast cancer, etc
That’s what experimental researchers would call necessary collateral damage. The data is hiding the fact that the lot numbers represent different dosages, which is necessary during an experiment. mRNA is just getting started, many more will die during this data collection.
Why not consider the words of the genocidal psychopathic globalists themselves? Here's one -- Mylo Canderian, PhD -- Dr. Canderian is of the opinion that 95% of the world's population are "Useless Eaters" who need to be euthanized as quickly as possible. "Look at downtown Chicago, Baltimore, or Los Angeles," Dr Canderian has stated, "and you will clearly see why the Useless Eaters must be put down like rabid dogs."
Check out what he says about the ruling elite's "End of Cycle Formula" for the jabbed.
Igor, I will provide you a link to Peter Duesberg's book: "Inventing the AIDS Virus." You can download and read the book (PDF) for free.
Duesberg is a molecular biologist from UC Berkley & an amazingly honest and intelligent man. He and Kary Mullis are two prominent scientists on the record as saying HIV is a harmless passenger virus that does not cause AIDS. According to them, AIDS is a collection ("grab bag") of 30-some diseases that get relabeled as "AIDS" if the person with the disease tests positive to HIV antibodies. Mullis was a complete thorn in the side of the AIDS fraud operation because early on he had the audacity to ask for the paper that showed the linkage between HIV and AIDS. To this day, there is not a single PR paper showing how HIV can kill a T-Cell or cause the dysregulation of the immune system.
There are also a number of very good documentaries on the subject. I'm sure you don't want to invest 10 hours in watching all of these documentaries, but I'll provide the links to them. I have watched them all at least twice over the years, but I can't tell you which one is the best. I suggest you sample a few minutes of each and trust your instinct. I advise you at least take one in fully. There is a lot of overlap between them.
No investigation about SARS-CoV-2 & COVID is complete without understanding the claims about HIV & AIDS. My mind is always open, but I'm convinced AIDS is a scam, and perhaps our current "pandemic" shares many roots. Fauci played a very similar role back then with HIV, AIDS & AZT. He is the constant villain.
Documentary 1++: "House of Numbers" (This one is pretty good & from 2012 - highly recommended)
Video 5++: "Peter Duesberg "AIDS since 1984: No evidence for a new viral epidemic - not even in Africa" (From 2015 - Highly recommended to watch as it is a very recent presentation from Duesberg that combines what he has learned over 35 years.)
Video 7++: "Kary Mullis: Why I Began Questioning HIV" (I think this video may be bonus footage from the House of Numbers documentary. Highly recommended.)
I changed the wording of my introduction slightly saying that AIDS is "associated" with HIV. I do not want to bring two controversial theories into one article, especially if I am not familiar with one of them very well.
Here is what I fear is going on with our current situation:
1) We know HIV inserts are in the spike-protein & therefore the vax.
2) We suspect the virus (if a very large viral load occurs) and the injections (which appear to produce spike-protein for 60 days to perhaps a year) lead to dysregulated immune systems and increased disease.
3) Mass testing of HIV could now follow C19 testing. If the PCR test is primed for the HIV sequences inserted into the spike-protein, then we will get an epidemic of HIV positive test results. (But not real HIV infections).
4) The C19 injection injuries can then be pinned on a "new virulent variant of HIV" sweeping the globe.
We seem to have an indicator that my fear is rational.
Nature: "Highly virulent HIV variant found circulating in Europe" (published Feb 3, 2022)
When the medical system is an enemy of the patients, anything is possible. I do not think that HIV tests are tripped by covid or vaccines (except for that Australian vaccine story), but we need to keep a critical eye on the story.
Igor, I agree with your approach. You don't need to add too many battle fronts. The current issue is already controversial enough. But it would be good for you to take in the information provided by Duesberg, Mullis & others, and add it to your thought process.
If I understand Duesberg & Mullis, people who are said to have AIDS have certain diseases and then test positive for HIV antibodies. I don't think there is a single documented case of an active HIV infection, with high viral load, when AIDS is diagnosed. It is simply the presence of antibodies, which usually means the person has immunity. Mullis believed that most with HIV antibodies got them in the womb from the mother. Many who tested positive for HIV antibodies but had no symptoms of diseases grouped under AIDS, where put on AZT. Duesberg claims AZT (one of the most lethal drugs ever given to mankind) causes the symptoms of AIDS and subsequently kills people. This sounds very familiar with what is happening with the Spike-based shots, Remdesivir, vents, Midazolam, etc.
I do not know enough about it. But I know that AIDS proliferated in, say, Russia, among drug addicts and other troublesome categories, and they had no AZT and no Dr Fauci.
Dear Readers: Please check the article for changes (to be announced in this message below);
- First change: Added two videos, one explaining HIV inserts in Sars-Cov2 and another of Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier confirming that HIV inserts were added to Sars-Cov2.
- Added Moritz finding that amount of spike protein after mRNA injections is about as much as during acute Covid.
