MAJOR ADDITION TO THE ARTICLE: The Pfizer study was conducted at Texas Biomedical, whose director (and coauthor of the study) Deepak Kaushal admitted to faking data and falsifying and fabricating experimental methodology. Please read a section of my article discussing that.

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It is even worse. They had to use a "sham" vaccine and a placebo. As the v caused so much harm compared to the placebo. I wrote about this in May 2021. https://www.facebook.com/tom.hitchcock.716/posts/pfbid02q67PSHUcFcsArRPbLvK2ws9kv11vUZsZQvgEK3QzPaKMZFHAU8y4aKGisgZTTNrBl

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Very interesting! I also wondered about that sham group, but I like my articles to touch upon one topic only, so I disregarded it -- but it looks very fascinating.

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Probably disappointed that it didn't kill homo sapiens as well as they had expected.

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if the spars exercise was representative of their expectations, children were the target that they missed.

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Maybe someone else posted on this but Arkmedic (aka twitter-banned jikkyleaks) posted on this same joker today also. Great minds think alike!


Check out his stack if you haven't already, if you like Igor's stuff you'll like his too.

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Arkmedic = Jikkyleaks?!?

Mind. Blown.

Actually, that makes a lot of sense....!

Thanks for making that connection for me.

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I'm shocked too! Their voices are so different

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Igor, I obtained proof from the European Medicines Agency that they don't have, or won't share, safety data as the 4th jab is rolled out.

Please venture over to my Stack: https://fackel.substack.com/p/proof-from-the-ema-that-they-dont

Please spread the word! Thanks a lot!

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This just keeps getting worse and worse. The immense subterfuge and decent is mind boggling. I think of the number of liars and cheats it took to accomplish this. I am astounded.

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My thoughts exactly. Just when I think I’ve lost the ability to be shocked by these criminals and their cheating schemes...

Mind boggling is right😣

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Yep -- so why would so many people be willing to be complicit in this massive crime against humanity? what do they fear?

This is what they fear https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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They fear losing their grant money and some their jobs. But their fear does not make less guilty of mass murder.

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In the end, nobody will be tried, nobody will be found guilty, and the murderers all get off scott free, many with blood money lining their pockets.

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That's what history shows

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NOW is the time to change History. People now KNOW what has happened in the past and not accept blindly.

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You are 100% correct

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Scott free? Not so. Cant do that and preserve a conscience. Thats the cynics line and it disempowers you and your believers, its a lie, its murder of potential.. Be certain their own selves and future is compromised by every lie they anchor on, just as ours are liberated by our striving for truth.

Truth is that we will win through towards life in abundance.

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Do these psychopaths have a conscience?

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It is a FACT that they do NOT have a conscience nor empathy.

and so many other very destructive traits,

Their only aim is to WIN at all costs to others - never themselves..

They can turn on the charm while agreeing with you, but ALL the time its THEIR AGENDA only. Especially as they think they are ALWAYS RIGHT and everyone else is too blame.

To these sick people, you are merely there to be used and discarded when you can no longer be useful/manipulated and controlled.

They are DEAD emotionally, but this scenario gives them their own sort of excitement.

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We all do, but some treat theirs very badly, sort of like child abuse, locked in the dungeon

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I always have hope but I am also a realist. But although they may not be punished her on earth they will be punished when they stand before our God. Their souls will burn in hell for all eternity.

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thats giving up the fight. the guilty who have their AI checking this will be so happy

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To fear, one first must RESEARCH and READ, just like Igor does.

How many of us, the better ones, have done/do this?

The ruling elites make our lives challenging, so we don’t make time for researching and educating ourselves. It’s easier to believe a “trustworthy” Pravda source.

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I do it. I go into the literature everyday. I look that the articles the Igor, Gato, Margaret Anna Alice, Midwest Doctor, Toby Rogers, and Eugyppuis post (i am sorry if I left anyone out). I check Mercola’s references. Did the same thing with RFK, Jr’s book when my interest is peaked. I’m just a regular old fashion science geek, nothing special.

