I am very curious about the breastfeeding implications. My wife was vaxed while breast feeding my then 7 month old. He has exhibited speech and developmental delays and I wonder if it was the vax through the breastfeeding that damaged him. None of my other children experienced these delays.
Personally, if it were me, I would be concerned about all the other massive number of vaccines they give kids these days. Even greater concern is the ones with thimerosol.
I am sorry to hear of your concerns, and will pray for you right now that you have wisdom and guidance
Our grandson is not C0VID vaxxed, but has major speech delays; he is 5 years old, and really only babbles. My husband and I suspect mild autism due to a vaxx injury, but his parents are in denial. Sad.
Besides being LNP encapsulated,, are there any other ingredients found in the respective mRNA "vaccines" that help them to get through the blood barriers?
We saw this early on in the VAERS reports for infants back when only adults were being jabbed so it is no surprise they were able to test for and find the mechanism of shed. The surprise for me is that they bothered to look. Thanks for continuing to shine light on this. I don't know if you are familiar with (The Naughty Dog )Coquin de Chien sub stacker. He's been going through the Massachusetts vital records and has both a law suit he just filed and a book with the data that is expected out shortly. Here are two related posts on data he found: https://substack.com/notes/post/p-137364701 and https://coquindechien.substack.com/p/its-all-about-the-blood-which-flows. Hope you boost his signal, especially during this fall push to jab again.
I disagree with the use of the word "Shedding," If the spike protein is taken up by the cells in the manner it was designed using the nano particles, it makes sense it would turn up in the breast milk of vaccinated mothers and infect the unvaccinated child. I use the word infect because that is exactly what is happening, its not "Shedding". This is why I don't sleep or get physical with "Vaccinated" because if its in the cells it will be in all bodily fluids. So it will transmit just like a cold or flu. My understanding was prior to Covid Gates and others were talking up a "Transmissible Vaccine" that once given to a human would spread in the same manner as the disease supposedly immunising the unvaccinated. That begs the question, when you go for a blood test, are they testing on the quiet for evidence of the spike protein in the unvaccinated patients blood.
"In the last fiscal year, Northwestern Medicine Delnor Hospital in Geneva, Ill., saw a 10% increase in the total number of sepsis patients. There also was a 33% increase in patients who arrived with severe sepsis, signaling the need for effective and timely sepsis treatment, Dr. Steven Coker Jr. said."
Since sepsis is often connected to a messed up immune system, i'd expect more, but can't find the stats.
This might be something for someone to look into...
Well, you got a hand it to them at least they figured out a way to get the bioweapon into newborns. It saves the agony of having a pediatrician, trying to ram it in the babies ass discussions
I think this may finally put paid to the needle-aspiration theory. Like, it had been widely speculated that the worse side effects were possibly the result of failing to aspirate the needle when administering shots. Meaning it stayed in the arm for most people, but sometimes hit a blood vessel and then-- and *only* then-- did it get loose in the rest of the body, and *that's* when you'd see myocarditis and stuff happen.
10 out of 13 subjects suggests this is very much not the case, and that spreading far from the injection site is in fact *typical*.
Can someone help me with an accurate definition of what precisely is meant by “shedding”? I’ve heard so many variations I’d like to know exactly what is meant when that terminology is used.
One example, “that vaxxed people can ‘shed’ the vax to unvaccinated persons.”
I don't put much weight into this shedding phenomenon.
As far as I'm concerned we have ample problems. Namely, a world government and its minions that want us dead. I just don't have the mental capacity to entertain whether or not the jabbed are toxic to the unjabbed.
I don't even want to know what's in my water. I know I've been poisoned although I've never danced with the needle...
I am very curious about the breastfeeding implications. My wife was vaxed while breast feeding my then 7 month old. He has exhibited speech and developmental delays and I wonder if it was the vax through the breastfeeding that damaged him. None of my other children experienced these delays.
Personally, if it were me, I would be concerned about all the other massive number of vaccines they give kids these days. Even greater concern is the ones with thimerosol.