- In the same section, I added a link that spike protein production in vaccinees lasts 60 days, as opposed to just a few days of a Covid infection
Ok I mentioned this just recently in my comment but your stating 60 days , from the cell study that was actually showing mrna . So here is the study that shows spike up yo 4 months . Please read it cause it’s seems more interesting then simply spike found in serum . Snd also note they only checked for 4 months ( and the 60 days was also only checked for 60 days)
Great! I will re-edit
It lasts AT LEAST 4 months, Igor:
Here's the info load on S spikes and their production:
Great! I will re-edit
Here are some recent articles regarding HIV. I find it interesting that there seems this interest.
Prince Harry takes an HIV test:
More heterosexuals than gays now:
New highly virulent HIV strain:
Clinical phase 1 trials underway for Moderna's HIV mRNA vaccine:
Are these articles to fearmonger everyone to take a vaccine?
This was from 2020. There's a UK initiative to stamp out HIV transmission by 2030.
There is too much smoke here . . . .
They may be recent, but are they relevant?
I wrote this comment below, but I wanted to make sure that you attended to it, so I’m copying it here as a reply to you.
I’ve been having a discussion about this with another member of a Locals community to which I belong, and have repeatedly said to him that I don’t support the suggestion that the vaccines are causing a version of AIDS (which the term VAIDS seems to suggest) because we are not seeing the kinds of opportunistic infections and cancers that we see with AIDS (e.g. pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, Kaposi’s Sarcoma, candida esophagitis, etc.).
I do subscribe to the idea that vaccinated people are more susceptible to new SARS-CoV-2 variants due to original antigenic sin (OAS). The UK data showing the absence of N-protein antibodies in vaccine recipients who later contract COVID-19 show how OAS can interfere with the development of natural immunity, but this kind of immune incompetence is insufficient to make a case for something that resembles AIDS.
The presence of the gp120 protein, the evidence for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in monocytes and certain T-lymphocytes, the existence of HIV sequences in SARS-CoV-2 and your claim that SARS-CoV-2 infection results in the death of CD4 lymphocytes are all very alarming, but until we establish that vaccinated people are suffering from opportunistic infections, such as the ones that were used to make the diagnosis of AIDS in people infected with HIV, we should steer clear from a term like VAIDS.
I welcome your response to this.
Robert you don't know who this will pan out. In the 80s AIDS took years to develop and only manifest when the CD4 count dropped enough. We are seeing CD4 effects on people having had 3-4 doses of GP120-rich transfection therapies and its completely feasible that this is manifest through interference of DC-SIGN just as it was designed to do. I have seen lymphomas already and the next thing I expect to see is HPV-related disease spiking. If by 2025 we don't see a spike in HPV-related disease and CD4 counts are all healthy I'll accept it was a concern that didn't pan out, but there are still other concerns including p53 interference that are not directly tied to immune suppression. I think it is far too early to ditch the term.
My concern is to guard against making claims that our pro-vaccine colleagues will summarily dismiss as gross overstatement and harmful fear mongering. It doesn’t serve our purpose to make claims like “the COVID-19 vaccines cause AIDS” that can be handily dismissed by showing no increased incidence of pneumocystis pneumonia. We can agree to be ready to re-introduce the term if broad scale immune deficiency becomes apparent.
Amazing discussion here, it is 4 months after the article but I am glad I did not miss it.
Learned a lot from Robert and Arkmedic reading your comments!!!
Yes I don't have a problem with that. I prefer the term immunosuppression
Watch then this video of Del Bigtree's interview with Dr. Ryan Cole (from about min. 12:00)
Also read Dr. Ryan Cole calling the mRNA vaccine causing a quote-unquote "reverse HIV":
Dr. Cole does NOT equate AIDS with the vaccine effects, so don't expect exactly same pathology. But the damage to the immune system mechanisms is more than evident with these jabs. Can you respond specifically to these "misinformation" statements?
I can provide you with many more sources, or just go browse
and then object, in a substantiated manner, to any of the sources listed there, if you wish.
I object to calling it AIDS, specifically because I remember treating AIDS patients who had specific illnesses associated with the specific immune compromise resulting from lower CD4 cell counts. These infections were "opportunistic" in the sense that the possibility of suffering from these illnesses are ever-present, but they only show up as a result of sufficient immune compromise. The particular cancers that Dr. Cole is finding are not unusual in this same way that the illnesses we saw with AIDS were. They may be more aggressive tumors, but they aren't notably unusual tumors. If they were, this problem would have been noted by physicians who are not keen on seeing vaccine adverse events (let's call them "normie doctors" for lack of a better term).
Don't allow the "normie doctors" to dismiss these claims by throwing around the term AIDS, which is inextricably connected to HIV. VAIDS is not much better.
By the way, I'm listed as a co-author on the important early treatment study by Dr. Peter McCullough (author #7 here: so I'm not an adversary.
SO, what about CD4 T-cell deficiency and "reverse HIV", as Dr. Cole provocatively calls it? Or the effects of pseudourudinized mRNA on the innate immunity cell mechanisms?