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Reading the source material, Dr. Linda, makes you a conspiracy theorizing crank, as the appellation is widely defined, these days.

Even if you are a widely-known epidemiologist or statistician, your demonstrable lack of faith and devotion condemns you out of hand.

Welcome to the vilified subset of your age cohort. Feels rather familiar, doesn't it? You questioned the unsupported and verifiably false narratives of our youth, and you were then a pariah.

Now, your consistency in seeking out facts marginalizes you yet again. Or still.

The youthful seeker becomes an old crank without any change in methodology or objective.

You are not alone.

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Funny you’d say this. Just yesterday, a “young chicken “ called me an old crank. 😁🤷

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Me too. I read phase 1 & 2. Listened to Dell B, Mercola & several others, read the SARS mRNA animal studies & how at the time of SARS, Fauci touted HCQ as very effective against SARS1. I smelled DECOMPOSING RATS throughout my reading!!!! I knew from the get go this woukd be a shit show if death & injury.

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Kudos to you! 🌹These days “regular old fashin science geek” is an outlier ❤️

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Congratulations on being an "old fashioned science geek". I am in awe of you!

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NO, we cannot believe such evil exists in another being. You are experiencing it now and its going to get worse-

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They fear running out of oil? Is that what you mean?

Don't they know that oil is abiotic?

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The education system has brainwashed not educated.

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Can you point me to an annual report from any oil major that states their reserves are increasing in any of their previously dead oil fields

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No company can make money from an oil resource where it is more expensive to extract the the oil than where is just squirts out of the ground. Their price will be undercut by the low cost sources. There was no iron crisis when the hematite mines ran out. Taconite is more expensive to mine and process but there is a lot more of it.

Lower grade oil (sand oil, etc.) is more expensive to extract, but there is a lot more of it.

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According to the OECD Economics Department and the International Monetary Fund Research Department, a sustained $10 per barrel increase in oil prices from $25 to $35 would result in the OECD as a whole losing 0.4% of GDP in the first and second years of higher prices. http://www.iea.org/textbase/npsum/high_oil04sum.pdf


For most of the last century, cheap oil powered global economic growth. But in the last decade, the price of oil production has quadrupled, and that shift will permanently shackle the growth potential of the world’s economies. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2012-09-23/how-high-oil-prices-will-permanently-cap-economic-growth


Steven Kopits from Douglas-Westwood said the productivity of new capital spending has fallen by a factor of five since 2000. “The vast majority of public oil and gas companies require oil prices of over $100 to achieve positive free cash flow under current capex and dividend programmes. Nearly half of the industry needs more than $120,” he said http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/energy/oilandgas/11024845/Oil-and-gas-company-debt-soars-to-danger-levels-to-cover-shortfall-in-cash.html

THE END OF CHEAP OIL Global production of conventional oil will begin to decline sooner than most people think, probably within 10 years

Feb 14, 1998 |By Colin J. Campbell and Jean H. Laherrre http://dieoff.org/page140.htm (originally appeared in the Scientific American)

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That is the Peak Oil explanation.

And now, in an effort to ruin my own credibility, there is another story that is far, far out of the mainstream, far out of conspiracy theories. In fact, it borders crazy.

There's a guy by the name of Clif High that does something called predictive linguistics. He has a bitchute channel. Used to program at MS. Parts of what he predicted decades ago have come to pass recently.

His theory, and I'm trying to make it less crazy, is that this is all astrologically based. A certain group of people HAD to act now or they would not have a chance for hundreds of years. Essentially, this is their one chance to rule the planet.

To be honest, that makes as much sense as anything else I suppose.

And yes, I know the idea is crazy.

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I don't think he's saying that theory is a fact, it's just that THEY believe it. If they believe it, then they are trying to meet these timelines based on ancient books which could have been written by crazy people in their ancestral bloodlines.

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I couldn't remember if they were looking at ancient books, astrological signs or something else.

Basically it's crazy people doing bad things for what many would see as stupid reasons that are actively hurting people.