I am sorry to hear of your concerns, and will pray for you right now that you have wisdom and guidance
I am SO very sorry. Pinned
I’m sorry to hear this.
My grandson experienced seizure and does have some speech delay.
Our grandson is not C0VID vaxxed, but has major speech delays; he is 5 years old, and really only babbles. My husband and I suspect mild autism due to a vaxx injury, but his parents are in denial. Sad.
Blue Green Mother's Milk after mRNA Jabs most likely due to Lactoperoxidase or Myeloperoxidase increased by Endotoxin
Besides being LNP encapsulated,, are there any other ingredients found in the respective mRNA "vaccines" that help them to get through the blood barriers?
We saw this early on in the VAERS reports for infants back when only adults were being jabbed so it is no surprise they were able to test for and find the mechanism of shed. The surprise for me is that they bothered to look. Thanks for continuing to shine light on this. I don't know if you are familiar with (The Naughty Dog )Coquin de Chien sub stacker. He's been going through the Massachusetts vital records and has both a law suit he just filed and a book with the data that is expected out shortly. Here are two related posts on data he found: https://substack.com/notes/post/p-137364701 and https://coquindechien.substack.com/p/its-all-about-the-blood-which-flows. Hope you boost his signal, especially during this fall push to jab again.
I wrote about this on October 8, nearly a year ago:
It is so sad to find out that vaccine particles that are in milk will not be destroyed by digestion(((((
It is so sad to find out that vaccine particles that are in milk will not be destroyed by digestion(((((
I disagree with the use of the word "Shedding," If the spike protein is taken up by the cells in the manner it was designed using the nano particles, it makes sense it would turn up in the breast milk of vaccinated mothers and infect the unvaccinated child. I use the word infect because that is exactly what is happening, its not "Shedding". This is why I don't sleep or get physical with "Vaccinated" because if its in the cells it will be in all bodily fluids. So it will transmit just like a cold or flu. My understanding was prior to Covid Gates and others were talking up a "Transmissible Vaccine" that once given to a human would spread in the same manner as the disease supposedly immunising the unvaccinated. That begs the question, when you go for a blood test, are they testing on the quiet for evidence of the spike protein in the unvaccinated patients blood.
Not about breast.milk, but i recently saw an article stating anecdotally that sepsis is up.
"In the last fiscal year, Northwestern Medicine Delnor Hospital in Geneva, Ill., saw a 10% increase in the total number of sepsis patients. There also was a 33% increase in patients who arrived with severe sepsis, signaling the need for effective and timely sepsis treatment, Dr. Steven Coker Jr. said."
Since sepsis is often connected to a messed up immune system, i'd expect more, but can't find the stats.
This might be something for someone to look into...
Well, you got a hand it to them at least they figured out a way to get the bioweapon into newborns. It saves the agony of having a pediatrician, trying to ram it in the babies ass discussions
Covid jabs contaminate _________________.
Go ahead. Fill in the blank.
I think this may finally put paid to the needle-aspiration theory. Like, it had been widely speculated that the worse side effects were possibly the result of failing to aspirate the needle when administering shots. Meaning it stayed in the arm for most people, but sometimes hit a blood vessel and then-- and *only* then-- did it get loose in the rest of the body, and *that's* when you'd see myocarditis and stuff happen.
10 out of 13 subjects suggests this is very much not the case, and that spreading far from the injection site is in fact *typical*.
And as far as I remember, EVs like exosomes, are not cationic/positively charged like those LNP used in the jabs.
Can someone help me with an accurate definition of what precisely is meant by “shedding”? I’ve heard so many variations I’d like to know exactly what is meant when that terminology is used.
One example, “that vaxxed people can ‘shed’ the vax to unvaccinated persons.”
I don't put much weight into this shedding phenomenon.
As far as I'm concerned we have ample problems. Namely, a world government and its minions that want us dead. I just don't have the mental capacity to entertain whether or not the jabbed are toxic to the unjabbed.
I don't even want to know what's in my water. I know I've been poisoned although I've never danced with the needle...
Unfortunately, nothing is going to change until excess death explodes.