Can you clarify your question? There may be an "acquired" "immune" "deficiency" "syndrome" that is "acquired" from the vaccines, but, for now, it seems to mostly subject people to SARS-CoV-2 omicron infections (due to original antigenic sin), and the resulting impact on the immune system MAY lead to increased expression of familiar cancers due to decreased immune surveillance, as Dr. Cole suggests. Please understand that, although the term "AIDS" literally stands for "acquired immune deficiency syndrome", it is MISLEADING to use that term for any "acquired immune deficiency syndrome". AIDS, as we know it, has a longstanding history and body of knowledge that is associated with the virus we now call HIV. Patients with AIDS develop "opportunistic" infections like, for example, a candida esophagitis (a case of Thrush extending from the mouth to the stomach) because candida hangs around in our bodies harmlessly, but the resulting impairment in immunity from an HIV infection can turn this benign colonizer into a major problem. When that kind of thing starts happening among vaccinated people, I will be among the first to call it AIDS or VAIDS.
Let's be clear about this. IF this were happening already, many "normie doctors" would have woken up. The kind of the impact on our immune systems that Dr. Cole and other like-minded physicians are seeing can still be ignored by "normie doctors" because it doesn't yet look like AIDS. What would make it look like AIDS is if the particular tumors or infections that were emerging were not the run-of-the-mill typical tumors or infections (even if they do seem more aggressive or occurring at greater frequency) but rather the kinds of opportunistic infections or tumors we saw with AIDS.
I am not insisting on using the term AIDS for the immune-inflicted vaccinees. But there are many ways in which they would be negatively affected, including cancers of all sorts down the road, no one says immediately. So, time will tell in a year or two, IF the relevant stats will be allowed to be collected and made public. BTW, what is your opinion of Kary Mullis’s denial that HIV is the cause of AIDS?
Candida is harmless?
Igor, you are REQUIRED COVID reading. Amazing summary.
Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond did a deeeeeeeeeeeep dive on this connection, and dug up some old BBC documentary footage that is pretty revealing. Two hours and fifty four minutes and it is thorough!
Researchers University of Queensland, Aus. (unintentionally allegedly) were able to create antibodies to HIV by using a "clamp" to hold the spike protein using a "fragment of an HIV protein".
The upshot for this layperson? Is that these psychopaths are playing with fire.
I agree on "playing with fire" totally, the fire is very involved as of now.
One cannot help but wonder if HIV AIDS was a dry run for what we are seeing now...
It surely was for Fauci and his AZT debauchery.
What was the reason for using an HIV protein fragment for the clamp?
IIRC from when I first read an article about it, it was a case of "we already know about this 'clamp' from previous study of HIV, and re-using it will allow us to develop the vaccine more quickly than trying to come up with something from scratch".
Absolutely Igor is required reading. And so kind, to ask for input. I wouldn't dare! I'm not smart,enough to ever respond with substance, but I do adore him for asking!
That guy has some great info. Very energetic fellow.
Yep, Ryan is quite incredible. He's a meticulous researcher and his videos run long but he documents everything. If you see it on The Last American Vagabond, you can be pretty damn sure it's the truth.
Amazing - I must share this. Thankyou.
Great article Igor I really enjoy reading everything you post - thank you
I think overtime we will see the outcome of this through the people we know who have been jabbed. Like every illness / disease the terrain of a persons body / environment is the number one most important thing. Someone who is permanently stressed with poor sleep and diet ( gut health ) they are going to struggle with any bug or virus. Usually most will have 1-3 autoimmune issues.
From my experience of jabbed up friends I have some very unhealthy ones who now seem to have permanent coughs and colds. Then I have other jabbed up friends who are in better shape and seem fine.
However with time will this change ? this is the experiment all these crazy people have thrown themselves into.
I have pretty much stopped talking about it with anybody as the level of stupidity is off the scale.
The terrain of our body and environment is everything. Most people are still shovelling toxins into their body daily without realising it. Our food supplies and water are being destroyed by pesticides like glyphosate that is destroying our immune system.
It’s been like bashing my head against a brick wall trying to explain this to friends and family. Yet, as a society most look for the magic pill / jab which is magnifying the problem we’re consistently treating the symptom and not the cause.
It’s time to get as far off grid as possible and start our own smaller communities living inline with nature.
Great Chris, I think everything you have said is what it really comes down to. I too have given up trying to explain. Most of my friends too seem fine generally, or at least on the surface. What they don't understand is the potential for unlimited damage that they could be building up for the future. It's all very sad
I suspect there is a lot of minor damage that is not divulged. Nobody wants to admit they fucked themselves up.... a friend who is damaged tells me lots of people confide in him ... all sorts of issues but one that keeps coming up is lump under the arm... seems to indicate lymph issues
I am enjoying using my mask exemption and telling people I have myocarditis... you should see the shock on their faces when I say ya I got it when I got Pfizered hahahahaha
Be sure to tell everyone you know about how you know loads of damaged people.. then tell them you are worried about getting your booster - even if you have never had any shots
That is powerful
I have also speculated that many of my jabbed friends and family will be reluctant to divulge any nascent personal medical issues due to their unwillingness to believe that they could have possibly been harmed by these vaxxxes. Great insight my friend!
A significant number of my staff up in our Hong Kong office took days off after jab 1.... as they reported feeling quite ill... so ill that in fact some of them pre-booked days off in anticipation of jab 2.
I suspect they did not advertise this to their friends....
I wonder how they are feeling about jab 3 -- which is due soon... I have subtly tried to warn them off this garbage... to no avail...