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I have heard Clif High saying that and much more which seems really 'out there' but that does not mean he is wrong....

This is his most recent upload:


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I am very open to what Clif says, and to me, it's OK if he's wrong.

As for the video above, my husband and I watched it yesterday. For those who are not Clif friendly, he says we're heading for a constitutional crisis. Which is not particularly surprising.

This is his telegram channel for those interested-- be warned, it is out there:


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Excellent article. Scarey .

Anyone know a study where all the ferrets died with vaccs? Now I’m thinking maybe they were killed so no info could get out! Now we’re the animals!

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That makes no sense. There was a time before we had oil, remember? What about nuclear energy? What about other sources? They exist, but are held back by the people who claim peak oil is a real thing.

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Aug 11, 2022
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You don't even believe any of this and you have an agenda, which is spamming that link. And we all wonder why...

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I wrote it ... I am confident that the theory is correct.

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Obviously you wrote it and are spamming your hare-brained garbage. Your information comes from the same people who tell us the jabs are safe and effective, government cares about you, and that men can have babies.

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The History of Population Control is Important for Understanding COVID-19

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"Consider the source"!

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Money astounds easily when you payoffs thousands of accomplices or threaten their jobs.

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I keep coming back to the same thought as well. Just take mainstream journalists. There's probably 70,000 full-time "journalists" who work for corporate-owned or legacy news organizations in America. I really do not know of ONE journalist in this "pack" who has performed serious journalism that challenges any of the authorized Covid narratives. How is this even possible? 0 out of 70,000? Wouldn't there be, say, four or five contrarians in such a huge sample? No. When I and others write that the mainstream press is "captured," I mean that 100-percent of its members are captured ... As in all 70,000.

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Fun org chart for Wall Street's media Mafia


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AGREED or they would be fired and then another journo shall take their place, That replacement shall dutifully read their REUTERS supplied notes (that are emailed to all newspapers, to craft an article too their countries sheep.

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Personally, I'm not surprised by this.

Back in the day, before she became a Pfizer shill, the friend who manages clinical trials did contract work. She would never go into details, but did lose one client because she said they were doing Mengele level experiments. She has also said there are major screw ups on every level of the trials, from doctors enrolling people that should have never been enrolled on down.

Of course, now she's with Pfizer, making big $$$$, so it's all good.

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I think it's all set up like a Rat Trap. Once you use your free will to step inside for that piece of cheese, there's no way out.

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Mengelefauci? At least they went after Nazi doctor Josef Mengele.

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Did THEY? he ended in Brazil as did a number of other Nazis.

Operation Paperclip was the cover for many high ranking Nazi party members to be taken to USA and employed with all their SKILLS in war related activities. THey never faced the Criminal Courts as they were far more useful to USA.

Read "Canadian Patriot - Matt Ehret is full of facts and knowledge.

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I believe that they did or there was a possible fake report about his death. I now think that there was also one for Adolf Hitler. He, too, may have fled to South America and ended up living in luxury to about 90 on a mountain top in Ecuador. Yeah. And get this, he may have been pretending to be a Roman Catholic priest! A reporter tried to inform the world about this. I know about Operation Paperclip. Thank you for the additional information.

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Thank you Igor for noticing the simple truths that others seem to miss for some strange reason!

Thank you sincerely.

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It is very easy to miss truths if you are paid to miss them...

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"Evidence is in the eye of the beholder", Science 101 circa 2022.

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Igor, that sounds cynical.

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Thanks Igor,

This 'science' is infuriating. Even though only my undergrad was biology, I was the biology lab director (for non-science majors) at Temple University Japan for 18 years ... constantly thinking of ways to get otherwise disinterested students to be intrinsically motivated to see science as simply a well controlled problem solving process ... just one of many tools to nourish and sustain the species. STEM fields are powerful within their domains, but insufficient by themselves to provide a meaningful quality of life.

I was troubled to see Tess Lawrie's recent Tess Talks interview with a collaborator on a new book, 'The Dark Side of Academia'. I immediately bought the Kindle version, and am seeing the same thing happening in England as is happening here in Japan. The corporate nation-state is hollowing out the humanities and social sciences from the universities. This conveniently places CEOs, politicians, and their bureaucratic functionaries as the only ones 'qualified' to make policy decisions regarding how to use the fruits of the STEM fields.


And now, 'science' as a blunt cover for perverse incentives is causing wreck and ruin throughout the world. Otherwise articulate, educated, and intelligent writers who I follow on substack are just a paper-thin headline away from wording those who have tried to abide by the scientific method as psychopathic.

It is the perverse incentives who have captured institutionalized science who are sociopathic ... more specifically, those 'dark-triad' personality types attracted to power over others ... the pathological narcissists, machiavellian opportunists, and morphologically defined psychopaths among us.

The scientific method (carefully controlled common-sense problems-solving) is now being conflated with the new religion of 'scientism' ... complete with their sanctified gate keepers and authorities.

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You are onto something. We owe so much to science. It is incredible,

But science can be co-opted to work against us.

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Science is supposed to be the rational, secular search for the truth, no? What happened scientists? Where is your truth?

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'Secular earch for truth'?

Einstein, arguably the most famous icon of science was far from secular. Just because his god was the god of Spinoza and Emerson does not mean he was 'secular'. Indeed, he was quite 'spiritual' as was Niels Bohr or Max Born.

Scientists are just like carpenters, housewives, or any other profession. Some are in it for fun, some to pay the rent, some because of chance, some for blind ambition.

Truth is where you find it, if you are looking for it.

Cheers from Japan, N.

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Eisenhower’s (Unheeded) Warning …

RFK, Jr.'s book provides historical context of various events that produced a “New (scientific) Normal” presided over by Anthony Fauci.

In January1961 - three days before the author’s uncle was sworn in as president - President Dwight Eisenhower gave a famous “Farewell Address” where he warned Americans about the the emergence of a “Military Industrial Complex.”

“But Eisenhower made an equally urgent - although less celebrated - warning against the emergence of a federal (science) bureaucracy that could also pose an equally dire threat to America’s Constitution and values,” writes Kennedy.

President Eisenhower noted that “… In this revolution, research has become central; it also becomes more formalized, complex and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by or at the direction of the Federal government. Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields …

“… Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded …. (We) must … be alert to the danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific technological elite.”

Writes Kennedy: “Just as President Eisenhower warned, Dr. Fauci’s Covid-19 response has steadily deconstructed our democracy and elevated the powers of a tyrannical medical technocracy.”

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My husband is a chemist who does research and development. He is the only person in the office and lab that is not injected. EVERYONE else is, even the 20 and 30 somethings with PhDs that are not at risk.

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This is not science it is advertising and marketing masquerading as science (also known as fraud). Sadly, it is a product of widespread corruption, and thus unlikely to correct until the house of cards collapses.

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Spot-on ISL. I completely agree with you.

We are at the brink of a techno-feudal 'dark age'. Reminds me of the screen set for the original 'Blade Runner' or perhaps 'Hunger Games'.

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Hi Steven, could you write an essay about your experience? I was a college professor and was a student at Temple / Tokyo in the late 80's. I saw the infiltration in higher ed since when I started in 1992. You have a very interesting analysis to make! I would put it on my website! Here's my latest- https://turningpointnews.org/corona-virus-reports/a-letter-to-people-who-support-covid-vaccine-mandates-in-wa-state

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Hello Elizabeth.

You were a student at TUJ in the late 80's? Just wondering if you and I ever crossed paths? Was that at the Shibuya campus, or Shimokitazawa?

In addition to the biology labs, I taught public speaking and freshman writing ... and was the founding and only member of what eventually became TUJ's 'Adult Continuing Education Program'.. I was probably finishing my Maser's degree in education at TUJ at about that time too.

Just now saw this, so will check out your link now. As for an essay, I could write many, some of which come from my time at TUJ, or earlier as an undergrad back at Chapel Hill and UNC-W. A few anecdotes were hilarious ... some, not so. Even in the early 70's as an undergrad, I observed and thought about the gap between educational ideals ... and the education business.