Same here my friend. I believe that deep down they knew me to be worthy of their trust as I do not speak about serious matters lightly and without proper vetting. However, friends and family ignored all sound logic and reasoning. And for what? Their fear demanded conformity, even to a third jab for my 42 year old brother-in-law and sister with no co-morbidities. Truly astonishing what the media and government has done to normally rational people.
Well that would be a good idea. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people I talk to know my vax status as I have been quite vocal, but I'll see if I can get in into general Convo with unknowns
Same here... Maybe I'll mention relatives in that position instead.
That's actually a useful strategy and speaks to the lack of validity given to those who have refused the shots despite all the reading they may have done to inform their position. Sad but that actually might be a more powerful approach. Too late for me as I shouted loudly to anyone I knew I wouldn't have them and listed all the reasons why at the time. So far no clear exposure to covid either and after reading these things I'm so glad of that! It's vindication for those of us who have been careful the whole way through.
So given this new snippet of information, despite not knowing full implications yet, my take is we need to avoid exposure as much as we can and treat aggressively if we do contract it. I'm reading several people saying they're irrigating with saline or iodine or hydrogen peroxide after every possible exposure and looking at this info, it looks like a sane and rational approach when transmission will be high and untested as economies drop restrictions.
All of this fits in nicely with that disparity of china's mitigation compared to the rest of the world ie zero covid approach, no mrna vaccines and traditional vaccine technology used.
Dr. Mercola interviewed a doctor that treats ILI's (Influenze Like Illnesses) with saline and hydrogen peroxide nebulized. The doc had been doing it for many years when COVID hit. He tried it on COVID patients, and it cleared up symptoms within hours. Only one of 400+ COVID patients was hospitalized, and the doc began treating that patient in the hospital. Patient was out in a few days.
I believe I read Japan's culture is to irrigate sinuses after exposure to large crowds like bars and concerts. Seem to recall that helped, although I don't remember the details. I"ve read so much the past two years, a lot of the details have blurred. But this is true 100%: natural immunity GOOD, gene therapy psuedo-vaccine BAD!
Will get the chance to test it out as today it has decided to visit our house
. For now I am negative but its only a matter of time as I'm constantly clearing up snotty tissues and getting sneezed on by little one. Currently using nebuliser but no real symptoms bar a headache so far. Family who are positive attest it is identical to a flu they both had 3 weeks ago and both tested negative at that time. Symptoms are bad headache, extremely high temperature, muscle aches, congested nose and phlegmy cough. For now I am the nurse! Good luck to everyone else dodging it.. We managed for 2 years but now the only option is to treat aggressively:)
I am 100% with you, and in agreement. Your last sentence is exactly what I have been telling others in my small (20,000 resident) rural North San Diego County, Commifornia town. I have small 14 acre ranch, we are off grid other than water, we will cont. to develop sustainability without the system, but because I am under severe tyrannical leadership (Gov. Newsom). I might be forced to leave the state I was born and raised, for the Dictator may round up my family "the unvaccinated" and put us in camps for all I know.
Yes!! 🙌🏻
HIV is a passenger virus. It proliferates in people with low immune system. It does not cause AIDS. It was a diktat of NIAID, and all subsequent funded research necessarily had to uphold it.
Vaxxed people will test HIV positive due to either the hiv inserts in covid or an opportune growth due to a compromised immune system over time
Either way Fauci and his minions will have the hiv vaccine or a new age AZT to kill more people and blame it on HIV, which by itself doesn’t do anything sinister to the human body’s immune system .
Rinse and repeat
Why won't the naturally immune test positive as well?
Maybe we do.
Naturally immune people likely put the HIV virus in check or hidden away (like chicken pox until it re-emerges as shingles), and the serum concentration if any is too low to be detectable
I've never heard of any naturally immune being specifically tested for HIV. No news at least.
Each dose of mRNA injection causes the body to create a similar amount of spike protein as someone with severe infection. So, take that multiplied by 2, 3 or 4 for many Israelis.
I don't have a link to this handy but I'm sure I read it on either Dr. Malone's Substack or Dr. Jessica Rose's. It's been in the last 3 weeks.
So what causes AIDS?
AIDS is not a disease, it's a syndrome. It's a collection of diseases that can occur in people who are HIV positive or HIV negative. The HIV theory fails Koch's first postulate (it actually fails all of them). is a good place to start. There are many books on the subject as well. Rebecca Culshaw's "Science Sold Out" and Peter Duesberg's "Inventing the AIDS virus" are good ones.
In early days, when 'asymptomatic' people (found by gay contact tracing) were put on the highly toxic AZT, it destroyed their immune systems, and then they would become ill with the opportunistic infections. Fauci even said that it could be "passed thru casual household contact". Mike Yeadon said asymptomatic infection is 'mythological'. Luc Montagnier said the virus- eventually isolated- was benign and did not cause disease. The disease of AIDS was caused by poisoning people with AZT and extreme medication regimens, and the fact that many were frequent users of street drugs, especially the toxic amyl nitrate 'poppers'. I once read a magazine story, cannot find it anywhere now, that said AIDS appeared nearly simultaneously on the east and west coast, in two specific gay communities, that had a free mens' clinic that were participating in testing a novel vax for hepatitis.