In the meantime a long and winding rough draft that I really need to edit down into short stories or shorter, separate essays can be found here ... https://steven45.substack.com/p/beware-the-academic-halls-of-japan

Will be at the coast from tomorrow for a few days, Misaki and/or Shimoda just a 'Sittin' by the dock of the bay' ... pretending to fish ... but really just itching to chat with the old salts and families out for a day by the sea.

Will be back with you soon,



p.s. Just took a look at your fantastic homepage. I had written another ps to you, but I seem to have erased it by mistake. If you are on Facebook, I think you will see we have a lot in common by looking at my homepage at NipponnoSteve (though still in the Facebook Jail for a few days. Funny how Zuckerberg claims a monopoly on only two of the three Platonic ideals ... 'truth' and 'goodness' ... probably because he couldn't win a 'beauty' contest). The heads up about your page gives me a good ground to stand on regarding how to frame an essay to help understand the social dynamics of what is going on. I'm also a member of the Academia website, and by chance (?) I have been pursuing readings of a common thread between my experiences in Japan and the current plandemic ... dark-triad psychology. I hope to go beyond a bleak analysis with my essay(s) and share some possible pro-social plans of action.

Thank you so much for the heads up Elizabeth!

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Hi Steve, I am not on Facebook, kicked off in summer of 2020. I'm writing a book about the unvaccinated now., so am busy. I subscribed to your substack. You aer brilliant. Have fun fishing and Genki de!

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I was also kicked off of Facebook and Twitter in about the middle of 2021. I now post publicly and freely on MeWe. Thank you for shining a light on us: The Not Shot Lot, The Chosen, and The Survivors' Club!

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Kicked off in 2020?

Now writing a book?

WOW. What a warrior!

I have yet to publish beyond Quora, Facebook, or here ... and I am just getting started here, much less publishing a book.

I'd really love to meet you!

I just have off-and-on dueling scars with 'em ... but frustratingly depend on Facebook messaging to pass messages and info to private F.book groups ... mostly in Australia and Canada, but increasingly in America.

Just yesterday, had lunch with a VERY genki 70 year old Japanese lady who had flown in to meet her daughters. I met her a couple of summers ago through a mutual fishing friend born on the same island (Hachijojima). She could pass for mid 40's, but was more happy to verify she felt the same as me . no experimental treatments for her or her adult daughters ... and the suspicion it is part of a planned, multi-faceted power shift similar to what Charles Eisenstein appears to be writing about here with 'The Coronation'. Now HE is brilliant. I am in awe of so many great writers and thinkers here ... Margaret Anna Alice among my other favorites. And of course Igor here.

Depending on the style and organization of your book, would you like me to write a short chapter about how my experience with Japanese culture's strongly embedded self-censorship and compliance to authority ... meshes with how the power-mongers are using that social engineering to nudge the population similar to other countries?

Or would you prefer something more suitable for your homepage?

Either way I am itching to carrying this fight beyond exchanging messages on social media or lunch chats, and am thankful for the opportunity to help out in any way I can.

Am setting up a web video with an underground Australian Facebook buddy within the next few weeks, but as a generalist, I only feel confident in talking about human nature ... but don't we all?

Cheers ... and thanks again Elizabeth!



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Well said.

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Com'on man! Just have pfaith! Never question "The $cience!"

I'll leave you with some wise words from Brandon (speaking to Don Lemon at a July 2021 CNN Town Hall).

“You got the vaccination? Are you okay? I mean, you seem…” “No, it works.” Or you, you know — or the mom and dad, or the neighbor, or when you go to church, or when you’re — no, I really mean it.

There are trusted interlocutors. Think of the people — if your kid wanted to find out whether or not there were — there’s a man on the moon, or whatever — you know, something, or, you know, whether those aliens are here or not — you know, who are the people they talk to beyond the kids who love talking about it?