Thank you for sharing this information about HIV and Sars-Cov-2. Fascinating!. In 1982, a UCLA scientist and my father, named Ronald Billing discovered and patented a murine monoclonal antibody, ABX-CBL which binds to CD-147. We now know that HIV and Sars-Cov-2 binds to CD147. Humanized ABX-CBL is being used in COVID19 trials now.
The humanized monoclonal antibody to CD-147 was used for treatment of solid organ transplant rejection and GVHD in 2001 in a Phase 1/2 clinical trial at Fred Hutch in Seattle, WA in 2001. We know CD147 receptor is up regulated during an inflammatory response and is found on most cancer cells. It is a receptor for HIV. It is highly expressed on proliferating T lymphocytic helper cells. He believed the antibody work against HIV infection.
Abigenix humanized the murine monoclonal antibody CD147 for clinical trials. Shortly after, Abgenix was acquired by Amgen for $400 million. Amgen shelved the drug in 2005. The clinical trial was published in the journal Blood.
SARS-CoV-2 infection (and in my opinion the jab increases it too) makes your body produce high amounts of CypA which uses to bind to CD147, so another angle is down regulating CypA.
This is quite interesting, given the knowledge we have now about the CD 147 interceptor and the monocolonal antibodies that are now impossible to get. I wonder if Amgen shelved the drug or maybe sold it?
I’m looking into it. My guess is that they don’t know that they have it because the receptor has been renamed from CBL to CD 147 and they won’t puttwo and two together.
Very concerning topic, but you have done a great job at simplifying it for the layman.
What about the autoimmune related immune dysfunction, occurring at the lymph nodes after vaccination. My very basic understanding is that the cells that produce the innate immune systems components. Lymphocytes, become infected with mRNA, produce the spike and then the body attacks those cells also limiting the immune response afterwards. Although this may be only a temporary response as opposed to permanent.
I also wonder if the spike protein itself should be considered a mutagen or mutagenic toxin. And has varied EPIGENETIC effects on cells, depending of course the type of cells it encounters. Muscle cells, cells of the nervous system, lymphocytes and the lymphatic system etc etc. This becomes a bio distribution conundrum as it goes wherever it goes once it leaves the site of injection.
Hi, it is a good point but I wanted to touch only the topics relating HIV, Sars-Cov-2, and explain VAIDS. I do not want to discuss, say, autoimmune problems or myocarditis. But it is a very important issue and I agree.
I expect the lymph node issue is not temporary. DOD whistleblower data show a 6x increase in lymphoma. Six months after his 2nd Pfizer my husband has developed a large lymph node tumor on his vaccination side. Also have found this interesting case study...
I do not want to sway this excellent living article that Igor has produced for us, I agree we need to stick to the topics relating to HIV ect. But look at this new study that came out (I believe is has concerning limitations) it might interest you Conway Judge, the study aspirated from "draining lymph nodes" near injection sight.
I became aware of this study because of "B-Cell" claims that I am disputing in private email w/retired MD.
Anyway, just go to the end, read the "discussion and the limitations" for that is the most revealing because it proves the science isn't "settled" and the need for "vaccine improvements" are known. I agree w/you and Igor, the topic of autoimmune/immune dysfunction is very important indeed.
Thus mRNA covid vaccines protect those who respond to the vaccine with b cells and t cells for strains that are no longer in circulation but do not protect the vaccinated from strains too different from Alpha? The risks from frequent boosting do not outweigh the benefits.
I am not sure I agree with the study (I gave link too) conclusions at all. I posted it only because @ConwayJudge (comment above) mentioned Lymph nodes.
I believe the mRNA vaccines & DNA vax SHOULD NEVER BE USED ON HUMANS OR ANIMALS (for that matter), because I wholly disagree with ANY technology that invades our cells and instructs them to produce something they are not supposed to produce.
Certainly not pathogenic S-Protein designed from any strain of Virus. So, I agree kinda with your statement, other than I don't believe at this time, that ANY mRNA vaccine developed for ANY strain/mutation "benefits" outweigh the risks. LOL, I am thumbs down for all mRNA/DNA vaccine technology.
At this point I am one of those (I took early retirement from medical field) whom doesn't care how many studies "they" show that "may prove" efficacy, because the technology is a dangerous slippery slope.
"If you want me to write a summary of why I believe that Sars-Cov-2 is a lab virus, I will be glad to do so. "
I would be very grateful for such information.
I read there is a link with JJ and AstraZeneca causing a higher expression of CCR5 and that’s actually causing an increase of HIV. I know that’s not what you’re referring to in this article but bare with me. I’ve also read that CCR5 has a connection to increase in metastasis of cancer. I’d love if someone with a better grasp on this would give their opinion.
Donna, thanks, this sounds interesting, do you have a link that I can read? Thanks
Del Bigtree covers it in latest edition of The Highwire. It’s based on research that showed this for AAV5 vectors, but postulated that might also apply to AAV26 (J&J I think) or the ChAD used by AZ
The Highwire discusses the CCR5 expression and increase in HIV susceptibility. They didn’t discuss the cancer link. My fear about it also increasing metastasis was a connection made because there are lots of medical papers that talk about CCR5 possibly playing a role in cancer. Here is one example:
Do you find it strange that they added HIV+ patients to the phase 2/3 trials for Pfizer? Pfizer didn't plan to, but then an old friend of Fauci's wrote a letter to Francis Collins demanding that HIV+ people be included. A week or so later, Pfizer agreed.
Picture of Fauci and the activist:
The letter to Collins:
Everyone was a little crazy about getting a vaccine back then, so maybe it was simply keeping a constituent group happy. I don't think the letter appeared on its own, though.
Another weird thing, here is the statement of work the US Army made with Pfizer, in return for all the money they gave them:
In addition to not distributing any of the vaccine to China :), the only other public requirement was that it "prevent COVID-19", which it doesn't do.
But there is also more than a paragraph regarding what the Pfizer vaccine was supposed to do that is blacked out. I'd like to know what is in there. I'm just slightly paranoid when it comes to Fauci, government secrecy, vaccines and anything regarding HIV. They really, really want us to get those shots, and I don't believe in the intentional depopulation theories.
If you don't believe in depopulation theories, do you have a replacement theory to explain the intensity of the push for vaccine uptake? (I see how they blocked early treatment, terrain preparation and recognition of natural immunity. Since I don't believe this is just about money for Pharma, depopulation works for me.) Do you have any speculations as to what was redacted?
Many aspects of this "vaccination" campaign are hard to explain using benevolent motives.
I personally pray that the main driver of the story was greed and corruption, not drive for depopulation.
But yes, around June of 2021 I started doubting just they are pushing covid vax so hard on young people and Covid-recovered, and could not find a non-criminal explanation.
That is very re-assuring Igor. I have hated being the only one in my circle who thinks it goes beyond $$$.
Perhaps just another tool in the toolbox:
Personally, I doubt there is any singular reason. Certainly, it's not our health. I've thought for quite some time the virus was released or used as a frothing desire to real world play out event201 (
I think it went better than expected, the majority caved in fear, it became a great tool to further control and divide people, test the ability to deny health procedures and treatment based on jab status, etc. I imagine to them it's testing theory, situational responses, revisions, etc. To us it's a slow kill!
Depop 100%. The financial system is to be reset, it ain’t about greed. CEP
1. Every country on the planet is on board with the Injections. Even Sweden. When have all countries aligned on any issue? Never.
2. Not a single MSM outlet is interviewing any of the expert dissenters – Yeadon, Bridle, Montagnier, Bossche etc… and the mainstream social media platforms are blocking them.
Conventional Oil peaked in 2005
Shale in 2018.
According to Rystad, the current resource replacement ratio for conventional resources is only 16 percent. Only 1 barrel out of every 6 consumed is being replaced with new resources
Shale binge has spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times.
Shale boss says US has passed peak oil | Financial Times
THE PERFECT STORM : The economy is a surplus energy equation, not a monetary one, and growth in output (and in the global population) since the Industrial Revolution has resulted from the harnessing of ever-greater quantities of energy. But the critical relationship between energy production and the energy cost of extraction is now deteriorating so rapidly that the economy as we have known it for more than two centuries is beginning to unravel
Our fossil fuel energy predicament, including why the correct story is rarely told
“The global economy was facing the worst collapse since the second world war as coronavirus began to strike in March, well before the height of the crisis, according to the latest Brookings-FT tracking index. “The index comes as the IMF prepares to hold virtual spring meetings this week, when it will release forecasts showing the deepest contraction for the global economy since the 1930s great depression.
Collapse Imminent:
The Illusion of Stability, the Inevitability of Collapse
Fed is sharply increasing the amount of help it is providing to the financial system Banks did not trust each other - similar situation when Lehman collapsed
Oil Gluts – do NOT indicate we have found more oil. We just pumped what’s left too fast.
Summary In 2019 a second Perfect Storm was approaching – the central banks had been doing ‘whatever it takes’ for over a decade…. Essentially nothing was off the table --- throw the kitchen sink at pushing GFC2.0 into the future. In 2019 the guns were blazing but the beast was no longer held at bay…
What do you do when you are burning far more oil than you discover --- and your efforts to offset the impact of expensive to produce oil push you to the edge of the cliff? You can accept your fate and allow the beast to shove you into the abyss…. Or you can take the ‘nuclear option’ and shut down as much of the economy as possible, preserve remaining oil and pump in trillions of dollars of life support to keep the system feebly alive.
Punchline: The problem global leaders face is that if you unleash the nuclear option without some sort of cover, the sheeple and the markets would be thrown into a panic and you risk blowing things up prematurely. So you need a reason for putting the global economy on ice --- one that does not spook the masses – one that is big enough to justify such epic amounts of stimulus and extreme policies --- and one that allows you to explain ‘this is just temporary – once this is gone --- we will get back to normal’
A pandemic is the perfect cover.
End Game – Covid was foisted on us as cover for the response to peak oil (if we don’t slow the burn oil prices go through the roof and we collapse) but it is also being used to convince billions to be Injected. The Injection is meant to cause extremely deadly variants similar to Marek’s this .. only worse because we are deploying into a pandemic
“Mass infection prevention and mass vaccination with leaky Covid-19 vaccines in the midst of the pandemic can only breed highly infectious variants.”