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LOL ... the only thing less coherent is the vice president ... and that makes her even more dangerous.

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Great detective work, as always, Igor. I thank you for your diligence.

May God bless you and your family...and keep you safe from what's coming.

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Trust the New and Improved Scientific Method... brought to you by Gates and his mobbed up agencies

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I heard rumors of this. Considering this is the first time this kind of mRNA technology has been widely released. You would think these multigenerational studies would be absolutely paramount.

Apparently not.

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"You would think these multigenerational studies would be absolutely paramount."

Not if you're trying to reduce the world's population by 1/3.

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IF I ran this past my friend who manages clinical trials at Pfizer-- in fact, depending on the date and location of the trials, she might have worked on them-- she would simply explain that we were in a pandemic, and they HAD to get a cure to the market as soon as possible. They were doing it for the good of humanity.

That being said, I cannot ask her any of these things; our relationship is tenuous in terms of c0vid, and I'm pretty sure I'm the sane person in her life right now.

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The last sentence is interesting "I'm pretty sure I'm the sane person in her life right now" can you clarify?

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In terms of overall "sanity," her family (siblings/ parents) are extremely dysfunctional. Her son is long term unemployed, and living at home. Her daughter has a difficult marriage. My friend--who had a very acrimonious marriage to a very unstable surgeon-- has nothing in her life but work, and is neglecting her own health, almost to the extreme. She is also taking every vaxx offered. Overall, she is not a bad person, and really believes that her job is helping humanity. You know, "saving the world." She has lost her way.

She knows that my husband and I both had c0vid and are both uninjected. I suspect we are the ONLY uninjected people that she knows. Perhaps the other thing I'm doing is proving to her that what she was told is wrong; I will NOT die from c0vid or anything related to it, not will my husband.

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She will never reckon with the cull.

She will never reckon with the "pandemic".

She will never reckon with adverse events.

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You're probably right. I have struggled with the relationship over the past year-- she's 2,000 miles away and we rarely see each other, so there is that.

That being said, she's jabbed, double boosted and will probably get the next one in a month or two. She also has had cancer twice, the first time in her 30s. She is going to have her life shortened by these jabs.

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Oh no. 💔

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That's the part that people just cannot or will not wrap their minds around.

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If you do that you destroy the supply chains and everyone who survives starves

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I understand that and you understand that, but do the megalomaniacs understand that?

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Paramount? The only thing paramount was concealing the data so the uppity humans wouldn't figure out they were being deliberately exterminated.

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I can't really see any other reason for it myself.

It's not like we don't have a long history of previous chemical disasters to learn from.

*Agent orange. But we need it to find the Viet Cong. Bloody trees in the way.

*Thalidomide. Great for nausea. Sucks for your babies though.

*Asbestos. Lightweight, tough, cheap, fire resistant. Never mind that hacking cough

*Leaded gasoline and paints. Because nausea, headaches and seizures are a lot of fun.

*Radium based paints. Who needs teeth, hair or health when your watch dial glows in the dark.

*Isocyanates. We all sort of knew these were dangerous, but lets put giant factories in the middle of densely populated areas and if anything ever goes wrong. Deny. Point. Blame everyone else.

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A teratogen is any agent that causes an abnormality following fetal exposure during pregnancy. Teratogens are usually discovered after an increased prevalence of a particular birth defect. For example, in the early 1960's, a drug known as thalidomide was used to treat morning sickness.

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Thank you for posting Dr Fleming. Proves they know exactly what they are doing.

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of course ...

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The western countries where "freedom" is valued, have to be taken down first.

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probably deeper than that ...

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How long were the animals suppose to be kept alive for? Till the study ends? I remember them saying mice have short lifespan so we can see what happens from start to finish...

Btw it's hilarious twitter saying animal studies are safe, when that mice document Malone and co talked about got censored, later re-appeared when Pfizer started releasing new FOI documents, showing mRNA goes to spleens, liver, ovaries, adrenal glands etc, another study showed it stays for at least 2 months, while governments/media tell the world it stays in your arm for a few hours.


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