French virologist and Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier called mass vaccination against the coronavirus during the pandemic “unthinkable” and a historical blunder that is “creating the variants” and leading to deaths from the disease.
The Vaccines and Boosters will Result in a Catastrophic Outcome - From a scientific viewpoint it is, therefore, difficult to understand how booster immunizations using vaccines which are not evolution-proof could prevent a highly mutable virus from escaping neutralizing anti-S Abs while driving the pandemic in a catastrophic direction, both in Israel and worldwide. How can the WHO stand by and watch as this additional experiment unfolds, soon to be followed by other countries?
The reason for this is that 8B people need cheap oil to live. They would starve without it. And 8B people without food would result in epic starvation, violence, rape and cannibalism. Industrial civilization ends soon after peak oil. Unfortunately we also have 4000 spent fuel ponds that will boil off and release toxic substances for centuries. These facilities cannot be controlled with computers and energy. So even the few remaining hunters and gatherer tribes will die as they consume these toxins in the food, air and water.
The PTB understand all of this and that is WHY every leader is on board with the Injections. There is NO way out of this --- so they have decided to mitigate the suffering as much as possible by putting us down and here is the mechanism
You might be interested in the 2013 book _KILLING US SOFTLY: Causes and Consequences of the Global Depopulation Policy_ by Kevin Mugur Galalae --
Link not working for me??
My word, links are being censored right and left these days! Thanks for letting me know. Here's another PDF of the book --
100% agree
I forgot about this theory, compassionate extenction because of Peak oil. Thanks for the reminder.
I think money explains it adequately. Occam's razor.
Money somewhat explains it, but not fully, unfortunately (I wish it was a greed-only story).
Covid was lab created. Covid vax was ready for it. The major player in health policy -- Bill Gates -- is a friend of Jeffrey Epstein and obsessed with depopulation.
These three facts point to something much more sinister than just a money making enterprise.
I keep my fingers crossed praying that this is just about corruption.
The phenomenon of disease mongering can explain that the vaccine might have been ready before the disease. Maybe Gates hates mankind and wants us all dead but I see nothing but dollar signs in Bourla's eyes. This looks a lot like the campaign to get Viagra into every American, male or female.
Or maybe this extinction was planned decades ago to arrive just as oil passed peak and civilization was about to collapse
Here's support for all this really being about control rather than money:
Obviously it's not about money - why would Putin and Xi wreck their countries so Big Pharma can profit.
The notion that this is about money is completely ridiculous
The money made of this is peanuts compared to the trillions that have been burned.
You think that owners of assets that have been destroyed including the tourism industry would just stand back and accept this?
Pensions are gone. They are reshaping humanity. Not for our benefit of course. Austin Fitz estimates 21 trillion stolen
Shale binge has spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times.
Preface. Conventional crude oil production may have already peaked in 2008 at 69.5 million barrels per day (mb/d) according to Europe’s International Energy Agency (IEA 2018 p45). The U.S. Energy Information Agency shows global peak crude oil production at a later date in 2018 at 82.9 mb/d (EIA 2020) because they included tight oil, oil sands, and deep-sea oil. Though it will take several years of lower oil production to be sure the peak occurred. Regardless, world production has been on a plateau since 2005.
What’s saved the world from oil decline was unconventional tight “fracked” oil, which accounted for 63% of total U.S. crude oil production in 2019 and 83% of global oil growth from 2009 to 2019. So it’s a big deal if we’ve reached the peak of fracked oil, because that is also the peak of both conventional and unconventional oil and the decline of all oil in the future.
Some key points from this Financial Times article:
Shale boss says US has passed peak oil | Financial Times
Besides the death shot. Starvation is coming. Nothing is being grown except rape seed and grass where I live. The food inventories are from last year. October I think panic will set in
Other redactions in the document covered over Pfizer's manufacturing speed/capacity, so perhaps some of it related to that and the building out an infrastructure for future mRNA products, but otherwise I don't know. Too much secrecy.
There is something about vaccines that make people fanatics and it seems like a general human failing of some sort. Maybe our innate fear of germs, plus a desire to purify people, and a desire to be on the right side of history. I know many people who push these shots, and like you said aren't getting money or any other benefit, but I've known them for years and they don't want to hurt people.
Maybe it's about making all media into propaganda, digital health passes, and a social credit system. Total social control.
They already have total social control - look at how easy it is to make people poison themselves using simple PR
Covid-1984 has a World Bank five-year plan underlying it, so could there be any other reason but financial? Yet this is a complex project: Panopticon. Mark of the Beast, ultimately. Grab your Bible for details.
Technicalities well described in French.
I believe a huge component of the vaccine push is purely demand for data. Data to prove mRNA is safe. The lack of efficacy of the vaccines can always be blamed on variants, but the safety data is crucial to the next, and far more profitable, round of mRNA vaccines. Alzheimer’s, breast cancer, etc
That’s why they with held data at every turn. That’s why science was censored. Sorry don’t agree. Hundreds of thousands have died or been harmed
That’s what experimental researchers would call necessary collateral damage. The data is hiding the fact that the lot numbers represent different dosages, which is necessary during an experiment. mRNA is just getting started, many more will die during this data collection.
Why not consider the words of the genocidal psychopathic globalists themselves? Here's one -- Mylo Canderian, PhD -- Dr. Canderian is of the opinion that 95% of the world's population are "Useless Eaters" who need to be euthanized as quickly as possible. "Look at downtown Chicago, Baltimore, or Los Angeles," Dr Canderian has stated, "and you will clearly see why the Useless Eaters must be put down like rabid dogs."
Check out what he says about the ruling elite's "End of Cycle Formula" for the jabbed.
"How Long Do the Vaccinated Have to Live?"
There are some MDs that dispute that HIV causes AIDS.
I would love to read something cogent about it.
Igor, I will provide you a link to Peter Duesberg's book: "Inventing the AIDS Virus." You can download and read the book (PDF) for free.
Duesberg is a molecular biologist from UC Berkley & an amazingly honest and intelligent man. He and Kary Mullis are two prominent scientists on the record as saying HIV is a harmless passenger virus that does not cause AIDS. According to them, AIDS is a collection ("grab bag") of 30-some diseases that get relabeled as "AIDS" if the person with the disease tests positive to HIV antibodies. Mullis was a complete thorn in the side of the AIDS fraud operation because early on he had the audacity to ask for the paper that showed the linkage between HIV and AIDS. To this day, there is not a single PR paper showing how HIV can kill a T-Cell or cause the dysregulation of the immune system.
This is the link to Duesberg's book:
There are also a number of very good documentaries on the subject. I'm sure you don't want to invest 10 hours in watching all of these documentaries, but I'll provide the links to them. I have watched them all at least twice over the years, but I can't tell you which one is the best. I suggest you sample a few minutes of each and trust your instinct. I advise you at least take one in fully. There is a lot of overlap between them.
No investigation about SARS-CoV-2 & COVID is complete without understanding the claims about HIV & AIDS. My mind is always open, but I'm convinced AIDS is a scam, and perhaps our current "pandemic" shares many roots. Fauci played a very similar role back then with HIV, AIDS & AZT. He is the constant villain.
Documentary 1++: "House of Numbers" (This one is pretty good & from 2012 - highly recommended)
Documentary 2: "HIV=AIDS: Fact or Fraud?" A Stephen Allen film
Documentary 3: "AIDS Inc." by Gary Null (2007)
Documentary 4: "The Greatest Medical Fraud in History - The Pain, Profit and Politics of AIDS"
Video 5++: "Peter Duesberg "AIDS since 1984: No evidence for a new viral epidemic - not even in Africa" (From 2015 - Highly recommended to watch as it is a very recent presentation from Duesberg that combines what he has learned over 35 years.)
Video 6+: "Dr Robert Willner Injects "HIV" into himself on TV" (Must watch from 1994)
Video 7++: "Kary Mullis: Why I Began Questioning HIV" (I think this video may be bonus footage from the House of Numbers documentary. Highly recommended.)
I may have more to say later. I hope this is helpful.
I changed the wording of my introduction slightly saying that AIDS is "associated" with HIV. I do not want to bring two controversial theories into one article, especially if I am not familiar with one of them very well.
Here is what I fear is going on with our current situation:
1) We know HIV inserts are in the spike-protein & therefore the vax.
2) We suspect the virus (if a very large viral load occurs) and the injections (which appear to produce spike-protein for 60 days to perhaps a year) lead to dysregulated immune systems and increased disease.
3) Mass testing of HIV could now follow C19 testing. If the PCR test is primed for the HIV sequences inserted into the spike-protein, then we will get an epidemic of HIV positive test results. (But not real HIV infections).
4) The C19 injection injuries can then be pinned on a "new virulent variant of HIV" sweeping the globe.
We seem to have an indicator that my fear is rational.
Nature: "Highly virulent HIV variant found circulating in Europe" (published Feb 3, 2022)
When the medical system is an enemy of the patients, anything is possible. I do not think that HIV tests are tripped by covid or vaccines (except for that Australian vaccine story), but we need to keep a critical eye on the story.
I am hoping some form of AIDS is the outcome. I have my gun loaded with I Told You So bullets
Thanks for engaging with us in an open and rational manner Igor.
A rare trait in people these days!
Igor, I agree with your approach. You don't need to add too many battle fronts. The current issue is already controversial enough. But it would be good for you to take in the information provided by Duesberg, Mullis & others, and add it to your thought process.
If I understand Duesberg & Mullis, people who are said to have AIDS have certain diseases and then test positive for HIV antibodies. I don't think there is a single documented case of an active HIV infection, with high viral load, when AIDS is diagnosed. It is simply the presence of antibodies, which usually means the person has immunity. Mullis believed that most with HIV antibodies got them in the womb from the mother. Many who tested positive for HIV antibodies but had no symptoms of diseases grouped under AIDS, where put on AZT. Duesberg claims AZT (one of the most lethal drugs ever given to mankind) causes the symptoms of AIDS and subsequently kills people. This sounds very familiar with what is happening with the Spike-based shots, Remdesivir, vents, Midazolam, etc.
I do not know enough about it. But I know that AIDS proliferated in, say, Russia, among drug addicts and other troublesome categories, and they had no AZT and no Dr Fauci.